活性氧检测试剂盒 说明书


NADH氧化酶(NOX)活性检测试剂盒说明书 可见分光光度法

NADH氧化酶(NOX)活性检测试剂盒说明书 可见分光光度法


























技术背景超氧自由基阴离子(superoxide radical;O2-)、过氧化氢(hydrogen peroxide;H2O2)、羟自由基或氢氧基(hydroxyl radical;OH-)、过氧化基(peroxyl radical;ROO-)、氢过氧自由基(hydroperoxyl;HOO)、烷氧自由基(alcoxyl radical)、氮氧基(nitric Oxide;NO-)、过氧亚硝基阴离子(peroxynitrite anion;ONOO-)次氯酸(hypochlorous acid;HClO)、半醌自由基(semiquinone radical)、单线态氧气(singlet oxygen)等细胞内活性氧族(Reactive Oxygen Species;ROS)的产生和增多,将导致细胞衰老或凋亡。

其中单线态氧气(singlet oxygen;1 O2)是分子氧(O2)的抗磁形式或电激发形式。

通过染料分子,例如孟加拉红(Rose Bengal)、亚甲基兰(Methylene Blue)、卟啉类化合物(Porphyrins)染料的光敏过程中能量转移产生,或过氧化氢和次氯酸的化学反应产生。


单线态氧气会导致植物的光动力损伤(photodynamic damage)和动物心血管问题。






本试剂盒所提供标准品为1mmol/mL H2O2标准溶液,临用前取0.15mL标准品加入4.85mL试剂一稀释或者根据样本量按照比例配制,充分混匀,即为30μmol/mL标准液,现配现用。









3、荧光检测: ①、将上述收集好的细胞沉淀用 PBS 重悬,并用于检测;
②、波长设置:最佳激发波长 500(50015nm),最佳发射波长 525 (53020 nm)。也可按照 FITC 荧光检
测条件检测。 ③、结果以荧光度值表示。
四、细胞样本操作步骤:(可用激光共聚焦显微镜观察,也可用于流式细胞仪、荧光酶标仪、荧光分光度 计测定)
二、试剂组成及保存: 1、0.1ml 10mM DCFH-DA in DMSO,20℃保存。 2、1ml 活性氧供氢体,4-8℃保存。
三、组织样本操作步骤:(可用激光共聚焦显微镜观察,也可用于流式细胞仪、荧光酶标仪、荧光分光度 计测定)
1、单细胞悬液制备: 方法 1、采用单细胞悬液制备仪制备单细胞悬液。 方法 2、酶消化法: 方法 3、机械法(网搓法):
1、直接将探针加入培养液中: ①、直接将 DCFH-DA 探针加入无血清培养基中:一般按照 1 :1000 用无血清培养液稀释 CFH-DA。加入的体积以能充分盖住细胞为宜, 通常对于 6 孔板的一个孔加入稀释好的 DCFH-DA 不少于 1ml。 ②、取一份不加探针,只加入培养基的细胞设为阴性对照管。阳性对照管:取一份已加入探针的细胞,同 时加入活性氧供氢体诱导细胞,推荐该试剂的工作浓度为 20~100µM。 ③、37℃孵育细胞 30min~几小时,通常为 30~60min 即可,孵育时间长短与细胞类型、刺激条件、DCFH-DA 浓度有关。一般阳性对照在刺激细胞 30 分钟左右,即可观察到明显的绿色荧光。 ④、吸去培养液,利用无血清培养液或者 0.01MPBS 反复吹打,肉眼观察瓶底由半透明(细胞单层连接成 片)转为透明,细胞层几乎全部吹打到 PBS 中。 ⑤、将细胞悬液全部收集到 1.5ml 离心管中。用无血清培养液或者 PBS 洗涤 2 次,以充分去除未进入细 胞内的 DCFH-DA。1000rpm/min,5min,吸净上清后加入 PBS 重新悬浮细胞进行测定。


