
• 在古代中国,以皇权为代表的专制权力是立国的 基点,其他制度和权力皆围绕着这一权力而衍生 。但是,以官僚体制为依托的常规权力却时时循 着自身特定的利益、价值取向对专制权力构成潜 在或现实的限制。 • 为了驯服压制官僚集团,援用其他的政治力量便 势在必然,吊诡之处在于,这些新生的政治集团 反倒更容易成为君主(皇权)的最大威胁。 • 其中最显著的集团便是后妃、外戚和宦官。
• • • •
宦官的由来与宦官制度的确立 宦官制度的发展过程 宦官专权 宦官制度的历史评价
• 据历史学家介绍,用宦官在宫内供驱使,中外历 史都曾经有过,在古代奴隶制时期的埃及,希腊 、罗马、波斯等文明古国都出现过宦官,而且其 活跃程度不亚于当时的中国,但上述这些国家的 宦官,均较早地退出了历史舞台。 • 而中国的宦官制度发展持续到明代,以所谓“二 十四衙门”为基本主体,包括十二监,四局、八 局,还陆续设立了东厂,西厂等特务机构。成为 一整套完整的运作机构,中国的宦官制度产生之 早,延续之久,组织之严密,影响之大是世界少 见的。
唐玄宗 高力士
宪宗 僖宗 ↓ 昭宗 → ← 穆宗 懿宗 → ← 敬宗 宣宗 → ← 文宗
→ 哀帝
唐代宦官专权的特点是宦官直接威胁皇权,掌握皇帝的废 立。宪宗以后的皇帝中,七帝为宦官所立,而宪宗、敬宗 死于宦官之手。有些宦官甚至自称“定策国老”,视皇帝 为“门生天子” 。
明朝废了宰相,形成了部分的权力真空,这为明 代宦官专权提供了空间,使得宦官得以以皇帝家 奴的身份窃取了部分皇权。

谢 谢
主 讲:张 团 队:小龙女 徐冰冰 杨 阳 三 杨 过 刘千山
• 春秋战国出现了不少较有名气的宦官:
• “完璧归赵”中,向赵惠文王推荐蔺相如的人,就是 赵国的宦者令缪贤; • 齐国的宦官竖刁“子宫以适君”,因其“以厚献于 桓公,亦有宠”,他与桓公的宠姬结为一党,不但可以任 意杀戮群臣,甚至有权废太子,另立国君。 • 此外,还有竖刁、寺人费和寺人披,以及战国时期的嫪毐。
• 春秋战国时期,宦官的权力膨胀,乃至左右某些大国的重 大政治事务,其原因何在?
• 第一,春秋战国是社会大变革的时代,奴隶制度面临 着全面崩溃; • 第二,诸侯国君追求享乐,生活糜烂; • 第三,专制王权不断强化,这是宦官专擅权力的根本 原因。 • 所以说,自春秋战国时起,宦官便作为一种特殊的政治力 量登上了历史的舞台。
• 赵高原为赵国宗族远支,因母受刑为官奴婢,兄弟数人亦 受宫刑,充当内官厮役。由于他通晓法律,被秦王政提拔 为中车府令。秦二世时任郎中令。
• 安插亲信
• 赵高的经历侧面上折射出宦官制度产生初期的权利之大, 与皇帝关系之密切。宦官作为一种依附于主子的职位,本 处于最底层。而恰恰是最底层的人如此规模的干涉朝政, 不可不引人深思。自此,在漫长的封建王朝中,宦官乱政 时消时长,却从未根绝。
• 西周时期,宦官制度刚刚形成,虽不甚完善,但为后世历 代帝王使用宦官提供了依据。需要注意的是,这时的宦官 还没有参与朝廷的军政大事。但是,他们中间已经出现的 分化,一部分仍处于排挤、奴役的悲惨境地,而一部分贴 近周王和后妃,趋炎附势,阿谀奉承而受到重用。后者这 些宦官逐渐摆脱了奴隶地位,开始掌握和控制一定权力。 • 所以,总体来说,西周时期宦官制度形成,并且宦官开始 逐渐摆脱奴隶的地位。

秦汉宦官制度研究(今人余华青)(Research on eunuch system in Qin and Han Dynasties (Yu Huaqing))Author: Yu Huaqing editor: studa9ngns[Abstract] the newly discovered Qin lute, there are a lot of eunuch system important information of Qin and Western Han Dynasty, and put forward a new research topic related, will further promote the in-depth development of the eunuch system of the Qin and Han dynasty.[Key words] mudcap eunuch eunuch institution system in Qin and Han Dynasties[text] Study on Qin officer system, often hate historical scarce, especially the Qin Dynasty eunuch system historical materials, is very rare in the history of ancient. Recently, a number of very important value for Qin Guan mudcap scholars delivered from oppression, attention and strong interest. This batch of lute, which has a number of important information of Qin and the eunuch system in the early Western Han dynasty.First, the ancient eunuch system in China had a long history. As far as Qin is concerned, as early as the spring and Autumn period, the records of eunuchs have been used, [1].To the Warring States period and Qin after the unification of Qin Dynasty, the eunuch institutions of the system has been established. Han Cheng Qin system, the Western Han Dynasty (especially the early Western Han Dynasty) of the eunuch institutions are mostly Qin Dynasty and along. About the eunuchinstitutions Qin and early Western Han Dynasty, "Han" although Baiguan Gongqing table has been introduced, but did not elaborate. This newly discovered lute, are related to the number of institutions and agencies or may eunuch eunuch related. This will undoubtedly provide important evidence for us to further investigate and understand the eunuch institutions in Qin and early Western Han dynasty. The lute are: "Yong Xiang", "Xiang Yong Cheng Yin", "Huan Zhecheng India", "Zhong Guan Cheng India", "Fu Cheng India", "palace of Chen Cheng Yin", "from the temple", "Si Cheng from India, the room from the temple", "in", "Royal Palace India", "Royal Palace Cheng India", "private mansion Cheng India", "stable", "stable Cheng India", "horse stables in the house" and "Zhongche Fu Cheng", "Fu India in shame" and "shame Cheng India", "North Huan Cheng Gong", "Bei Gong Sicheng", "high official chapter", "high Huan Cheng chapter", "Shang Yi", "bath", "bath house is India and so on. Now the lute explanations were as follows. On the "Yong Xiang", "Xiang Yong Cheng india". According to the "Han Baiguan Gongqing table", government department of Qin officer, the officer Youyong lane to make Cheng, Han Yong Xiang will renamed this. "Han Baiguan" cloud, Han Yong Xiang Court consists of two officers, "officer Yong Xiang Dian Shi maidservant", this "harem elegant palm female thing", both to make Cheng by the eunuchs, with government officials. The eternal lane of Qin and Western Han Dynasty was undoubtedly the institution of the eunuch. According to Yan Shigu note, Yong Lane original meaning is: "forever, long also, this is the palace of long lane also" [2]. "Three auxiliary yellow map" also has the same records. That is to say, "eternal lane" refers to the long lane in the