黄源深 Book 3 Mistaken ideas about college 课文
Text Book 3 Unit 10
A Horse and Two Goats 129
Teaching Aims
Reading Skills
Topic: Non-verbal communication
2.Enriching Vocabulary
Massive, disturb, plead, sacred, capital, relate, ingratiating, respectful, get out of sight, react to, refer to, dawn on, pace9v.), at the thought of, make sb. an offer for, sound policy to do…
4. Introduction to Grammar
Teaching Activities
Listening and Speaking
1 hour
Reading Comprehension and Language
2 hours
1 hour
30 minutes
黄源深E n g l i s h B o o k单词整理IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】B o o k81. protestation [,prt'ste()n]n. 抗议,异议;声明;断言2. resurrect [rez'rekt]vt. 使复活;复兴;挖出vi. 复活3. abyss ['bs]n. 深渊;深邃,无底洞,地狱Abyss: 深渊 | 生化危机 | 深渊难度4. accrual ['krul]n. 自然增长;自然增长额adj. 收益的accrual: 权责发生制原则 | 应计项目 | 应累算数目5. addict ['dkt (for n,); dkt (for v,)]n. 有瘾的人;入迷的人vt. 使沉溺;使上瘾addict: 痴迷者 | 使沉溺 | 上瘾6. addle ['d()l]adj. 腐坏的;糊涂的,昏乱的vt. 使腐坏;使混乱vi. 变质;变混乱addle: 使腐坏 | 混乱的 | 腐烂变质的7. adjunct ['d(k)t]n. 附属物;助手;修饰语;adj. 附属的8. adulation [dj'le()n]n. 奉承;谄媚adulation: 奉承 | 谄媚 | 吹捧9. aggrandizement ['ɡrndzmnt]n. 强化;扩大;夸大10. alchemy ['lkm]n. 点金术;魔力11. altruism ['ltrz()m]n. 利他;利他主义altruism: 利他主义 | 利他行为 | 利他12. anaphora ['nf()r]n. 首语重复法anaphora: 首语重复法 | 首语反复 | 句首重复13. angular ['gjl]adj. [生物] 有角的;生硬的,笨拙的;瘦削的angular: 有角的 | 角的 | 角度14. antics ['ntks]n. 滑稽动作;古怪姿态antics: 滑稽的动作 | 古怪滑稽的动作 | 滑稽动作15. apathy ['pθ]n. 冷漠,无兴趣,漠不关心;无感情apathy: 冷漠无情 | 漠不关心 | 冷漠16. apotheosis [,pθ'ss]n. 神化;崇拜,颂扬;尊奉为神Apotheosis: 神化 | 典范 | 尊为神17. apprehension [pr'hen()n]n. 理解;恐惧;逮捕;忧惧apprehension: 理解 | 忧虑 | 逮捕18. armoury [ɑrmri]n. 兵工厂,军械库armoury: 军械库 | 盔甲厂 | 兵工厂19. artisan [,ɑt'zn; 'ɑtzn]n. 工匠,技工artisan: 工匠 | 鞋匠 | 手工业工人20. attrition ['tr()n]n. 摩擦;磨损;消耗attrition: 磨损 | 磨耗 | 缩21. austere ['st; -]adj. 严峻的;简朴的;苦行的;无装饰的austere: 严峻的 | 干涩 | 严格的22. autonomy ['tnm]n. 自治,自治权autonomy: 自治 | 自主权 | 自主权23. banish ['bn]vt. 放逐;驱逐;n. (Banish)人名;(英)巴尼什24. bantam ['bntm]n. 矮脚鸡n. (Bantam)人名;(南非)班塔姆adj. 短小精悍的;有攻击性的Bantam: 雏量级 | 矮脚鸡 | 班塔姆25. baptism ['bptz()m]n. 洗礼;严峻考验Baptism: 洗礼 | 洗礼 | 在教堂里基督徒为婴儿正式被上帝接受的礼仪26. bauble ['bb()l]n. 小玩意;美观而无价值的饰物bauble: 小玩意儿 | 美观而无价值的东西 | 廉价珠宝27. beatitude [b'ttjud]n. 祝福;至福28. belated [b'letd]adj. 迟来的;误期的belated: 误期的 | 来得太迟的 | 迟来的29. belles-lettres [,bel'letr]n. (法)纯文学;美文学30. benignly [bi'nainli]adv. 亲切地;仁慈地benignly: 仁慈地 | 亲切地31. bent [bent]n. 爱好,嗜好adj. 弯曲的;决心的n. (Bent)人名;(英、西、丹、挪、印)本特Bent: 生命中不能承受之情 | 本特 | 半路情缘32. betoken [b'tk()n]vt. 预示;表示betoken: 预示 | 表示33. bigotry ['bgtr]n. 偏执;顽固;盲从bigotry: 偏执 | 偏见 | 固执34. bitty ['bt]n. (Bitty)人名;(法)比蒂adj. 片断的,零碎的;细短的bitty: 细短的 | 支离破碎的 | 片断的35. bob [bb]n. 短发;摆动;浮子;轻敲;悬挂的饰品vt. 剪短;敲击;使上下快速摆动vi. 上下跳动;振动n. (Bob)人名;(英)鲍勃(男子教名 Robert 的昵称)Bob: 鲍勃 | 林盛斌 | 暗冒口36. buff [bf]n. 浅黄色;软皮;爱好者;[俚] 健康的身体(Buff)人名;[德]布夫;[英]巴夫vt. 有软皮摩擦;缓冲;擦亮,抛光某物Buff: 浅黄色 | 浅黄 | 软牛皮37. burgher ['bg]n. 市民(现主要指某些欧洲国家中产阶级的市民或镇民);公民burgher: 公民 | 市民 | 国家38. bust [bst]n. 破产;半身像;萧条;胸部adj. 破产了的;毁坏了的vt. 使破产;使爆裂;逮捕vi. 破产;爆裂;降低级别n. (Bust)人名;(德)布斯特Bust: 胸围 | 叫爆掉 | 半身像39. cant [knt]n. 斜面;伪善之言;黑话;角落;vi. 倾斜;讲黑话;vt. 把…棱角去掉;使…倾斜;甩掉;adj. 行话的;哀诉声的;假仁假义的40. carryover [,kri'uvr]n. 移后扣减;移行Carryover: 遗留 | 移后扣减 | 携带41. census ['senss]vt. 实施统计调查;n. 人口普查,人口调查42. chime [tam]n. 钟声;一套发谐音的钟;和谐vi. 鸣响;和谐vt. 打钟报时;敲出和谐的声音n. (Chime)人名;(日)千绵(姓)Chime: 奇幻乐钟 | 编钟 | 微软华人协会43. chimney potn. 烟囱顶帽chimney pot: 烟囱管帽 | 烟囱顶管44. chimp [tmp]n. (非洲的)黑猩猩chimp: 黑猩猩 | 高智能移动平台 | 高等智能移动平台45. circumscribe ['skmskrab]vt. 外切,外接;限制;在…周围画线Circumscribe: 外切 | 限制 | 立界限46. cloister ['klst]n. 回廊;修道院;修道院生活;隐居地vt. 使与尘世隔绝;用回廊环绕cloister: 回廊 | 回廊 | 出家47. cochin ['kutin]n. 交趾鸡n. (Cochin)人名;(法)科尚COCHIN: 科钦 | 柯钦 | 印度科钦48. colon ['kln]n. [解剖] 结肠;冒号(用于引语、说明、例证等之前);科郎(哥斯达黎加货币单位)colon: 冒号 | 结肠 | 科隆49. con [kn]n. 反对票;反对论;vt. 精读;默记;adv. 反面地;adj. 欺诈的;prep. 以…;n. (Con)人名;(捷)措恩;(英)康 (教名Constance的昵称)50. condescend [knd'send]vi. 屈尊;俯就;(对某人)表现出优越感condescend: 屈尊 | 谦逊 | 府就51. convulse [kn'vls]vt. 震撼;使剧烈震动;使抽搐convulse: 痉挛 | 震动 | 使震动52. copious ['kps]adj. 丰富的;很多的;多产的copious: 很多的 | 丰富的 | 多产的53. corporate ['kp()rt]adj. 法人的;共同的,全体的;社团的;公司的;企业的corporate: 公司的 | 团体的 | 法人的54. couplet ['kplt]n. 对联;对句n. (Couplet)人名;(法)库普莱Couplet: 对句 | 对联 | 对联55. courtezan ['k:ti'zn]n. (专与高级官员来往的)高级妓女courtezan: 高级妓女56. crackling ['krkl]n. 猪油渣;脆皮;连续的爆裂声v. 发爆裂声;龟裂;充满活力(crackle的ing形式)Crackling: 噼里啪啦 | 猪油渣 | 喀啦声57. crass [krs]n. (Crass)人名;(英)克拉斯adj. 愚钝的;粗鲁的;非常的crass: 愚蠢的 | 粗鲁的 | 愚钝的58. crepe myrtle紫薇色(等于crape myrtle)59. crib [krb]n. 婴儿床;栅栏;食槽vi. 剽窃vt. 