

Psycholinguistic-心理语言学 PPT

Psycholinguistic-心理语言学 PPT
• How are the corresponding first language(L1) and second language(L2) words related and why does code switching occur relatively frequently?
• In what ways does our mother tongue interfere with the production of L2 speech?
• Why do we usually speak more slowly and hesitantly in a foreign language than in our mother tongue?
• How do speakers try to compensate for the gaps in their incomplete L2 system?
1.How do people comprehend language? 2.How do they produce it? 3.How do they acquire it? 4.How do they lose it? 5.How does a particular language affect cognition, if at all?
Chapter 11
25th Oct. 2014
• Introduction and Background • Research comprehension /production
/acquisition/dissolution/linguistic relativity
The swimmer rescued the lifeguard. The swimmer was rescued by the lifeguard.



不同文化背景下的语言使用和认知方式存在差异,如何克服这些差异,建立跨文 化的心理语言学理论是当前面临的重要挑战。
语言是文化的重要组成部分,语言使用和认知方式受到文化的影响。在跨文化研 究中,需要深入探讨语言与文化的关系,以及文化如何影响心理语言学的理论构 建。
探究语言的认知过程,理解语言与思 维、认知之间的相互作用,为语言障 碍和语言习得的深入研究提供理论基 础。
有助于提高语言教育的质量,促进跨 文化交流,为语言障碍的干预和治疗 提供指导。
心理语言学作为一门独立的学科,起 源于20世纪50年代的美国。早期研究 主要关注语言处理过程中的心理机制 ,随着研究的深入,逐渐形成了系统 的理论体系。
1 2
心理语言学对语言障碍的评估标准和方法进行研 究,为语言障碍治疗提供科学依据。
基于心理语言学的理论和方法,开发针对不同语 言障碍的治疗方案,帮助患者恢复语言功能。
心理语言学在语言障碍康复训练中发挥重要作用 ,为患者提供个性化的康复训练计划,提高康复 效果。


辨听,到单词的提取以至到语意的联接和确认,讨Байду номын сангаас言语产生的过程以及影响言语产生的各种因素。
语言习得: “语言习得”,不但是心理学和语言学共同关心
语言理解 : “语言理解”是心理语言学集中讨论的话题,其研
定义 主要研究对象 基本发展概况 基本研究方法 主要研究成果 主要价值发展前景 亟待解决的问题
定义:心理语言学是研究语言活动中的心理过程的学科,它涉 及人类个体如何掌握和运用语言系统,如何在实际交往中使语 言系统发挥作用,以及为了掌握和运用这个系统应具有什么知 识和能力。从信息加工的观点来看,心理语言学是研究个体言 语交往中的编码和译码过程。由于研究对象的特点,它与许多 学科有密切关系,除心理学和语言学外,还有信息论、人类学 等。在方法上,它主要采用实验心理学的方法。
首先,在语言发展研究方法的探索方面,利奥颇尔德(Leopold,1948)提出的“日记和家长报告”为研究儿童语言的发展提供了 一个重要的途径。利奥颇尔德通过对其女儿希尔得嘉德(Hildegarde)在英语和德语学习方面所取得的进步的观察认为,观察和 研究儿童日记的语言发展有助于对儿童语言发展的有效研究。但后来贝茨(Bares,1991)却认为更有效的途径是家长对其子女语 言表现的观察。因此,儿童日记和家长报告就成了研究儿童语言发展的一大途径。除此之外,观察数据、采访和实验也是研究 语言发展的重要方法。第二,言语感知发展的研究包括3个方面的研究:(1)家长的语言输出和儿童语言学习的关系;(2)儿童早 期言语感知;(3)语言特化。第三,儿童语言词汇研究包括:咿呀学语、单词学习、双词学习、语法联接、词语和词义联接。在 这方面,其研究的重心集中在“词汇和语法知识的获得”、“使用语言能力的获得”和“词语与语义的连接”3个方面。第四 ,句子学习和理解主要包括4个方面的研究:(1)单词和短语向简单句的过渡过程;(2)语法在造句方面所起的作用;(3)句子的形 成 和 理 解 策 略 ; (4) 简 单 句 向 复 杂 句 的 过 渡 以 及 对 较 为 复 杂 语 句 的 理 解 和 使 用 。 第 五 , 在 语 言 交 际 用 途 的 研 究 方 面 , 贝 茨 (Bates,1976)和韩礼德(Halliday,1975)提出的“语用学功能”、奈尔森(Nelson,1973)提出的“指涉和表达功能”成为研究语言功 用的主要理论基础。特别是韩礼德提出的7种语言功能,不但成为语言学研究的一个经典,同时也为心理语言学在语言习得理 论的研究方面提供了一条重要的思考线索。第六,儿童语言习得的过程和方式为语言习得的理论研究提供了重要的思考途径。 但就儿童语言习得理论的研究而论,以斯金纳和布龙费尔德“刺激—反应”或“强化”论为代表的行为主义理论、以乔姆斯基 “天生论”为代表的“遗传”或“传递”理论构成了儿童语言习得理论研究的两大分支。此外,以皮亚杰(Piaget)和布鲁纳 (Bruner)为代表的“认知”理论、由贝茨(Bates)和麦克威尼(MacWhinney)提出的“竞争模型”和由波特提出的“交互作用模型 ”代表了儿童语言习得模型研究的主体内容。由此可见,行为主义的“刺激—反应”理论,心灵主义的“内在”理论,交互作 用理论的“认知”、“信息处理”和“社会交互作用”理论构成了研究儿童语言习得理论的核心,是研究儿童语言习得理论的 重要基础。



