Oral expression strategies and imitation training
• Improving reading comprehension and writing skills
• Cultural background knowledge and expansion of cross-cultural communication skills
• Examination Skills Guidance and Preparation Suggestions
• Attributive clauses and adverbial clauses: Learn the guide words, word order, and usage of attributive clauses and adverbial clauses.
Listening training and oral expression ability
Auxiliary materials
Provide rich listening, speaking, reading, and writing practice materials to help students consolidate their knowledge.
Basic knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary,
The Great Wall Marathon Tour
Visit Beijing,the historic captital of China,and run a marathon
on the Great Wall.
5-Day Tour
Day1: Welcome to Beijing Day2: Visit the Wall Day3: The Marathon Day4: Visit Beijing and Gala Dinner Day5: End of Tour
1.The Key Words 2.Overall Reading 3.Draw the Mind Map
Billy started running with his father when he was five. "I bet you can't run all the way to that tree,"his father said. "I bet I can,"replied Billy. They raced to the tree,his father won. When Billy was twelve,the races got longer.Billy loved it.His father could run faster but Billy did not care.He just liked running with his dad. "I bet you can't run all the way to school,"his father said. When Billy was sixteen years old he was almost as fast as his father. "I bet you can't run all the way to China,"he said to his father. His father just laughed.
5.Ben could not sleep all the night.
Choose the right answers 精挑细选
(B) 1.What was the weather like before the storm
A sunny
B cloudy
C rainy
(A) 2.What was Ben doing when it rained heavily ?
时光一过就是三十多年,近日,机缘 成熟, 与好友 登临金 鸡山, 走近金 鸡石, 终于圆 此一梦 。 经向老乡打听,金鸡山北面,我小时 候曾经 砍柴叫 坦洼的 地方, 荆棘丛 生,难 以登山 。老乡 建议开 车上四 岭,将 车停于 金鸡队 ,再从 南面登 山,那 儿已修 了一条 简易的 山路可 直达山 顶。 早晨九点,从城区出发,到马衙,再 转而向 南,经 九华天 池景区 外围, 沿上山 公路行 驶。一 路景色 秀美, 空气清 新,万 物柔顺 地沫浴 在冬日 暖阳中 ,静静 地接受 阳光的 滋养。 闭上眼 睛,你 都会感 受到这 优雅之 境的温 馨慈祥! 参观新四军七师沿江团团部旧址纪念 馆是我 们此行 计划之 一。山 路边一 块指示 牌将我 们带进 一个古 老的小 山村— —院冲 杨,这 里四面 青山环 抱,竹 海茫茫 ,环境 十分清 幽。19 45年春 夏之交 ,新四 军七师 沿江支 队沿江 团团部 及其主 力大部 驻扎在 院冲杨 ,眼前 这座有 着200 多年历 史的杨 氏祠堂 就是当 年团部 办公的 场所。 说来也巧,在这里竟然遇见了我的大 姑父, 他正在 这儿砍 毛竹。 在他的 帮助下 ,负责 管理纪 念馆的 乡亲打 开了大 门,让 我们进 去参观 。纪念 馆里陈 列着新 四军七 师沿江 团当年 抗战使 用过的 一些实 物,包 括军用 品和生 活用品 ,墙上 悬挂着 沿江团 的革命 事迹和 人物介 绍,让 人非常 直观地 感受那 个烽火 连天的 革命岁 月。同 行安先 生,从 头到尾 细读金 鸡山阻 击战的 故事, 那样认 真、投 入…… 告别院冲杨,继续向山中进发。山路 蜿蜒曲 折,途 经九华 天池尾 端,整 个天池 呈现在 眼前, 还能隐 隐约约 望见远 处的大 坝。沿 途零星 散落着 几个小 村庄, 静谧安 祥,几 个年龄 较长的 村民正 在忙碌 着农活 。路过 沈家冲 ,前面 就是金 鸡队。 我们将 车停在 金鸡队 一块空 地上, 开始步 行上山 。
Unit 1: Introduction and Green
Listening exercises: Listen to
Listening comprehension
The students are required to listen to the greetings and responses in English, and answer the questions based on the listening material
Speaking practice
The students are required to speak out the intentions in English, and answer the questions based on their speaking practice
Reading exercise: Read short text
Unit 4: My Hobbies and Interes
Listening exercises: Listen to
Listen to a short passage about a student's hobbies and interests
Answer questions about the passage, so as what the student likes to do in his/her free time
Read a message about the importance of setting goals
and making plans
Read a short story about a person who learned his
Provide students with oral practice guidance and suggestions to help them understand the requirements and standards of oral expression, improve their promotion and integration, and cultivate their language expression ability
Improvement of English application capability
Reading comprehension
Reading strategy guidance: Provide students with reading strategies and tips to help them better understand the content of the article, improve reading effectiveness, and cultivate their thinking and analysis abilities
Unit 1
Introduction to the course: Introduce the objectives, content, and methods of the course, allowing students to have a comprehensive understanding of the course.
