
语, 改变结构, 增加句子成分等方法, 把它们融合
在自己的语言表达中, 以增强文字的表现力和感
案作者常常根据广告的具体需要, 在保持原文的
基本框架不变的基础上, 对人们熟悉的名言、名
句、名诗等进行仿拟, 利用“熟面孔”引出“新概
Vol. 21, No. 6
Dec. 2006
第 21 卷第 6 期
2006 年 12 月
( 广东技术师范学院, 广东 广州 510400)
摘 要: 广告已成为宣传和推销产品与服务的重要手段和现代生活的重要信息来源。广
告文案作者在制作广告的过程中, 常常借助各种修辞方式使广告语言生动形象、幽默诙谐、新
念”, 迅速扩大自己品牌的影响, 使所宣传的商品
忆, 有的甚至能让受众过目不忘。巧妙的模仿可
以使广告妙语连珠, 诙谐幽默, 引发联想, 有效宣
1. 仿拟谚语
或一个短语等, 形成新的含义。例如:
使人肥胖的双重优势, 有效地激发了节食者的购
2. 仿拟名言
( 7) AST By The People. For The People.
To The People. AST———大众的追求, 为大众制
造, 奉献大众。

(4s yours, the honor is ours.选择在你们, 荣耀 在我们
对偶,指字数相等,结构形式相同,意义对称的一对短语或句 子,表达两个相对或相近的意思,内容既适于重复强调又适于 反衬对照,可以使语言节奏感强,高度概括,易于记忆,增强语 言的气势和音韵美。
(1)是一则婴儿护肤用品的广告,该广告语使用明喻 手法,以小孩子的口吻描述使用Mennen牌护肤品的感 觉,语气可爱有趣,极富有亲切感,让人印象深刻。 (2) 为了强调衣服设计的特点,尤其是衣袋设计的与 众不同的防盗功能,这则外衣广告使用了 “pickpockets”(三只手,扒手)来暗指“thief”(小 偷),使语言更加生动有趣,耐人寻味。 (3)是电话黄页的一则广告语,“fingers do the walking”的拟人手法在让用户感到新奇有趣的同时, 也巧妙地指出电话黄页能向人提供方便,只需轻松翻 开电话簿,就能免去四处奔波的困扰。 (4)中,More(摩尔牌)既是香烟的牌子,同时 more也可当作副词,意为“更多的”,广告就是利用 More和more不同的含义,让消费者将摩尔牌香烟和 “更多的”联系起来,达到了劝说潜在客户购买的目 的。
如: When you ’re sipping Lipton, you ’re sipping something special. 当你在品抿立顿果茶时,你便是在品 抿非凡的茶。 这是一则果茶广告的标题, Lipton是英国茶业企业创始 人的名字,并以此为茶名品牌,通过重复运用“you’re sipping”的语法结构,突出了Lipton正是something special,使人不禁想要去品尝一番。

” 广告是一门艺术。
广告英语中常见的修辞方式主要有:1.比喻(Figure of Speech)比喻是用某一具体、浅显、熟悉的事物或情境来说明另一种抽象、深奥、生疏的事物或情境的一种修辞方法。
常用比喻词有like, can be likened to, as, as if , similar to, akin to, be analogous to等。

M & M’s melt in your mouth, not in your hands.
只溶在口,不溶在手(玛氏巧克力以干净方 便闻名)。
The CORDIA, shaped by the wind, born for the road.
CORDIA汽车,流线型设计,天生适于道路 行驶。
It’s a Байду номын сангаасalance of two or more similar words, phrases, or clauses. The application of parallelism in sentence construction can sometimes improve writing style clearness and readability.
• It’s not the same as telling lies. With hyperbole, there is no intent to deceive the audience. In fact, in the speaker’s mind, he is truly describing his intense feeling at the time.
Antithesis 对偶
Antithesis is a counter-proposition (相对的命题)and denotes(表示) a direct contrast to the original proposition.
• 1. The Winter Sports Car Hot When It's Cold. (赛车广告)在冬天赛车仍然热卖。
➢Hi-Fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony.


