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练习: • 上周,学生会对100名学生就幸福观进行了一次调查, 调查结果如下:
人数 32% 45% 23%
幸福观 财富 健康 知识
原因 可以买到任何事物 享乐 有好的未来
[写作内容]根据以上数据,写一篇调查报告,包括以 下内容: (1)调查的时间、对象和内容; (2)所调查学生的不同观点及理由; (3)你的认识。
Part3---- Ending:个人看法及理由
** Useful expressions: ① As far as I’m concerned,… As for me/myself… In my opinion,… Personally,… From my point of view… ② As far as I am concerned, I agree to… because... or: Personally, I think it is a wonderful idea(to do..) because….
Part 2---- Body添加过渡词
** Useful expressions: ① From/ According to the survey, … ② As the survey/data shows, … ③ The survey shows that… ④递进: besides/ what’s more/ moreover/ in addition ⑤ 转折: However,…/ On the contrary/…while…/ …but…
1. 认真审题,明确写作内容
2. 时态 ——现在时(常用) Beginning——时间、对象、内容(1句) 过 3. 写作 渡 Body —— 调查结果 (3 句 ) 内容 衔 Ending——个人观点及理由(1句) 接 关键: 1. 对比分析,找出异同点; 2. 表达多样,避免重复罗列数据。
** Useful expressions: ① Recently, I’ve made/ carried out/done a survey among… on… to find out… ② Last week, a survey was carried out among… to see/ find out… Examples: 1.最近,你对班里60名同学(男女各半)进行了 关于上网目的的调查。 2. 上周,我们学校对所有学生进行了一次调查, 了解他们对于开设英语角的看法。(set up…)
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Part2---- Body:调查结果分析
** Useful expressions: ① 25% 25%的学生 of/ a quarter/ one-fourth of the students …rank the second (for…) ②… 排第二位 account for/ take up 30% of the total ③ 占总数 30% (of…) ,few , only ,as … many/much as ④ most 多数… ;少数 …(of…) ;只有 … ;多达 ⑤ The 倍数 number of …doubles/is twice that of… ⑥ percentage 百分率 The percentage of the boys who like… is the same as that of the girls. or:10% of the boys like… and so do the girls.