

研究生英语课文翻译Unit 4

研究生英语课文翻译Unit 4

Explicit and Implicit Moral EducationImagine a guardsman,from the moment he falls in on parade in the morning until the moment the parade is dismissed,every conscious action he makes is predetermined and controlled.If inadvertently he does something that is not in the schedule,such as drop his rifle,he has to cover up that accident by pretending to faint.to do anything other than conform might show originality and inventiveness,but from the point of view of military ethos would be immoral.想象一下有一个卫兵,在早上从他进入一个阅兵队列开始直到这个队伍解散,他作出的每一个有意识的动作都是事先规定好并且被控制的。



That is an example of thorough-going explicit moral system.In it actions are rigidly divided into right ones and wrong ones,permitted ones and non-permitted ones,and everyone involved accepts this without question;and to train a participant in such a system is an explicit matter,and the simplest form of behaviour training,provided the learners acknowledge the teacher as an unquestionable authority who knows exactly what moral behaviour is.这就是一个彻底实行显性道德教育体系的例子。


Luminous moonlight shines upon the bedstand,
Isn’t it the white frost paving on the bare ground?
Head, raised to gaze the moon into distance,
死译:one-to-one translation: each SL word has a corresponding TL word.
硬译:word-for-word translation: Transfers SL grammar and word order, as well as the primary meanings of all the SL words, into translation. It is normally effective only for brief simple neutral sentences.
The bright moon light sprinkles on the bed,
As if the frost lays on the ground.
Raise myhead and stare at the moon,
The homesickness attacks me suddenly.
Lowering head to think of the hometown.
In the Still of the Night(直译)
I descry bright moonlight in front ofmy bed.
I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.
原文:John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.


(4)The New York Times ran a short two—paragraph story amid its financial news.
《纽约时报》在其金融新闻栏中登载了短短的一条两 小段的报道。
(5)There was a greater output of coal than ever,the wonderful and delicate system ran almost perfect
鲁迅先生曾说过这样一段话:“我向来总以为翻译比创 作容易,因为至少是无须构思。但到真的一译就会遇到 难关,譬如一个名词或动词,写不出创作时可以回避, 翻译上却不成.也还得想,一直弄到头昏眼花,好象在 脑子里摸一个急于要开箱子的钥匙,却没有。严又陵说 ‘一名之立,旬月踌踌’是他的经验之谈,的的确确 的”。鲁迅先生告诉我们,翻译时为了确切表达原文中 的某一个词,往往是煞费苦心的。



大学综合英语4课后翻译中英对照1. 我安排他们在小酒吧见面,但那个小伙子一直都没有来。

(turn up)I had arranged for them to meet each other at the pub, but the young man never turned up.2. 你无法仅凭表象判断形势是否会变得对我们不利。

(tell from appearance)You cannot tell merely from appearances whether things will turn out unfavourable to us or not.3. 那个士兵每次打仗都冲锋在前,从而赢得了国家的最高荣誉。

(stand in the gap)The soldier, who stood in the gap in every battle, gained the highest honors of the country.4. 主席讲话很有说服力,委员会其他成员都听从他的意见。

(yield to)The chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee yielded to his opinion.5. 他们现在生活富裕了,但也曾经历坎坷。

(ups and downs)They are well-to-do now, but along the way they had their ups and downs.6. 这次演讲我将说明两个问题。

(address oneself to)There are two questions to which I will address myself in this lecture.7. 我们正筹划为你举办一次盛大的圣诞聚会。

(in sb.’s honour)We are planning a big Christmas party in your honour.8. 听到那个曲子,我回想起了儿童时代。



