Phonics Kids 教材的介绍


phonics kids自然拼读教材

phonics kids自然拼读教材

《Phonics Kids自然拼读教材:深度评估与个人观点》一、引言在当今教育领域,教育者们都在探索更有效的教学方法,以提高学生的语文水平。


本文将对Phonics Kids自然拼读教材进行深度评估,并共享个人观点。

二、全面评估1. 课程设置:Phonics Kids自然拼读教材采用了系统、完整的课程设置,从简单到复杂,由浅入深地帮助学生掌握拼读技能。


2. 教学方法:Phonics Kids自然拼读教材采用了互动式教学方法,注重学生的实际操作和反馈。


3. 教材内容:Phonics Kids自然拼读教材的内容丰富多样,既包含了经典的拼读故事,又融入了当下流行的元素。


4. 教学效果:Phonics Kids自然拼读教材在实际教学中取得了显著的成效。


三、个人观点个人认为,Phonics Kids自然拼读教材确实是一种高质量、深度和广度兼具的教材。



Phonics Kids自然拼读教材是一种值得推广和应用的优秀教材,它有助于提升学生的语文水平,培养他们的语言能力和综合素质。

四、结语通过本文的评估,我们对Phonics Kids自然拼读教材有了更全面、深刻的了解。



五、 Phonic Kids自然拼读教材的优势1. 注重基础的扎实性:自然拼读教材以字母和音标为基础,通过系统的教学设计,帮助学生逐步掌握拼读和阅读的技能。



牛津少儿英语 ' 系列教材《牛津少儿英语' 系列》是一套专为初学英语的儿童所设计的英语教材,适合—岁(学前班至小学六年级)的学生使用。










Phonics Kids 棒棒幼儿英语 教材分析

Phonics Kids 棒棒幼儿英语 教材分析

棒棒幼儿英语拼读 Phonics Kids一、棒棒幼儿英语拼读 Phonics Kids资源类型:幼儿英语教材创造「五十万本」销售佳绩。

全球多国热烈销售,来自台湾的「幼儿英语拼读Phonics Kids系列」请爸爸妈妈和小朋友,一起体验全然不同,轻松活泼的英语拼读!针对初学英语,即将要开始学习字母拼读的孩子而设计的拼读工具书。





让我们一起引领孩子快乐地进入英语阅读之门!二、教材体系1、初阶(Level 1~3)1)1A+1B - The Alphabet认识字母2)2A+2B - The Consonants认识子音3)3A+3B - The Short Vowels认识母音2、进阶(Level 4~6)1)4A+4B - The Short Vowel Word Families & Consonant Blends 更多混合音2)5A+5B -The Vowel Pairs & Consonant Digraphs母音组和复合子音3)6A+6B- More Vowel Pairs更多母音组三、分级介绍1、1A+1B - The Alphabet认识字母1)教材1A+1BA.1A - The Alphabet 认识字母Aa~MmB.1B - The Alphabet认识字母Nn~Zz介绍26个英文字母及与字母相关单词。



自然拼读教材——《PhonicsKids》优缺点分析第一篇:自然拼读教材——《Phonics Kids》优缺点分析自然拼读教材——《Phonics Kids》优缺点分析自然拼读法是母语国家自然形成的一种发音规则,主要教授英文字母与读音间的对应关系,通过发音规则就可以直接把单词读出来。

市面上关于自然拼读的教材有很多,本文就帮大家分析一下《Oxford Phonics World》教材的优缺点出版社:台湾东西图书出版社体系:共六个级别,第一级别介绍26个英文字母的字母名,第二级介绍辅音字母的字母音,第三级别是元音字母的字母音及常见元音字母组合音,第四级介绍元音字母的所有字母组合音及r/s/l构成的组合音。




优点与不足:《Phonics Kids》的优点这套教材每一级别都有生动有趣的VCD教学视频和音频,每个单元都设计的有外教朗读和童声跟读,教学音、视频发音标准、地道,音韵节奏明快俏皮,选有大量的、丰富的、极富感染力的英文韵律儿歌和活泼生动的故事,琅琅上口,孩子易学易记。



教材的前两个阶段——教授letter name和letter sound,非常适合教初学自然拼读的小朋友,因为举例都是常见词汇,孩子有一种熟悉感,不会那么排斥,学起来相对比较轻松。


