
[关键词]RBV;动态能力;可持续竞争优势1 引言自从Penrose(1959)首次提出RBV理论以来,经过后来学者的不断完善与发展,RBV理论已经被越来越多的学者接受,但是随着当今环境变化越来越剧烈,也有很多的学者对可持续竞争力能否获得和保持表示质疑。
2 定义对比2.1 RBV观点的主要内容RBV观点将公司视为一系列资源的组合,公司的竞争优势来源于公司所特有、稀缺和难以模仿的资源,包括物理资本、人力资本和组织资本等。
2.2 动态能力观点的主要内容动态能力的观点有很多种不同的版本,Teece,Pisano和Shuen(1997)认为动态能力就是公司为了适应动态的环境而发展出的整合、建立和重新建立内部和外部竞争优势的能力,管理和组织的流程决定了公司的竞争优势,而资源定位和路径共同影响流程并与流程共同构成了决定企业竞争优势的因素。



3.Barney, J.B. 1986. “Strategic Factor Markets: Expectations, Luck, and Business Strategy.” Management Science 32:1231-1241. 引入“战略性要素市场”:企业获取或培育其实施产品市场 战略所需资源的场所。“The ability to create imperfectly competitive product markets also depends on the cost of implementing the strategy” 如果战略要素 市场是完全竞争的,那么,在这些市场中对资源的获取 将会反映该资源用于实施产品市场战略时所能够创造的 绩效。如果战略性要素市场总是完全竞争的,企业则不 可能获得经济租。 (对 Porter研究的质疑) 获取经济租之所需资源两种途径:(1) Fortune and luck; (2)More accurate expectations(unusual insights about the future value of the resources) 企业已控资源比其他类型的资源更可能成为经济租来源。
解释企业为何存在,并聚焦于企业获取经济租的能力。探究了企业的寻租和配 租特性。将寻租理论、交易成本理论及随后出现的治理理论联系起来,致 力于发展一种企业的基于资源或基于知识的理论。将企业定义为一串生产 性资源束,且这些资源的价值将会依其应用情境变化而变化。他强调,这 些资源的可模仿性取决于它们被“隔绝机制”所保护的程度。甚至还提出 了一系列的隔绝机制并开始探讨那些能够增强不可模仿性的资源属性。

其中,资源基础观(Resource-Based View, RBV)认为,企业拥有的独特、稀缺、不可模仿和不可替代的资源是形成核心竞争力的关键。
知识基础观(Knowledge-Based View, KBV)则强调知识、尤其是隐性知识在构建核心竞争力中的作用。
动态能力理论(Dynamic Capabilities Theory)则进一步指出,企业在面对环境变化时,通过整合、构建和重构内外部资源的能力,是形成和维持核心竞争力的关键。
4 资源基础观的理论发展

4资源基础观的理论发展A Resource-Based View李玉刚博士 / 教授华东理工大学商学院yugangl@资源基础观要回答的问题⏹同行业不同企业的绩效为何长期不同?⏹对企业内部资源和核心竞争力的分析,现在一般称为资源基础学派(RBS,Resource-based school)或资源基础观点( RBV,Resource-based View )Ansoff和Andrew s⏹在战略研究中,对企业内部的优势和劣势的分析和评估作为战略制定的前提⏹Andrew s (1971) : "an internal appraisal of strengths and w eaknesses, led to identification of distinctive competencies."⏹Ansoff (1965) : synergy as "one internally generated by a combination of capabilities or competencies“⏹对企业内部因素的研究并没有深入展开资源基础的早期渊源⏹对企业内部资源和核心竞争力的分析,现在一般称为资源基础学派(RBS,Resource-based school)或资源基础观点( RBV,Resource-based View )⏹早期的三个来源⏹与众不同的竞争力理论⏹李嘉图(Ricardo,1817)的经济学⏹彭罗斯的企业成长理论与众不同的竞争力/总经理distinctive