《语言学》构词法 Blend

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For other uses, see Blend (disambiguation).

"Blending" redirects here. For alpha blending, see Alpha compositing.

In linguistics, a blend is a word formed from parts of two other words. These parts are sometimes, but not always, morphemes.



∙ 1 Linguistics

o 1.1 Formation

▪ 1.1.1 Blending of two roots

▪ 1.1.2 Lexical Selection

∙ 2 Use

∙ 3 See also

∙ 4 References

[edit] Linguistics

Blends deal with the action of abridging and then combining various lexemes to form a new word. However, the process of defining which words are true blends and which are not is more complicated. The difficulty comes in determine which parts of a new word are "recoverable" (its root can be distinguished).[1]

There are many types of blends, based on how they are formed. Algeo, a linguist, proposed dividing blends into three groups[2] :

1.Phonemic Overlap: a syllable or part of a syllable is shared between

two words

2.Clipping: the shortening of two words and then compounding them

3.Phenomic Overlap and Clipping: shortening of two words to a shared

syllable and then compounding

However, classification of types of blends is not standard among all linguists.

[edit] Formation

Most blends are formed by one of the following methods:

1.The beginning of one word is added to the end of the other (see

portmanteau word. For example, brunch is a blend of br eakfast and l unch. One of the two may be a whole word if it is short. This is the most common method of blending. A monosyllabic word is divided into its onset and rime if necessary. A blend of this type typically has the same number of syllables as the second word.

o brocco li (3) + cauli flower(4) → broccoflower (4)

o br eakfast (2) + l unch(1) → brunch (1)

o cam era (3) + re corder(3) → camcorder (3)

o edu cation (4) + enter tainment(4) → edutainment (4)

o info rmation (4) + com mercial(3) → infomercial (4,


o mo tor (2) + ho tel(2) → motel (2)

o simul taneous (5) + broad cast(2) → simulcast(3, exception)

o sm oke (1) + f og(1) → smog (1)

o sp oon (1) + f ork(1) → spork (1)

o stag nation (3) + in flation(3) → stagflation (3)

2.The beginnings of two words are combined. For example, cyborg is

a blend of cy

b erneti

c an

d org anism.

3.Two words are blended around a common sequence of sounds. For

example, the word Californication, from a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, is a blend of Californi a and forni cation.

4.Multiple sounds from two component words are blended, while mostly

preserving the sounds' order. Poet Lewis Carroll was well known for these kinds of blends. An example of this is the word slithy, a blend of lithe and sli m y. This method is difficult to achieve and is

considered a sign of Carroll's verbal wit.

When two words are combined in their entirety, the result is considered a compound word rather than a blend. For example, bagpipe is a compound, not a blend, of bag and pipe.

[edit] Blending of two roots