• 到底孰个是真正的解人实在无法评断。我们又安 到底孰个是真正的解人实在无法评断。 得起严老先生于地下而询之这恐怕要成为千古疑 案了。正是,妙谛纷纷说到今 妙谛纷纷说到今, 案了。正是 妙谛纷纷说到今 几人探藏得真经就 拿一个“ 字来说吧。 拿一个“ 信”字来说吧。以“ 信”作为翻译的标 对不对呢当然对的。谁也不能否认的, 准, 对不对呢当然对的。谁也不能否认的 因为这 是翻译的本质所决定的不‘ 就不成其为翻译。 是翻译的本质所决定的不‘ 信”就不成其为翻译。 但是“ 是一个抽象的、空洞的概念。 但是“ 信”是一个抽象的、空洞的概念。到底怎 样才算“ 各个翻译家都有不同的看法, 样才算“ 信” 各个翻译家都有不同的看法 因此 就出现了各种不同的翻译方式。 就出现了各种不同的翻译方式。有人认为必须逐 句移译方为信有人认为必须尽可能保持原文的语 言形式, 以至句法结构有人认为可以不顾原文的语 言形式 言形式, 言形式 只要传达原作的意思就行有人认为必须 形神兼似”方为信多有人认为“遗貌取神” “ 形神兼似”方为信多有人认为“遗貌取神”斯 为信。各人的看法不同, 众说纷纭, 为信。各人的看法不同 众说纷纭 莫衷一是在这 一方面, 奈达博士似乎比严老先生就要高明一些, 一方面 奈达博士似乎比严老先生就要高明一些 或者说, 明确一些了。 或者说 明确一些了。
• 严复的“信、达、雅”说, 实际上并没有构成完整 严复的“ 的翻译理论。他老先生当日写《例言》那篇文章, 的翻译理论。他老先生当日写《例言》那篇文章 也并不有志为翻译理论家, 他只是根据他翻译《 也并不有志为翻译理论家 他只是根据他翻译《天 演论》的经验, 谈谈自己的心得体会而已。 演论》的经验 谈谈自己的心得体会而已。所以他 采取的评议方法是随感式、印象式的, 采取的评议方法是随感式、印象式的 是微观的分 析方法, 并没有从宏观的角度, 进行全面的分析研 析方法 并没有从宏观的角度 从而找出客观的规律来。事实上, 究, 从而找出客观的规律来。事实上 象翻译这样 一门牵涉到两个不同民族的语言、文化、思想、 一门牵涉到两个不同民族的语言、文化、思想、 艺术交流的、极其广泛而繁复的学问,要简单地用 艺术交流的、极其广泛而繁复的学问 要简单地用 三个字来概括其理论, 恐怕是有困难的。 三个字来概括其理论 恐怕是有困难的。而况他老 人家又是一位古文大家,行文力求古雅 简练、 行文力求古雅、 人家又是一位古文大家 行文力求古雅、简练、含 言有尽而意无穷” 所以他解释“ 蓄, 要“ 言有尽而意无穷” 。所以他解释“ 信、 达、雅” 三词的涵义, 只有寥寥数语, 而含义深邃, 三词的涵义 只有寥寥数语 而含义深邃 难于窥测, 读者要悉心揣摩, 难于窥测 读者要悉心揣摩 以探测其意旨所在而 各人由于经验和领悟的不同, 各人由于经验和领悟的不同 往往就作出不同的解 释来。所以, 近百年来, 不知有多少人引用“ 释来。所以 近百年来 不知有多少人引用“ 信、 赞颂“ 解释“ 达、雅” , 赞颂“ 信、达、雅” ,解释“ 信、达、 解释 雅” 。

全国大学英语四级翻译 CET4 四级翻译新题型技巧讲解

全国大学英语四级翻译 CET4 四级翻译新题型技巧讲解
without any mistakes.

长嗟短叹 -- sighing deeply 发号施令-- issue orders 土崩瓦解-- fall apart 两面三刀-- two-faced tactics
3. 词类转换
词类变形和转换,是英语语言的一个很重要的特 点,尤其是名词、动词、形容词这三种最主要的 词类。
二、 汉译英的基本技巧
1. 增词 为了充分传达原文含义,必须增补词语,以求达意.
北京是中国的政治、文化中心。这里你可以游览万 里长城、故宫、颐和园等。
Beijing is a political and cultural center that offers some scenic attractions: the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace etc.
Practice Please.
The sight of his native place called back his
他连续讲了两小时的法语,没有出现任何错误。 He has been speaking in French for two hours
汉译英的 基本技巧
一、翻译的基本方法: 直译 & 意译
直译:保持原文内容、又保持原文形式,基 本保留原有句子结构,不是死译。
意译:只保持原文内容、不保持原文形式, 更多考虑英语的特点。
如: 我们的朋友遍天下。 Our friends are all over the world. (直译) We have friends all over the world.(意



