
美国军用环境试验概况图1 美军重点鉴定与试验设施分布(图中序号说明见表1)1、美国陆军环境试验场体系美国陆军环境试验网隶属美陆军试验与鉴定司令部(TECOM)管辖,在该机构下设有六个试目前,太阳辐射试验标准主要分为两种体系,一是以MIL-STD-810为代表的美国体系标准,二是以IEC 68-2出版物为代表的欧洲体系标准。
美国最主要的环境试验标准、方法见图2:图 2 美国环境试验标准体系美国的环境试验场各类环境试验涉及的标准达850个,一方面通过有效的环境试验,评价材料的环境适应性,另外通过环境试验积累大量基础数据以用于制定和修订标准。


美国反⽆⼈机作战研究美国空军的反⽆⼈机作战研究原标题 [美国空军的反⽆⼈机作战研究]图1.美国海关与边境保护局的⼀架赫尔墨斯-450⽆⼈机。

位 于 直 属 美 国 空 军 航 天 司 令 部 管 辖 的科 罗 拉 多 州 斯 科 里 埃 弗 空军 基 地 , 是美 国空 军 7个 绝 密 作 战 实 验
室 之 一 。美 军 未 明确 给 出太 空 作 战 实 验 室 的 定 义 , 但 从 其 发 布 的各 种 太 空 作 战 条 令 ,美 军进 行 的 4次 “ 里 弗 ”演 习和 其 它作 战 试 验 室 的职 能 可 以 总 结 施
b s d o c e tfc p a n n n n e r t e d sg .Th e o n s o o sr c i n o p c p r t n l b r t r r o a e n s in ii l n i g a d i t g a i e i n v e k y p i t f c n tu t f s a e o e a i a o a o y a e t p o o
l e s gn ofc m pagn s s e tu u e o pa e ca pa gn l bor t y yse tuc ur nd t ch ay rde i a i y t m sr ct r f s c m i a aor ,s t m sr t e a e nol y yse tu u e og s t m sr ct r ,
wh c y e s r h a o a o y d s g r t n a d s i n ii n y t mi , i h ma n u et e l b r t r e i n mo e sa d r , c e tfc a d s s e c wh l e h e i n m o e r a o a l . i l t e d sg r e s n b e e t Ke wo d : p c p r to ; tl a ; n tu to y r s S a e o e a i n Ba te l b Co sr c i n
美国空军实验室 The US Air Force Research Laboratory AFD-070822-085

The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratoryand Programs for International CooperationDr. M.S. MAURICEDirector, International OfficeAir Force Office of Scientific ResearchAir Force Research Laboratory4040 Fairfax Dr., Ste. 500Arlington, VA 22203Ph: +1-703-588-1772 Fax: +1-703-588-1785 Email: mark.maurice@AbstractThe U.S. Air Force established the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in October 1997 to consolidate its science and technology (S&T) needs within a single entity. The AFRL, headquartered at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, consists of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) and nine Technology Directorates (TDs) throughout various locations in the U.S. The Laboratory employs approximately 5,700 civilian and military personnel, and invests nearly $2.5 billion annually within the TDs, academia, and industry, pursuing basic research, applied research, and advanced technology development. Despite the size of this investment, AFRL recognizes that world class S&T exists worldwide. Consequently, the Laboratory strives to infuse international S&T into its programs, and to leverage its resources with the investments of friends and allies. Two overseas detachments (located in Europe and Asia) and two domestic offices within AFRL spearhead this effort, and use several programs and strategies to identify and develop international opportunities. The aim of this paper is to describe these programs in detail, and to invite both government and non-government organizations to propose project areas that are of mutual interest and could lead to mutual benefit.IntroductionIn January 1939, Major General Henry H. Arnold, Chief of the Army Air Corps stated: 1“All of us in the Army Air Corps realize that America owes its present prestige and standing in the air world in large measure to the money, time, and effort expended in aeronautical experimentation and research. We know that our future supremacy in the air depends upon the brains and efforts of our engineers.”Only a few years earlier, the American aircraft industry was still in its infancy, and the Army Air Corps was struggling just to acquire planes. MGen Arnold, however, visualized a much larger role for air power with a strong foundation in S&T that included not only the military, but also the best that universities, industry, and civil aviation had to offer. In 1937 he addressed the Western Aviation Planning Conference and stated:“Remember that the seed comes first; if you are to reap a harvest of aeronautical development, you must plant the seed called experimental research. Install aeronautical branches in your universities; encourage your young men to take up aeronautical engineering. It is a new field, but it is likely to prove a very productive one indeed. Spend all the funds you can possibly make available on experimentation and research. Next, do not visualize aviation as merely a collection of airplanes. It is broad and far reaching. It combines manufacture, schools, transportation, airdrome, building and management, airmunitions and