Lecture and demonstration
Teachers impart English knowledge and skills to students through explanations and demonstrations.
全国初中英语优质课一等奖精品课件--The Attributive Clause
2.They live in a house , which belongs to Tom.
代e is visited each year by a million tourists who
Netherlands,Norway,andSweden. 4.The hurricanes can destroy houses,but leave the furniture Inside exactly where it was.
√5.By the late 1890s,he had moved to Calveston,where he
when 指代时间,作从句的时间状语
where 指代具体或抽象的地点, 作从句的地点状语
why 指代原因,作从句的原因状语, 先行词是reason
做题思路: 1】分清主句和从句 2】看先行词是人,还是物 3】分析从句中缺少什么成分
1.I have seen the film _w_hic_h/t_ha_t _ is based on the Wenchuan Earthquke. 2.I like the car _wh_ose color is blue. 3.There was a time _wh_en I was addicted to the computer game. 4.Often,the reason w_h_y people are unhappy is that they do not have Enough love. 5.I met someone w_ho_/that said he knew you. 6.Is that the teacher whom_/_who/that you referred to? 7.Yuncheng is a place w_h_ereyou will find many interesting places. 8.The dam wh_ich_/thatwe saw in the film wasn’t the Three Gorges Dam.
ascinating f_________ 迷人的, 有吸引力的
eaceful P________
iring t_________
ducational e___________ 有教育意义的
r_________ຫໍສະໝຸດ _ elaxingNiagara Falls
尼亚加拉大瀑布 hrilling is t_______.
Unit 7
Section A Period 1
淮北市西园中学 陈 莉
Where did he go last weekend? He went to the museum.
What do you think of the museum?
What do you think of the place?
Vacabulary Falls
peaceful fascinating educational thrilling tiring relaxing
Can you read out the words?
1a.Here are two travel posters about Florida Beach and Amazon Jungle. Please describe them on your textbook.
Vacation 1
Vacation 2
dangerous fascinating interesting
peaceful fascinating interesting fun
thrilling exciting
1b.Listen.Where would Sam and Gina like to go on vacation? Why? Fill in the chart.
Inferring: Drawing conclusions based on the text and background knowledge
Writing skills
Body paragraphs: Include at least three paragraphs with clear topic attention and supporting details
Course objectives
Improve students' English listening and speaking skills
Cultivate students' interests in English learning and improve their learning motivation
Vocabulary learning
Vocabulary application: Provide example sentences and exercises to help students apply vocabulary in practical contexts and deepen their memory.
Excellent PPT courseware for junior high school English open classes
汇报人:可编辑 2023-12-22
• Course Introduction • Basic English knowledge • Predicting: Using background
单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提一一二三四五 六七八九一二三四五六七八九一二三四五六七八九文 ,单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为了最 终呈现发布的良好效果单击此4*25}
Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment?
Section B
Let’s play a game.