《Phonics Kids》的不足第一,缺乏配套练习,教材里每节课后面练习题少之又少,更没有专门的配套练习册(workbook),家长和孩子仅仅跟着教学视频、音频学完,不用大量的含有相关词汇练习题进行巩固,孩子很快就把学习的内容遗忘了。



Chant with Me
每个子音都介绍一首琅琅上口的念谣, 帮助孩子熟悉子音的基本发音
Phonics Kids Level 2
学完3个字母,设计1个复习活动,以孩子喜欢的学习活动, 帮助孩子复习字母笔顺、对应音与学过的单字
Phonics Kids Level 3
Learning Goal:
•开始进入自然拼读 •介绍短元音(a,e,i)的对应音(sound),每个元音介绍3个音 组练习 •学习拼读英文单字,尤其是辅音+元音+辅音(CVC)的单字 •音组与辅音结合,并学习句型 •能见字读音的字数可累积至150-200个单字
Phonics Kids Level 3
学完3个字母,设计1个复习活动,以孩子喜欢的学习活动, 帮助孩子复习字母笔顺、对应音与学过的单字
Sing with Me
每个元音介绍1首传统歌曲或 念谣作为元音的复习活动
Phonics Kids 幼儿字母拼读
•影像帮助右脑的发展图像思考 •培养创造力的发展 •节奏感帮助孩子自然记忆字母与声音的关系
Phonics 教学进程 26个字母 → 辅音 → 短元音
Phonics Kids Level 1
Learning Goal:
能认字母的大小写形状与笔顺 知道字母的名字与字母相关的2个单字
Phonics Kids Level 3
加上前缀 3音组合
Phonics Kids Level 3
Drawing Fun
更多运笔练习, 开始书写字母
Chant with Me
念谣加长,孩子慢慢开口说! 有音符包住的要念声音(短元音)
Phonics Kids Level 3

自然拼读 phonics kids book3双字母组合发音教案资料

自然拼读 phonics kids book3双字母组合发音教案资料

Part1:Unit1: Sound of the letter Aaa a a a lligatora a a a pplea a a a xa a a a ntAmy likes a pples.A pple, a pple, a pple.Aa says a a,A pple, a pple, a pple.Clap your handsClap, clap, clap your hands.As slowly as you can.Clap, clap, clap your hands.As quickly as you can.Unit2: Sound of the letters “am”I love ham. I love jam.Unit3: Sound of the letters “ad”I love my dad. My dad is not mad.Unit4: Sound of the letters “at”I have a cat. My cat is fat.Part2: Sound of the letter Ee Unit1: Sound of the letter Eee e e e lephante e e e gge e e e lfe e e e lkE lephant, e lephant,come with me.Ee says e e,e gg, e gg treat.Buckle my shoe1, 2, buckle my shoe.1, 2, buckle my shoe.3, 4, shut the door.5, 6, pick up sticks.7, 8, lay them straight.9, 10, a big red hen.Unit2:ht en enen+en hentenTen little hens.h en h en h enHere is a hent ent ent enNow, we have t en.b ell b ell b ell The big b ell f ell . w ell w ell w ell The b ell f ell into the w ell .I love r ed.I love the r ed, r ed b ed.Part3:Unit1: Sound of the letter Iii i i i diani i i i glooi i i i nki i i i nfantI dian, Idian,Please come i nside.Ii says i i,I n i n i n.Unit2: Sound of the letters “ig”b ig b igb ig I am b ig. p igp igp igMy pig is b ig.h ill h ill h illHere is a big h ill. m ill m ill m ill The m ill is on the h ill.h id h id I h id, h id, h id. h id k idk idk idAnd I am a k id, k id, k id.Chant with me:Jack and JillJack and Jill went up the hill.To fetch a pail of water.Jack fell down.And broke his crown.And Jill cameTumbling after.9, 10, a big red hen.Part4:Unit1: Sound of the letter Ooo o o o ctopuso o o o xo o o o ttero o o o nionO ctopus, O ctopus,O, o, o.Oo says o o,o n, o n, o n.Unit2: Sound of the letter “ox”A big, big b ox. In the b ox, there is a f ox.Unit3: Sound of the letters “ot”h ot h ot h ot I am h ot, h ot, h ot. p ot p ot p ot My p ot is not so h ot.Unit4: Sound of the letters “op”h op h op h op I can h op, h op, h op. t opt opt opI can h op to the t op.Sing with me:Pease Porridge HotPease porridge hot.Pease porridge cold.Pease porridge in the pot.Nine days old.Some like it hot.Some like it cold.Some like it in the potNine days old..Part5:Unit1: Sound of the letter Uu u u u mbrellau u u nderwearu u u psetu u u pu p, u p, u mbrellas.U p, u p, u p.Uu says u, u.U p, u p, u p.Unit2: Sound of the letters “un”I love to r un.I r un in the s un.b ug b ug b ug I have a b ug.h ugh ugh ugNow, h ug my b ug.c ut c ut c ut I can c ut. n utn utn utDon’t c ut the n ut.Chant with me:Humty DumptyHumty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humty Dumpty had a great wall. All the king’s horses.And all the king’s men. Couldn’t put Humpty Together again.。



