新闻原文及翻译 (5)

Scripts for the News Cited in This LectureNews item 1China's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 6.8% during the first half of 2018 to 41.8961 trillion yuan, or some 6.27 trillion U.S. dollars. (CRI)2018年上半年,中国国内生产总值增长了6.8%,达到41.8961万亿元人民币,约合6.27万亿美元。
News item 2A tour boat turned over off the coast of Nicaragua, killing at least 13 people and leaving more passengers missing, officials said. (CET4)据官方表示,一艘观光船在尼加拉瓜的海岸附近翻了船,造成至少13人死亡,有更多的乘客失联。
News item 3The company spent the last five years developing solar panels that are only about a quarter of inch thick. (CET4)在过去的五年里,Colas公司一直致力于研发一种太阳能电池板,该板只有四分之一英寸厚。
News item 4Germany is out of the World Cup. The defending champions lost to South Korea 2-0 on Wednesday. (VOA Special)德国队无缘世界杯。
New Item 5The area's average temperature for the month of July was 42.28 degrees Celsius. (VOA Special)该地区7月份的平均温度是42.28摄氏度。

翻译与文体——新闻英语翻译新闻英语(journalistic English)指英文报刊上常见的各类文章,体裁多样,有新闻报道、新闻特写、广告、公报、文艺作品、述评、访谈、学术介绍和争鸣……题材广泛,内容包罗万象。
限于篇幅,也因不存在一个统一的新闻报刊文体和为了便于陈述,本课所要讲的新闻英语主要指那些新闻性强的news report,news analysis, news features等。
新闻英语有以下文体特点:(一)词汇层面(1)新闻报道通常拥有自己的一些惯用词汇,或者叫做"新闻词语",如story一词意思常常是news item或news report,而probe一词则指"(新闻)调查",如中央电视台的一个重要栏目"新闻调查"即译为News Probe。
常见的其他例子还有:accord (give) ban (prohibition) bid (attempt) boost (rise, increase) clash抵触,不谐调(disagreement) deal交易,协议(business agreement) freeze稳定,冻结:使(如物价或工资)固定在一个既定或现行的标准上(stabilization) loom隐现(appear) blaze 强调燃烧强度并暗示发光的光辉(fire) comb彻底搜查(search) row 骚乱,吵嚷[rau] (violent argument) rap (to speak severely to, to blame, to punish) move提出议案:按国会的程序作出正式提议(plan, decision, suggestion) round (a series of action) shock (astonishment, blow) shun躲避:故意避开(to keep away from…) heist抢劫;偷窃(robbery) viable (workable) voice (express) operation An instance or a method of efficient, productive activity:有效率的经营方式(activities) pact合同, 公约, 协定(agreement) woo寻求以达到;尽力得到(to seek to win…,to persuade…) fake (counterfeit)这些常用的新闻词语一般都具有短小精悍的特点,这主要是由于使用短小的词语能够节省时间和篇幅并有利于抢发新闻的缘故。

1.新闻的定义、分类、及常见体裁 2.新闻的文体结构 3.新闻的语言特点 4.新闻的翻译 5.练习
Definition of News
• NEWS代表North(北)East(东) West(西)South(南)四个方向。寓 意NEWS能向国际四方发展,并有「新 信讯」的意味。
• News report of recent events
Classification of News
• 按照事件的性质分类,新闻可分为“硬 新闻(hard news)和“软新闻” (soft news)两大类.硬新闻也就是 “纯新闻消息报道”,指题材严肃,具 有一定时效性的客观事实报道;软新闻 是指情感味浓,写作方法诙谐,轻松幽 默的社会新闻,不注重时效性。
新闻翻译不可随心所欲,主观臆断, 脱离原义;也不可拘泥于原文语言形式, 要从原文各个组成部分之间的相互联系去 理解原文,才能译好。
7 Back
• 新闻文体的主体结构是由标题、导语、正文三部分组 成。
标题(headline):浓缩概括全文的中心实质问 题。
导语(lead or introduction):通常为文章的 第一段。文章的第一段提供主要话题和最主要的事实。
常使用某些词汇来表达事实和事件,因此这些 词汇经过长期使用后逐渐取得与新闻报导相联 系的特殊意义,成为新闻体词语 (journalistic words)。例如,horror一词 是新闻标题中长用的词,用以表示不幸事故和 暴力行动,再如nadir常指“两国关系的最低 点”。此外,新闻报导中还有一些约定俗成的 套语,如according to sources concerned (据有关方面报导),cited as saying(援 引…的话)。