拘禁,关入栅栏;抄袭crib: 婴儿床 | 儿童床 | 叠木框60. crucible ['krusb()l]n. 坩埚;严酷的考验crucible: 坩埚 | 坩埚 | 炉缸61. crusade [kru'sed]n. 改革运动;十字军东侵;vi. 加入十字军;从事改革运动62. cure-all ['kjur:l]n. 万灵药63. custodianship [ks'tudjnip]n. 管理人之职务或地位custodianship: 管理人职务 | 保管工作 | 保管64. dauntless ['dntls]adj. 无畏的;勇敢的;不屈不挠的dauntless: 勇敢的 | 无畏 | 大胆的65. debasement [di'beismnt]n. 降低;贬质debasement: 堕落 | 贬值 | 降低66. defoliation [,di:fuli'ein]n. 落叶,去叶;[植] 脱叶Defoliation: 落叶 | 脱叶 | 雨中落叶67. delimit [d'lmt]vt. 划界;定界限delimit: 定界 | 定界限 | 划定界限68. dilettante [,dl'tnte; -t]n. 业余爱好者;一知半解者;adj. 浅薄的;业余艺术爱好的;vi. (在艺术、科学等方面)浅尝辄止69. deluge ['deljud]n. 洪水;泛滥;暴雨;vt. 使泛滥;压倒70. demagogue ['demgg]n. 煽动者;煽动家;煽动政治家71. demagoguery ['dem,ɡɡri]n. 散布谣言;煽动行为;群众煽动demagoguery: 群众煽动 | 煽动行为 | 散布谣言72. demerit [di'mert]n. 缺点,短处;过失73. desiccate ['desket]vt. 使干;干贮vi. 变干desiccate: 变干 | 干燥 | 使干74. deviant ['divnt]n. 不正常者;偏移值;变异物adj. 不正常的;离经叛道的deviant: 偏移值 | 不正常的 | 离经叛道75. diagonally [da'g()nl; da'gn()l]adv. 对角地;斜对地diagonally: 对角地 | 斜对地 | 成对角线地76. dichotomize [da'ktmaz; d-]vt. 对分,二分dichotomize: 对分 | 分成二 | 对等分裂77. didactic [d'dktk; da-]adj. 说教的;教诲的didactic: 说教的 | 教诲的 | 教训的78. disenchantment [,ds()n'tɑntm()nt]n. 醒悟,清醒;不抱幻想disenchantment: 祛魅 | 觉醒 | 清醒79. disequilibrium [dsikw'lbrm; ,dsek-]n. 不均衡;不安定;失调disequilibrium: 非均衡 | 非平衡 | 不平衡80. disjointedness脱臼;脱节81. dispirit [d'sprt]vt. 使气馁,使沮丧dispirit: 使沮丧 | 使气馁 | 使82. dowager ['dad]n. 贵妇;继承亡夫爵位的遗孀;老年贵妇人dowager: 爵位遗孀 | 贵妇 | 富孀83. easel ['iz()l]n. 画架;黑板架easel: 画架 | 框 | 定位板84. eczema ['eksm; 'ekzm]n. [皮肤] 湿疹eczema: 湿疹 | 湿疹 | 湿气85. egalitarismegalitarism: 平均主义 | 平等主义86. ego ['ig; 'e-]n. 自我;自负;自我意识n. (Ego)人名;(日)依怙 (姓);(法)埃戈ego: 自我 | 自我意识 | 一高87. egotism ['egtz()m; 'i-]n. 自负;自我中心88. ennoble ['nb()l; en-]vt. 使…成为贵族;使…高贵;授予爵位ennoble: 使崇高 | 授予爵位 | 使高贵89. entrain [n'tren; en-]vt. 使乘火车vi. 乘火车entrain: 使乘火车 | 乘火车 | 携带90. ere [e]prep. 在…以前;毋宁;conj. 在…以前;毋宁91. equivocally [i'kwivkli]adv. 可疑地;含糊地equivocally: 含糊地 | 可性 | 可疑地92. exacerbate [g'zsbet; ek'ss-]vt. 使加剧;使恶化;激怒exacerbate: 使加剧 | 使恶化 | 恶化93. exodus ['eksds]n. 大批的离去Exodus: 出埃及记 | 大批离去 | 出谷纪94. exorcise ['ekssaz]vt. 驱邪;除怪exorcise: 去除 | 除怪 | 驱除95. expurgate ['ekspget]vt. 删除,删去expurgate: 删除 | 使清洁 | 净化96. extraneous [k'strens; ek-]adj. 外来的;没有关联的;来自体外的97. extrapolation [ek,strp'len]n. [数] 外推法;推断extrapolation: 外推法 | 外推 | 外推98. fallibility [,fl'blt]n. 易误;不可靠;出错性99. federalist ['fedrlst]n. 联邦党;联邦制拥护者;支持北部联邦者adj. (支持)联邦党人的;联邦制的federalist: 联邦制拥护者 | 联邦主义者 | 联邦党人100. fern [fn]n. [植] 蕨;[植] 蕨类植物fern: 蕨类植物 | 蕨 | 羊齿101. fitful ['ftfl; -f()l]adj. 一阵阵的;断断续续的;不规则的;间歇的102. fix [fks]n. 困境;方位;贿赂vt. 使固定;修理;安装;准备vi. 固定;注视n. (Fix)人名;(英、法、德、瑞典)菲克斯fix: 确定 | 修理 | 固定(F I X)103. fluidity [flu'dt]n. [流] 流动性;流质;易变性fluidity: 流动性 | 流动度 | 怜性104. forgo [f'g; f-]vi. 放弃;停止;对…断念vt. 放弃;停止;对…断念[ 过去式forwent 过去分词forgone 现在分词forgoing ] forgo: 放弃 | 抛弃 | 作罢105. forthright ['fθrat; fθ'rat]n. 直路adj. 直率的;直截了当的adv. 直率地;马上;立即forthright: 直率的 | 气度宽广 | 豪放106. fraternity [fr'tnt]n. 友爱;兄弟会;互助会;大学生联谊会Fraternity: 兄弟会 | 友爱 | 大学兄弟会107. freak [frik]n. 怪人,怪事;畸形人;反复无常adj. 奇异的,反常的Freak: 哭鼻子 | 爆发 | 怪诞的108. frenzied ['frenzd]adj. 疯狂的;狂乱的;激怒的v. 使狂乱(frenzy的过去式)frenzied: 丧失理智 | 丧心病狂 | 狂热的109. fructify ['frktfa]vt. 使结果实;使肥沃;富有成果vi. 结果实;有成果fructify: 使结果实 | 结果实 | 富有成果110. fuddle ['fd()l]n. 混乱;酗酒vt. 灌醉;使混乱vi. 酗酒Fuddle: 灌醉 | 烂醉 | 使烂醉111. generalist ['den()rlst]n. (有多方面知识和经验的)通才;多面手generalist: 通才 | 多面手 | 全面战略112. generically [di'nerikli]adv. 一般地;属类地generically: 一般地 | 属类地 | 属类上113. genre [nr]n. 类型;种类;体裁;样式;流派;风俗画(Genre)人名;(法)让尔adj. 风俗画的;以日常情景为主题的genre: 类型 | 流派 | 风格114. glutinousglutinous: 粘性的 | 粘的 | 糯米的115. gobbledygook ['gbldiguk]n. 官样文章116. grandiosity [,ɡrndi'sti]n. 宏伟;夸张grandiosity: 自大狂 | 堂皇 | 夸大117. grasping ['grɑsp]adj. 贪婪的;紧紧抓住的;v. 理解,领会(grasp的现在分词形式);抓紧,抓牢118. grubbiness污秽119. guaranty ['gr()nt]n. 保证;抵押;担保物;vt. 保证;担保;抵押(等于guarantee)120. gullible ['glb()l]adj. 易受骗的;轻信的gullible: 容易受骗上当的 | 易受骗的 | 轻信的121. habitation [hb'te()n]n. 居住;住所habitation: 居住 | 住所 | 住宅122. hacked [hkt]生气Hacked: 砍死 | 凹痕螺钉 | 底脚螺栓123. hallucination [h,lus'ne()n]n. 幻觉,幻想;错觉124. hangover ['hv]n. 宿醉;残留物;遗物Hangover: 宿醉 | 解酒 | 遗留的感觉125. Hera ['hir]n. 赫拉(主神宙斯之妻)Hera: 赫拉 | 天后赫拉 | 天后126. high-stepping抬高脚步走的;时髦做作的127. hokum ['hkm]n. 胡扯,空话,废话hokum: 滑稽 | 废话 | 货掮么128. huckster ['hkst]n. 叫卖的小贩;小商人;吃广告饭的人vt. 叫卖;讨价还价vi. 叫卖;做小商贩huckster: 小贩 | 叫卖的小贩 | 小商人129. huff [hf]n. 发怒n. (Huff)人名;(匈)胡夫;(英)赫夫vt. 把…吹胀;激怒;蔑视vi. 吹气;发怒;恫吓Huff: 一怒之下 | 精神病医师赫夫 | 激怒130. hypertension [hap'ten()n]n. 