palace, and is also the name of a eunuch institution. Since the original meaning of "Yong lane" means"long lane in the palace", because there are long alleys in each palace, there is not only one place for setting up the eunuch institution in the imperial palace. The "Han" Baiguan Gongqing, in addition to government officials to Youyong Xiang Cheng, Queen of the palace officer Shu Guanzhong Zhan Shi also make Cheng Xiang yong. In the Han Dynasty palace earlier description printed with "long letter Yong Xiang", "Chu Cheng Yong Xiang", the empress palace and the palace as a permanent institution Xiang princes. As the "eternal lane" of the palace, the records of Qin Dynasty have been recorded in the literature of Qin dynasty. "Shihchi fanhui biography" cloud: "fanhui was found in the most detailed (pretend) do not know in which Wang Yong Xiang, and official anger by the". This means that the Long Xiang Qin palace. As a permanent gateway in the sense of the eunuch organization, many historical records of the past hold that Qin has been set up, but no concrete examples have been found before. The "Yong Xiang", "Xiang Yong Cheng India" seal that confirms the adequacy of Qin is the official. On the "official Zhecheng india". The official Department of general general of eunuch eunuch at the time, is also the name of a eunuch institution. According to the "Han" is Baiguan Gongqing, government officials have official to make Cheng, beginning the first year of emperor government adjustment mechanism, to further clarify the seven order under Cheng huan.As the "official" eunuch general term, often seen in the Qin Qin Dynasty or the historical records. For example, the Warring States period to the Qin king, fanhui Qin Wang pretended not enter Yong Xiang, lead to official anger, then with the "official fan for the word" [3]. Again, "Qin Shihuang Shih" records: the first emperor died out on the way, the PrimeMinister Li Si decided a secret for the time being, "Zhao Gao and son Hu Hai, fortunately, official five or six know death". The "official" is any eunuch eunuch. As for the eunuch institution official, although the relevant records in the Han Dynasty and the Warring States Qin Zhao, no clear examples. Some scholars have pointed out: "the Warring States and Han have official commander, Qin Rong also have, but the book is not the official language of Qin was" [4]. The "official Zhecheng India" seal that apparently can make up for each book showing the words "regret. "Huan Zhecheng India" lute, had also seen record. "On a roll" lute recorded "Huan Zhecheng India" lute. Teacher Chen Zhi pointed out: "Han Baiguan Gongqing table" the seven load Huan Cheng, "this is only a lute as emperor Cheng, too early before the official" [5], see very right. The newly discovered "Huan Zhecheng India" s more in the lute, as early as in "lute Dynasty" recorded "Huan Zhecheng India" lute. On the "official Cheng India", "Fu Cheng India", "house of Chen Cheng india". The official said, as a eunuch, often seen in the historical records. Such as "after the Han Dynasty, the official biography": "in the official right, since the beginning of Yan (Zhengzhou)." And as the "Han ho into biography": "in the official guide ban, since ancient times, the Chinese story, can not waste." However, here's "official Cheng India" in the "official", is obviously not the eunuch general name, but a eunuch institutions. As the eunuch institutions official historical records, no literature. Before in the description is "the official seal of Qin and Han Dynasties, Nishinomiya official", "official seal", "the official government acts" etc.. The function and design office, are described here the official line marked the organization name. "Fu Cheng" and "Chen Gong Cheng" has no records, orrelated institutions as the eunuch. About "from the temple", "Si Cheng from India, the room from the temple". "Temple" through the "paternity" word, "temple from" should be the attendant. The more as a general term, as an institution or official name was found in historical records. The lute "from Temple", is not a general name, but a kind of organization and official. The pre Qin era "eunuchs" was a common official name will be after the eunuch, eunuch eunuch generally referred to as terahito. Here the "Temple of unknown stemming from", whether the development and evolution of the official terahito. The Imperial Palace Museum "from the temple city of Qin and India, Mr Luo Fuyi said:" when is the official from the temple."