例5. Super-ior Dan Shows His Class 超级丹展现完美实力 略显夸张,使读者好奇于具体内容,想要探索林丹 究竟是如何超级和完美。以下例子也属于这一范畴: A big fat Mexican wedding
Oscars chiefs promise ‘bold, risky’ show 今年奥斯卡要“大变脸” New parenting roles in US 经济差华尔街奶爸大增 例6. Unhappiness has risen in the past decade 物质富足,快乐“缩水” 满足目的语读者的心理和生存需求。
改译1:Never too old to marry
改译2:Never too old to love
例2. 泥塑人生
原译:Clay sculpture gives prisoners hope for new life
改译:Shaping new lives into art
4. 引语 中文引述新闻人物讲话时许多记着更喜欢
带有感情色彩的词汇,如“强调、指出、指示 说、提出”等。虽然英语中“说”的相似表达
法也 不少,如 address, emphasize, affirm, analyze, assert, argue等,但“said 和spoke” 最常见,因为这两词准确、中立,能不偏不倚 地表达说话人的动作和意思。
改译:Tianjin native Feng Jicai is a well-known writer, artist and scholar. He has also long held a passion for traditional culture---ranging from his efforts in the 1990s to preserve urban cultural heritages---to his work on preserving culture in rural areas. His latest artistic endeavor involved coordinating art from across the globe.

新闻英语中文翻译版篇一:新闻英语翻译新闻定义1) News is a fresh report of events,facts,or opinions that people did not know before they read your story.(新闻就是针对人们读你的报道以前还不知道的事件、事实或观点的一种全新报道。
)2) News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number.(凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西,便是新闻。
)3) News is any event, idea or opinion that is timely,that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them.(新闻是指人们能及时获悉的事件、观点或见解,它能吸引或影响社会上的许多人,并能为他们所理解。
)4) News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance,use,or interest to a consi-derable number of persons in a publication audience.(新闻是对任何事物的及时报道,对于读者群体中的许多人来说,这类报道具有重要性、实用性或趣味性。
)5) If a dog bites a man, it is not news; if a man bites a dog, it’s (big) news.(狗咬人并非新闻,人咬狗才是(大)新闻。

• 五千多万亩粮田被淹,很多粮仓被毁。电 视屏幕上,成千上万的农民在设法抢救粮 食。他们或把麻袋装的粮食运到船上,或 者把它们转移到高处。 • 翻译时注意句中“Thousands of peasants have been shown”译成主动 语态更符合汉语表达习惯。
• 第四,时态方面,多使用一般现在时和 现在进行时。这两种时态给人事件正在 进行的效果,给人以真实感和现实感。 如:A Ground War Begins (一场地面 战打响了);Deposits, Loans Rising in HK(存贷款额在港回升)。甚至在said, told, reported, added等动词过去 时后面的that宾语从句中,过去时也常 常为现在时态所替代。
【译文】你不可能察觉不到新一代失业的美国人 在描述当今求职市场的残酷情形时的悲伤 语调。
• 词汇异同 从词汇来看,中文标题喜用动词,英文标题偏爱名词。 相同点是两者都常用缩略语(汉语中如“武警”、 “政协”、“入世”、“安理会”、“人行”等,英 语中如(UN , UK , USA , NATO , WT0 , NASA, EU 等)、“小词”即大众化用词和时髦用语。例如: l)澳洲也兴华文网络热 • Chinese Net Craze in Australia
• 一是对事实的报道;
• 二是新闻的时间性很强; • 三是保持新闻的真实性、客观性是新闻 报道的灵魂。
• 用词新颖,精巧别致
Watergate, zipper-gate, 解说门, 电话门
• 句式多样京因恐怖事件受媒体严厉批评
• 第二,使用“小词”。小词(midget words)即简短词,一般为单音节词。 小词的广泛使用一是由于报纸篇幅有限, 用小词可以免于移行,二是由于小词的 词义范畴很宽,一般比较生动灵活。新 闻英语称这类词为synonyms of all work (万能同义词),如back(支 持), ban(禁止),curb(控制)。