在激发波长 535nm,发射波长 610 nm 附近,使用荧光显微镜、激光共聚焦显微镜、 荧光分光光度计、荧光酶标仪、流式细胞仪等检测荧光,从而测定细胞内活性氧水平。
本试剂盒可以用于各种真核培养细胞、培养或灌流组织及组织冰冻切片的检测。本试剂 盒提供了活性氧阳性对照试剂,以便于活性氧的检测。
产品特点: ● 使用方便:可用激光共聚焦显微镜直接观察、荧光分光光度计、荧光酶标仪或流式
产品 Annexin V-FITC/PI 凋亡试剂盒 Annexin V-EGFP/PI 凋亡试剂盒 MTT 细胞增殖及毒性检测试剂盒 CCK-8 细胞增殖毒性检测试剂盒 WST-1 细胞增殖毒性检测试剂盒 MTS 细胞增殖与毒性检测试剂盒 Hoechst33342/PI 双染试剂盒 DAPI 染色试剂盒 细胞存活率检测试剂盒
产品简介: 活性氧(Reactive oxygen species, ROS) 包括超氧自由基、过氧化氢、及其下游产物过氧
化物和羟化物等,参与细胞生长增殖、发育分化、衰老和凋亡以及许多生理和病理过程。 贝博 DHE 活性氧检测试剂盒是一种利用荧光探针 DHE(Dihydroethidium)进行活性氧检
产品号 BB-4101 BB-4102 BB-4201 BB-4202 BB-4203 BB-4204 BB-4131 BB-4133 BB-4122
产品 细胞周期检测试剂盒 JC-1 线粒体膜电位试剂盒 Caspase 3 活性检测试剂盒 Caspase 8 活性检测试剂盒 Caspase 9 活性检测试剂盒 Caspase 10 活性检测试剂盒 细胞凋亡形态学检测试剂盒 Rhodamine 123 染色试剂盒 AO/EB 双染试剂盒
流式细胞仪分析: 1、 对贴壁生长细胞,用胰酶消化制备成单细胞悬液;对悬浮生长细胞,直接收集细胞。 用 0.5~1 ml 冰冷 PBS 重悬细胞(5~10 万)。 2、 采用 480~535 nm 波长激发,测定 590 nm~610 nm 以上的发射,细胞应可分成两个 亚群:ROS 阴性细胞仅有很低的荧光强度,ROS 阳性细胞有较强的红色荧光。



产品号 BB-4101 BB-4102 BB-4201 BB-4202 BB-4203 BB-4204 BB-4131 BB-4133 BB-4122
产品 细胞周期检测试剂盒 JC-1 线粒体膜电位试剂盒 Caspase 3 活性检测试剂盒 Caspase 8 活性检测试剂盒 Caspase 9 活性检测试剂盒 Caspase 10 活性检测试剂盒 细胞凋亡形态学检测试剂盒 Rhodamine 123 染色试剂盒 AO/EB 双染试剂盒
产品简介: 活性氧(Reactive oxygen species, ROS) 包括超氧自由基、过氧化氢、及其下游产物过氧
化物和羟化物等,参与细胞生长增殖、发育分化、衰老和凋亡以及许多生理和病理过程。 贝博活性氧检测试剂盒是一种利用荧光探针 DCFH-DA 进行活性氧检测的试剂盒。
DCFH-DA 本身没有荧光,可以自由穿过细胞膜,进入细胞内后,可以被细胞内的酯酶水解 生成 DCFH。而 DCFH 不能通透细胞膜,从而使探针很容易被标记到细胞内。在活性氧存 在的条件下,DCFH 被氧化生成荧光物质 DCF,绿色荧光强度与细胞内活性氧水平成正比, 检测 DCF 的荧光就可以知道细胞内活性氧的水平。

检测: 对于原位标记探针的样品可以用激光共聚焦显微镜直接观察,或收集细胞后用荧光分光 光度计、荧光酶标仪或流式细胞仪检测。对于收集细胞后标记探针的样品可以用荧光分光光 度计、荧光酶标仪或流式细胞仪检测,用激光共聚焦显微镜直接观察也可以。 使用 488nm 激发波长,525nm 发射波长,实时或逐时间点检测刺激前后荧光的强弱。DCF 的荧光光谱和 FITC 非常相似,可以用 FITC 的参数设置检测 DCF。



产品号 BB-4101 BB-4102 BB-4201 BB-4202 BB-4203 BB-4204 BB-4131 BB-4133 BB-4122
产品 细胞周期检测试剂盒 JC-1 线粒体膜电位试剂盒 Caspase 3 活性检测试剂盒 Caspase 8 活性检测试剂盒 Caspase 9 活性检测试剂盒 Caspase 10 活性检测试剂盒 细胞凋亡形态学检测试剂盒 Rhodamine 123 染色试剂盒 AO/EB 双染试剂盒
荧光显微镜检测: 1、 对贴壁生长细胞或活组织,可直接在荧光显微镜下观察;对悬浮生长细胞,取 25-50 μl 细胞悬液滴到一张显微载玻片上,再盖上一张盖玻片。 2、 荧光显微镜下,用蓝光或绿光激发,观察和拍摄细胞红色发射图像,ROS 阳性细

产品特点: ● 使用方便:可用激光共聚焦显微镜直接观察、荧光分光光度计、荧光酶标仪或流式
细胞仪检测; ● 背景低,灵敏度高; ● 线性范围宽,使用方便。
胞在整个核区被染成红色;用紫外光激发时,胞浆中未氧化的二氢乙啶可发出 蓝色荧光。
流式细胞仪分析: 1、 对贴壁生长细胞,用胰酶消化制备成单细胞悬液;对悬浮生长细胞,直接收集细胞。 用 0.5~1 ml 冰冷 PBS 重悬细胞(5~10 万)。 2、 采用 480~535 nm 波长激发,测定 590 nm~610 nm 以上的发射,细胞应可分成两个 亚群:ROS 阴性细胞仅有很低的荧光强度,ROS 阳性细胞有较强的红色荧光。






















































