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1. 他决不被认为是位伟大的作家。

He is by no means considered to be a great writer

2. 长时间步行后你必然感到疲劳。

You are bound to feel tired after a long walk.

3. 你会常用这些数字(figure),你应当记住它们。

You’ll need these figures so often that you must committed them to memory

4. 留心(watch out for)找个能使你在公司晋升的机会,这样的机会不


Watch out for a chance to improve your position in the company, they don’t come very often.

5. 他们找(seek out)了个方便的(handy)地方坐下来休息。

They sought out a handy spot where they might sit down and rest. 6. 他是那么专心致志的工作,他都没有听到她进屋的声音。

He was so absorbed in his work that he didn’t notice her enter the room.


1. 我的论文(paper)试图找到这些问题的答案。

My paper is an attempt to find some answers to these questions.

2. 当他看到你造成的损害时,他会勃然大怒的。

When she sees the damage you have done she will be flying into rage.

3. 为了省钱,他戒烟了。

He gave up smoking to save money.

4. 我一旦确定了目标,就不会轻易放弃。

Once I set up a goal, I won’t give it up easily.


In my opinion, he is by far the most imaginative of all the contemporary poets.

6. 当你的好朋友得到了提拔,你禁不住感到高兴。

When you close friend gets promoted, you can’t help feeling happy.


1. 我已经安排好了汽车去接他们。Arrange

I’ve arranged for a car to pick them up at the airport.

2. 太空旅行的人不得不在火箭上忍受许多不便。travelers in space Travelers in space have to endure many discomforts in their rockets.

3. 听到这些赞扬的话,他的脸上绽出了笑容。Brighten

Her face brightened at once at such praise.

4. 令他非常失望的是,在野餐那天一直下雨。disappointment; picnic To her great disappointment, it was raining on the day of the picnic. 5.孩子们学起游戏来很快。

The children picked up games easily.

6. 他在法国时学会了法语。pick up


1. 在那个国家里18岁以下的少年禁止买烟。

Young people under 18 are prohibited from buying cigrettes in that


2. 事实胜于雄辩。

Actions speak louder than words.

3. 我是个果断的人。一旦确立了目标,我就不会轻易放弃。

I am a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I won’t give it up easily.

4. 文学和艺术对他产生了很大影响。

Literature and art have a great influence upon him.

5.我希望你能尽快拿出这个问题的解决办法。Come up with

I hope you can come up with the solution to the problem as soon as


6. 乍看起来,问题没有那么严重。

The problem was less serious at first glance.


1. 玛丽最近一直很紧张,她突然大哭起来。

Mary, who has been nervous lately, suddenly burst into tears.

2. 我们吃惊的是,作者原来是一位年轻的姑娘。

To our astonishment, the author turned out to be a young girl.

3. 她的衣服满屋子乱丢。

Her clothes were scattered about the room at random.

4. 科学家还在致力于发现到达外层空间的新方法。

The scientists are still working on finding new methods of reaching outer space.


Doctor Jones can fit you in on Thursday morning.

6. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。

Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it


1. 虽然今天早晨看起来天要下雨,结果却是个好天。turn out_ Though it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out to be a fine day.

2. 在我们登山时,他们跟不上我们。keep up with

When we climbed the mountain, they could not keep up with us.

3. 这个房间除了几把椅子之外,没有其它家具。except for

The room was bare of furniture except for a few chairs.

4. 约翰将要和他的老师讨论这个问题。

John is going to talk the problem over with his teacher.


An accident is holding up the traffic.

6. 在我们采用这个计划之前,我们要好好讨论一下。

We are going to talk over this plan before we adopt it.


1. 她是个上了年纪的妇女,大约六十岁。

She was an elderly women, perhaps sixty years old.

2. 他的话说得有点不得体(out of place)

. His remarks were rather out of place

3. 去年公司从葡萄架上挑选最好的葡萄酿成了这种酒。