第二,语言翻译 第三,背景翻译 第四,专家或者权威人士解析
World Expo 2010 Shanghai
Theme Pavilion
China Pavilion
原 文 欣 赏(original text)
• Tens of thousands of visitors poured into the Expo Park on Saturday, as officials from the Shanghai World Expo held their fourth test operation.
新闻概念有广义与狭义之分。广义的新闻,是消 息、通讯、特写、速写、报告文学、采访手记、群众 来信等多种新闻文体的总称;狭义的新闻则专指消息。
立场:观点鲜明 内容:真实具体 反应:迅速及时 语言:简洁准确
News Vocabulary Features 新闻的词汇特点
1. 常用词汇有特定的新闻色彩
• NBA(National Basketball Association)
• IOC(International Olympic Committee)
• biz(business)
• HDTV(Hign Definition Television)
• START (Strategic Arms Reduction Talks)

⏹The mayor of New York said in 1932: “I have seen thousands of these defeated,discouraged, hopeless men and women cringing and fawning as they come to ask for public aid. It is a spectacle of national degradation.” (Time, June 15, 1933)⏹纽约市长在1932年说过:“我见到过成千上万的男男女女前来请求救济。
此情此景, 真是丢尽了美国的脸。
”⏹That electrifying news would spread itself like wild fire around the St. Gregorytomorrow morning within minutes of the great man's arrival. (Newsweek, May 14, 1992)⏹这个令人震惊的消息在这位大人物明天早晨抵达后,不出几分钟便会不胫而走地传遍整个圣格雷戈里饭店。
On social problems⏹Strike (罢工):industrial action⏹Poor (贫穷):disadvantaged; deprived; man of modest means⏹Slum (贫民窟):substandard housing/inner city⏹Relief (救济):income maintenance⏹Prison (监狱):a house of correction⏹Prostitute (妓女):call girl; streetwalker⏹Illegitimate child (私生子):love child⏹Venereal disease (性病):social disease⏹Area with low employment (低就业区): grey areaOn war affairs:⏹Aggression (侵略):involvement⏹Attack(进攻): pacify the area (绥靖)⏹War: armed conflict⏹Air strike: air support⏹Ground war: ground operation⏹Neutron bomb (中子弹):clean bomb⏹Retreat: adjustment of the front⏹Hijack(劫机):redirected flight⏹Radiation release (辐射释放):energy releaseOn political issue:⏹Untrue(不真实):inoperative (不生效); concealing information; containment (抑制)⏹Wire tapping (窃听):intelligence gathering⏹Illegal : inappropriate (不恰当)⏹Top secret papers (绝密):eyes only⏹Distorted account (歪曲报道):managed news⏹Unsolved problem (老大难题):ongoing situation⏹The future of grey areas---places which have fallen between the two stools of prosperityand real depression---is of great importance in this corner of Britain.⏹灰色地区—介于繁荣发达与真正萧条的之间的地方---其未来对于英国这一地区是极为重要的。

新闻定义1)News is a fresh report of events,facts,or opinions that people did not know before they read your story.(新闻就是针对人们读你的报道以前还不知道的事件、事实或观点的一种全新报道。
)2)News is anything timely that interests a number of persons,and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number.(凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西,便是新闻。
)3)News is any event,idea or opinion that is timely,that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them.(新闻是指人们能及时获悉的事件、观点或见解,它能吸引或影响社会上的许多人,并能为他们所理解。
)4)News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance,use,or interest to a consi-derable number of persons in a publication audience.(新闻是对任何事物的及时报道,对于读者群体中的许多人来说,这类报道具有重要性、实用性或趣味性。
)5)If a dog bites a man,it is not news;if a man bites a dog,it's (big)news.(狗咬人并非新闻,人咬狗才是(大)新闻。

1 夫妻共事好坏参半背景资料:一些夫妇的工作似乎太繁重了,很难有时间共处。
翻译练习:I've known many couples over the years who work together, and the consensus seems to be that it's a mixed blessing. Some people say that it can help with the juggle. You can cover for each other if some one needs to dash out for an appointment, or to attend to kids or an elderly parent. You can save on commuting costs. And there are fewer arguments about how one partner just doesn't understand the other's pressures at work.参考译文:我知道许多夫妇多年都工作在一起,一致的看法是喜忧参半.一些人说它能有助于颠倒是非, 如果双方中的某一方需要维护他的观点时,另一方能够为此打掩护. 他们能够节省上下班往返费用.关于夫妻一方在工作上不理解另一方的压力的争论减少.2世界经济论坛热议美元前景背景资料:上周六在大连结束的世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)会议上,一个有趣时刻出现在会议结束当天的上午,当时,一场有关亚洲外汇风险敞口的小组讨论,转变成了一场有关美元前途的少见争论。