[6] from the lute. The temple is not only from a single institution, and in some other institutions (such as rooms) are from the official Temple set. About the insiders". According to the "Han" is Baiguan Gongqing, government officials have in order. The charge and set about in the Western Han Dynasty, scholars have conducted according to Literature and cultural relics research [7]. However, Qin is a party, is an express. The "inside" lute found that within institutions is the Western Han Dynasty by Qin inherited along the home. On the "Royal Palace India", "Royal Palace Cheng india". The Han Dynasty is a government officer to the royal house. According to the "Han Baiguan" this note, the royal house order by the eunuchs. Qin Yufu also found in historical records. According to the "Tongdian - eight" official: "royal palace to Qin Cheng, Zhang for the imperial service, which belongs to the government. Han and palm Huan, code officer servants, in clothes." According to the literature, the actual control of the royal house is not limited to this, but also includes money, governance and other aspects of the treasures. About "private Fu Cheng india".According to the "Han Baiguan Gongqing table", the queen of the palace officer Gianluca is official private office order. "Han Baiguan", Queen's palace officer long autumn is a palace in the palace to private officer Cheng, are eunuchs, its duties as a "master in the possession of the money,You are the main tailoring is made up of". Scope of nature, status and duties for private house, and royal palace is roughly. Only the Royal House Department is mainly for government officials, private house is the monarch; Zhan Shi or long autumn (Han Emperor, Gianluca officer, and belongs to the line and renamed the Changqiu) is official, mainly for the Queen's service. In the Empress Dowager palace system, there are also private institutions set up. "On a roll" lute recorded "Long Cheng private letter" seal, private is private Fu Cheng Cheng of the province. Private houses, including private, private, private and official names. Qin Fu private no historical records, the "private mansion Cheng India" lute that can certainly make up for the lack of historical data, that private institutions have set qin. A "stable" and "stable Cheng India", "Ma Fu in the stables". According to the "Han Baiguan Gongqing table", the queen of the palace officer Gianluca is official to have stable. "The queen said in the palace [8], so this is also called the stable in the stable. "In the stables, where the queen and also" [9]. In his name, in the literature, but also in of. "Stable Ma Fu" is not recorded. In the previous description "in Ma Fu Qin seal". About "Zhongche Fu cheng". According to the "Han Baiguan Gongqing table", is the official car Taipu to make Cheng fu. The Qin Dynasty eunuch Zhao Gaoceng Ren "Fuling car". Some scholars believe that: "all the books are called Qin officials' car office order ', and Zhao Gaoducalled the" Fuling car ", with high cover for people is [10]. That Zhao Gao became the official car house, because of its identity and before the eunuch eunuch palace to the car "in" Guanming called "Fuling car". However, according to "China Fu Cheng" seal that in addition to a government official car to Taipu Cheng, when another car house agency. China government should be the same as in the stables, belong to the Queen's palace officer system. In the stables, or by horses; Zhongche house, or in a tube car. About "shame Fu India", "Cheng India in shame". According to the "Han Baiguan Gongqing table", the water balance is a shame that the Imperial officer Wei cheng. Shame is the beginning of the imperial government, after the water balance, there are two. Such as Chun and Yan Shigu Zhu note in "Royal shame" as the name, Mr. Chen Zhi suspected its note "fear not, this is the Royal Royal shame culture" [11]. This newly discovered "lute, Royal shame Cheng India, and" shame Fu India "," Cheng India in shame". The "this" word for word "shame". This proves that Mr. Chen's conjecture is absolutely correct. The shy, in charge of the imperial palace is a meal of raw materials in this transaction. In shame palace, when the queen is in charge of this house catering affairs agency materials. No literature has been found in the ashamed mansion. The "Han Baiguan Gongqing table" cloud, Queen palace officer officer officer Gianluca is Lingcheng. In the palace of the officer Lingcheng when director palace in the diet and in government affairs, shame should be in charge