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分析:一项网站所进行的调查。过去 分词作后置定语,表示被动关系
4. A travel company in Hong Kong, says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people__l_iv_i_n_g__(live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.【2015 全国1卷】
分析:住在上海和香港的人们。现在分词作 后置定语。
5. The adobe dwellings _b_u_i_lt_(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even the most modern of architects and engineers. 【2015 全国2卷】 分析:过去分词built作 the adobe dwellings的后 置定语,表毛坯房被建。
predicative表语 主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 宾补
a handsome father
a man athlete
a sleeping baby
a frightened boy
单个的分词作定语,通常置于被修饰的 词的__前__面___
a novel written by Luxun 过去分词短语作定语
分析:A, confused 表示“迷惑的”修饰人 或人的表情,confusing 表示“难以理解 的”,常修饰物
1. The next thing he saw was smoke ____(rise) from behind the house. 【2011新课标全国卷 】 2. But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s,when I was the first Western TV reporter _________ (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. 【2016 全国1卷】 3. A study of travelers _______ (conduct) by the website Trip Advisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world. 【2015 全国1卷】
is our monitor.
3) She is drinking __b_o__il_e_d__ (boil) water. 4)We can’t drink __b_o_i_l_in__g__ (boil) water.
过去分词和现在分词 作定语的区别
作定语用的过去分词和现在分词相当于形 容词,其逻辑主语就是它所修饰的名词。动 词过去分词作定语,表示__被_动___或者 _完__成____; 动词的现在分词作定语,表示 __主__动___ 或者_正__在__进__行__。
The difference between the –ing form and the past participle as the
过去分词和现在分词 作定语的区别
Grammar in life
A. B.
Participles can make our language vivid and concise.
3._T__h_e_b_o_y__p_a_r_ti_c_ip_a_t_i_n_g_i_n_t_h_e__lo_n_g__ju__m_p_ ___c_o_m_p_e_t_it_i_o_n_w__o_n_t_h_e__fi_r_st__p_r_iz_e_.______
(the boy, participate in, won)
2. He saw a _______ bird, and raised his bow. A. fly B. flying C. flew D. to be flying
分析:B, 表示动作正在Leabharlann Baidu行,意思是正 在飞的鸟,
3. The computer center, _____last year, is very popular among the students in this school. A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened
_______________________________________ 2. 我邀请你加入这个目标是要发展我们的兴趣的 网球队。
_______________________________________ 3. 这些文章是由外国朋友写的,主要描述了他们 当地的文化。
2. but I feel my world coming back to life
object complement宾补
3. I'm finally on the outside looking in
4. Please fasten seat belt while (you are) seated.
a man coming from England 现在分词短语作定语
Do you know the difference between the –ing form and the past participle as the attribute
Grammar in life
Participles can make our language vivid and concise.
Where can we put participles in sentences?
1. Don’t stop the closing door. attribute定语
分析:A, position与 advertise 之间是被动 关系,意为被刊登在中国日报上的职位。
5. The ______ expression on his face suggests that he was not able to work out the _____ problem.
A. confused, confusing B. confusing, confused C. confused, confused D. confusing, confusing
_____________________________________ (sport meeting, hold, memorable)
2._O_u__r_c_la_s_s_u__n_if_o_r_m__d_e_s_ig_n_e_d__b_y_L__i _H_u__a_ __i_s_s_o__h_a_n_d_s_o_m_e_.____________________
(uniform, design, handsome)
3._T__h_e_p_o_s_t_er__o_f_C_l_a_s_s_1_6__d_r_a_w_n__b_y_L__i _H_u_a ___is__so__c_r_ea_t_i_v_e_. _____________________
(poster, draw, creative)
_______________________________________ 4.我对于这个投放在网上的夏令营广告很感兴趣。
Task : We are going to design a class newspaper on the sports meeting. First, make a caption(说明文字) for each picture.
1. _T_h_e__sp__o_rt__m_e_e_t_in_g__h_e_ld__o_n__O_c_t_._2_6_th__a_n_d_ 27th is so memorable.
1. Most of the artists _____ to the party were from South Africa. A. invited B. to invite C. inviting D. to be inviting
分析:A, 被邀请去聚会的艺术家,此 处过去分词表示被动的动作。
1)The boy _b_i_t_te_n__ (bite) by a dog is Xiao Ming.
2)The boy _s_t_u_d__y_in__g_ (study) in the classroom
is our monitor.
3) She is drinking __b__o_i_le_d__ (boil) water.
分析:reporter与permit之间是被动关系, 考查过去分词做定语
3. A study of travelers _c_o_n_d_u_c_t_ed__ (conduct) by the website Trip Advisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world. 【2015 全国1卷】
4)We can’t drink __b_o_i_l_in__g__ (boil) water.
1)The boy __b_it_t_e_n_ (bite) by a dog is Xiao
2)The boy __st_u_d__y_in__g_(study) in the classroom
4. A travel company in Hong Kong, says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people_____(live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.【2015 全国1卷】 5. The adobe dwellings _____(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even the most modern of architects and engineers. 【2015 全国2卷】
1. The next thing he saw was smoke _r_i_si_n_g_ (rise)
from behind the house. 【2011新课标全国卷 】
分析:rising from behind the house 意思 为正从屋子后面冒出来的烟。
2. But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s,when I was the first Western TV reporter __p_e_rm__i_tt_e_d (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. 【2016 全 国1卷】
分析:D, 表示动作已经完成,意思是上 年开的电脑室
4. I am calling to enquire about the position __________ in yesterday’s China Daily. A. advertised B. to be advertised C. advertising D. to advertise