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5. 汉:千年未有之大变局 英:Unprecendented historial transition
6. 汉:三十年河东,三十年河西 英:A sequence of failures alternate with a sequence of successes at an internal of thirty years. a sequence of :一系列的
‚相信在不久的将来,中国有可能引领世界的新能源革命,最终实现 ‘天人 合一’的可持续发展。现在,中国的发展已由过去解决温饱的‘雪中送炭’阶段 进入了全面实现小康的‘锦上添花’阶段。‛(P11) We believe in the near future that China will lead the world New Energy Technology Revolution and finally implement sustainable development of the concept of "the unity of people and nature." Nowadays, the development of China has changed from providing adequate food and clothing into realizing an overall well-off society.
英:This book mainly delves into the way that China exceeds the west and western style, particularly The U.S. and The U.S. mode, which includes economic aggregate, civilian's property, social security, scientific and technological innovation and institutional arrangement.
"国内流传了一种说法:西方是‘好山好水好寂寞’,中国是‘好脏好乱好热 闹’,其实这只说对了一半,因为多数中国人的确害怕寂寞,喜欢热闹,所以 即使有‘好山好水’,时间长了也寂寞难耐。"(P10) There is a saying spreads in China that the West is "full of better mountains, better water and loneliness," while China is "dirty, disordered and boisterous". In fact, this statement is only half right. Many Chinese are fond of bustling with noise and excitement instead of being lonely, so they will feel it difficult to get through even if they have "good mountains and water."
Байду номын сангаас
"我认为一个现代国家的制度安排,关键是要确保政治、社会和资本三种力量达 到一种有利于绝大多数人利益的平衡。"
英:To my way of thinking, the key to a modern country's institutional arrangement is make sure that the balance among politics, society and property could beneficial to most people.
7. 汉:好山好水好寂寞 英: A lonely place with ideal landscape; full of better mountains, better water and loneliness.
8. 汉:抛砖引玉 英:to serve as a modest spur to induce someone to come forward with his valuable contributions; to throw out a minnow to catch a whale.
"世界在巨变,中国进步快,美国退步也快,一进一退,双方的差距就缩小了, 不少领域双方的情况已开始逆转。"(P9)
英:The world has been changing tremendously with China's fast progress and America's rapid retrogress. With the back-and-forth process, the disparity between the two states narrowed and many fields became reversed.
9. 汉:司空见惯 英:a common occurrence
“中国以西方不认可的模式迅速崛起,给世界带来了相当的震撼。中国 崛起是一个五千年文明与现代国家重叠的"文明型国家"的崛起,是一种 新的发展模式的崛起,是一种独立政治话语的崛起。” (P1) “China has been developing promptly in a disapproval way for the West and bringing huge shock to the world. The advancement of China is the flourish of the 'civilized state' which combines a five thousand year's civilization with a modern country. It is the progress of a new developing pattern as well as an independent political speech rights.”
Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
3. 汉:一出国,就爱国 英:becoming patriotic once go abroad
4. 汉:吹得天花乱坠 英:boast in the most fantastic terms; loud sth to the skies.
The Transcendence of China
一、简要介绍 二、中国特色词汇的翻译
三、重复词语的翻译 四、长难句翻译 五、中式英语之鉴
《中国超越》,作者张维为,与其前两本著作《中国触动》,《中国震撼》合 称为‚中国三部曲‛ 。这三本书描写了平视西方模式与话语,展现了中国崛起 的样貌。从领先到落后,从落后到追赶,从追赶到超越,作为世界上唯一一个维 系了五千年而没有中断的文明,中国开始重返世界之巅。 从词语‚触动‛,‚震撼‛,和 ‚超越‛来看,三本书之间有一种递进关系, 因此词语的选择也由浅入深。汉语表达中动词比较多,在汉译英的过程中,把汉 语的动词用英语的名词表达出来更地道。 《中国触动》The Rise of China 《中国震撼》The Shock of China 《中国超越》The Transcendence of China
1.汉:足履天下。 履:鞋子。 英:Travel around the word
2. 汉:忽悠 to deceive or trick sb, or to dupe sb. 英:dupe:If a person dupes you, they trick you into doing something or into believing something which is not ture. ——Collins Cobuild
汉语常常喜欢重复一个词来起到强调的作用,英语比较忌讳在一句 话中重复用词,因此,每一个“崛起”都用了不一样的译法。
例:‚这本书主要探讨中国对西方和西方模式的超越,特别是对美国和美 国模式的超越,这包括在经济总量上的超越,百姓资产上的超越,社会保 障的超越,科技创新的超越,制度安排上的超越。‛(P2)
“发达国家内部的‘第三世界化’已是司空见惯的现象。” (P9) “The trend of becoming the ‘third world’ within the rich country has become a common occurrence.”
中国学生一看到“化”就容易想到-nize,-nization. 由于汉语 中的“化”出现频率很高,而-nize,-nization的出现频率很 低,所以我们可以使用普通常见的英语表达法来翻译“化”。
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