英语新闻带翻译Title: China Creates More Than 11 Million Urban Jobs Amidst Economic RecoveryChina has created more than 11 million urban jobs in the first three quarters of this year, indicating a steady recovery in the country's economy. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the surveyed urban unemployment rate for September reached 5.4%, a decrease of 0.1% compared to the previous month. This positive trend suggests that the country's efforts to stabilize employment are yielding positive results.With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many countries around the world have experienced significant economic downturns and high unemployment rates. However, China's strategic measures and targeted policies have made noticeable improvements in job creation and unemployment reduction. The government has implemented various supportive measures, including tax cuts and fee reductions, subsidies for small and medium-sized enterprises, and encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation to boost employment.In addition to these measures, China has also prioritized large-scale infrastructure projects, including transportation, 5G communication, and new energy infrastructure. These projects have played a crucial role in creating jobs and stimulating economic growth, especially in industries such as construction, equipment manufacturing, and technology.The robust recovery of China's job market has not only providedstable employment for its citizens but also contributed to global economic stability. As the world's second-largest economy, China's recovery has had a positive spillover effect on global markets, helping to promote global growth.Despite this positive news, challenges still persist. The pandemic continues to pose uncertainties, and not all industries have fully recovered. The service sector, which heavily relies on domestic consumption and tourism, still faces challenges due to travel restrictions and consumer hesitation. To address these challenges, the Chinese government has vowed to continue implementing supportive measures and promoting consumption growth to further stabilize employment and boost economic recovery.Looking forward, China's economic recovery and job creation will continue to play a crucial role in the global economic landscape. As China actively implements policies to stabilize employment, it is expected that the country will maintain a steady recovery trajectory while contributing to global economic stability.中国经济复苏之际创造了超过1100万的城市就业机会中国在今年前三个季度创造了超过1100万的城市就业机会,这表明该国经济持续稳定复苏。

新闻翻译一、新闻结构简介 1 标题(Headline)2 导语(Lead)3 主体(Body)二、新闻标题的翻译 1 标题的语言特点 1.1 特殊表达――省略2008 Olympic security budget ready for approval 译文:2008北京奥运安全预算正待批新闻翻译Hungry dog saves abandoned baby 译文:一条饿狗救弃婴Nations favours US-DPRK contact 译文:联合国看好美朝接触――时态Car bombs kill 7, wound 19 译文:汽车连环爆炸,7死19伤Song reaches Beijing 译文:宋楚瑜抵达北京新闻翻译Subway to Change Locals' Lives No.1 Line to Start Construction on 28th 译文:改变市民生活的地铁1号线28日动工EU not to ease visa barriers 译文:欧盟将不放松签证障碍Across US, residents opening homes to Katrina refugees 译文:全美居民为“卡特里娜”飓风灾民敞开家园US congress sending $10.5B in relief aid 译文:美国国会送出105亿美元救济――语态UN’s paramount role stressed at memorial New concept wanted to solve water shortage 新闻翻译 1.2 词汇特点――多用短小词World eyes mid-East peace talks 世界关注中东和平谈判(eyes = watches) Beijing: Tokyo must back words with actions 中国认为:日本必须拿出行动支持自己的言论(back=support)Suspects held 嫌疑犯被捕(held = arrested)――广泛使用缩略语EU may free Chinese goods next month 欧盟下月可能放宽中国纺织品出口(EU = European Union) 新闻翻译ICBC and CCB step up co-operation 中国工商银行和中国建设银行加强合作(ICBC = The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, CCB = China Construction Bank)New SARS medicine seems to show promise 新型非典药物展露希望(SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome)2 标题的翻译技巧 2.1 增减词法Astronauts cheered in Houston 美国宇航员在休斯顿欢庆胜利新闻翻译Song reaches Beijing 台湾亲民党主席宋楚瑜抵达北京China demands for bombing Probe and apology 中国要求北约就轰炸中国驻南使馆事件进行全面调查和道歉Animal world captured in movies 电影中的动物世界 2.2 用词新颖别致Fly me to the moon? That'll be $100 million 你想绕月旅行吗?一亿美元让你梦想成真Super girls: boon or farce? 超级女声:庆典还是闹剧?新闻翻译 2.3 言简意赅富有文采NASA sends shuttle to space, debris fears arise “发现”号顺利升空碎片脱落引悬疑3 练习1) Discovery to take another try at landing 2)Man recalls being first Disneyland visitor 3)Maradona owns up to 'Hand of God' 4)Schroeder 'nominated for Nobel peace prize' 新闻翻译三、新闻导语的翻译 1 导语的要素who(什么人)、what(什么事)、when(什么时候)、where(什么地点)、why(为什么)、how(怎么回事) 2 导语的翻译技巧开门见山内容准确NASA successfully launched space shuttle Discovery on Tuesday, but anxiouslyreviewed video showing debris falling from the craft during liftoff, the same problem that caused the fatal Columbia disaster 2-1/2 years earlier. ---------China Daily, July, 28, 2005 新闻翻译本周二(7月26日),美国宇航局成功地把“发现”号航天飞机送入太空,但是又忐忑不安地仔细研究监控航天飞机发射升空的录像带。

