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比如:什么是extraposition?这个词是由extra-(在……之外,额外)加position(位置),联想到appositive phrase(同位短语),appositive clause (同位语分句)等,那么从该词的外形上可以判定extraposition是“位置放在外围”。

它出现在我们教材中的《信息结构和强调》一章中,我们知道,突出强调信息的几种主要方法(postponement, fronting,inversion, cleaving,existential sentence)之一的后移又有三种后移的方法:passive voice, extraposition and discontinuity。从课本上我们看到这样的例句:To make fun of a disabled man is not funny at all. It is not funny at all to make fun of a disabled man.

He found it annoying that his neighbor kept calling him by the wrong name.

你注意到这里有it出现在句中做形式主语和形式宾语,真正的主语和宾语在句末,然后,结合解释“When we re move a clausal subject or object to the final focal position, we use the anticipatory it to fill in the slot. Grammatically speaking, it is the formal subject or object while the extraposed clause is the real or notional subject or object. In function, the extraposed item can be subject or object; in form it can be finite or non-finite. 后移的结果就是满足了末尾重心(end-weight)的原则,达到强调的效果。


It seems that the best we can do is leave her alone. (SV)

We took it for granted that Mr. Green would be appointed Keeper of the Crown Jewels. (SVOA)


That a neutral person is appointed for the chair is an agreement that they arrived at after months of negotiation.

还有什么是cleaving,什么是cleft sentence和pseudo-cleft sentence?

We shall call him traitor.

Traitor we shall call him. (fronting)

It is traitor that we shall call him. (cleft sentence)

What we shall call him is traitor. (pseudo-cleft sentence)


大家都不要忽略了题型举例,第二大题填空题,要求填写名词或动词的适当形式,with question tag,with coordinators or subordinators, with adjuncts in brackets in the right order, 如:I saw her talking (in the library, yesterday, with a young man) 当过程process,地点place和

时间等修饰性状语同时出现在句尾时,它们的顺序是process--- place—time, 因此,这句话可以说成是:

Fill in the blank with conjuncts

When used with care, transition words can enhance writing. ______, too many of them will soon weary your readers.

It rained heavily last night, ______ all the flowers are gone.

The room is too cold without heating and too small for a family of four. ______, it is better than I expected.

However, nevertheless

So, consequently, therefore

Still= despite that/ in spite of that. You are very late. Still, I’m glad you're here now.
