语言学概论chpt 3 Morphology

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Classification of words

In terms of grammatical functions In terms of word formation
Classification of words in terms of grammatical functions

Open class words (开放性词类) Closed class words (封闭词类)
e.g. “-s” in “dogs”, “-al” in “national”, “dis-” in “discover”
Derivative, compound, mono-morphemic

Fill in the blanks
_________________ ___________ Mono-morphemic words and compound words are formed all by free morphemes. ___________ Derivative words are formed by a root and bound morphemes.
Free morpheme and bound morpheme

Free morpheme (自由语素): the
morpheme that can form a word by itself.
e.g. horse, red, write, love, drive

Bound morpheme (粘着语素): those morphemes cannot occur alone, but must appear with at least another morpheme.
Types of morpheme

In terms of dependence In terms of function

Question: What’s the difference between
the two morphemes: book and –ish?
The former is independent of other morphemes, i.e., it can form a word by itself, while the latter has to be attached to other morphemes.
Definition of morphology

morphe (Greek) = shape, form -ology = "science of"

Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.

Open class (Content words )
--- denoting objects, happenings, ideas, their properties and other lexical meanings ---In English, this class of words is made up mostly of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs ---We constantly add new words to this class e.g. beatnik (a member of the Beat Generation), hacker, email, internet, “做秀,时装秀…” in Chinese.

Word classification In terms of word formation
mono-morphemic word: formed by one single unit e.g. room house on for big… compound: formed by two or more than two relatively free units e.g. moreover outline whatever… derivative: formed by a root and an affix or affixes e.g. decrease quicken movement insupportable…
Root and stem
Root (词根) is the base form of a word that cannot be further analyzed without destroying its meaning. It is that part of the word that is left when all the affixes are removed. e.g. reorganization receive The root in the first word is __________, in the organize ceive second word is ________.
Morphemes (词素)

Morphemes are minimal units of meaning
(词素—最小的意义单位 )
---Smallest possible string of sounds that still has meaning and cannot be divided any further
Cats dogs boxes oxen teeth deer

Words are composed of morphemes
---sometimes several morphemes and sometimes just one morpheme makes a word e.g. 1 morpheme boy, desire 2 morphemes boy+ish, desir(e)+able 3 morphemes boy+ish+ness, desir(e)+abl(e)+ity 4 morphemes un+desir(e)+able+ity 5 morphemes un+gentle+man+li+ness over 5 morphemes anti+dis+establish+ment+ari+an+ism
Closed class (Function/ grammatical words)
They do not have much lexical meaning and behave like grammatical signals of functional markers. Function words in English include: pronouns, conjunctions, determiners, prepositions, etc. ---We don’t add new words to these groups ??? “e” or “their/they” as a new neutral 3rd person singular pronoun?
A morpheme is a linguistic abstraction and a concept which is usually marked out with curly brackets { }. It needs to be represented in certain phonological and orthographic forms. These forms are called morphs (语素形式). e.g. The morpheme {rose} is phonologically represented by /rəuz/ and orthographically by “rose”.

Some morphemes have a single form in all contexts (eg: dog, cat, etc), but other morphemes may have alternate shapes or phonetic forms. Those morphs that represent the same morpheme are called the allomorphs of the same morpheme. An allomorph (语素变体/词素变体) is a morphological variant of morpheme, and the relation between allomorph and morpheme is a matter of realization.
e.g. the word “barks” in “The dog barks” consists of two morphemes in the forms: “bark” and “-s”, neither of which can be divided into other smaller meaningful units.

An Example to explain morph
{plural} --------------------------- morpheme
-----------------------------------s -es -en -ee zero ---- orthographic morphs ------/s/ /z/ /iz/ /n/ /i:/ ø ---- phonologic morphs Cats dogs boxes oxen teeth deer

Therefore, words are further analyzable in terms of their form. Words comprise one or more morphemes.

Definition Classification of morphemes

Words Morpheme Morphemic Analysis
Definition of words
Example: “ I love linguistics.” Questions: 1. How many English words are there in this sentence? 2. Can you tell the sound and meaning of each word? 3. Is it easy to identify a word? A word is a fundamental linguistic unit which is minimal free form with a unity of sound and meaning, capable of performing a given syntactic function.
An Example to explain allomorph
{-s} (plural) --------------- morpheme
---------------------------s -es -en -ee zero ---- allomorph ------/s/ /z/ /iz/ /n/ /i:/ ø ----allomorph

Word classification In terms of word formation Lead-in Example: go toothpaste boyish Question: Any difference among them (from the form perspective)?
e.g. the verb “purify” in English consists
of two parts: “ pur(e)” and “-ify”, from which we can work out a rule: a new form of verb can be formed by adding „ify‟ to an adjective. Thus, „simplify”, „falsify‟, etc.