2010-2011-1 翻译理论复习1.乔治·斯坦纳的翻译四步骤理论在诸多翻译理论家当中,乔治.斯坦纳是西方对翻译过程进行深入研究的著名作家。







2. 埃文-佐哈尔的“多元系统论”佐哈尔是以色列台拉维夫大学( Tel Aviv) 研究文学批评的教授, 从70 年代开始, 他在文学研究中提出多元系统方法( polysystem approach) 。

在研究和描述希伯莱语文学翻译史的过程中, 他深受俄国后期形式主义特别是图尼扬诺夫( Jurji Tynjanov)的文学进化理论的影响。

佐哈尔大量借用图尼扬诺夫的概念和观点, 如系统、文学准则、区分文学系统的等级结构(hierarchical structure)、作为衡量历史文学重要性手段的陌生化( defamiliarizatio n) 、文学演化( literary mutation) 和进化( literary evolution)等。

1978 年, 佐哈尔的《历史诗学论文集》( Papers in Historical Po et ics) 问世, 收录了他在1970~1977年间所写的系列论文, 首次介绍了“多元系统”( polysy stem) 这个术语。



英语专业期末考试翻译试题(4),汉译英2011--2012学年翻译理论与实践期末考试题班级___姓名___学号___Ⅰ、Translate the following phases into English(2point*5=10point) 1.一寸光阴一寸金__________________________________________________________ 2.归心似箭__________________________________________________________ 3.熟能生巧__________________________________________________________ 4.如鱼得水__________________________________________________________ 5.涸泽而渔__________________________________________________________ⅡTranslate the following sentences into English(5point*6=30point) 1. 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 正月十五元宵夜,街上挂着各式各样精巧的灯笼。

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 这家飞机该有多大的重量啊!它载着解放解放区人民的心。













一、严复的三字标准中国清末思想家严复的三字标准“信、达、雅”(Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance)。