超氧自由基阴离子(superoxide radical;O2-)、过氧化氢(hydrogen peroxide;H2O2)、羟自由基或氢氧基(hydroxyl radical;OH-)、过氧化基(peroxyl radical;ROO-)、氢过氧自由基(hydroperoxyl;HOO)、烷氧自由基(alcoxyl radical)、氮氧基(nitric Oxide;NO-)、过氧亚硝基阴离子(peroxynitrite anion;ONOO-)次氯酸(hypochlorous acid;HOCl)、半醌自由基(semiquinone radical)、单线态氧气(singlet oxygen)等细胞内活性氧族(Reactive Oxygen Species;ROS)的产生和增多,将导致细胞衰老或凋亡。

氯甲基二氯二氢荧光素二乙酯(6-chloromethyl-2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, acetyl ester;CM-H2DCFDA)是取代二氯二氢荧光素二乙酯(2´,7´-dichlorodihydrofluorescin diacetate;DCFH-DA)的升级产品,一种完全自由通过细胞膜,并在细胞内长期滞留而不易外漏的染色剂。











体外活性氧/活性氮检测试剂盒基本参数:中文名称:OxiSelect 体外ROS/RNS检测试剂盒(绿色荧光)英文名字:OxiSelect In Vitro ROS/RNS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence)建议保存条件:4ºC体外活性氧/活性氮检测试剂盒组分:1.底漆试剂(234701):一管250µL溶液。

2.稳定溶液(10X)(234702):一管1.5 mL溶液。


4.DCF DiOxyQ(234704):一个50µL琥珀色甲醇溶液管。

5.DCF标准品(234202):一个100µL琥珀色管,含有1mM DMSO溶液。


碧云天活性氧检测试剂盒 S0033S S0033M 说明书

碧云天活性氧检测试剂盒 S0033S S0033M 说明书

碧云天生物技术/Beyotime Biotechnology 订货热线:400-168-3301或800-8283301 订货e-mail :******************技术咨询:*****************网址:碧云天网站 微信公众号活性氧检测试剂盒产品编号 产品名称包装 S0033S 活性氧检测试剂盒 >100次 S0033M活性氧检测试剂盒>500次产品简介:活性氧检测试剂盒(Reactive Oxygen Species Assay Kit ,也称ROS Assay Kit)是一种利用荧光探针DCFH-DA 进行活性氧检测的试剂盒。

DCFH-DA 本身没有荧光,可以自由穿过细胞膜,进入细胞内后,可以被细胞内的酯酶水解生成DCFH 。

而DCFH 不能通透细胞膜,从而使探针很容易被装载到细胞内。

细胞内的活性氧可以氧化无荧光的DCFH 生成有荧光的DCF 。

检测DCF 的荧光就可以知道细胞内活性氧的水平。

本试剂盒提供了活性氧阳性对照试剂Rosup ,以便于活性氧的检测。

Rosup 是一种混合物(compound mixture),浓度为50mg/ml 。


本试剂盒S0033S 包装可以测定100-500个样品,S0033M 包装可以测定500-2500个样品。

包装清单:产品编号 产品名称 包装 S0033S-1 DCFH-DA (10mM)0.1ml S0033S-2 活性氧阳性对照(Rosup, 50mg/ml)1ml —说明书1份产品编号 产品名称 包装 S0033M-1 DCFH-DA (10mM)0.5ml S0033M-2活性氧阳性对照(Rosup, 50mg/ml)5ml —说明书1份保存条件:-20ºC 保存,一年有效。




活性氧ROS 分析试剂盒 H 2DCFDA说明书修订日期说明书修订日期::2015.07.13Cat number :KGAF018Store at -20℃ for 6months ,避光For Research Use Only (科研专用)一、产品描述我们提供还原型具有细胞膜透性的ROS 荧光探针衍生物。