Phonics kids 5BPart 2 The Consonant digraphsUnit 1 Consonant digraph “ sh /ʃ/ ”Chant with mes.h—sh sh s.h—sh shsh sh sh s.h—sh shRhyming funSheep sheep sheep ! Ship ship ship !The sheep is on the ship !拓展词:sheep绵羊ship轮船一Ending digraph “ -sh /ʃ/ ”1. The sound of “ash/æʃ/”Point and—ash ash ash ashd.ash—dash c.ash—cashg.ash—gash r.ash—rashRhyming funCash cash cash ! Dash dash dash !Hurry ! Dash to get some cash !拓展词:dash猛撞cash现金gash裂缝rash鲁莽的2. The sound of “ish/iʃ/”Point and—ish ish ish ishf.ish—fish d.ish—dishw.ish—wishRhyming funFish fish fish ! Dish dish dish !A fish in a dish !拓展词:fish鱼dish盘子3. The sound of “ush/ʌʃ/”Point and—ush ush ush ush h.ush—hush r.ush—rush g.ush—gushRhyming funHush hush hush ! Rush rush rush !Hush ! Do not rush !拓展词:hush安静rush奔跑,冲brush刷子二.Initial digraph “ sh- /ʃ/ ”1. Point and chantsh sh sh ell ell ellsh.ell—shell shell shell shellWhat a pretty shell !拓展词:shell贝壳2. Point and chantsh sh sh ip ip ipsh.ip—ship ship ship shipSit on the deck(甲板)of the ship !3. Point and chantsh sh sh op op opsh.op—shop shop shop shopGo to a shop !拓展词:shop商店4. Point and chantsh sh sh ut ut utsh.ut—shut shut shut shutDon’t shut the door !拓展词:shut关闭Sing with meHush, my baby On the tree top .When the wind blows The cradle will rock.Unit 2 Consonant digraph “ ch /tʃ/ ”Chant with mec.h—ch ch c.h—ch cht.c.h—tch tch t.c.h—tch tchch ch ch tch tch tchChanting funBench ,church ch ch ch !Catch ,watch tch tch tch !拓展词:bench长凳church教堂catch捉,抓住watch观看一Ending digraph “ -ch /tʃ/ ”1 . The sound of “each /i:tʃ/”Point and—each each each eacht.each—teach r.each—reachp.each—peachRhyming funBench bench bench ! Peach peach peach !Sit on the bench and finish the peach !拓展词:teach教reach到达peach桃子2 . The sound of “atch /ætʃ/”Point and saya.tch—atch atch atch atchp.atch—patch m.atch—matchc.atch—catchRhyming funPatch patch patch ! Match match match !The patch does not match !拓展词:patch补丁,斑点match比赛,火柴,使相配二Initial digraph “ ch- /tʃ/ ”1. Point and chantch ch ch ick ick ickch.ick—chick chick chick chickHere comes a chick !拓展词:chick小鸡2. Point and chantch ch ch eck eck eck ch.eck—check check check checkThree chicks check in .拓展词:check检查3. Point and chantch ch ch in in—chin chin chin chinNot by the hair of my chinny chin , chin .拓展词:chin下巴chinny下颚突出的4. Point and chantch ch ch op op opch.op—chop chop chop chopUse the ax to chop !chop砍,排骨5. Point and chantch ch ch ess ess ess ch.ess—chess chess chess chessDad likes to play chess !