英语广告中修辞的运用English Advertising and Its Use of RhetoricEnglish advertising has long been a way to promote products and services with the power of words. This type of market strategy has been used since the dawn of advertising, and has only grown in sophistication since then. By utilizing key linguistic devices, English advertisements have become a powerful way to reach the masses.Rhetoric, or persuasive speech, is the most common tool used to create English advertisements. This includes appeals to emotions, pathos, and ethos. For example, an advertiser might tap into a parent's fear of their child not having proper nutrition; therefore, they would focus on the nutritional value of their product. Similarly, ethos can be used to establish credibility. Successful brands will highlight their long history and experiences in the industry.Many adverts turn to metaphor and simile for stronger impact. Metaphors are comparisons that don't use the words “like” or “as”. For instance, a car advert might say, “Your car is your safe haven.” This creates an emotional resonance while pushing the product without being too overt. Similes are similar comparisons that incorporate the words “like” or “as” - for example, “Your car runs like a dream.”Whether it's repetition, alliteration, or juxtaposition, English advertising takes advantage of all the devices available. It's clear why rhetorical devices are integral to successful English advertising campaigns. These linguistic tools allow the message of the advertisement to come alive, creating an impactful and memorable experience. In truth, the power of an effective ad can make or break a product, and rhetoric gives it the best chance at success.。

修辞在广告中的运用英文版Use of Rhetoric in English Advertisement【Abstract】Advertisement is a popular cultural phenomenon in people’s daily life. It not only provides the information about products and stimulates the purchasing power, but also enriches people’s ideological life.Rhetoric is one kind of important expressive device in language. It refers to interpreting abstract and complex ideas or processes through simple and concrete methods. Since rhetoric is full of imagination, it can promote the transmission and communication of emotions and ideas.Rhetoric exists in writings with various styles, especially, in advertisements. Rhetoric plays a very important role in English advertisement, acting as a key element for the success of an advertisement. The thesis, based on the respective studies of the definition of advertisement and rhetoric, makes a careful analysis of the use of main rhetorical devices in English advertisement, including simile, metaphor, pun, personification, parallelism and rhyme, targeting at promoting the further development of advertisement.【Key Words】English advertisements; rhetoric; function【摘要】广告是人们日常生活中最常见的一种文化现象,不仅提供产品信息,刺激购买力,而且丰富人们的精神生活。

有人称其为“半文学体”(sub-literary gee Leech, 1969),因此广告中常使用修辞手段。●比喻(analogy):
Featherwater: light as a feather.
Fly smooth as silk.(航空公司广告)
Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart.
Ask for More.(摩尔牌香烟的广告)
Only Brother your very own brother.
双关(Pun):是利用词语或句子的意义条件,用一个形式表达双重意义的修辞手段。例如:Start ahead.成功之路.从头开始。这是大家熟知的洗发水飘柔(Rejoice)的广告语,译文采用了双关的手段,表达了既要从“头”开始(突出洗发水的功能),又表达了另一重意义。又如:Philips,The light that’s always shining.这则广告中的light一词既可以指该公司所生产的电灯,又可以指飞利浦公司的光芒,因而可以理解为“飞利浦公司,与其生产的电灯一样永远发光。”

•拟人是把物体或生物当 作人来描写,赋予其以 人的感情或言行,使其 形象更加生动、鲜明、 突出。
一则皮包修理广告词 Wherever it hurts, we will heal it.(不管 它哪里疼痛,我们都会使它愈合。) 一则花卉公司的广告词 Flowers by Interflora speak from the a. (Interflora的鲜花是发自内心的表达
Flash , Dash, Classic splash. (闪光、炫耀、经典的飞溅。)
广告中使用问句一问一答。 口语色彩很笼,十分活泼, 乌发乳广告; Are you going grey too early ? 此口气关切,令消费者乐 于接受,从而引发对产品 的兴趣
押韵修辞手段常用于诗歌中,由相 同和相似的脚韵组成,英语广告语 中通常使用的是头韵(alliteration) 和脚韵(rhyme).
4双关(pun) 利用某些词语的语音和语义条 件,使其在特定环境中具有双 重含义。
摩尔牌香烟广告 摩尔牌香烟广告 I’ m More satisfied. (摩尔,令我更满意。) I’ m More satisfied. (摩尔,令我更满 安全驾驶公.(迟总比丧命好) 安全驾驶公益广告 ——late意为迟到的,the late意为the dead
1.Simile 明喻表述本体和喻体两种不 同事物之间的相似关系,英 语中一般用like或as来连接
Consulate香烟广告 Cool as a mountain stream! Cool as fresh consulate. 该香烟加入薄荷剂,令人吸后清凉爽口 可直译为: 凉如高山溪流,爽似consulate香烟. 眼镜广告 Featherwater, Light as a feather. Feather 眼睛,轻如鸿毛