of this meal palace in the supply of raw materials business, like the difference between the two division. In the previous description of similar Qin chops, otherwise "bank shame house" and "Chinese seal". About "Bei Gong Huan Cheng", "Bei Gong Sicheng". This newly discovered "lute, Minamimiya Ro Cheng","North Palace" on Nangong, North palace official official name of lute. The "North Gongcheng Palace", "Bei Gong Yicheng" Bei Gong Moucheng the lute has five kinds, and the eunuch institutions clearly related to which "Huan Cheng Bei Gong", "Bei Gong Sicheng". According to the relevant literature, Qin has Nangong, North palace. Weiyang Palace in the west of the Han Dynasty and the North Palace in the northeast. Here's "Huan Cheng Bei Gong", when the North palace official, Cheng Wen, "Bei Gong Sicheng" for the North Province of the private sector Fu cheng. North palace official and private Cheng Bei Gong Fu Cheng, have not been documented. In the description of the Qin Dynasty seal "the North private library India, or is the North Palace India Private library. Both the "private library", the queen palace official system. On the "high official chapter", "Huan Cheng high chapter". Chapter house is obviously high, but no historical records a chapter house. "Huan Cheng" of the Zhecheng Huan province. About "Shang Yi", "still bath", "still bath", "government seal"". According to the relevant literature records: "Qin set six still, that is still the crown, Shang Liang, Shang Liang, Shang Mu, Shang Ting, Shang shu."[12].According to our "note" cloud: "five is in namely, food, clothing, and is still the highest still account, Shang xi." In the cultural relics, there are examples in this house with Guanming ago, such as "Yongle is," crown "seal of Nangong Shang bath" India, "Weiyang is bath house" candle tray etc.. Mr. Chen had speculated that five of the provinces were still suspected of belonging to the great long autumn [13]. The official duties when their house names match on the surface meaning, but is completely by castrated eunuchs such office is difficult todetermine.This batch of two luting materials found for further investigation of Qin and early Western Han Dynasty official system, which is obviously significant.First of all, these materials confirm and reflect the basic trend of the development of eunuch system before and after the Qin unification. According to the literature and previous discoveries of archaeological data, the basic trend of development of the Qin Dynasty unified the eunuch system before and after the main performance is: the number of eunuchs gradually expand the scale, and the eunuch institutions continue adding new, changed [14] power upper eunuch. Qin law network closely, penalty cruel, suffered castration eunuchs of numerous eunuch team expansion has a rich source. Qin Tongyiliuguo, large-scale construction of the palace, which greatly increased the number of eunuch eunuch palace to demand. Due to the large number of eunuch institutions set, working place and expanding range eunuch eunuch, in charge of properties change, a group of upper status has been changed from "eunuch punishment" to the official conversion. Since the Warring States period, eunuchs have become more active in the political arena of qin. After the death of Qin Hui Gong, the new king ascended the throne son young, the mother of the ruling reuse eunuch, caused widespread discontent, "Yan became Mrs. Qin Xiaozhu, this does not say (Wyatt) from the hidden, non depressed people" [15], which led to a mutiny. When the monitoring process, Qin Xiangong eunuch eunuch when Xiao Jing Jian, had the then military policies published important opinions and was adopted by the king. The food supply in thestandard provisions of transfer law "about the" Qin Yi, "Huan Yan if not more" [16]. This reflects the status as a eunuch and non crime Li Jue, on the other hand also shows that the general status of the eunuch with only fourth grade not more like jazz. After the end of the Warring States period and even after the unification of Qin Dynasty, the status of the eunuchs in the upper ranks changed a lot. False to the identity of the eunuch eunuch Laoai to enter into the letter "Hou long letter", for "all depends on the (L, everything, big and small o @ I @ 1) have the" [17]. Once regarded as "Bitch" "official servant" of the eunuch Zhao Gao, also served as the Fuling car, and with Xiling things, Lang Zhongling and other staff, even after the official worship "prime minister", "Ann, Wuhou" Jue