armaments, metallurgy, mills and mines, finance and banking, and finally, public security-national defense.”Not only did MGen Arnold’s prophecies prove true more than 60 years ago, but they remain relevant to the technological advantage of the U.S. Air Force today. Nearly 80% of Air Force funded S&T is done by universities and industry, and the Air Force funds not only S&T for short term and medium term evolutionary applications, but also engages in S&T for the revolutionary breakthroughs of the future.The Air Force Research LaboratoryPrior to 1990, there were more than 20 Air Force laboratories and offices engaged in S&T. At Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, for example, there was the Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Propulsion & Power Laboratory, Avionics Laboratory, and Materials & Manufacturing Laboratory. Each of these laboratories had their own Commander and Staff, and dealt independently with the user, even though weapons systems were increasingly reliant on multidisciplinary design and optimization. Consequently, the Air Force streamlined its laboratories into four “Super Labs”. Wright Laboratory, headquartered at Wright-Patterson AFB, became the center for fixed wing aircraft technologies. Phillips Laboratory, Headquartered at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, became the center for space related S&T. Brooks Laboratory, at Brooks AFB, Texas, became the center for human effectiveness S&T, and Rome Laboratory, at Rome AFB, New York, became the S&T center for information technologies.Although this new structure was well suited to meet the multidisciplinary needs of S&T programs at the time, the sudden end of the Cold War led to a re-evaluation of priorities, potential adversaries, and cooperative relationships. The U.S. scrutinized the costs of next generation weapon systems in areas where the Air Force already had leading edge technologies, and the country looked for a “peace dividend” savings in defense spending. Consequently, the Air Force needed to re-evaluate its role, and think beyond traditional evolutionary programs.To accomplish this, the Air Force re-organized into one single laboratory with the goal of transforming the Air Force into an Air and Space Force, and then to a Space and Air Force. The Air Force Research Laboratory25,700 people, and is re-sponsible for planning andexecuting nearly $1.3 billionannually in Air Force S&Tfunds, as well as an additional$1.1 billion received by othercustomers of Air Forcetechnologies. This budgetincludes basic research, de-fined as “6.1”, applied re-search (6.2), and advancedtechnology development (6.3). As shown in Fig. 1, 6.1 through 6.3 define the range of S&T. Once a technology has matured beyond advanced technology development, System Program Offices manage further engineering and manufacturing development (E&MD). The distribution of Air Force S&T investment is approximately 13% for 6.1, 42% for 6.2, and 45% for 6.3.The Air Force Research Laboratory comprises nine technology directorates (TDs), and a tenth directorate, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). As shown in Fig. 2, AFRL receives programmatic direction from the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition), while theAir Force Materiel Command (AFMC) houses its infrastructure. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio servesas the Headquarters of AFRL, along with five of its ten directorates. As shown in Fig. 3, the laboratory is located in several different locations.Fig. 2 Air Force Research Laboratory StructureAFOSR was elevated to the status of a separate center in 1955 to plan, formulate, initiate and manage all Air Force basic research. AFOSR, the single manager of Air Force basic research, invests approximately 70% of its Air Force funds in about 300 academic institutions; the nine technologydirectorates (20%) and industry (10%) conduct the remainder of AFOSR’s programs. AFOSR’s headquarters are in Arlington, Virginia. It is also home to the AFRL International Office, as well as two overseas detachments in Europe and Asia that invest in international research opportunities.Air Vehicles Directorate4 (AFRL/VA) – Headquartered at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, AFRL/VA focuses on the core technologies of aeronautical sciences, control sciences, structures, and