NESCAFE雀巢咖啡 英文简介

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Nowadays , the simple happiness has built a boundless coffee world for all the people .
Would you like a cup of Nescafe?
Inspiration in Life
A cup of coffee , creates connection. A cup of coffee , ignites unlimited inspiration. A cup of coffee , enrich life with touching moments. Enjoy a cup of coffee together and there won’t be boundaries in the world any more.
Doing the normal things well is not normal. Doing the simple things well is not simple. For the past 75 years , NESCAFE has inherited a single mission ——helping people to enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee in the simplest way.
Let’s start a
How is instant coffee born?
75 years ago ,Nestle invented soluble coffee and helped out Brazilian farmers in a difficult time. Today , this passionate country shares joy and passion with the rest of the world.
The chocolate is like playful childhood, the foam is carefree adolescence, the coffee is the gravity of adult life.
Let’s go to have a cup of coffee!