Have you ever heard people say that they tend to be more of a right-brain or left-brain thinkers? From books to television programs, you have probably heard the term mentioned numerous times, or perhaps you have even taken an online test to determine which type best describes you.Do different parts of the brain really control different bodily and mental functions? Over the years, a theory that has gained in popularity is that the right brain and the left brain are responsible for different modes of thought and that the way in which side of his brain works more actively.People who rely more heavily on the right half of their brain tend to be more imaginative and spontaneous. They are interested in patterns, shapes and sizes, for the right is associated with artistic ability like singing, painting, writing poetry, ect. Left-brain dominated people are quite opposite in the way they think. They tend to be more logical and analytical in their thinking and usually stand out in mathematics and word skills.While the different functions of the two brain parts may have been distorted and exaggerated by popular psychology, understanding your strengths and weaknesses in certain areas can help you develop better ways to learn and study. For example, if you are usually stumped in trying to follow verbal instructions, an activity often cited as a right-brain characteristic, you can benefit from writing down directions and developing better organization skills.二、I was once in a relationship with a woman who was the most brilliant, creative and driven person I’d ever known. I told her these things often because she didn’t see herself this way, despite achieving great success and acclaim in her professional field. She was also gorgeous and sexy, though she seemed not to realize this either, so I told her these things too. But while I thought it was more important to praise her brilliance, it seemed to mean more to her that she was considered attractive.My experience with this girlfriend exemplifies a common phenomenon in life-when it come To complimenting a woman, men often walk a very difficult line. Of course,context matters. In a professional setting, talking about appearance is often inappropriate, but at a singles club,, it may be important. She will be very pleased if a man thinks her clothes and accessories are pretty, or her hair looks wonderful. However, things in between these two cases are unclear. Women have every right to be recognized and appreciated for their intelligence and creativity. But at the same time, they want to be admired for their looks as well, for example, their perfect skin complexion and elegant outfits.Unfortunately, most guys don’t understand this. If we receive compliments from women, they’re usually about our achievements, not our looks. Most of us don’t expect a woman to tell us how handsome or sexy we are, and some of us would find it hard to regard such a comment as sincere.I’m not saying it’s very hard to be a guy these days. It is important for every man to understand how to treat women with both respect and admiration . but as far as the right balance of these two is concerned, we really have no frame of reference, especially when it comes to looks.In some urban centers, workaholism (工作狂) is so common that people do not consider it unusual: They accept the lifestyle as normal. Government workers in Washington D. C. ,for example, frequently work 60 to 70 hours a week. They don’t do this because they have to do; they do it because they want to. Workaholism can be a serious problem. True workaholics, being deeply immersed in their work, allow themselves little or no time to take breaks. They like to work without being disrupted , and they probably don’t know how to relax.But is workaholism always bad? Perhaps not. There are people who work well under stress . Besides, some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in their own sphere . Their work is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment are the same thing. Their work changes them, keeping them busy and genuinely engaged.Why do workaholics enjoy doing their job so much? Of course they get paychecks from it, but it is hard to quantify the pleasure with money. It offers more than financial security. Psychologists claim that work gives people an identity and provides them with self-confidence. People have a feeling of satisfaction when they administrate a business well or complete a challenging piece of work. In addition, most jobs provide a socially acceptable way for people to meet others. So, though some people are compulsive about their work, their addiction seems to be a safe or even an advantageous one. They feel empty and incomplete when they are involves in activities not related to work.四、Farming invariably interferes with the habitats of plants and animals. However, this does not necessarily mean that agriculture and biodiversity are incompatible . in fact, quite the opposite is true. The sustainable cultivation of plants for food and feed actually enables us to preserve biodiversity.By 2007, there were more than twice as many people living on the planet as there were in 1961. over the same period, the total amount of available arable land grew by just 10 percent. In comparison with population growth, the expansion of arable land was small. And there are limits to further expansion. A large proportion of the earth’s surface-like deserts-is not suitable for cultivation, and other areas are utilized by humans for roads and buildings. Some land that is rich in biodiversity needs to be preserved and thus should not be converted into arable land. The tropical rain forests, for example, have the highest species density in the world, and changing this land for crop cultivation would be dreadful to these species’s habitats and, indeed, existence.By 2050, global demand for food will have risen by 70 percent. But the expansion of land available for cultivation has its limits. This is one of the greatest challenges facing agriculture today:How do we balance the increased demand for food with the need to maintain biological diversity, now and in the future?Efficient and sane use of land will be key to preserving natural animal and plant habitats. To achieve this aim will depend to a considerable extent on the use of modern agricultural methods. If these methods are successfully applied, we believe that agriculture and biodiversitycan coexist in harmony.五、Stereotypes have some truth mixed in with a few generalizations. Sometimes these generalizations can be misleading as they are often based on observation of the (1)exterior behavior of people in a certain culture. Spaghetti, pasta, mafia (黑手党), gestures, fashion —these are some words commonly used to describe Italians. How much truth is there in the stereotype? As an Italian myself, I will give you some (2) insights into the Italian soul and clarify some misunderstandings that foreigners have about us.Spaghetti and pasta are sacred. You can't take pasta away from an Italian meal; otherwise it won't be (3)complete. A typical Italian meal generally includes pasta as a starter, fish or meat with salad as the main (4)course, followed by fruit or dessert, and then coffee. But there are considerable regional differences in Italy, and hence (5)inconsistencies exist between the stereotype and reality. For instance, you might find risotto (加有肉、鱼或蔬菜的调味饭) replacing pasta in some places!The Mafia is real: We are not proud of it, but it does exist, especially in the South and on the island of Sicily. Obviously, not every Italian is a member of the Mafia, and most will be(6)offended if you use the term, even if you are just joking.Yes, the way we speak is unique. Italians use (7)gestures a lot in communication. We simply cannot talk without our hands. If the hands are busy doing something else, we start moving shoulders or other parts of the body.We are also fashion victims. You can recognize Italians by the way they dress from head to toe. We wear stylish clothes and (8)ornaments for every possible occasion. You won't ever see an Italian wearing running shorts combined with long socks: It's simply against our (9)sense of style! Italy is made up of many regions and provinces which are similar in some ways and(10)distinctive in others. The stereotype contains some truth, but being Italian takes a lot more than that.六、To invest in women's education and health is important for the overall welfare of the human society. The (1)reason for saying so is obvious, that is, women are playing important roles in modern society. The politicians who (2)levy taxes should know that women contribute to 40 percent of the world's production in agriculture, a quarter in industry, and a third in services. Women farmers in the developing countries grow at least 50 percent of the world's food. In addition to (3)generating income, women continue to take responsibilities for household activities such as childcare, cleaning and preparing food, which are sometimes not as (4)lightweight and easy as generally thought.Yet women's productivity remains low. Improving women's productivity can greatly benefit economic growth and poverty (5)reduction, which are key development goals around the world. Hence, to (6)enhance women's status is a vital part of the World Bank's strategy for broadly based economic and human resource development.To improve women's welfare calls for the efforts of both women and men. If long-term change in the conditions of women is to be (7)achieved, the actions and attitudes of men must change, rather than simply to (8)emancipate women from old conventions. Problems affecting women are often closely related to the social (9)relationship between men and women. For example, it is impossible to deal with women's health problems effectively through (10)approaches thatinvolve only women. Many women's health problems are embedded in unequal gender relation in work loads, responsibilities for family welfare, as well as access to resources and decision-making.第一单元The Doctrine of the Mean is the core of Confucianism. The so-called "mean" by Confucius doesn't mean "compromise" but a "moderate" and "just-right" way when understanding and handling objective things. Confucius advocated that this thought should not only be treated as a way to understand and deal with things but also be integrated into one's daily conduct to make it a virtue through self-cultivation and training. The Doctrine of the Mean is not only the core of Confucianism but also an important component of traditional Chinese culture. From the time it came into being to the present, it has played an invaluable role in the construction of national spirit, the transmission of national wisdom, and the development of national culture.中庸思想是儒家思想的重要内容。