还原型与乙酰化形式的2',7'-二氯荧光素(DCF )是无荧光的乙酸酯基团,在胞内可以被酯酶氧化或水解,从而脱去,生成带电荷形式的探针。



相比较其非羧基衍生物,羧基-H2DCFDA 带有额外的负电荷。

羧基-H2DCFDA SE 是带有一个氨基活性的琥珀酰亚胺酯基团,可与与胞内成分以共价形式更持久的结合。


在最低探针加载浓度的条件下,本试剂盒提供的探针,可以满足切片或悬浮细胞(设置加载孵育液体积每个反应不超过2mL 的情况下)至少1000 TESTS 。

一般注意事项一般来说,只要能获得足够的荧光信号即可,尽量选择最小浓度的AM 酯,尽量减少AM 酯的水解副产物(甲醛和乙酸)的富集。



综合考虑,我们推荐您在进行ROS 检测时,优先使用具有细胞膜透性的ROS 探针,如羧基-DCFDA 或者荧光素二醋酸(FDA )。

加载探针1.1 制备活细胞悬浮液(106细胞/mL )。


用PBS 稀释AM 加载溶液(参见步骤2)浸没贴壁细胞(或细胞爬片)。

1.2 用PBS 或者HBSS 稀释10mM 的AM 原液,制成AM 加载工作溶液(终浓度为1~10µM )。



人活性氧簇酶联免疫分析试剂盒使用说明书检测范围:96T0.3ng/mL - 8ng/mL使用目的:本试剂盒用于测定人血清,血浆及相关液体样本中活性氧簇(ROS)含量。


用纯化的人活性氧簇(ROS)抗体包被微孔板,制成固相抗体,往包被单抗的微孔中依次加入活性氧簇(ROS),再与HRP 标记的活性氧簇(ROS)抗体结合,形成抗体-抗原-酶标抗体复合物,经过彻底洗涤后加底物TMB 显色。

TMB 在HRP 酶的催化下转化成蓝色,并在酸的作用下转化成最终的黄色。


用酶标仪在450nm 波长下测定吸光度(OD 值),通过标准曲线计算样品中人活性氧簇(ROS)浓度。

试剂盒组成1 30 倍浓缩洗涤液 20ml×1 瓶 7 终止液 6ml×1 瓶2 酶标试剂 6ml×1 瓶 8 标准品(16ng/mL) 0.5ml×1 瓶3 酶标包被板 12 孔×8 条 9 标准品稀释液 1.5ml×1 瓶4 样品稀释液 6ml×1 瓶 10 说明书 1 份5 显色剂A 液 6ml×1 瓶 11 封板膜 2 张6 显色剂B 液 6ml×1/瓶 12 密封袋 1 个标本要求1.标本采集后尽早进行提取,提取按相关文献进行,提取后应尽快进行实验。

若不能马上进行试验,可将标本放于-20℃保存,但应避免反复冻融2.不能检测含NaN3 的样品,因NaN3 抑制辣根过氧化物酶的(HRP)活性。

操作步骤1. 标准品的稀释:本试剂盒提供原倍标准品一支,用户可按照下列图表在小试管中进行稀释。

8ng/mL 5 号标准品 150μl 的原倍标准品加入150μl 标准品稀释液4ng/mL 4 号标准品 150μl 的5 号标准品加入150μl 标准品稀释液2ng/mL 3 号标准品 150μl 的4 号标准品加入150μl 标准品稀释液1ng/mL 2 号标准品 150μl 的3 号标准品加入150μl 标准品稀释液0.5ng/mL 1 号标准品 150μl 的2 号标准品加入150μl 标准品稀释液2. 加样:分别设空白孔(空白对照孔不加样品及酶标试剂,其余各步操作相同)、标准孔、待测样品孔。