Good to the last drop. (Maxwell House)Just do it. (Nike)Impossible is nothing. (Adidas)Motion in poetry, dance close to me. (Toyota)Communication unlimited. (Motorola)Can’t beat the real feeling. (Coco-Cola)TIME is ready to make time to you. (TIME)Think again, think Canon. (Canon)Start ahead. (Rejoice)Kodak is Olympic color. (Kodak)Ask for more. (Pepsi)No business too small, no problem too big. (IBM)这则广告运用了对比的修辞方法。
Small 和big 对比,同时还连用了两个no…too的句型,显示出对产品的绝对信心和作为商业巨头的气魄。
Sharp minds come sharp products. (Sharp)这则广告好,因为它用了双关的修辞方法,Sharp 既显示了买这款产品的消费者头脑聪明,做了正确的选择,同时又把产品的名称嵌入了广告中,听起来很悦耳,读起来也朗朗上口,便于记忆。
M&M’s melt in your mouth, not in your hands. (M&M’s)这则广告运用了对比的修辞手法。
Melt in mouth和melt in hand对比,显示出产品的干净和方便的特点。
Hi-Fi, Hi-fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony. (Sony)这则广告用了押韵的修辞手法,而且是头韵,读起来朗朗上口,便于读者记忆,而且还将产品区别于其他同类产品的优势和特点显示出来。

②It’sforyourlifetime . 你人生的伴侣。
①What’sonyourarmshouldbe as beautiful as who’sonit . (Citizen) 戴在您手臂上的东西应该和您手臂上的人儿一样美丽。(星辰表)
①Shehasherownspiritanditgraceseveryoneshecomesnear . (Lauren) 她有她自己的精神,能使她所到之处,人人因而更加美丽。(罗伦香水)
①Webringhightechnologyhome . (NEC)我们把高 科技 带回家。(日本电气)
这句广告利用 bringsomethinghome的双关语意,既表示日本电气公司的产品落实普及到每一个家庭,更表示其电器技术的炉火纯青、臻于完美。
这是柯达胶卷为了 1988年奥运所拍的广告,运动场上角逐激烈,瞬息万变,力与美的精彩刹那,不易捕捉,可是柯达不仅能捕捉精确,且色彩传真无比,谁会不为之解囊呢?

1 比喻(Figure of Speech)1.1 明喻(Simile)为了鲜明、形象地刻画某一事物,人们常将具有某种共同特征的两种不同事物加以对比,用另一种事物比作所要说明的事物。
例如:Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud.这是一则服装广告标题,形容其服装用料“轻如拂面之微风,软如天上云彩。
1.2 暗喻(Metaphor)用来表示两种不同事物之间的相似关系,把一个事物的名称用在另一个事物名称上。

man being ( Cambridge Advanced Learner’s D ictionary, 2003: 925 ) . ”拟人的修
英语是一种韵律丰富的语言 。韵格的使用可以使行文读上去琅琅上
辞手法将原本死气沉沉的商品或服务人性化 ,使之具有象人一样的情感 , 口 、产生抑扬顿挫的美感 ,并有帮助记忆的效果 。
which sounds like another word ( Cambridge Advanced Learner’s D ictionary, MEGA: The Sign of Excellence (手表广告 ) . ”而像“big”这样的词也常常被“
2003: 1007). ”就是说 ,在一定的语言环境中 ,利用语音或语义的条件 ,有意 large, giant, ultra - large, kingsize, jumbo”等词取代 ,达到游说的效果 。
已经得到广大消费者的认可 。其中 ,广告中出现了一个 ears,与 years同音
夸张利用了人们对常态事物总是熟视无睹 ,对新异之物却常常饶有兴
但不同义 ,通过利用消费者听力上的错觉 ,暗示该产品历史悠久 ,质量上 趣的心理现象 。夸张的修辞手法决不等同于盲目吹嘘 ,在现代英语广告
乘 ,增加了消费者对于产品的信赖程度 。
O scar de La Renta深知女人的美丽之道 。O scar de La Renta为女用化 个词的压头韵 ,不仅读起来琅琅上口 ,而且还形象而生动地向旅客展示了
妆品名 。广告创作者不直接说出 O scar de La Renta的产品特点 、功能等 ,而 西班牙所独有的湛蓝海水 ,充足日照 ,舒适沙滩和贵宾待遇 。
到或读到广告后能产生购买的欲望 、并付诸于行动 。其次 ,广告必须具备