英汉翻译-4 词义的选择

英汉翻译-4 词义的选择

6)She drew a check against her bank balance(余额). 【译文】她开了一张支票提取银行存款的余额。(表示“抵消”) 7)We must not cross the street against the light.
1)The house is over against the university. 【译文】那幢房子就在学校的对面。 2)We’re up against all sorts of difficulties. 【译文】我们勇于面对种种困难。 3)The factory has produced 85 tons of sugar this year, against the 60 tons of last year. 【译文】这个厂今年生产了85吨糖,而去年只生产了60吨。(形成“对照”) 4)He saves money against the rainy day. 【译文】他存钱以备不时之用。 5)Charge it against my account. 【译文】把这笔钱记在我的账上。(表示“用……抵付”)
4.3 词义的褒贬 4.4 综合练习
4.1 词义的选择(Choice of Word-meanings)
词汇是构成句子和文章的最基本要素。因此对词义 的理解正确与否,直接关系到句子和篇章译文的正 确性。另外,能否对词义做正确选取与表述,是构 成好译文的基础。 但是在文章中,一词多义、一义多词和一词多类的 现象很多,选取词汇释义,既靠能力,又靠鉴赏力。
例2 : like
1)All music is alike to Tom. 【译文】啥音乐在汤姆听来全都一样。 2)That, I think, is hardly likely. 【译文】我想,那不大可能。 3)Man’s life is often likened to sea voyage. 【译文】人生常被比作海上航行。 4)His likeness to his brother was remarkable(引人注目的). 【译文】他长像酷似他兄弟。 5)Things cannot be always to one’s liking. 【译文】事情不会总是称心如意的。 6)Like likes like. 【译文】物以类聚。

翻译理论技巧(the skills of the translating theory)

翻译理论技巧(the skills of the translating theory)

翻译理论技巧(the Skills of Translation Theory)1. 词义选择(Selection of Meanings)例1.This phase involves laying out material in order to inventory all problems.[在该句中,inventory作动词]在此阶段,须展示所有的资料以便开列所有问题的清单。

例2.Passing by the entirely south elevation,one may view the house from below the waterfall.[elevation此处为建筑设计的“立视图”或“立面”]完全绕过南立面后,人们可以从瀑布下方观看这幢房子(流水别墅)。