聋孩案例说明,就是在恶劣的环境里,儿童都有某种自然倾向 和能力去发展一种自成体系的交际系统。这种“应付”能力使 人们得出这样的结论:就是在语言没有准备的条件下,人类都 准备学习语言。这种语言能力应该就是人类的一种属性,是人 类演化的一大成果:但要把这种能力发挥出来必须具有一定的 条件,那就是人类社会。 B、教黑猩猩学人类语言 案例1、花6年时间才教会一个小黑猩猩发出4个像英语的声音。 说明猿类的发音器官没有说人类语言的生物基础。 案例2(多案例组合)、教黑猩猩学美国手势语。结果—— 1)黑 猩猩都能习得符号(signs);2)黑猩猩还有组合符号的能力;3) 黑猩猩有教同伴或后代学美国手势语的趋势(可能)。
1、语言中枢 布罗卡区(Broca’s Area):法国人Broca,1863年正式宣布他 的发现——一个大脑第3左额回受到损害的病人丧失了说话能 力,因此大脑的这个区域应该是语言中枢。 这个区域后称布罗 卡区,而这种病也就称为布罗卡失语症(Broca‘s Aphasia )。 布罗卡区位于主侧大脑半球额下后部靠近岛盖处,即布鲁德曼 第 44、45 区。布罗卡氏区损害导致运动性失语症,由于有关 肌肉共济失调,不能将语言以口语方式表达出来。障碍程度轻 重不等。轻者找到个合适的词,重复使用有限的词汇,句子简 单,语法单调,表达中有较长的停顿。重者言语功能丧失,能 发音,但构成不了词句。
3、语言习得的临界期 右半球具有某些低级的语言能力,在左半球出现障碍时,右 半球会否取而代之?
据观察:青春期以前的儿童似乎有一种“转换机制(switch mechanism)”,如果左半球语言中枢受损,语言中枢会 转移到右半球,不过得从头再学话。而过了青春期后,语言 能力就不那么容易恢复了。
案例——一个女孩12岁半以前生活在完全与语言隔绝的环境中, 被发现后才开始学话。到18岁,才慢慢学会说短句,只有最低 限度的语法能力。但用发挥右半球功能方面并不亚于正常小孩, 通过检验,两耳健全,但用右半球来处理所有听觉信息。进一 步证明大脑两半球分工,且证明13岁前,由于与语言社区隔绝, 管辖语言中枢的左脑出现功能上的萎缩,所以之后要用右脑来 执行语言和非语言两种不同的功能。 说明:大脑左半球仅仅在某一阶段以前才有习得语言的倾向。 这就是所谓的“临界期” 但临界期的说法(假设)远非定论。

psycholinguistics心理语言学 ppt课件

psycholinguistics心理语言学 ppt课件

Definition of computational linguistics and functions
of corpus in linguistic studies;
Psycholinguistics studies the storage, comprehension, production and acquisition of language in any medium (spoken or written). Its subjects are adults and children as well as aphasics, people with speech disorders.
The study of psychological aspects of language, or language-processing mechanisms, the relationship between language and the human mind. E.g. how word, sentence, and discourse meaning are represented and computed in the mind.
Critical period hypothesis
the crucial period is hypothetically, approximately the first ten years of life. It is believed that certain aspects of language acquisition (e.g. sounding like a native speaker) can never be fully acquired if they have not been learned during this period.