integration, for applications of hypersonic and long range strike next generation aerospace vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and aircraft sustainment.Directed Energy Directorate5 (AFRL/DE) – Headquartered at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, AFRL/DE focuses on high power microwave technology, laser devices and applications, and laser beam control and optics such as compensation/beam control techniques.Human Effectiveness Directorate6 (AFRL/HE) – Headquartered at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, AFRL/HE develops technologies to enhance, train, protect, and sustain the warrior. Their core technology areas include warfighter skill development and training, training simulation, information display and decision support, crew system design technologies, directed energy bioeffects, toxic hazards effects, crew protection, and logistician effectiveness.Information Directorate7 (AFRL/IF) – Headquartered at Rome, New York, AFRL/IF develops technologies for aerospace command and control, and their transition to air, space, and ground systems. Its focus areas include information fusion and exploitation, communications and networking, collaborative environments, modeling and simulation, defensive information warfare, and intelligent information systems technologies.Materials and Manufacturing Directorate8 (AFRL/ML) – Headquartered at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, AFRL/ML has a wide array of programs for structural and propulsion materials for air and space applications, materials for sustainment and deployment of the aerospace force, laser-hardened materials for sensing and protection of laser threats, and materials for surveillance sensors and power generation applications.Munitions Directorate9 (AFRL/MN) – Headquartered at Eglin AFB, Florida, AFRL/MN develops S&T for air-launched munitions for defeating ground fixed, and mobile/relocatable, air and space targets. These include ordnance, carriage and release, guidance and control, and assessment and simulation.Propulsion Directorate10 (AFRL/PR) – Headquartered at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, AFRL/PR develops air and space vehicle propulsion and power technologies. Their focus areas include turbine and rocket engines, advanced propulsion systems, fuels and propellants for all propulsion systems, and most forms of power technology.Sensors Directorate11 (AFRL/SN) – Head-quartered at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio,AFRL/SN develops sensors for air and spacereconnaissance, surveillance, precisionengagement, and electronic warfare systems.Its core technology areas include radar,active and passive electro-optical targetingsystems, navigation aids, automatic targetrecognition, sensor fusion, threat warning,and threat countermeasures.Space Vehicles Directorate12 (ARFL/VS)– Headquartered at Kirtland AFB, NewMexico, AFRL/VS develops technologies Fig. 4 Air Force S&T President’s Budgetfor space-based surveillance, including space power, structures, and electronics, hyperspectral imaging and multi-color sensing, and autonomous systems. In addition, they develop technologies for space capability protection, including passive and active threat mitigation, threat environment modeling, and environmental hazard sensors.At this time, the President’s Budget for Air Force S&T for fiscal year 2003 is $1.659 billion.Figure 4 shows the distribution of this investment between the AFRL directorates.International Cooperation 13Why AFRL Pursues International S&TJust as MGen Arnold understood that a technologically superior Air Corps would require the best and brightest from all sectors in society, AFRL today recognizes that this must include the international community. International universities, research institutes, governments, and industries provide intellectual stimulus with new ideas and innovative approaches. In the former Soviet Union,for example, computational fluid dynamicists did not have access to the supercomputers used routinely in the U.S. But, through a deeper understanding of the physics they were often able to simplify equation sets to achieve the same results on much smaller machines. By working with the Russians after the Cold War to integrate this theoretical understanding with state-of-the-art computational resources, we