competence⏹1911年,在哈佛大学,分析组织中的总经理角色⏹总经理和企业的绩效之间的关系⏹高质量的总经理是企业的优势,低质量的总经理是企业的劣势⏹方法的局限性⏹总经理“高质”的品质和特性模棱两可⏹并不是企业优势的唯一来源与众不同的竞争力/制度性的领导能力distinctive competence⏹社会学家塞尔兹尼克 Selznick⏹制度性的领导者(constitutional leaders)⏹确保企业与众不同的价值和身份——企业与众不同的愿景租金理论⏹李嘉图(David Richardo )关注“最初的、不可扩大的、不可破坏的天赋因素”的经济结果⏹土地的总供给相对固定,供给弹性低⏹那些拥有无供给弹性的高质量生产要素的人可能获得经济租金(高于正常的经济绩效)⏹企业使用的许多资源是没有供给弹性的,并且这些资源可能成为经济租金的源泉彭罗斯的企业成长理论⏹Penrose(1959) :theory of the growth of the firm ⏹从两方面理解企业⏹企业是一个由个体和群体活动组成的行政结构⏹企业是一组生产资源⏹经理人的任务⏹通过企业已经创造的行政结构,来利用企业控制的生产资源⏹彭罗斯的研究发现⏹企业所控制的生产性资源本质上是异质的⏹将异质的资源拓展到了管理团队、高层管理人员,以及企业家技巧之类的不具备弹性的生产性资源经济学对企业专有资源的关注 企业资源理论的原始思想由来已久。

101■治理前沿224fr w4轄W35褓竦wo—k 欝详莎翠<奇02制划分为利益分享机制和关系协调机制。
①在关系协调机制中,信息共享机制是协调供应链的一个重 要手段,通过促进供应链企业之间沟通和合作,可以增强供应链的凝聚力。
在供应链治理机制与供应 链绩效相互关系的研究方面,通过构建两者相互作用的关系模型,研究了社会控制、正式控制、信息 共享等和供应链绩效之间的相关关系,发现信息共享对供应链绩效产生正向影响,并且信息共享在 社会控制和供应链绩效的作用关系中起着部分中介的作用。

对这种持久的绩效优势的威胁(租金耗散) a.市场需求向左下方移动; b.某些低成本的方式来提高其土地的肥力,从而
S p* p** D
“原始的、不可扩增的和不可毁灭的源自自然的馈 赠”相关的经济结果(Ricardo, 1817) “original, unaugmentable, and indestructible gifts of Nature”; 经济租(economic rents ):某种生产要素的所有 者获得的超过诱使这种要素进入生产过程所需的 最小支付额的部分。(Hirshleifer,1980)
(Origins and Implications)
基本架构 实证研究 研究展望
“为什么一些企业的绩效总是胜过其 他企业?”(持久卓越绩效从何而来) Why do some firms persistently outperform others?
4.Barney, J. 1991. “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage.” Journal of Management 17(1):99-120. 5.Dierickx, I. and K. Cool 1989. “Asset Stock Accumulation and Sustainability of Competitive Advantage.” Management Science 35:1504-1511. 6.Conner, K. 1991. “An Historical Comparison of Resource-based Logic and Five Schools of Thought within Industrial Organization Economies: Do We Have a New Theory of the Firm Here?” Journal of Management 17:121-154 (especially 132 to 150). 7.Peteraf, M.A. 1993. “The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-based View.” Strategic Management Journal 14:179-192. 8.Teece, D. J, G. Pisano and A. Shuen. 1997. “Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management.” Strategic Management Journal, 18, 7, 509533.