新闻英汉互译理论与技巧:一、英文“消息”的翻译:汉译英:1.一般有主题和副主题,…英语新闻一般只有主题,副题转换为新闻导语,而将导语中与主体重复的信息省略2.开头/电头转换3.标题的主题勿须直译,抓住其精神实质后意译即可4.增译:Northwest China’s 经常用到5.注意新闻套语的翻译:据悉to be expected to…英译汉:1.Placido Domingo Say He Has 5 Years of Opera deft标题之原则:为了简洁和突出核心,省去。
多戈还要唱5年2.在消息的英汉互译时,要注意转换正文开头的结构The apr 9, 10:55 PMETMEXICO CITY(Reuters) [路透社墨西哥城四月九日电]3.英文中的“星期几”一般转化为日期4.直接引语的翻译以口语化的语言为宜5.由于英汉语言固有的差异,在原文中很清楚明了的信息直译为中文就不一定清晰,需要转换或增词September 9.11 恐怖袭击;Italy’s financial capital 米兰(具体指明);The twin towers attack—9.11 恐怖袭击6.力求简洁eg: “when the plane hit”在事发当场7.虚实化意,隐显得当Eg. “when the plane hit”简译为“大楼”隐“sure, the tragedy struck. But it could have been worse”增译为:“可以肯定,这只不过是一起航空事故。
但若是恐怖袭击情况将更加难以想象”显8.政治倾向,比如译者观点不同于原文,加上“所谓的”9.英语长句→汉语短句10.转换句子重心 eg.原英文长的短语→译成汉语时:扩展为句子二、英语新闻翻译时注意:1.翻译时注意:英语:形合汉语:意合在英汉翻译中应尽力再现原文在语义结构上的连贯性除非实际情况需要,一般宜将原文的连接词略(意思对即可,不必拘谨于原英文篇章的结构)2.需要注意的是英语中的关系代词和关系副词如what, that, which, who, when, where,how, however, whenever, wherever等常常起连接作用,汉语中没有与之对应的此类,因此翻译时常用意合的形式转换。