can now produce calculations thought impossible just a decade ago.Despite a seemingly large S&T budget, it is significantly smaller in real dollars than it was during the Cold War era. Therefore, to maintain research infrastructure and technical momentum,AFRL must leverage resources with friends and allies. Conducting projects cooperatively not only leverages AFRL’s investment, but it also improves coalition interoperability, which is a much-needed capability in any modern operation. Consequently, the Department of Defense (DoD) leadership mandates cooperation. DoD Directive 5000.1 tasks all elements of DoD to explore cooperation with allied nations before undertaking new programs.As shown in Fig. 6, the U.S. does not have a total monopoly in S&T. In this example,between 1998 and 2000, researchers published approximately 3000 papers on nanotechnology subjects. The U.S. did publish the most by far with nearly 1800 papers, comparedto just over 400 papers for Japan, in second place.However, the papers from Japan, Germany, U.K., China,France, Russia, and Switzer-land (shown as the composite bar on the right), total nearly 1200. Consequently, there is ample opportunity for AFRL to cooperate on nanotechnol-ogy S&T, and in fact the U.S.must to cooperate to maintain a leading edge.When AFRL Pursues International S&TFor AFRL to enter into a cooperative agreement, or to fund research overseas, it must be in the best interest of the Air Force to do so. In general, any international project must fall into one of four categories:Total Fig. 5 Published Papers on Nanotechnology, 1998-20001.When the potential return on investment is high. AFRL does not spend research dollarsoverseas for political purposes. If U.S. investigators can accomplish the effort, the research overseas must be much less expensive, to justify acquiring more for the money. This type of research may come from countries such as Russia, where the dollar is significantly stronger than the ruble. And it also comes from countries such as Japan, where a university may fully pay a researcher’s salary, so that U.S. research funding need only cover supplies and materials.2.When the researcher has unique capabilities. World-class researchers and ideas existworldwide. AFRL widely publicizes its research interests, and pursues unique talent that comes from abroad.3.When the Establishment has unique research facilities. Experimental facilities are thebackbone of S&T, and no country, not even the U.S., can afford a monopoly. When another country has unique facilities, or more timely access to a facility than is available domestically, it is ample justification for pursing the research overseas.4.When it is a cooperative quid-pro-quo exchange toward common goals. AFRL strives todevelop projects with friends and allies to leverage each other’s S&T budgets.How AFRL Pursues International S&TAFRL’s organization and structure, scientist-to-scientist interaction, and several specific international programs discover and mine international S&T opportunities.Organization and StructureOrganizationally, as shown in Fig. 6, the Department of Defense and the Air Force provide policy guidance, program funding, and direction. Quite often, at their broader level, they can see the greater benefits of S&T cooperation. For example, S&T cooperation might help influence foreign military sales (FMS) to the advantage of the U.S. At the laboratory level, however, there must still be a technical benefit. The DoD, Air Force, Department of State, and others may influence how hard we look for cooperative opportunities in certain places, but technical quid-pro-quo is still paramount.formed, it created a ResearchCouncil to ensure that the TDswould truly work cooperativelyin a multidisciplinary fashion.The Research Council, led bythe Chief Technologist, isprimarily comprised of theChief Scientists of eachdirectorate. It serves as anadvisory council to the AFRLCorporate Board, whichincludes the TD Directors andis led by the AFRLCommander. In addition to itsother functions, the Research Council has the responsibility of advising the Corporate Board on all international activity, and strategizing this activity toward the best possible return on investment for AFRL. To assist with this international enterprise, there are four dedicated offices for international activity. AFRL/IA (International Affairs) provides staffing functions through the chain-of-command,provides direct support to the Command Section’s international activity, and hosts internationaldistinguished visitors to the Headquarters. Within AFOSR, there are three offices that serve as liaisons between AFRL researchers and their overseas counterparts through the direction of the Research Council. The European Office of Aerospace Research & Development 14 (EOARD), located in London, UK, primarily serves as a liaison for non-government research in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the countries of the Former Soviet Union. Similarly, the Asian Office of Aerospace Research & Development 15 (AOARD) liaises with countries in and around the Pacific Rim, India, and Australia. AFOSR/IO 16 (The Air Force Research Laboratory International Office) primarily liaises with non-government researchers in the Americas, and with government researchers worldwide.Scientist-to-Scientist InteractionManagement can guide and encourage international interaction, but scientist-to-scientist interaction leads to some of the best opportunities. As shown in Fig. 7, this can occur through a hierarchy of interaction within the public domain, through a variety of country-to-country exploratory fora, and through active government-to-government cooperative agreements.AFRL scientists andengineers (S&Es) are encouragedto publish their public domainresearch through technical reports,conference papers and journals,and to attend conferences andmake exploratory visits to otherresearch labs. In this sense, allAFRL S&Es serve as talentscouts, both domestically andinternationally.Country-to-country foraare regularly scheduled venues where AFRL leadership and S&Es meet with counterparts from government labs in other countries to seek out new cooperative opportunities. These include the NATO Research and Technology Organization (RTO),17 which has seven Panels overseeing 133current activities among NATO and Partnership for Peace countries; the Technology Cooperation Program (TTCP),18 which has ten groups overseeing 83 current activities between the U.S., U.K.,Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and Bi-Lateral Air Senior National Representatives and Technical Working Groups that are Co-Chaired by AFRL Command. AFRL currently holds these bi-lateral meetings with Australia, Canada, France, Israel, Sweden, and the U.K.The Air Force uses Government-to-Government agreements if quid-pro-quo exists, and exchanging data or working cooperatively benefits all participating countries. AFRL currently has more than 150 agreements in place, leveraging approximately $30 million per year in Air Force S&T investment. There are several types of agreements, including the following:Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Memorandum of Agreement (MOA): MOU/MOAs are formal bi-lateral or multi-lateral arrangements aimed at joint accomplishment of system or topic-specific technology area projects.Technology Research and Development Program (TRDP): These are normally bi-lateral, non-system specific “umbrella” agreements that provide an overarching framework for cooperation. With this agreement in place, it is easier and quicker to develop “sub-agreements” for specific projects or exchanges.Loan Agreement (LA): LAs allow for the loan, or acceptance of a loan of materials, supplies, and equipment in exchange for the data and results produced. LAs are specific to NATO members and some major non-NATO allies.Information/Data Exchange Agreement/Program (IEA, DEA, IEP): These agreements allow for the exchange of technical information/data on specifically designated S&T topics and areas. These agreements are often the foundation for a relationship that leads to joint projects and programs that leverage funds.Project Arrangement (PA): PAs are specific cooperative projects under the “umbrella” of a TRDP MOU/MOA. All PAs must identify clear quid-pro-quo, and they can leverage significant S&T resources.Long Term Technology Program (LTTP): The LTTP provides the framework for the Four-Power NATO Countries (France, Germany, U.K., and U.S.) to collaborate multi-laterally on technologies of mutual interest.International ProgramsFinally, to facilitate an environment where AFRL scientists and engineers can best discover and develop exceptional international