also "(Zhao) always depends on the everything, big and small high" [18]. The above-mentioned development of the Qin eunuch system has been recorded frequently in the literature. This newly discovered luting materials, including many of the relevant institutions and eunuch and official name, many of which are not contained in past literature, these new materials from one side confirms the development trend was increasing, the eunuch eunuch institutions expanding. Secondly, these newly discovered luting materials helps us know more about the setting of government institutions under the jurisdiction of the eunuch of Qin and Western Han dynasty. According to the known data, the Qin and Han dynasties have not established such a unified province serve similar authorities in the Tang Dynasty eunuch, membership system eunuch mechanism is more complex, less system mainly belongs to one of the most part of the eunuch institutions of the central court jiuqing. Government plays a big role in the inner duct, but I am not a eunuch, is found to have acted as the government records of the eunuch in Qin andHan dynasties. Under the jurisdiction of the government institutions is very large, some institutions in general and the eunuch has nothing to do, some institutions they lead by the eunuch. The "Han" in the government Baiguan Gongqing table is when the Birds of a feather flock together. method, although the table doesn't say what is the eunuch institutions, but from the arrangement of classification, the following is basically the government officer should be the eunuch institutions,That is in the table after the two class: "the receptionist, Huangmen, hook, royal palace, silver shield, Yong Xiang, Huan, within seven (eight), Lingcheng; the justice, the director, in the door." "Clearly documented some sporadic eunuch Han" reflects the relevant posts as well as examples of "Han Baiguan" in, can be confirmed that the above inference is correct. The "Han" has pointed out that Baiguan Gongqing general government department of Qin Guan, however there is no clear government all is whether all the Qin Guan guan. The judgments that most of the Zhengshu eunuch institution under the jurisdiction of the government is also built, vagrancy Qin qin. Such as "in Ming Dynasty, the Minister of the interior department general order" in the history of ancient eunuch institutions discussed the change process is pointed out: before the spring and Autumn period, in the name of "vertical and number of official records found no smell yan". During the Warring States period, Zhao Youhuan made the post". "Qin and the world, and build official number.". Less of the genus, a book together, Huangmen, hook, royal palace, silver shield, Yong Xiang, in seven, the official official Lingcheng, Zhucheng, director of justice, in the door all belong to it. The Gianluca is a genus of a long autumn, private house, Yong Xiang, the palace stables, cults, officerLingchang Cheng, the officer is yan. There is often Shizhi behavior and post Qing empress. For the Qin system." Although the above views are clear, there is no evidence of the Qin dynasty. In the further study of government institutions set up under the jurisdiction of the eunuch, luting materials the role and significance of the new discovery lies in: one is the name, such as Yong Xiang in the Royal Palace, official, etc. The eunuch institutions, although in the Han Dynasty historical records, but it is difficult to absolutely Qin officer, or history did not significantly words, or lack of examples, this batch of records has the official name luting materials that apparently set us up for the period of presumption officer provides evidence of new materials. Two there are many institutions have not set for the eunuch of previous literatures and the official name of this batch of cement, for example "from the temple", "Si Cheng from", "officer Cheng" and so on, that according to the various conditions that these new eunuch institutions should is government officials under the. Again, this newly discovered lute also provided new data for us to further explore the situation of eunuch institution Queen's palace official system of Qin and Western Han dynasty. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, both the empress palace and the Empress Dowager palace had their own eunuchs. There will be a line for the queen of Qin Dynasty, Qing, Han Emperor was long autumn. Qin, Zhan, also Huang Houqing, Han Emperor, Gianluca officer, is a large and long autumn. As the Queen's palace officer system high level officials, or because they do not have to serve the requirements of the harem, the eunuch identity is not strictly. The Western Han Dynasty, Queen Gong Qing (Jim, and will later renamed with big long autumn ") or in person, or by the [19], the Empress Dowager Zhu Qing (such as long, longletter letter Taipu Shaofu, Changle Wei Wei like) or by eunuchs or by scholars. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Qing palace queen and Empress Dowager Gong Qing "although commonly used official"[20], but still reference for scholars. As for the palace of Qing Zuo is the official, because living close relationship with wives, so we use the eunuch "post official all official"[21]. In this case, Qin as most likely. The king of Qin in the Warring States period during the reign of Wang Taihou, in order to satisfy their lust, pet with "big Yin" as the official. The Empress Dowager Yin Hau main scavengers who cheat on the men, pull Huan, was his queen "[22]. This record shows that the strict safeguarding system, only the official can enter the palace eunuch official close to serve the imperial concubines, and the eunuch eunuch identity shall be validated, otherwise it Laoai without "fraud rot" program. "Pull the man", it is to make it accord with the physical characteristics of eunuchs, in order to Zherenyanmu. Qin and Han Dynasties and Qing palace queen Dowager Qing palace under the jurisdiction of each court Guanshu, basically is the setting of the eunuch institutions, historical records have been generally recorded. This newly discovered luting materials, "stable" and "private Fu Cheng India" lute reflected in the Queen's palace eunuch official system mechanism and official name has been documented. "In shame Fu India, in shame Cheng India", "Bei Gong Sicheng" eunuch institutions and official name,It has never been recorded before. Their discovery will undoubtedly make us more familiar with the eunuch system of the Queen's Palace system. Again, these luting materials also reflects the distribution of the palace eunuch setting mechanism. The mechanism of the Qin and Han Dynasties and theofficial, much as a palace in its name before. For example, before the empress palace officer officer all crown in the empress house, seen in historical records scattered records have a long letter, a long letter, Changle government Taipu Shaofu, Yongle Yongle, Shaofu, Changle, Changle Taipu Taipu Wei Wei, Changle too official Cheng, Changle features the history of Changle, together, Changle, Changle, Changle Minister of food supervision from the official history, cultural relics have been "long letter of Shao Fu Cheng", "Changle Taipu Cheng", "Long Cheng private letter", "long letter Huan Cheng", "long letter Yong Xiang" and "long letter bin India", "letter palace car house" etc.. Again, before the queen palace officer officer is dubbed "in" or "in the house", so, in the Taipu palace in the palace in the Wei Wei, together, make palace in the palace in the palace Shang, private order, in order, in the palace palace Yong Xiang Huangmen, director of justice from the palace in the redundant in the palace drug long said. The above two situations, is the queen in the house or in the palace of the empress Palace Mingguan before under the jurisdiction of the eunuch institutions said. This new discovery is the reflection of different luting materials. "High official chapter", "high Huan Cheng chapter", "Huan Cheng Bei Gong", "Bei Gong Sicheng" lute, and Taka Akinomiya also reflects the North palace official and private mansion, the eunuch mechanism, but the house itself is not clear. This is only two possibilities: Chapter or high palace and North Palace and imperial harem or queen house too, so a eunuch or institution; explained the queen (Huang Taihou) in addition to outside fixed in the palace at the palace, it also has a separate eunuch institutions. Finally, study the newly discovered luting materials for future Qin and Han Dynasty eunuch system also put forward some problems to besolved. For example, "the temple", "official", "official", are generally referred to and the eunuch eunuch, is the name of a similar mechanism. What is the division of labor between the three parties if they are simultaneous institutions? If the three set from the time before and after the succession, only with synonyms, its evolution is? Again, the position and the Queen's palace and the Empress Dowager Gong Qing Qing Qing government is roughly the same, the official organization of each system and do not belong to each other. So, this batch of eunuch institutions stemming reflected such as high chapter palace, North Palace it at the palace set, it should belong to which system? Again, the North Palace Zhicheng very much, and there is a "private function", how to grasp the nature and status of the north house right? In short, this batch of lute data found that not only provided new data, and put forward a new research project, will further promote the in-depth development of the eunuch system of the Qin and Han dynasty. Author:。



