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偏差调查指南Guideline for Deviation Investigation

●问题陈述Define the problem


In order to perform a structured root cause analysis the problem needs to be understood,this is achieved by creating a problem statement for the deviation.This statement describes the problem with enough information to ensure the deviation is understood.The statement shall be clear and concise,be quantifiable and should document the magnitude of the event.The problem statement may be amended,if appropriate,during the course of the investigation as more information becomes available.

●建立时间表Establish Timeline

见如下“缺失事件表”。Refer to Loss Event Timeline as below.

●收集数据Collect the data

描述应发生什么Map what should have occurred


To initiate the investigation,information shall be collected about how the process should have been rmation shall include all relevant documentation and knowledge e.g.manufacturing and Packaging instructions,Standard Operating Procedures,work and process flows,and available process or product development knowledge.

描述实际发生了什么Map what actually Happened


Separately collect and analyze all process records,process control results and environmental data together and recreate the process actually performed.This shall be verified by GEMBA and operator Interviews.The information shall be collected in such a manner that any changes or differences can easily be identified.An agreement within the team must be reached about what should have occurred and the sequence of actual events. MMEEPPS分类(与物料、方法、设备、环境、人员、工艺和系统)可用于数据收集。相关的影响因素(不完全)罗列如下,供参考。

The MMEEPPS categories can also be used to collect data.These relate to Materials,Methods,Equipment, Environment,People,Process Design and Systems.The factors listed below are for consideration.

可使用一些方法收集工艺和事件的数据,包括但不限于:缺失事件表,故障树分析,否认模型,5个为什么,是或否,鱼骨图/因果关系,失效模式与影响分析。There are a number of techniques that can be used to collect data on the process and the event that occurred these include,but are not limited to:Loss Event

Timeline,Fault Tree Analysis,Contradiction Matrix,5Whys,Is/Is Not,Fishbone diagram/Cause and Effect,


●分析差距Gap Analysis


Conduct a gap analysis of the process as designed and the process as operated.Identify and record any

points where there is a change or difference between the expected and actual processes.An agreement

within the team shall be reached that all gaps have been identified.Review and Revise the problem

statement based on the identified Gaps(this step must be complete prior to the step of identification of

potential causes.

●识别潜在原因Identification of Potential Causes


Each gap identified above shall be treated as a potential cause of the problem.

o应考虑其它的可能原因,可使用头脑风暴(如:鱼骨图分析)Other possible causes shall also be considered,these can be derived from a brainstorming process,such as a Fishbone analysis.

o基于识别的其它潜在原因,回顾和修改问题描述Review and Revise the problem statement based on the other identified potential causes.

o应评估每个差距或识别的其它可能原因对调查问题的潜在影响,发挥调查组员的专业知进行严重性或影响分类Each gap or identified other possible cause shall be assessed for its potential impact on the problem under investigation,and using the available expertise within the