资源基础理论Fox资源基础理论(Resource-Based View,简称RBV)学术界把潘罗斯1959年出版的《企业成长论》看作资源基础理论的源头。

RBV理论强调以客户为中心的观念,在中小企业营销诊断中,需要分析客户的需 求和偏好,了解市场竞争状况,确定企业的核心竞争力和市场定位。
根据RBV理论,中小企业需要关注产品的功能性和情感性,加强与客户之间的互 动和沟通,建立良好的客户关系。
将解决方案付诸实施,并定期跟踪实施效 果,根据效果进行调整和优化。
收集与诊断目标相关的市场数据和信息, 包括竞争对手、消费者需求、行业趋势等 。
针对分析出的问题,制定相应的解决方案 ,包括改进产品、优化渠道策略、提升品 牌形象等。
根据市场调研结果,分析中小企业营销活 动中存在的问题。
基于RBV理论的中小企业营销诊断模 型框架包括三个维度:客户价值、市 场竞争和企业的核心竞争力。
市场竞争维度包括竞争对手的产品特 性、价格策略和市场占有率等。
客户价值维度包括客户对产品的功能 性需求、情感性需求以及价格敏感度 等。
企业核心竞争力维度包括企业的研发 能力、生产能力、品牌影响力等。
准确的营销诊断可以帮助中小企业 更好地了解市场需求和竞争状况, 从而制定更有效的营销策略,增强 竞争力。
有效的营销诊断可以发现市场机会 ,提出具有前瞻性的建议,从而促 进中小企业的持续发展。
首先需要明确营销诊断的目标,例如提高 市场份额、促进产品销售等。
1. 成本导向定价:根 据产品的成本、市场 需求以及竞争状况, 制定具有竞争力的价 格策略。

资源基础视角(Resource-Based View, RBV)理论提出,企业在竞争中取得优势应基于资源和能力的视角。

对公司的发展做出贡献的人是公司的成本呢,还是公司的资源呢?根据资源基础理论(Resource-based View,简称RBV),作者认为人是公司的资源,对公司的发展起积极的作用。
本文分析RBV在人力资源战略实施中的应用、全球整合(Global Integration,GI)——当地反应(Local Responsiveness,LR)框架的演变过程,并探讨了三者融合的可能性。

Theory in RBV♦◆☐a) Penrose, 1959. "Theory of the Growth of the Firm".●Theme:1) The internal resources of a firm - the productive services available to a firm from its own resources, particularly the productive services available from management with experience within the firm.2) As management tries to make the best use of the resources available, a truly 'dynamic' interacting process occurs which encourages continuous growth but limits the rate of growth.●RQ: Assuming that some firms can grow, what principles will govern their growth, and how fast and how long can they grow? Alternatively, assuming that there are opportunities for expansion in an economy, what determines the kind of firm that will take advantage of them and to what extent?●What is a "firm":a) Economics: Price (p) and Output (q) --> Optimal size problem.(Size=output)b) The Firm as an administrative organization (central management)c) The Firm as a collection of productive resources.-- Resources: physical resources and human resources.-- Services yielded by resources-- The size of a firm should be measured with respect to the present value of the total of its resources used for its own productive purposes.●The motivation of the firm:a) The profit motive: The financial and investment decisions of firms are controlled by a desire to increase total long-run profits.b) Growth and profits become equivalent as the criteria for the selection of investment programs.●Inherited Resources and the Direction of Expansion1) Firm Growth: External and Internal inducement / obstacles- Internal obstacles arise when services (in particular the managerial capacity and the technical skills) required for expansion are not available in sufficient amounts within the firm.- Internal inducements arise largely from the existence of a pool of unused productive services, resources, and special knowledge.2) The continuing availability of unused services:强调人与资产的循环互动,相互推动,相互开发.a) So long as any resources are not used fully in current operations, there is an incentive for a firm to find a way of using them more fully.b) No "equilibrium position"Indivisibility of resources: There's always unused servicesIn the process of utilizing unused services, new types of resources will always be added to the firm's collection of resources.c)'Idle' services and 'specialized' services: Specialization leads to higher common multiplies, higher common multiplies leads to greater specialization. -- Specialization --> Diversification --> Specialization......d) New services will also become available from existing resources.Interaction between personnel and material resources: Not only can the personnel of a firm render heterogeneous varieties of services, but also the material resources can be used in different ways, if the people who work with them get different ideas.e) The creation of new productive services. The services that resources will yield depend on the capacities of the men using them, but the development of the capacities of men is partly shaped by the resources men deal with.3) Demand and ResourcesDemand is a necessary condition of entrepreneurial interest in any product, but the original incentive to a great deal of innovation can be found in a firm's desire to use its existing resources more efficiently.4) The Direction of ExpansionNew combinations previously acquired or inherited resources and other resources which must be obtained from the market.♦◆☐b) Wernerfelt, 1984. "A Resource-Based View of the firm".●Theme: to look at firms in terms of resources rather than products; & Sequential entry.●Resource: anything which could be thought of as a strength or weakness of a given firm. Definition: Tangible or intangible assets which are tied semi-permanently to the firm.●1. Resource and profitability1) General effect: monopolistic bargaining power, substitution2) First Mover Advantage - Resource position barriers (VS. entry barrier- entry barrier是针对incumbent和potential entrants,未考虑diversifier.)3) Attractive resources (difficult for others to catch up)4) Mergers and Acquisitions: to trade otherwise non-marketable resources and to buy or sell resources in bundles.