
雅思阅读常见同义词替换1.媒体,宣传media/media coverage/publicity/newspaper/TV/press2.观点,看法perspective/idea/opinion/view/viewpoint/conception/outlook3.理解,感知understand/perceive/comprehend/recognize/identify/figure out/come up with4.错误的观点misconception/mistaken view5.改变change/alter/modify6.调查,试验,研究study/experiment/survey/research/investigate/test7.最常见的most frequent/commonest8.重要性importance/significance9.保护,挽救protect/conserve/preserve10.不寻常的uncommon/unusual11.惊人的,出乎意料的unexpected/surprising/take back/unpredictable/without warning12.理由,原因,因素cause/reason/explanation/factor/element13.栖息地,家园,居所home/shelter/dwelling/habitat14.可能的影响或后果implication/possible result/potential/influence15.影响affect/influence/impact/effect/impinge…on16.交配,求偶mating/courtship17.连接,涉及link…to/involve…with/associate…with18.极佳的exceptional/keen/excellent/extraordinary19.吃,营养feed/eat/diet/nutrition20.代表,体现,意味represent/stand for/mean/signify21.明显的evident/obvious/clear/self-evident/apparent/transparent22.总结conclude/draw from/summarize/generalize23.濒危,灭绝,消灭endanger/die out/extinction/disappear24.导致lead to/result in/cause/contribute to/foster/trigger25.因为,源于because/as/since/because of/result from/stem from/root from/originate from/gain from/in that/due to/thanks to26.反对,拒绝refuse/object/against/turn down27.升高,增加rise/increase/shoot up/rocket/grow/accrue28.下降,减少decrease/fall/dip/decay/decline/dive/bring down/curtail/drop/beat a retreat29.不愿意的unwilling/loath/reluctant30.包含,包括include/contain/comprise/be made up of/cover/involve/encompass31.长期的long-term/long-standing/long-range32.联系,关系relationship/connection/link/associate…with/combine…with33.危害,负面影响danger/hazard/harm/negative effect34.种类,物种class/species/type/kind/variety35.成人adult/adulthood/grown-up/in later life36.增强build up/develop/consolidate/strengthen37.物质,物体material/object/substance38.过程,步骤stage/phase/process/procedure/step39.趋势tread/tendency40.重要的vital/important/paramount/crucial/critical/key/core41.特点feature/characteristic/hallmark/character42.制作,产生make/produce/manufacture/generate/engender43.身体语言body language/gesture/non-verbal language44.社会背景social class/social situation/social background/social status45.客观的,公正的just/objective/unbiased/impartial46.依靠,取决于depend on/rely on47.在…之前before/prior…to48.比赛event/game/competition49.有才能的talent/gifted/excellent50.显著的,好的extraordinary/significant/remarkable51.目前的,现在的current/present/simultaneous52.方法,通道way/method/approach/access/key53.基础的basic/fundamental/underlying未发育的rudimentary退化degenerate/underdevelop/degrade54.解读,定义explain/define55.难的,要求高的difficult/hard/demanding56.问题,失败problem/failure57.优点strength/advantage/benefit/shining point/positive aspect58.分配allocate/apportion/distribute59.有必要的necessary/indispensable60.能够做be able to/ be in a position to61.执行,行驶conduct/do/exercise/perform/play62.责任duty/obligation/responsibility63.国家state/nation/country64.当局,权威部门official/government/authority65.老人the old/the elderly/aging/the graying66.人口变化population change/demographic change67.集中,关注于focus on/concentrate on/handle/deal with/center on68.要求ask/demand/require/request69.被认为be thought/be regarded/be considered70.雇佣take on/hire/employ71.完全地totally/completely/entirely/completely/thoroughly/fully72.帮助help/aid/support73.喜欢like/be fond of/favor74.告知,指导tell/instruct/inform75.悲观的sad/pessimistic/negative76.减缓slow down/restrict/limit77.加速speed up/accelerate78.挨饿hungry/starve/famine79.领域area/field/domain/aspect80.类似的,像…一样like/similar as/resemble81.重新铸造remould/reshape82.进步advance/progress/improvement83.拿走,移开take away/extract/remove84.原理,机制principle/mechanism/theory85.目的aim/goal/purpose86.显示,表明show/indicate/suggest/betray/uncover/demonstrate87.迅速的fast/quick/rapid88.激活active/activity/activate/spring to life/flourish89.回应react…to/reply/respond to90.取代replace/supersede/substitute/overtake91.主导的,主要的leading/dominant/prominent/major/key/main92.压制suppress/limit/restrict\93.结果result/consequence/outcome94.不足的insufficient/inadequate/not enough95.设计design/devise96.冲刷wash away/scour away/flush out97.充满be filled with/be laden with98.扰乱,破坏upset/disturb/destroy/ruin/damage/undermine99.同意agree/consent/concur100.此弱的weak/fragile/vulnerable101.困难difficulty/dilemma/hardship102.保证,确保ensure/assure/guarantee103.执行,操作conduct/operate/administer104.稀少的rare/few and far between/uncommon/unusual 105.力量power/strength/endurance/106.建议suggest/advise/recommend107.检查inspect/check/examine/screen/scrutinize108.监督monitor/supervise/administer109.破碎break/shatter110.提到,应用refer to/a reference to/mention111.使用use/utilize/employ112.障碍obstacle/barrier113.无关irrelevant/unrelated to114.匹配,跟上match/keep pace with/follow115.否认,驳斥deny/refute116.自立,自理self-reliance/self-independence117.保持maintain/keep/hold118.寿命life span/life expectancy119.道德的moral/ethical120.巨大的tremendous/huge/spectacular121.夜间生活的night/nocturnal122.凑合活着,艰辛地活着make a hard life/scrape a life123.四肢arm/leg/limb124.开始at the beginning/at the outset/initially125.转换shift/transform126.产量output/productivity127.基本结构basic construction/infrastructure128.承认admit/acknowledge129.倒塌fall/collapse130.减半half/decline by 50%131.阻止keep from/prevent from/keep from132.复杂的,高级的sophisticated/advanced/intricate/perfect/133.胜过,超过outperform/outstrip134.详尽的detailed/specific/elaborate135.缺点,不足flaw/shortcoming/disadvantage/defect/weakness/downside/limitation/drawback/darkside。

雅思阅读同义词替换介绍整理雅思阅读同义词替换介绍1. outcome=product=result=conclusion=consequence 结果,后果n.2. overcome=win=get over=exceed克服,战胜v.3. insufficient=deficient=shortage=lack=scarcity不足的adj.4. supply=provide=furnish=give 供应v.5. launch=release=project=send=shot=emit 开头,投放v.6. suppose=expect=imagine=guess=speculate=think猜想,设想v.7. detect=perceive=explore=sense发觉,觉察v.8. handicap=difficult=obstacle=hindrance=bar=deterrent 障碍,困难n.9. peer=the people who are at the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc.同龄人,伙伴n.10. positive=optimistic=uplifting 乐观的adj.11. administer=manage=conduct=implement=perform执行,管理v.12. funding=money=funds=financial resource 资金,基金n.第1页/共2页千里之行,始于足下。
13. interact=if people interact with each other, they talk to each other, work together etc. 互动v.14. irrigation=the supplement of land or crops with water 浇灌n.15. sedimentation=the natural process by which small pieces of rock, earth etc settle at the bottom of the sea etc and form a solid layer 积淀n.【雅思阅读同义词替换介绍】文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。

雅思阅读同义替换整理完整雅思阅读同义替换整理adequate inadequatesufficientdeficient=insufficient充分的a mple 反不充分的scarce / rare(Enough)plenty of (Not enough) shortageabundant lacking / lackraiseriseincreasegrow上升soar/surgeascendaccelerate=speed upboost / promote / enhance v. 促进prosper / thrive / flourish v. 繁荣beneficial/ profitable / rewarding/ successful a. 有利的, 成功的advantage/ virtue/ merit/ benefit/ strength/ positive side n. 优点,好处fall / drop / plunge/ slumpdecrease / decline / descend 下降degrade / degenerate/ deteriorate v. 恶化, 退化devastate / destroy/ demolish v. 破坏reduce / reductionlessen / minimize下降relieve / alleviate v. 减轻vanish / disappear/fade v. 消失depression/ recession n. 衰退harmful/ devastating/ detrimental a. 有害的poisonous / toxic / noxious a. 有毒的disadvantage/failing/ defect/ drawback/ fault/ weakness/negative side n. 缺点,不利obstacle/ barrier/ hurdle / hinder / obtrude 阻碍sharply副词swiftly slowlyrapidly gradually快速地quickly 缓慢地steadilyrapidly i nstantly slowly by degreeimmediately step by steppromptlyinfluence/ impact/ effectaffect/ ruin影响interfere with / intervene indisturb/ disrupt有效的:valid / effective /efficient正面的:favorable, positive有成果的:productive/ fruitful/ rewarding灾难性的:disastrous, destructive, devastating, catastrophic负面的:adverse, negative有毒的:poisonous, toxic, noxious, harmfulconsiderablesubstantial intenseenormous intensivetremendous 强烈的 severeimmense extreme巨大的,众多的dramatic drastic great/many drastic explosivesignificant indispensablecountless vitalnumerous 重要的 crucialinnumerable criticalvast essentialradicalfundamental=basicadvanced rudimentarysophisticated 反crude先进的 perfect 落后的,原始的primitiveunmatched undevelopedunrivalled underdevelopedout of datecomplexexcellent markedcomplicatedoutstanding 明显的obvious 复杂的sophisticatedexceptional evidentintricatedistinguishedapparentremarkable remarkable著名的extraordinaryfamous prominenteminent feeble variouspre-eminent fragile 多样的diversedominant 脆弱的vulnerable 不同的diversifiedbrittle distinctstagnant mobile(motion=movement)stationary 反dynamic静止的 static 移动的 migratorystable/steady稳定的locomotivefluctuate v. 波动connected to seperatelinked to 反分离的segregated与...相关联associated with scatteredrelated to detachedholy prosperous novelsacred 繁荣的thriving 创新的innovative神圣的heavenly 兴旺的booming creativedivine flourishing originalfatal dishonest quaint致命的deadly 不诚实的古怪的oddmortal deceptive strange weirdlethal bizarrepeculiar recent最近的currentappropriate chronic现在的nowadays 适合的proper 长期的present suitablelong-termcontemporary fitexpensive frugal hardworking costly节俭的 thrifty 勤劳的industrious 奢侈的exorbitanteconomical diligent 昂贵的luxuriousarduous sumptuousexcessivefair objective公平的equal 客观的随意的casualequitable unbiasedrandomimpartial unplannedapproximate puzzlingabout confusing broad 大约almost 令人困惑的bewildering 广阔的vastnearly perplexing widevirtually great动词:transform transmit改变shift 发送transferchange convert send deliverturn...into emit=give offoffer finance support提供grant 资助fund 支持advocate provide supplysponsor championrender subsidizeinhabit replaceadminister居住lodge substitute 管理administratelive reside 取代take the place of managedwellswap=exchange互换accommodate提供住宿dispute / argue争议(controversial有争议的)refute/ reject/ refuse 拒绝get rid ofconflict/ conflicting 矛盾的,冲突的去除eliminate驳斥oppose/ opposition 反对除掉d ismiss反对 object/ objection 反对dispose of anti-词根表反对abandon=give upagree/ agreement quetsion / debate同意 consensus 共识质疑agree no doubt/ undoubtedly doubtskepticism/ criticism反considering /regardingregardless of不考虑考虑到given/in view of 鉴于diffuse duplicate reproduce distribute 复制 replicate 繁殖multiply 扩散 dispersecopy reproduce breed p ropagate s pread extendpropagate restrict createrestrain producetake place限制constrain 产生develop 发生happenlimit confine make manufacture occurbound/limit yieldemphasize recognize motivatestress identify stimulate 强调f ocus on 辨认distinguish 激励facilitateconcentrate on understandpromotehighlight appreciate encouragecombine separatestrike=hitconnect split crash 联合unite 分离segregate 撞击 clash统一join 隔绝 isolate=insulate隔绝conflict 冲突link distinguish 区分breakupassociate 摔碎shattermerge合并fragments碎片lead to originate from survivecontribute to derive from 存活bring about date from sustain 导致result in 源自于comefrom revive引发cause from extend from 复活cause i nduce range from Renaissancesparkrecall anticipaterecollect forecastcheck回忆 retrospect 预期 predict 检查examineremember expectinspectmemorize foreseeguess in advancedegrade demolish criticize 恶化d egenerate 拆毁knock down 批评blamedeteriorate devastate reproachdismantlestart开始 begin attract hinderinitiate 吸引fascinate 阻碍obtrudelaunch obsesshurdlecommence lurebarrier/obstacle n.temptpollute classifyassume污染分类认为contaminate categorizesuppose。

阅读词汇考频考查的单词正确的选项词性中文含义abundant plentiful a. 大量的accelerate increase v. 加速;加大accessible available a. 可用的2accordingly for that reason;consequently ad. 因此2account (for)explain v. 解释;说明accumulate collect v. 积累;积聚a couple of years two years 两年adequate sufficient a. 充足的adhere stick v. 黏附;胶着adjunct addition n. 附加物administered managed v. 管理adorn decorate v. 装饰advent arrival n. 出现、到达adversely negatively ad. 不利地;有害地advocate proponent n. 倡导者;辩护者aesthetically artistically ad. 审美地;美学地affront insult v 侮辱轻蔑aid help v. 帮助alert wary a. 机敏的allay reduce v. 减少alter change v. 改变;调整alternative option n. 替代;替代物altogether completely ad. 完全地ancillary secondary a. 附属的;辅助的annihilate conquer v. 消灭;征服antagonist enemy n. 对手;敌人antecedent predecessor n. 先辈anticipate look forward to v. 期待;盼望apace with as fast as 快速的appealing attractive a. 吸引人的apply used for v. 应用;适用appreciated (-tion) recognized(-tion) v.(-n) 赏识aptly appropriately ad. 适当地arduous difficult a. 艰巨的;艰苦的article object n. 物品,物体ascend climb v. 攀升;升高2 assemble gather; bring together v. 装配;组合assortment variety n. 品种;种类assumption belief n. 确信的想法attachment preference for n. 依恋;偏好2attained achieved; reached v. 达到attendant accompanying n. 服务员attire clothing n. 衣着;盛装2 attribute credit; characteristics v. 被认为;被鉴定;特征avail make use v. 有用avid eager a. 渴望的;热心的barren infertile a. 贫瘠的;不毛的besides in addition to prep. 除此之外2 bias prejudice n. 偏见;嗜好bind tie v. 捆;绑;使结合boosted raised v. 提高,推进2bound limit held n. v. 范围;界限;限制break departure from n. 决裂;破裂brief look glance n. 瞥视;浏览bring about cause v. 导致;引起brittle easily broken a. 易碎的calculate determine v. 计算;确定came to the forefront became importantcarried on continued v. 继续carry support v. 支撑;支持cease stop v. 停止;结束celebratory full of praise n. 颂扬celestial astronomical a. 天空的;天上的chance unplanned a. 偶然的;碰巧的characteristics qualities n. 性质,特性chronicle describe v. 记述classify categorize v. 分类clear unobstructed a. 畅通的;无阻的2 clue information n. 线索;信息cluster group v. 成群2coarse rough; crude a. 粗糙的coin create v. 创造;杜撰coincide with happen at the same time ad. 同时2collective(-ly) group (together) n.(ad) 集体(共同地)come of age establish itself v. 达到法定年龄;确立自身地位comparably similarly ad. 可比地;相当地compelling forceful a. 被迫的component parts n. 部分compose focus on v. 创作;创造comprise consist of v. 包含;包括concealed covered a. 隐藏着的concentrate cluster v. 集中;积聚conclusive definitive a. 最后的concomitant with in conjunction with ad. 协同concrete specific a. 具体的;特定的concur agree v. 同意configuration arrangement n. 结构;形状2confine limit; restrict v. 限制;局限confirm uphold v. 证实;确认conflicting opposing a. 冲突的;抵触的conjectural based on guessing a. 猜测的;推测的consequence result n. 结果2 conserve store; retain v. 保存;保护3 considerable large; substantial; much; great a. 很重要的;很大的consistent constant a. 持续的consort associate v. 结交conspicuous noticeable a. 显著的2 constituent (-v.) component (make up) n. (v.) 成分;要素(构成;组成)consumed (-n) eaten (eat) v. (n.) 吃掉2contemporary existing; written at that time a. n. 当代的;现有的;同时代convergence gathering n. 聚集2convert change v. 转换correspondingly similarly ad. 相应地;对应地count weigh v. 有价值;有分量counteract negate v. 抵消;反作用counterpart version n. 复本;对应物crisscross move back and forth v. 穿梭;交错往来critical judge of fine arts connoisseur n. 