Trust us over 500 ears(years) of experience. 500多年的经验,值得信赖。(助听器) Like a good neighbor, state farm is there. 州农业保险就和你的好邻居一样,就在那儿呢!(比 喻simile) In this world there is only one thing we cannot bind together-----a broken heart. 这世界上只有一样东西我们没办法粘起来----一颗破碎 的心。(胶水 夸张 hyperbole 幽默) Spare ,shapely and sensational ----one step dressing. 省料、均匀、激情-----一步裙。 OIC .(眼镜) 哦,我看到了。 Better late than the late.(谨慎驾驶,安全驾车) Better late than never.(晚来总比不来好) The late 晚的,迟到的,死亡的。 Light as breeze, soft as wind.(服装) Put a tiger in your tank.(Esso Gasoline汽油) 置猛虎于你的油箱。(speed strength and endurance) Flowers by Iterflora speak from the heart.(fresh flower) Attractive images
广告中的修辞 Easy to use, easy to clean, easy to assemble. ---------Sunshine 好用,易清洗,方便组装。-------日光牌(烧烤架) Paralle Light as a feather.------Featherwater 轻如鸿毛。-----法泽瓦特眼镜(比喻) Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest.-----Rolex 与我不同,我的劳力士永远不需要休息。------劳力士(personification) Ask for more.-------Pepsi 渴望无限。-----百事(双关pun) World in hand, soul in Cyber.------Microsoft 掌中乾坤,梦之灵魂。-----微软(对偶) Not all cars are created equal.-------Mitsubishi 不是所有的汽车都有相同的品质。-----三菱汽车 Where there is a way for a car there is a Toyota.-----Toyota 车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。-----丰田 A diamond lasts forever.------De Bierres 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。-------

Sea, sun, sand, seclusion. 这则旅馆广告有一串S头韵,读起来具有一种音乐美,让人情不自禁地向往拥有海滨、阳光、沙滩、幽静且具有西班牙风情的旅馆。
Big thrills,Small bills. 这是Budget出租车广告语,thrills与bills押尾韵,广告结构整齐,韵味十足。
3.头韵、尾韵并用My Goodness! My Guinness! 这则啤酒广告,Goodness和Guinness兼押头韵和尾韵,读来起琅琅上口,生动地刻画出人们饮用此啤酒时赞不绝口的情景,增强了广告的效果。
Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine. Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.这则广告把没有橘子汁的早餐比作没有阳光的日子,新颖独特,别具匠心。
The application of rhetoric in ads(广告语中修辞的运用)

喝 孔 府 宴 酒 , 作 天 下 文 章
The Rolex watch
• We bring high technology home 。 (NEC)我们 把高科技带回 家。(日本电 气)
• With so many carrots ,I’ll be a real gem !(B。C。 Muffins)有这么多 克拉(胡萝卜), 我是颗真宝石 !
Today, we find that many advertisements use quote , of course ,making quote can make the advertisements rich connotation and more attrachangyin .
Does your stomach hurt?stomachache ,hyperacidity, gasteremphraxis,count on SiDashu.
• 胃,痛吗?胃,酸吗?胃,胀吗?胃痛,胃酸,胃胀, 交给斯达舒
Dual in ads
五味生活,七彩人生 Flavourful livelihood, colorful life
The function of rhetoric question is to emphasize view, render atmosphere,intensify tone,and strengthen the effect of expression.
“Where’s the beef ? ”(Wendy’s Hamburger)“牛肉在哪里?”(温迪汉堡包)

英文广告中的修辞In the realm of advertising, rhetoric is the art of persuasion. It captivates audiences by weaving words into compelling narratives that resonate with their desires and needs.Metaphors and similes are the lifeblood of advertising copy. They paint vivid pictures, allowing consumers toenvision themselves using the product or service, thusbridging the gap between imagination and reality.Alliteration adds a rhythmic charm to slogans, makingthem memorable and catchy. The repetition of initialconsonant sounds creates a musicality that sticks in the mind, ensuring the brand's message is not easily forgotten.Personification brings products to life, endowing themwith human traits. This technique creates an emotional connection, making consumers feel as if they are interacting with a friend rather than an inanimate object.Hyperbole, when used sparingly, can exaggerate aproduct's benefits to make them seem extraordinary. It's abold approach that can grab attention and create a lasting impression, but it must be handled with care to avoid alienating the audience.Irony can be a subtle yet powerful tool in advertising.By presenting a situation in a way that contrasts with the expected outcome, it can create a humorous or thought-provoking effect, leaving a lasting impact on the viewer.The power of rhetorical devices in advertising lies in their ability to engage, entertain, and ultimately persuade. When used effectively, they can turn a simple message into a memorable experience that drives consumer action.。