高血压;过度紧张Hypertension: 高血压 | 高血压 | 高血压病131. impediment [m'pedm()nt]n. 口吃;妨碍;阻止impediment: 妨碍 | 阻碍 | 障碍132. impregnable [m'pregnb()l]adj. 无法攻取的;不受影响的;要塞坚固的;不可受孕的Impregnable: 固若金汤 | 铜墙铁壁 | 无法攻取的133. inarticulate [,nɑ'tkjlt]adj. 口齿不清的;说不出话的;[无脊椎] 无关节的inarticulate: 无结节的 | 口齿不清的 | 不善于表达的134. incorporate [n'kpret]vt. 包含,吸收;体现;把……合并adj. 合并的;一体化的;组成公司的vi. 合并;混合;组成公司incorporate: 结合 | 合并 | 收编135. inculcate ['nklket]vt. 教育;谆谆教诲;教授;反覆灌输136. inexorable [n'eks()rb()l]adj. 无情的;不屈不挠的;不可阻挡的;无法改变的inexorable: 无情的 | 不屈不挠的 | 不为所动的137. infatuation [n,ft'e()n; -tj-]n. 迷恋;醉心Infatuation: 醉心 | 痴心 | 迷恋138. inimitable ['nmtb()l]adj. 独特的;无比的;无法仿效的inimitable: 独特的 | 无法仿效的 | 不可比拟的139. inner-directed ['indi'rektid]adj. 有主见的;不随俗的inner-directed: 有主见的 | 内部控制类 | 内部导向140. insurmountable [,ns'mantb()l]adj. 不能克服的;不能超越的;难以对付的141. intransigent [n'trnsd()nt; -'trɑ-; -nz-]n. 不妥协的人adj. 不妥协的;不让步的intransigent: 不妥协的 | 不妥协的人 | 固执的142. intrusive [n'trusv]adj. 侵入的;打扰的intrusive: 侵入的 | 打扰的 | 闯入的143. invalidate [n'vldet]vt. 使无效;使无价值invalidate: 使无效 | 无效 | 使无效力144. invidiousnessn. 不公invidiousness: 不公145. invoke [n'vk]vt. 调用;祈求;引起;恳求invoke: 调用 | 恳求 | 唤起146. irascible ['rsb()l]adj. 易怒的irascible: 急躁 | 易发怒的 | 易怒的147. irksome ['ks()m]adj. 令人厌烦的,讨厌的;令人厌恶的irksome: 令人苦恼的 | 讨厌的 | 令人讨厌的148. irreparably [i'reprbl]adv. 不能恢复地;不能挽回地irreparably: 不能恢复地 | 不能挽回地 | 不可挽回地149. irrevocablenessn. irrevocable的变形150. judeo-christian [du:'di:u'kristn]adj. 犹太教与基督教所共有的;同是犹太教与基督教的151. juxtapose [,dkst'pz]vt. 并列;并置juxtapose: 并置 | 并列 | 并排152. leeway ['liwe]n. 余地;风压差;偏航;落后Leeway: 退路 | 留有余地 | 风压差153. legion ['lid()n]n. (古罗马)军团;众多;军队adj. 众多的;大量的Legion: 军团 | 三狮军团 | 蓝黑军团154. locker-room储藏室n. 破伤风;[医] 牙关紧闭症156. loft [lft]n. 阁楼;顶楼;鸽房vt. 把…储放在阁楼内vi. 将球高击n. (Loft)人名;(丹)洛夫特Loft: 放样 | 阁楼 | 球杆面之角度157. loll [ll]vi. 懒洋洋地倚靠;vt. 懒洋洋地倚靠;n. (Loll)人名;(德)洛尔158. lyric ['lrk]n. 抒情诗;歌词adj. 抒情的;吟唱的n. (Lyric)人名;(英)利里克,利丽克(女名) lyric: 歌词 | 蓝盈莹 | 抒情诗159. mahogany [m'hgn]n. 桃花心木,红木;红褐色Mahogany: 桃花心木 | 红木 | 非洲160. mallard ['mlɑd; -ld]n. 野鸭;野鸭肉n. (Mallard)人名;(法)马拉尔;(英)马拉德mallard: 野鸭 | 绿头鸭 | 绿头鸭n. 伤感;易流泪n. (Maudlin)人名;(英)莫德琳(教名Magdalen的昵称)adj. 感情脆弱的;容易流泪的;酒后伤感的maudlin: 感情脆弱的 | 易伤感的 | 容易流泪的162. mealymouthed ['mi:limaued]adj. 转弯抹角说的;不敢直说的mealymouthed: 不敢直说的 | 转弯抹角说的163. megalomaniacal夸大狂(者)的megalomaniacal: 夸大狂的164. melange [mei'la:n]n. 混合物;文学作品的杂集melange: 混杂堆积物 | 牛奶咖啡 | 混杂岩165. menial ['minl]adj. 卑微的;仆人的;适合仆人做的;n. 仆人;住家佣工;下贱的人166. metamorphosis [,met'mfss; ,metm'fss]n. 变形;变质Metamorphosis: 变态 | 变态 (生物) | 变形167. microcosm ['makr()kz()m]n. 微观世界;小宇宙;作为宇宙缩影的人类;缩图(等于microcosmos)Microcosm: 小宇宙 | 微观世界 | 缩影168. migraine ['migren; 'ma-]n. [内科] 偏头痛;n. (Migraine)人名;(法)米格雷纳vt. 使减到最少;小看,极度轻视vi. 最小化minimize: 最小化 | 使最小化 | 使减到最小170. modicum ['mdkm]n. 少量,一点点modicum: 少量 | 一点点 | 一点点171. morbid ['mbd]adj. 病态的;由病引起的;恐怖的;病变部位的morbid: 病态的 | 莫比德 | 不健康的172. mores ['mrez; -riz]n. 习惯,习俗;风俗;道德观念;n. (Mores)人名;(捷)莫雷斯173. multiform ['mltfm]adj. 多样的;多种形式的multiform: 多形的 | 多形式的 | 多种形式的174. napalm ['nepɑm]n. 凝固汽油;凝固汽油弹;汽油胶化剂175. nauseate ['nset; -z-]vi. 作呕;厌恶;产生恶感;vt. 使厌恶;使恶心;使作呕176. nebula ['nebjl]n. 星云;角膜云翳177. neologism [n'ldz()m]n. 新词;新义;新词的使用178. nonchalant ['nn()l()nt]adj. 冷淡的,漠不关心的179. obliterate ['bltret]vt. 消灭;涂去;冲刷;忘掉180. opossum ['ps()m]n. 负鼠;装死181. oracularityn. oracular的变形182. orchid ['kd]n. 兰花;[植] 兰科植物;淡紫色adj. 淡紫色的Orchid: 兰花 | 兰花紫 | 淡紫色183. other-directed ['edi'rektid]adj. 受人支配的;缺少自主性的other-directed: 受人支配的 | 他人导向 | 缺少自主性的184. overfacile185. overmaster [v'mɑst]vt. 征服;压倒;打败overmaster: 压倒 | 征服 | 雄势186. palmhousepalmhouse: 热带植物温室187. panacea [,pn'si:]n. 灵丹妙药;万能药Panacea: 帕那刻亚 | 万灵药 | 灵丹妙药188. paradigm ['prdam]n. 范例;词形变化表paradigm: 范式 | 范例 | 百里登189. paranoia [,pr'n]n. [心理] 偏执狂,[内科] 妄想狂Paranoia: 妄想症 (角色扮演游戏) | 偏执狂 | 偏执狂190. parasol ['prsl]n. 阳伞n. (Parasol)人名;(法)帕拉索尔Parasol: 阳伞 | 遮阳伞 | 太阳伞191. par excellence [,pɑ:r'eksl:ns]出类拔萃的;最卓越的par excellence: 最卓越 | 出类拔萃的 | 超群192. pariah [p'ra]n. 贱民(印度的最下阶级)Pariah: 魔域反攻 | 贱民 | 被社会遗弃者193. patchwork ['ptwk]n. 拼缝物,拼缀物;混杂物Patchwork: 拼缀图 | 东拼西凑 | 拼布194. paternalistic [p,t:nl'istik]adj. 家长式作风的Paternalistic: 家长式 | 家长式作风的 | 家长式统治的195. patois ['ptwɑ]n. 方言,土语;行话n. (Patois)人名;(法)帕图瓦Patois: 帕托阿语 | 方言 | 土话196. patter ['pt]n. 行话;轻快脚步声;急速拍打声vt. 喋喋不休地说;使…发出嗒嗒声vi. 滴答地响;急速地说;发出急速轻拍声patter: 行话 | 抹板 | 急促声197. peabuddy198. penance ['penns]vt. 使…以苦行赎罪;n. 苦修;忏悔199. peripheralityn. 周边性peripherality: 周边性200. perspicuity [,p:spi'kju:ti]n. (语言、文章、表达等的)明晰;简明perspicuity: 明晰 | 聪明睿智 | 颖悟201. pervert [p'vt]n. 