(一)RAIN STORMHeadline: Beautiful campus turns into VeniceLead: No one hurt in heavy rainstorms,which brings students many problems in May 11th,the student council has come forward to explain some related questions.In May 11th, Zhuhai suffered heavy rainfall, successive rainstorm flooded college, the beautiful campus was like Venice. Trees were cleaved down by lightings and well lids were washed away. The rainstorm threatened the safety of BNUZ, and the facts reflect the disadvantages of drainage system. Fortunately no one was killed in the rainstorm. School back office and security departments quickly take a series of emergency measures, water receded immediately at night, the normal teaching order has been restored on the second day. To defend typhoon, rain or other weather disasters and emergencies, school office held a special meeting to discuss the deployment of emergency and preventive measures, ensure the safety of teachers and students. Continuous rains caused a large area of stagnant water on school road, part of the local water depth to the knee. Sewage diffused into the dormitory, the internal LIYUN teaching building also been water seepage serious. The heavy rain caused the school a large area of stagnant water, and brought a lot of inconvenience to in and out as well as life of the students, The university student council answer related questions for the rainstorm.First, about school will be closed or not. According to the relevant provisions, schools must be closed when the observatory turn to red alert.Of course according to the weather problems,the school will also adjust the Curriculum arrangement. Even if is not prompt red alert, taking into account the safety of students school will also make timely adjustment of curriculum. The school taking part in the serious surface water , urgent notice to cancel the course and examination.Second, about the dining problem.The students have made representations with the school canteen , but between the school and the canteen is a contractual relationship.So school can only urge it to guarantee students’food, because of the ceasing of external traffic , food cannot attend, food supply was inadequate, students must think of the other ways to solve the problem of one or two meals. We believe that the situation wouldn’t last too long. Students can use the Internet or mobile phone ordering or contact the school dining room to solve the dining problem.Third, about the traffic problem. The school and the surrounding sections belongs to the municipal engineering, school will contact related departments to discuss how such storm prevention and control work.Students must pay attention to own security.But it is good to be reminded that the weather of ZhuHai is constantly changing, please remember to prepare dry foods to against the heavyrain.When you want to go out, please pay attention to good traffic and weather, the most important is to bring rain gear. The best is not to go out in rainy days.(二)Those things of mother’s dayHeadline: Love without reservationLead: Some students talk about those things of mother’s day and express love for their mother.Do you remember when you eat dinner with your mother last time ? When you go shopping with her last time ? Mother's Day has passed, let us count happy things with mother, talk about how to accompany her mother's day .In order to know how students prepare for mother on Mother's day, reporter specially interview some students.The following is the reply of students.Love without reservationNan Linzi :The last dinner was at last night, shopping is always in May 1st, we often talk to each other. Before the college entrance examination, my mother said,“take it easy, if you fail in the college entrance examination, I do not care to support you in the future.”Mascara: During my school time, boarding, my mom came to the school to send pork braised in brown sauce in a cold winter, just because I said that I like the pork braised in brown sauce that she cooked and the school canteen is terrible on the phone. The day was cold, snowy, mom wasriding the electric bike, wearing a thick coat, and then I go upstairs looked at mother ride back, eyes blurred.Youyou:You need to pay attention to thanksgiving. Mother's day, I bought my mother a skirt, she said that I waste a lot of money, but she was very happy, I know. I am very satisfied too. My mother was always selfless for me, and for the whole family, worrying and taking effort, and I can only accept my mother's love silently, on this special day, I just want to say, mom, I love you.There are many ways to express love, on this special day, don't forget to send holiday wishes and greetings to your mother. We wish all mothers in good health, happy mother’s day!。

CNN新闻前 50 篇CNN News Item 1 政治:美国因安全问题关闭在也门的大使馆The U.S. government closes its embassy in the Middle Eastern country of Yemen, and that is because of security concerns. One official says that a group called al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula might be planning an attack against the facility. That same group said it was behind an attempted plot to set off an explosive onboard a plane heading to Detroit, Michigan. That took place on Christmas day. The suspect allegedly brought the explosives on the plane in hi s underwear. The plan failed when the device he tried to use didn’t detonate correctly. Some people have asked how the suspect made it past security. One U.S. official says it’s because of human error. President Obama has promised that everyone involved in the attack will be held accountable for it. But some critics argue that the president’s response to the situation hasn’t been fast enough, hasn’t been aggressive enough.美国政府关闭其驻也门的中东国家,那就是由于安全方面的顾虑。
news 怎么读

news 怎么读
例如,当说“I heard the news last night on TV.”(我昨晚在电视上听到了这个消息。
同时,“news”也可以作为定语,修饰其他名词,如“news report”(新闻报道)、“news paper”(报纸)等。