●2. Dynamic resource management1) The resource-product matrix2) Sequential entry - to develop the resource in one market and then to enter other markets from a position of strength.3) Exploit and develop - a balance between exploitation of existing resources and development of new ones.4) Stepping stones - diversification step must be evaluated in terms of short-term balance effect and long-term function as stepping stones to further expansion.c) Barney, 1986. "Strategic factor markets: expectations, luck and business strategy".●Theme: Above normal economic returns comes from more accurate expectations (originated from unique skills and capabilities) or luck from the strategic factor market.●1. Strategic factor markets: where firms buy and sell the resources necessary to implement their strategies.●2. Expectation and luck in strategic factor market●3. To obtain above normal returns: a) must be consistently better informed concerning the future value of those strategies; b) there are some ways to be better informed1) by analysis of competitive environment: less likely to systematically generate the expectation advantages because the methodologies for collecting this information and the conceptual models for analyzing it are in the public domain.2) by analysis of unique skill and capabilities: to analyze information about the assets a firm already controls but are not available to other firms (special manufacturing know-how, business experience, TMT...).♦◆☐d) Barney, 1991, "Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage".●Assumptions: Firms may be heterogeneous and resources may not be perfectly mobile.●Key concepts:-Firm Resource: include all assets, capabilities, organizational processes, firm attributes, information, knowledge, etc. (or, strengths) controlled by a firm that enable the firm to conceive of and implement strategies that improve its efficiency and effectiveness. (physical capital resources, human capital resources and organizational capital resources)-Sustained Competitive Advantage: 1) compared with current and potential competitors; 2) notduplicable by others; 3) not necessarily survive in Schumpeterian Shocks.●4 attributes of resources to have potential SCA:-Valuable-Rare-Imperfectly imitable: path dependent, causally ambiguity and socially complexity.-Non substitutable: substituted by similar resources or different strategic resources.♦◆☐ePriem and Butler, 2001. "Is the Resource-Based 'View' a useful perspective for strategic management research?"●1. RBV as a Theory? - lawlike generalizationa) Generalized conditionsb) Empirical context (tautology)c) Nomic necessity●2. An elemental fallacy of RBVThe 'value' attribute and environmental side●3. For strategy researcha) Operational validity and implement abilityb) RBV boundaries ( context)c) All-inclusive Resourcesd) The process from resource to SCAe) Static RBV - limitations (hard to evaluate resource, process black box, difficult to practice,...) ●4. Discussion:Formalizing RBV towards a theoryAnswering the How questionIncorporating the temporal component - path dependentIntegrating demand heterogeneity model♦◆☐f) Barney, 2001. 'Is RBV a useful perspective for strategic management research? Yes.' Admitting market-side consideration♦◆☐g) Amit and Schoemaker, 1993. "Strategic Assets and Organizational Rent".●RQ: How to identify, develop and deploy firm-specific Strategic Assets?●Main Contributions: Strategic assets and Strategic Industry Factors●Firm level - Strategic assets: the set off difficult to trade and imitate, scarce, appropriable and specialized Resources and Capabilities.●Market level - Strategic Industry Factors: Certain resources and capabilities that have become the prime determinants of economic rents. (ex post)●Problem: how to identify, ex ante, a set of Strategic Assets.●Multidimensional view:1) Industry Analysis: the focus is on rent distribution2) RBV: the focus is internal evolutionary path; trade-off between specialization and robustness3) Behavioral view: uncertainty, complexity, conflict. --> suboptimal♦◆☐f) Dierickx and Cool, 1989. "Asset stock accumulation and Sustainability of competitive advantage". (early dynamic RBV article)●Main points:-Critical resources that are imperfectly imitable are accumulated rather than acquired in strategic factor market (Barney, 1986). Asset accumulation process: time compression diseconomies, asset mass efficiencies, inter-connectedness, asset erosion and causal ambiguity.-Accumulation of asset stocks: the strategic asset stocks are accumulated by choosing appropriate time paths of flows over a period of time.-Strategic asset stocks: non-tradable, nonimitable and nonsubstitutableEmpirical in RBVA. Topic: Managerial Ability and firm performance♦◆☐Holcomb et. al, 2009. "Making the most of what you have: managerial ability as a source of resource value creation".●This article goes back to Penrose (1959)'s seminal work, investigating the effect of managerial ability on resource productivity, interacting with resource quality. There are 3 main contributions:1. Managerial ability is a potential source of value creation.2. Managerial ability interactive with resource quality influences value creation.3. The process of managerial ability to optimize firm performance -- synchronization of combinations of resource bundles.