堕落者;行为反常者;性欲反常者;变态vt. 使堕落;滥用;使反常Pervert: 变态 | 败坏 | 妨碍202. pheasant ['fez()nt]n. 野鸡;雉科鸟n. (Pheasant)人名;(英)菲桑特pheasant: 雉 | 野鸡 | 山鸡203. philosophize [f'lsfaz]vt. 使哲学化;像哲学家般思考或辩论vi. 进行哲学探讨,理性地思考philosophize: 使哲学化 | 进行哲学探讨 | 像哲学家般思考或辩论204. piecemeal ['pismil]n. 片;块adj. 零碎的;逐渐的vt. 粉碎adv. 零碎地;逐个地piecemeal: 一件件 | 零碎的 | 头痛医头205. pinnacle ['pnk()l]n. 高峰;小尖塔;尖峰;极点vt. 造小尖塔;置于尖顶上;置于高处Pinnacle: 品尼高 | 尖峰 | 顶峰体育206. pique [pik]n. 生气;愠怒;呕气vt. 刺激;伤害…自尊心;激怒n. (Pique)人名;(西、意)皮克PIQUE: 单珠地 | 皮克 | 辣的207. placate [pl'ket; 'plket; 'ple-]vt. 抚慰;怀柔;使和解placate: 抚慰 | 安抚 | 安抚或平息208. planetary ['plnt()r]adj. 行星的planetary: 行星的 | 游星减速机 | 行星式209. polarisation [,pulrai'zein]n. 偏振;分化;两极化(等于polarization)Polarisation: 极化 | 电极化 | 偏振210. ponderous ['pnd()rs]adj. 笨重的;沉闷的;呆板的;比较级more ponderous 最高级most ponderous 211. pragmatic [prg'mtk]adj. 实际的;实用主义的;国事的pragmatic: 实际的 | 务实的 | 求真务实212. prattle ['prt()l]vi. 闲聊;胡说;小孩般说话;n. 无聊话;咿咿呀呀声;vt. 天真地说213. precept ['prisept]n. 规则;格言;训诫;命令precept: 箴言 | 教训 | 说教214. precipice ['presps]n. 悬崖;绝壁;险境precipice: 悬崖 | 峭壁 | 险境215. predator ['predt]n. [动] 捕食者;[动] 食肉动物;掠夺者Predator: 铁血战士 | 捕食者 | 掠夺者216. pre-empt [pri'empt]vi. 先发制人地叫牌;vt. (美)先占;先取得217. premium ['primm]n. 额外费用;奖金;保险费;(商)溢价adj. 高价的;优质的Premium: 升水 | 溢价 | 保险费218. presumptuous [pr'zm(p)ts]adj. 专横的;放肆的;冒昧的presumptuous: 专横的 | 狂妄 | 放肆219. prevalanceprevalance: 国际 | 患病调查220. prevision [pr'vn]n. 预知;先见n. (Prevision)人名;(西)普雷维西翁prevision: 先见 | 预测 | 预知221. proffer ['prf]n. 提供;提出;提议;vt. 提供;提出;奉献222. proliferate [pr'lfret]vi. 增殖;扩散;激增vt. 使激增proliferate: 激增 | 增殖 | 繁殖223. promethean [pr'mi:θjn]adj. 普罗米修斯的;赋予生命的;有生机的;n. 如普罗米修斯般的人224. propensity [pr'penst]n. 倾向,习性;癖好,偏爱propensity: 倾向 | 嗜好 | 习性225. propound [pr'pand]vt. 提出;提议;将…提供考虑propound: 提出 | 提议 | 建议226. psychoanalytic ['sako,nl'tk]adj. 精神分析的;心理分析的psychoanalytic: 心理分析的 | 精神分析 | 心理分析论227. psychopath ['sakpθ]n. 精神病患者228. pule [pjul]vi. 低声啜泣;呜咽;发轻叫声;n. (Pule)人名;(意、塞、萨摩)普莱229. quail [kwel]n. 鹌鹑vi. 畏缩,胆怯;感到恐惧n. (Quail)人名;(英)奎尔quail: 鹌鹑 | 畏惧 | 感到恐惧230. quibble ['kwb()l]n. 谬论;双关语;遁辞vi. 诡辩;挑剔;说模棱两可的话vt. 对…诡辩quibble: 巧辩 | 狡辩 | 遁词231. quirk [kwk]n. 怪癖;急转;借口n. (Quirk)人名;(英)夸克quirk: 怪癖 | 奇事 | 习惯232. quixotic [kwk'stk]adj. 唐吉诃德式的;狂想家的;愚侠的quixotic: 空想的 | 唐吉诃德式的 | 不切实际的233. raft [rɑft]n. 筏;救生艇;(美)大量vt. 筏运;制成筏vi. 乘筏n. (Raft)人名;(匈、瑞典)拉夫特raft: 木筏 | 筏 | 可逆加成234. rampart ['rmpɑ:t]n. 壁垒;垒;防御土墙vt. 用壁垒围绕;防卫Rampart: 堡垒 | 野兽特警 | 旧时兵营四周的墙壁235. reductio ad absurdum [ri'dkiu]归谬法(等于reduction to absurdity)236. renunciation [rnns'e()n]n. 放弃;脱离关系;拒绝承认;抛弃;弃权renunciation: 放弃 | 放弃书 | 宣布终止237. repine [r'pan]vi. 抱怨;不满238. repugnant [r'pgnnt]adj. 讨厌的;矛盾的;敌对的repugnant: 令人厌弃的 | 不一致的 | 令人厌恶的239. retinue ['retnju]n. 随行人员;扈从240. revulsion [r'vl()n]n. 剧变;厌恶;强烈反感;抽回241. robber baron强盗贵族,强盗式资本家robber baron: 强盗大亨 | 强盗贵族 | 强盗式贵族242. royal-blueroyal-blue: 宝蓝色243. ruefully ['ru:fli]adv. 可怜地;悲伤地ruefully: 感伤地 | 悲伤地 | 可怜地244. sacrilegious [,skr'lds]adj. 该受天谴的,亵渎神明的245. Sadism ['sedz()m]n. 虐待狂;性虐待狂;病态的残忍246. savant ['svnt]n. 学者;专家n. (Savant)人名;(捷)萨万特Savant: 莎凡湖 | 专家 | 分布式的网络软件247. scaffolding ['skfld; -f()ld-]n. 脚手架;搭脚手架的材料248. schematize ['skimtaz]vt. 系统化;计划;扼要表示schematize: 系统化 | 扼要表示 | 把…系统化249. scuppernong ['skp,n]n. 美国南部产的黄绿色大粒葡萄;斯卡珀农葡萄scuppernong: 葡萄250. secular ['sekjl]n. 牧师adj. 世俗的;长期的;现世的;不朽的Secular: 世俗 | 非周期性 | 长期性251. seductive [s'dktv]adj. 有魅力的;性感的;引人注意的Seductive: 养眼 | 诱惑性 | 诱人的252. self-fulfilling ['selfful'fili]adj. 实现自己抱负的,自我实现的self-fulfilling: 自我实现 | 预期自致 | 自促成253. sensor ['sens]n. 传感器254. sensuous ['sensjs; 'sens]adj. 感觉上的,依感观的;诉诸美感的Sensuous: 圣姗娜 | 感觉上的 | 感觉的255. sentential [sn'tnl]adj. 句子的;判决的256. servile ['sval]adj. 奴隶的;奴性的;卑屈的;卑屈的257. slavishnessn. 奴性slavishness: 奴性 | 奴隶主义 | 奴隶主义258. spatial ['spe()l]adj. 空间的;存在于空间的;受空间条件限制的259. sporadic [sp'rdk]adj. 零星的;分散的;不定时发生的sporadic: 零星的 | 不定时发生的 | 散发260. squawk [skwk]vi. 抗议;发出响而粗的叫声;大声抱怨;n. 抗议;叫声;诉苦;故障;vt. 粗声叫出;诉苦261. squeamish ['skwim]adj. 易呕吐的;易生气的;神经质的;过于拘谨的;洁癖的262. squirm [skwm]vi. 蠕动,扭动;羞愧,不舒服;n. 蠕动263. sterilize ['strlaz]vt. 消毒,杀菌;使成不毛;使绝育;使不起作用264. straggle ['strg()l]vi. 迷路;落伍,掉队;四散,蔓延;n. 散乱265. stratify ['strtfa]vt. 分层;成层;使形成阶层vi. 分层;成层;阶层化stratify: 成层 | 使成层 | 分层266. subdue [sb'dju]vt. 征服;抑制;减轻subdue: 征服 | 制服 | 使屈服267. suburbanite [s'bb,nat]n. 郊区居民suburbanite: 郊区居民 | 市郊居民 | 郊区居住者268. subvert [sb'vt]vt. 颠覆;推翻;破坏subvert: 颠覆 | 推翻 | 破坏269. swat [swt]n. 用劲打击;重拍;全垒打;vt. 重拍;猛击;用力击出(远距离球)270. synthetic [sn'θetk]n. 合成物adj. 综合的;合成的,人造的synthetic: 合成的 | 合成树脂 | 人造的271. tenor ['ten]n. 