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This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020


Unit 1 What do you want to be in the future

1. Word(单词)

over结束/超过 enough足够 astronaut宇航员 vacation假期(≈holiday)enjoy享受2. Set phrases/phrase(固定搭配/词组)

at the start of …=at the beginning of…在…的开始

talk about …(谈论关于…)

adj. + enough enough + n. (good enough/enough money)

take sth. to .sb.带某物给某人

enjoy + doing sth享受

help sb. with sth帮助…的… help sb. do sth帮助…做某事

learn to do sth.学习做某事

do more English listening and reading做更多的英语听力和阅读

just want只要

a pop singer一个流行歌手

the winter vacation寒假

an IT engineer一个电脑工程师

go sight-seeing观光游览

3. Sentence patterns(句型)

(1)—What do you want to do

—I want to …

(2)—What do you want be (in the future)

—I want to be…

Unit 2 What does Sandy like to learn (单词)

Form表格 chance机会 band乐团 signature签名 hope希望

2. Set phrases/phrase(固定搭配/词组)

ask sb. to do sth要求某人做某事

take sth back where把某物带回某地

would like to do sth =want to do sth想要做某事

play + the + musical instrument(乐器)

play + ball game(球类运动)

be interested sth对…有兴趣

be interested in doing sth对做某事感兴趣

take this chance把握这次机会

in a hurry匆忙

football fan足球迷

3. Sentence patterns(句型)

(1)—What does … like to do

—… likes to …

(2)—What would you like to do

—I would like to…

(3)—Would you like …

—Yes, l would like. / No, thanks.

Unit 3 Jenny’s birthday (单词)

another另外 guest客人 parcel包裹 rack架子 cheap便宜(反:expensive昂贵的)disc光盘break打破 heavy重的(反:light轻的)

2. Set phrases/phrase(固定搭配/词组)

have to …不得不(被动)=must必须(主动)

arrive at +大地方 arrive in + 小地方

the game of Musical Chairs抢椅子游戏

out of the game出局

blow bubbles吹泡泡

the traffic light交通信号灯

the Shanghai Expo上海世博会(上海世界博览会)

come back home回到家

drink some water喝些水

3. Sentence patterns(句型)

—What did … do

—… did …

Unit 4 What makes the weather


change变化 hide躲 comfortable舒适的 shine照耀 heat热 raindrop雨滴disappear消失(反:appear出现)

2. Set phrases/phrase(固定搭配/词组)

have something to do with …与…有关

a kind of ……的一种

the changing weather变化的天气

grow warm变得温暖

warm and comfortable既温暖又舒适

dry up弄干

seems to disappear看上去消失

in fact事实上

part of the air空气的一部分

turns into raindrops变成雨滴

fall down跌落,滑落

3. Sentence patterns(句型)

I/You/He/She/We/You/They did…

I/You/He/She/We/You/They do (does)…

Unit 5 Schools in Shanghai (单词)

Thousand千 century世纪 true真的 branch树枝

2. Set phrases/phrase(固定搭配/词组)

a group of students from England一群来自英国的学生in the same grade在同一个年级

Social Studies社会实践

Computer Science计算机科学

Arts and Crafts工艺美术

on the branch在树枝上

jump onto 飞上