●Data source: football team.B. Topic: Non-scale free capabilities and diversification♦◆☐Levinthal and Wu, 2010. "Opportunitycosts and non-scale free capabilities: profit maximization, corporate scope, and profit margins".●This study provides an alternative explanation for diversification discount, which relies on an opportunity costs logic to distinguish between non-scale free and scale free capabilities, and also provides a rational explanation for the divergence between total profits and profit margins.1. RBV logic: The fungibility of resource is the basis for the explanation of related diversification. --> Assumption: scale free.2. Opportunity cost of resources --> non-scale free resources3. Market demand and resource allocation - Diversification is also impacted by the market opportunities: when the current industry becomes mature, firms make rational decisions to increase total profit (profit maximization) via diversification. However, firms need to allocate their non-scale free resources to new business, which may lead to lower average returns.4. Diversifying firms are 'good types' (i.e., high capabilities) operating in 'bad' market context. (i.e., generalist firm)C. Topic: Formality and SME performance♦◆☐Terziovski, 2010. "Innovation practice and its performance implications in small and medium enterprises (SEMs) in the manufacturing sector: a resource-based view."●Theory: Schumpeterian's two-phase innovation theory; the benefits of formality (efficiency) and informality (flexibility).●Results: innovation strategy and formal structure are positive predictors of SME performance.D. Mergers and Acquisitions♦◆☐a) Puranam and Srikanth, 2007. "What they know VS. What they do: how acquirers leverage technology acquisitions".●Theme: to reconcile the integration paradox - Leveraging what they know (learning) & Leveraging what they do (disruption).●Main effect: Post acquisition integration (structural integration/structural separation) --> the success of leveraging.●Moderating effect: acquisition experience●Logic: integration mechanism both enhances coordination and harm leveraging technology.●Arguments:1. Structural integration enhances the leveraging of knowledge via coordination effect.2. Structural integration harms the leveraging of capability (ongoing innovations of the acquired firm) via the decrease of autonomy.3. Acquisition experience of acquirer moderates the relationship.4. Some solutions of post acquisition: rich unstructured communication, in the form of frequent face-to-face interactions, acids the disruptive consequences of administrative and cultural integration while also enabling high levels of coordination.♦◆☐b) Larsson and Finkelstein, 1999. 'Integrating strategic, organizational, and human resource perspective on mergers and ac questions: a case survey of synergy realization'.●Arguments: Synergy realization is a function of the similarity and complementarity of two merging businesses (combination potential), the extent of interaction and coordination during the organizational integration process, and the lack of employee resistance the combined entry.♦◆☐c) Haunschild, 1994. "How much is that company worth?: Interorganizational relationship, uncertainty and acquisition premiums."- Network perspective●Arguments:1. Firm managers will look to both their interlock partners and professional firms when deciding how much to pay.2. The impact of interlocks and professional firms on the premium decision will be stronger when managers are uncertain about the value of the Acquisition target.♦◆☐d) Stearns and Allan, 1996. "Economic behavior in institutional environments: the corporate merger wave of the 1980s".-Network and institutional perspective●A model: First, economic and political changes create conditions for merger wave; second, challengers (marginal actors) who lack status and resources exploit these conditions; third, the methods of successful challengers are imitated through the business community.。
rbv 例子 -回复

rbv 例子-回复什么是资源基础理论(RBV)?资源基础理论(Resource-Based View, RBV)是一种管理学理论,旨在解释企业的核心竞争优势来自于其资源和能力的组合。

资源基础观英文介绍The resource-based view (RBV) is a strategic management theory that suggests that a firm's competitive advantage arises from its unique and valuable resources. These resources are difficult to replicate by competitors, thus providing a sustainable competitive edge. The theory was first introduced by Wernerfelt in his 1984 article "The Resource-Based View of the Firm," which marked the beginning of the resource-based theory of competitive advantage.The RBV posits that a firm's resources can beclassified into three categories: tangible assets, intangible assets, and organizational capabilities. Tangible assets refer to physical resources such as equipment, factories, and technology. Intangible assets encompass brand equity, patents, and licenses, while organizational capabilities refer to a firm's ability to coordinate and integrate its resources to achieve a competitive advantage.According to the RBV, the value of a firm's resources depends on their rarity, imitability, and substitutability. Resources that are rare and difficult to imitate are considered more valuable. Moreover, resources that are not easily substitutable by competitors also contribute to a firm's competitive advantage.The theory further