-- 1权术论余华青著-- 2权术论1目录前言第一章政治实践与道德观念的冲突——权术界说………………………………………(…1)第二章历史上的权术与权术的历史——权术发展的历程………………………………(…29)第三章皇袍加身与王冠落地——论政变之术……………………………………(…50)第四章独夫与朋党——论驭臣之术……………………………………(…75)第五章“王道”与“霸道”——论愚民之术…………………………………(…108)第六章“吮痈”与“乐谀”——论谄媚之术…………………………………(…130)第七章图强与示弱——论韬晦之术…………………………………(…149)第八章“明枪”与“暗箭”——论谗毁诬陷之术……………………………(…170)第九章派别的争斗与争斗中的派别——论阿附结党之术……………………………(…205)第十章“舌战”中的政治与政治中的“舌战”-- 32权术论——论游说狡辩之术……………………………(…231)第十一章“流血的政治”与“不流血的战争”——兵家权谋对政治权术的影响……………(…262)第十二章“奇货可居”与“金钱政治”——经商之道对政治权术的渗透……………(…293)第十三章狡黠的智慧与智慧的堕落——理论思维对政治权术的作用……………(…313)第十四章人生舞台上的悲剧与喜剧——权术争斗中的人物心态及其命运………(…332)第十五章“奇葩”与“沃土”——封建专制与政治权术的关系……………(…365)-- 4权术论1前言我们中国是具有悠久历史和光辉灿烂的古代文化的国家。



东汉宦官问题研究从南朝时期已经开始, 刘宋时期范晔的《后汉书》中的《宦者列传》对宦官制度的起源与东汉宦官问题都有一定程度的研究。

秦守官、假官制度綜考——以秦漢簡牘資料爲中心**本文是國家社科基金項目“秦印集成暨新秦印文字編” (16BYY120)的階段性成果。
① 高敏:《從雲夢秦簡看秦的若干制度》,其著《雲夢秦簡初探》(增訂本),鄭州:河南人民出版社,1981,193-196頁; 安作璋、熊鐵基:《秦漢官制史稿》,濟南:齊魯書社,1985,362-365頁;武普照:《秦漢守官制度考述》,《山東師大學報》(社科 版)1988年第4期;]日]大庭脩著,林劍鳴等譯:《秦漢法制史研究》,上海人民出版社,1991,424-441頁;安作璋:《秦漢官吏 法研究》,濟南:齊魯書社,1993,65-70頁;王剛:《秦漢假官、守官問題考辨》,《史林》2005年第2期。
陝西師範大學文學院王偉内容提要“守官”與“離官”相對而言,是指長官在職但因外出、病休等不在署時指派的臨時居守者, 是依據法律規定臨時指派符合某種條件(如秩級達到一定要求)的官吏駐守官署并代為處理相關事務的 一種便宜措施。
“假官”與“真官”相對而言,是“真官”離職(職位空缺或無法行使職權)時的代理者,一般 由官員自薦或上級(包括“真官”)授權,使任“假官”者在約定時間内假借真官的職權行事,也可以離署 辦事。
關鍵詞秦守官假官秦漢簡牘“假官”“守官”均見於文獻記載,是秦漢官制中一項特殊而重要的内容,舊有的注解和 今人的研究結論均有較大分歧。
①隨着睡虎地秦簡、張家山漢簡、里耶秦簡和嶽麓秦簡資料 的相繼刊布,其中有關官吏選拔和某守、假某的内容使“假官” “守官”的問題有複雜化的 傾向。

中国古代宦官制度的演变1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以包括对中国古代宦官制度的基本介绍和重要性的说明。

浅谈中国宦官制度产生的原因23110131 袁川东近年来,宫廷戏非常流行。

作者: 余华青
出版物刊名: 西北大学学报:哲学社会科学版
页码: 95-101页
主题词: 廉政制度;秦汉时代;廉政建设;地主阶级;廉政措施;奴隶主贵族;官吏;封建国家;战国时期;统治者
摘要: 余华青副教授的《论战国秦汉时代的廉政制度》,就是从中国历史上为我们找到了一面镜子。




1/ 1。

作者: 余华青
作者机构: 西北大学历史系
出版物刊名: 青海社会科学
页码: 70-77页
主题词: 韬晦;中国古代政治;王莽;政治斗争;政变;司马懿;政治目的;曹爽;手法;秦王
摘要: <正> 大凡略具政治斗争历史常识的人们,对于“韬晦”这个名词都不会感到陌生。
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首先,这些材料更加印证反映了秦统一前后宦官制度发展的基本趋势。根据文献记载及以往发现的考古文物资料,秦统一前后宦官制度发展的基本趋势主要表现为:宦官的人数规模逐渐扩大,与宦官有关的机构不断新设增置,上层宦官的权势地位发生了较大变化[14]。秦法网严密,刑罚残酷,遭受宫刑的阉人数量众多,宦官队伍的扩张有着充足的来源。秦统一六国后,大规模地筑建宫室,从而大大增加了内廷对阉人宦官的数量需求。由于宦官机构的大量设置,阉人宦官的任职场所和范围随之扩大,职掌性质发生变化,一批上层宦官的身分已经由“刑人”向官吏转化。自战国以降,宦官在秦政治舞台上日渐活跃。秦惠公死后,即位的新君出子年幼,其母执政重用宦官,引起广泛不满,“秦小主夫人用奄变,群贤不说(悦)自匿,百姓郁怨非上”[15],结果引发了一场兵变。秦献公时的宦官监突、秦孝公时的宦官景监,均曾就当时的军国大计发表过重要意见并被国君所采纳。在《秦律》有关驿传饭食供给标准的规定中,“宦奄如不更”[16]。这一方面反映出宦官的身分地位已如有爵者而非刑人罪隶,另一方面也表明一般宦官的地位仅与第四级爵不更相仿佛。战国末期乃至秦统一后,上层宦官的地位又有重大变化。假阉人嫪毐以宦官的身分而得以进封“长信侯”,一时“事无大小皆决于(lào@①)ǎi@②”[17]。曾被视为“贱人”的“内官之厮役”宦官赵高,亦先后任中车府令、兼行符玺令事、郎中令等职,后竟官拜“中丞相”,爵封“安武侯”,同样也是“事无大小辄决于(赵)高”[18]。秦宦官制度的上述发展情况,在文献资料中屡见记载。此批新发现的封泥材料中,包括有众多的与宦官有关的机构和职官名称,其中许多为以往文献所未载,这些新材料也从一个侧面更加证实了当时宦官机构不断增多、宦官势力不断扩张的发展趋势。 其次,这批新发现的封泥材料有助于我们更加了解秦及西汉初期少府下辖的宦官机构的设置情况。据以往已知的资料,秦汉时期尚无建立类似唐代内侍省那样的统一的宦官主管机构,宦官机构的隶属系统比较复杂,多数宦官机构主要隶属于中心朝廷九卿之一的少府系统。少府充当着内廷大总管的角色,但本人并非宦官,目前尚无发现有秦汉宦官充任朝廷少府的记载。少府的下辖机构非常庞大,其中有些机构一般与宦官无关,有些机构则例由宦官主领。《汉书·百官公卿表》在介绍少府属官时,采用了以类相从的方法,虽然该表没有明言何者为宦官机构,但从其排列分类情况来看,少府的下述属官基本上应是宦官机构,即该表中的后两类:“中书谒者、黄门、鉤盾、尚方、御府、永巷、内者、宦者七(八)官令丞;诸仆射、署长、中黄门。”《汉书》中零星反映的一些宦官有关任职的实例以及《后汉书·百官志》中的明确记载,均可证实上述推断无误。《汉书·百官公卿表》曾笼统指出少府系秦官,然而却没有明确说明少府的各个属官是否全系秦官。历代的典章政书大多认为少府所辖的上述宦官机构亦是秦时所建、汉因秦制。如《册府元龟·内臣部总序》在论述古代宦官机构沿革变化过程时即指出:春秋之前,“内竖之名见于载籍而官号之次即无闻焉”。“战国之际,赵有宦者令之职”。“秦并天下,并建官号。少府之属,有中书谒者、黄门、钩盾、尚方、御府、永巷、内者、宦者七官令丞,诸仆射、署长、中黄门皆属焉。其詹事之属,又有中长秋、私府、永巷、宫厩、祠祀、食官令长丞,诸官皆属焉。又有将行为皇后卿及中常侍之职。汉因秦制。”上述看法虽然明确,惜无秦时实例佐证。在进一步考察少府所辖宦官机构的设置情况方面,此次新发现的封泥材料的作用和意义就在于:一是诸如永巷、内者、御府、宦者等宦官机构的名称,虽然见诸汉代史籍,但尚难绝对肯定为秦官,或史书未曾显言,或缺乏实例佐证,此批记有上述诸官名称的封泥材料的发现,显然为我们推定上述诸官的设置时期提供了新的佐证材料。二是此批封泥中还有许多为以往文献资料所未载的宦官机构及职官的名称,例如“寺从”、“寺从丞”、“中官丞”等等,根据各种情况推测,这些新得知的宦官机构亦应是少府的属官。 再次,此批新发现的封泥也为我们进一步探讨秦及西汉初期皇后宫官系统的宦官机构的情况提供了新的研究资料。秦汉时期,皇后宫及皇太后宫均有各自的宦官机构。秦有将行,为皇后卿,汉景帝时更名大长秋。秦又有詹事,亦是皇后卿,汉成帝时省詹事官,并属大长秋。作为皇后宫官系统的高级职吏,或因无须亲自侍奉后宫,故对其的阉人身分要求并不严格。西汉时期,皇后宫卿(詹事、将行及后来更名合并的大长秋)“或用中人,或用士人”[19],皇太后诸卿(如长信太仆、长信少府、长乐卫尉之类)亦是或用阉人或用士人。东汉时期,皇后宫卿与皇太后宫卿虽然“常用宦者”[20],但仍参用士人。至于上述宫卿的佐属官吏,则因与后妃生活起居关系密切,所以悉用阉人,“职吏皆宦者”[21]。此种情况,秦当大抵如之。战国末期秦王赢政在位时,王太后为了满足自己的淫欲,宠用“大阴人”为宦者。太后“阴厚赐主腐者吏,诈论之,拔其须眉为宦者,遂得侍太后”[22]。这段记载表明:当时的宫禁制度严格,只有阉人宦官方能入宫接近侍奉后妃,且宦官的阉人身分须经验证,否则嫪毐便无须经过“诈腐”的程序。