活性氧定量试剂盒说明Amplex? Red Hydrogen Peroxide/Peroxidase Assay KitCatalog no. A22188Contents and storage information.Table 1.IntroductionThe Amplex? Red Hydrogen Peroxide/Peroxidase Assay Kit contains a sensitive, one-stepassay that uses the Amplex? Red reagent (10-acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine) to detecthydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or peroxidase activity. The Amplex? Red reagent, in combinationwith horseradish peroxidase (HRP), has been used to detect H2O2 released from biologicalsamples, including cells,1–4 or generated in enzyme-coupled reactions.5–7 Furthermore,Amplex? Red reagent can be used as an ultrasensitive assay for peroxidase activity when H2O2is in excess.In the presence of peroxidase, the Amplex? Red reagent reacts with H2O2 in a 1:1stoichiometry to produce the red-fluorescent oxidation product, resorufin.1 Resorufinhas excitation and emission maxima of approximately 571 nm and 585 nm, respectively(Figure 1), and because the extinction coefficient is high (58,000 ± 5,000 cm–1M–1), you canperform the assay fluorometrically or spectrophotometrically. This reaction has been used todetect as little as 10 picomoles of H2O2 in a 100 μL volume (50 nM; Figure 2) or1 × 10–5 U/mL of HRP (Figure 3).e x c i t a t i o nFigure 1. Normalized excitation and emission spectra of resorufin, the product of the Amplex? Red reaction.Figure 2. Detection of H 2O 2 using the Amplex? Red Hydrogen Peroxide/Peroxidase Assay Kit. Reactions containing 50 μM Amplex? Red reagent, 0.1 U/mL HRP and the indicated amount of H 2O 2 in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, were incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature. Fluorescence was then measured with a fluorescence microplate reader usin g excitation at 530 ± 12.5 nm and fluorescencedetection at 590 ± 17.5 nm. Background fluorescence, determined for a no-H 2O 2 control reaction, has been subtracted from each value. The inset shows the sensitivity of the assay at very low levels of H 2O 2.Figure 3. Detection of HRP using the Amplex? Red Hydrogen Peroxide/Peroxidase Assay Kit. Reactions containing 50 μM Amplex? Red reagent, 1 mM H 2O 2 and the indicated amount of HRP in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, were incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature. Fluorescence was then measured with a fluorescence microplate reader using excitation at 530 ± 12.5 nm and fluorescence detection at 590 ± 17.5 nm. Background fluorescence, determined for a no-HRP control reaction, has been subtracted from each value. The inset shows the sensitivity of the assay at very low levels of HRP .Before You BeginUsing the Amplex? Red Reagent The Amplex? Red reagent is air sensitive. Once you open a vial of Amplex? Red, use the ? reagent on the same day.The Amplex? Red reagent is unstable in the presence of thiols such as dithiothreitol (DTT) ? and 2-mercapto-ethanol. The final concentration of DTT or 2-mercaptoethanol in the reaction should be no higher than 10 μM. The Amplex? Red reagent is also unstable at high pH (>8.5). Furthermore, the fluoroscenceexcitation and emission of the reaction product, resorufin, are pH-dependent. Below the pK a (~6.0), the absorption maximum shifts to ~480 nm and the fluorescence quantum yield is markedly lower. For these reasons, perform the reactions at pH 7–8. The provided Reaction Buffer is pH 7.4.Protect the Amplex? Red reagent from light ? .Allow all reagents in the ? Amplex? Red Hydrogen Peroxide/Peroxidase Assay Kit to completely warm to room temperature before opening.CautionDMSO is hazardous; avoid contact with skin and eyes and do not swallow. Handle reagents containing DMSO using equipment and practices appropriate for the hazards posed by such materials.Preparing Stock Solutions10 mM Amplex? Red reagent stock solution1.1 Allow one vial of Amplex? Red reagent (Component A, blue cap) and DMSO (Component B, green cap) to warm to room temperature. 1.2 Just prior to use, dissolve the contents of the vial of Amplex? Red reagent in 60 μL of DMSO. Each vial of Amplex? Red reagent is sufficient for approximately 100 assays, with a final reaction volume of 100 μL per assay. Use the Amplex? Red reagent stock solution on the same day it is prepared.1X Reaction Buffer1.3 Add 4 mL of 5X Reaction Buffer (Component C, white cap) to 16 mL of deionized water. This 20 mL volume of 1X Reaction Buffer working solution is sufficient for approximately 100 assays of 100 μL each with 10 mL excess for making stock solutions.10 U/mL Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) stock solution1.4 Dissolve the contents of the vial of HRP (Component D, yellow cap) in 1.0 mL of 1X Reaction Buffer. After the assay, divideany unused HRP stock solution into single-use aliquots and store frozen at –20°C.20 mM Hydrogen Peroxide (H 2O 2) working solution1.5 Dilute the ~3% H 2O 2 (Component E, red cap) into the appropriate volume of 1X Reaction Buffer. The actual concentration of H 2O 2 is indicated on the label.For instance, you can prepare a 20 mM H 2O 2 working solution from a 3.0% (0.88 M) H 2O 2 stock solution by diluting 22.7 μL of 3.0% H 2O 2 into 977 μL of 1X Reaction Buffer.Note that although the ~3% H 2O 2 stock solution has been stabilized to slow its degradation, the 20 mM H 2O 2 working solution prepared in this step will be less stable and should be used within a few hours of preparation.Stability of SolubilizedReagents We have shown in our laboratory that Amplex? Red, Amplex? UltraRed, and HRP solutionsare stable for at least six months if stored correctly. The recommended storage conditions forthese reagents are minimal exposure to light, air, and freeze thaw cycles. We also recommendusing only high quality and fresh solvents. Despite these measures, we cannot guarantee theirstorage stability. Pink coloring in Amplex? or Amplex? UltraRed reagents is an early indicatorof compromised material.Experimental ProtocolsThe following procedures are designed for use with a fluorescence or absorbance 96-wellmicroplate reader. To use with a standard fluorometer or with different sized microplates,adjust the volumes accordingly.H2O2 Assay The following protocol describes