男高音;要旨,大意;票据的限期;稳定的进程;adj. 男高音的;n. (Tenor)人名;(瑞典)特诺尔272. theologian [θ'ldn; -d()n]n. 神学者;空头理论家theologian: 神学家 | 神学者273. thrush [θr]n. 画眉;[口腔] 鹅口疮;蹄叉腐疽n. (Thrush)人名;(英)思拉什thrush: 画眉 | 鹅口疮 | 鸫科274. thwart [θwt]n. 划手座;独木舟的横梁adv. 横过vt. 挫败;反对;阻碍;横过adj. 横放的;固执的prep. 横过thwart: 反对 | 阻碍 | 阻挠275. transcendent [trn'send()nt; trɑn-]adj. 卓越的;超常的;出类拔萃的;n. 卓越的人;超绝物276. transitory ['trnst()r; 'trɑns-; -nz-]adj. 短暂的,暂时的;瞬息的transitory: 短暂的 | 短时间的 | 瞬变的277. transmute [trnz'mjut; trɑnz-; -ns-]vt. 使变形;使变质vi. 变形;变质transmute: 使变化 | 使变形 | 物品合成278. trauma ['trm; 'tram]n. [外科] 创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常);外伤n. (Trauma)人名;(西)特劳马trauma: 创伤 | 外伤 | 扶伤279. traverse ['trvs; tr'vs]n. 穿过;横贯;横木vt. 穿过;反对;详细研究;在…来回移动vi. 横越;旋转;来回移动adj. 横贯的n. (Traverse)人名;(英)特拉弗斯;(法)特拉韦尔斯Traverse: 枕木 | 摇臂 | 雪佛兰280. trio ['tri]n. 三重唱;三件一套;三个一组n. (Trio)人名;(意)特里奥trio: 三重奏 | 三重唱 | 三声中部281. tuft [tft]n. 一簇;丛生植物;一丛n. (Tuft)人名;(英)塔夫特vt. 用丛毛装饰vi. 丛生tuft: 一簇 | 碎块毛 | 丛生植物282. turnover ['tnv]n. 翻覆;[贸易] 营业额;流通量;半圆卷饼;失误;adj. 翻过来的;可翻转的283. typographically [,taip'grfikli]adv. 印刷地284. ulcer ['ls]n. [病理] 溃疡;腐烂物;道德败坏ulcer: 溃疡 | 腐烂物 | 胃溃疡285. unassuming [n'sjum]adj. 谦逊的;不装腔作势的;不出风头的unassuming: 谦逊的 | 不摆架子的 | 谦虚的286. undefiled [nd'fald]adj. 洁净的,洁白的;纯粹的287. undersell [nd'sel]vt. 抛售;以低于市价售出288. underwrite [nd'rat; 'ndrat]vt. 给...保险;承诺支付;签在...下vi. 经营保险业underwrite: 承购包销 | 包销 | 承保289. unflagging [n'flg]adj. 不屈不挠的;不松弛的,不松懈的unflagging: 不衰的 | 不屈不挠的 | 不减弱的290. unmitigated [n'mtgetd]adj. 全然的;严厉的;未缓和的unmitigated: 绝对的 | 未缓和的 | 十足的291. unscrupulous [n'skrupjls]adj. 肆无忌惮的;寡廉鲜耻的;不讲道德的unscrupulous: 肆无忌惮的 | 无耻之徒 | 黑店292. verbicide ['vbsad]n. 滥用词语;歪曲词义;糟蹋词语verbicide: 滥用语词者 | 滥用词语293. vindictive [vn'dktv]adj. 怀恨的;有报仇心的;惩罚的Vindictive: 怀恨在心 | 报复性的 | 斗气294. virulent ['vrl()nt; 'vrj-]adj. 剧毒的;恶性的;有恶意的295. voluminous [v'ljumns]adj. 大量的;多卷的,长篇的;着书多的Voluminous: 长篇 | 丰满的 | 很多296. wallop ['wlp]vt. 猛击;痛打;击溃;vi. 猛冲;颠簸;沸腾;n. 冲击力;重击;快感;n. (Wallop)人名;(泰)旺洛;(英)沃洛普297. wart [wt]n. [皮肤] 疣(等于verruca);[林] 树瘤;缺点wart: 疣 | 肉赘 | 瘊子298. watch-tower望楼watch-tower: 城门上的望楼 | 角楼299. waterlily ['w:t,lili; 'wt:t,lili]n. 睡莲Waterlily: 睡莲 | 梁水清 | 荷花300. wellspring ['welspr]n. 泉源;水源wellspring: 水源 | 井泉 | 卧舒丽301. well-turned ['wel't:nd]adj. 措辞巧妙的;姿态优美的well-turned: 姿态优美的 | 匀称的302. wigwam ['wgwm]n. [建] 棚屋;简陋小屋;总部;拱形顶303. wobble ['wb()l]n. 摆动;摇晃;不稳定vt. 使摇摆;使颤动;摇动vi. 摇晃;摇摆;游移不定wobble: 摇晃 | 摆动 | 摇摆304. yammer ['jm]n. 哭诉;废话;抱怨vt. 抱怨;大声抱怨说vi. 哭泣;叹息;抱怨yammer: 叹息 | 哭诉 | 抱怨305. Zeus [zju:s]n. 宙斯(希腊神话中的主神)Zeus: 宙斯 | 宙斯 | 天神宙斯306. a full complement of一个充分的补充307. a sense of proportion主次观念308. a smattering of少数几个309. accommodate to适应accommodate to: 适应 | 使适应 | 提供310. adhere to坚持;粘附;拥护,追随adhere to: 坚持 | 粘附 | 胶着311. admit to承认;许可进入admit to: 承认 | 许可 | 让312. all but几乎,差一点all but: 几乎 | 除了 | 差不多313. at length最后,终于;详细地at length: 终于 | 最终 | 最后314. at one's disposal由其支配;由某人做主315. at stake危如累卵;处于危险中;在紧要关头at stake: 在危险中 | 利害攸关 | 在危急关头316. at the back of在…背后,支持;在…的后面;在…的后部317. attest to证明;证实attest to: 证实 | 证明318. back upv. 支持,援助;(资料)备份;倒退;裱back up: 倒退 | 支持 | 备份319. be enamored of迷恋醉心于倾心于be enamored of: 迷恋320. be given to沉溺于;癖好321. be preoccupied with一心想着…专注于…be preoccupied with: 专注于 | 专心于 | 专心322. be symptomatic of323. bear out证实;支持bear out: 证明 | 证实 | 支持324. beyond description无法形容,难以形容beyond description: 难以形容 | 无法形容 | 无法描述325. blame on把责任推给…;怪到…头上326. blind to无视于…;对…熟视无睹327. blurt out开始说话,脱口而出328. bore to death令人厌烦得要死329. break in upon打扰;闯入330. bring to bear施加331. bristle with充满;密集bristle with: 充满332. call in question对…表示怀疑;提出异议333. can butconj. 只能can but: 只能 | 只得 | 充其量不过334. chuckle over335. come to grips with与…争论;与…冲突;认真对待;设法对付;开始搏斗336. confer to337. crowd outvt. 挤出;推开338. culminate in达到顶点;以…告终culminate in: 以 | 达到高潮 | 达到顶点339. emanate fromv. 放射;发源于;出自emanate from: 放射 | 与趋近于相反 | 发源于340. end with以……结束341. enforce on强迫;把…强加于342. exert pressure on压力343. flare up突然发怒;突然燃烧,骤然344. from scratch白手起家;从头做起from scratch: 从头开始 | 从零开始 | 白手起家345. give out分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭346. go aboutv. 着手做;四处走动;传开;从事347. go under。
Text Book 3 Unit 8
Reference Books
Anne'sAgnes Grey
Emily'sWuthering Heights
Charlotte'sJane Eyre
Text Book
Genius Sacrificed for Failure by William N. Brown P100
2 hours
1 hour
30 minutes
90 minutes
Teaching Process
I. Warmingup
II.Introduction to Background Knowledge
III. Text Analysis
IV. Questions
Teaching Process(Reading Comprehension and Language Activities)