psycholinguistics心理语言学 ppt课件

psycholinguistics心理语言学 ppt课件

Definition of computational linguistics and functions
of corpus in linguistic studies;
Psycholinguistics studies the storage, comprehension, production and acquisition of language in any medium (spoken or written). Its subjects are adults and children as well as aphasics, people with speech disorders.
Types of schemata
Schemata are categorized into three types: linguistic schemata, formal schemata and content schemata.
Linguistic schemata are about learners‘ linguistic knowledge.
LAD: posited by Chomsky and is present in the minds of children by which a grammar of their native language is internalized.
Language comprehension
Language and culture, and the causes leading to difficulties in cross-culture communication;

心理语言学 9

心理语言学 9

Chapter 9Conversational InteractionsJune 1, 2010Speech production in its social context: conversation1.Lisa:Hey eva there’s something I wanted to tell you.2.Eva: mhm.3.Lisa:My brother is coming to town for a visit next week4.Eva: How nice5.Lisa:and you know, he broke up with that awful Julie “last”week6.Eva: ‘how”very nice, when’s he getting here?7.Lisa:next Monday8.Eva: Want to go shopping and help me pick out something reallyattractive before Monday?Speech production in its social context: conversationFeatures of conversationl Personnel:Participants in a conversationØSpeaker(s) and addressee(s)l Common ground: Knowledge and beliefs shared by the personnelØAssumptions about what the other(s) know(s)/ believe(s)l Action sequence: Small joint projects in a conversation ØOpening, information exchange, closingFeatures of conversationl Adjacency pair:each person contributes something to a joint project.–Agenda setting–Question-and-answer sequencel Contribution:Mutual agreement among the personnel that the addressee has understood the speaker→continue to the next joint project.What is a conversation?n Loosely structured coordinated action. Speech production in its social context.n Coordinated by conventions and negotiationØOpeningØClosingØTurn-takingØTopic selectionØParticipant determinationConversational Interactionn Conversation is a complex process of language use and a special form of social interaction with its own rules and dynamics.n Conversation is a joint action: two participants jointly follow the rules.n Conversation rules: with powerful influence of social and cultural context.Conversation as a speech eventOpening conversationsn Direct addressØHey, George!n Information request ØDo you know the time? n Offer assistanceØAre you looking forsomeone?n Stereotyped expression ØHello!ØExcuse me.n Stereotyped topicØNice weather, huh?ØCome here often?We have only a limited number of ways to open a conversation.Closing conversationsWe use preclosing statement to signal a readiness to end the conversation.n Preclosing statement:ØSooo…ØWell…(can be accepted or not)n Content summary:ØSo, we’re agreed: You’ll hide the body and I’ll distract the cops.n Justifying ending:ØI’m late for a meeting.ØI know you are busy-I’ll let you go now.Closing conversations n Expressing pleasure:ØThis was fun.n Planning future contact:ØSee you later.ØWe’ll divvy up the money on Tuesday.n Wishing well:ØTake care.ØSweet dreams.Turn-takingl One speaker at a time, but there is often overlap at the beginning and ends of turns.l Nonverbal behavior also facilitates an orderly transition from one speaker to another. (Turn-yielding signals)(1) Drop in pitch(2) Drop in loudness(3) Extension of the final syllable(4) Termination of hand gestures(5) Stereotyped expressions (you know)(6) Completion of a grammatical clauseWhat determines who speaks next? Turn taking follows three implicit rules (Sacks, et al., 1974)(1) Current speaker selects the next speaker(2) Self-selection(3) Current speaker continuesTopic selectionl Topics in conversation can be defined in terms of the intersection (overlap) of propositions across sentences.l Created through the selection of individual responsesØA: John bought a red car in Baltimore yesterday.bought (John, car); red (car); in (John, Baltimore); etc.B: I think a red car would be ugly.think (I, X); red (car); X=ugly (car)Topic selectionB: He’s not going to buy my car?ØNew Topic: sellingØA’s options(1) Respond directly –No, he didn’t like it.(2) Refer back to part of initial statement that got a response–He needed it in a hurry.(3) Give general response –It’s always tough to buy a newcar.l Multi-layer structureØCan temporarily shift to meta-layer (outside the standard conversational context)l Correcting grammar, telling jokes, storiesParticipant determination l Participants:–Speaker–Addressee–Side participantsl Additional listeners–Bystanders–EavesdroppersConversational Participantsl Common ground: shared understanding of those involved in the conversation.–Some of the common grounds is culturally based,such as cultural values, commonly held beliefs.–Other types of common ground are more personal.Friends vs. AcquaintancesPlanalp(1993):l Friends were more likely to–use profanity–laugh more often–express negative judgments–argue with one another–make joint references to themselves (we, us)l Acquaintances were more likely to use filled pauses and talk about only one topic.Friends vs. Acquaintances l Friends have (Homstein, 1985)ØImplicit openings•Hi, it’s me.