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Chapter 1

物流管理logistics management 客户服务customer service

物资搬运material handling 订单处理order processing

需求处理demand forecasting 退货处理return goods handling

零配件和服务支持parts and service support

工厂及仓库选址factory and warehouse site selection

存货管理inventory management 逆向物流reverse logistics

产出点point of origin 消费点point of consumption

物流成本logistics cost 条码bar coding

销售损失lost sale 内部成本internal cost

退货处理成本return goods handling 外部成本external cost

潜在的销售potential future sale 订单传输order transmittal

运输成本transportation cost 订单输入order entry

进货渠道inbound channel 批量成本lot quantity cost

出货渠道outbound channel 缺货stockout

订单处理成本order processing cost 库存持有成本inventory carrying cost

需求预测demanding forecasting 资金成本capital cost

销售沟通distribution communication 仓储空间成本storage space cost

电子数据交换系统electronic data interchange 风险成本risk cost

卫星数据传输satellite data transmission

Chapter 2

供应链supply chain 人力资源human resource

最终用户end-customer 上游供应商upper stream supplier

供应链管理supply chain management 供应链整合supply chain integration

货物流product flow 下游企业down stream firm

核心能力core competency 物资供应material procurement

信息流information flow

供应链战略管理Supply chain strategy 多数供应商战略Many suppliers strategy 少数供应商战略Few suppliers strategy 纵向整合战略Vertical integration

企业集团Keiretsu networks 虚拟企业Virtual company

前项整合Foreward integration 后项整合Backward integration

规模经济Economy of scale 成本降低Cost reduction

Chapter 3

产品移动product movement 门到门door-to-door

在途库存in-transit inventory 有效利用能源energy-efficient

有害物质hazardous material 灵活性和通用性flexibility and versatility 远洋运输Ocean going ships 建筑材料building materials

价格优势price advantage 跨西伯利亚铁路the Trans Siberian railway


multi-modal transport industrial center


empty container place of loading


groupage container systematic transfer


road-rail transport long distance movement LASH: lighter abroad ship

CFS: container freight station

FCL: full container load

LCL: less than container load

TEU:twenty-foot equivalent units


Commercial transactions transportation environment 信息流服务业务

Information flow service business


reasonable cost potential vendors


primary advantage commercial enterprises


safety standards transportation demands

Chapter 4

资金周转Cash flow 运输成本transport cost

现场仓库field warehouse 中间商Intermediary-consumer/user

网络结构Network structure 运输工具Transport vestment

延期交货订单back- orders

分拨渠道distribution channel 库存周转inventory turnover

库存管理Inventory Management 存置成本holding cost
