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Sonnet 18, often alternately titled Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?, is one of the best-known of 154 sonnets written by the English playwright and poet William Shakespeare. Part of the Fair Youth sequence (which comprises sonnets 1-126 in the accepted numbering stemming from the first edition in 1609), it is the first of the cycle after the opening sequence now described as the Procreation sonnets. Most scholars now agree that the original subject of the poem, the beloved to whom the poet is writing, is a male, though the poem is commonly used to describe a woman.

In the sonnet, the poet compares his beloved to the summer season, and argues that his beloved is better. The poet also states that his beloved will live on forever through the words of the poem. Scholars have found parallels within the poem to Ovid's Tristia and Amores, both of which have love themes. Sonnet 18 is written in the typical Shakespearean sonnet form, having 14 lines of iambic pentameter ending in a rhymed couplet. Detailed exegeses have revealed several double meanings within the poem, giving it a greater depth of interpretation.

Sonnet 18 is a typical English or Shakespearean sonnet. It consists of three quatrains followed by a couplet, and has the characteristic rhyme scheme: abab cdcd efef gg. The poem carries the meaning of an Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet. Petrarchan sonnets typically discussed the love and beauty of a beloved, often an unattainable love, but not always.[5] It also contains a volta, or shift in the poem's subject matter, beginning with the third quatrain.

A facsimile of the original printing of Sonnet 18.The poem starts with a line of adoration to the beloved—"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" The speaker then goes on to say that the beloved being described is both "more lovely and more temperate" than a summer's day. The speaker lists some things that are negative about summer. It is too short—"summer's lease hath all

too short a date"—and sometimes the sun shines too hot—"Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines." However, the beloved being described has beauty that will last forever, unlike the fleeting beauty of a summer's day. By putting his love's beauty into the form of poetry, the poet is preserving it forever by the power of his written words. "So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." The hope is that the two lovers can live on, if not through children, then through the poems brought forth by their love which, unlike children, will not fade

A major feature of this poem - analogy. Begins with the first sentence, put "you" and "Summer" as a analogy, compare the second line of the initial determination: Are you more lovely than the summer, more gentle. The difference is due to produc

e its in-depth analysis o

f 3 to 14 lines. Specifically, the first line of enumerated the "summer" all kinds of regrets, and line tells the "you" all kinds of advantages compared to the natural draw a final conclusion: "You" is far better than "Summer," "you" because in his poetry between the lines but also has a life, and time forever. Also noteworthy is the verse 13 and 14 are also, by analogy emphasized the "eternal nature."Throughout the poem, the poet freely to the "you" talk, it seems that "you" is a livin

g person, to listen to his voice, understanding his thinking. So this poem can be said to be people in the application of techniques based on the written. The poem "You" refers to an object, academia, there are two explanations, one view is that it refers to beauty, and the other that it refers to poetry to express the good things. Now most scholars prefer the latter.

One of the best known of Shakespeare’s sonnets, Sonnet 18 is memorable for the skillful and varied presentation of subject matter, in which the poet’s feelings reach a level of rapture unseen in the previous sonnets. The poet here abandons his quest for the youth to have a child, and instead glories in the youth’s beauty.

On the surface, the poem is simply a statement of praise about the beauty of the beloved; summer tends to unpleasant extremes of windiness and heat, but the beloved is always mild and temperate. Summer is incidentally personified as the "eye of heaven" with its "gold complexion"; the imagery throughout is simple and unaffected, with the "darling buds of May" giving way to the "eternal summer", which the speaker promises the beloved. The language, too, is comparatively unadorned for the sonnets; it is not heavy with alliteration or assonance, and nearly every line is its own self-contained clause--almost every line ends with some punctuation, which effects a pause. Initially, the poet poses a question―”Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”―and then reflects on it, remarking that the youth’s beauty far surpasses summer’s delights. The imagery is the very essence of simplicity: “wind”and “buds.”In the fourth line, legal terminology―”summer’s lease”―is introduced in contrast to the commonplace images in the first three lines. Note also the poet’s use of extremes in the phrases “more lovely,”“all too short,”and “too hot”; these phrases emphasize the young man’s beauty.

Although lines 9 through 12 are marked by a more expansive tone and deeper feeling, the poet returns to the simplicity of the opening images. As one expects in Shakespeare’s sonnets, the proposition that the poet sets up in the first eight lines―that all nature is subject to imperfection―