Warming up
1. Have you experienced any risky adventures in your life?
他认为有灵气的译文是翻译中的高境界,是 译者对两种对应的语言、文化所具有的高 度修养和相当的翻译经验以及自身的天赋 数者之自然融合,往往可遇而不可求。
The moon was above, lustrous(光亮的) and serene (平静的); Vehicles and pedestrians were few; sparrows twittered(叽叽喳喳的) sleepily in the eaves--- for a little while the scene might have been a country churchyard. And the anthem that organist (风琴手) played cemented(粘合的) Soapy to the iron fence, for he had know it well in the days when his life contained such things as mothers and roses and ambitions and friends and immaculate(洁净 的) thoughts and collars.
译著《简· 爱》、《道连· 格雷的画像》、 《隐身人》、《老人与海》、《最后一片 叶子》、《我的光辉生涯》、《露辛达· 布 雷福特》等,已出版著译计三十余部。 其中:《我的光辉生涯》获澳大利亚政府 所授予的“杰出文学翻译奖” 2007年被中国翻译协会授予“资深翻译家” 荣誉称号
月亮高悬,皎洁宁静,车辆稀少,行人寥 寥。麻雀带着睡意在屋檐下叽叽喳喳。这 一刻完全是乡村教堂墓园的景色。风琴师 弹奏的圣歌,把索比胶在了铁栏杆上,因 为他曾经很熟悉圣歌。在那些日子里,他 生活中拥有母亲,玫瑰,雄心,朋友,一 尘不染的想法和衣领。
重点关注考点句,非考点句总结记住:首(末)句+段首或段中however yet but句唯一文章主题辞、多个段落关键词、态度词、主题句、结论句:关键词TW, AW, TS=CS; Linking Words其中态度词专门重要段落首末句+下段首句* 详读:段内对照:两个模块的反义词:因果机制:首末句:非因果机制非对照:一对并列词标记:妥协、(乃至记住)句内对照比较、大小写。
Since 以后是论据(态度证据),since之前是论点。
In + n. 在句中显现表细节。
定位到TW, TS, CS, KW, AW解题—〉各段首句(有时看首末段末句)1.主题题 Main ideaThe primary purpose of the passage is toWhich of the following best expresses the author’s main idea?有TS,定位TS,专门注意TS中的NP。
Advanced English (L 1-10 Book 5)Key toexercisesLesson1•II. ACrime,crimes,sin,si ns,sins,sin,si nn edcrime,sin,crimeCMoan , wail ,hardened ,break into ,swirlD1,Many people do things too often in the name of God ・2,1 extend you a warm welcome in the name of God ・3,Production in the factory was going up by leaps and bounds .4,Let me escort you home ・5,The storm finally quieted down.6,His speech was punctuated by bursts of applause.7,You *ve left out a word in the sentence.8,If you read English will be improved by leaps and bounds.9,The goods will be confiscate in the name of God,10,The preside nt's car was escorted by four police motorcycles.Lesson 2•II. AAcquaintance,c on temporary,buddy, uncon sciously,i nden tity,phrases,disparity,sexist,sp ecify,assumpti onsBBestow upon ,attire ,trivial ,elder,spurnC1 ,What differences are there between the American and Chinese greeting rituals?2,They reassured us of their friendship.3,The villagers in their holiday attire gathered in the square, waiting for the celebration to begin .4,When he was unable to prove his identity , the bank suspended his payment.5,He felt uncomfortable in religious settings.6,Though we have known for half a year,we are still on the basis of TLN.7,This old-fashioned type of teleph one is no Ion ger in use.8,He put forward his own idea so adroitly that no one was offended.9,You should show your respect for the elders.10,Your school team has won the first prize by your school team calls for a celebratio n. Lesson 3•II. ACall out ,go into ,rose to the occasion, single out ,set about ,turn on ,turn out bump ,push past,staffedBMake up ,turn over in his mind ,in any case ,in knowledge of ,touch ,fish ‘confine ,in the middle ofC1,1 hope you will confine your talk to the subject under discussion.2,The car turned abruptly and bumped into a tree・3,Joh n forgot all about the eve ning party and his trie nds all turned on him.4,He turned this problem over in his mind for a whole day before he decided what to do. 5,She opened her handbag and fishing for her handkerchief.6,This job entails courage and perseveranee.7,He did not set about writing his thesis until he had read all the ref ere nee book he could lay his han ds.8,He never cringes before difficulty.9,The principal said that we should go into his proposal very seriously .10,Maey fell ill on the day before performance .Jane rose to the occasion and took over her part.11 ,The Iongest journey starts with a single step.12,He went hot and cold in turn.Lesson 4•II. A in charge of/ hold out / at the foot of / in touch with / made our way / frown(ed) on B.put out / frowned on / adj ace nt to / slumped / holds out / made his way II. C.•1 • Dr. Cooper is in charge of this ward.2.The hare lost the race to the tortoise not because he could not run quickly / fast, but because he was too conceited・3.We placed / laid a wreath at the foot of the stature.・4. He rattled off a string of n ames of the cities he had visited.5.We kept in touch with the search party by radiophone.・6・ The doctor did not hoi d out much hope of the patienfs recovery.•7. The kit chen is in the rear of the house.2•8. When Ted gets mad, just let him alone.9.Now read the poem again, and this time don't rattle it off like a machine gun / wit houta pause / in one breath. ・10. He walked / went on foot as far as (the) City Hall .D. mentioned / shouted at (or: became angry with) / clothes / rejected the man's courti ng / skillfully •III. *A.1 • Our purpose is to seek / It is our aim / goal / objective to seek friendship and coo peration.2.The rebels were seeking / sought to over throw / subvert / topple the government. •3. We sought out a local village to find out about the situation.4.A deliberate person usually acts after weighing / balancing / considering all the as pects of a situation / A cautious person will deliberate all the aspects of situation bef ore taking action.•5. I believe the house was deliberately set fire to / set on fire.6.He deliberated about his decision for several days / He deliberated for quite a few days before making the decision.7.He eats better / His appetite has recovered, and is more cheerful / in a better moo d except when occasionally he recollects / remembers that he is an invalid.・8. There is an exception to this grammatical rule・・9. The teacher excepted George from the exami nation list / from the examinees / examination can didates / from taki ng the ex am.•10. He is deeply involved in debt. / He is involved in heavy debts.11 • The task / job involves a lot of extra work. ・12. Some authors write in an involve d style. B....euipped the fort with... / conscience・stricken / suspension / identity / agrees with IV A.freer/freest;worse/worst;smoother/smoothest;perfect (non-gradable); utter (non-gradable); dead6. He deliberated about his decision for several days / He deliberated for quite a few days before making the decision.7. He eats better / His appetite has recovered, and is more cheerful / in a better moo d except when occasionally he recollects / remembers that he is an invalid・・8. There is an exception to this grammatical rule.・9. The teacher excepted George from the examinati on list / from the exami nees / exami nation can didates / from taki ng the ex am.•10. He is deeply involved in debt. / He is involved in heavy debts.11.The task / job involves a lot of extra work. *12. Some authors write in an involve d style. B...•euipped the fort with... / con science ・stricken / suspension / identity / agrees with IV A.freer/freest;worse/worst;smoother/smoothest;perfect (non-gradable); utter (non-gradable); dead16I・ His lameness / crippled leg resulted from an accident. 2. Be sure to put out the lig ht before you leave.3.We must learn to single out the principal / main contradiction from among a comp lexity of contradictions / the various / many complex / implicate contradictions.4. Ja ck could not support / maintain / feed his family on his meager salary / provide for hi s family with his meager in come.5.The scheme / plan / project is too risky, and I am not going / too risky for me to i nvest any money in it. III. A.1.I ate an apple but didn't satisfy my hunger. / I have eaten the apples, but my hun ger is not satisfied.2.The child's reading ability is satisfactory for his age.3. Playing the piano well was one of his greatest satisfactions.4.She gradually perceived that her parents had been right / in the right.5.His perception of colours is poor. / He has a poor perception of colours.6.The scratch on the pain ting was almost imperceptible.7. The horse was exhauste d after its struggle through the17mud / after struggling through the mud. 8. He collapsed / broke down from exhausti on.9.People living beside / by the river have an in exhaustible supply / source of water.10.He denied kno wing any thing about / (having) any kno wledge of their plans.II・ This was a pleasure / the kind of pleasure she could not / would not / was unwilli ng to deny herself.12.To do this would be a denial of my (own) faith / belief / conviction. III. B1.recognized2.bearing3.experience (注:urban renewal 城市改造)4.involved 5.urged IV A1 .waiting 2.to wait 3.smoking 4.Reading 5.being criticized 6.to have waked7.reading / to read 8. to go 9.seeing 10.to rain /raining 11 .to rain /raining 12 .to lend; to take 13.singing 14.strike 15.to hear 16.to come; rising 17.goin g; to go /going 18.to have forgotten 19.having married / marrying 2O.jump; fallIV C181 .to take /to have 2,to do 3.to take 4.to change /to make up 5.to sit 6. to be7.to explain 8.to answer 9.to call (}± :to my face=in my presenee) 10.to help IV D1 .to leave 2. to hear 3.kind eno ugh to 4.to cooperate with 5」t was very stupid of me to be so rude to him. 6.to open the bottle with 7.to continue the strike 8. He is expected to give..・9. John seems to have fallen irr・・ 10・He is said to be t he ... VI BNormal/usual; of; were; friends; each; greeted; same; had; made; ot her's; apart; questions; daughters; their; into; han ds; the n; the; ourselv es; went; ways。