鉴赏家;评论家crucial important a. 重要的cumbersome burdensome a. 麻烦的;笨重的dampen moisten v. 使潮湿daring bold a. 勇敢的;大胆的deft skilled a. 熟练的;灵巧的deliberate careful a. 审慎的;仔细的demand require v. 要求;需求demise death n. 死亡demonstrate show v. 表明;证实dense thick a. 稠密的;浓厚的depend rely v. 依靠depict represent; describe v. 描述depress lower v. 压低;使沮丧derive obtain v. 得到derived from based on v. 基于2 detectable measurable; apparent a. 可察觉的;易发现的detecting finding v. 探测devastated ruined a. 毁坏的;被破坏的developing evolving a. 发展的;演化的2 devote to dedicate; specializing in v. 致力于;献身于dictate determine v. 指示;决定diffuse travel v. 扩散;传播disaster catastrophe n. 灾难discard get rid of v. 丢弃;抛弃discrete separate adj. 不连续的dispute argument n. 争论;争执disseminate spread/impart v. 散布;传播2 distinct separate; different a. 清晰的;不同的distinguish differentiate v. 区分;辨别divergence difference n. 差异;变化3diverse dissimilar; varied; different a. 多种多样的;不一样的dividing line boundary n. 边界;分界线do sth. repeatedly iterate v. 重复;反复2 domain field; region n. 领域;范围dominate be prevalent in v. 支配;控制dramatic striking a. 显著的2drastic (-ly) radical (severely) a. (ad) 激烈的;猛烈的2 draw attract; instruct v. 吸引;引导2durability (-able) endurance (long-lasting) n. (a.) 经久,耐久(持久的;耐用的) dwelling house n. 住处;寓所eager enthusiastic a. 热心的2 easily moved portable a. 轻便的;可携带的2effect (-iciency) influence (effectiveness) v. (n.) 影响;效果elaborately done in great detail ad. 详尽地;精心地elevate promote v. 提高;提升elicit bring out v. 引出embraced welcomed v. 欢迎emerge appear v. 浮现;出现2emit (-ing) give off (producing) v. 发出(生产,发行)emphasize stress v. 强调employ use v. 雇佣;应用2 enable allow; help v. 使能够;使可能enactment performance n. 演出;表演encompass include v. 包含end goal n. 末端;目的endless continuous a. 不断的engaged hired v. 雇佣ensure guarantee v. 保证entire whole a. 全部的entity object n. 实体;存在entomb trap v. 埋葬;设陷阱era period of time n. 时期eradicate eliminate v. 除去;消除erroneous ideas misconception n. 误解;错误观念erroneouslymistake v. 误以为;误认为identified as2essence (-tial) basic nature; fundamental n. (a.) 基本(基本的)establish create v. 设立;创作estimated judged v. 鉴定evidence indicate n. 迹象;预示evolution development n. 发展exalted superior a. 高贵的;崇高的2 excavate dig v. 挖掘;开凿exceptional remarkable a. 非同一般的execute create v. 造成;制成;履行;执行exercise utilize v. 行使,利用exert cause v. 引起;产生exorbitant expensive a. 昂贵的expendable unprofitable a. 没有用的2 expose subject to; uncover v. 使暴露;暴露于2 extend stretch;increase v. 延长;扩展2extol praise v. 赞美2 extract remove v. 提取;取得extraordinary supreme a. 非凡的;极度的2fabricate make; construct v. 制作;装配faction side n. 小派系fashion create v. 造成,引起fatal deadly a. 致命的2favor prefer v. 喜爱feed put v. 供给;供应feel detect v. 察觉;感觉finding scientific discoveryfine (-ly) tiny; minutely a. 细小的fixture commonplace object n. 固定设备;附属装置flamed burned a. 燃烧的flattering complimentary a. 称赞的;奉承的flourished thrived n. 茂盛forage feed v. 搜索;寻找食物foremost leading adj. 最主要的formidable difficult a. 艰难的forward-looking progressive a. 向前看的;有远见的frame (-work)pose (structure) v. (n.) 构造;提出(框架结构) freeing releasing n. 解除,释放functional usable a. 合用的fundamental basic a. 基础的;基本的furnish provide v. 提供fuse combine v. 熔合;结合gambit calculated risk n. 策略;谋略gap open n. 缺口;缝隙give way to turn into v. 让位;变成glowing shining a. 光亮的good name reputation n. 名声;名誉graphic vivid a. 生动的gradually by degrees ad. 逐渐地grumbled complained v. 抱怨hard firm a. 坚硬的;牢固的hard to deal with stubborn a. 执拗的;固执的hardiest most vigorous a. 最强壮的heart center n. 中心hemisphere side n. 半球;半边henceforth from that time on ad. 自此以后herald announce v. 预示;预报hinged on depended on v. 依靠hinterland region n. 地方;区域ideal perfect a. 完美的identical exactly alike a. 同样的ignite set on fire v. 点燃imitate copy v. 模仿;伪造immunity protection n. 保护immutable unchangeable a. 不变的impediment obstacle n. 妨碍;阻碍imperceptibly subtly ad. 不可觉察地;极缓慢地implement tool n. 工具;器械implication significance n. 含义;意义imposing demanding a. 紧迫的;紧急的in place of instead of ad. 代替in reality actually n. 实际上;事实上inaccessible unreachable a. 难接近的;难达到的inception beginning n. 起初incinerate burn up v. 烧毁incised carved a. 雕刻的inclination preference n. 倾向;偏好incorporate combine v. 结合;合并incriminate blame 有罪induce cause vt. 导致influx arrival n. 流入;到达ingenuity resourcefulness n. 机灵inhibit hinder v. 阻止;阻碍2 initiate start; cause v. 开始;引发2innovation (-tive) new idea (new) n. 创新;革新(创新的) insignificant unimportant a. 不重要的instance case n. 实例;例证integral essential; fundamental a. 整体的;不可缺少的2intense (-sive) extreme (concentrated) a. 强烈的;(加强的,集中的) intent goal; purpose n. 目的interchangeable equivalent a. 相等的;可互换的intervals periods n. 周期intermittently periodically ad 间歇的intervention influence n. 干涉;影响intricate complex a. 复杂的intriguing attractive; fascinate a. 迷人的invade move into v. 侵入inviting attractive a. 吸引人的;诱人的justify prove v. 辩护;证实key important a.重要的laborious difficult a. 费力的lament complain about v. 抱怨lie be located v. 位于load weight n. 重担locale place n. 场所lured attracted v. 吸引,引诱magnify intensify v. 放大;强化3 maintain preserve; keep v. 维持;坚持major principal a. 主要的;大型的make possible allow v. 允许;使可能mandate require v. 要求margin edge n. 边;边缘2marked pronounce; noticeable a. 明显的;显著的means method n. 方法merely only ad. 仅仅地,只不过meteoric rapid a. 迅速的meticulously careflly ad. 小心地minuscule tiny a. 很小的;微小的minute tiny a. 微小的;细微的modifying changing v. 修改;变化momentarily briefly ad. 短暂的monopolize dominate v. 独占;占优势moreover furthermore; in addition ad. 此外motif design n. 图案;花纹mundane ordinary a. 世俗的;普通的myriad many a. 许多的;无数的nascent immature a. 新生的;初生的nevertheless however ad. 然而;仍然norm standard n. 标准noted observed v. 注意到noticed announced v. 宣告,通告notwithstanding despite; in spite of prep. 尽管nourish feed 喂养noxious harmful a. 有害的;有毒的obtain get; acquire v. 获得;取得obvious apparent a. 明显的;显而易见的optimal best a. 最佳的ornate elaborate a. 华丽的oscillate swing v. 摇摆震荡outbreak beginning n. 爆发;开始outline summarizing v. 总结;概括outstanding excellent a. 杰出的;显著的over great distances faraway a. 遥远之处overtaken surpassed v. 赶上,超越partitioning division n. 划分peak maximum a. 最高的;高峰的peculiar strange a. 奇特的penetrate go through v. 穿透;透过people in the play actor n. 演员;剧中人物periphery outer edge n. 外围permeate spread through v. 传遍persist continue v. 持续personal magnetism charisma n. 个人魅力pertinent relevant a. 有关的phenomena event n. 现象;事件pick up follow v. 寻找;寻路picture imagine n. 图片pit hole n. 坑;洼地place measure v.plunge drop n./v. 投入,陷入ponderous heavy a. 笨重的pore hole n. 毛孔;细孔position job n. 职位;职务postulate suggest v 假定potential possible a. 潜在的;可能的precarious uncertain a. 不稳定的precise accurate a. 精确的prefer favor v. 偏好;喜欢preoccupation involvement n. 专心preside over manage v. 负责;统辖presumably probably ad. 大概prevailed dominated v. 成功,统治2prevailing most frequent; dominant a. 盛行的;流行的prevent avoid v. 制止;阻止2primary (-ly) fundamental (chiefly) a. (ad.) 基本的;初步的(主要地) prior to preceding a. 在先;居前prized valued a. 贵重的probe explore v. 探察produce butter n. 产物;产品2prolific productive (fruitful) a. 多产的prominent distinguished (famous) a. 显著的;卓越的proponent supporter n. 支持者prospect possibility n. 期望;前景prototype model n. 原型;范例protrude project v. 突出;伸出pry off locate v. 查找puncture pierce v. 刺穿;刺破pursue chase v. 追赶raise rear v. 饲养;养育random unpredictable a. 不可知的rapidity swiftness n. 迅速rare infrequent a. 稀有的;罕见的rather (than)instead (of) ad. 相反;相反地raw unprocessed adj. 未加工的readily easily ad. 容易地realization awareness n. 认识;意识reap accept v. 收获;接受rear raise v. 培养;饲养reckless irresponsible a. 不负责任的recorded documented a. 已纪录的recruit enlist v. 征募;补充refreshing unusual a. 清新的;清爽的regardless of no matter what a. 不管relate connect v. 相关;关联reliance dependence n. 依靠remarkable significant a. 异常的;非凡的renounce reject v. 拒绝representative typical a. 典型的resemble be(appear)similar to v. 相似;类似resolve find a solution for v. 解决resort to using v. 采用revered respected v. 尊敬revise change v. 修正;改造revitalize bring new life to v. 新生robust strong a. 强健的;坚强的roll back reduce v. 压低;减少2 rotate alternate; turn v. 轮流;更迭rot decay v. 腐烂roughly approximately ad. 概略地;大约rudimentary undeveloped a. 原始的;简单的run operate v. 操纵rupture burst v. 破裂;裂开rushing rapid a. 急流的sanitation health n. 卫生;健康状态saturate soak v. 浸透;饱和saying two oppositeparadox n. 悖论;隽语thingsscale measure n./v. 刻度/测量2scarce (-ly) rare (barely) a. (ad.) 稀有的scatter irregularly distribute v. 分散scope extent n. 范围scorched burned v. 烧焦score musical compositions n. 乐谱scurrying rushing v. 急赶2secure acquire; safe v. ad. 获得;取得;安全的sedentary inactive a. 不移栖的sentiment opinion n. 意见;观点serve as function as v. 充当;担任set establish v. 确定;安置2settle (-ed) decide (stabled) v. 决定;解决(固定的) severe poverty indigence n. 贫困;赤贫shield protect v. 保护;避开significant meaningful a. 有重要意义的site location n. 地点;场所skepticism doubt n. 怀疑主义;怀疑态度sketching drawing n. 速写;素描skilled expert a. 熟练的;擅长的skyrocket increase rapidly v. 猛涨,突增sleep briefly nap n. 小睡;打盹smooth operation effective functioningsmother eliminate v. 覆盖;除去snap break v. 折断;拉断2sole only a. 唯一的;独一的solemn serious a. 严肃的;庄重的sort out separate v. 挑选出source of energy fuel n. 能源;燃料span cover v. 包含spawn create v. 产生spark bring about v. 激发;发动speculate hypothesize v. 推测;假设staggering overwhelming a. 压倒的;压倒之势的standard customary a. 标准的standing not flowing a. 停滞的;不流动的2staple popular edition; basic element n. 大宗物品;流行的东西主要成分stimulate encourage v. 激发;促进story level n. 楼层;层strain stress v. 拉紧,重压strength basis n. 实力;基础stress emphasize v. 强调striking noticeable a. 显著的stringent strict a. 严格的;严厉的strive try 努力奋斗struggle competition n. 竞争subject susceptible a. 易受影响的;遭受影响的subjugate conquer v. 征服subsequent later a. 后来的2subsidy (-ize) finance n. (v.) 补助金;补贴subtle slight adj. 微小的;精细的succinct concise a. 简洁的;简练的sufficient adequate a. 足够的;充足的suitably appropriately ad. 适宜地sumptuous luxurious a. 豪华的;奢侈的sums amounts n. 和supplant replace; displace v. 取代;替代2 supplement extension; add to n. 补充;补遗support hold v. 支持;支撑supposedly seemingly ad. 按照推测;表面上supremacy dominance n. 至高无上;支配地位supreme most outstanding a. 最大的;极度的2surge (-ing) increase sharply (accelerating) v. (a.) 急剧增加(高涨的;跃进的) suspend hang v. 挂;悬挂sustain support v. 支撑symmetrical proportionally balanced a. 对称的;匀称的tangled twisted together a. 混乱的teeming with full of 充满telling challenging a. 有效的;有力的tempting attractive a. 诱人的testimony evidence of n. 证据thanks to because of n. 由于;多亏thereby by that means ad.因此think highly admire v. 钦佩;羡慕thrive grow well v. 茁壮成长thwart frustrate v. 使受挫tolerate endure v. 忍受;忍耐trace imprint n. 痕迹;遗迹transition change, convert v. 转变trend tendency n. 趋势;趋向typify characterize v. 代表,表现ultimately eventually; in the end ad. 最后2 undergo experience v. 经历underscore emphasize v. 强调underwater craft submarine n. 潜水艇undoubtedly certainly ad. 的确地2unique particular; singular a. 独特的unprecedented never seen before a. 空前的unravel discover v. 解开;阐明unrestricted unlimited a. 无限制的;自由的unsubstantiated unverified a. 未证实的;未核实的urged encouraged v. 催促,鼓励usher beginning v. 引导;开始2vary (-ious) differ (-ent) v. 变化;改变(不同的) 2vast large; great a. 巨大的;广阔的venture endeavor n. 冒险;冒险行动very closely intimately ad. 亲密;密切vessel craft n. 船vestige evidence n. 遗迹;残余virtually completely n. 实质地want to much greedy a. 贪婪的;贪心的whether if conj. 是否wider more extensive a. 宽广的witness observe v. 目睹;目击yield provide v. 产生;产生效果。

名师:雅思阅读同义词替换(一)1. important =crucial (extremelyimportant),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people)10.top=peak, summitpetitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)13.opinon=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)plain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)18.primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental19.relieve=alleviate(alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)20.force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel21.enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is)plex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her24.small=minuscule(very small), minute,25.praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political)26.hard-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly27.difficult=arduous(if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)28.poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)29.fragile=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)30.show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people.)41.surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly), astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)42.enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)43.quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)!44.expensive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that it should be)45.luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive46.boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)47.respect=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. FORMAL)48.worry=fret(if you fret about something, you worry about it)49.cold=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)50.hot=boiling(very hot)51.dangerous=perilous(very dangerous, hazardous(dangerous, especially to people's safety and health)52.nowadays=currently53.only=unique(the only one of its kind), distinctive;54.stop=cease(if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)55.part=component(the components of something are the parts that it is made of)56.result=consequence(the results or effects of something)57.obvious=apparent, manifest58.basedon=derived fromcan see or notice them very easily)60.quite=fairly61.pathetic=lamentable(very uncomfortable and disappointing)62.field=domain(a particular field of thought, activities or interest)63.appear=emerge(come into existence)64.whole=entire(the whole of something)865.wet=moist(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet), humid(very damp and hot)66.wrong=erroneous(incorrect or partly correct)67.difficult=formidable68.change=convert(change into another form)69.typical=quintessential(this word means represent a typical example of something)70.careful=cautious(very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent(careful and sensible)71.ability=capacity, capability(the same as ability)72.strange=eccentric(if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange way, or his/her opinion is different from most people)73.rich=affluent(if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)e= utilize (the same as use)75.dubious=skeptical(if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it.)76.satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)77.short=fleeting, ephemeral(if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time)78.scholarship=fellowship79.angry=enraged(extremely angry)80.smelly=malodorous(used to describe an unpleasant smell)81.ugly=hideous(if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)82.attractive=appealing(pleasing and attractive),absorbing(something absorbing can attract you a great deal)83.diverse=miscellaneous(a miscellaneousgroups consists of many different kinds of things)84.disorder=disarray, chaos85.crazily=frantically(used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way)86.rapid=meteoric(ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)87.ordinary=mundane(very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)88.despite=notwithstanding(FORMAL)89.best=optimal(used to describe the best level something can achieve)/90.sharp=acute(severe and intense)91.unbelievable=inconceivable(ifyou deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen ^92.puzzle=perplex(something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)93.method=avenue(away of getting something done)94.famous=distinguished(used to describe people who are successful in their career)95.ancient=archaic(extremely old and extremely old-fashioned)96.decorate=embellish(embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)/97.possible=feasible(if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)98.so=consequently, accordingly99.rare=infrequent (doesn’t happen often 100.greedy=rapacious(greedy and selfish)。