Say a sentence with and, or, but & while like this one by one. A : I like English and I’m good at it. B: I am good at English while my good friend is
4 Work in groups and survey your group members about what they do to be greener people. Then report it to your class. Pay attention to the stress, liaison, incomplete plosion and intonation. Example:
• 自学内容:课本46页2、3 • 自学方法:合作探究。 • 自学时间:5分钟 • 自学要求:完成p46页2、3。
2 Choose the correct verbs or phrases to complete the
statements. Then match them with the right pictures.
3. _R_e_c_y_c_le__ boxes and plastic bottles. 4. _G_r_o_w____ fruit and vegetables yourself. 5. Try to _r_id_e_____ a bike when you travel. 6. _U__s_e_____ both sides of the paper. 7. __C_o_v_e_r____ pans when you are cooking.
Step 5.Teaching languages points !
1. Sixteen thousand people visit it every day. 它每天接待一万六千名游客。 thousand 是 “千”。 几千 数词+thousand +名词复数 三千人 three thousand people 数千人 thousands of people
• Difficult points(难点)
Master the simple present tense of the third person singular.
Teaching methods
• Audio-visual teaching method • Communicative teaching method
Step3. Presentation
Look at the pictures .Work in pairs ,ask and answer questions like this :
--That’s a ….
--Yes ,and there is a ,an \are some….
Step 4. Listen and answer questions .
students’ interest . They can pay attention to the new class.
Module 9 A trip to the zoo Unit 1 Does the tiger eat meat ?
Step2. Leading in
Listen to the tape then check the sentences.
初中英语名词所有格ppt1 人教版优秀PPT课件
如: There is a “u” and an “s” in the word(单词) “us”.
the 的意思是“这(那)个,这(那)些”,可用在名 词的各种形式前,起以下几种作用: 1.特指某(些)人或某(些)物。如:
3、带词尾s的单数名词,通常仍加’s: the boss’s plan 老板的计划 the hostess’s worry 女主人的担心
二、of 所有格 ▲无生命事物名词的所属关系,一般常用“ of + 名词”来表示,即 of 所有格。如:
a map of China 一幅中国地图, the legs of the table 桌子的腿 ▲of 所有格与 ’ s 所有格有时可以互换,不过要 注意它们物主的位置不同。如:
单数名词前,可用 a或an; 泛指某一类,用法记心间; 辅音前用a, 元音前用an; a,an不特指, 特指用定冠; 泛指复数前,冠词多不便; 碰到代词时,它们不出现。 词组短语中,特殊记心间。
我小时候生活在长江南岸,马衙金鸡 山脚下 ,北望 长江一 览无余 ,海阔 天空, 南边却 横亘着 高大延 绵的群 山,感 觉自己 正置身 于大山 与平原 的交界 处,总 好奇山 那边是 什么, 特别是 兀立于 金鸡山 顶一块 孤零零 的巨石 ,每天 抬头便 能望见 ,于是 这块巨 石刻进 了童年 的记忆 。 我就读的小学就在金鸡山北面的脚下 ,那时 候每年 学校都 要组织 高年级 学生砍 柴,一 方面是 劳动实 践,同 时也能 为学校 食堂添 置柴禾 。那砍 柴的地 方叫坦 洼,在 一个半 山腰上 ,离金 鸡山较 近,记 忆中那 里是成 片的翠 竹林, 郁郁苍 苍,阳 光穿过 竹林轻 洒在树 叶间, 或斜照 在地面 上,山 间荫凉 舒适。 有一条 小道直 通山上 ,记得 有几个 同学砍 柴时登 上了金 鸡山顶 ,看到 了金鸡 石,下 来后绘 声绘色 地描述 金鸡石 之大。 我和没 有上去 的同学 只是羡 慕,从 此对金 鸡石更 加神秘 而又向 往…… 大约十多岁时,大姑姑出嫁到四岭村 ,出嫁 那天, 我作为 送亲友 第一次 去大姑 父家。 记得那 天是坐 着大货 车上山 的,上 山时天 色已黑 ,大货 车在山 间盘旋 而上, 看着半 山腰村 庄里家 家户户 的灯火 ,那种 感觉记 忆尤深 。在大 姑父家 住了几 天,大 姑父便 步行送 我下山 回家。 大姑父 家在原 四岭村 部旁, 我们从 四岭水 库(现 为九华 天池景 区)尾端 出发, 沿水库 腰一直 往北, 再登山 ,接近 山顶处 ,深山 里藏着 一个叫 许家冲 的小村 庄,穿 村而过 ,很快 就到了 山顶。 那是我 平生第 一次登 临大山 ,眼前 突然出 现一片 广阔的 天地, 那浩浩 的长江 、一片 片田野 、一座 座村庄 ,历历 在目。 远远望 见自己 家所在 的小村 庄,感 觉是那 么亲切 和激动 。大姑 父手指 东边, 告诉我 金鸡山 就在那 边,相 隔不远 。那一 年我与 金鸡山 只是擦 肩而过 。
Next, Turn on the blender.
