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3. After checking, you should remit the price to the appointing accounts. Please keep your receipt and fax it to our room reservation. 4. Please keep the bill of confirmation of our hotel via E-mail or fax, when Eyou arrive our hotel and show it to our reception office.
1). 我想取消2007年8月25日的一个标准 我想取消2007年 25日的一个标准 间的预定。 2). 我需要一个面海的带空调以及淋浴的 房间。 3). 您尽快帮我确认取消原来的预定,我 将会非常感激。 4). 请告诉我您房价多少? 5). 如果酒店没有空余房间,请告诉我在 这附近有哪家合适的酒店可以入住吗?
I would like to cancel out reservation of a double room …… Could you ... For the week/month of... For three weeks from 14th May ... For this/coming/next month I would be grateful if you would cancel this reservation. Please answer as soon as possible. I would be grateful Should you have no vacancies...
Thank you for your attention!
Exercise: English to Chinese translation
1. I would like to cancel my reservation for a double room for 25th of August 2007. 2. I need an air-conditioned room with airbath and shower which faces the sea. 3. I should be grateful if you would confirm my canceling as soon as possible. 4. Please give me an indication of your rates per night. 5. Should you have no vacancies please could you give me the address of a suitable hotel in your area?
English For Hospitality
Topic 4:
Cawenku.baidu.comceling rooms
Background information:
客房预订有三种形式: 客房预订有三种形式: 临时性预定(simple 临时性预定(simple reservation) : 指 客人在即将抵达,或在抵店当天进行 的预定。酒店有权在下午6 的预定。酒店有权在下午6点前取消。 确认性预定(confirmed reservation): 确认性预定(confirmed reservation): 指酒店答应为预订者保留客房至某一 时刻,但如果客人到了截止时间 (cut-off time)仍未抵店,又未通知 cut- time)仍未抵店,又未通知 酒店有关推迟抵店情况的,酒店可将 预定的客房另外租给其他客人。
1) Thank you for your reservation at XX hotel. If you have any questions or changes about your reservation, please contact us as soon as possible. 2) Should arrival time is not stated; reserved room will be held until 6: 00 pm. 3) To guarantee your booking, please advise us your credit card number and date of valid or deposit in advance. 4) Would you like to make a guaranteed reservation by credit card? 5) If you cannot arrive as scheduled, please inform us before 6:00 pm.
Chinese to English translation
1. 感谢您预定XX酒店客房,我们对您的 感谢您预定XX酒店客房,我们对您的 订房做一下确认,如有任何疑问或需 做任何更改,请与我们联系。 2. 如果抵店时间未明确相告,所定的房 间将保留至当天下午6 间将保留至当天下午6:00. 3. 为了确保您的订房,请将您的信用卡 号码及有效期限通知我们,或预付一 晚房租的订金。 4. 您愿意用信用卡做担保预定吗? 5. 您若不能如期到达,请务必在16日下 您若不能如期到达,请务必在16日下 午6点前通知我们。
Fun time
Please enjoy the video
1. Discuss with your classmates after the class: What do you do if your clients want to cancel the room that was reserved in the hotel? 2. Finish the exercises on line.
保证性预定(guaranteed reservation): 保证性预定(guaranteed reservation): 以上两种方式都属于非保证性的预定 (non(non-guaranteed reservation)。如果 reservation)。如果 客人要确保酒店保留其预定的房间, 就可以采用保证性预定,通过使用信 用卡,预付订金,订立合同等方法, 来确保酒店应有的收入;而酒店则必 须保证为其提供所需的客房,除非接 到了预订者取消订房的通知,否则即 使客人未抵店,也应保留客房至次日 退房结账时限为止。
Warm up Activity 1:
Work in pairs, and make a dialogue between you two based on the information given bellow: Room Reservation 1. Contact our hotel via telephone or Internet. Please briefly tell us your date of arrival, date of leaving, your name, nationality, type of room, number etc. Please fax your code of ID card and passport. 2. After getting your order form of hotel, we will contact you within three days and check whether your booking room is available.
Activity 2: Role-play Role1. Work in pairs on the topic of canceling reservation according to the information you just read, one of you is the customer, the other is the receptionist. Try to finish the task of serving the guest who wants to cancel the room reservation. 2. Related words and phrases: I am looking for a suitable hotel near the station. To book/to reserve/to cancel I would require... I would be grateful...
Activity 3: Role-play RoleMr. Smith打电话到酒店的前台,请前 Smith打电话到酒店的前台,请前 台工作人员为他取消在酒店的预定, 原来预定10月24-25日在酒店入住2 原来预定10月24-25日在酒店入住2天, 一个双人间,确认性预定,由于客人 提前24小时通知要求取消,酒店不收 提前24小时通知要求取消,酒店不收 取任何费用。工作人员问清楚客人信 息,做好登记,同意取消预定。