research opportunities; AFOSR and the international liaison offices provide the TDs with a number of specific programs.Window Programs: Window programs provide a means for AFRL S&Es to interact internationally with non-government industry and academia. The Window-on-Science program14,15 pays the expenses for approximately 300 visitors each year to share their research with AFRL and explore other programs for possible continued interaction. Any AFRL S&E can very easily nominate and host a visiting scientist for a short term visit, and the large volume of participants in the program nearly insures that several international “success stories” will develop each year. For AFRL S&Es that have been invited to do research abroad with counterparts in non-government establishments, AFOSR manages the Window-on-Europe, Asia, and Canada, Central & South America Programs.3 For these programs, AFRL continues to pay the researcher’s salary, AFOSR pays travel and per diem expenses, and the host establishment provides the research facility.Conference Support Program:14,15 Each year, AFRL supports more than 120 conferences, workshops, and symposia abroad with financial grants of approximately three to five thousand dollars. The laboratory supports these meetings, often jointly with the U.S. Army and/or U.S. Navy, to promote interchange on topics of interest to the DoD, to facilitate attendance and access by U.S. researchers, and to aid the discovery of Window-on-Science candidates.Research Project Contracts and Grants:14,15 Contracts and grants offer the opportunity to directly purchase technologies and capabilities from non-government international sources. These sources usually submit proposals to AFRL through EOARD or AOARD, in response to a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). BAAs for both basic research (6.1) and applied research (6.2) are publicly accessible on the internet,15 and they specifically detail the S&T that the laboratory wants to acquire outside of the TDs. In addition, AFOSR has an International Research Initiative (IRI) program. The IRI competitively provides a total $2.2M per year to AFOSR (6.1) Program Managers for international opportunities above-and-beyond what they may already be investing in overseas. EOARD and AOARD typically manage about 125 contracts and grants per year on behalf of all of AFRL.The National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateship Program.3,19 This program is open to both domestic and overseas researchers. Research mentors within AFRL provide the NRC with research position descriptions, and scientists ranging from young post-docs to senior professors send the NRC their proposals in response. The NRC has the proposals reviewed, and selects the higher rated applicants to work in the Laboratory for one to two years. During Fiscal Year 2000, for example, 11 of 30 AFRL participants were international.The Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program (ESEP):3 ESEP is a Secretary of the Air Force program administered by AFOSR that allows for AFRL civilian and military S&Es to do research in foreign government institutes, and for overseas government researchers to do research at U.S. Air Force sites. Current ESEP countries are: Australia, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and UK. In addition, ESEP agreement negotiations are in progress with Brazil (to renew an expired agreement), Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, and Poland. AFRL sends up to eight S&Es abroad on a regular two-year cycle, and the lab generally hosts between 10 and 15 S&Es in one- to two-year assignments at any given time.ConclusionsAFRL is proactive in discovering and nurturing international opportunities to acquire world-class research. The design of the Laboratory’s structure and programs efficiently infuse the best the world has to offer into Air Force programs, and offer quid-pro-quo to the S&T programs of U.S. friends and allies. AFRL invites interested researchers to share their proposals through the appropriate government-to-government fora, or through AFOSR’s overseas detachments, as the U.S. Air and Space Force of today transforms to the Space and Air Force of tomorrow.References1Daso, D., “Origins of Airpower: Hap Arnold’s Command Years and Aviation Technology, 1936-1945.” /aedc/bios/daso2.htm.2Air Force