“拔其须眉”,正是为了使其符合阉人的体貌特征,以便遮人眼目。秦汉皇后宫卿及皇太后宫卿下辖的各内廷官署,基本上都是宦官机构,其设置情况文献史籍已有大致记载。此批新发现的封泥材料中,“中厩”、“私府丞印”等封泥所反映的皇后宫官系统的宦官机构及职官名称,已见文献记载。“中羞府印”、“中羞丞印”、“北宫私丞”等宦官机构及职官的名称,则以往未见记载。它们的发现,无疑可以使我们对皇后宫官系统的宦官机构有了更多的熟悉。 又次,这些封泥材料还在一定程度上反映了当时各宫宦官机构的设置分布情况。秦汉时期的宦官机构及职官,多有在其名称之前冠以某宫宫名者。例如,皇太后宫官的官号之前均冠有太后所居之宫的宫名,见诸史籍零星记载者有长信少府、长信太仆、长乐少府、永乐少府、长乐太仆、永乐太仆、长乐卫尉、长乐太官丞、长乐五官史、长乐谒者、长乐食监、长乐尚书、长乐从官史等,见诸文物者有“长信少府丞”、“长乐太仆丞”、“长信私丞”、“长信宦丞”、“长信永巷”、“长信仓印”、“信宫车府”等。又如,皇后宫官的官号之前则多冠以“中”或“中宫”字样,所以有中太仆、中宫卫尉、中宫谒者令、中宫尚书、中宫私府令、中宫永巷令、中宫黄门冗从仆射、中宫署长、中宫药长等官称。以上两种情形,均是以皇后所居之中宫或皇太后所居之宫的宫名冠在所辖宦官机构的官称之前。此批新发现的封泥材料则反映了不同情况。“高章宦者”、“高章宦丞”、“北宫宦丞”、“北宫私丞”等封泥,反映出高章宫与北宫亦有宦者、私府等宦官机构的设置,但其宫本身的情况并不明确。这只有两种可能:或是高章宫和北宫均与皇太后宫或皇后宫有关,
作者:余华青 编辑:studa9ngns
【摘 要 题】新发现的秦封泥中,有不少关于秦及西汉初期宦官制度的重要资料,又提出了有关的新的研究课题,必将进一步促进秦汉宦官制度研度 宦官机构
【 正 文】 研究秦官制,常恨史料奇缺,尤其是有关秦宦官制度的史料,在传世史籍中更属凤毛麟角。最近,一批对研究秦官制极具重要价值的封泥重见天日,引起了学者们的高度重视和浓厚爱好。此批封泥中,即有不少关于秦及西汉初期宦官制度的重要资料。
一 中国古代宦官制度产生的历史十分久远。就秦而言,早在春秋时期即已有使用宦官的记载[1]。
至战国时代的秦国以及统一后的秦代,系统化的宦官机构则已建立。汉承秦制,西汉(非凡是西汉初期)的宦官机构大多是承秦而沿置。关于秦及西汉初期宦官机构的情况,《汉书·百官公卿表》中虽然有所介绍,但却语焉不详。此批新发现的封泥中,与宦官机构有关或者可能与宦官机构有关者数量甚多。这对我们进一步考察熟悉秦及西汉初期的宦官机构无疑提供了重要的佐证。有关封泥计有:“永巷”、“永巷丞印”、“宦者丞印”、“中官丞印”、“中府丞印”、“宫臣丞印”、“寺从”、“寺从丞印”、“居室寺从”、“内者”、“御府之印”、“御府丞印”、“私府丞印”、“中厩”、“中厩丞印”、“中厩马府”、“中车府丞”、“中羞府印”、“中羞丞印”、“北宫宦丞”、“北宫私丞”、“高章宦者”、“高章宦丞”、“尚衣”、“尚浴”、“尚浴府印”等等。现就上述各封泥分别考释如下。 关于“永巷”、“永巷丞印”。据《汉书·百官公卿表》,少府系秦官,其属官有永巷令丞,汉武帝时将永巷更名为掖庭。《后汉书·百官志》云,东汉时永巷掖庭分为二官,永巷“典官婢侍使”,掖庭掌“后宫贵人采女事”,两者的令丞均由宦官担任,同为少府属官。秦及西汉时期的永巷,无疑也是宦官主领的机构。据颜师古注,永巷的本义乃是:“永,长也,本谓宫中之长巷也”[2]。《三辅黄图》中也有相同的记载。这就是说,永巷系指宫中之长巷,同时又是一个宦官机构的名称。既然永巷的本义是指“宫中之长巷”,因各宫均可有长巷,所以设置永巷宦官机构的场所不一定只有一处。《汉书·百官公卿表》中,除少府属官有永巷令丞之外,皇后宫官詹事的属官中亦有永巷令丞。此前见诸著录的汉代宫印有“长信永巷”、“楚永巷丞”,可知皇太后宫及诸侯王宫同样设有永巷机构。作为“宫中之长巷”意义上的永巷,秦史文献资料中已见记载。《史记·范睢列传》云:范睢“乃得见于离宫,详(佯)为不知永巷而入其中,王来而宦者怒,逐之”。此即指秦离宫之中的长巷。作为宦官机构意义上的永巷,以往史书虽多认为秦已设置,但此前并无发现具体实例。上述“永巷”、“永巷丞印”封泥的发现,适足印证秦时确有此官。 关于“宦者丞印”。宦者系当时对阉人宦官的一般泛称,同时又是一个宦官机构的名称。据《汉书·百官公卿表》,少府属官有宦者令丞,汉武帝太初元年调整少府机构时,进一步明确了宦者令下有七丞。作为宦官泛称的“宦者”,屡见于有关秦国或秦代的史籍之中。例如,战国秦昭王时期,范睢求见秦王时佯作不知而闯入永巷,招致宦者发怒,范遂与“宦者争言”[3]。又如,《史记·秦始皇本纪》记载:始皇死于出巡途中,丞相李斯决定暂时秘不发丧,“独子胡亥、赵高及所幸宦者五六人知上死”。上述几处“宦者”,均是泛称阉人宦官。至于作为宦官机构的宦者,虽然见诸于汉代及战国时赵国的有关记载,秦则无明确的实例。曾有学者指出:“战国及汉有宦者令官,秦容亦有之,但各书未显言秦设此官”[4]。此次“宦者丞印”封泥的发现,显然可以弥补“各书未显言”的缺憾。“宦者丞印”封泥,此前亦见著录。《封泥考略》卷一录有“宦者丞印”封泥。恩师陈直先生指出:《汉书·百官公卿表》载宦者令有七丞,“此封泥仅有一丞,为武帝太初以前官制”[5],所见十分确当。此次新发现的“宦者丞印”封泥,在年代上更要早于《封泥考略》所录的“宦者丞印”封泥。 关于“中官丞印”、“中府丞印”、“宫臣丞印”。中官,作为宦官的一种泛称,屡见于有关史籍。如《后汉书·宦者列传》:“中官用权,自(郑)众始焉。”又如《后汉书·何进传》:“中官统领禁省,自古及今,汉家故事,不可废也。”但是,此处之“中官丞印”中的“中官”,则显然并非宦官的泛称,而是一个宦官机构的名称。作为宦官机构的中官,未见文献史籍记载。在此前见诸著录的秦汉官印中,则有“西宫中官”、“中官府印”、“中官徒府”等。置丞与设府,均说明了此处之中官显系机构名称。“中府丞”、“宫臣丞”亦未见记载,顾名思义或与宦官机构有关。 关于“寺从”、“寺从丞印”、“居室寺从”。“寺”通“侍”字,“寺从”应即为侍从。侍从多作为一种泛称,作为一种机构或职官名称则未见史籍记载。上述封泥之“寺从”,无疑并非泛称,而是一种机构和职官的名称。先秦时代“寺人”曾是一种常见的宦官官职名称,后亦将寺人作为阉人宦官的泛称。未知此处封泥之“寺从”,是否与寺人职官的发展演化有关。故宫博物院藏有“寺从市府”秦印,罗福颐先生认为:“寺从当是宦者。”[6]从上述封泥可知,寺从不仅是一个单独的机构,而且在一些其它机构(如居室)中也有寺从职官设置。 关于“内者”。据《汉书·百官公卿表》,少府属官有内者令丞。有关西汉内者的职掌及设置情况,曾有学者依据文献及文物资料进行过考证[7]。然而,秦是否设有内者,则史无明文。此次“内者”封泥的发现,说明内者机构确系西汉由秦承袭沿置。 关于“御府之印”、“御府丞印”。汉代少府属官有御府令丞。据《后汉书·百官志》本注,御府令丞均由宦官担任。秦御府亦数见于史籍记载。据《通典·职官八》:“秦汉有御府令丞,掌供御服,而属少府。后汉又掌宦者,典官婢,作中衣服。”根据其它文献资料,御府的实际职掌并不仅限于此,而是还包括金钱、珍物等方面的治理。 关于“私府丞印”。据《汉书·百官公卿表》,皇后宫官詹事的属官有私府令丞。《后汉书·百官志》载,皇后宫官大长秋的属官有中宫私府令丞,均为宦官,其职掌为“主中藏币帛诸物,裁衣被补浣者皆主之”。就私府的性质、地位及职掌范围而言,大致与御府相当。只是御府系少府属官,主要为君主服务;私府则系詹事或大长秋(西汉成帝省詹事官,并属于由将行而更名的大长秋)的属官,主要为皇后服务。在皇太后宫官系统,也有私府机构的设置。《封泥考略》卷一录有“长信私丞”封泥,私丞即为私府丞之省文。私府,又有中私府、私官、中私官等名称。秦私府未见史籍记载,此次“私府丞印”封泥的发现,无疑可以弥补史料的不足,说明私府机构秦已设置。 关于“中厩”、“中厩丞印”、“中厩马府”。据《汉书·百官公卿表》,皇后宫官詹事的属官有厩令丞。“皇后称中宫”[8],所以此厩又称中厩。“中厩,皇后车马所在也”[9]。中厩之名,除见于文献记载之外,又见于云梦秦简。“中厩马府”未见记载。此前见诸著录的秦汉官印有“中马府”。 关于“中车府丞”。据《汉书·百官公卿表》,太仆属官有车府令丞。秦代宦官赵高曾任“中车府令”。有学者认为:诸书“均称秦官为‘车府令’,而赵高独称‘中车府令’者,盖以高为中人故也”[10]。意即赵高就任车府令的官职后,因其阉人宦官的身分而在车府令的官名之前加“中”称作“中车府令”。但是,现据“中车府丞”封泥可知,在太仆属官车府令丞之外,当另有中车府的机构。中车府应与中厩一样,同属皇后宫官系统。中厩,或以管马为主;中车府,或以管车为主。 关于“中羞府印”、“中羞丞印”。据《汉书·百官公卿表》,水衡都尉属官有御羞令丞。御羞初属少府,后属水衡,有两丞。如淳、颜师古诸注家均以“御羞”为地名,陈直先生疑其注“恐未确,御羞即为御馐省文”[11]。此批新发现的封泥中,有“御羞丞印”,又有“中羞府印”、“中羞丞印”。其文“馐”字均为“羞”字。这就证实了陈直先生的推测是完全正确的。御羞,所掌管的是君主帝宫的膳馐原料事务。中羞府,则当是掌管皇后宫膳馐原料事务的机构。中羞府未见文献记载。《汉书·百官公卿表》云,皇后宫官詹事属官有食官令丞。中宫之食官令丞当主管中宫的饮食事务,而中羞府则应主要掌管中宫膳馐原料供给事务,两者之间的分工似有区别。此前见诸著录的类似秦汉官印,另有“中行羞府”、“中厨印信”等。 关于“北宫宦丞”、“北宫私丞”。此批新发现的封泥中,有“南宫郎丞”、“北宫”等记有南宫、北宫官署职官名称的封泥若干。其中“北宫工丞”、“北宫弋丞”等北宫某丞的封泥有五种,应与宦官机构明确有关者即“北宫宦丞”、“北宫私丞”。据有关文献资料,秦时已有南宫、北宫。西汉未央宫东北亦有北宫。此处之“北宫宦丞”,当为北宫宦者丞之省文,“北宫私丞”则为北宫私府丞之省文。北宫宦者丞与北宫私府丞,均未见文献记载。见诸著录的秦代官印有“北私库印”,或即为北宫私库之印。既云“私库”,当属皇后宫官系统。 关于“高章宦者”、“高章宦丞”。高章显然是宫名,但高章宫名未见史籍记载。“宦丞”系宦者丞之省文。 关于“尚衣”、“尚浴”、“尚浴府印”。据有关文献记载:“秦置六尚,谓尚冠、尚衣、尚食、尚沐、尚席、尚书。”[12]。另据《汉仪注》云:“省中有五尚,即尚食、尚冠、尚衣、尚帐、尚席。”见诸文物者,还有在此类官名前加宫名的实例,如“永乐尚冠”封泥、“南宫尚浴”印、“未央尚浴府”烛盘等。陈直先生曾推测省中五尚“疑属于大长秋”[13]。此类职官的职掌当与其宫名字面上的意义相符,但是否完全由阉人宦官担任此类官职则难以断定。