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Live at +较小的地点(街道、村子等)例:Sam lives at this street.

Live in +较大的地点(国家,城市等)例:They live in Beijing.

2、like的用法:like +名词/代词表示喜欢某人/某物

Like to do sth. 表示(偶尔或具体地)喜欢做某事

Like doing sth. 表示(经常或习惯地)喜欢做某事。


Love sb./sht. 喜欢某人/某物。

Love to do sth. 喜欢做某事(偶尔地)

Love doing sth. 喜欢做某事(经常地)。


4、stop的用法:停止。You must stop.

Stop doing sth. 停止做某事(指正在做的事)。

Stop to do sth. 停下正在做的事,转去做另一件事。

5、forget 的用法:

forget to do sth.:忘记要做某事(指事情还没做)。例:I forge to do my homework.

Forget doing sth.:忘记曾经做过某事(指事情已经做过了)。例:I forget doing my homework.

6、remember的用法:remember to do sth. 表示记得做某事。例:Please remember to close the window.

Remember doing sth. 表示记得做过某事。例:He remember drawing a picture.

7、look的用法:用作不及物动词,译为“看”。可单独使用。例:Look, There is a bird.

当表示“看某物”时,用look at 后接名词。例:Look at the blackboard, please. Look 构成的常用词组:

Look out(向外看;小心)look for (寻找)

look after(照顾)look like(看起来像)look around(环顾)look for和find的区别:Look for 译为“寻找”,是有目的地找,强调“寻找”这一过程。例:I’m looking for my English book.

find译为“找到,发现”,强调“找”的结果。例:I find my English book.

Find还有“发现,感到”的意思,例:I find this story very interesting. Look , see , watch 的区别:look强调“看”的动作;see 表示“看”的结果;watch 表示观看,带有欣赏的意思。

8、5、work 构成的短语:work on 从事于……work in 进入……

work at 致力于……work with 与……共事work as 担任

work out 解决,健身go to work 去上班


get ready for译为“为……做好准备”。For后接名词、动名词或代词;“get to +地点名词”或是“get+地点副词“表示”到达某地“。

Get up起床get on上车get off下车get out出来

10、talk的用法:“walk to +地名”等于“go to +地名+on foot,“,表示步行去某地。

Go for a walk去散步。

11、speak译为“说某种语言”例:Can you speak English?

Say译为“说……”,强调说的内容,例:He can say his name.

Talk译为“谈话”,强调两者之间相互交谈,例:The teacher is talking to him.

Tell译为“告诉”,常用结构:tell sb. sth.或tell sb. to do sth.

12、invite的用法:译为“邀请”,有两种结构“invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事。例:Can you invite Danny to go to the zoo?

“invite sb. to sp.”邀请某人到某地。例:Danny invites his friends to the restaurant.

13、turn的用法:表示改变方向,turn left译为向左转;表示“在某地向左/右转“时,可以用”Turn left/right+at+地点“。

与turn有关的短语:turn on(打开)turn off(关掉)

turn up(把音量热量等调高;开大)turn down(把音量热量等调小;调低)。talk的用法:talk about(谈话,谈论) talk to/with(和……交谈)

14、Talk of(谈到,说到)。

Take care of 照看,照料。

Take a walk 散步;遛遛。

Take part in 参与。

Take off sth. 脱下某物。

Take off 起飞。

15、hear的用法:hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做某事。强调听到全过程。

Hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事。强调动作正在发生。

hear和listen的区别:hear强调“听到……”这个结果,后面直接跟听的对象;listen强调“听”这个动作,后面不能直接加听到的对象,必须加介词“to‘。例:listen to music.


Buy sth. 买某物。例:I want to buy new TV.

Buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物。例:Can you buy me a new skirt?=Can you buy a new skirt for me ?

17、clean的用法:用作动词,译为“(使)清洁,打扫”,例:Let’s clean our classroom.

用作形容词,译为“干净的,整洁的”其反义词为dirty。例:This shirt is clean.

18、need的用法:need sth. 表示“需要某物‘。例:Mike needs a bike. Need to do sth. 表示“需要做某事”,这时句子的主语通常是“人”。例:I need to buy a new pencil case.

Need还可做情态动词,常用在否定句和疑问句中,其后要加动词原形,否定形式为“needn’t+动词原形“。例:You needn’t do it again.

19、run的用法:run为不及物动词,译为“跑;跑步”。例:He runs fast. 当表示“跑向……”时,要用“run to +名词/代词“。例:It runs to me . 20、write的用法:write…to…,译为“给……写……”,to后跟“给”的对象。例:Li Ming is writing a letter to his mother.

Write down:写下来。例:Please write down your telephone number. Write out :写出(表达或创作)。例:Write out a passage.


“主语+want(s) +to+ 动词原形+其他”表示“想做某事”

Want sb. to do sth. 表示“想要某人做某事”

22、bring的用法:译为“拿来,带来”强调从远处拿到说话地点。例:Bring me an apple, please.

23、be happy to do sth. 表示高兴做某事;乐于做某事。例:We are happy to help you.

24、come on的用法:译为“快点”表示催促,相当于“hurry up”,例:It’s time to leave. Come on, please. 译为“过来”,相当于“come here”,例:Come on, Shanshan. I have a gift for you.
