中翻英技巧 4

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6. 委员会任命他为经理 The committee appointed him manager 7. 他发现这本书容易 He found the book easy 8. 在他的声音中有团疑云使得我害怕 A shade of doubt in his voice made me afraid 9. 我的话使他生气了 My words made him angry 10. 这吵声会使我发疯 This noise will send me mad
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21我可不许你说这样的话 I won’t have you say such things 22他正在看着我修理机器 He is watching me repair the machine 23我看见有人走动 I see someone move about 24他要我等他 He would have me wait for him 25我昨晚听见他唱法国歌 Last night I heard him sing French song
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16他证明自己是个好医生 He proved himself (to be) a good doctor 17我允许他进入我的房间 I permitted him to enter my room 18 我们知道他是很聪明的 We know him (to be) very wise 19他请求我考虑此事 He invited me to consider the matter 20我们从来不知道她的行为如此恶劣 We have never known him to behave so badly

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第五组 在某些表示 “听”“视”等的动词后面,要用不带to的不定式作 宾语补足语 我看到你走进那房子 I saw you go into the house 使… 成为 make 什么使你这样想的 What makes you think so 要,叫,使 have 我要他做这事 I will have him do the work 看到 notice 我看到他走进房间 I noticed him enter the room Watch 注视 她在看着我修理工具 She is watching me repair the tool 感到 feel 我感到自己的健康好转 I feel my health improve 让let 不要让这种事再发生了 Don’t let this happen again 听见 我们听见她唱歌 We heard her sing songs
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我们选王先生为会长 We chose Mr. Wang chairman 他使她做了他的妻子 He made her his wife 他们替他们的儿子取名亨利。 They named their son Henry 他们任命她为秘书 They appointed her secretary
Байду номын сангаас
• 第二种形容词作宾语补足语。 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 他证明自己是值得信赖的 He proved himself worthy of confidence 我们必须使房间保持干净 We must keep the room tidy 疾病使她变得相当虚弱了 Illness has rendered her rather weak 我发现那盒子是空的 I found the box empty 他们把门漆成了绿色 They painted the door green 寒冷的天气使树叶变红了 The cold weather turned the leaves red 她但愿自己已死 She wished herself dead
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第三组, 带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语 情愿 prefer 我倒情愿你们不改变计划 I should prefer you not to change your plan 使,促使 cause 他使这事做成 He causes this mater to be done 劝使,促使 bring 我们必须使每个同事认识这项工作 We must bring every colleague to realize the task 想要 want 我要他立即来这里 I want him to come here at once 希望expect 你的老师希望你努力学习 Your teacher expects you to study hard / to work hard 警告 warn 我曾警告他不要迟到 I warned him not to be late
• 第一组名词或代词作宾语补足语: • • • • • • • • • • 我们选他为班长 We elected him monitor 我们认为她是一个聪明的女孩。 We thought her quite a clever girl 他把你的兄弟认着你 He thought your brother you 我们称她李玲, We call her Li Ling 他们让他当了副厂长 They made her vice director of the factory
• 仿用第五组不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,将下列句子译 成英语 • 21我可不许你说这样的话 • have (用语否定句中) 允许 • 22他正在看着我修理机器 watch , repair • 23我看见有人走动 someone, move about • 24他要我等他 have, wait for • 25我昨晚听见他唱法国歌 French song • 26我看到他走进办公室 notice, enter • 27他注视着车子消失在道路的转弯处 • curve转弯处, disappear • 28我不能让她看到我多么地怕她 how much, fer
• 在第五基本句型构造中,虽然有了宾语,还是 不能使意思完全,必须加上一个补足语来补充 宾语的意思才行,这个补充宾语的词语叫做宾 语补足语,宾语和宾语补足语之间在逻辑上有 一种主谓关系 或主表关系,宾语和宾语补足 语简称为复合宾语。复宾他动词后面跟复合宾 语,复宾他动词又称作为动词,都表示 “作 为、使成,变成,变得”等意思, •
• 第七组 过去分词作宾语补足语,表示宾语所接受的动 作 • • • • • • • • • • • • 他承认自己失败了 He acknowledge himself defeated 我们请人把机器修好了 We had the machine repaired 他的作为使他受到尊敬。 His actions made him respected 你必须要理发了 You must get your hair cut 我曾听人说过法国话 I have heard French spoken 让他定制了一套新衣 He had a new dress made
• 第六组 现在分词作宾语补足语,表示宾语正在进行的动作 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 我们看到人们在欢庆胜利 We saw people celebrating the victory 他们发现他在开车床 They found him working at the lathe 我能闻到有东西在燃烧 I can smell something burning 我们听见她在歌唱 We herd her singing songs 他们留下我在外面站着 They left me standing outside 我们看着火车离站 We watched the train leaving the station 他觉得房子在摇动 He felt the house shaking
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11他不能使自己相信这个信息 He couldn’t bring himself to believe the news. 12我们知道他是勇敢的 We know him (to be) brave 13我们希望你及时把它完成 We expect you to finish it in time 14人们认为他是个好老师 People think him (to be) a good teacher. 15他要我照顾她 He wants me to take care of her
• 仿用第三至第四组带 “to的不定式”或 “to be +表 语”作宾语补足语,将下列句子译成英语 • 11他不能使自己相信这个信息 bring , believe • 12我们知道他是勇敢的 brave • 13我们希望你及时把它完成 expect, in time • 14人们认为他是个好老师 think • 15他要我照顾她 want, take care of • 16他证明自己是个好医生 doctor • 17我允许他进入我的房间 permit • 18 我们知道他是很聪明的 wise • 19他请求我考虑此事 invite, consider, matter • 20我们从来不知道她的行为如此恶劣 behave, so badly
• 第四组 to be (时常省略) +表语作宾语补足语 • • • • • • • • • • 盼望 expect 我盼望房间是空空的 I expected the room (to be) empty 认为 hold 他们认为这句话是可行的 They hold the plan (to be) practicable 相信 believe 我相信他是对的 I believe him (to be) rihgt 证明 prove 他证明自己是一个好老师 He proved himself (to be) a good teacher 认为 consider 我认为他是诚实的 I consider him ( to be ) honest
• 仿用第一至第二组名词、代词或形容词作定语补 足语,将下列句子译成英语,
• • • • • • • • 1. 户外运动使我们心生强健 outdoor, exercise, mind 2.他们选我当班长 monitor 3. 我认为他说的不正确 consider, incorrect 4.我们必须做好一切准备 have, everything 5.我看见他比以前老多了 much older, than 6. 委员会任命他为经理 committee, appoint 7. 他发现这本书容易 8. 在他的声音中有团疑云使得我害怕 a shade of doubt 疑 云 • 9. 我的话使他生气了 word, make, angry • 10. 这吵声会使我发疯 send 使…. 变为
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1. 户外运动使我们心生强健 Outdoor exercise makes us strong in mind and body 2.他们选我当班长 They elected me monitor 3. 我认为他说的不正确 I consider what he said incorrect 4.我们必须做好一切准备 We must have everything ready 5.我看见他比以前老多了 I seem him much older than before
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26我看到他走进办公室 I noticed him enter the office 27他注视着车子消失在道路的转弯处 He watched the car disappear round the curve of the road 28我不能让她看到我多么地怕她 I could not let her see how much I feared her