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My child’s carelessness caused me a lot of trouble.
Regardless of her own safety, she jumped into the river without hesitation. 13. 他对虚拟现实游戏着了魔。(obsess) He is obsessed with/ by the games of Virtual Reality. 14. 前天,他出了车祸。幸运的是,他只是受了轻伤。 (happen) A car accident happened to him the day before yesterday. Fortunately, he was injured slightly.
9. 那个婴儿眼睛盯着玩具。
( fix )
The baby fixed his eyes on the toy. 10. 我儿子用他的旧电脑换了一个随身听。 ( exchange ) My son exchanged his old computer for a walkman. 11. 孩子的粗心给我带来了很多烦恼。 ( cause )
5. 碰巧当我去他们学校时他们在举行晚会。 ( It happened that… )
It so happened that they were having a party when I went to their school.
6. 你难道还没意识到他的微笑相当于拒绝吗?(be equivalent to) Haven’t you realized that his smile is equivalent to a refusal? 7. Tom的脸上浮现出尴尬的笑容。 ( appear ) Embarrassed smile appeared on Tom’s face. 8. 他对胜利的坚定信念使他面对困难时能够继续 工作。 ( belief ) His firm belief in victory enabled him to go on working in face of difficulties.
1. 只有当你经历了痛苦和失败后你才会成长。 ( undergo ) Only when you undergo pain and failures can you grow up. 2. 每天笑100次就等于在划艇机上运动10分钟。 ( be equivalent to ) Laughing 100 times a day is equivalent to exercising on a rowing machine for ten minutes.
It’s up to you to decide whether to make a compliment or give criticism. 18. 班主任进来的时候他正在高声说话。(happen) He happened to be talking loudly when the class teacher came in./ It happened that he was…
Judging from/by the look on his face, he doesn’t know the truth. 16. 布什总统 (President Bush )和温家宝总理 (Premier Minister Wen )在进行官方交流时谈了台湾问 题。(focus) President Bush and Premier Minister Wen focused on Taiwan issue while having the official contact.
3. 跟陌生人恶作剧是不明智的。 ( play a joke on )
It is unwise to play practical jokes on strangers.
4. 这就是他英语上取得巨大进步的原因。( This is why… ) This is why he has made great / considerable progress in English.