Finally Pour the smoothie
in a glass and drink.
A: Let’s make fruit salad. B: OK, good idea. How much
cinnamon do we need? A: One teaspoon. B: And how many apples do
we need? A: Let me think… We need two apples.
a glass of orange
two glasses of orange
a cup of yogurt
two cups of yogurt
A: How do you make a banana/ apple/… smoothie?
First, peel the bananas.
Then cut up the bananas.
three apples
two strawberries a cup of yogurt
one teaspoon of honey
How many bananas do we need?
We need three bananas.
How much yogurt do we need?
We need one teaspoon of yogurt.
How to make a chicken sandwich?
全国初中英语优质课一等奖精品课件--M4U1 ( Period 2 )
learn a lot about robots
I like the Science Museum. It’s in ... I can see ... at ... ... ... I can learn .... It’s so ...
1. Know about a museum 2. Make a poster 3. Introduce the museum you like
the SIncsienccteMMusueseumum on iFnenPguldinonRgoad robots
learn a lot about robots
What did you see there?
I saw a lot of insects. There were beautiful butterflies and ugly
' ' ' What did you do there?
I bought a toy binuseyc-t batouthgehItn/sbeɔcːtt/Museum.
I like the Insect Museum.
It's on Fenglin Road.
I visited the Insect Museum yesterday.
1. Know about a museum 2. Make a poster 3. Introduce the museum you like
a baseball a soccer ball a volleyball
a basketball
a tennis
a ping-po7ng
soccer ball
Ping-pong ball and ping-pong bat
soccer ball
soccer ball
2. late “迟到” 是个形容词,常用 be late 的结构。
Xiao Ming is always
小明总是迟到。 3. we是人称代词主格,意为“我们”,在句子
We are good friends. 我们是好朋友。
We have a new soccer ball.
I have a baseball.
Where is it?
It’s under the table. I have a ____. Where’s it?
It’s in/on/under
pencil box
Yes, I do.
Reading 读2a对话回答问题
s baseball bat
We don’t know.
Pairwork 2d Role-play the
Cindy: Hey, Helen, let’s go! We’re late.
人教版PEP初中九年级英语Unit 6 第二课时 Section A(3a~4c)优秀课件
musical instrument
n. 器械
Li Lei fell/dropped into the river on his way to school.
fall/drop into
The earthquake happened all of a sudden, but luckily all the people ran to a safe place.
It is used for serving really cold ice-cream.
Active Voice: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. Passive Voice: The telephone was invented(by Alexander Graham Bell)in 1876.
It is said that… “据说……” It is believed that… “人们认为……” It is reported that… “据报道……” It is known that… “众所周知……” eg:据报导明天有雨。
It is reported that it will be rainy tomorrow. 2.by accident 意为“偶然;意外” 3.without doubt 毫无疑问,的确 4.translate …into … 把……翻译成…… 5.all of a sudden 突然,猛地
4a Rewrite the sentences using the passive voice.