Directions:Translate the following sentences into Chinese,paying special attention to the correct selection of meanings of the underlined words or phrases.1.When one first approaches Falling Water,the impression is that of a series of pale yellow-colored horizontal planes hovering above ground at varying heights within a forest.第一次去流水别墅的人留下的印象深刻的是树木中一系列灰黄色的不同高度的水平挑台。

2.Four square garden courts front the mausoleum at one end of Taj Mahal(泰姬陵).四个方庭朝向位于泰姬陵端部的陵墓。

3.In his discussion of form,Le Corbusier is at pains to point out that the geometric laws of any particular form should be the basis for subsequent action.在关于形式的讨论中,柯布西耶设法指出所有特殊形式的几何规律是后来进一步行动的基础。



Unit 4 EconomyLesson 10 (E—C)A Golbal EconmyRsident Clinton realized—as all of us must—that today’s economy is global. We live in an era in which information, goods and capital sped around the globe, every hour of every day. Whther we like it or not, all of our fortunes are tied together. We are truly interdependent.America supports international trade because we believe fundamentally that trade will enrich those nations who embrace its discipline. The great promise of trade is its potential to promote mutual prosperity—and to strengthen the bonds between sovereign nations.The U.S. and China both demonstrate the potential of trade to improve the lives of our people. Y ou know better than I the great achievements of the Chinese economy over the past two decades. In 1977, the sum total of Chinese imports and exports was less than $15 billion, putting China’s share of world trade at 0.6 percent. The most populosus country in the world, China ranked a distant 30th among exporting nations. By 1993 China’s exports and imports totaled nearly $200 billion. China had become the world’s tenth largest exporter.Since 1978, when China began opening its econnomy to imcreased foreign investment and trade, aggregate outpou has more than doubled. The strongest growth has occurred in the coastal areas near Hong Kong and opposite Taiwan, where foreign investment and modern production methoods have spurred productin of both domestic and export goods. Per capita GNP has grown at an average rate of 7.6% from 1980-1992.The numbers are interesting, but how has this affected the people of China? In the last decade, telephone connections rose more than 60%. Electrical production more than doubled to 621 million kilowatt hours. In short, China has improved the economic well-being of its people.The people of the United States also have experienced the benefits of world trade. Since World War II, the U.S. has been the world’s largest econnomy and, in most years, the world’s largest eporter.But the importance of trade in our economy had exploded in the past three decades. In 1970, the value of two way trade was equal to just 13% of the U.S. economy. Last year, that figure, at 28%, was more than twice as high. In just the last seven years, jobs supported bu U.S. exports (goods and services) have risen by 4 million, to a total of 11 million. That’s almost one out of ten American jobs. Last year U.S. trade equalled $1.8 trillion dollars.Nor is the importance of trade likely to diminish for either China or the United States. China will continue to depend upon lucrative export markets to earn the foreign exchange it needs to develop and grow. At the same time, China’s imports will supply the much needed machinery and technology to fuel its continued development.For the United States, new commercial opportunities will grow most rapidly in the emerging markets. We estimate that three quarters of new eport opportunities over the next twenty years that’s an incredible $1.9 trillion in potential exports—will come in the emerging markets of Asia and Latin America. This means jobs for American workers and a higher standard of living for the American people.(Ecerpted form “Remarks by Ambassador Kantor at the University of International Business and Economics”, 1995)译文:一个全球性的经济正如每个人必须认识到的那样,克林顿总统认识到当今的经济具有全球性质。