ØMore common ground•Less overt explanationØMore profanityØMore jokesØMore overt negative judgmentsØMore topicsØAsk more questionsGender differencesDo rules hold equally well for mixed-genderconversations and same-gender conversations?l Zimmerman & West (1975)ØOverlapl simultaneous speech during last word of speaker’s turn(trying to get the next turn)ØInterruptionl simultaneous speech before last word of the speaker’s turn(violation of speaker’s turn)ØMinimal responsel supportive remark (e.g., uh-huh); display of interest rather thana violationGender differencesFindings:l96% of the interruptions were by male speakers.l Many of the responses by males to female topics were delayed minimal responses.l Men deny equal status to women as conversational partners with respect to the rights to the full utilization of their turns and support for the development of topics.Gender differencesl Mixed-gender conversationsØMen interrupt much more than women.ØMany delayed minimal responses by men.l Same-gender conversationsØFewer interruptions than in mixed-gender cases.ØSame interruption rate for women & menØFewer delayed minimal responsesl Parent-child conversations are similar to mixed-gender ØMany more interruptions by parentsGender differencesl Lakoff(1975)ØTag questionsl It’s kind of chilly, isn’t it?l She ate the whole pizza, didn’t she?ØHedgesl Sort ofl I guessØQuestion intonations in declarative sentences l So we will meet at 8.All more common for women than menGender differencesGender differencesGender differencel Differences in the expectations imposed on men and women result in gender-based differences inconversational style.–Men tend not to ask questions that make them appear unknowledgeable.–Women tend to use more expressive terms.–Men are more likely to interrupt.–Women tend to use a more collaborative style.Gender difference 找点空闲找点时间领着孩子常回家看看带上笑容带上祝愿陪同爱人常回家看看妈妈准备了一些唠叨爸爸张罗了一桌好饭生活的烦恼跟妈妈说说工作的事情向爸爸谈谈常回家看看回家看看哪怕帮妈妈刷刷筷子洗洗碗老人不图儿女为家做多大贡献呀一辈子不容易就图个团团圆圆常回家看看回家看看哪怕给爸爸捶捶后背揉揉肩老人不图儿女为家做多大贡献呀一辈子总操心只奔个平平安安Power differencesProblems with this kind of researchWhere do Indirect Speech Acts come from?Basic ideas of Politeness Theoryl Politeness theory is the theory that accounts for the redressing of the affronts to face posed by face-threatening acts to addressees. First formulated in 1978 by PenelopeBrown and Stephen Levinson, politeness theory has sinceexpanded academia’s perception of politeness.l Politeness is the expression of the speakers’intention to mitigate face threats carried by certain face threatening acts toward another (Mills, 2003, p. 6). Another definition is "abattery of social skills whose goal is to ensure everyone feels affirmed in a social interaction". Being polite therefore consists of attempting to save face for another.Stephen Levinsonl Research focus: language diversity and its implications for theories ofhuman cognition.l Language is the only animalcommunication system that differsradically in form and meaningacross social groups of the samespecies, a fact that has beenneglected in the cognitive sciences.His work attempts both to graspwhat this diversity is all about, andto exploit it as a way of discovering the role that language plays in oureveryday cognition.l Stephen C. Levinson is director of the Language and Cognition group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, TheNetherlands. He received a BA in Archaeology and SocialAnthropology from the University of Cambridge and received a PhD in Linguistic Anthropology from the University of California Berkeley. He has held posts at the University of Cambridge, Stanford University and the Australian National University.l His most influential publication is probably Politeness: Universals in Language Usage which he co-authored with Penelope Brown andwhich was a seminal work in Politeness theory.l He has written extensively on pragmatics, and in particular, furthered the work of Paul Grice on conversational implicature. He describes his theories as being 'under the Gricean umbrella'.Basic ideas of Politeness TheoryBasic ideas of Politeness TheorySome simple ways to be politel Always leave the addressee an outØCan you reach the salt?l Give deference and debase selfØThese papers come from my notes of what I read. So I’m afraid that it would be an absolutely meaningless and unnecessary jobfor you to read these bulky papers. You might think it a waste oftime. I ask you not to bother yourself with these and just regardthem as traces of my work.(Conveys the absurdity of coercing compliance)l Explicitly acknowledge indebtedness and apologize.Some simple ways to be polite l Soften the requestØI sort of feel that I must tell you …ØGive me a hand if you can / when you have the time. l Indicate understanding of the size of imposition ØI wouldn’t ask you if I had any other options.How polite do you have to be?l Three factors determine the level of politeness(the amount of effort you have to put into satisfying the face desires of the addressee)(1) Relative social status of speaker and addresseel You and me(2) Amount of solidarity between the speaker and addresseel ASL and Hebrew(3) Size or risk of impositionl Can I have the salt?l Can I have your car?Have to be just polite enoughl Don’t want to undershootØGive me a letter of recommendation.l Don’t want to overshootØI’m sorry for asking and I wouldn’t do this if there was any other way, but do you have the time?。