suggests that a firm's competitive strategy should focus on leveraging its unique resources to create value for customers. By doing so, the firm can achieve above-average returns and maintain its competitive edge. To analyze a firm's resource position and develop strategic options, Wernerfelt proposed two economic tools: resource position barriers and the resource-product matrix.Resource position barriers refer to the obstacles that competitors face when trying to replicate a firm's unique resources. These barriers can arise from various factors such as legal protection, access to resources, and thefirm's ability to integrate its resources effectively. By identifying and strengthening these barriers, a firm canenhance its competitive advantage.The resource-product matrix is a tool that helps firms identify the products and services that can be developed using their unique resources. By mapping out the firm's resources and capabilities against potential products and services, managers can gain insights into which areas offer the greatest potential for competitive advantage.The RBV has since evolved and been applied in various contexts, including industry analysis, corporate strategy, and entrepreneurship. It has provided a valuable framework for understanding how firms can achieve and maintain competitive advantage through the effective management and development of their unique resources.In conclusion, the resource-based view offers a powerful theoretical framework for analyzing a firm's competitive advantage. By focusing on the unique resources and capabilities that are difficult to replicate by competitors, managers can develop strategies that leveragethese resources to create value for customers and maintain a sustainable competitive edge.。

企业资源基础理论中的人力资源企业资源基础理论(resource-based view,RBV)是管理学者伯格·沃纳菲尔特于1984年正式提出的,其主要观点是,企业是一个资源集合体,企业所拥有或掌握的资源影响企业的竞争优势和收益水平,而企业成长战略的实质就是在运用现有的资源与培育新的资源之间寻求平衡。
同时,他还明确提出了成为异质性资源所必需具备的四个特性(VRIN),即有价值性(valuable)、稀缺性(rare)、难以仿照性(imperfectly imitable)和难以替代性(non-substitutable),并且指出,这四种特征是这些异质性资源制造租金的基础,构成了企业竞争优势的内生来源。
rbv 例子 -回复

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[rbv 例子]是什么意思?这个问题可能让许多人感到困惑。
在营销和战略管理领域,RBV代表着资源基础视角(Resource-Based View)。
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Theory in RBV♦◆☐a) Penrose, 1959. "Theory of the Growth of the Firm".●Theme:1) The internal resources of a firm - the productive services available to a firm from its own resources, particularly the productive services available from management with experience within the firm.2) As management tries to make the best use of the resources available, a truly 'dynamic' interacting process occurs which encourages continuous growth but limits the rate of growth.●RQ: Assuming that some firms can grow, what principles will govern their growth, and how fast and how long can they grow? Alternatively, assuming that there are opportunities for expansion in an economy, what determines the kind of firm that will take advantage of them and to what extent?●What is a "firm":a) Economics: Price (p) and Output (q) --> Optimal size problem.(Size=output)b) The Firm as an administrative organization (central management)c) The Firm as a collection of productive resources.-- Resources: physical resources and human resources.-- Services yielded by resources-- The size of a firm should be measured with respect to the present value of the total of its resources used for its own productive purposes.●The motivation of the firm:a) The profit motive: The financial and investment decisions of firms are controlled by a desire to increase total long-run profits.b) Growth and profits become equivalent as the criteria for the selection of investment programs.●Inherited Resources and the Direction of Expansion1) Firm Growth: External and Internal inducement / obstacles- Internal obstacles arise when services (in particular the managerial capacity and the technical skills) required for expansion are not available in sufficient amounts within the firm.- Internal inducements arise largely from the existence of a pool of unused productive services, resources, and special knowledge.2) The continuing availability of unused services:强调人与资产的循环互动,相互推动,相互开发.a) So long as any resources are not used fully in current operations, there is an incentive for a firm to find a way of using them more fully.b) No "equilibrium position"Indivisibility of resources: There's always unused servicesIn the process of utilizing unused services, new types of resources will always be added to the firm's collection of resources.c)'Idle' services and 'specialized' services: Specialization leads to higher common multiplies, higher common multiplies leads to greater specialization. -- Specialization --> Diversification --> Specialization......d) New services will also become available from existing resources.Interaction between personnel and material resources: Not only can the personnel of a firm render heterogeneous varieties of services, but also the material resources can be used in different ways, if the people who work with them get different ideas.e) The creation of new productive services. The services that resources will yield depend on the capacities of the men using them, but the development of the capacities of men is partly shaped by the resources men deal with.3) Demand and ResourcesDemand is a necessary condition of entrepreneurial interest in any product, but the original incentive to a great deal of innovation can be found in a firm's desire to use its existing resources more efficiently.4) The Direction of ExpansionNew combinations previously acquired or inherited resources and other resources which must be obtained from the market.