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Chapter 1 Fundamental of Business Writing

Dear Mr. Barington,

Thank you for your application for the post of personal assistant to our managing director. We received a large number of applicants including some from the persons with experiences in the special field of electronics in which we operate. The appointment has now been made, but as our work contin u es to expand there are likely to be other vacancies in which you may be interested. I hope you will feel able to apply to us again when they are advertised.

Your sincerely,

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you for you r lett er of 15 July enclosing the “Senator”alarm clock, receiving this morning.

We find your comments on the performance of your clock very interesting and have passed to our engineers for the inspection and a report. Meanwhile, we are arranging to replace your clock with a new one, but before sending the replacement we are submitting it to a s eries of test to ensure that it is free from the fault to which you refer and in full work order. We will send it to you as soon as the tests have been completed.

We apologize for the trouble and inconvenience this matter has caused you, but are confident that the replacement clock we are sending will prove satisfactory give you the service we are entitled to expect from our products.

Yours sincerely,

Example for the structure of a letter

Chapter 2 Inquiry and Reply

1、quotation, to quote a price 报盘

2、price-list, quotation sheet 报价单

3、competitive quotation 有竞争力的报价

Favorable quotation 优惠报价

Lowest quotation 最低报价

4、to quote at a competitive rate 报可竞争价格

5、to inquire about a product (to ask for prices) 询价

6、to request credit information 要求信用查询

7、to place an order 下订单

8、to supply from stock 现货供应

9、bulk buying, bulk buyer 大宗采购

10、agent代理,sole agent独家代理

11、supplier 供应商

12、subsidiary 子公司

13、small sample 小包货样

14、illustrated catalogue 附图目录

15、description of article 产品说明

16、quantity required 要求数量

17、terms of payment, terms of shipment 付款条件,装运条件

18、date of delivery 交货期

19、long ton 长吨

(1)Model for inquiry

Chapter 3 Offer and Counter-offer (1) Model for counter-offer

(2) Model for declining a counter-offer

1. offer 报盘

2. catalogue 目录

3. terms and conditions 条款和条件

4. C&F = cost and freight 成本运费在内价/ FOB = free on board 离岸价

5. irrevocable L/C 不可撤销的信用证

6. as per 按照

7. to be in a position to = to be able to 有能力

8. subject to 以······为条件

9. out of line 不一致;in line with 一致

10. we might come to terms… = close a deal 我们也许能成交······

11. market is declining / weak / advancing / strong / firm / 行市下跌(上涨)

12. subject article 标题商品

13. for your information / reference 供你方参考

14. in other direction 在其它方面

15. to do better = to pay high price 出高价

16. keep us posted of development at your end 随时告知贵方进展情况

17. under separate cover / by separate mail / under cover 另邮,附邮

18. in due course 及时地

19. subject to our final confirmation 以我方最后确认为准

20. confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight 保兑的、不可撤销的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证

1. We are studying the offer and hope that it will keep open till the end of the month.

2. We will allow you 10% discount if you purchase 5000 dozens of more.

3. We are giving you a firm offer(实盘), subject to your reply getting here by 5 p.m. our time, Tuesday, July.

4. You are cordially invited to take advantage of this attractive offer. We are anticipating a large order from United States, and that will cause a sharp rise in price.

5. As to terms of payment, we often require a confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight.

(1) Model for requesting special discount