人们通过思维对事物进行认知、分析和判断, 进而形成语言表达的内容。
不同的思维方式会影响人们对同一种事物的表 达方式,从而形成不同的语言风格。
随着思维的发展,语言也在不断演变和创新,新的词汇、表达方式和语法结构 不断涌现。
语言为人类提供了表达和交流思想的工具,使得思维 能够被记录、传递和共享。
语言的结构、语法和词汇会影响人们对世界的认知方 式,从而影响人们的思维方式。
语言的有限性决定了人们思维的边界,限制了人们的 想象力和创造力。
长期记忆是储存和提取长期语言知识的关键,包括词汇、语法规 则、句型等。
语言记忆与语言学习密切相关,良好的记忆能力有助于提高语言 学习的效果。
词汇理解是对词汇意义的获取和 加工,包括对词义、词性、词组 搭配等的理解。
句子理解是对句子意义的获取和 加工,包括对语法结构、语义关 系、语境信息的理解。
目录Байду номын сангаас
• 心理语言学概述 • 语言认知过程 • 语言与思维的关系 • 语言习得与发展 • 语言障碍与治疗 • 心理语言学的应用
心理语言学是研究语言的心理过程的 学科,主要探讨语言与认知、情感、 动机等心理因素之间的关系。
心理语言学关注语言使用中的心理过 程,包括语言的感知、记忆、理解、 产生等,强调语言与思维、认知的相 互作用。