拓展词:chess象棋6. Point and chantch ch ch ip ip ipch.ip—chip chip chip chipI like fish and chips !拓展词:chips炸薯条Rhyming with me “Crunch, Munch, Chomp !”Crunch ,munch !Chomp ,chomp ,chomp !The crocodile goes crunch ,munch ,chomp !Unit 3 Consonant digraph “ th /θ/ ”Chant with met.h—th th t.h—th thth th th th th thChanting funMath bath th th th !Path beth th th th !拓展词:math数学bath洗澡path小路Beth贝斯一Ending digraph “ -ch /tʃ/ ”1 . The sound of “ath /ɑ:θ/”Point and—ath ath ath athb.ath—bath m.ath—mathp.ath—pathRhyming funBeth beth beth ! Bath bath bath !Beth likes to take a bath !Beth doesn’t like math !拓展词:Beth贝斯bath洗澡math数学2 . The sound of “oth /ɔθ/”Point and—oth oth oth oth m.oth—moth Here coes a moth !拓展词:moth飞蛾3 . The sound of “eeth /i:θ/”Point and—eeth eeth eeth eeth t.eeth—teeth Brush your teeth !拓展词:teeth牙齿二Initial digraph “ th- /θ/ ”1. Point and chantth th th ing ing—thing thing thing thingThe little thing ,thing goes ding ding ding !拓展词:thing东西,事情ding连响2. Point and chantth th th umb umb umb th.umb—thumb thumb thumb thumbHere is my thumb ! Here is my thumb !拓展词:thumb拇指3. Point and chantth th th ink ink ink—think think think thinkJust let me think !拓展词:think想4. Point and chantth th th ick ick ickth.ick—thick thick thick thickMy thumb is thick !拓展词:thick厚的,粗大的Sing with me “Where is thumbkin ?”Where is Thumbkin ?Where is Thumbkin ?Here I am ! Here I am !How are you today , sir ?V ery well , I thank you !Run away ! Run away !Unit 3 Consonant digraph “ wh /w/ ”Chant with mew.h—wh wh w.h—wh whwh wh wh wh wh whChanting funWhat what what ! White white white !What a sweet little white mouse !拓展词:what什么white白色一Initial digraph “ wh- /w/”1. Point and chant wh.eel—wheel wheel wheel wheelThe wheels go round and round .拓展词:wheel轮子2. Point and chant—wheat wheat wheat wheatWe plant wheat and eat meat !拓展词:wheat小麦3. Point and chant wh.en—when when when whenWhen are you going to catch the hen ?拓展词:when什么时候4. Point and chant wh.ich—which which which whichWhich hat belongs to the witch ?拓展词:which哪一个witch女巫Sing with me “Pussycat ,Pussycat ”Pussycat , pussycat , where have you been ?I’ve been to London to visit the Queen.Pussycat , pussycat , what did you do there ?I frightened a little mouse under her chair .Rhyme with me“There was an old woman who lived in a shoe ?"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe ?She had so many children ;She didn’t know what to do .She gave them some broth with some bread ;Then kissed them all soundly and put them to bed.。