♦◆☐b) Wernerfelt, 1984. "A Resource-Based View of the firm".●Theme: to look at firms in terms of resources rather than products; & Sequential entry.●Resource: anything which could be thought of as a strength or weakness of a given firm. Definition: Tangible or intangible assets which are tied semi-permanently to the firm.●1. Resource and profitability1) General effect: monopolistic bargaining power, substitution2) First Mover Advantage - Resource position barriers (VS. entry barrier- entry barrier是针对incumbent和potential entrants,未考虑diversifier.)3) Attractive resources (difficult for others to catch up)4) Mergers and Acquisitions: to trade otherwise non-marketable resources and to buy or sell resources in bundles.●2. Dynamic resource management1) The resource-product matrix2) Sequential entry - to develop the resource in one market and then to enter other markets from a position of strength.3) Exploit and develop - a balance between exploitation of existing resources and development of new ones.4) Stepping stones - diversification step must be evaluated in terms of short-term balance effect and long-term function as stepping stones to further expansion.c) Barney, 1986. "Strategic factor markets: expectations, luck and business strategy".●Theme: Above normal economic returns comes from more accurate expectations (originated from unique skills and capabilities) or luck from the strategic factor market.●1. Strategic factor markets: where firms buy and sell the resources necessary to implement their strategies.●2. Expectation and luck in strategic factor market●3. To obtain above normal returns: a) must be consistently better informed concerning the future value of those strategies; b) there are some ways to be better informed1) by analysis of competitive environment: less likely to systematically generate the expectation advantages because the methodologies for collecting this information and the conceptual models for analyzing it are in the public domain.2) by analysis of unique skill and capabilities: to analyze information about the assets a firm already controls but are not available to other firms (special manufacturing know-how, business experience, TMT...).♦◆☐d) Barney, 1991, "Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage".●Assumptions: Firms may be heterogeneous and resources may not be perfectly mobile.●Key concepts:-Firm Resource: include all assets, capabilities, organizational processes, firm attributes, information, knowledge, etc. (or, strengths) controlled by a firm that enable the firm to conceive of and implement strategies that improve its efficiency and effectiveness. (physical capital resources, human capital resources and organizational capital resources)-Sustained Competitive Advantage: 1) compared with current and potential competitors; 2) notduplicable by others; 3) not necessarily survive in Schumpeterian Shocks.●4 attributes of resources to have potential SCA:-Valuable-Rare-Imperfectly imitable: path dependent, causally ambiguity and socially complexity.-Non substitutable: substituted by similar resources or different strategic resources.♦◆☐ePriem and Butler, 2001. "Is the Resource-Based 'View' a useful perspective for strategic management research?"●1. RBV as a Theory? - lawlike generalizationa) Generalized conditionsb) Empirical context (tautology)c) Nomic necessity●2. An elemental fallacy of RBVThe 'value' attribute and environmental side●3. For strategy researcha) Operational validity and implement abilityb) RBV boundaries ( context)c) All-inclusive Resourcesd) The process from resource to SCAe) Static RBV - limitations (hard to evaluate resource, process black box, difficult to practice,...) ●4. Discussion:Formalizing RBV towards a theoryAnswering the How questionIncorporating the temporal component - path dependentIntegrating demand heterogeneity model♦◆☐f) Barney, 2001. 'Is RBV a useful perspective for strategic management research? Yes.' Admitting market-side consideration♦◆☐g) Amit and Schoemaker, 1993. "Strategic Assets and Organizational Rent".●RQ: How to identify, develop and deploy firm-specific Strategic Assets?●Main Contributions: Strategic assets and Strategic Industry Factors●Firm level - Strategic assets: the set off difficult to trade and imitate, scarce, appropriable and specialized Resources and Capabilities.●Market level - Strategic Industry Factors: Certain resources and capabilities that have become the prime determinants of economic rents. (ex post)●Problem: how to identify, ex ante, a set of Strategic Assets.