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英语句型变化规律 ① “特殊定式动词”: am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, will, shall, would, should, can, may, must, could, … ② 行为动词:表示行为或状态的词。 如:say, sing, jump, run, write, read, play, see, dance, eat, sleep, go, come, cry, plant, swim, …
The child can’t sing …. Can the child sing …?
Yes, she did.
No, she didn’t.
Yes, she can.
Yes, I do.
No, she can’t.
7. I often play basketball with my friends after school.
Mother won’t buy …. Will mother buy …? Yes, she will. No, she won’t.
14. The young man finished writing the book in English. 15. The workers repaired the machine last week.
Ⅱ.如果句中没有“特殊定式动词”,就要找出句中的行 为动词,根据行为动词的人称和时态,在句首确定加Do 或Does或Did, 并将不是原形的行为动词还原成原形,注 意大小写,句末问号。即“一加二改三问号”的步骤。 1. I often get up early in the morning. → Do you often get up early in the morning? 2. My brother likes to read English aloud in class. → Does your brother like to read English aloud in class? 3. Mr Smith taught English in Hainan in 1999. → Did Mr Smith teach English in Hainan in 1999? 4. They plant lots of trees in the hill every year. → Do they plant lots of trees in the hill every year? 5. She usually plays the piano in the evening. → Does she usually play the piano in the evening? 6. The workers repaired the machine last week. → Did the workers repair the machine last week?
Ⅱ.如果句中没有“特殊定式动词”,就要找出句中的行 为动词,根据行为动词的人称和时态,在行为动词之前确 定加don’t或doesn’t或didn’t, 并将不是原形的行为动词还 原成原形,其他地方没有变化。
1. I clean our classroom every day. → I don’t clean our classroom every day. 2. Mike goes to the cinema with his parents once a week. → Mike doesn’t go to the cinema with his parents once a week. 3. The child played the computer games in the internet bar last night. → The child didn’t play the computer games in the internet bar last night. 4. We get up at 6:00 in the morning. → We don’t get up at 6:00 in the morning. 5. He often comes to school by bike. → He doesn’t often come to school by bike. 6. I watched TV with my family yesterday evening. → I didn’t watch TV with my family yesterday evening.
have, has, had 是“拥有”的意思时,既可当“特 殊定式动词”看待,也可当行为动词看待。 e.g. He has a new bike. →
① He hasn’t a new bike.
Has he a new bike?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.
② He doesn’t have a new bike. Does he have a new bike? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Ⅰ.首先,要看一看句中有没有“特殊定式动词”, 如果有,就在“特殊定式动词”后面加not即可。 1. Kate was born on June 6, 1996. → Kate wasn’t born on June 6, 1996. 2. My family will move to Shanghai next month. → My family won’t move to Shanghai next month. 3. She can swim. → She can’t swim. 4. Tony is a middle school student. → Tony isn’t a middle school student. 5. There are many apples in the basket. → There aren’t many apples in the basket. 6. It is cloudy and windy today. → It isn’t cloudy and windy today.
11. The people speak English in many countries.
12. She asks us to help her with her English.
The people don’t speak …. Do the people speak …? She doesn’t ask …. Does she ask …? Yes, they do.
Don’t stand up.
Ⅰ.首先,也要看一看句中有没有“特殊定式动词”, 如果有,就将“特殊动词”直接提到句首,注意大小 写,句末问号。即“一提二改三问号”的步骤。
1. The old man is a famous scientist. → Is the old man a famous scientist? 2. There are hundreds of people in the zoo on Children’s Day. → Are there hundreds of people in the zoo on Children’s Day? 3. You must hand in your papers on time tomorrow. → Must I hand in my papers on time tomorrow? 4. I was at the library a moment ago. → Were you at the library a moment ago? 5. The boy can ride a bike. → Can the boy ride a bike?
如果行为动词是现在式,则在don’t和doesn’t之 间确定。动词是原形,就don’t; 动词后面有加s或es, 就doesn’t.
如果行为动词是过去式,就didn’t. 还要记得将不是原形的行为动词还原成原形。
另:肯定祈使句变否定形式时,直接在动词前面加Don’t 。 e.g.
Stand up. →
但如果have, has, had与其他词一起构成一个新的 词组,则have, has, had已经成为新词组中不可分 割的一部分,这时的have, has, had就只能当作行 为动词来看待。
e.g. have Chinese / English / maths / history… have a class have a rest / break have a good time have breakfast / lunch / dinner
Did Mr White teach …?
Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.
He doesn’t want …. Does he want …?
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
10. They found a nice place to live at last.
They didn’t find …. Did they find …?
Yes, they did.
No, they didn’t. No, they don’t.
Yes, she does.
No, she doesn’t.
13. Mother will buy me a notebook computer on my birthday.
I don’t often play …. Do you often play …? No, I don’t.
8. He wants me to go to his house for lunch. 9. Mr White taught physics in his hometown five years ago. Mr White didn’t teach Байду номын сангаас.
3. She can recite passages from Hamlet by Shakespeare.
No, he wasn’t. No, she can’t.
4. We have a lot of work to do today.
5. She had a good time yesterday.
The young man didn’t finish …. Did the young man finish …?
She has lunch at school. → She doesn’t have …. Does she have…? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
1. My father is an engineer.
2. Shakespeare was an actor with plays and poems.
Shakespeare wasn’t an …. Was Shakespeare an …? Yes, he was. My father isn’t an …. Is your father an …? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
We haven’t a …. Have we a …? She didn’t have a …. Did she have a …?
She can’t recite …. Can she recite …?
Yes, she can.
Yes, we have.
No, we haven’t.
6. The child can sing many English songs.