初中英语作文写作课优秀课件目录CATALOGUE •Course Introduction andObjectives•Fundamentals of Writing•Writing skills and methods•Common Theme WritingGuidelines•Appreciation and Analysis ofMasterpieces•Writing training andimprovement01CATALOGUECourse Introduction andObjectivesThe Importance of Middle School English Composition•Improving students' comprehensive English proficiency: Throughwriting training, students can better grasp language elements such asvocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures, and improve theiroverall English proficiency.•Developing students' cross-cultural communication skills: Englishwriting is one of the important means of cross-culturalcommunication. Through writing training, students can betterunderstand the culture and thinking patterns of English speakingcountries, and improve their cross-cultural communication abilities.•To lay a foundation for students' future learning and work: GoodEnglish writing ability is an important foundation for students' futurelearning and work, which can provide more opportunities for theirfurther education and career development.Course objectives and requirementsKnowledge objectiveTo master the basic knowledge and skills of English writing, including writing process, article structure,paragraph development, sentence structure changes, etc.Ability objectiveTo independently complete an English article with clear structure, rigorous logic, and fluent language, andpossess certain critical thinking and innovative abilities.Emotional goalTo cultivate students' interest and enthusiasm for English writing, improve their self-learningability and collaborative spirit.Course arrangement and scheduleCourse arrangementThis course is divided into 10 class hours, each lasting 45 minutes. The coursecontent includes explanation of basic writing knowledge, analysis of sampleessays, writing practice, and homework review.Class timeOnce a week, the specific time will be arranged according to the student'sschedule and actual situation.Teaching methodAdopting a combination of online and offline methods, providing coursewareand teaching videos online, and conducting face-to-face tutoring and Q&Aoffline.02CATALOGUE Fundamentals of WritingVocabulary accumulation and application•Positive vocabulary and negative vocabulary: Positive vocabulary refersto words that can directly express the author's intention in the article,while negative vocabulary refers to words that cannot directly expressthe intention but can increase the richness and readability of thearticle.•Semantic analysis and accurate word usage: In English, many wordshave similar meanings, but their usage scenarios and contexts aredifferent. Therefore, when writing, it is important to pay attention toword meaning analysis and choose the most accurate vocabulary toexpress one's thoughts.•Phrases and idioms: There are many fixed phrases and idioms inEnglish, and mastering these expressions can make the article moreauthentic and natural.Sentence Structure and Changes•Simple sentences, compound sentences, and compound sentences:Simple sentences only contain one subject and one predicate; Parallelsentences are composed of two or more simple sentences connectedby parallel conjunctions; A compound sentence contains a main clauseand one or more subordinate clauses.•Sentence pattern transformation and expansion: Through sentencepattern transformation, declarative sentences can be transformed intointerrogative sentences, exclamation sentences, etc., increasing thediversity and expressive power of the article. At the same time,sentence components can also be expanded, such as addingattributives, adverbials, etc., to make the sentence more specific andvivid.There are multiple tenses and voices in English, and using them correctly can make the article more accurate and fluent.The subject and predicate mustbe consistent in person andnumber, otherwise it will lead togrammar errors.Articles, pronouns, andprepositions play importantconnecting roles in English. Usingthese vocabulary correctly canmake the article more coherentand clear. Meanwhile, it is alsoimportant to avoid commonusage errors.Tense and voice Subject verbconsistency Articles, pronouns, and prepositionsGrammar rules and common errors03CATALOGUEWriting skills and methods03Conceptual contentBased on the theme, develop associations, and conceptualize the content and key points of the article.01Carefully review the questioncarefully read the question, understand its meaning, and clarify the writing requirements and limitations.02Determine the themeBased on the requirements of the title, determine the theme and central idea of the article.Topic review and conceptionArticle structure and layoutReasonably arrange paragraphs01Based on the content of the article, arrange paragraphsreasonably to make the article clear in hierarchy.Highlight topic sentences02Set topic sentences at the beginning or end of each paragraphto clarify the central idea of the paragraph.Pay attention to transitions03Use transitional words or phrases between paragraphs to makethe article coherent and natural.Language expression and rhetoric•Accurate wording: Choose appropriate vocabulary to express ideasand avoid using obscure or overly simple words.•Diverse sentence structures: Use different sentence structures toexpress ideas, such as simple sentences, compound sentences, etc., toenhance the expressive power of the article.•Using rhetoric: Use appropriate rhetorical devices such as metaphors,personification, and parallelism to make the article more vivid andvivid.