●Multidimensional view:1) Industry Analysis: the focus is on rent distribution2) RBV: the focus is internal evolutionary path; trade-off between specialization and robustness3) Behavioral view: uncertainty, complexity, conflict. --> suboptimal♦◆☐f) Dierickx and Cool, 1989. "Asset stock accumulation and Sustainability of competitive advantage". (early dynamic RBV article)●Main points:-Critical resources that are imperfectly imitable are accumulated rather than acquired in strategic factor market (Barney, 1986). Asset accumulation process: time compression diseconomies, asset mass efficiencies, inter-connectedness, asset erosion and causal ambiguity.-Accumulation of asset stocks: the strategic asset stocks are accumulated by choosing appropriate time paths of flows over a period of time.-Strategic asset stocks: non-tradable, nonimitable and nonsubstitutableEmpirical in RBVA. Topic: Managerial Ability and firm performance♦◆☐Holcomb et. al, 2009. "Making the most of what you have: managerial ability as a source of resource value creation".●This article goes back to Penrose (1959)'s seminal work, investigating the effect of managerial ability on resource productivity, interacting with resource quality. There are 3 main contributions:1. Managerial ability is a potential source of value creation.2. Managerial ability interactive with resource quality influences value creation.3. The process of managerial ability to optimize firm performance -- synchronization of combinations of resource bundles.●Data source: football team.B. Topic: Non-scale free capabilities and diversification♦◆☐Levinthal and Wu, 2010. "Opportunitycosts and non-scale free capabilities: profit maximization, corporate scope, and profit margins".●This study provides an alternative explanation for diversification discount, which relies on an opportunity costs logic to distinguish between non-scale free and scale free capabilities, and also provides a rational explanation for the divergence between total profits and profit margins.1. RBV logic: The fungibility of resource is the basis for the explanation of related diversification. --> Assumption: scale free.2. Opportunity cost of resources --> non-scale free resources3. Market demand and resource allocation - Diversification is also impacted by the market opportunities: when the current industry becomes mature, firms make rational decisions to increase total profit (profit maximization) via diversification. However, firms need to allocate their non-scale free resources to new business, which may lead to lower average returns.4. Diversifying firms are 'good types' (i.e., high capabilities) operating in 'bad' market context. (i.e., generalist firm)C. Topic: Formality and SME performance♦◆☐Terziovski, 2010. "Innovation practice and its performance implications in small and medium enterprises (SEMs) in the manufacturing sector: a resource-based view."●Theory: Schumpeterian's two-phase innovation theory; the benefits of formality (efficiency) and informality (flexibility).●Results: innovation strategy and formal structure are positive predictors of SME performance.D. Mergers and Acquisitions♦◆☐a) Puranam and Srikanth, 2007. "What they know VS. What they do: how acquirers leverage technology acquisitions".●Theme: to reconcile the integration paradox - Leveraging what they know (learning) & Leveraging what they do (disruption).●Main effect: Post acquisition integration (structural integration/structural separation) --> the success of leveraging.●Moderating effect: acquisition experience●Logic: integration mechanism both enhances coordination and harm leveraging technology.●Arguments:1. Structural integration enhances the leveraging of knowledge via coordination effect.2. Structural integration harms the leveraging of capability (ongoing innovations of the acquired firm) via the decrease of autonomy.3. Acquisition experience of acquirer moderates the relationship.4. Some solutions of post acquisition: rich unstructured communication, in the form of frequent face-to-face interactions, acids the disruptive consequences of administrative and cultural integration while also enabling high levels of coordination.♦◆☐b) Larsson and Finkelstein, 1999. 'Integrating strategic, organizational, and human resource perspective on mergers and ac questions: a case survey of synergy realization'.●Arguments: Synergy realization is a function of the similarity and complementarity of two merging businesses (combination potential), the extent of interaction and coordination during the organizational integration process, and the lack of employee resistance the combined entry.♦◆☐c) Haunschild, 1994. "How much is that company worth?: Interorganizational relationship, uncertainty and acquisition premiums."- Network perspective●Arguments:1. Firm managers will look to both their interlock partners and professional firms when deciding how much to pay.2. The impact of interlocks and professional firms on the premium decision will be stronger when managers are uncertain about the value of the Acquisition target.♦◆☐d) Stearns and Allan, 1996. "Economic behavior in institutional environments: the corporate merger wave of the 1980s".-Network and institutional perspective●A model: First, economic and political changes create conditions for merger wave; second, challengers (marginal actors) who lack status and resources exploit these conditions; third, the methods of successful challengers are imitated through the business community.。