两 种 情 形 的 对 比 ,一 边 是 “frozen”,一 边 是 “warm and cozy”, 使 人 对 严 寒 里 能 带 来 温暖的电暖器有更好的感觉和印象。
(2)The most sensational place to wear stain on your lips.(口红广告 ) 和明 喻不同,暗喻并不点明原因,而是留待读 者自己去体味、 去理解。 把口红暗喻为 stain (缎 子 )。 它 的 意 思 是 说 这 种 口 红 抹 在唇上这个最富有激情的地方, 好似穿 上了光亮柔滑、 细薄透亮的绸缎一般。 委婉而含蓄的描述令人浮想联翩, 充满 期待。
双 关 (pun) A deal with us means a good deal to you.此则广告巧妙地把“deal”的 几 种 不 同意义有机地结合在一起。 “a good deal” 的 常 用 意 义 为 “ 许 多 、 很 多 ”, 在 此 也 可 理 解为“一笔好买卖”,与我们做生意是能让 消费者受益颇多的好买卖,消费者又何乐 而不为呢。 I’m MORE satisfied! Ask for MORE.这 两 个 例 子 是 人 们 熟 知 的 “摩 尔 ” 香 烟 的 广 告 ,“MORE”和 “more”之 间 同 音 不同义。 此广告就妙在“一语双关”上,既 让 人 记 住 了 “MORE”的 品 牌 ,又 介 绍 了 它 的好处,从而刺激消费者更多地购买该产 品。 拟 人 (personification ) 拟人在广告中使用广泛,其原因在于 把要推销的商品拟人化,赋予产品以人的 性格和思想感情,使冷冰冰的商品有人情 味。 拟人手法能使商品人格化,富有生命 气息, 具有人情味, 从而使广告更生动。 Unlike me,my Rolex never needs a rest. (手表广告)把劳力士手表人格化,不需休 息来暗指它走时准、动力足,道出它与人 的不同之处, 成功地渲染了它的优越 性 — — — 质 量 值 得 信 赖 。 夸 张 (hyperbole) We have hidden a garden full of vegetables where you’d never expect in a pie.(食 品 广 告 )“在 您 意 想 不 到 的 一 个 地方,我们珍藏了满园的蔬菜,那是在一 个小小的馅饼里。 ”蔬菜品种的丰富以及 味道的鲜美,真让人为之叫绝。
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Use of Rhetoric in English Advertisement 【Abstract】Advertisement is a popular cultural phenomenon in people’s daily life. It not only provides the information about products and stimulates the purchasing power, but also enriches people’s ideological life.Rhetoric is one kind of important expressive device in language. It refers to interpreting abstract and complex ideas or processes through simple and concrete methods. Since rhetoric is full of imagination, it can promote the transmission and communication of emotions and ideas.Rhetoric exists in writings with various styles, especially, in advertisements. Rhetoric plays a very important role in English advertisement, acting as a key element for the success of an advertisement. The thesis, based on the respective studies of the definition of advertisement and rhetoric, makes a careful analysis ofthe use of main rhetorical devices in English advertisement, including simile, metaphor, pun, personification, parallelism and rhyme, targeting at promotingthe further development of advertisement.【Key Words】English advertisements; rhetoric; function【摘要】广告是人们日常生活中最常见的一种文化现象,不仅提供产品信息,刺激购买力,而且丰富人们的精神生活。
【关键词】英语广告; 修辞; 功能IntroductionNowadays, concerning with advertisement, different people have different opinions. For most of the people, the distinct feature of advertisement is that advertisement is a combination of content and style. That is to say, a good advertisement not only has attraction in content, but also has charm in style. Obviously, the determinative factor of a good or a bad advertisement is whether the use of rhetoric is appropriate or not. It can be found that the use of rhetoric plays a very important role in advertisement. Without the use of rhetoric, absolutely, there is no good advertisement. Therefore, it is necessary to make an analysis and study on this subject.The whole thesis is concerned about the use of rhetoric in English advertisement, and the thesis is divided into three parts. The first part talks about the definition and function of advertisement. The second part illustrates the definition and function of rhetoric. The third part makes a carefully study on the use of main rhetorical devices in English advertisement, such as, simile, metaphor, pun, personification, parallelism and rhyme.I. AdvertisementAs for advertisement and products, some people believe the successful selling of products cannot be separated from advertisement. Advertisement keeps people informative about the price and funct ion of products; what’s more, advertisement can help to improve products’ brand aw areness and its reputation.A. The Definition of Advertisement“Advertisement is the non—personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various me dia.”Advertisement has taken many different kinds of forms from ancient times. At the beginning, advertisement evolved to take a variety of forms and to permeate nearly every aspect of the society. Advertisement devices include many kinds, such as, banners at sporting events, billboards, and Internet Web sites, logos on clothing, magazines, newspapers, radio spots, and television commercials. The people are overwhelmed by a lot of advertisements. It is said that the individuals can expect to be exposed to more than 1,200 different advertisement messages each day. Therefore, advertisements are popular in people’s daily life.B. The Function of AdvertisementEnglish advertisements can encourage competition, guide consumption, promote sales, and transmit information. For instance, advertisement tells a consumer the information about a specific product, brand