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3. 简化 简化是指译者在目标语文本中对源语文本的语言信息下 意识地进行简化处理的倾向。(类符/形符比、词汇密度、 平均句长、高频词和常用词的使用)
4. 范化 范化是指翻译文本在标点符号、词汇选用、文体、句子 结构和篇章结构等方面所表现的遵循目的语文本传统的 趋向。
3. The rise of descriptive translation studies
Descriptive Translation Studies, or DTS for short, is not reducible to a collection of case studies or comparative analysis of source and target texts. 项目 It is that branch of the discipline which must provide a sound methodology and explicit research procedures to enable the findings of individual descriptive studies to be expressed in terms of generalisations about translational behavior. • What translation is under any defined set of circumstances • Why it is realized the way it is
Universal features of translation —— features which typically occur in translated text rather than original utterances and which are not the result of interference from specific linguistic systems. 项目 (i) explicitness (ii) disambiguation and simplification (iii) conventional 'grammaticality' (iv) avoid repetitions (v) exaggerate features of the target language (vi) a specific type of distribution of certain features
2. From equivalence to norms
Toury developed a tripartite model in which norms represent an intermediate level between competence and performance. competence: an inventory of all the options 项目 performance: the subset of options which are actually selected by translators from the inventory norms: a further subset of these opinions Norms stress the target text and assume that the primary object of analysis in translation studies is a coherent corpus of translated texts.
Corpus Translation Studies
语料库翻译学,是指以语料库为基础,以真实的双语语料或翻译语料 为研究对象,以数据统计和理论分析为研究方法,依据语言学、文学和 文化理论及翻译学理论,系统分析翻译本质、翻译过程和翻译现象等内 项目 容的研究。 Corpus Linguistics:方法论,即语料库方法 Descriptive Translation Studies:重要的理论基础
1. 翻译语言的词汇特征研究(类符/形符比、词汇密度 和高频词)
2. 翻译语言的句法特征研究 3. 翻译语言的搭配研究 4. 翻译语言的语义韵研究
——fixed collocation、habitual collocation、creative collocation Firth said, " You shall know a word by the company it keeps ". • co-occurrence • a mode of meaning • expect and predict each other • collogation
corpus linguistics ≠ a theory of language ≠ a new or seperate branch of linguistics focus: on performance, not competence on observation of language in use leading to theory rather than vice verse
Developments which support a move towards corpus-based research 1. New perspectives: polysystem theory Even-Zohar developed a theory of literature as a polysystem: a hierarchical and dynamic conglomerate of system rather than a 项目 disparate and static collection of texts i. Translated literature as a system in its own right: individual literary translations as the object of literary studies→the study of a large body of translated literature in order to establish its systemic features ii. Translated literature occupys a central position in the polysystem and is therefore capable of providing canonised models for the whole polysystem
The Negative Prosody of cause in JDEST Corpus
high by local standards would cause rampant inflation and thereby cause
N-1: modal auxiliary verbs ( can, may, will, could, would ) —— advice, request, permission, warning 项目 N-2 — N-4: noun group ( errors, rampant inflation, injury or surgery, air pollution injury, toxic contaminants, a bad order ) —— a semantic preference of undersirability “告诫”语义韵:“不合意”语义趋向+“情态”类联接+ 核心搭配
Collocations with proposal in the Cobuild Corpus Collocates rejected put forward 项目 support accepted backed submitted grant approved opposed veto
Total occurrences
49 53 33 25 12 11 11 10 7 7
Semantic Prosody
Semantic prosody, also discourse prosody, describes the way in which certain seemingly neutral words can be perceived with positive or negative associations through 项目 frequent occurrences with particular collocations. • negative prosody • neutral prosody • positive prosody
Co-occurences within node
T-score 6.912898 6.117334 5.072799 4.805997 3.271441 3.269407 3.064805 2.998299 2.835364 2.601358
2227 30919 14095 3543 2377 572 3050 1894 1804 429
Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies
Corpus Linguistics
Corpus linguistics is based on bodies of text as the domain of study and as the source of evidence for linguistic description and argumentation.
Translational English Corpus (TEC)——Mona Baker
• Universal features of translation
• Translator's style
• Translational norms
Universal Features of Translation
Translation Studies: the state of the art
Unitil very recently, two assumptions dominated all discussions of translation and were never questioned in the literature: the primacy of the source text、the notion of 项目 equivalence. The question is no longer how equivalence might be achieved but what kind of equivalence can be achieved and in what contexts.
1. 显化 Baker强调“在翻译过程中,当源语Байду номын сангаас本中有表 意不清的地方时, 往往在译文中会对这些地方 加以详细解释”。
例1: It was caviare to the general. 对于一般人是腌鱼子。 它是不合一般人口味的鱼子酱。 例2: That show of such an exercise may colour Your loneliness. 做出读这书的样子,便可使人不疑你为什么独自在此了。 他看见你这样用功,就不会疑心你为什么一个人在这儿了。
2. 隐化 隐化与显化相对,是指源语文本中以词汇手段明示 的意义或信息在目的语文本中隐含于具体语境之中。
例1. If you take this medicine, your illness will surely be cured. 这药吃了准好
例2. 在中国译学发展史上 in the history of the translation studies of China