phonics kids教材说明
phonics kids包括6个年级全彩高清晰pdf书,可打印。


第二册拓展孩子的单词量,同时介绍辅音字母的发音letter sound。




Phonic Kids Book 6第六册是收官之书,介绍了Phonics自然拼读里面特殊的组合音+字母r组成的组合音(r组合音据说很难缠,因此放到最后一本书来讲)。



自然拼读 phonics kids book3双字母组合发音教案资料

自然拼读 phonics kids book3双字母组合发音教案资料

Part1:Unit1: Sound of the letter Aaa a a a lligatora a a a pplea a a a xa a a a ntAmy likes a pples.A pple, a pple, a pple.Aa says a a,A pple, a pple, a pple.Clap your handsClap, clap, clap your hands.As slowly as you can.Clap, clap, clap your hands.As quickly as you can.Unit2: Sound of the letters “am”I love ham. I love jam.Unit3: Sound of the letters “ad”I love my dad. My dad is not mad.Unit4: Sound of the letters “at”I have a cat. My cat is fat.Part2: Sound of the letter Ee Unit1: Sound of the letter Eee e e e lephante e e e gge e e e lfe e e e lkE lephant, e lephant,come with me.Ee says e e,e gg, e gg treat.Buckle my shoe1, 2, buckle my shoe.1, 2, buckle my shoe.3, 4, shut the door.5, 6, pick up sticks.7, 8, lay them straight.9, 10, a big red hen.Unit2:ht en enen+en hentenTen little hens.h en h en h enHere is a hent ent ent enNow, we have t en.b ell b ell b ell The big b ell f ell . w ell w ell w ell The b ell f ell into the w ell .I love r ed.I love the r ed, r ed b ed.Part3:Unit1: Sound of the letter Iii i i i diani i i i glooi i i i nki i i i nfantI dian, Idian,Please come i nside.Ii says i i,I n i n i n.Unit2: Sound of the letters “ig”b ig b igb ig I am b ig. p igp igp igMy pig is b ig.h ill h ill h illHere is a big h ill. m ill m ill m ill The m ill is on the h ill.h id h id I h id, h id, h id. h id k idk idk idAnd I am a k id, k id, k id.Chant with me:Jack and JillJack and Jill went up the hill.To fetch a pail of water.Jack fell down.And broke his crown.And Jill cameTumbling after.9, 10, a big red hen.Part4:Unit1: Sound of the letter Ooo o o o ctopuso o o o xo o o o ttero o o o nionO ctopus, O ctopus,O, o, o.Oo says o o,o n, o n, o n.Unit2: Sound of the letter “ox”A big, big b ox. In the b ox, there is a f ox.Unit3: Sound of the letters “ot”h ot h ot h ot I am h ot, h ot, h ot. p ot p ot p ot My p ot is not so h ot.Unit4: Sound of the letters “op”h op h op h op I can h op, h op, h op. t opt opt opI can h op to the t op.Sing with me:Pease Porridge HotPease porridge hot.Pease porridge cold.Pease porridge in the pot.Nine days old.Some like it hot.Some like it cold.Some like it in the potNine days old..Part5:Unit1: Sound of the letter Uu u u u mbrellau u u nderwearu u u psetu u u pu p, u p, u mbrellas.U p, u p, u p.Uu says u, u.U p, u p, u p.Unit2: Sound of the letters “un”I love to r un.I r un in the s un.b ug b ug b ug I have a b ug.h ugh ugh ugNow, h ug my b ug.c ut c ut c ut I can c ut. n utn utn utDon’t c ut the n ut.Chant with me:Humty DumptyHumty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humty Dumpty had a great wall. All the king’s horses.And all the king’s men. Couldn’t put Humpty Together again.。

phonics kids自然拼读教材

phonics kids自然拼读教材

phonics kids自然拼读教材
"Phonics Kids" 是一套自然拼读教材,旨在帮助儿童学习英语



"Phonics Kids" 教材按照不同的学习阶段和难度水平划分,从


"Phonics Kids" 教材还提供了教师用的指导手册,这样教师可


总的来说,"Phonics Kids" 是一套全面的自然拼读教材,适合


phonics kids英语自然拼读法12册

phonics kids英语自然拼读法12册

一、引言Phonics Kids英语自然拼读法是一套专为幼儿设计的英语学习教材,共分为12册。


本文将对Phonics Kids英语自然拼读法12册进行全面介绍。

二、教材概述Phonics Kids英语自然拼读法12册是一套完整的英语学习教材体系,共分为12本书,包含从字母、音节到单词、短语、句子和篇章的学习内容。


三、教材特点1. 系统性:Phonics Kids英语自然拼读法12册的内容编排系统,由浅入深,循序渐进,每册内容设定恰到好处,既让孩子们感到轻松愉快,又保证了学习效果。