•Pay attention to grammar and spelling: avoid grammar and spellingerrors, and maintain the accuracy and standardization of the article.04CATALOGUE Common Theme WritingGuidelinesNarrative Writing•Select a theme and plot: Choose an interesting story theme and planthe plot development, including the cause, process, and outcome.•Shaping character images: By describing the appearance, personality,behavior, and other aspects of characters, vivid character images arecreated.•Pay attention to detail description: Use vivid details to help readersbetter understand and feel the story context.•Reasonable arrangement of narrative sequence: Different narrativemethods such as sequential, reverse, or interlude can be used to makethe story more engaging.Choose a familiar objectof explanation, such as an object, event,phenomenon, etc., and provide a detailedintroduction and explanation.Clearlyexplain the objectCollect and explain information andinformation related to the target through channels such as books and theinternet.Collect relevant informationOrganize the content ofthe article in an organized manner according to differentexplanation orders suchas time order, spatial order, or logical order.Arrange explanation orderUsing different methodssuch as definition,classification, comparison, and examples to make the article moreaccessible and understandable.Usingexplanatory methodsExpository writingargumentative writing•Identify arguments and evidence: Choose a controversial topic, clarifyyour viewpoint and stance, and prepare supporting evidence tosupport the argument.•Reasonable arrangement of argumentation structure: Differentargumentation structures such as total score, listing themes, andfinding several parallel viewpoints to discuss the themes can be usedto make the article clear and organized.•Using argumentation methods: using different argumentationmethods such as factual argumentation, rational argumentation, andcomparative argumentation to enhance the persuasiveness of thearticle.•Pay attention to language use: Use accurate and concise language toexpress opinions, and avoid using words that are too absolute orvague.05CATALOGUE Appreciation and Analysis of MasterpiecesExhibition of excellent works by studentsWork 1"My Favorite Teacher"Work 2A Memorable DayWork 3"The Power of Friendship"Teacher comments and suggestions•Comment on work one: The article has a clear structure and fluentlanguage, showcasing the excellent qualities of the teacher throughspecific examples, expressing the author's love and gratitude towardsthe teacher. Suggest adding some detailed descriptions to make thecharacter image more vivid.•Commentary on Work 2: The article features novel material selectionand vivid narration, showcasing the author's love and optimisticattitude towards life by recounting interesting events that happenedduring the day. Suggest refining the language expression to enhancethe infectiousness of the article.•Comment on work three: The article has a profound meaning and clearviewpoint. By discussing the power of friendship, it expresses theauthor's appreciation and admiration for friendship. It is suggested toadd some specific examples during the argumentation process tomake the viewpoint more convincing.Interactive session: Student self-evaluation and peer evaluation•Self evaluation: I believe that I have a certain foundation in writing andcan express my thoughts fluently. But there is still room forimprovement in the selection of materials and ideas, and moreattention needs to be paid to observing and thinking about life.•Mutual evaluation one: I think his works have concise language andclear expression, but there are still shortcomings in detail descriptionand emotional expression. I hope he can pay more attention to detailsand emotional presentation in his writing.•Mutual evaluation two: I think her works have novel material selectionand unique perspectives, but in the process of argumentation, thereare some that are too simplistic and one-sided. I hope she can addsome specific examples and data support in the argument to make theviewpoint more convincing.06CATALOGUE Writing training and improvementClassroom timed writing exercisesStrictly set the timein a simulated exam environment, students are required to complete theiressays within the specified time.Diversity of topic selectionProvide different types of questions to expose students to and practice variousgenres and themes.On the spot reviewProvide real-time feedback on students' compositions, pointing out theirstrengths and weaknesses, and providing suggestions for improvement.Suggestions for independent training after classPersist in writingEncourage students to develop the habit of writingevery day, such as writing diaries, weekly notes, oressays.Expand readingRecommend English original works or articlessuitable for middle school students to read, broadentheir horizons, and accumulate materials.Reflection and revisionGuide students to reflect and revise their owncompositions, and improve their self correctionability.RegularassessmentConduct a formal writing assessment at regular intervals to assess students' learning outcomes.PersonalizedfeedbackProvide specific feedback andsuggestions for each student'sessay to help them identify theirshortcomings.Display andCommunicationSelect excellent compositions fordisplay and communication,allowing students to learn fromeach other and progress together.010203 Regular evaluation and feedbackTHANKS感谢观看。
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句式: 1. Talk about distance
—How far is it from … to …?