行为主义心理学与听说法、试听法 Watson在条件反应说的基础上提出行为主 义的心理学公式S---R.Skinner进一步发 展为刺激-反应-强化,即新行为主义。 听说法强调模仿和机械性的训练。 视听法(情景法)——重视”视“和”听“之间 的相互联系,充分发挥视觉、听觉的协同作 用。
• 4. 反对听说领先,认为语言的声音和文字在语言学习活 动中相辅相成,主张一开始就进行听说读写的全面训练, 听说读写齐头并进,全面发展。
• 5.容忍学生的语言错误。主张对错误进行分析疏导,只改 主要错误,反对有错必纠。
• 6.必要时可利用母语,允许适当利用母语进行讲解和翻译。 7.广泛运用直观教具和电化教学手段,有助于创造语言环 境,使外语教学情景化、交.际化。
从学科角度看,包括观察对外汉语教学领域 的从业人员——汉语教师;对外汉语教学的常规 活动——汉语教学;以及教学所使用的材料—— 教材、工具书等。
• 1.语言学本质说。认为对外汉语教学的学科 属性或本质是语言学。(赵金铭,2013,孙 德金,2015)
• 2.语言教学本质说。认为对外汉语教学的核 心是教学。(赵金铭,2013;吕必松, 2007)
大脑皮质活动的特征是具有两个信号系统和语言功 能。 1、第一信号系统 :以事物的物理性质发挥刺激作用 的,客观、具体的信号(如灯光、声音、气味、食物 形状等)称为第一信号。对第一信号发生反应的皮质 功能系统称为第一信号系统。是人和动物共有的。 2、 第二信号系统 以抽象信号的含义发挥刺激作用 (如语言、文字)称为第二信号。对第二信号发生的 皮质功能系统为第二信号系统。它是人类所特有的, 也是人类区别于其他动物的根本特征。
在认知理论的作用下,产生了认知教学法,或 者是认知-符号学习理论。主张以学生为中心,进 行有意义的学习和操练,强调对语言规则的理解 和掌握,注重培养并提高全面运用语言的能力。



Hierarchical-Network Model
Hierarchical-Network Model
• Tests of the model:
– Ca: to: A robin is a bird. A robin is an animal.
• fruit: _________ • fruit: a ________
How to study semantic memory
• Tip of the tongue (TOT):
– A sensation we have when we are confident we know a word we are searching for, but we are unable to recall it
A dog is mammal. vs. A dog is an animal.
2. Typicality effects
A robin is a bird. vs. A penguin is a bird.
3. Quick rejection of false sentences:
A bat is a bird vs. A pencil is a bird
Two stage decision model of sentence verification:
Feature Comparison Model
Predictions: 1. Category size effect:
A robin is a bird. vs. A robin is an animal.
Feature Comparison Model
• Problems: 1.Defining Features? 2.Semantic Priming? 3.Quick rejection of false sentences? people are trees a bat is a bird a dog is a cat


律性 ,这是 儿童道 德教育 最重要 的部分 。—— 陈鹤琴
66、节制使快乐增加并使享受加强。 ——德 谟克利 特 67、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也 是耽误 了。——裴斯 泰洛齐 68、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运 的,只 是一瞬 之间。 ——歌 德 69、懒人无法享受休息之乐。——拉布 克 70、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。——卢梭
国外心理学精要第7版课件myers9 (精选)
1、纪律是管理关系的形式。——阿法 纳西耶 夫 2、改革如果不讲纪律,就难以成功。
3、道德行为训练,不是通过语言影响 ,而是 让儿童 练习良 好道德 行为, 克服懒 惰、轻 率、不 守纪律 、颓废 等不良 行为。 4、学校没有纪律便如磨房里没有水。 ——夸 美纽斯