2. 实用性:教材覆盖了英语学习的各个层面,包括语音、词汇、语法等,涵盖了日常生活所需要的英语知识,使孩子们能够灵活运用所学知识。

3. 互动性:教材设计了大量的游戏、习题、歌谣等互动环节,可以激发孩子们的学习兴趣,增加他们对学习的参与感和成功感。

四、12册内容概述1. 第一册:介绍英语字母及其发音规律,通过简单的音标学习引起孩子们对英语学习的兴趣。

2. 第二册:进一步学习音标,掌握常见的元音和辅音发音规律,词汇由单音节逐渐过渡到双音节词汇。

3. 第三册:学习更多的双音节词汇,通过图文结合的方式让孩子们更加深入地了解单词的意义和用法。

4. 第四册:引入简单的短语和句子,通过练习培养孩子们的英语语感和语音准确性。

5. 第五册:巩固前期学习成果,继续学习更多的短语和句子,提高语言的流利度和表达能力。

6. 第六册:学习更多的拼读规律,掌握更多的常用词汇,并有更多的语言互动练习。

7. 第七册:引入篇章式的文章阅读,培养孩子们的阅读能力和理解能力,同时激发他们对英语阅读的兴趣。

8. 第八册:学习更复杂的句式和语法结构,掌握更高级的词汇和表达方式。



Phonics kids 5APart 1 The Vowel PairsUnit 1 The V owel Pair “ ai /e?/ ”Chant with mea.i—ai ai ai a.i—ai ai aiRhyming funSee the snail with no tail,Leave its trail by the rail.拓展词:Snail 蜗牛 tail 尾巴trail 足迹rail 轨道1.The word family of -ail /e?l/Point and sayai. l—ail ail ail ailm.ail—mail p.ail—pail t.ail—tail sn.ail—snail Rhyming funMail mail mail, Pail pail pail,Put the mail into the pail.拓展词:mail 邮件pail 桶2. The word family of -aid /e?d/Point and sayai. d—aid aid aid aidm.aid—maid p.aid—paid r.aid—raid l.aid—laid Rhyming funMaid maid maid, Paid paid paid,The maid paid for the pail !拓展词:Maid 少女paid 付款raid 突击laid 放置3. The word family of -ain /e?n/Point and sayai. n—ain ain ain ainr.ain—rain p.ain—pain m.ain—main g.ain—gain Rhyming funRain rain rain. It’s fun to run in the rain.拓展词:Pain 痛苦main 主要的gain 获得4. The word family of -ait /e?t/Point and sayai. t—ait ait ait aitb.ait—bait w.ait—wait tr.ait—traitRhyming funBait bait bait ! Wait wait wait !We wait to buy some bait !拓展词:Bait 诱饵trait 特点Rhyme with me “In the rain”In the rain,Ran fast in the rain,The train ran fast in the rain!Who will take the trainIn the rain?Unit 2 The V owel Pair “ ay /e?/ ”Chant with mea.y—ay ay ay a.y—ay ay ayRhyming funRain, rain, go away!Come again another day.1. The sound of “ay /e?/”Point and sayay ay ay bay bay bayb.ay—bay k.ay—Kay l.ay—lay sl.ay—slay Rhyming funKay Kay Kay ! Bay bay bay !Kay had to wait at the bay.拓展词:Bay 海湾lay 放置slay 残杀2. The sound of “ay /e?/”Point and sayay ay ay stay stay stayst.ay—stay d.ay—day m.ay—MayRhyming funMay May May ! stay stay stay !May will stay with Kay all day.3. The sound of “ay /e?/”Point and sayay ay ay hay hay hayh.ay—hay pl.ay—play j.ay—Jay r.ay—ray Rhyming funHay hay hay ! play play play !Jay and Fay play in the hay.拓展词:Hay 干草4. The sound of “ay /e?/”Point and sayay ay ay clay clay claycl.ay—clay tr.ay—tray w.ay—way sw.ay—sway Rhyming funTray tray tray ! clay clay clay !The tray is made of clay.拓展词:Clay 黏土tray 托盘sway 摇摆Rhyme with me “Going home rhyme”Now our day is done,We’ve all had lots of fun.Tomorrow is another day,And we’ll come back to play.Unit 3 The V owel Pair “ ee /i:/ ”Chant with mee. e—ee ee ee e. e—ee ee eeRhyming funIt isn’t he, and it isn’t she. It’s only me.1. The word family of -ee /i:/Point and sayee ee ee, bee bee—bee—see—free—tree Rhyming funCan you see The busy bee, High in the tree?2. The word family of -eed /i:d/Point and sayee. d—eed eed eed eedd.eed—deed n.eed—need f.eed—feed s.eed—seed Rhyming funDeed deed deed ! Need need need !A friend in need is a friend in deed.