Research Laboratory, /.3Air Force Office of Scientific Research, /.4Air Vehicles Directorate, /.5Directed Energy Directorate, /.6Human Effectiveness Directorate, /.7Information Directorate, /.8Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, /.9Munitions Directorate, /.10Propulsion Directorate, /.11Sensors Directorate, /.12Space Vehicles Directorate, /.13AFRL International Enterprise Briefing, /content/mission.asp.14European Office of Aerospace Research and Development, /.15Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development, /aoard/.16Air Force Research Laboratory International Office, /.17NATO’s Research & Technology Organization, http://www.nato.int/structur/rto/rto.htm.18The Technical Cooperation Program, /ttcp/.19Research Associateship Programs, /pga/rap.nsf.。

第8 卷
第6 期
76 ・
2 1年 l 1 0 1 2』
美军 电磁环境效应 (3 实验室建设浅析 E)
李超 , 汤仕平 , 万海军 , 张勇
Ke o d :E e e t ma n t o ai i t l b r tr o sr c i n y w r s 3; l cr o g ei c mp tbl y; a o ao y c n tu t c i o
电磁 环境 效应 (3 是 电磁环 境对 系统 、 E) 设备 、 装 电磁 兼 容性 研 究 和 试 验 评 估 。其 巾大 型 电磁 兼 容
a a a nd N v lSura e W a f r ntr Da gr n D i ii s f cu e fc ra e Ce e hl e vson wa o s d.La or t y t si a iiis i he U S m iia y E3 l b aor b aor e tng f clte n t ltr a or t y w e e s m a ie n t e c a a t rsi S m iia y E3 lbo ao y c sr ton we e a l e r um rz d a d h h r c e itcsofU lt r a r t r on tuci r nayz d.The pu po e wast g tm o e r s o e r u de sa dig S miiay E3 a or tr ndpr i e e e c o a or tr onsr to n Chia. n r t n n ofU ltr l b ao a ovder f r n e f rE3l b ao y c y tuci n i n

美国军用环境试验概况图1 美军重点鉴定与试验设施分布(图中序号说明见表1)1、美国陆军环境试验场体系美国陆军环境试验网隶属美陆军试验与鉴定司令部(TECOM)管辖,在该机构下设有六个试目前,太阳辐射试验标准主要分为两种体系,一是以MIL-STD-810为代表的美国体系标准,二是以IEC 68-2出版物为代表的欧洲体系标准。
美国最主要的环境试验标准、方法见图2:图 2 美国环境试验标准体系美国的环境试验场各类环境试验涉及的标准达850个,一方面通过有效的环境试验,评价材料的环境适应性,另外通过环境试验积累大量基础数据以用于制定和修订标准。




美陆军有两个机构:1.美国陆军模拟、训练和技术保障司令部(US Army STRICOM);2. 美国陆军训练支持中心(ATSC)。
美国海军有两个机构:1. 美国海军建模和模拟信息系统(NMSIS);2. 美国海军空战中心训练系统部(NAWC TSD)。

美军装备试验鉴定现代化的发展演变昭 荀 古先光美军是比较早开展装备试验鉴定活动的国家军队,装备试验鉴定现代化已走过100多年历史,经历了从无到有、逐步完善到调整优化的发展历程。
但这一时期美国尚没有对全军装备建设的统筹管理机制,主要由各军种根据自身内华达试验与训练靶场犹他试验与训练靶场西部沙漠试验中心电子试验场高能激光系统试验设施国防部指令3200.11阿伯丁试验中心海军空战中心-飞机分部国防信息系统局,国家网电靶场阿诺德施工发展中心第45航天联队大西洋水下试验与鉴定中心第46试验联队(包括第46试验大队)白沙试验中心美陆军夸贾林环礁太平洋导弹靶场设施热区试验中心(夏威夷和波多黎各)空军飞行试验中心尤马穆古角第30航天联队中国 湖基港寒区试验中心(阿拉斯加)美军现行装备试验鉴定组织管理体系国防部长负责采办与保障的副国防部长负责研究与工程的副国防部长研制试验鉴定办公室试验资源管理中心陆军部部长负责采办、后勤、技术的陆军助理部长负责试验与鉴定的陆军副部长帮办负责研究与工程的副国防部长帮办陆军参谋长陆军装备司令部陆军试验鉴定司令部国防部首席信息官国防信息系统局试验与鉴定处联合互操作能力试验司令部作战试验鉴定局海军部部长海军陆战队司令海军作战部部长空军部部长负责研究、发展与采办的海军助理部长负责采办的空军助理部长空军参谋长创新、试验鉴定与技术需求处空军试验与鉴定处空军装备司令部空军航天司令部海军陆战队系统司令部海军陆战队作战试验鉴定处海军系统司令部作战试验鉴定部队空军作战试验鉴定中心进意见;校准现有易损性与杀伤力模型。


与此同时,在职能配合方面,分散性的战局点要求后勤保障能够针对性地以合理的资源输出,持续支正在演练敏捷作战部署战术的F-15C 联合全域作战指挥控制系统设想图飞机落地后不到1小时内,迅速开展了2次起飞的准备工作。

美国政府三大科研系统概述焦晓静;韩锋;刘彦升【摘要】The three major federal scientific research agencies in the United States were overviewed in this paper; Department of Defense, Department of Energy and National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Following the brief description of the research organizations in the three agencies, their running modes and major research areas were analyzed based on the research and development budgets of the American government. The objective of this paper is to provide reference for the laboratories construction in China.%概述美国政府的三大科研系统:国防部、能源部和国家航空航天局.在对这三个部门的科研机构进行简单介绍的基础上,通过美国政府研究发展预算数据,对这三个部门科研系统的运作方式及重点领域进行分析,以期对我国的实验室建设提供借鉴参考.【期刊名称】《科技管理研究》【年(卷),期】2012(032)023【总页数】4页(P35-38)【关键词】科研机构;概述;比较;美国政府【作者】焦晓静;韩锋;刘彦升【作者单位】西北核技术研究所,陕西西安710024;西北核技术研究所,陕西西安710024;西北核技术研究所,陕西西安710024【正文语种】中文【中图分类】C931美国科研计划的实施主要由4种研究机构共同完成:政府科研机构、高等院校、工业界和其他非营利机构,其中前三项构成了美国科研机构的“铁三角”,这3个机构2008财年在美国政府研发投资中所占的份额分别为11%、13%和73%。

美空军发展不依靠GPS的精确定位能力防务邮报网5月20日消息,美国技术公司SkylineNav AI公司获得了一份价值75万美元的合同,为美国空军提供独立于GPS的精确定位能力。
报道称,这种视觉定位技术建立在“安卓战术攻击套件”(ATAK) 平台上,将会帮助在没有GPS环境中作战的军事部队进行精确的定位。
Skyline Nav AI公司介绍称,操作人员可以将他们周围的照片上传到Skyline应用程序,然后这个应用程序将照片与该位置的数字表面模型进行比较。
Skyline Nav AI公司表示:“Skyline所采用的专有算法旨在分析一系列语义类别,包括轮廓线、建筑物、植被和道路等。
Skyline Nav AI公司联合创始人拉吉夫·苏尔蒂(Rajeev Surati)和坎瓦尔·辛格(Kanwar Singh)指出:“在未来的作战行动或国内响应任务中,提供一个可靠的GPS替代方案将会是一种重要的能力。
”报道指出,另一家技术公司——Draper公司将会负责将Skyline 应用程序整合到ATAK平台的前端中。
———— / END / ————。

浅析美战略空军在伊拉克战争中的作战运用作者:知远2011年09月22日15:29我来说两句(0) 复制链接打印大中小大中小大中小在以往的报刊和杂志上,人们曾不止一次的就美战略空军的作战使用问题进行了讨论和分析,但他们分析的战例大多都是上世纪90年代的局部战争,而对新世纪美战略空军的作战使用却谈论得少之又少。

实验软件: WarThunder(真实性能模式)实验步骤如下:1、使用飞机100%发动机功率输出进行不同高度的稳态飞行。