news翻译【释义】newsn.消息,新情况;新闻(报道);新闻人物,新闻事件;电视新闻节目(the news);(用于报纸名)新闻【短语】1 News Corp新闻集团; 新闻公司; 消息团体; 新闻团体2 Sky News天空新闻; 天空电视新闻网; 英国天空新闻3 news agency通讯社; 新闻社; 新闻通讯社; 通信社4 Fox News福克斯新闻; 福克斯新闻频道; 福克斯新闻网5 bbc newsbbc新闻; 英国广播公司; 新闻频道6 daily news纽约每日新闻; 每日新闻报; 纽约每日新闻报7 ABC NEWS美国广播公司; 美国广播公司新闻网; 美国广播公司新闻频道; 美国广播公司新闻节目8 Kyodo News日本共同社; 共同社; 共同通信社9 News Corporation新闻集团; 新闻公司; 消息团体; 新闻团体【例句】1 The news heartened everybody.这个消息鼓舞了每个人。
2 The news astonished everyone.这消息使大家十分惊讶。
3 Loud cheers greeted the news.这消息受到热烈欢呼。
4 The news left her dumbfounded.这消息把她惊呆了。
5 News travels fast these days.如今消息传播得很快。
6 She paled visibly at the news.她听到这消息时脸色明显地变得苍白。
7 They told us the dreadful news.他们告诉了我们这个坏消息。
8 Her mood darkened at the news.听到这消息,她的心情暗淡起来。
9 She told me the news herself.是她本人告诉我这个消息的。
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Classification of News
4) In the light of different natures of news events, the content can be divided into hard news and soft news. (Harris, D.H. & Wynford, S.C., 1998) Hard news has traditionally been event- based. (E.g. election, weather disaster, government meeting, traffic accident, arrest in a drug deal, etc.) 记实性较强
E.g. Uk to Open Discussion on Anti-terror Law
anti – prefix
3) Use of Blending Words
E.g. High-tech High+technology
4) Use of Compound Words
Be fresh/timely
If the true and new facts were not released timely, news would become old and valueless.
―Yesterday‘s newspaper is only good for wrapping fish. The all-important news element fades into history within 24 hours.‖ ——Williamson, 1975
Distinctive Features of Headlines
Lexical 词汇
Grammatical 语法
Rhetorical 修辞
Lexical Features of News Headlines
1) Frequent use of abbreviations
Saving space Make the headline more striking More eye-catching
usually in the first para.导语
gives a terse and clear description of the event under discussion
Background Conclusion
How to Translate News Headlines ?
——Collins Cobuild English Dictionary(P1111)
Distinctive Nature of News
Be new
Only those new things, new problems, new people, new ideas, and new experiences can become news.
Distinctive Nature of News
Be true
(News is the report of facts, without facts there would be no news)
Be known to Public
How many kinds of news are there ?
The Simple Future Tense
Use infinitive to express simple future tense
Last two Beirut hostages to go free
The Present Continuous Tense
News usually reports what happened, but it needs to give people freshness in form. E.g. Comeback Gives China a Sensational Thomas Cup Win 中国队反败为胜 荣获汤姆斯杯 Husband and Wife Team Unlocks New Gene Secrets
E.g. Japan joins high-speed railway bid.
5) Use of Nouns
Divorce New York Style (NYT) 纽约式离婚 Cabinet Papers Leak Inquiry (Guardian) 内阁文件泄密事件调查 Corruption Reports Against Police Rise (NYT) 指控警方受贿呼声四起 GOP Shakedown Cruise (Newsweek) 共和党的(竞选)试航(揭开序幕)
World Petroleum Exporting Counties
World Health Organization Personal Computer
Public Relation
General Motors
2) Use of Derivatives
Clipped words 部分省略
Initialisms 首字母缩略词
Acronyms 缩略词
Chute Parachute
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Loran Long-range navigation
Abbreviations (Clipped Words)
Headline is the life blood of news.
Readers are usually judge by headlines to know the rough idea of the news, or to decide whether to continue reading.
Soft news is more human interest-based and less dependent on specific events. (e.g. profiles, travel stories, social news, humor, etc.) 记实性较弱
News Values
Abbreviations ( Acronyms & Initials )
1. WTO World Trade Organization 2. NPC the National People‘s Congress
3. CPPCC the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议
Due to different classifying standards, there are different kinds of classifying approaches.
Classification of News
1) When considering transmitting tools, we will come up with newspaper coverage, magazine coverage, radio news, TV news and dispatches.
2) According to the region and area that events happened in, there are world news, home news and local news. (James E. Roper, 1998) 国际性、全国性、地方性
Classification of News
1) Impact (importance, consequence or significance) 2) Unusualness (bizarreness, oddity or novelty) 3) Prominence 4) Timeliness and freshness 5) Proximity (nearness or locality) (people are more concerned with news closely related to them) 6) Conflict 7) Human interest
6) The Use of Midget Words
help --- assistance try --- attempt car --- vehicle ease --- facilitate home --- residence enough --- sufficient fire --- conflagration probe --- investigate row --- conflict talk --- address envoy --- ambassador
Translation of News
What is News ?
News is information about a recently changed situation or a recent event, which is published in newspaper or broadcast on radio, TV.or other media.