拓展词:Deed 行为feed 喂养seed 种子3. The word family of -eed /i:d/Point and sayee. p—eep eep eep eepsl.eep—sleep sh.eep—sheep d.eep—deep j.eep—jeep Rhyming funSleep, little one, Go to sleep.So peaceful the birds and the sheep.4. The word family of -eet /i:t/Point and sayee. t—eet eet eet eetf.eet—fleet m.eet—meet b.eet—beet sw.eet—sweet Rhyming funMeet meet meet ! Sweet sweet sweet !Meet a boy named Pete. He is very sweet.拓展词:Fleet 舰队beet 甜菜Sing with me “This little pig”This little pig went to market;This little pig stayed at home;This little pig had a roast beef;This little pig had none;And this little pig cried,‘Wee wee wee wee wee!’All the way home.Unit 4 The V owel Pair “ ea /i:/ ”Chant with mee. a—ea ea ea e. e—ea ea eaRhyming funJean Jean Jean ! Seat seat seat !Geese on Jean’s seat!1. The word family of -ea /i:/Point and sayea ea ea pea pea peap.ea—pea t.ea—tea s.ea—sea fl.ea—flea Rhyming funPea pea pea ! Tea tea tea !The princess of pea likes coffee and tea.拓展词:Pea 豌豆 flea 跳蚤2. The word family of -ead /i:d/Point and sayea. d—ead ead ead eadr.ead—read b.ead—bead l.ead—leadRhyming funRead read read ! Please teach me how to read.拓展词:Bead 念珠lead 领导3. The word family of -ean/i:n/Point and sayea. n—ean ean ean eanj.ean—Jean d.ean—Dean l.ean—lean cl.ean—clean Rhyming funJean and Dean! Jean and Dean like peas and beans!拓展词:Lean 倾斜bean 豆4. The word family of -eat /i:t/Point and sayea. t—eat eat eat—heat—meat—neat—treat Rhyming funHeat heat heat ! Meat meat meat !I like to heat the meat !拓展词:Neat 整洁的treat 招待5. The word family of -eal /i:l/Point and sayea. l—eal eal eal ealm.eal—meal s.eal—seal d.eal—deal r.eal—real Rhyming funSeal seal seal ! A slippery , slippery seal.Meal meal meal! The seal likes real meal.拓展词:Seal 海豹,密封slippery 狡猾的meal 餐Sing with me “A sailor”A sailor went toSea, sea, sea,To see what he couldSee, see, see,But all that he couldSee,see, see,Was the bottom of the deep blueSea, sea, sea.Unit 5 The V owel Pair “ oa /??/ ”Chant with meo. a—oa oa oa o. a—oa oa oaRhyming funGoat goat goat ! Toad toad toad !The toad sits on the goat.拓展词:Toad 蟾蜍1. The word family of -oat /??t/Point and sayoa. t—oat oat oat oatc.oat—coat g.oat—goat b.oat—boat m.oat—moat Rhyming funA silly silly goat In a funny, funny coat.Sails in a tiny boat All around the moat.拓展词:Moat 壕沟,护城河 silly 蠢的sail 航行2. The word family of -oad /??d/Point and sayoa. d—oad oad oad oadr.oad—road t.oad—toad l.oad—loadRhyming funToad toad toad ! look at the toad.Carry that load, across the road.拓展词:Load 负担3. The word family of -oap/??p/ & -oak/??k/Point and chantoa. p—oap oap oap oaps.oap—soap soap soap soapThe soap can float.Point and chantoa. k—oak oak oak oaks.oak—soak soak soak soakSoak the soap in the water.拓展词:Soap 肥皂float (使)漂浮soak 浸透4. The word family of -oast /??s t/Point and sayoa. st—oast oast oast oastt.oast—toast r.oast—roast c.oast—coast b.oast—boastRhyming funToast and roast !You want some toast, And I want some roast.拓展词:Toast 烤面包roast 烤肉coast 海岸; 滑坡boast 自夸5. The word family of -oal /??l/ & -oaf /??f/Point and chantoa. l—oal oal oal oalg.oal—goal goal goal goalReach your goal.Point and chantoa. f—oaf oaf oaf oafl.oaf—loaf loaf loaf loafA big loaf of bread.拓展词:loaf 一条(块)面包Sing with me “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”Row, row, row your boat,Gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily,Merrily, merrily,Life is but a dream.。