剑桥雅思阅读替换同义词雅思阅读题目出题的本质是三种替换:同义词/词组替换,句型替换,语法替换,以下是剑桥真题中的考点词,替换词,一次多义总结:1.rigid/stiff/u ncha nged/little cha nge 僵硬的,一成不变的2.sig nifica nt/eno rmous/dramatic/treme ndous/appreciably/remarkable/crucia巨大的明显的,程度大的/substantial3.approximately 将近-n early, almost4.proporti on/perce ntage 比例5.be invoIved (in)/invoIve in/invoIvement[n.]涉及,卷入,参与6.give n/con sideri ng , in regard to/despite/although有鉴于、考虑至U,尽管6.induce [v]引入,引导,引诱/inductive [n]归纳>< deduce/deductive推断7.fort un e/desti ny /cha nces8.deplete 开采完,耗尽/exhaust-exhaust emission 尾气)排放/exploitplex错综复杂的/complicated/sophisticated老奸巨滑的,复杂的10.capacity能力,容量/competence(竞争)能力/ability能力(笼统的)11 确保,保障:Secure-security/e nsure (in sure)/guara ntee押金12.solely/merely/o nly13. a vast arrayof 系列/a great variety of 花样,品种/a great rang 系列of14.pesticide 杀虫/suicide 自杀/homicide/murder 杀人15.believe/assume(resp on sibility)/suppose16.授权,委托:authorize/commission 佣金/entitle 头衔+ment =right (权利)17.purchase/buy18.ethnic种族的/ethic伦理,道德的+ s =[n]19.modify/change [v] shift work 轮班工作[n]20.in sight/k no wledge/lear ning/un dersta nding/knowing21.constrain拘泥,限制/restrict 限制/limit22.circumsta nee 环境(社会)/surr oundin gs/e nvir onment 环境(环保)背景background 后台/settings后台,布景/context 上下文(文章中)23.notorious 臭名昭著的/flagrant 臭的><fragrant 香的24.移民:immigrant (进来)/emigrant(出去)/migrant25.兴旺,繁荣;prosperous/thriving/booming (人口,行业)/flourishing26.神圣的:divine/heavenly/holy/sacred27.有毒的:poisonous/toxic ( in-, non- 无毒的)28.致命的:deadly/fatal/lethal/mortal29.类似于:look like/resemble30.chronic长期的,慢性的一Iong-term长期的31.网恋:virtual love/cyber love32.网友:on-Iine/net/cyberfriend上网(聊天)chat on lin e/go on-li ne cyber caf/ 网吧e33.evolve-evolution 进化/revolute-revolution 革命,旋转/involve-involution 卷入,涉及34.i ndicator/predictor 表示诠释,预测35.i ndicate/dem on strate/display/exhibit/betray36.therapist/expert/specialist37.优点,长处,美德:adva ntage/merit/virtue/le ngth mon est/freque nt39.未开发的,初级的:rudime ntary/u nderdeveloped40.退化:degenerate/-tion [n] ->generate生产,制造/degrade->grade 等级/deteriorate恶化,每况愈下41.分类:category-categorize/class-classify42.consequenee后果->影响/subsequenee紧跟其后/sequence=orde秩序/freque ncy 频率43.clash冲突(民族,种族)/crash飞机坠毁44.substitutio n=> substitute sth for sb/replace45.alternative=>选择性,代替性,辅助性46孤立:isolate/alienate/insulate隔绝,排外,孤立->be alien to/insulate (-ior) 绝缘,隔(体)47.缺点,不足之处:defect/flaw/faili ng/disadva ntage/drawback48.创新的,发明的,新颖的,创新的:inven tive (-tio n)/inn ovative(-tio n) /creative(-ti on)/ingen ious (ity )/no vel (-ty)=>[n] /creative/revoluti onary(易错拼写:en vir onment/convenient)49.neutral中立的,中性的/negative否定,消极,阴性的/positive肯定,积极,阳性的50.ambiguous->ambiguity模棱两可的,暧昧的/obscure mun icate 沟通,传达52.accommodate1供…食宿,2=adapt to适应,调整,3=hold容纳,4使… 停靠mitment1 ~ to sth.奉献 2 责任,义务54.con tribute to 导致~ result in /acco unt for(占据)导致54.缺乏的,不足的:in adequate/i nsufficie nt/deficie nt/lack (of)/short(of)55.强调:emphasize/stress/highlight/focus on/concentrate明显的:即parently显而易见的/patently道貌岸然的/obviously=>evidently56.对… 怀疑:(be)/skeptical/skeptical/dubious/suspicious (about/of)57缺点,缺陷:drawback/fault/defect/imperfectio n/faili ng/weak ness/shortcomi ng/flaw58.臭命昭著的:no torious->n otoriety/flagra nt/smelly/odorous59.机构,组织:associatio n/structure/orga nizatio n60.超过:exceed/surpass61.岩浆:molten rock/lava/magma62语言:linguist ~学家/lingual 和~有关的/bilingual/双语63.多种多样的:diversity/variety/breed/speciesbreed: [n]品种,[v]繁殖,培养,引起,造成64.dialect 方言accent腔调65.开始的,初步的:begi n/laun ch/i ni tial (-ly) [v]首字母,开始的/initiate开始,发动>initiative原创性=origin66.贫穷:poor/in poverty/impoverished (被剥夺财产的)67.杰出:eminence (-t)/prominence(-t)/unusual68.gene/genetic defect 缺陷/anatomy 解剖/conceive 构思,怀孕/deliver 分娩69.辅助性:alternative 补充性/therapist70.演绎,推理:deduce->deductive/inferential >< induce 弓丨导,弓I入,归纳-> induction 归纟内71.令人困惑的:bewilderi ng/puzzli ng/perplex ing72.apply:紧靠,涂,将…应用于,适用,专心致力于,献身于73.subsidize辅助/subsidy 补助,补贴/subsidiary74. a factor in sth/depe nd on sth75.be preferred by/choice76.attitude to/how77.the prese nt cen tury/moder nsociety78.broad/great79.in term of 按照,在…方面,关于/with regard to, in spiteof 不顾,尽管80.small-scale 小范围/marginal 边缘处的81.physical/medical82.negotiation/agreement 谈判,洽谈/商定,协议83.evolve/develop84.apartme nt/accommodati on 公寓/ 住房85.virtual (love)/simulate 模拟的(网恋)/模拟86.catastrophe/disaster大灾难/ 灾难,不幸87.innovate/invent革新,创新/发明,创造sculpture/craft雕刻,雕塑/工艺88.exorbitant/expensive过度的,极高的/费用大的,昂贵的89.be participa nt in /take part in/participate in bour[美,澳"work91.atte nd to/take care of/look after 照料,照看92.dual employme nt/dual-worker 双职工(家庭)93.indicate/predict指示,表明,象征/预料,预言A major contributor to/be central to来源,起点/是…的主要,中心原因94.expert/therapist专家,能手;知识丰富的/某个专科的专家95.lead to/beassociated with相联系(带来…的好处)96.bala nced/equitable平等的97.ha ndicap/disabled/primitive 残疾的,落后的98.could no t-a nd canno t/has always bee n un able to by/from99.be nefit/adva ntage100.substa ntial in flue nce/greater likelihood101.agree on/be in agreeme nt102. c on sidered desirable/effective ness103.masquerade/(i n) disguise伪装104.1nsig ni fica nt/did n matter seriously 不重要/ 不严重的105.1nspect/exam ine审核,检查106.caliber/criterion 标准107.no-one know>< notorious无人知晓>< 臭名昭著的108.dissatisfy/argue 不满意/厌恶,讨厌109.pessimism/negative/blue >< optimistic 悲观的,忧郁的>< 乐观的110 .un satisfactory/hardly be looked upon111.ide ntify/defi ne112.turn …into/becor/change into113.urba n/rural/suburba n114.demolish/k no ck dow n/disma ntle/destroy 毁坏,拆毁(建筑物)/ 敲,打115.migrati on/move 迁移/ 移动116.pay/charge sb fo向某人…猛攻,充电,负责,付费,控诉117.separate/split分开,使隔绝,提取/分,劈开118.fasci natio n/attraction (-e:[v])迷住,吸引住119 .no trequire/unn ecessary不需要/ 不必要120.decode/decipher译解(密码),解释121.delay/drawback= disadvantage耽误,延迟/欠缺,弊端122.association/organization 机构,关联/组织123.rece nt/curre nt/nowadays/prese n最近的/ 现代的/ 当今的/ 现在124.intensiveburst/explosiverelease强烈的爆发/爆炸性的释放125.recognized/identified承认,识别,认可/识别,鉴别126.aim to/focus on针对,目标,打算/集中127.link…to/lead t连接/导致,通向128.i nadequate (diet)/deficie ncy (in trace mi nerals)不充分,不适当的/ 缺乏, 不足129.basic/fu ndame ntal 基础的,基本的130.seize/catch 捕捉,抓住131.fatal/lethal/deadly 致命的132.success on/running on 成功133.costly/be related by有关系的134.be obtained in/be derivedin获得,流行,通用/由…产生,起源于135.high-income/wealthy 高收入的/富裕的136.be alike/be similar to 相同的,相似的137.1ndicate/show 显示,指出,象征138.elimi nate/lesse n >< 消除/ 减少139.not rise nsig nifica ntly/stag nate 停滞不前的140.salary/wage工资:总称/蓝领的141.create/gair创造,造成/获得,增加efficiently/increased productivity 有效率的/上升的生产率142.ec onomy/finan cial 经济143.admi nistrati on/ma nageme nt/governme nt144.(be) sympathetic/understandng同情的,赞同/理解145.1ntroduce/i nvo Ive 引入/ 卷入146.cha nge/differe nt/shift147.die>< demise 死亡148.almost/approximately149.be out of date/be outmoded/be out of fashi on15O.lesse n/reduce 减少151.famous/emi nen t/re nowned川lustrious 出名的152.barrier/hurdle/barricade153.higher positi on/top post154.Adva ntage: virtue, merit, ben efit , positive aspect, stre ngth, plus point, upside 好处,优点,长处155.Disadva ntage: faili ng, weak ness, defect, drawback, n egative aspect, fault, demerits不利,缺点,缺陷156.Casual: arbitrary, un pla nn ed, un expecte随意的157.Effective: efficient, effectual, fruitful, productive, valid 多效的158.Criticize: reproach, blame, con demn批评,责怪159.Flaw: weak ness, defec缺点160.Ability; capability, power, caliber 能力161.Dish on est: deceptive不诚实的162.Fair: equitable, equal, impartial,公平的163.Success: achieveme nt, feat, ski成功164.Reaso n: factor, con tributor, origi n,原因165.Result: outcome, con seque nee, implicatio结果166.Result from: arise from, origi nate from, be due to, tha nksto,由于,因为167.Give rise to: con tribute to, lead to, result in, cause, breed,create, inc 导致168.Disaster: catastrophe 灾难169.Pollute: con tami nate 污染170.Poiso nous: toxic 有毒的171.Decrease; fall, drop, plun ge, decli ne, step back, dow nward, mini mize, abate 下降172」n crease: rise, go up, surge, grow上升173.Growi ng: in creas in g, ris ing,上升的174.Indigenous, local, endemic 本土的,当地的175.exotic, foreign, alien, introduced 引进的,外地的,外来的176.derive from, obtai n from, orig in ate from177.limit, restrict, circumscribe , confine 限制178.legal, law, legislation, Act 法律的,法律,立法,法案179.disease, malady, ill ness, ailme nt, epidemic, in fectious disease, con tagious disease.疾病180.creature: ani mals, huma nkind, pla nt生物181.pervade, permeate 弥漫182.not easy, difficult183.due to, lead to, tha nks to, because of , attribute t 归因于),con tribute to184.similar—sta nd in con trast to 仅义)185.differe nt---same 反义)186.cease/stop---c on ti nue 反义)187.fact---theory/fictio n/illusio n/fan tasy(事实---理论/ 想象/ 幻想/ 想象)188.n earby, adjace nt to ;border; n eighbo在附近189.in excess of ; exceed; tran sce nd超过超越。

阅读题考频考查的单词正确的选项词性中文含义abundant plentiful a.大量的accelerate increase v.加速;加大accessible available a.可用的account explain v.解释;说明2account for explain v.解释,说明accumulate collect v.聚集adhere stick v.黏附;胶着adjunct addition n.附加物administered managed v.管理adorn decorate v.装饰adversely negatively ad.不利地;有害地advocate proponent n.倡导者;辩护者aesthetically artistically ad.审美地;美学地aided helped v.帮助alert wary a.机敏的alter change v.改变;调整alternative option n.替代;替代物altogether completely ad.完全地ancillary secondary a.附属的;辅助的annihilate conquer v.消灭;征服antagonist enemy n.对手;敌人antecedent predecessor n.先辈anticipate look forward to v.期待;盼望appealing attractive a.吸引人的apply used for v.应用;适用appreciated recognized v.赏识arduous difficult a.艰巨的;艰苦的article object n.物品,物体ascend climb v.攀升;升高2assemble gather v.装配;组合2assemble bring together v.装配;组合assortment variety n.形形色色;各式各样assumption belief n.确信的想法attachment preference for n.依恋;偏好attained achieved v.达到attire/costume clothing n.衣着;盛装attribute credit v.被认为;被鉴定attribute characteristics n.特征avid eager a.渴望的;热心的barren infertile a.贫瘠的;不毛的2bias prejudice n.偏见;嗜好bind tie v.捆;绑;使结合boosted raised v.提高,推进bound limit n.范围;界限break departure from n.决裂;破裂brief look glance n.瞥视;浏览bring about cause v.导致;引起brittle easily broken a.易碎的calculate determine v.计算;确定carried on continued v.继续cease stop v.停止;结束celestial astronomical a.天空的;天上的chance/accidental unplanned a.偶然的;碰巧的characteristics qualities n.性质,特性chronicle describe v.记述classify categorize v.分类2clue information n.线索;信息cluster group v.成群coarse rough/crude a.粗糙的component parts n.部分compose focus on v.创作;创造comprise consist of v.包含;包括concealed covered a.隐藏着的conclusive definitive a.最后的concrete specific a.具体的;特定的confine limit v.限制;局限confine restrict v.限制confirm uphold v.证实;确认conflicting opposing a.冲突的;抵触的consequence result n.结果2conserve store v.保存;保护2conserve retain v.保存;保护3considerable substantial /many a.很重要的;很大的consistent constant a.持续的conspicuous noticeable a.显著的constituent component n.成分;要素constitute make up v.构成;组成contemporary existing a.当代的;现有的contemporary written at that time n.同时代convergence gathering n.聚集convert change v.转换converted changed v.转变correspondingly similarly ad.相应地;对应地count weigh v.有价值;有分量counteract negate v.抵消;反作用counterpart versionn.复本;对应物crisscrossmove back and forthv.穿梭;交错往来critical judge of fine arts connoisseur n.鉴赏家;评论家crucialimportant a.重要的cumbersome burdensome a.麻烦的;笨重的dampen moisten v.使潮湿daring bold a.勇敢的;大胆的deftskilled a.熟练的;灵巧的deliberate careful a.审慎的;仔细的demand require v.要求;需求demisedeath n.死亡demonstrate show v.表明;证实dense thick a.稠密的;浓厚的depresslower v.压低;使沮丧derive/acquire obtain v.得到derived from based on v.基于2detectable apparent a.可察觉的;易发现的detecting finding v.探测devastated ruined a.毁坏的;被破坏的developing evolving a.发展的;演化的2devote to dedicatev.致力于;献身于2devote to specializing in v.致力于;献身于dictate determine v.指示;决定dictate determine v.确定;决定diffuse travelv.扩散;传播disaster catastrophe n.灾难discard get rid of v.丢弃;抛弃dispute argument n.争论;争执disseminate spread/impart v.散布;传播2distinct separate/different a.清晰的;不同的distinguish differentiate v.区分;辨别divergence difference n.差异;变化diverse dissimilar a.多种多样的;不一样的diverse varied a.不同的diversedifferent a.不同的dividing lineboundary n.边界;分界线do sth. Repeatedly iterate v.重复;反复2domain field n.领域;范围2domain region n.领域;范围dominate be prevalent in v.支配;控制dramatic striking a.戏剧性的;显著的drastic radical a.激烈的;猛烈的drastically severely ad.激烈的2draw attract v.吸引2draw attract v.吸引draw instruct v.引导durability endurance n.经久,耐久durable long-lasting a.持久的;耐用的dwelling house n.住处;寓所eager enthusiastic a.热心的2easily moved portable a.轻便的;可携带的effect influence v.影响;效果efficiency effectiveness n.效力elevate promote v.提高;提升elicit bring out v.引出embraced welcomed v.欢迎emerge appear v.浮现;出现emit give off v.发出emitting producing v.生产,发行emphasize stress v.强调employ use v.雇佣;应用2enable allow v.使能够;使可能enactment performance n.演出;表演encompass include v.包含ensures guarantees v.保证(绝对性词)entire whole a.全部的entity object n.实体;存在entomb trap v.埋葬;设陷阱era period of time n.时期eradicate eliminate v.除去;消除erroneous ideas misconception n.误解;错误观念erroneously identified as mistake v.误以为;误认为essence basic nature n.