《LISTEN TO THIS:2英语中级听力》,外语教学与研究出版社,02年版
黄源深English Book第3册教师用书
ContentsUnit 1 Text: Mistaken Idea about CollegeUnit 2 Text: Life in DeathUnit 3 Text: If I Were 21Unit 4 Text: Double VisionUnit 5 Text: A Roomful of RosesUnit 6 Text: Some Economic LawsUnit 7 Text: To What Good End?Unit 8 Text: The Helplessness that Triggers TearsUnit 9 Text: Miss MayUnit 10 Text: We Are All ScientistsUnit 11 Text: HumorUnit 12 Text: LogicUnit 13 Text: A Fable for TomorrowUnit 14 Text: Watch Your Language!Unit 15 Text: The Young in HairUnit 16 Text: The Woods in "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening "Unit 1 Mistaken Ideas about CollegeI. Time allotment: 2 hours word study, 2 hours text study, 2 hours dictation and exercises II. A Short Comment on the Writing Technique of the Text (for reference) In the text, the author contrasts her mistaken ideas about college before she entered it with her real experience in the college. The technique of comparison-contrast is employed toDid you ever have any mistaken ideas about college? Is the college life quite different from what you expected?What do you think of the college teachers? Are there any similarities and differences between middle school teachers and them?3. How do you cope with the exams in college? Are they a headache to you?IV. Explanation of new words:cataloguen. list of names/places/goods etc, in a special order:(人名、地名、货物等之)目录;概览;一览表:a library ~,图书馆之图书目录。
Social-cultural Context and the Translator's Choice of Words ——A Comparison of Two Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre 摘要:本⽂⽐较了分别诞⽣于30年代和90年代的两部《简爱》中译本,⽬的在于揭⽰不同的社会⽂化环境是如何作⽤于译者对词汇的选择的。
关键词:社会⽂化环境;译者选词 Social-cultural Context and the Translator's Choice of Words ——A Comparison of Two Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre Abstract:This paper compares two Chinese versions of Jane Eyre, which were produced in the 1930s and 1990s respectively. The purpose is to see how social-cultural context works on the translator's choice of words. Key Words: social-cultural context;the translator's choice of words. ⼀、翻译是⼀定社会⽂化框架内的决策过程。
黄源深版《高级英语》b o o k L e s s e n课文翻译 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#L e s s e n1:Sexism in School学校中的性别歧视如果一个男孩在课堂上喊出来,他会得到老师的关注。
许多研究者,最近的有加州大学洛杉矶分校前教育系系主任John Goodlad,也是“一个被称为学校的地方”的作者,他们表明,当学生参与课堂讨论时,他们对学校持有更积极的态度,这种积极的态度能增进学习。
Unit 3The Road to HappinessSTUDY AND PRACTICEIII. V ocabulary and StructureA. Words and expressions for use:l. congenial 2. alternation 3. sacrifices 4. on her account 5. instinctive6. came into existence7. pursuit8. have nothing in common9. incompatible10. supp1ementB. Structures for use:a. 1. ... unless the weather got worse.2. … un1ess you invite her sister.3. ... unless I took him.4. Unless you tell him yourself,...5. ... unless the correct fuel is used.b. 1. The medica1 record shows that it was the dog, rather than the disease, that killed him two years ago.2. It was in the name of freedom that Kennedy led his country deeper into its cruel, hopeless war in Vietnam.3. It is because she is too inexperienced that she does not know how to deal with the embarrassing situation.4. It was not until she had arrived home that she remembered her appointment with the Dean.5. The truth is that it is only by studying history that we can learn what to expect inthe future.6. It was John Adams who recommended George Washington to be commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in 1775.GRAMMAR PRACTICEI. Rewrite the following sentences…1. we; ourselves2. you are; your; your; you ... have; you3. Y ou4, They say that... .5. What language do you speak?6. ... they are raising the bus fares again.7. We live ... .8. you have; your9. We; ourselves; usII. Complete each of the following sentences...1. herself2. themselves3. myself4. themselves5. himself6. my self7. yourself 8. himselfUSE OF ENGLISHII. Proofreading1. to do so2. when all the ...3. exactly alike4. it(to be deleted)5. the whole of6. belonging to7. increasing8. ease of travel9. at least 10. Eu rope11. to more peop1e 12. Germans 13. from themselv es 14. th e mind15. 1iberalize 16. It is to be... 17. in all countries 18. do both things 19. be open to 20. in (to be deleted)III. Cloze1. on2. of.3. available4. about/over5. titles6. how7. another8. spend9. give 10. They 11. and 12. fall 13. called 14. rich 15. at 16. on17. popular 18. with 19. want 20. ofIV. Translation A1. The text-book is supplemented by an adequate glossary.2. The Sunday passed in alternation between watching TV an d pl aying cards.3. The situation is developing in a direction favourable to us.4. It is necessary to find alternative sources of fuel wh en coal is n ot av ailabl e.5. The magazine has a Christmas supplement of some complete stories.6. Hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside of one’s regular work.7. All the thirteen colonies were in f av ou r of th e repeal of th e Stam p Act.8. My father was engaged in scientific pursuits al1 his life.Translation BMany people tend to equate the excitement in one thing at a time with happiness of life' and pursue it unwisely by means of drinking or gambling, etc. Consequently, even if they have al1 the material conditions of happiness, they can often feel profoundly unhappy.Truly happy people have one thing in common, i.e. they always take pleasure in givin9' Their social activities can not only be enjoyable on their own account, but also build up something that will benefit the public.Unit 5The English and the AmericansSTUDY AND PRACTICEIII. V ocabulary and StructureA. Words and expressions for use:1. implication2. disparity3. Apart from4. classify5. distinction6. are entitled to7. invariably8. available9. In regard to 10. irritati onB. Structures for use:a. l. ... he writes not only poems and novels, but plays as well.2. … not only did he visit Japan and Canada, but the USA as well.8. ... requires not only skill and balance but alertness and concentration as well.4. Alfred Nobel had not only a scientific reason but a person al reason as well...5. ... study not only the language but some other subjects as well.6. …can not only help you know something about the materials to be read' but help you double your reading speed as well.b. 1. ... when remarkable progress was made in relatively short periods of time.2. ... when you must interrupt people who are in the middle of doing something.3. ... that Jim had more talent than anybody who had ever played basketball.4. ... that most Chinese people are diligent and hard-working.5. ... what wou1d happen.6. ... when he would be back.GRAMMAR PRACTICEl. Multiple Choice1. B2. B3. B4. A5. B6. C7. A8. A9.B 10.DII. Fill in the blanks…1. in; of; to2. with; to; of3. to; on; to4.of; with5. to; about6. to; with; in; with7. to; for; for; with; to; for; toUSE OF BNGLISHII. Proofreading1. reveals2. living room3. and so on4. a particular culture5. there is n o6. for privacy7. Japanese8. that it is9. in the Russian 10. the same as11. achieve privacy 12. the (to be deleted) 13. neighbors 14. a preferen ce f or15. afford it 16. is needed 17. In some