or service and helps him or her to understand and evaluate the information. Moreover, by making people aware of products, services and ideas, advertisement promotes sales and profits. Advertisement is one of the major forces that can help improve the standard of living.The people, no matter in urban or rural areas, are overwhelmed by a lot of advertisements. Advertisement makes people’s environments mor e colorful and vigorous. Meanwhile, it can also enrich people's cultural life and transmit information which contributes to social and cultural prosperity.II. RhetoricRhetoric can be found in any forms of writing—poetry, prose, drama, fictional and non-fictional writing, advertisement. The understanding about the definition and function of rhetoric is helpful for the use of rhetorical devices.A. The Definition of RhetoricAristotle was one of the most famous thinkers and orators in Greek. In his famous book, Rhetoric, rhetoric was defined as “the art of persuasion”. (Tang Yin, P1, 2004) Whereas, John Locke, the noted English philosopher of the latter part of the 17th centu ry, said that “rhetoric was the science of oratory, the art ofspeaking with elega nce, and force”. (Tang Yin, P1, 2004)In present day, the meaning of rhetoric has been extended. Rhetoric assumes the following characteristics, that is, the elaborated and exaggerated language, the art of using language effectively and persuasively, the skills of using language effectively, the structure of verbal communication.B. The Function of RhetoricRhetorical devices are variations of literal or ordinary forms of expressions. Their function is to make the thought more striking and effective. A fresh and suitable rhetorical device appeals to the imagination, creates mental pictures and makes the speech or writing vivid, impressive and interesting.Rhetorical devices can make language more vivid by using the simple words to express complex meanings. By the use of rhetoric, even abstract ideas can become concrete. Rhetoric can make the modified subjects more prominent, distinctive, and specific. By the use of rhetoric, the language can give people more space to imagine. Whereas, without the use of rhetoric, the language is boring and there is no vigor in the language.III. An Analysis of Rhetoric in English AdvertisementSeveral kinds of rhetorical devices are frequently used in advertisement, and it is necessary to study them one by one by giving definitions and making illustrations. All of the examples studied below are constrained within English advertisements.A. Simile“Simile is a way of comparing one thing with anot her of explaining what one thing is like by showing how it is similar to another thing and it signals itself in a text, with the words as or like.” A simile is made up of four parts: “the tenor”, “the vehicle”, “the comparing word” and “the ground”. “The tenor” is the subject of simile. “The vehicle” is the thing compared to or the part transported. “The comparing word” is the simile marker such as, “like, as, than, as if, similar to.” “The ground” is the common properties owned by “the tenor” and “the vehicle”.For example: Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.This is an advertisement for “orange juice”. It can be found that, in thisadvertisement, “orange juice” is “the tenor” and “sunshine” is “the vehicle”. The word “like” sign als that the advertisement makes use of the rhetoric device—simile. Thus by using simile, the advertisement makes the product’s characteristic more vivid and lively. If the “orange juice” really has such an effect, the customers are eager to drink this kind of juice at breakfast. Precisely, this advertisement is a good example in simile craftsmanship. It can not be imagined what the world will be look like without sunshine. The importance of “orange juice” is no less than “sunshine”. Since the significance of this kind of “orange juice” is so great, nobody would refuse to drink it. Thus this advertisement touches the customers’ heart and greatly promotes the sale of this kind of “orange juice”.B. Metaphor“A metaphor, like a simile, also has a comparison b etween two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated.”In metaphor, one thing is directly compared to another thing, without like or as. Thus the relationship between them is implied in other words is unstated. Therefore, the use of metaphor makes the language more vivid and also makes the product it advertising more attractive. Metaphor is a kind of rhetoric devices which is favored by most advertisement composers.The following is a good example: You’d better of f under umbrella.This is an advertisement for a travel insurance agency. In this