基本essential fundamental a.基本的establish create v.设立;创作estimated judged v.鉴定evidence indicate n.迹象;预示exalted superior a.高贵的;崇高的execute create v.造成;制成;履行;执行exercise utilize v.行使,利用exert cause v.引起;产生exorbitant expensive a.昂贵的expendable unprofitable a.没有用的2expose subject to v.使暴露;暴露于2expose uncover v.使暴露;暴露于2extend stretch v.延长;扩展extol praise v.赞美2extract remove v.提取;取得extraordinary supreme a.非凡的;极度的fabricate make v.制作;装配fabricating constructing v.制作,构建faction side n.小派系fatal deadly a.致命的favor prefer v.喜爱favored perferred n.喜爱finding scientific discoveryfine tiny a.细小的finely minutely ad.精细的 flattering complimentary a.称赞的;奉承的flourished thrived n.茂盛formidable difficult a.艰难的forward-looking progressive a.向前看的;有远见的functional usable a.合用的fundamental/rudimentary basic a.基础的;基本的glowing shining a.光亮的good name reputation n.名声;名誉graphic vivid a.生动的hard firm a.坚硬的;牢固的hard to deal with stubborn a.执拗的;固执的herald announce v.预示;预报identical exactly alike a.同样的imitate copy v.模仿;伪造immutable unchangeable a.不变的impediment obstacle n.妨碍;阻碍imperceptibly subtly ad.不可觉察地;极缓慢地implement tool n.工具;器械implication significance n.含义;意义imposing demanding a.紧迫的;紧急的in place of instead of ad.代替 in reality actually n.实际上;事实上inaccessible unreachable a.难接近的;难达到的inception beginning n.起初incinerate burn up v.烧毁incised carved a.雕刻的inclination preference n.倾向;偏好incorporate combine v.结合;合并inhibit hinder/prevent v.阻止;阻碍2initiate start v.开始;引发innovative new a.创新的insignificant unimportant a.不重要的instance case n.实例;例证integral essential a.整体的;不可缺少的integral fundamental a.基本的intense extreme a.强烈的;剧烈的intensive concentrated a.加强的,集中的intent goal n.目的intent purpose n.目的interchangeable equivalent a.相等的;可互换的intervals periods n.周期intervention influence n.干涉;影响intricate complex a.复杂的intriguing attractive a.迷人的 inviting attractive a.吸引人的;诱人的justify prove v.辩护;证实laborious difficult a.费力的lie be located v.位于load weight n.重担lured attracted v.吸引,引诱magnify intensify v.放大;强化3maintain preserve v.维持;坚持major principal a.主要的;大型的make possible allow v.允许;使可能mandated required v.要求margin edge n.边;边缘marked noticeable a.显著的means method n.方法 merely only ad.仅仅地,只不过meticulously careflly ad.小心地minuscule tiny a.很小的;微小的modifying changing v.修改;变化monopolize dominate v.独占;占优势moreover furthermore ad.此外moreover in addition ad.另外motif design n.图案;花纹mundane ordinary a.世俗的;普通的myriad many a.许多的;无数的nascent immature a.新生的;初生的nevertheless however ad.然而;仍然norm standard n.标准noted observed v.注意到noticed announced v.宣告,通告notwithstanding despite prep.尽管noxious harmful a.有害的;有毒的obvious apparent a.明显的;显而易见的optimal best a.最佳的ornate elaborate a.华丽的outbreak beginning n.爆发;开始outline summarizing v.总结;概括outstanding excellent a.杰出的;显著的overtaken surpassed v.赶上,超越peak maximum a.最高的;高峰的peculiar strange a.奇特的penetrate go through v.穿透;透过periphery outer edge n.外围persist continue v.持续personal magnetism charisma n.个人魅力pertinent relevant a.有关的phenomena event n.现象;事件picture imagine n.图片plunge drop n./v.投入,陷入ponderous heavy a.笨重的position job n.职位;职务potential possible a.潜在的;可能的precarious uncertain a.不稳定的precise accurate a.精确的prefer favor v.偏好;喜欢preside manage v.负责;统辖presumably probably ad.大概prevailed dominated v.成功,统治prevailing most frequent a.盛行的;流行的prevailing dominant a.主要的,占优势的prevent avoid v.制止;阻止primarily chiefly ad.主要地primary fundamental a.基本的;初步的prior to preceding a.在先;居前prized valued a.贵重的probe explore v.探察prolific productive a.多产的prolific fruitful a.多产的prominent distinguished a.显著的;卓越的prominent famous a.著名的proponent supporter n.支持者prototype model n.原型;范例protrude project v.突出;伸出pry off locate v.查找puncture pierce v.刺穿;刺破pursue chase v.追赶raise rear v.饲养;养育random unpredictable a.不可知的rapidity swiftness n.迅速rare infrequent a.稀有的;罕见的rather instead ad.相反;相反地readily easily ad.容易地realization awareness n.认识;意识reap accept v.收获;接受rear raise v.培养;饲养reckless irresponsible a.不负责任的recorded documented a.已纪录的recruit enlist v.征募;补充refreshing unusual a.清新的;清爽的regardless of no matter what a.不管relate connect v.相关;关联reliance dependence n.依靠remarkable significant a.异常的;非凡的representative typical a.典型的resemble be similar to v.相似;类似resolve find a solution for v.解决resort to using v.采用revered respected v.尊敬revise change v.修正;改造robust strong a.强健的;坚强的roll back reduce v.压低;减少rotting decaying v.腐烂roughly approximately ad.概略地;大约rudimentary undeveloped a.原始的;简单的rupture burst v.破裂;裂开rushing rapid a.急流的sanitation health n.卫生;健康状态saturate soak v.浸透;饱和saying two opposite things paradox n.悖论;隽语scale measure n./v.刻度/测量scarce rare a.稀有的scarcely barely ad.稀缺;珍贵scope extent n.范围scorched burned v.烧焦score musicalcompositions n.乐谱scurrying rushing v.急赶secure acquire v.获得;取得secure safe ad.安全的sedentary inactive a.不移栖的sentiment opinion n.意见;观点serve as function as v.充当;担任set establish v.确定;安置settle decide v.决定;解决settledstabled a.固定的severe poverty indigence n.贫困;赤贫shield protect v.保护;避开significant meaningful a.有重要意义的sitelocation n.地点;场所skepticism doubt n.怀疑主义;怀疑态度sketch draw v.速写;素描skilled experta.熟练的;擅长的skyrocket increase rapidly v.猛涨,突增sleep brieflynapn.小睡;打盹smooth operation effective functioning snap break v.折断;拉断sole only a.唯一的;独一的sole only a.单独的solemn serious a.严肃的;庄重的sort outseparate v.挑选出source of energy fuel n.能源;燃料spanning covering v.包含spark bring about v.激发;发动speculate hypothesize v.推测;假设staggering overwhelming a.压倒的;压倒之势的standard customary a.标准的standing not flowing a.停滞的;不流动的staple popular edition?n.大宗物品;流行的东西staple basic element n.主要成分stimulate encourage v.激发;促进story leveln.楼层;层strain stress v.拉紧,重压strength basisn.实力;基础stress emphasize v.强调striking noticeable a.显著的stringent stricta.严格的;严厉的struggle competition n.竞争subject susceptible a.易受影响的;遭受影响的subjugated conquered v.征服subsequent later a.后来的subsidize finance v.资助;赞助subsidy finance n.补助金;补贴succinct concise a.简洁的;简练的 sufficient adequate a.足够的;充足的suitably appropriately ad.适宜地sumptuous luxurious a.豪华的;奢侈的sums amounts n.和supplant replace v.取代;替代supplement extension n.补充;补遗supplement add to v.补充,增加support holdv.支持;支撑supposedly seemingly ad.想象地;表面上supremacy dominancen.至高无上;支配地位supreme most outstanding a.最大的;极度的surge increase sharply v.急剧增加surging accelerating a.高涨的;跃进的suspend hang v.挂;悬挂sustainsupportv.支撑symmetrical proportionally balanceda.对称的;匀称的tangled twisted together a.混乱的telling challenging a.有效的;有力的tempting attractive a.诱人的thanks to because of n.由于;多亏thereby by that means think highly admire v.钦佩;羡慕tolerate endure v.忍受;忍耐trace imprint n.痕迹;遗迹trend tendency n.趋势;趋向typify characterize v.代表,表现ultimately eventually ad.最后2undergoing experiencing v.经历 2undergone experienced v.经历 undergone experiencedv.经历underscore emphasize v.强调underwater craft submarine n.潜水艇undoubtedly certainly ad.的确地unique particular a.独特的unique singular a.非凡的unprecedented never seen before a.空前的unravel discover v.解开;阐明unrestricted unlimited a.无限制的;自由的unsubstantiated unverified a.未证实的;未核实的urged encouraged v.催促,鼓励usher beginning v.引导;开始various different a.不同的vary differ v.变化;改变vast large a.巨大的;广阔的vast great a.大量的venture endeavor n.冒险;冒险行动very closely intimately ad.亲密;密切vestige evidence n.遗迹;残余virtually completely n.实质地wider more extensive a.宽广的witness observe v.目睹;目击yield provide v.产生;产生效果第 11 页,共 11 页。

雅思阅读同义词替换的内容整理雅思阅读同义词替换的内容Cambridge 8 TEST 41. middle-year education=lower secondary school 中学2. format=pattern n.格式3. less successful student=struggler 差等生4. key=contributing factor=important=major=significant=critical n.关键5.achievement=attainment=progress=breakthrough=accomplishment n.成就6. spacious=largely=big=huge=vast=enormous=immense adj.宽阔的7. adapt=accessible=get used to=become/grow accustomed to=adjust to v.适应,可接近的8.careful=elaborate=conscientious=thorough=meticulous=methodical adj.认真的,细心的9.第1页/共2页千里之行,始于足下。
supplementary=assist=additional=extra=further=added=spare=more=anot her n.补充,关心10. effort=hard work=work at=push yourself=labour n.努力11. correct answer=accuracy n.精确12. imbalance=disorder=unequal=disproportionate n.不平衡,紊乱13. no longer respond=resistance=fight against 反抗14. cost=financial outlay=spend=charge=fare=rental=toll n.支出15. innate=built-in adj.先天的16. immunity=resistance n.免疫力17. entail=involve v.包含18. circumstance=system n.环境,系统【雅思阅读同义词替换的内容】文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。

Cambridge同义词替换大全(剑桥4-8)Cambridge4 TEST11.ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no notice=not take any notice忽略,无视 v.2.encounter=face=confront=meet遇见,遭遇v.3.mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n.4.easy to reach=accessible容易达到的adj.5.change=modify(modification) 改变v.6.destruction=destroy=loss毁坏n.7.investigate=make inquiries=enquiries=go into=probe=look into 调查v.8.where=geographical location 表地点9.important=vital=essential=crucial重要的adj.10.reason=cause=factor=origins=root=stimulus=impetus原因n.11.protect=guard=safeguard=shield=conservation保护v.12.newspapers, television=media媒体n.13.where to live=habitat居住地n.14.get warmer=global warming变暖n.15.contribute to=play a part有助于v.16.survive=continuing existence幸存,活下来v.17.curriculum=course=syllabus课程n.18.link to=be connected with=be linked with把…和…相联系v.19.underdeveloped=degenerated=rudimentary不发达的adj.20.poor=bad=badly=not very good=no good at something=weak贫穷的,可怜的adj.21.exceptional=good=excellent=outstanding=brilliant=impressive=admirable超常的,例外的adj.22.mating=courtship交配.23.follow=track=tail=shadow=hound=stalk=stalker跟随,跟踪v.24.good vision ability=vision is obviously more useful…好的视力25.best=well=greatest=finest=ideal= top= number one=ultimate=optimum=definitive=unsurpassed=record-breaking极好的adj.26.surprised=amazed=astonished=astounded=be taken aback=startled感到惊讶的adj.27.volunteer=subject实验研究对象n.28.similar=resemble=like=alike相似的adj.29.blind=can not see瞎的adj.Cambridge4 TEST21.initiative=on your own/by yourself=independently=on your own initiative=under your ownsteam=to be the person who starts something=plan=law主动的,自发的adj. 主动权n.2.increase=go up=rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=pick up=widen=be on theincrease=intensify=expand=build up上升,增加v.3.teach=educate=train=coach=instruct=bring up教学v.4.more than one language=bilingual=sb's second language多种语言n.5.determine=establish=identify=pinpoint=diagnose 决定v.6.young people=teenager=youth=in your teens=adolescent=minor年轻人n.munity=all the people in a particular area, city, country etc.群体,团体,社区n.8.traditional=old-fashioned=outdated=outmoded=unfashionable传统的adj.9.fail=failure=not succeed=unsuccessful=vain=fruitless=unproductive=be a failure=gowrong=not work=do no good=fall through失败v.10.endanger=to put someone or something in danger of being hurt=damaged=destroyed危及,使危险v.11.diverse=varied=variety=wide-ranging=mixed各种各样的adj.12.inevitable=certain to happen and impossible to avoid不可避免的adj.13.differ from=unusual与…不同v.14.reluctant=unwilling=not willing=drag your feet=be loath to do something=conservative勉强的adj.15.consult=ask somebody's advice=seek advice=get/obtain advice资询v.16.alternative=another=other=different=new=else=variation=variant另一个17.therapist=someone who has been trained to give a particular form of treatment for physicalor mental illness临床医学家n.18.retrain=taking courses再教育v.19.salary=pay=wage=income=earnings=fee工资,收入n.20.long-term=chronic=long-running=long-standing=lasting=lifelong=prolonged=lingering=enduring=abiding=incurable长期的adj.plaint=complain=make a complaint=protest=object=complain抱怨n.22.illness=disease=virus=bug=infection疾病 n.23.connection=relationship=link=correlation联系 n.24.beneficial=be good for you/ do somebody good=wholesome=nutritious=nourishing=healthful有益的 adj.25.insight=comprehension=understanding理解,见解 n.26.physical=relating to the body=bodily身体的 adj.27.hazard=risk=danger=threat障碍,危险n.28.accompany=with=together=along with=come wit陪伴,伴随29.mental=relating to the health or state of someone's mind精神上的,心理的 adj.30.possible=possibility=can=potential=there is a chance/possibility可能的adj.31.reduction=decrease=drop=fall=cut 减少 n.32.class=type=kind=sort=style=category=variety种类n.33.rehearsal=practice=training=run-through=exercise排练,演习 n.34.peer=your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type ofjob, social class etc同伴 n.35.defensive=used or intended to protect someone or something against attack 防御n.36.strategy=way=method=approach=technique=system=tactics 方法,功略n.37.assist=help=aid=with the aid of帮助 v.38.specific=give (somebody) more details=expand on=enlarge on=go into more=greater detail=bemore specific=be more explicit=elaborate特定的adj.39.substance=a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas 物质 n.40.surroundings=environment=circumstance 环境 n.41.engage=give somebody a job=employ=take on=appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣 v.bine=mix=stir=beat=blend=whisk=dilute联合v.43.survival=the state of continuing to live or exist幸存n.Cambridge4 TEST31.quotation= a sentence or phrase from a book, speech etc which you repeat in a speech or pieceof writing because it is interesting or amusing 引言n.2.exemplify= example=case=instance=to be a very typical example of something=to give an exampleof something 例证 v.3.explain=tell=say what/why/where etc=show=demonstrate=go through=throw/shed light on=setout解释v.4.outline= to describe something in a general way, giving the main points but not the details概述 v.5.purpose=aim=point=idea=objective=object=goal= target=end目的 n.6.encourage=persuade=persuasion=get somebody to do something=influence=encourage=talksomebody into=put somebody up to鼓励 v.7.loan= an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc. 贷款 n.8.poverty= being poor贫穷n.9.crime= illegal activities in general犯罪 n.10.reject=to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something 拒绝 v.11.employ=give somebody a job=take on=engage= appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣 v.12.courier=a person or company that is paid to take packages somewhere快递员 n.13.storage=keep=store=keep something in storage=preserve 存储n.14.facility=rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose 设备n.15.ambitious=ambition=power-hungry/power-mad=competitive= determined to be successful, rich,powerful etc.