欢迎来到《语言心理学》的PPT课件!本课程将探索语言心理学的各个方面, 从语言的基本要素到其与认知心理学和社会功能的关系等等。让我们一起开 始这个充满趣味和洞察力的探索吧!
语言心理学是研究人类语言能力与心理过程之间关系的学科。它涵盖了语言的认知、习得、记忆、理解 和产生等方面。通过研究语言心理学,我们可以更好地理解人类语言能力的本质和心理机制。
语言是一种特殊的交流工具,它具有符号性、规则性和创造性。语言可以用 来表达思想、共享信息和传递情感。不同语言具有不同的特点和结构,但它 们都是人类智觉能力发展,开始感知语言声音。
3 社会交互模型
认为语言习得是通过与 他人的交互和社会互动 形成的。
语言和认知心理学密切相关。语言作为一种认知过程,不仅仅是用来表达思想,同时也反映了人类的思 维方式和认知结构。通过研究语言和认知心理学的关系,我们可以更好地理解人类的思维过程和认知能 力。
是语言中最小的音位单位, 具有区别意义。
是语言中的基本单位,用于 表示事物、概念等。
是语言的结构系统,规定了 句子的构成和词语的组合规 则。
1 行为主义模型
2 认知模型
认为语言习得是通过环 境刺激和反馈机制形成 的,注重外部语言输入。
强调儿童自主、积极参 与,通过内部的认知过 程习得语言。
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Similar words occur in similar linguistic contexts
Acoustic information (e.g., prosody) may provide syntactic cues
Children learn grammar by mapping semantic roles (agent, action, patient) onto grammatical categories (subject, verb, object)
Typically idiosyncratic, but some conventional/common (e.g., indicate the existence of an object, request recurrence of object or event)
Often combined with intonation or gesture Controversial claim: May reflect a developing sense of syntax,
Language explosion continues
Roger Brown (1973) proposed 5 stages
More than two words
Stages 2 through 5 Stage 2 (MLU ~2.25) begin to modulate meaning using word order (syntax) Modulations for number, time, aspect Gradual acquisition of grammatical morphemes (“-ing”, “-s” Later stages reflect generally more complex use of syntax (e.g., questions, negatives)
Language explosion continues
The language explosion is not just the result of simple semantic development; the child is not just adding more words to his/her vocabulary.
Байду номын сангаас
number of
morphemes per
age (months)
Daddy coming. Hi, car. Daddy car comed. Two car outside. It getting dark. Allgone outside. Bye-bye outside.
but not yet knowing how to use it (e.g., see Bloom, 1973)
Language explosion continues
Roger Brown (1973) proposed 5 stages (determined by MLU not age)
PSY 369: Psycholinguistics
Language Acquisition
On-line Blackboard quiz for chapter 4 is now up.
You may take it 5 times, top score counts
Action & locative “go store” Entity & locative “book table” Entity & attribute “big house”
Debate: learning semantic relations or syntactic (position rules) “baby sleep” agent & action or Noun Verb
Wug experiment (Berko-Gleason, 1958)
This person knows how to rick. She did the same thing yesterday.
Yesterday she ________. Typically children say that she “ricked.”
Nomination “That ball” Recurrence “More ball” Nonexistence “Allgone ball”
Agent & action “Daddy hit” Action & object “hit ball” Agent & object “Daddy ball”
Stage 1: Telegraphic speech (MLU ~ 1.75; around 24 months)
Children begin to combine words into utterances Limited to a small set (11) of semantic relations (75% of their utterances)
Acquiring Syntax
Innateness accounts
Semantic bootstrapping (e.g., Pinker 1984, 1989)
Child has innate
knowledge of
Child learns the Child constructs some Child makes guesses
I am pushing Exam 2 back a day. We will have the exam on Feb. 28.
Language development section includes information from Chapter 3, pages 72-87
Homework #2 due today
ed-- is not found (*hold-ed)
Acquiring Morphology
Acquiring Morphology
Morphology: order of acquisition is relatively consistent (James & Kahn, 1982)
Age (yrs) Morpheme
Present progressive
Children in telegraphic speech stage are said to leave out the ‘little words’ and inflections: e.g. “Mummy shoe” NOT Mummy’s shoe “Two cat” NOT two cats
# morphemes: 3, 2, 4, 3, 4, 2, 2 ‘-ing’ and ‘-ed’ separate morphemes ‘allgone’ treated as a single word
MLU = morphemes/utterances = 20/7 = 2.86
Language explosion continues
and semantic meaning
Learned accounts
Acquired from the linguistic input from the environment (e.g. Bates,
1979) Speech to children is not impoverished (Snow, 1977): Child-directed speech
Proto-syntax (??)
Holophrases (around 1-1.5 years)
Single-word utterances may be used to express more than the meaning usually attributed to that single word by adults “dog” might refer to the dog is drinking water
Acquiring Morphology
Typically things like inflections and prepositions start around MLU of 2.5 (usually in 2 yr olds)
Kids acquire the “rules” for applying morphology
syntactic categories meanings of semantic representationasbout syntactic structure
and linking rules some content words of simple sentences based on surface form
Acquiring Morphology
Children sometimes make mistakes.
My teacShNheeroh,hsoohldldeeehddYotetlhdhseeedbbatahbbeyymrraalbobbobistitses.l.y.
Did you sWayhyaot udridteyaocuhsear yheslhdethdeidb?aby rabbit? Did you say held them tightly?