advertisement, “umbrella” refers to the travel insurance agency. In the advertisement, “the vehicle” is not stated. In fact, “the vehicle” is the staff of the “Umbrella” agency. No matter it is raining or shining, if the customers carry an umbrella with them, the umbrella will be very useful to them, for it protects them from being influenced by the bad weather. In most people’s minds, the word “umbrella” is always linked with safety and protection. While the customers are traveling, there are some unpredictable factors existing during their journey. Just imagine that no matter what happens, there are always someone waiting for customers, listening to customers and comforting customers. They are not anyone else and they are the staff of “Umbrella”. By using metaphor, the company’s image is more vivid. The advertisement would leave a deep impression on the customers.C. PersonificationPersonification is one of the most frequently used rhetoric devices in English advertisement, for it can greatly shorten the distance between the advertisement composer and customers, creating a kind of harmonious atmosphere between them. Undoubtedly, advertisement composers will employ the rhetoric device inthe English advertisement.For example: She has her own spirit and it graces everyone she comes near.This is a piece of advertisement for “perfume”. It can be found that this kind of perfume is personified in the advertisement. In the adver tisement, “she” not only refers to those who favor this kind of perfume but also refers to the perfume itself. By giving life to the product, it can effectively shorten the distance between the advertisement composer and the customers, making the customers feel more cordial. Absolutely, the advertisement will make the customers willing to buy the perfume. The use of personification endows the advertisement with such magic power.D. Parallelism“In parallel construction it is necessary to balance word for word (noun with noun, verb with verb, adjective with adjective, etc) phrase with phrase, clause with clause, sentence with sentence.” Parallelism will not be neglected by advertisement composers. It is reported that parallelism is one of the most frequently used of all English rhetorical device.For example: For dreamers it’s paradise. For romantics it’s true bliss. For $199 a night it’s absolutely irresistible. To learn more about the principality of Monaco call 800-it’s-9696.This is an advertisement for a travel agency—Monaco; the three sentences talk about three different kinds of fields. In the advertisement, the advertisement composer revealed his advertisement by three parallel sentences, each of which contains a simple sentence with the similar stru cture. Monaco’s charm is greatly enhanced by the unity and balance of these parallel structures. By using parallelism, the advertisement composer can add clarity and coherence to the advertisement. Parallelism helps the advertisement composer better communicate with the customers.E. Rhyme“Rhyme is identity of sounds between words or verse lines extending back from the end to the last fully accented vowel not further”. People often associate rhyme with poetry. Actually, rhyme also occurs in advertisements.For example: Hi-Fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony.This is an advertisement for Sony’s products. In this advertisement, the repeated sounds of “Hi” not only give the customers a deep impression andmake it memorable, but also emphasize the quality of the product at the same time. In this advertisement, alliteration is used effectively. By using rhyme, Sony’s products win customers’ hearts in a short time. English advertisement has the function of promoting sales. This advertisement gives the function’s charm full play.ConclusionEnglish advertisements can encourage competition, guide consumption, promote sales, and transmit information. Rhetoric can make language vivid and humorous. Simile, metaphor, personification are the most frequently used rhetorical devices in English advertisements.Generally speaking, by the analysis and study above, it can be found that the use of rhetorical devices contributes a lot to successful advertisements. Rhetorical devices are the determinative factors in English advertisement. For this reason, advertisers often make use of rhetorical devices to increase the readability and attraction of advertisements and to arouse consumers’ interest of buying products. Undoubtedly, the use of rhetoric in advertisement gives an advertisement another new birth, makes the advertisement lively and impresses the customers greatly.AcknowledgementsI would like to offer my sincere wish to those who spend their precious time in reading this thesis.。