有志向的,雄心壮志的 adj.16.effort=to try very hard to do something= attempt=campaign=drive努力 n.17.feature= a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, ortypical;a part of the land, especially a part that you can see: a part of someone's face, such as their eyes, nose etc特点 n.18.planet= the world=earth/Earth=the globe 地球 n.19.unpredictable=can't say/tell=unforeseeable=it remains to be seen 无法预测的 adj.20.machinery=machines, especially large ones= a system or set of processes for doingsomething=machine=device=robot=appliance=mechanism 机械 n.21.ultimate=someone's ultimate aim is their main and most important aim, that they hope toachieve in the future= final最终的,根本的 adj.22.atmosphere= the feeling that an event or place gives you= the mixture of gases that surroundsthe Earth气氛; 大气n.23.occur=happen=take place=there is=come about=come up=turn up=arise=strike发生v.24.expand= get bigger=grow=swell up=stretch扩张,扩大v.25.form= type= way something is/appears=shape形式 n.26.emerge=appear=become visible=come into view/come into sight=come out=reappear 出现 v.27.emit= to send out gas, heat, light, sound etc 发出,放射 n.28.situation= circumstances=position=case=plight情况,状况 n.29.self-conscious=worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people thinkof you自觉的 n.30.generate= to make someone have a particular feeling= form=produce=create 产生 v.31.various=there are several different types of that thing=different=a variety ofsomething=differing=varying=an assortment of something=assorted=a mix of something=amixture of something各种各样的 adj.32.convenient= a thing or way of doing something that is easy and quick; a time or arrangementthat is convenient 方便的 adj.33.objective=impartial=neutral=not take sides=unbiased=disinterested客观的 adj.34.enquiry=investigate=make inquiries/enquiries=go into=probe=look into=solve=be underinvestigation 调查35.observe=notice=can see/can tell=see=spot=detect=note becomeaware/conscious=catch somebody's eye=perceive观察 v.ment=remark=thing to say=point=statement= announcement=declaration=observation评论37.include=consist of=comprise=be composed of= be made up of包含,包括 v.38.focus on=deals only with=concentrate专注于 v.39.affect=have an effect=have an impact=take effect= make a difference=impact影响 v.40.gained from=come from=be based on=originate= go back to=have its origins in=have its rootsin=derive from/be derived from=develop from/evolve from产生于…. V.41.concern=worry=stress=anxiety=strain= a feeling of worry about something important关心,担心n.Cambridge4 TEST41.official=formal=authorized=on (the) record官方的,正式的 adj.2.athletic=physically strong and good at sport=fit=be in shape=be in good condition运动的 adj.3.intensive=involving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period oftime=rapid=crash course密集的,加强的 adj.4.burst=a short sudden effort or increase in activity=burst of anger/enthusiasm/temper etc爆炸,突发5.recognize=know=identify=pick out=tell认出,承认v.6.inadequate=not enough=too little=few=scarce=insufficient=be in short supply=lack ofsomething=be short 不足的 adj.7.develop=come from=be based on=originate=go back to=have its origins in=have its rootsin=derive from=be derived from=be founded on=grow out of=develop from=evolve from发展,生长 v.8.enable=make something possible=allow=permit=pave the way for=clear the way for使能够 v.9.predict=anticipate=forecast=foretell=prediction=projected=guess in advance预测 v.10.specialist=someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, or is very skilled at it=expert专家 n.11.theoretical=relating to the study of ideas, especially scientific ideas, rather than withpractical uses of the ideas or practical experience理论的 adj.12.basic=fundamental=essential=central=underlying=simple=crude=primitive=rudimentary=unsophisticated=low-tech基本的 adj.13.nature=plants/animals etc=somebody's character=qualities of something=type自然 n.14.aim=purpose=point=idea=objective=object=goal=target=end目的 n.15.translate=change languages=interpret=put something into English/French/Japanese etc翻译v.16.ancient=belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago 古老的 adj.17.realistic=when pictures, films etc make things seem real=lifelike=realism=true to life=vivid实际的,现实的18.field=area=branch=world=domain=realm=sphere领域 n.19.document=a piece of paper that has official information on it;a piece of written work thatis stored on a computer文件 n.20.equal=the same in number, amount, level etc as something else平等的 adj.21.influence=effect=side effect=impact=what something does to=the implications 影响 n.22.behavior=manner=conduct=behave=well-behaved=good=be on your best=stay out of trouble行为n.pare=to examine or judge two or more things in order to show how they are similar to ordifferent from each other=liken=make a comparison=draw an analogy=draw aparallel=contrast 比较 v.24.economically=in a way that is related to systems of money, trade, or business经济上地 adv.25.establish=determine=identify=pinpoint=diagnose=to start a new business or organization.建立新的生意/组织 v.26.sustainable=able to continue without causing damage to the environment; able to continuefor a long time可持续的 adj.27.realize=know=be/become aware=can tell=appreciate=be conscious=know perfectlywell=know/learn from experience意识到 v.28.limit=restrict=set/impose/put a limit=keep to/keep within=confine=fix 限制29.produce=form=create=generate生产 v.30.guarantee=promise=assure=give somebody your word=swear=vow=commit to=pledge保证 v.31.liberty=freedom=a free hand自由 n.32.independence=self-sufficiency=self-reliance 独立 n.33.consistent=always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc -usually used to show approval持续的 adj.34.underestimate=to think or guess that something is smaller, cheaper, easier etc than it reallyis=to think that someone is not as good, clever, or skilful, as they really are低估 v.35.provision=when you provide something that someone needs now or in the future 提供 n.Cambridge5 TEST11.produce=develop=manufacture生产 v.2.central=middle中心的 adj.3.did not have=without没有 v.4.bring=confer=award=present=grant=confer=allocate=offer带来 v.5.time limit=deadline时间限制,期限 n.6.increase=go up/rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=expand=pick up=widen=intensify=build up增加7.assistant=helper=coach 助手 n.8.immense=big=major=considerable=great=huge/enormous=tremendous=large scale/large-scale巨大的 adj.9.illustrate=show=be a sign=demonstrate=mean=make clear=reflect=tell=be evidence=reveal 表明,显示 v.10.quotation=a phrase or sentence that is well-known or often used 引用语 n.11.predecessor=someone who had your job before you started doing it 前辈,前任n.12.rival=a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fightetc=competitor 对手,竞争者 n.13.distraction=something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing分心的事物 n.14.fault=defect=problem=trouble=flaw=weakness =bug=virus=be something wrong with 错误,缺点15.cornerstone=basis=foundation=the key 基石n.16.confer=award=present=grant=allocate 给予 v.17.stability=the condition of being steady and not changing稳定 n.18.prevail=win=come out on top=prevail=carry the day流行,获胜v.19.contract=agreement=understanding=compromise 合约 n.20.grant=award=present=confer=allocate给予 v.21.fascinate=if someone or something fascinates you, you are attracted to them and think theyare extremely interesting吸引,使着迷 v.22.disturb=interrupt=bother=distract=put somebody off 打扰 v.23.expect=think=anticipate预期,期待 v.24.psychology=the study of the mind and how it influences people's behavior 心理学 n.25.obey=comply with=abide by=keep to=stick to the rules=conform to=observe=respect=toe theline=go by the book/do something by the book 服从,顺从v.26.identity=someone's identity is their name or who they are 身份n.27.severity=used of the degree of something undesirable 严重性 n.28.unfold=open=happen=develop=expand 展开,发生 v.29.deliberately=intentionally=on purpose=purposely故意地 adv.30.moral=relating to the principles of what is right and wrong behavior, and with the differencebetween good and evil 道德上的,与道德有关的 adj.31.prior to=before=previous在…前面32.repetition=doing or saying the same thing many times重复 n.33.genetic=relating to genes or genetics基因的,遗传学的 adj.34.sacrifice=when you decide not to have something valuable, in order to get something thatis more important牺牲 v.35.victim=someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered受害者 n.36.forge=form=counterfeit 形成;伪造 v.37.persuade=convince=win over=talk around 说服 v.38.surrender=give in 投降,放弃 v.39.extinct=an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist anymore=disappear=vanish灭绝的,绝种的 adj.40.abundant=plenty=ample 充裕的,丰富的 adj.41.exaggerate=overstate夸张,夸大 v.42.phenomenon=something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especiallysomething that is studied because it is difficult to understand 现象 n.43.perception=idea=notion=view=belief=insight 认识,观念,看法 n.44.impression=infection=effect=influence=affection印象,感想 n.45.entitle=to give someone the official right to do or have something 使某人有权利/资格 v.46.distortion=a change for the worse=deformation扭曲,曲解 v.47.dispose=to arrange things or put them in their places=arrange=settle=manage=cope with=dealwith 安排,处理 v.48.intuition=the ability to understand or know something because of a feeling rather than byconsidering the facts=instinct 直觉 n.49.emission=a gas or other substance that is sent into the air排放物,散发物n.50.diminish=reduce=decrease=fall=lessen=cut 减少,减小v.51.postpone=put back=delay=adjourn 延期,推迟 v.52.crucial=important=critical=vital=necessary=essential 至关重要的 adj.53.pessimistic=expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that something will havea bad result=getting worse悲观的 adj.54.attempt=purpose=order=effort 尝试,努力Cambridge5 TEST21.similar=like=resemble相似的 adj.2.derive=originate=come from=stem from起源 v.3.impetus=momentum=stimulus=incentive=motivation=encouragement 动机,动力 n.4.generate=produce=bring into existence=make=manufacture产生 v.5.couple with=and=accompany=with 伴随 v.6.factor=reason=element=component=ingredient 因素 n.7.unique=have the distinction=distinct=different=extraordinary=special独特的 adj.8.advance=progress=development=growth=increase进步 n.9.field=domain=territory=industry=sector领域 n.10.alternative=substitute=replacement替代物 n.11.like=such as=for example=for instance 例如12.resource=material=source资源,来源 n.13.limited=restricted=exhaustible=finite有限的adj.14.involve=rely on=contain=comprise 包含,牵涉 v.15.current=modern=recent=present最近的adj.16.particular=extraordinary=special=detail=specific=unique特别的,独有的adj.17.draw on=absorb=do with吸收 v.18.settle on=make choice of=decide on选定 v.19.superiority=advantage=edge=high quality优势 n.20.accompany=when=keep company=be associated with 陪伴,伴随v.21.view=belief=opinion=insight=perception 观点 n.22.artificial intelligence=reasoning in machine人工智能 n.23.involve with=associate with=link to=relate to与…有关联 v.24.release=issue=launch=convey=public=deliver 发行,发表v.25.difficult=demanding=hard=tough困难的 adj.26.task=job=work=labour 任务,工作 n.27.instantly=rapidly=immediately立即地 adv.28.react=respond 反应 v.29.relate to=depend on=link to=associate with=involve with 与…有关系 v.30.subject views=outlook=personal/individual views=personal/individual opinions 主观观点 n.31.distort=to change the appearance, sound, or shape of something so that it is strange or unclear;to report something in a way that is not completely true or correct=misinterpret 扭曲,歪曲 v.32.figure out=settle=decide=tell=understand 理解,想出 v.33.assessment=appraisal=evaluation=estimate=judgment评估,估计 v.34.emerge=appear=come forth出现 v.35.remain=keep=stay=maintain保持 v.36.exploitation=development=utilization=usage利用,使用n.37.foster=cultivate=raise=nurture培养,养育 v.38.overtake=catch up=sweep over赶上,压倒 v.39.initial=original=premier最初的,开始的 adj.40.whereas=however=while=nevertheless=but=yet然而,但是 adv.Cambridge5 TEST31.outcome=product=result=conclusion=consequence 结果,后果 n.2.overcome=win=get over=exceed克服,战胜 v.3.insufficient=deficient=shortage=lack=scarcity不足的 adj.4.supply=provide=furnish=give 提供 v.unch=release=project=send=shot=emit 开始,投放 v.6.suppose=expect=imagine=guess=speculate=think猜想,设想 v.7.detect=perceive=explore=sense发觉,觉察v.8.handicap=difficult=obstacle=hindrance=bar=deterrent 障碍,困难n.9.peer=the people who are at the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, socialclass etc.同龄人,伙伴 n.10.positive=optimistic=uplifting 积极的 adj.11.administer=manage=conduct=implement=perform执行,管理 v.12.funding=money=funds=financial resource 资金,基金 n.13.interact=if people interact with each other, they talk to each other, work together etc.互动 v.14.irrigation=the supplement of land or crops with water 灌溉 n.15.sedimentation=the natural process by which small pieces of rock, earth etc settle at thebottom of the sea etc and form a solid layer 积淀 n.16.interrupt=break=violate=cut in打断,打扰 v.17.process=procedure=method=approach过程 n.18.threat=danger=intimidation 威胁 n.19.valuable=precious=worthy宝贵的,珍贵的 adj.20.construct=build=make=found 建造 v.21.blame=to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad责备,怪罪 v.22.stimulate=encourage=activate=motivate鼓励,刺激 v.23.long-term=long-run=long-period长期的 adj.24.impact=affect=influence=effect影响 v.&n.25.occur=happen=exist=come发生 v.26.contain=include=cover=possess 包含 v.itary=battlefield=martial军事的adj.28.separate=disparate=distinct=different分开的,不同的adj.29.vanish=extinct=disappear 消失 v.30.consciousness=awareness 意识 n.31.ignite=light=inflame点燃 v.32.encompass=include=contain=cover包含,围绕 v.33.reckon=think=suppose=believe=imagine=expect=feel认为 v.34.widespread=universal=extensive=popular=general广泛的,普遍的adj.unch=coin=project=release=issue创新,开辟 v.36.contemporary=modern-day, present-day同时代的adj.37.potential=possible=underlying=likely=expected=latent 潜在的,可能的adj.38.prospect=expectation=outlook=chance展望,希望n.39.perception=idea=insight=viewpoint感觉,领悟n.Cambridge5 TEST4munity=organization=group=body团体n.2.fragile=delicate脆弱的adj.3.remote=distant 遥远的 adj.4.require=desire=order=command要求 v.5.inhabitant=resident=dweller居住者,居民 n.6.consequently=thus=accordingly=hence=therefore=as a result 结果,因此 adv.7.destination=goal=end point=terminus目的地n.8.throughout=around=wholly=everywhere=end-to-end自始至终,到处,全部 adv.9.operate=act=run运转 v.10.output=product输出,产品 n.11.decline=reduction=fall=slump=decrease=recession 下降n.12.undermine=destroy=damage=hurt=ruin 破坏 v.13.revive=renaissance复兴 v.14.unusual=rare=strange=uncommon罕见的,不寻常的 adj.15.ordinary=standard=common=usual=general普通的,平常的adj.16.fragment=shard=debris=pieces=ruins碎片n.17.break=shatter=crack打碎,打破 v.18.interior=inner layer=inside 内部的n. &adj.19.insist=claim=argue=believe=think坚持,坚称 v.20.expand=extend=grow=boom=spread out=enhance扩张,扩大v.21.suppress=control=restrain=repress=put down=oppress=inhibit=ban=forbid=stifle 压制 v.22.speed up=increase speed=quicken up=accelerate speed加速 v.23.examine=analyse=survey=inspect=study=detect=investigate检查,调查 v.24.dispute=debate=controversy=disagree=argue争论,争执n.