Phonics Kids 教材的介绍

Phonics Kids 教材的介绍

Phonics Kids 教材的介绍一、Phonics kids 幼儿自然拼读发音教材1-3内容简介:Phonics Kids 可用来开设短期拓展课程或配合系统教材使用,帮助孩子掌握 Phonics 字母拼读法。

Phonics 已经在在欧美国家流行百年,是自然形成的一种发音规则,主要教授英文字母(letter)与语音(sound)间的对应关系。

一旦掌握了Phonics,不用借助字典和音标就可以顺利读出初级英语中70%左右的单词!孩子们从小学习Phonics,可以提前进入阅读领域,做到「听音拼字、见字读音」,对未来的英语学习带来极大帮助!孩子掌握Phonics 字母拼读法。

Phonics 已经在在欧美国家流行百年,是自然形成的种发音规则,主要教授英文字母(letter)与语音(sound)间的对应关系。


【内容介绍】1 认识字母:介绍26个英文字母及其相关字汇。


2 辅音的发音:介绍21个辅音的发音。



3 元音的发音:介绍5个元音的基本发音利用相关字集念谣介绍五个元音的基本发音孩子开始学习拼读英文单字,尤其是辅音+元音+辅音的单字,试着让孩子拼读。


4 Phonics帮助孩子见字读音,有效培养孩子英语的发音、拼字和阅读能力。

全套三级,每级分A、B两册,每册配一张VCD碟片(卡片附书后,剪下即可使用)1A+1B 认识字母的形状与声音(2书+2AVCD)*大大的空格,让孩子用手去描绘字型,熟悉笔顺;*好玩的字母辨认游戏;*每4个单元设计一个复习好哦东,帮助孩子记住字母。



介绍不同写作类型的特点 和要求,如记叙文、说明 文等。
布置写作任务,引导学生 完成从构思、草拟到修改 、完善的写作过程。
观察学生在课堂上的专注度和参 与度,是否能够积极跟随教师的
评估学生的发音准确性,是否能够 正确地发出单词中的各个音素。
选择适合学生年龄和认知 水平的阅读材料,确保内 容的趣味性和教育性。
教授略读、扫读、预测等 阅读技巧,提高学生的阅 读速度和理解能力。
鼓励学生分享阅读感受, 引导深入讨论,培养批判 性思维。
从句子结构、语法、标点 等基础入手,提高学生的 写作规范性。
深入学习发音规则和技巧,通过阅读简单文本提高 拼读能力。
掌握复杂发音规则和技巧,能够阅读和理解较长文 本。
通过练习拼读单词,培养见词能读、听音能写的能力 。
通过家长调查或面谈等方式,了 解家长对课程的满意度和对学生
收集家长对课程的建议和意见, 以便进一步完善教学内容和方法

与家长建立良好的沟通和合作关 系,共同关注学生的学习进步和
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Phonics Kids 教材的介绍
一、Phonics kids 幼儿自然拼读发音教材1-3
Phonics Kids 可用来开设短期拓展课程或配合系统教材使用,帮助孩子掌握 Phonics 字母拼读法。

Phonics 已经在在欧美国家流行百年,是自然形成的一种发音规则,主要教授英文字母(letter)与语音(sound)间的对应关系。

孩子掌握Phonics 字母拼读法。

Phonics 已经在在欧美国家流行百年,是自然形成的种发音规则,主要教授英文字母(letter)与语音(sound)间的对应关系。


1 认识字母:


2 辅音的发音:



3 元音的发音:


4 Phonics帮助孩子见字读音,有效培养孩子英语的发音、拼字和阅读能力。

1A+1B 认识字母的形状与声音(2书+2AVCD)

2A+2B 认识字母(2书+2AVCD)

3A+3B 认识短母音及音组(2书+2AVCD)

二、Phonics kids 幼儿自然拼读发音教材4-6
册数:全套三级6册 (4A 4B 5A 5B 6A 6B)+6CD+6DVD
延续 Phonics Kids Level 1-3 的丰富音乐性,节奏分明的 Beat帮助孩子组合音组,增加大人与孩子的互动,快来体验一下Phonics Kid’s 的魔力吧。

Phonics 已经在在欧美国家流行百年,是自然形成的一种发音规则,主要教授英文字母(letter)与语音(sound)间的对应关系。

Phonics Kids每一级别都有生动有趣的DVD教学视频,方便父母陪孩子一起学习,每个单元都设计的有外教朗读,童声跟读,还有极富感染力的英文韵律诗歌,琅琅上口,孩子易学易记,是大陆幼儿园的孩子学习拼读的最佳教材!
配备的高音质CD 练习跟读。







Level 4:33组短母音音组,16组混合音,70首歌谣韵文
4A 4B 全2册+2CD+2DVD 游戏拼读字卡
(1)学习短母音Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo 的组合在单词中的拼读
Level 5:23组母音音组,31组混合音,65首歌谣韵文
5A 5B 全2册+2CD+2DVD 游戏拼读字卡
(1)学习母音组 ai,ay, ee, ea, oa 在单词中的拼读
(2)学习混合子音 sh,ch, th, wh 在单词中的拼读
Level 6:46组母音音组,61首歌谣韵文
6A 6B 全2册+2CD+2DVD 游戏拼读字卡





适当的Phonics 教学,一直被认为是最有效、最直接教授母语阅读的方法。

美国学者Adams(1990)在PhonicsInstruction for the Nineties 里指出,出现在初级阅读材料中的词汇,其语音和字母间的对应关系相当稳定。