—It’s … kilometers. / It’s about …
2. Asking for permission
May I …?
Yes, you may. /No, you may not.
3. Showing Intentions
Do you want …?
I want….
Let’s take a …, …is faster/slower than….
4. Others
How many … do you have?
Please (don’t) ...
重点句子 1. —May I go on a trip to Beijing? —Yes, you may. / No, you may not.
1. How far is it from China to Canada? It’s about eight
thousand five hundred kilometer.
2. A train is slower than a plane, but faster than a bus.
3. What do you think of it?
4. I want to go to the Great Wall.
5. May I help you? Sure.
6. How much for a ticket on the T58 from Shijiazhuang to Beijing, please?
7. Please don’t run or jump.
1.Greet the students and get them to talk about their holidays.
T: I haven’t seen you for long ages, boys and girls! How is it going?
S: Quite well. How are you?
T: I’m fine, too. Thanks. Did you have a nice holiday?
S: Yes.
T: Would you like to share your experience with me? … What did you do?
S: I read a lot.
T: You must have learnt a lot.
2.Get some other students to talk about their holidays. And then show some places of interest and
continue talking with the students to make them understand the phrase go on a trip to.
T: I had a nice holiday too. I went on a trip to Beijing. Look! There are some pictures about this city.
Show the students the following pictures.
T: How about the first picture?
S: It’s Tian’anmen Square.
T: That’s right! The second one?
S: It’s Gugong. (In Chinese)
T: In English It is named the Palace Museum. S: The Palace Museum.
T: How about the last one?
S: It’s Changcheng.
T: It’s the Great Wall in English.
S: The Great Wall.
T: There are so many beautiful places in Beijing. And Beijing is the capital city of our country. Would you like to travel to Beijing? (To one student)
S: Yes.
T: Would you like to go on a trip to Beijing too?
3.Help the student to answer. Make sure the students know the meaning of go on a trip to.
S: Yes. I’d like to go on a trip to Beijing. T:…(略)
4.Get the students to learn to talk about permission by using the phrase: to go on a trip to. The teacher can show them some pictures of places of interest to help them to discuss.
T: What city would you like to go on a trip to, Beijing or Guilin?
S: I’d like to go on a trip to Guilin.
5.Ask more students the same question to let them learn the phrase go on a trip to well
T: Gulin is a very beautiful place. May I go on a trip with you?
6.Help the student to answer: Yes, you may. Or No, you may not.
Explain the meaning in Chinese if necessary. S: Yes, you may.
T: (To another student) I have no money to go on a trip to Guilin. May I borrow some money?
S: No, you may not.
T: Li Ming wants to go on a trip to Beijing. Listen to the tape carefully. Does Li Ming’s mother go on a trip to Beijing too?
S: (After listening) Yes.
听 Listen to dialogues about distance, intentions, and numerals
说 Talk about distance, show intentions, say numbers and make a phone call in English
读 Read dialogues about trips 写 Write a plan