&v.25.detect=analyse=explore=research=survey=investigate=inspect 察觉,发现 v.26.claim=say=state=insist=argue=think=believe声称 v.27.cue=implication=reminder=hint=evidence提示,信号,暗号n.28.unpredictable=fluctuate=changeable无法预测的 adj.29.be referred to as=be known as=be regarded as 被称为30.encourage=induce=trigger=stimulate=boost=inspire鼓励,促使 v.31.considerable=plenty=big=major=important数量可观的 adj.32.regardless of=despite of=take no notice of 不管,不顾33.adequate=plenty=proper=appropriate=suitable充足的,适当的 adj.34.assure=make sure=guarantee=ensure=insure=secure=make certain of保证,确保 v.35.suitable=appropriate=proper=adequate=matching 合适的 adj.Cambridge6 TEST11.exchange=apply something learned in one to others=change 交流v.2.expertise=skill 专门技术n.3.employ=analyze=study 使用v.4.investigation=analysis 调查n.5.narrow=focus on 缩小范围v.6.reproduce=copy=replicate=repeat 复制v.7.funded support=finance 资金n.8.athlete=sportsmen and women 运动员n.9.calculate=measure 计算 v.10.event=championship 赛事 n.11.plan=prepare=design 计划 v.12.improve=grow=get better 进步 v.13.trade=economy 贸易n.14.transport=import or export=deliver 运输 v.15.local=domestic=native=indigenous 当地的adj.16.weakening=less=reduced=decreased 下降的adj.17.value=worth=price=credit=use=benefit=profit 价值n.18.delivery=export or import 运输 n.19.nearby nations=geographic neighbours 近邻 n.20.international=ocean=global=worldwide 国际的 adj.21.shipping=freight 船运 n.22.cargo=freight=goods 货物 n.23.tariff=charge=fee=tax 税费n.ndscape=environment=nature=surrounding=circumstance=view风景n.25.difficult=harsh=demanding=tough=challenging 困难的 adj.26.essential supplies=food and clothing=necessities 必需品 n.27.supply=provision=support 供给 n.28.grow=increase=rise=improve=go up=boost=expand=extend 增长 v.29.respect=credibility=weight=hour=admiration=consideration尊重n.30.understanding=knowledge 了解 n.31.well-being=health 健康 n.32.impossible=out of the question=unlikely 不可能 adj.33.catch=exploit=capture 抓捕 v.34.surrounding=environment=circumstance 环境 n.35.push to one's limits=test one's limits 挑战极限36.not unmanageable=can cope with 能处理的37.present inhabitant=descendant 居民38.give up=abandon 放弃39.mainly=heavily=most 主要地40.visit=venture 参观Cambridge6 TEST21.successfully=spectacularly well=wonderfully 成功地adv.2.people power=local pressure groups 群众力量n.mute=travel 通勤 v.4.higher=increasing=more 更高的 adj.5.income=wealth=salary=wage=payment 收入n.6.beneficial=valuable=profitable=good 有益的 adj.7.together=face to face 共同8.refute=not mean=rebut=deny 反驳v.9.accommodation=live=living condition 住宿n.age=use=benefit=profit 用处n.11.averagely good=reasonable but not special 较好的12.limited=minimal 有限的adj.13.move from one to another=adopt one over another 转移14.show=reveal=uncover=indicate=point out=imply 表明15.related=associated 有关联的 adj.16.suffer=be afflicted 忍受(病痛)v.17.research=study=investigation=survey 研究n.18.affect=afflict=influence=change 影响v.19.disease=medical complain=illness 病痛 n.20.increase=surge=rise=gain=grow=go up=add=escalate 上升v.21.link=correlation=connection=relationship 关系n.22.considerable=significant=substantial=massive=marked大量的 adj.23.reduction=drop=concession=fall=decrease 下降 n.24.elderly people=old people 老人n.25.independent=self-reliant 自立的 adj.26.regular=daily 定期的adj.27.exercise=physical activity 运动n.28.challenging=difficult=tough=demanding 有挑战性的adj.29.decline=deteriorate=reduce=drop=decrease 下降v.30.lonely=emotionally isolated 孤独的adj.31.hand signal=gesture=body language 手势n.32.restricted=limited 有限的adj.33.concept=abstract idea=definition 定义n.34.specific=particular=detailed 特定的adj.35.early=older 早期的adj.36.fulfill=qualify=achieve=keep=satisfy 完成v.37.sufficient=enough 足够的adj.38.quantity=how many=amount 数量n.39.misunderstanding=confusion 误解n.40.prevent=resolve=forbid=stop 防止v.41.poor=lack of=impoverished 贫穷adj.42.newer=later=recent=present 新的adj.43.ancestor=early people=predecessor 祖先n.Cambridge6 TEST31.teach=educate=cultivate=nature 教育v.2.actor=star 演员n.3.first=initial=early=primary 最早的adj.4.storyline=narrative=plot 故事情节n.5.globe=world 世界n.6.early=first=ancient 早期的adj.7.passing of time=flow of time 时光的流逝8.describe=tell 描述v.9.realistic=achievable 现实的adj.10.target=goal=aim 目标n.11.feedback=comment=advice=criticism 反馈n.12.match to=suit to 合适13.reward=promotion or advancement=prize=benefit 奖励n.14.link to=make something contingent on=associate with=connect with=relate to 联系起来15.achievement=attainment=gain=success 成就n.16.remuneration=payment 酬金n.17.tend to=prone to 倾向于18.feel=perceive=think=find=experience=notice=have an opinion 感觉v.19.participate=be involved in=take part in=join 参加v.20.staff=employee=worker 员工n.21.visible=disclosed=obvious=noticeable 可见的adj.22.clerical worker=clerk 书记员n.23.judge=rate=criticize=assess=evaluate=gauge=appraise 评判v.24.job=work=assignment 工作n.25.delay=slow=prolong=postpone=procrastinate=shelve=put off延后v.26.growing old=ageing 变老27.people=mortal=people=individual 人n.28.life=lifespan 生命29.chance=likelihood=fortune=hope=possibility=opportunity=risk=luck 机会n.30.production=generation=output 产量n.31.theory=hypothesis=guess=guesswork 猜想n.32.focus on=emphasize=aim at=concentrate on 集中于33.short=scarce=limited=insufficient 短缺的adj.Cambridge6 TEST41.drug company=pharmaceutical company 医药公司n.2.promotion=marketing 营销n.3.increase=escalate=rise=go up=grow 上升v.4.research=study=survey=investigation 研究n.5.work=be an effective way=be useful=help=achieve=succeed=have an effect=happen=turn out 奏效v.6.technique=strategy=skill=expertise=method=way 技术n.7.criticism=judgement=skepticism=disapproval=denunciation 批评n.8.moral=ethical 道德的 adj.9.legitimate=have every right to do=legal=right=authorized 合法的adj.10.money=profit=benefit=income=currency 钱n.11.adults=men and women 成人n.。

雅思阅读同义词替换表 Document number:PBGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-PTT1998阅读词汇考频考查的单词正确的选项词性中文含义abundant plentiful a. 大量的accelerate increase v. 加速;加大accessible available a. 可用的2accordingly for that reason;consequentlyad. 因此2account (for)explain v. 解释;说明accumulate collect v. 积累;积聚a couple of years two years 两年adequate sufficient a. 充足的adhere stick v. 黏附;胶着adjunct addition n. 附加物administered managed v. 管理adorn decorate v. 装饰advent arrival n. 出现、到达adversely negatively ad. 不利地;有害地advocate proponent n. 倡导者;辩护者aesthetically artistically ad. 审美地;美学地affront insult v 侮辱轻蔑aid help v. 帮助alert wary a. 机敏的allay reduce v. 减少alter change v. 改变;调整alternative option n. 替代;替代物altogether completely ad. 完全地ancillary secondary a. 附属的;辅助的annihilate conquer v. 消灭;征服antagonist enemy n. 对手;敌人antecedent predecessor n. 先辈anticipate look forward to v. 期待;盼望apace with as fast as 快速的appealing attractive a. 吸引人的apply used for v. 应用;适用appreciated (-tion)recognized(-tion) v.(-n) 赏识aptly appropriately ad. 适当地arduous difficult a. 艰巨的;艰苦的article object n. 物品,物体ascend climb v. 攀升;升高2 assemble gather; bring together v. 装配;组合assortment variety n. 品种;种类assumption belief n. 确信的想法attachment preference for n. 依恋;偏好2attained achieved; reached v. 达到attendant accompanying n. 服务员attire clothing n. 衣着;盛装2 attribute credit; characteristics v. 被认为;被鉴定;特征avail make use v. 有用avid eager a. 渴望的;热心的barren infertile a. 贫瘠的;不毛的besides in addition to prep. 除此之外2 bias prejudice n. 偏见;嗜好bind tie v. 捆;绑;使结合boosted raised v. 提高,推进2bound limit held n. v. 范围;界限;限制break departure from n. 决裂;破裂brief look glance n. 瞥视;浏览bring about cause v. 导致;引起brittle easily broken a. 易碎的calculate determine v. 计算;确定came to the forefront became importantcarried on continued v. 继续carry support v. 支撑;支持cease stop v. 停止;结束celebratory full of praise n. 颂扬celestial astronomical a. 天空的;天上的chance unplanned a. 偶然的;碰巧的characteristics qualities n. 性质,特性chronicle describe v. 记述classify categorize v. 分类clear unobstructed a. 畅通的;无阻的2 clue information n. 线索;信息cluster group v. 成群2coarse rough; crude a. 粗糙的coin create v. 创造;杜撰coincide with happen at the same time ad. 同时2collective(-ly) group (together) n.(ad) 集体(共同地)come of age establish itself v. 达到法定年龄;确立自身地位comparably similarly ad. 可比地;相当地compelling forceful a. 被迫的component parts n. 部分compose focus on v. 创作;创造comprise consist of v. 包含;包括concealed covered a. 隐藏着的concentrate cluster v. 集中;积聚conclusive definitive a. 最后的concomitant with in conjunction with ad. 协同concrete specific a. 具体的;特定的concur agree v. 同意configuration arrangement n. 结构;形状2confine limit; restrict v. 限制;局限confirm uphold v. 证实;确认conflicting opposing a. 冲突的;抵触的conjectural based on guessing a. 猜测的;推测的consequence result n. 结果2 conserve store; retain v. 保存;保护3 considerable large; substantial; much;greata. 很重要的;很大的consistent constant a. 持续的consort associate v. 结交conspicuous noticeable a. 显着的2 constituent (-v.) component (make up) n. (v.) 成分;要素(构成;组成)consumed (-n) eaten (eat) v. (n.) 吃掉2contemporary existing; written at that time a. n. 当代的;现有的;同时代convergence gathering n. 聚集2convert change v. 转换correspondingly similarly ad. 相应地;对应地count weigh v. 有价值;有分量counteract negate v. 抵消;反作用counterpart version n. 复本;对应物crisscross move back and forth v. 穿梭;交错往来 critical judge of fine arts connoisseur n. 鉴赏家;评论家crucial important a. 重要的cumbersome burdensome a. 麻烦的;笨重的dampen moisten v. 使潮湿daring bold a. 勇敢的;大胆的deft skilled a. 熟练的;灵巧的deliberate careful a. 审慎的;仔细的demand require v. 要求;需求demise death n. 死亡demonstrate show v. 表明;证实dense thick a. 稠密的;浓厚的depend rely v. 依靠depict represent; describe v. 描述depress lower v. 压低;使沮丧derive obtain v. 得到derived from based on v. 基于2 detectable measurable; apparent a. 可察觉的;易发现的detecting finding v. 探测devastated ruined a. 毁坏的;被破坏的developing evolving a. 发展的;演化的2 devote to dedicate; specializing in v. 致力于;献身于dictate determine v. 指示;决定diffuse travel v. 扩散;传播disaster catastrophe n. 灾难discard get rid of v. 丢弃;抛弃discrete separate adj. 不连续的dispute argument n. 争论;争执disseminate spread/impart v. 散布;传播2 distinct separate; different a. 清晰的;不同的distinguish differentiate v. 区分;辨别divergence difference n. 差异;变化3diverse dissimilar; varied; different a. 多种多样的;不一样的dividing line boundary n. 边界;分界线do sth. repeatedly iterate v. 重复;反复2 domain field; region n. 领域;范围dominate be prevalent in v. 支配;控制dramatic striking a. 显着的2drastic (-ly) radical (severely) a. (ad) 激烈的;猛烈的2 draw attract; instruct v. 吸引;引导2 durability (-able) endurance (long-lasting) n. (a.) 经久,耐久(持久的;耐用的)dwelling house n. 住处;寓所eager enthusiastic a. 热心的2 easily moved portable a. 轻便的;可携带的2effect (-iciency) influence (effectiveness) v. (n.) 影响;效果elaborately done in great detail ad. 详尽地;精心地elevate promote v. 提高;提升elicit bring out v. 引出embraced welcomed v. 欢迎emerge appear v. 浮现;出现2emit (-ing) give off (producing) v. 发出(生产,发行) emphasize stress v. 强调employ use v. 雇佣;应用2 enable allow; help v. 使能够;使可能enactment performance n. 演出;表演encompass include v. 包含end goal n. 末端;目的endless continuous a. 不断的engaged hired v. 雇佣ensure guarantee v. 保证entire whole a. 全部的entity object n. 实体;存在entomb trap v. 埋葬;设陷阱era period of time n. 时期eradicate eliminate v. 除去;消除erroneous ideas misconception n. 误解;错误观念erroneouslymistake v. 误以为;误认为identified as2essence (-tial) basic nature; fundamental n. (a.) 基本(基本的) establish create v. 设立;创作estimated judged v. 鉴定evidence indicate n. 迹象;预示evolution development n. 发展exalted superior a. 高贵的;崇高的2 excavate dig v. 挖掘;开凿exceptional remarkable a. 非同一般的execute create v. 造成;制成;履行;执行exercise utilize v. 行使,利用exert cause v. 引起;产生exorbitant expensive a. 昂贵的expendable unprofitable a. 没有用的2 expose subject to; uncover v. 使暴露;暴露于2 extend stretch;increase v. 延长;扩展2extol praise v. 赞美2 extract remove v. 提取;取得extraordinary supreme a. 非凡的;极度的2fabricate make; construct v. 制作;装配faction side n. 小派系fashion create v. 造成,引起fatal deadly a. 致命的2favor prefer v. 喜爱feed put v. 供给;供应feel detect v. 察觉;感觉finding scientific discoveryfine (-ly) tiny; minutely a. 细小的fixture commonplace object n. 固定设备;附属装置flamed burned a. 燃烧的flattering complimentary a. 称赞的;奉承的flourished thrived n. 茂盛forage feed v. 搜索;寻找食物foremost leading adj. 最主要的formidable difficult a. 艰难的forward-looking progressive a. 向前看的;有远见的frame (-work)pose (structure) v. (n.) 构造;提出 (框架结构) freeing releasing n. 解除,释放functional usable a. 合用的fundamental basic a. 基础的;基本的furnish provide v. 提供fuse combine v. 熔合;结合gambit calculated risk n. 策略;谋略gap open n. 缺口;缝隙give way to turn into v. 让位;变成glowing shining a. 光亮的good name reputation n. 名声;名誉graphic vivid a. 生动的gradually by degrees ad. 逐渐地grumbled complained v. 抱怨hard firm a. 坚硬的;牢固的hard to deal with stubborn a. 执拗的;固执的hardiest most vigorous a. 最强壮的heart center n. 中心hemisphere side n. 半球;半边henceforth from that time on ad. 自此以后herald announce v. 预示;预报hinged on depended on v. 依靠hinterland region n. 地方;区域ideal perfect a. 完美的identical exactly alike a. 同样的ignite set on fire v. 点燃imitate copy v. 模仿;伪造immunity protection n. 保护immutable unchangeable a. 不变的impediment obstacle n. 妨碍;阻碍imperceptibly subtly ad. 不可觉察地;极缓慢地implement tool n. 工具;器械implication significance n. 含义;意义imposing demanding a. 紧迫的;紧急的in place of instead of ad. 代替in reality actually n. 实际上;事实上inaccessible unreachable a. 难接近的;难达到的inception beginning n. 起初incinerate burn up v. 烧毁incised carved a. 雕刻的inclination preference n. 倾向;偏好incorporate combine v. 结合;合并incriminate blame 有罪induce cause vt. 导致influx arrival n. 流入;到达ingenuity resourcefulness n. 机灵inhibit hinder v. 阻止;阻碍2 initiate start; cause v. 开始;引发2 innovation (-tive) new idea (new) n. 创新;革新(创新的)insignificant unimportant a. 不重要的instance case n. 实例;例证integral essential; fundamental a. 整体的;不可缺少的2intense (-sive) extreme (concentrated) a. 强烈的;(加强的,集中的) intent goal; purpose n. 目的interchangeable equivalent a. 相等的;可互换的intervals periods n. 周期intermittently periodically ad 间歇的intervention influence n. 干涉;影响intricate complex a. 复杂的intriguing attractive; fascinate a. 迷人的invade move into v. 侵入inviting attractive a. 吸引人的;诱人的justify prove v. 辩护;证实key important a.重要的laborious difficult a. 费力的lament complain about v. 抱怨lie be located v. 位于load weight n. 重担locale place n. 场所lured attracted v. 吸引,引诱magnify intensify v. 放大;强化3 maintain preserve; keep v. 维持;坚持major principal a. 主要的;大型的make possible allow v. 