the H2O2 assay in a total volume of 100 μL per microplatewell. The volumes recommended here are sufficient for ~100 assays. The kit providessufficient material for ~500 assays.2.1 Prepare an H2O2 standard curve. Dilute the appropriate amount of 20 mM H2O2 workingsolution (prepared in step 1.5) into 1X Reaction Buffer (prepared in step 1.3) to produceH2O2 concentrations of 0 to 10 μM, each in a volume of 50 μL. Be sure to inclu de a no-H2O2control. Final H2O2 concentrations will be two-fold lower(e.g., 0 to 5 μM).2.2 If you are not using a standard curve, prepare positive and negative controls. For apositive control, dilute the 20 mM H2O2 working solution to10 μM in 1X React ion Buffer. Fora negative control, use 1X Reaction Buffer without H2O2.2.3 Dilute the H2O2-containing samples in 1X Reaction Buffer. Use a volume of 50 μL foreach reaction. A variable dilution will be required depending on the total H2O2 present in thesample.In the first trial, serially dilute the samples to determine the optimal amount of sample for theassay. Note that extremely high levels of H2O2 (e.g., 100 μM, final concentration) can producelower fluorescence than moderately high levels (e.g., 25 μM), because excess H2O2 can oxidizethe reaction product, resorufin, to nonfluorescent resazurin.2.4 Load the samples. Pipet 50 μL of the standard curve samples, controls, and experimentalsamples into individual wells of a microplate.2.5 Prepare a working solution of 100 μM Amplex? Red reagent and 0.2 U/mL HRP. Mix thefollowing:50 μL of 10 mM Amplex? Red reagent stock solution (prepared in step 1.2)100 μL of 10 U/mL HRP stock solution (prepared in step 1.4) mL of 1X Reaction Buffer (prepared in step 1.3)4.85This 5 mL volume is sufficient for ~100 assays. Note that the final concentration of eachcomponent will be two-fold lower in the final reaction volume.2.6 Begin the reactions. Add 50μL of the Amplex? Red reagent/HRP working solution to eachmicroplate well containing the standards, controls, and samples.2.7 Incubate the reactions. Incubate at room temperature for 30 minutes, protected fromlight. Because the assay is continuous (not terminated), you may measure fluorescence orabsorbance at multiple time points to follow the kinetics of the reactions.2.8 Measure the fluorescence or absorbance. Use a microplate reader equipped for excitationin the range of 530–560 nm and fluorescence emission detection at ~590 nm (see Figure 1),or for absorbance at ~560 nm.2.9 Correct for background fluorescence or absorbance. For each point, subtract the valuederived from the no-H2O2 control.Measuring H2O2 Releasedfrom Cells You can use the Amplex? Red reagent to detect the release of H2O2 from activated humanleukocytes. T o use the Amplex? Red H2O2 assay for this type of experiment, the protocoldevised by Mohanty and colleagues,2 summarized here, may be useful.3.1 Prepare a reaction mixture. The mixture should contain 50 μM Amplex? Red reagent and0.1 U/mL HRP in Krebs–Ringer phosphate. If desired, you can add an activator, such asphorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), to the reaction mixture. Each reaction has a volumeof 100 μL.Note: Krebs–Ringer phosphate (KRPG) consists of 145 mM NaCl, 5.7 mM sodiumphosphate, 4.86 mM KCl, 0.54 mM CaCl2, 1.22 mM MgSO4, 5.5 mM glucose, pH Prepare the samples. Pipet 100 μL of the reaction mixture into each microplate well.3.3 Prewarm the reaction mixture at 37°C for ten minutes.3.4 Start the reaction. Add 20 μL of ~1.5 × 104 cells suspended in KRPG buffer to the 100 μLreaction mixture prepared in step 3.1 and warmed in step 3.3.If a negative control isrequired, add 20 μL of KRPG buffer without cells to a separate 100 μL warmed reactionmixture.3.5 Measure the fluorescence. Use a fluorescence microplate reader equipped for excitation inthe range of 530–560 nm and emission detection at ~590 nm, or absorbance at ~560 nm (seeFigure 1).3.6 Return the plate to the incubator. Continue to measure the fluorescence at selected timepoints over the desired time period.Peroxidase Assay The following protocol describes the assay of peroxidase in a total volume of 100 μL permicroplate well. The volumes here are sufficient for ~100 assays. The kit provides sufficientmaterial for ~500 assays.4.1 Prepare a peroxidase standard curve. Dilute the appropriate amount of 10 U/mL HRPstock solution (prepared in step 1.4) into 1X Reaction Buffer (prepared in step 1.3) to produceHRP concentrations of approximately of 0 to 2 mU/mL HRP, each in a volume of 50 μL. Besure to include a no-HRP control. Note that the HRP concentrations will be two-fold lower inthe final reaction volume.4.2 If you are not using a standard curve, prepare positive and negative controls. For apositive control, dilute the 10 U/mL HRP stock solution (prepared in step 1.4) to 2 mU/mL in1X Reaction Buffer (prepared in step 1.3). Use 1X Reaction Buffer without HRP as a negativecontrol.4.3 Dilute the peroxidase-containing samples in 1X Reaction Buffer. Use a volume of 50 μLfor each reaction. A variable dilution will be required depending on the total peroxidasepresent in the sample.In the first trial, serially dilute the samples to determine the optimal amount of sample forthe assay. Note that extremely high levels of HRP (e.g., 100 mU/mL, final concentration) canproduce lower fluorescence than moderately high levels (e.g., 1 mU/mL), because excess HRPcan oxidize the reaction product, resorufin, to nonfluorescent resazurin.4.4 Load the samples. Pipet 50 μL of standard curve samples, controls, and experimentalsamples into individual wells of a microplate.4.5 Prepare a working solution of 100 μM Amplex? Red reagent containing 2 mM H2O2. Mixthe following:50 μL of 10 mM Amplex? Red reagent stock solution (prepared in step 1.2)mM H2O2 working solution (prepared in step 1.5)500 μL of 20mL of 1X Reaction Buffer (prepared in step 1.3)4.45This 5 mL volume is sufficient for ~100 assays. Note that thefinal concentration of eachcomponent will be two-fold lower in the final reaction volume.4.6 Begin the reactions. Add 50μL of the Amplex? Red reagent/H2O2 working solution to eachmicroplate well containing the standards, controls, and samples.4.7 Incubate the reactions. Incubate at room temperature for 30 minutes, protected fromlight. Because the assay is continuous (not terminated), you may measure fluorescence orabsorbance at multiple time points to follow the kinetics of the reactions.4.8 Measure the fluorescence or absorbance. Use a microplate reader equipped for excitationin the range of 530–560 nm and fluorescence emission detection at ~590 nm (see Figure 1),or for absorbance at ~560 nm.4.9 Correct for background fluorescence or absorbance. For each point, subtract the valuederived from the no-HRP control.References1. Anal Biochem 253, 162 (1997);2. J Immunol Methods 202, 133 (1997);3. J Neurochem 79, 266 (2001);4. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 281, L993 (2001);5. Mol Hum Reprod 7, 237 (2001);6. Anal Biochem 287, 196 (2000);7. J Invest Dermatol 112, 751 (1999).Product List C urrent prices may be obtained from ourwebsite or from our Customer Service Department.Cat. no. Product Name Unit Size A22188 Amplex? Red Hydrogen Peroxide/Peroxidase Assay Kit *500 assays* ................................................................................................................ ...... 1 kit Related ProductsA12222 Amplex? Red reagent (10-acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine) ................................................................................ .................................................... 5 mg A22177 Amplex? Red reagent *packaged for high-throughput screening* ......................................................................................................... .................10 x 10 mg A33855 Amplex? Red/UltraRed stop reagent *500tests* ................................................................................................................... ...........................................set of 5 vials A36006 Amplex? UltraRed reagent ............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................... 5 x 1 mg R363 resorufin, sodium salt *reference standard* ........................................................................................................... ............................................................100 mgContact InformationMolecular Probes, Inc.29851 Willow Creek RoadEugene, OR 97402Phone: (541) 465-8300Fax: (541) 335-0504Customer Service:6:00 am to 4:30 pm (Pacific Time) Phone: (541) 335-0338Fax: (541) 335-0305**************************Toll-Free Ordering for USA:Order Phone: (800) 438-2209Order Fax: (800) 438-0228Technical Service:8:00 am to 4:00 pm (Pacific Time) Phone: (541) 335-0353Toll-Free (800) 438-2209Fax: (541) 335-0238*************************Invitrogen European Headquarters Invitrogen, Ltd.3 Fountain DriveInchinnan Business ParkPaisley PA4 9RF, UKPhone: +44 (0) 141 814 6100Fax: +44 (0) 141 814 6260Email: ***********************Technical Services: ***********************For country-specific contact information, visit .Further information on Molecular Probes products, including product bibliographies, is available from your local distributor or directly from Molecular Probes. Customers in Europe, Africa and the Middle East should contact our office in Paisley, United Kingdom. All others should contact our Technical Service Department in Eugene, Oregon.Molecular Probes products are high-quality reagents and materials intended for research purposes only. These products must be used by, or directl y under the super v ision of, a tech n ically qualified individual experienced in handling potentially hazardous chemicals. Please read the Material Safety Data Sheet provided for each product; other regulatory considerations may apply.Limited Use Label License No. 223: Labeling and Detection TechnologyThe purchase of this product conveys to the buyer the non-transferable right to use the purchased amount of the product and compo-nents of the product in research conducted by the buyer (whether the buyer is an academic or for-profit entity). The buyer cannot sell or otherwise transfer (a) this product (b) its components or (c) materials made using this product or its components to a third party or oth-erwise use this product or its components or materials made using this product or its components for Commercial Purposes. The buyer may transfer information or materials made through the use of this product to a scientific collaborator, provided that such transfer is not for any Commercial Purpose, and that such collaborator agrees in writing (a) to not transfer such materials to any third party, and (b) to use such transferred materials and/or information solely for research and not for Commercial Purposes. Commercial Purposes means any activity by a party for consideration and may include, but is not limited to: (1) use of the product or its components in manufacturing; (2) use of the product or its components to provide a service, information, or data; (3) use of the product or its components for therapeutic, diagnostic or prophylactic purposes; or (4) resale of the product or its components, whether or not such product or its components are resold for use in research. Invitrogen Corporation will not assert a claim against the buyer of infringement of the above patents based upon the manufacture, use or sale of a therapeutic, clinical diagnostic, vaccine or prophylactic product developed in research by the buyer in which this product or its components was employed, provided that neither this product nor any of its components was usedin the manufacture of such product. If the purchaser is notwilling to accept the limitations of this limited use statement, Invitrogen is willing to accept return of the product with a full refund. For information on purchasing a license to this product for purposes other than research, contact Molecular Probes, Inc., Business Development, 29851 Willow Creek Road, Eugene, OR 97402, Tel: (541) 465-8300. Fax: (541) 335-0354.Several Molecular Probes products and product applications are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and patents pending. All names con-taining the designation ? are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.Copyright 2009, Molecular Probes, Inc. All rights reserved. This information is subject to change without notice.。