(29)We in Zambia would like to build a colorblind society where all can have equal opportunities. (30)It is no use gathering a lot of facts and data without making a thorough study and scientific analysis of them.
第四讲 翻译的方法:直译与意译
大体说来,翻译的基本方法有两种,即所谓的 直译 ( literal translation 或metaphase)和意 译(free translation或paraphrase)。 人们对直译和意译的认识不尽相同。因而,一 些人甚至将那种生搬硬套、对号入座的硬译、 死译误认为直译,也有一些人则把某些妄加删 改、添油加醋的胡译、乱译混同于意译。这两 种倾向无疑都从根本上曲解了直译与意译的真 正含义。
4.1. 直译法 4.2. 意译法
4.3. 直译同意译的关系
一般认为,直译就是不仅忠实于原文内容而且 忠实原文形式的翻译方法。也有人把直译解释 为一种重“形似”的方法,要求在保持原文内 容的前提下,力求使译文与原文在选词用字、 句法结构、形象比喻及风格特征等方面尽可能 趋于一致。
所谓意译,一般指忠实于原文内容而不拘泥于 原文结构形式与修辞手法的翻译方法。 英国人表达“进退两难”常用“between the devil and the deep blue sea”,而中国人则常 用“进退维谷”;英国人想表达“多此一举” 之义时常用“carry coals to Newcastle",而 中国人则经常说“画蛇添足”;英语中说the seventh heaven,而汉语中则用“九(重)天” 指最高天际。


















A.郭沫若B.钱钟书C.茅盾D.杨宪益10._______ thought in translating one should aim at “translating sense,not words".A. Saint JeromeB. CiceroC. TytlerD. Nida030411.“重神似不重形似”,这是的主张。









如:①、In some automated plants electronic computers control the entire production line. 在某些自动化工厂,电子计算机控制整个生产线。

(直译)②、The earth acts like a big magnet.地球作用着像一块大磁铁。

(死译)③、Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon. 锰有同样影响在强度上像硅。








如:It is easy to compress a gas,it is just a matter of reducing the space between the molecules. Like a liquid a gas has no shape,but unlike a liquid it will expand and fill any container it is put in.气体是很容易压缩,这正是压缩分子之间距离根据。

PPT 翻译概论 第四章

PPT 翻译概论 第四章
去字梏: 单词 重组句: 句子 建空间: 篇章
英语口译 梁丽娅
1.指称意义:指语言符号和它所描绘或叙述的 主观世界获客观世界的实体和事件之间的关系。 (= 概念意义,认知意义) 语言符号的基本内容和它所传递的主要信息。 ( VS 字面意义) 2.言内意义:语言符号之间的关系,体现在语言 符号的音韵,语法,词汇,句子和话语等各个 层面。 3.语用意义:语言符号与符号使用者——包括 收讯人和发讯人——之间的关系(主观性)
最大的贡献是:区分了潜在意义和现实化意 义; 释意派的弟子安帕罗· 于塔多· 阿尔比 在《富裕的“忠实”概念》中发展了释义派 理论对意义的认识。
1. 涵意,现实化涵义与意义
2. 信息与意义 3. 效果与意义
4. 意图与意义
4.3 意义的分类 4.4 在交流中让意义再生
英语口译 梁丽娅
意义不是一种客观的,唯一的确定的 存在,意义的这一特质就给翻译活动 造成了很大的障碍。所以,译者在遇 到难以克服的的障碍并无法完全赋原 文本的意义以再生时,译者须分清轻 重,主次,尽可能减少语义损失。
Nida said, " Translating consists in reproducing inthe receptor language the clesest equivalent of the soure-language messege, first in terms og meaning and secondly in terms of style.



Assignment 4I.Translate the following sentences into Chinese and pay attention tothe translation of the blackened parts.1.The economic environment is characterized by buyers, sellers and competitors.译文:经济环境的特点是买,卖和竞争。

ser is one of the most sensational developments in recent years, because of its applicability to many fieldsof science and its adaptability to practical uses.译文:近年来,由于激光的在许多科学领域和实际应用的适用性,使其成为最轰动的发展之一。

3.Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.译文:火箭已经应用于对宇宙的探索。

4.If major problems exist and goals are not being achieved, then changes need to be made in the company’sorganizational or managerial structure.译文:如果公司的主要问题还存在,目标还没有完成,那么公司的组织与管理结构就需要做调整。

5.They are quite content with the data obtained from the experiment.译文:他们对从实验中所获得的数据非常满意。

6.We are especially grateful to you for arranging the meeting for us with the Machinery Trading Delegation atsuch short notice.译文:我们非常感谢你们能在如此短的时间里为我们安排与机械交易代表团的成员见面。

