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I’ll see to it. 我会处理好

Y ou flatter me. 你过奖了。

He is lying on his back. 他仰卧着。

There are some beautiful Chinese girls in the picture.

A: Y ou alone here? 你一个人?

B: I´m saving myself for you. 我在等你呀。

The old man stood from the chair. 老人站了起来。

It was divided into one hundred and eight squares and two commercial centers called the East Market and the West Market.


In the year of 1911, I was born into the family of a petty landlord in a small country town.


The English arrived in North America with hopes of duplicating the exploits of the Spanish in South America, where explores had discovered immense fortunes in gold and sliver. Although Spain and English shared a pronounced lust for wealth, differences between the two cultures were profound.


The Changˊan city in the Tang Dynasty included today’s Xi’an city proper and its suburbs. Its area was seven and a half times as large as Xi’an city. Its circumference was 36.7 kilometers. There lived about one million people in the city.


Babies satisfactorily born. 孩子已生,一切顺利。

We children and the maidservants were all very excited.


The engine was killed by the flood. 汽车的引擎由于大水而熄了火。I’m reading this book just to kill time. 我读这本书只是为了消磨时间。Of course, our achievement in the last few years have proved the correctness of our policies of reform and opening to the outside world.


Socialist China should show the world through its actions that it is opposed to hegemonism and power policies and will never seek hegemony.


That was what we have learned from decades of development.


Reform and opening up are new undertakings, so we have no precedent to go by; all we can do is to proceed in the light of the specific conditions in our country.

改革、开放是一个新事物,没有现成的经验可以照搬,一切都要依照我国的实际情况来进行。To be taken three times a day, one tablet each time. 日服3次,每次一片。

What you said is reasonable. I’m convinced. 你说的有道理,我服了。

He refused to obey directions. 他不服指导。

I stayed there for only three days before I returned home, because I was not accustomed to the climate there.


It’s the duty of every young man to serve in the army.


That boxer is still serving a sentence. 那位拳击手还在服刑。Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China


Social communication 社会交际

Y ou must further improve your spoken English if you want to communicate with foreigners in English.


Shall we talk about literature and arts? 那我们谈谈文艺问题。

Could you please tell me how you fell about the general trend of literature and arts at the moment? 那谈谈对文艺形式的感想,好吗?

If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天到了春天还会远吗?

When we say that this machine is of high quality and always works properly, we don’t mean that it is the very best of its kind.

我们说这部机器质量高并且总是工作正常,这并不意味着它是同类机器中最好的。Magnificent scenery

Cloudless weather

Towering mountain

Boundless sea

Extremely hard condition of life or struggle

China is a vast country with rich natural resources and a large population.

Puritans, a sizeable percentage of the earliest setters in Massachusetts, were a pious, self-disciplined people.


She was about thirty years old with indeterminate hair and eyes of a starting clear blue


Thirty years before, his name shot suddenly to the zenith form Crimean battlefield, to remain forever celebrated.


They spoke to each other rarely in their incomprehensible tongue, but always with a courteous smile and often with a small bow.


It was Mrs. Packletide´s pleasure and intention that she should shoot a tiger. Not that the desire to kill had suddenly come to her.


The 21milllion compatriots in Taiwan are all Chinese and our own

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