cultures 18. f or th em simply to19. need to remove 20. to achieve privacyIII. Clozel. in 2. is 3. in 4. on 5. bottle 6. other 7. of 8. are 9. i den tified10. differences 11. Southerner 12. Northerners l3. as 14. Such 15. even16. between 17. in 18. characteristics 19. like 20. expressIV. Translation Al. R. L. Stevenson entitled his book “Treasure Island.”2. Although the detective did not say so exactly, he implied that the murderer was from London.3. The teacher smiled, with the implication that she did not believe the boy’s story.4. People whose dreams are interrupted lose the benefits of rest, and therefore tend to become irritable.5. After years of negotiation, the strained relations between the two nations no longer exist.6. Before our irritation could turn to anger, she came to us and said that she was leaving.7. The priest discovered that the old lady was entitled to a small disability pension.8. Jim was an excellent ath1ete, but he never strained when he didn’t feel it necessary.Translation BIn addition to the physical difference, there is always a wide disparity between the young and the old in their world outlooks. In some cases, two generations can share a house, but their ways of thinking and behaving are worlds apart. One of the basic reasons for this clash is that the older generation believe that it is they who have built up this present world all their 1ives and they are conditioned to identify the world as belonging to them; whereas the rising generation, free from the burden of the past, appreciate fresh thinking and unstrained behaviour, feeling sure that they have the right to create a new world and confident that they can make it. One thing is for sure, though, --- communication and cooperation between the two generations will make the world a better place for everybody.。
三、正文:1. “文学作品是语言的艺术,它们以独特的方式表达人类的情感与思考。
2. “一部优秀的文学作品,不仅能够引人入胜,而且能够引人深思。
3. “文学是社会的镜子,它反映了不同时代、不同文化背景下人们的生活状态、思想观念和情感体验。
4. “欣赏文学作品需要敏锐的洞察力和丰富的情感体验,只有这样才能真正领略其内涵和魅力。
5. “文学作品中的矛盾冲突是推动故事发展的重要动力之一。
6. “艺术是语言的灵魂,它超越了语言的界限,成为人类共享的精神财富。
考试与评价·大学英语教研版General Serial No.1092020No.6语言学与外语教学1涂敏(1974-),女,安徽明光人,研究生,讲师,研究方向:二语习得浅议大学英语翻译思辨能力缺席及培养涂敏1(南京工程学院外国语学院,江苏南京210007)摘要:本文论述了大学英语翻译课堂学生思辨能力缺席的原因及培养策略,教师教学模式、评价体系、综合水平以及学生的传统学习习惯、翻译理论知识缺乏以及依赖网络等因素都会造成学生思辨能力缺席。
黄源深 English book 6课后翻译
黄源深 English book 6课后翻译《高级英语》黄源深主编 Book6 课后句子翻译整理 Lesson 1 (P20) 1.这种微妙的关系能维持多久呢?How long can the subtle relationship be maintained? 2.双方都将谈判破裂归咎于对方。
Both sides attributed the breakdown in negotiation to the other side. 3.力不但有大小而且有方向。
A force has direction as well as magnitude.4.在敌人的屠刀面前,他毫无惧色。
He exhibited no fear before his enemy’s sword. 5.逆境中的三年使他得益非浅。
He benefited a lot from the three years in adverse circumstances. 6.乔伊斯先生不赞成妻子买那么多衣服。
Mr. Joyce disapproved of his wife buying so many clothes. 7.那部小说索然无味,我读不下去。
The novel is so bland that I find it difficult to keep on reading it. 8.他感到无法将思想集中在那项研究上。
He found it difficult to focus his mind on the research (project). 9.那家伙是江湖医生,而不是眼科专家。
That guy is a quack rather than an eye specialist. 10.他们得另辟蹊径,那种模式并不适合于本厂。
They will have to find a new way as that pattern cannot be applied totheir factory. 1.他们把一笔款子交给董事会管理。
* 大量阅读对英语学习至关重要,没有大量阅读很难学好英语。
* 英美人都反对背字典,因而对说本族语的人来说,良好的'语言环境和大量的阅读足以使英语词汇得到多次重复,直到被掌握。
1.加强变异意识,提高译文质量——试以《简·爱》的黄源深译本为例 [J], 陈红美
2.剩余信息在翻译中的应用--兼评祝庆英和黄源深的《简·爱》译本 [J], 张焰明
3.顺应论视域下的《老人与海》中译本对比分析--以海观、黄源深译本为例 [J], 李慧
4.从图里的翻译规范理论看黄源深《简·爱》中译本 [J], 张田;徐月
5.多元系统理论视阈下《简·爱》译本中汉语欧化现象分析——以李霁野和黄源深译本对比研究为例 [J], 刘倩
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Mistaken Ideas about CollegeBefore I came to college, I was sure I knew all about it. I had met some College students, I had looked at some catalogues, and I had seen more than my share of old ” college” movies where the heroes belonged to “jock” fraternities and the heroines to sophisticated sororities. I knew all about it. Or so I thought . But, now , after one semester as a college student, many of my old ideas have changed completely.I used to imagine bossy upper-classmen,for example. I thought they would be know-it-all rulers of the campus who got their kicks from harassing freshmen. I pictured being directed to the wrong classrooms , being snubbed because I was too young ,and eating lunch standing up because older students wouldn’t allow me at their tables. But ,in fact ,the upper-classmen(when I could tell them from the freshmen)turned out to be quite civilized .They were willing to give it .In the beginning ,more experienced students helped me to choose my professors and courses and to find my rooms ,and later they encouraged me to stick with my tough courses(even calculus)and they tried(unsuccessfully)to teach me how to stay cool during examinations .No harassment here.The upper-classmen weren’t the only ones I worried about.I was also concerned about the other freshmen .I was afraid they might think I was too fat, too shy, too ugly ,too cowardly ,or even too dumb to bother with .I thought their backgrounds and interests would be much more exciting than mine ;I wondered who would care about a small-town girl whose typical pastime was strolling to the corner store for penny candy ,popsicles ,and Pepsi. And , most of all ,I was afraid of being alone ,with my old friends far away and no new ones here .Again ,I was wrong .When I finally got to college ,I discovered that most students felt exactly as I did .They were as uneasy with me as I was with them ,and as we started to open up ,we began to trust one another .We began to become curious about each other’s backgrounds and interests; the differences among us actually became attractions . We laughed ,for example , at our comparative pronunciations of “car”as “cah ”or “car”, and I learned that ”Get down”means “Feel good”in Boston .And no one seemed to think that I was fat ,shy ,ugly ,cowardly ,or dumb !These weren’t all of my worries, though. I was also frightened by the classes and especially by the teachers . I imagined myself lost in a two-hundred seat lecture hall, desperately scratching down pieces of notes preached from agreat distance by a tiny , inaudible male professor with white hair and little gold-rimmed glasses . I was convinced he’d have no patience with my stupid questions, so I’d be perpetually lost. Wrong here too .Most of my classes had only thirty to forty students ( some were smaller ) and the professors , male and female , looked downright ordinary .One teacher had prematurely grey hair and none of them had gold-rimmed glasses .I did find myself desperately scratching down notes , but I also had plenty of chances to ask questions and even to take part in discussions . In the one-to-one meetings after class , I came to appreciate the teachers even more .They were actually interested in teaching me !I changed my mind about other thing too . I had expected homework to be a book-filled nightmare as I burned the midnight oil until 2 a.m. , fighting off a headache which would keep me from meeting due dates and eventually send me back to the corner store .Actually , I got most of my homework done well before midnight and I met all my due dates .And even the examinations were not a total disaster .They were not three-hour tests crammed into one hour ,nor were they made up of many pages of single-spaced typed questions exclusively on details I had overlooked . Oh yes , I did have some awful tests ; I did breakout in a clammy sweat , develop a stomach upset and a gigantic headache ; and I did spend finals week on Pepto-Bismol ,but contrary to expectations , I passed all of my exams with good grades .I’ve always been a pessimist . Then if the worst happens , I’m ready for it .For at least three and a half more years , I plan to live by this philosophy , but even with this , I know I won’t be as negative as I was before I got to college . Not all schools would be the same , but this one turned out to be much better than I thought I would be – a good lesson in not jumping to conclusions . And , being a pessimist , I had the extra fun of discovering just how much better it could be .No doubt my attitude toward college will shift still more as I go on , but I know I’ll never be as far off as I was before I got here .。