允许;使可能mandate require v. 要求margin edge n. 边;边缘2marked pronounce; noticeable a. 明显的;显着的means method n. 方法merely only ad. 仅仅地,只不过meteoric rapid a. 迅速的meticulously careflly ad. 小心地minuscule tiny a. 很小的;微小的minute tiny a. 微小的;细微的modifying changing v. 修改;变化momentarily briefly ad. 短暂的monopolize dominate v. 独占;占优势moreover furthermore; in addition ad. 此外motif design n. 图案;花纹mundane ordinary a. 世俗的;普通的myriad many a. 许多的;无数的nascent immature a. 新生的;初生的nevertheless however ad. 然而;仍然norm standard n. 标准noted observed v. 注意到noticed announced v. 宣告,通告notwithstanding despite; in spite of prep. 尽管nourish feed 喂养noxious harmful a. 有害的;有毒的obtain get; acquire v. 获得;取得obvious apparent a. 明显的;显而易见的optimal best a. 最佳的ornate elaborate a. 华丽的oscillate swing v. 摇摆震荡outbreak beginning n. 爆发;开始outline summarizing v. 总结;概括outstanding excellent a. 杰出的;显着的 over great distances faraway a. 遥远之处overtaken surpassed v. 赶上,超越partitioning division n. 划分peak maximum a. 最高的;高峰的peculiar strange a. 奇特的penetrate go through v. 穿透;透过people in the play actor n. 演员;剧中人物periphery outer edge n. 外围permeate spread through v. 传遍persist continue v. 持续personal magnetism charisma n. 个人魅力pertinent relevant a. 有关的phenomena event n. 现象;事件pick up follow v. 寻找;寻路picture imagine n. 图片pit hole n. 坑;洼地place measure v.plunge drop n./v. 投入,陷入ponderous heavy a. 笨重的pore hole n. 毛孔;细孔position job n. 职位;职务postulate suggest v 假定potential possible a. 潜在的;可能的precarious uncertain a. 不稳定的precise accurate a. 精确的prefer favor v. 偏好;喜欢preoccupation involvement n. 专心preside over manage v. 负责;统辖presumably probably ad. 大概prevailed dominated v. 成功,统治2prevailing most frequent; dominant a. 盛行的;流行的prevent avoid v. 制止;阻止2primary (-ly) fundamental (chiefly) a. (ad.) 基本的;初步的(主要地) prior to preceding a. 在先;居前prized valued a. 贵重的probe explore v. 探察produce butter n. 产物;产品2prolific productive (fruitful) a. 多产的prominent distinguished (famous) a. 显着的;卓越的proponent supporter n. 支持者prospect possibility n. 期望;前景prototype model n. 原型;范例protrude project v. 突出;伸出pry off locate v. 查找puncture pierce v. 刺穿;刺破pursue chase v. 追赶raise rear v. 饲养;养育random unpredictable a. 不可知的rapidity swiftness n. 迅速rare infrequent a. 稀有的;罕见的rather (than)instead (of) ad. 相反;相反地raw unprocessed adj. 未加工的readily easily ad. 容易地realization awareness n. 认识;意识reap accept v. 收获;接受rear raise v. 培养;饲养reckless irresponsible a. 不负责任的recorded documented a. 已纪录的recruit enlist v. 征募;补充refreshing unusual a. 清新的;清爽的regardless of no matter what a. 不管relate connect v. 相关;关联reliance dependence n. 依靠remarkable significant a. 异常的;非凡的renounce reject v. 拒绝representative typical a. 典型的resemble be(appear)similar to v. 相似;类似resolve find a solution for v. 解决resort to using v. 采用revered respected v. 尊敬revise change v. 修正;改造revitalize bring new life to v. 新生robust strong a. 强健的;坚强的roll back reduce v. 压低;减少2 rotate alternate; turn v. 轮流;更迭rot decay v. 腐烂roughly approximately ad. 概略地;大约rudimentary undeveloped a. 原始的;简单的run operate v. 操纵rupture burst v. 破裂;裂开rushing rapid a. 急流的sanitation health n. 卫生;健康状态saturate soak v. 浸透;饱和saying twoparadox n. 悖论;隽语opposite thingsscale measure n./v. 刻度/测量2scarce (-ly) rare (barely) a. (ad.) 稀有的scatter irregularly distribute v. 分散scope extent n. 范围scorched burned v. 烧焦score musical compositions n. 乐谱scurrying rushing v. 急赶2secure acquire; safe v. ad. 获得;取得;安全的sedentary inactive a. 不移栖的sentiment opinion n. 意见;观点serve as function as v. 充当;担任set establish v. 确定;安置2settle (-ed) decide (stabled) v. 决定;解决(固定的)severe poverty indigence n. 贫困;赤贫shield protect v. 保护;避开significant meaningful a. 有重要意义的site location n. 地点;场所skepticism doubt n. 怀疑主义;怀疑态度sketching drawing n. 速写;素描skilled expert a. 熟练的;擅长的skyrocket increase rapidly v. 猛涨,突增sleep briefly nap n. 小睡;打盹smooth operation effective functioningsmother eliminate v. 覆盖;除去snap break v. 折断;拉断2sole only a. 唯一的;独一的solemn serious a. 严肃的;庄重的sort out separate v. 挑选出source of energy fuel n. 能源;燃料span cover v. 包含spawn create v. 产生spark bring about v. 激发;发动speculate hypothesize v. 推测;假设staggering overwhelming a. 压倒的;压倒之势的standard customary a. 标准的standing not flowing a. 停滞的;不流动的2staple popular edition; basicelementn.大宗物品;流行的东西主要成分stimulate encourage v. 激发;促进story level n. 楼层;层strain stress v. 拉紧,重压strength basis n. 实力;基础stress emphasize v. 强调striking noticeable a. 显着的stringent strict a. 严格的;严厉的strive try 努力奋斗struggle competition n. 竞争subject susceptible a. 易受影响的;遭受影响的subjugate conquer v. 征服subsequent later a. 后来的2subsidy (-ize) finance n. (v.) 补助金;补贴subtle slight adj. 微小的;精细的succinct concise a. 简洁的;简练的sufficient adequate a. 足够的;充足的suitably appropriately ad. 适宜地sumptuous luxurious a. 豪华的;奢侈的sums amounts n. 和supplant replace; displace v. 取代;替代2 supplement extension; add to n. 补充;补遗support hold v. 支持;支撑supposedly seemingly ad. 按照推测;表面上supremacy dominance n. 至高无上;支配地位supreme most outstanding a. 最大的;极度的2surge (-ing) increase sharply(accelerating)v. (a.) 急剧增加(高涨的;跃进的)suspend hang v. 挂;悬挂sustain support v. 支撑symmetrical proportionally balanced a. 对称的;匀称的tangled twisted together a. 混乱的teeming with full of 充满telling challenging a. 有效的;有力的tempting attractive a. 诱人的testimony evidence of n. 证据thanks to because of n. 由于;多亏thereby by that means ad.因此think highly admire v. 钦佩;羡慕thrive grow well v. 茁壮成长thwart frustrate v. 使受挫tolerate endure v. 忍受;忍耐trace imprint n. 痕迹;遗迹transition change, convert v. 转变trend tendency n. 趋势;趋向typify characterize v. 代表,表现ultimately eventually; in the end ad. 最后2 undergo experience v. 经历underscore emphasize v. 强调underwater craft submarine n. 潜水艇undoubtedly certainly ad. 的确地2unique particular; singular a. 独特的unprecedented never seen before a. 空前的unravel discover v. 解开;阐明unrestricted unlimited a. 无限制的;自由的unsubstantiated unverified a. 未证实的;未核实的urged encouraged v. 催促,鼓励usher beginning v. 引导;开始2vary (-ious) differ (-ent) v. 变化;改变(不同的) 2vast large; great a. 巨大的;广阔的venture endeavor n. 冒险;冒险行动very closely intimately ad. 亲密;密切vessel craft n. 船vestige evidence n. 遗迹;残余virtually completely n. 实质地want to much greedy a. 贪婪的;贪心的whether if conj. 是否wider more extensive a. 宽广的witness observe v. 目睹;目击yield provide v. 产生;产生效果。

雅思阅读常见同义词替换1. rigid/ stiff/ unchanged/ little change 僵硬的,一成不变的2.significant/enormous/dramatic/tremendous/appreciably/remarkable/crucial/substantial 大量的3. approximately 将近-nearly almost4. proportion/ percentage 比例5. be involved (in)/ involve in/ involvement [n.] 涉及,卷入,参与6. given/ considering in regard to / despite/ although 有鉴于,考虑到,尽管7. fortune/ destiny/ chances 命运8. deplete 开采完,耗尽/ exhaust –exhaust emission (尾气)排放/ exploit9. complex 错综复杂的/ complicated/ sophisticated 老奸巨滑的,复杂的10. capacity能力,容量/ competence (竞争)能力/ ability 能力(笼统的)11. 确保,保障:Secure-security/ ensure (insure)/ guarantee 押金12. solely/ merely/ only 仅仅13. a vast array of 系列/ a great variety of 花样,品种/ a great rang of 系列14. pesticide 杀虫/ suicide 自杀/ homicide/ murder杀人15. believe/ assume (responsibility)/ suppose 认为16. 授权,委托:authorize/ commission 佣金/ entitle 头衔 + ment =right (权利)17. purchase/ buy 购买18. ethnic 种族的/ ethic 伦理,道德的 + s =[n ]19. modify/ change [v] shift work 轮班工作[n]20. insight/knowledge/ learning/ understanding/ knowing 见识,理解21. constrain拘泥,限制/ restrict 限制/ limit22. circumstance 环境(社会)/ surroundings/ environment 环境(环保)背景 background 后台 / settings后台,布景/ context 上下文(文章中)23. notorious 臭名昭著的/ flagrant臭的>generate 生产,制造/ degrade ->grade 等级/ deteriorate 恶化,每况愈下24.分类:category-categorize/ class-classify25. consequence后果->影响/ subsequence紧跟其后/ sequence=order秩序/ frequency频率26. clash 冲突(民族,种族)/crash 飞机坠毁27. substitution=> substitute sth for sb /replace 代替28. alternative=> 选择性,代替性,辅助性29. 孤立:isolate/ alienate/insulate隔绝,排外,孤立->be alien to/insulate (-ior) 绝缘,隔热(体)30. 缺点,不足之处:defect/ flaw/ failing/ disadvantage /drawback31. induce [v] 引入,引导,引诱/ inductive [n] 归纳 >< deduce /deductive 推断32. 创新的,发明的,新颖的,创新的:inventive (-tion)/ innovative (-tion)/creative (-tion)/ ingenious (ity)/novel (-ty) =>[n]/creative/revolutionary易错拼写:environment/ convenient33. neutral 中立的,中性的 /negative 否定,消极,阴性的 /positive 肯定,积极,阳性的34. ambiguous->ambiguity 模棱两可的,暧昧的/obscure35. communicate 沟通,传达,通报36. accommodate 1供...食宿,2=adapt to 适应,调整,3=hold 容纳,4使…停靠37. commitment 1 ~ to sth 奉献 2 责任义务38. contribute to 导致 ~ result in /account for (占据)导致39.缺乏的,不足的:inadequate/ insufficient/ deficient/lack (of)/ short (of)40. 强调:emphasize/ stress/ highlight/ focus on/ concentrate on 明显的:apparently 显而易见的/patently 道貌岸然的/ obviously=>evidently41. 对…怀疑:(be) /skeptical/skeptical /dubious/ suspicious (about/of)42. 缺点,缺陷:drawback/ fault/ defect/ imperfection/ failing/ weakness/ shortcoming/ flaw43. 臭命昭著的:notorious->notoriety/ flagrant/ smelly/ odorous44. 组织:association/ structure /organization45. 超过:exceed/ surpass46. 岩浆:molten rock/ lava/ magma47. 语言:linguist ~学家/ lingual和~有关的/ bilingual/ 双语48. 多种多样的:diversity/ variety/ breed/ species49. breed:[n]品种,[v]繁殖,培养,引起,造成50. dialect 方言 accent 腔调51. 开始的,初步的:begin/ launch/ initial (-ly) [v] 首字母,开始的/ initiate开始,发动->initiative原创性= origin52. 贫穷:poor/ in poverty/ impoverished(被剥夺财产的)53. 杰出:eminence (-t)/ prominence (-t)/unusual54. gene/ genetic defect ~缺陷/ anatomy解剖/ conceive构思,怀孕/ deliver 分娩55. 辅助性:alternative 补充性/ therapist56. 演绎,推理:deduce->deductive / inferential >< induce 引导,引入,归纳-> induction 归纳57. 令人困惑的:bewildering/ puzzling/ perplexing58. apply:紧靠,涂,将…应用于,适用,专心致力于,献身于59. subsidize辅助/ subsidy 补助,补贴/ subsidiary60. a factor in sth/ depend on sth 取决于61. be preferred by/ choice 被选62. attitude to/ how 态度......63. the present century/ modern society 现代社会64. broad/ great 大的65. in term of 按照,在…方面,关于/with regard to in spite of 不顾,尽管66. small-scale 小范围/ marginal 边缘处的67. physical/ medical 医疗的68. negotiation/ agreement 谈判,洽谈/ 商定,协议69. evolve/ develop 进化70. apartment/ accommodation 公寓/ 住房71. virtual (love)/ simulate 模拟的(网恋)/ 模拟72. catastrophe/ disaster 大灾难/ 灾难,不幸73. innovate/ invent 革新,创新/ 发明,创造74. sculpture/ craft 雕刻,雕塑/ 工艺75. exorbitant/ expensive 过度的,极高的/ 费用大的,昂贵的76. be participant in/ take part in /participate in 参加77. labour [美,澳]/work78. attend to/ take care of 照顾79. dual employment/ dual-worker 双职工(家庭)80. indicate/ predict 指示,表明,象征/ 预料,预言81. A major contributor to/ be central to 来源,起点/ 是…的主要,中心原因82. expert/ therapist 专家,能手;知识丰富的/ 某个专科的专家83. lead to/ be associated with相联系(带来…的好处)84. balanced/ equitable 平等的85. detrimental : dangerous/harmful 有害的86. creativity: innovation, ingenuity 创新87. positive: advantageous 优点88. domain: field 领域。

雅思阅读同义词替换(Cambridge 7)1. rely on=depend on 依靠 v.2. avoid=stay away=keep away=steer clear of=make a detour 避免 v.3. die out=extinct=disappear=no longer exist 灭绝 v.4. hunt=search for=look for=try to find=in search of 打猎 v.5. limb=arm or leg=body=organ 四肢 n.6. perceive=sense=see=spot=become aware of=observe 感知,感觉 v.7. calculate=measure=work out=figure=estimate=access 计算 v.8. detection=finding=observation 探测 n.9. coin=invent=make=create=come up with 发明,创造 v.10. inaccurate=incorrect=wrong=misleading 不精确的 adj.11. revision=change=shift=reform=alteration 改进 n.12. downward=fall=drop=downhill 下降的 adj.13. increasing=soaring=growing=rising 上升的 adj.14. primarily=mainly=largely=chiefly=principally 主要地 adv.15. due to=because of=as a result of=thanks to=owing to 因为16. decrease=reduce=fall=drop 下降 v.17. radical=not traditional=new=unconventional 激进的 adj.18. prior to=beforehand=before=in advance=on the eve of 之前19. demanding=difficult=hard=challenging=tough 要求高的,艰难的 adj.20. well known=notorious=famous=renowned 著名的 adj.21. admit=acknowledge=confess=to tell the truth 承认 v.22. be similar to=like=resemble=bear a resemblance to=akin to 相似 v.23. result in=lead to=cause=give rise to=bring about 引发,导致24. sophisticated=advanced=high-tech=complex=complicated 复杂的25. address=solve=deal with=handle 处理 v.26. imitate=copy=impersonate=follow one's example 模仿 v.27. maintain=continue=carry on=keep up=preserve 维持 v.28. feed=eat=have=chew=swallow=consume 喂食 v.29. illustrate=show=demonstrate=make clear=reflect 说明 v.30. memorize=learn=commit something to memory 记忆 v.31. conventional=traditional=conformist=conservative 传统的 v.32. notice=see=spot=be aware of=be conscious of 注意到 v.33. retain=keep=save=hold on to 保持 v.34. convince=persuade=win sb. over=satisfy 使确信 v.35. spectacular=impressive=imposing=striking=grand 壮观的 adj.1. interior=inner=inside 内部的 adj.2. change=shift=alter=transfer 改变 v.3. establish=build=found=set up=start 建立 v.4. official=authority=leader=supervisor 官员 n.5. isolated=inaccessible=distant=remote=faraway 隔离的, 边远的 adj.6. collapse=fall=fall over=fall down 倒塌 v.7. destroy=devastate=wreck=obliterate 毁灭 v.8. absorb=digest=take in=assimilate 吸收 v.9. severe=serious=stiff=heavy 严重的 adj.10. purify=refine=distill 净化 v.11. hidden=disguised=concealed=veiled 隐藏的 adj.12. decline=decrease=reduce=fall=drop 下降 v.13. deteriorate=get worse=go down=decline 变坏 v.14. recognize=know=identify=pick out 认出 v.15. conclude=summarize=come to/reach the conclusion 得出结论 v.16. adapt to=get used to=become accustomed to=adjust to 适应 v.17. initiate=start=launch=open=set in motion 开始,发起 v.18. refer to=mention=allude to=touch on 提到 v.19. identify=name=recognize=diagnose 确定,认同 v.20. request=demand=claim=petition=appeal 要求 n.21. be divided into=separate=split=break up=break down 分开 v.22. consist of=be made up of=be composed of=comprise 由…组成23. hinder=hamper=impede 阻碍 v.24. objective=aim=purpose=goal=target 目标 n.25. implement=carry on=execute=put sth. Into practice 实行 v.26. promote=encourage=help=aid 促进 v.27. warn=caution=alert=give sb. a warning 警告 v.28. observation post=watchtower 瞭望塔 n.29. access=entrance=entryway=way in 通路,进入 n.cause=reason=factor=origin=root 原因 n.measure=weigh=time=take=read 测量 v.route=motorway=highway=expressway 车道 n.exclude=omit=miss out=leave out=drop 排除在外 v.renewable=sustainable=recycling=environmentally friendly 可再生的 adj.6. exist=there is/are=be found=occur 存在 v.7. limit=restrict=constrain=confine=keep to 限制 v.8. boundary=border=edge=outskirts=frontier 边界 n.9. allow for=make sth. possible 使…成为可能10. proposal=suggestion=recommendation=proposition 提议 n.11. urban=city=town=municipal 城市的 adj.12. odour=smell=stench=stink 味道 n.13. find one's way=navigate 导航 v.14. bearing=position=standing 方位 n.15. exchange=share=distribute 分享 v.16. waste=unwanted materials=rubbish=garbage=trash 废物 n.17. dental=teeth 牙齿的 adj.18. priority=preferential=the