全新版大学英语综合教程4翻译04in search of davos man

全新版大学英语综合教程4翻译04in search of davos man
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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9. Such rocks are the most suitable underground-water reservoirs. 10. This shop offers a large choice of hats and shoes. 11. The president strongly advocated a sharp increase in the missile and space programs. 12. It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal. 13. The two leaders had a serious and frank exchange of views on Sino-U.S. relations and world affairs. 14. The use of atomic weapons is a clear violation of international law. 15. Transistors are fairly recent development.
Notes (1) English abstract nouns denoting actions or nouns derived from verbs are often converted into Chinese verbs or verbal phrases. (2) English common nouns denoting persons and derived from verbs are often converted into Chinese verbs or verbal phrases. (3) In given contexts, the English genitive or possessive + noun may be converted into: Verb + object (动宾结构), subject + verb (+ object) (主 谓结构), structure denoting active sense (主动结构) and structure denoting passive sense (被动结构) Examples: 1. Thanks to her boy friend’s rescue, she could return home safely. 幸亏男朋友的救援,她才能安然回家。 She hurried to her boy friend’s rescue. 她赶快去救男朋 友。
2. The American people demanded his release. 美国人民 要求释放他。 He won praise for his release of the prisoners of war. 他因释放了战俘而获得称赞。 3. She doesn’t want his praise. 她不要他赞美。 She always sings his praises. 她老是夸耀他。 4. Nature is not over-merciful in its treatment of delinquents. 大自然对于罪人是不会过于心慈手软的。 Are you satisfied with your treatment? 你对你的待遇满 意吗? 5. … and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. ……使这 个民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存。 The American government is a rule of the people, by the people, for the boss. 美国的政体是人民为着政党的领 袖而统治人民的。
Drills 4.1.1 b (1) Point out which of the words in italics has subjective function or objective function by marking S (主) or O (宾) respectively, and then translate the following: 1. My recollections of Mr. Brown 2. Lincoln’s Assassination 3. His memory is very bad. A monument is delicated to his memory. 4. His drawings of children are exceptionally good. His children’s drawings are very good. 5. The education of the young is seen to be of primary importance. Yong people’s higher education is now much extended in China.
6. Let me be your banker. 你需要钱,我可以借给你。 7. Roofs require special consideration to ensure adequate durability in relation to the exposure to the sun and rain. 屋顶需要加以特别考虑,以确保经受日晒雨 淋。 8. Large fields of the same crop also result in rapid multiplication of destructive insects. 大面积种植单一作 物也会造成害虫迅速繁殖。 9. Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. 用无线电波 传送和接收活动物体图像的技术成为电视。 10. A commitment to respect human rights that was not accompanied by international control constituted a half measure. 承担尊重人权的责任而不接受国际监督是一 种不彻底的措施。
Drills 4.1.1 a 1. No violation of this principle can be tolerated. 2. I have no intention of wearing you with this matter. 3. Concern for the preservation of public property should not be confined to protecting it from thieves and wreckers. 4. We are enemies of all aggressive wars. 5. The massacre of the Republicans, and the subsequent law of September against the press and the right of association, were his work. 6. No wonder the sight of it should send the memories of quite a number of the older generation rushing back to 36 years ago. 7. There must be a clear recognition of the principles of equality between states. 8. This discovery was the beginning of the science of aerostatics.
Chapter 4

4.1 Conversion of Word Classes
According to English syntax, there is usually one finite verb in a simple sentence or an individual clause. Abstract nouns or gerunds are often used for verbs. The frequent use of the nominal style is one of the features of English. In Chinese, two or more verbs instead of abstract nouns are usually used together or separately in one sentence. Indeed, what is expressed in the verbal style in Chinese is very often expressed in the nominal style in English. Keeping this general principle in mind, we can easily handle the conversion of word classes. 4.1.1 Conversion from English Nouns and Adjectives into Chinese Verbs and Adverbs Nouns or nominal forms, especially action nouns and other abstract nouns, find their wider use in English while verbs or multi-verbal forms are much preferred in Chinese. In translation, therefore, the conversion of English nouns into Chinese verbs, and subsequently English adjectives into Chinese adverbs, becomes one of the techniques frequently employed for smooth representation in idiomatic Chinese.