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活性氧检测试剂盒 Reactive oxygen species assay kit
10 mM DCFH-DA in DMSO 活性氧供体 说明书
0.1 ml 1 ml 1份
20 ºC 保存 20 ºC 保存
活性氧(Reactive oxygen species, ROS) 包括超氧自由基、过氧化氢、及其下游产物过氧化物和羟化
物(O2•−, H2O2, •OH, ONOO−, •NO)等,参与细胞生长增殖、发育分化、衰老和凋亡以及许多生理和病理过
程。采用 2,7-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA)是迄今常用也是较灵敏的细胞内活性氧检探针。
DCFH-DA 没有荧光,进入细胞后被酯酶水解为 dichlorofluorescin (DCFH)。在活性氧存在时 DCFH 被氧化
3. PBS 洗涤细胞 2 次。 三、荧光检测
采用荧光显微镜、激光共聚焦显微镜图像检测照相,绿色荧光强度代表活性氧水平。也可进行微板荧 光分析仪(multiwell fluorescence plate reader)实时或每 10 分钟分时逐点检测荧光强弱。对于流式细 胞仪可将细胞用胰酶消化 PBS 洗涤后重悬检测。
1. 加入 DCFH-DA 于培养基,推荐初始工作浓度为 10 µM。对不同的细胞和处理,DCFH-DA 工作浓度可 为 100 nM~20 µM,需进行预实验确定合适的浓度。总体稀释倍数应在 1:500~1000 以上以避免 DMSO 对细胞 的影响。以 DMSO 作为溶剂对照。
2. 37 ºC 孵育细胞 30min~至几个小时,通常 30-60min 即可。孵育时间长短与细胞类型、刺激条件、 DCFH-DA 浓度有关。
仪定量 ROS 检测。
工作波长: 最佳激发波长 500、485 (500 15 nm),最佳发射波长 525 (530 20 nm)。也可按照 FITC 荧光检测
操作步骤: 一、试剂准备:
1. DCFH-DA 可稀释于培养基或缓冲液中。血清或培养基颜色并不影响 DCFH-DA 及细胞内荧光产生,但 可能会影响荧光显微镜观察,干扰荧光分光光度计、荧光酶标仪或流式细胞仪荧光测定。可将 DCFH-DA 稀 释于无酚红培养基或适宜的缓冲液如 PBS 中。这依赖于使用何种荧光设备进行测定。
2. 加入 DCFH-DA 的时机或孵育时间,以最终能顺利检测细胞内活性氧为目的。药物处理时间较短(<2 小时)或预计 ROS 效应较弱,可先加或同时加入 DCFH-DA。反之,treat 刺激时间较长(>6 小时)或预计产生 ROS 效应较强,可后加 DCFH-DA。
3. 活性氧供体含高纯度 12 mM H2O2。加入细胞后其本身即是一种活性氧,而且在代谢过程中可产生其 它类型的活性氧,均可使 DCFH-DA 氧化为 DCF 呈现强绿色荧光。因而,用户可使用该试剂作为测试实验系 统或仪器的阳性试剂,以初步观察细胞活性氧所产生的荧光的一般特征,并且也可以将该实际作为实验的 一个阳性对照。推荐该试剂的细胞工作浓度为 20~100 µM 或更低浓度,但超过 200µM 将产生细胞毒。如果 用户熟悉 ROS 荧光或实验没有必要采用阳性对照,可以不加该试剂。 二、加入荧光探针:
为不能透过细胞膜的强绿色荧光物质 dichlorofluorescein (DCF),其荧光在激发波长 502 nm,发射波长
530 nm 附近有最大波峰,强度与细胞内活性氧水平成正比。此活性氧检测系统本底低,灵敏度高,激光共聚焦显微镜等图像检测,荧光分光光度计、荧光酶标仪、流式细胞