most important=overriding 优先 n.19. encourage=promote=help=support=be supportive 鼓励 v.20. explore=look for=discuss=think 探索 v.21. factor=cause=reason=root=origin 因素 n.22. cultivate=grow=raise 培养 v.23. convert=modify=transfer=adapt=customize 转变 v.24. digest=take in=absorb=assimilate 消化 v.25. preserve=protect=keep=store=keep sth. In storage 保存,保护 v.26. monitor=watch=keep an eye on 监视 v.27. allocate=distribute=apportion=grant=confer 分配 v.28. decline=decrease=reduce=fall=drop 下降 v.29. fragile=weak=delicate=breakable=feeble 脆弱的 adj.30. upgrade=improve=make =make improvements 改进,提高v.31. advanced=developed=sophisticated=high-tech 先进的 adj.32. sustainable=renewable=recycling=environmentally friendly 可持续的adj.33. evidence=proof=documentation 证据 n.34. long-standing=lengthy=long-running=lasting 长期的 adj.1. large numbers of=tens of thousands of=many 大量的2. large=massive=huge=enormous=vast 巨大的 adj.3. resemble=look like=alike=much the same=akin to 相像 v.4. foe=enemy=adversary=hostile 敌人 n.5. more than=exceed=over=in excess of 超过 v.6. decrease=crash=reduction=fall=drop 下降 n.7. stop=halt=come to a halt 停止 v.8. sufficient=abundant=enough=adequate 充足的 adj.9. establish=found=build=set up 建立 v.10. be Successful=prosper=do well=succeed=thrive 成功11. recognize=certify=accept=acknowledge 承认 v.12. label=display=call=brand=hail 贴标签,命名 v.13. adapt=adjust=get used to=become/grow accustomed to 适应 v.14. mistake=error=fault=slip=mix-up 错误 n.15. keep a check on=monitor=watch=keep an eye on 监视 v.16. unexpected=unpredictable=unforeseeable 不可预见的 adj.17. generally=in general=in the whole=all in all=all things considered 大体上的 adv.18. previously=before=earlier=formerly 先前 adv.19. apply=use=make use of=exercise=utilize 应用 v.20. due to=because=since=owing to=thanks to=as a result of 因为21. raise=lift=lift up=pick up=scoop up 使…上升 v.22. in addition=besides=additionally=too=also=as well 除此之外23. inhabitant=resident=population=citizen=local 居民 n.24. collapse=failure=fall 崩塌,失败 n.25. set up=establish=found=start=open 建立26. ensure=make sure=make certain=see to it that 保证 v.27. assist=help=aid=give a hand=do sth. For 协助 v.28. deny=refuse=withhold 否认 v.29. permit=allow=let=agree to=authorize 许可 v.30. interfere=intrude=disrupt=meddle 干扰 v.31. repeat=redo=retake=do sth. again 重复 v.32. prevent=stop=restrain=hold back=discourage 阻止 v.33. disrupt=disturb=upset=break up 打扰 v.34. long-term=chronic=long=lengthy=long-running 长期的 adj.35. expose=show=reveal=present=let sb. see 暴露,揭发 v.36. intense=strong=passionate=powerful=fervent 强烈的 adj.37. random=arbitrary=at random 任意的,随机的 adj.38. require=demand=need=call for 要求 v.39. fatigue=tiredness=exhaustion=drowsiness 疲劳 n.40. manifest=show=reveal=present 显示 v.41. concentrate=pay attention=put one's mind on=attentive 专注 v.42. produce=make=manufacture=create=fashion 生产 v.43. carry out=implement=put sth. into practice=execute 实行 v.44. perform=do=conduct=dabble in 执行 v.。


雅思阅读高频同义词替换表TEST 11. ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no notice=not take any notice忽略,无视v.2. encounter=face=confront=meet遇见,遭遇v.3. mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n.4. easy to reach=accessible容易达到的adj.5. change=modify(modification) 改变v.6. destruction=destroy=loss毁坏n.7. investigate=make inquiries=enquiries=go into=probe=look into 调查v.8. where=geographical location 表地点9. important=vital=essential=crucial重要的adj.10. reason=cause=factor=origins=root=stimulus=impetus原因n.11. protect=guard=safeguard=shield=conservation保护v.12. newspapers, television=media媒体n.13. where to live=habitat居住地n.14. get warmer=global warming变暖n.15. contribute to=play a part有助于v.16. survive=continuing existence幸存,活下来v.17. curriculum=course=syllabus课程n.18. link to=be connected with=be linked with把…和…相联系v.19. underdeveloped=degenerated=rudimentary不发达的adj.20. poor=bad=badly=not very good=no good at something=weak贫穷的,可怜的adj.21.exceptional=good=excellent=outstanding=brilliant=impressive= admirable超常的,例外的adj.22. mating=courtship交配.23. follow=track=tail=shadow=hound=stalk=stalker跟随,跟踪v.24. good vision ability=vision is obviously more useful…好的视力25.best = well = greatest = finest = ideal = top = number one = ultimate = optimum = definitive = unsurpassed = record-breaking极好的adj.26. surprised=amazed=astonished=astounded=be taken aback=startled感到惊讶的adj.27. volunteer=subject实验研究对象n.28. similar=resemble=like=alike相似的adj.29. blind=cannot see瞎的adj.TEST 21. initiative=on your own/by yourself=independently=on your own initiative=under your own steam=to be the person who starts something=plan=law主动的,自发的adj. 主动权n.2. increase=go up=rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=pick up=widen=be on the increase=intensify=expand=build up上升,增加v.3. teach=educate=train=coach=instruct=bring up教学v.4. more than one language=bilingual=sb's second language多种语言n.5. determine=establish=identify=pinpoint=diagnose 决定v.6. young people=teenager=youth=in your teens=adolescent=minor年轻人n.7. community=all the people in a particular area, city, country etc.群体,团体,社区n.8. traditional=old-fashioned=outdated=outmoded=unfashionable 传统的adj.9. fail=failure=not succeed=unsuccessful=vain=fruitless=unproductive=be a failure=go wrong=not work=do no good=fall through失败v. 10. endanger=to put someone or something in danger of being hurt=damaged=destroyed危及,使危险v.11. diverse=varied=variety=wide-ranging=mixed各种各样的adj.12. inevitable=certain to happen and impossible to avoid不可避免的adj.13. differ from=unusual与…不同v.14. reluctant=unwilling=not willing=drag your feet=be loath to do something=conservative勉强的adj.15. consult=ask somebody's advice=seek advice=get/obtain advice资询v.16.alternative=another=other=different=new=else=variation=varian t另一个17. therapist=someone who has been trained to give a particular form of treatment for physical or mental illness临床医学家n.18. retrain=taking courses再教育v.19. salary=pay=wage=income=earnings=fee工资,收入n.20.long-term=chronic=long-running=long-standing=lasting=lifelon g=prolonged=lingering=enduring=abiding=incurable长期的adj.21. complaint=complain=make a complaint=protest=object=complain抱怨n.22. illness=disease=virus=bug=infection疾病n.23. connection=relationship=link=correlation联系n.24. beneficial=be good for you/ do somebody good=wholesome=nutritious=nourishing=healthful有益的adj.25. insight=comprehension=understanding理解,见解n.26. physical=relating to the body=bodily身体的adj.27. hazard=risk=danger=threat障碍,危险n.28. accompany=with=together=along with=come wit陪伴,伴随29. mental=relating to the health or state of someone's mind精神上的,心理的adj.30. possible=possibility=can=potential=there is a chance/possibility可能的adj.31. reduction=decrease=drop=fall=cut 减少n.32. class="type"=kind=sort=style=category=variety种类n.33. rehearsal=practice=training=run-through=exercise排练,演习n.34. peer=your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc同伴n.35. defensive=used or intended to protect someone or something against attack 防御n.36. strategy=way=method=approach=technique=system=tactics 方法,功略n.37. assist=help=aid=with the aid of帮助v.38. specific=give (somebody) more details=expand on=enlarge on=go into more=greater detail=be more specific=be more explicit=elaborate特定的adj.39. substance=a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas 物质n.40. surroundings=environment=circumstance 环境n.41. engage=give somebody a job=employ=take on=appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣v.42. combine=mix=stir=beat=blend=whisk=dilute联合v.43. survival=the state of continuing to live or exist幸存n. TEST 31. quotation= a sentence or phrase from a book, speech etc which you repeat in a speech or piece of writing because it is interesting or amusing 引言n.2. exemplify= example=case=instance=to be a very typical example of something=to give an example of something 例证v.3. explain=tell=say what/why/where etc=show=demonstrate=go through=throw/shed light on=set out解释v.4. outline= to describe something in a general way, giving the main points but not the details概述v.5. purpose=aim=point=idea=objective=object=goal= target=end 目的n.6. encourage=persuade=persuasion=get somebody to do something=influence=encourage=talk somebody into=put somebody up to鼓励v.7. loan= an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc. 贷款n.8. poverty= being poor贫穷n.9. crime= illegal activities in general犯罪n.10. reject=to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something 拒绝v.11. employ=give somebody a job=take on=engage= appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣v.12. courier=a person or company that is paid to take packages somewhere快递员n.13. storage=keep=store=keep something in storage=preserve 存储n.14. facility=rooms, equipment, or services that are provided fora particular purpose 设备n.15.ambitious=ambition=power-hungry/power-mad=competitive= determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc.有志向的,雄心壮志的adj.16. effort=to try very hard to do something=attempt=campaign=drive努力n.17. feature= a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, or typical;a part of the land, especially a part that you can see: a part of someone's face, such as their eyes, nose etc特点n.18. planet= the world=earth/Earth=the globe 地球n.19. unpredictable=can't say/tell=unforeseeable=it remains to be seen 无法预测的adj.20. machinery=machines, especially large ones= a system or set of processes for doing something=machine=device=robot=appliance=mechanism 机械n.21. ultimate=someone's ultimate aim is their main and most important aim, that they hope to achieve in the future= final最终的,根本的adj.22. atmosphere= the feeling that an event or place gives you= the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth气氛; 大气n. 23. occur=happen=take place=there is=come about=come up=turn up=arise=strike发生v.24. expand= get bigger=grow=swell up=stretch扩张,扩大v.25. form= type= way something is/appears=shape形式n.26. emerge=appear=become visible=come into view/come intosight=come out=reappear 出现v.27. emit= to send out gas, heat, light, sound etc 发出,放射n.28. situation= circumstances=position=case=plight情况,状况n.29. self-conscious=worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you自觉的n.30. generate= to make someone have a particular feeling= form=produce=create 产生v.31. various=there are several different types of that thing=different=a variety of something=differing=varying=an assortment of something=assorted=a mix of something=a mixture of something各种各样的adj.32. convenient= a thing or way of doing something that is easy and quick; a time or arrangement that is convenient 方便的adj.33. objective=impartial=neutral=not take sides=unbiased=disinterested客观的adj.34. enquiry=investigate=make inquiries/enquiries=go into=probe=look into=solve=be under investigation 调查35. observe=notice=can see/can tell=see=spot=detect=note become aware/conscious=catch somebody's eye=perceive观察v.36. comment=remark=thing to say=point=statement= announcement=declaration=observation评论37. include=consist of=comprise=be composed of= be made up of包含,包括v.38. focus on=deals only with=concentrate专注于v.39. affect=have an effect=have an impact=take effect= make a difference=impact影响v.40. gained from=come from=be based on=originate= go back to=have its origins in=have its roots in=derive from/be derived from=develop from/evolve from产生于…. V.41. concern=worry=stress=anxiety=strain= a feeling of worry about something important关心,担心n.TEST 41. official=formal=authorized=on (the) record官方的,正式的adj.2. athletic=physically strong and good at sport=fit=be in shape=be in good condition运动的adj.3. intensive=involving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period of time=rapid=crash course密集的,加强的adj.4. burst=a short sudden effort or increase in activity=burst of anger/enthusiasm/temper etc 爆炸,突发5. recognize=know=identify=pick out=tell认出,承认v.6. inadequate=not enough=too little=few=scarce=insufficient=be in short supply=lack of something=be short 不足的adj.7. develop=come from=be based on=originate=go back to=have its origins in=have its roots in=derive from=be derived from=be founded on=grow out of=develop from=evolve from发展,生长v.8. enable=make something possible=allow=permit=pave the way for=clear the way for使能够v.9.predict=anticipate=forecast=foretell=prediction=projected=gues s in advance预测v.10. specialist=someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, or is very skilled at it=expert专家n.11. theoretical=relating to the study of ideas, especially scientific ideas, rather than with practical uses of the ideas or practical experience理论的adj.12.basic=fundamental=essential=central=underlying=simple=crude =primitive=rudimentary=unsophisticated=low-tech基本的adj.13. nature=plants/animals etc=somebody's character=qualities ofsomething=type自然n.14. aim=purpose=point=idea=objective=object=goal=target=end 目的n.15. translate=change languages=interpret=put something into English/French/Japanese etc翻译v.16. ancient=belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago 古老的adj.17. realistic=when pictures, films etc make things seem real=lifelike=realism=true to life=vivid实际的,现实的18. field=area=branch=world=domain=realm=sphere领域n.19. document=a piece of paper that has official information on it;a piece of written work that is stored on a computer文件n.20. equal=the same in number, amount, level etc as something else平等的adj.21. influence=effect=side effect=impact=what something does to=the implications 影响n.22. behavior=manner=conduct=behave=well-behaved=good=be on your best=stay out of trouble行为n.23. compare=to examine or judge two or more things in order to show how they are similar to or different from each other=liken=make a comparison=draw an analogy=draw a parallel=contrast 比较v.24. economically=in a way that is related to systems of money, trade, or business经济上地adv.25. establish=determine=identify=pinpoint=diagnose=to start a new business or organization.建立新的生意/组织v.26. sustainable=able to continue without causing damage to the environment; able to continue for a long time可持续的adj. 27. realize=know=be/become aware=can tell=appreciate=be conscious=know perfectly well=know/learn from experience意识到v.28. limit=restrict=set/impose/put a limit=keep to/keep within=confine=fix 限制29. produce=form=create=generate生产v.30. guarantee=promise=assure=give somebody your word=swear=vow=commit to=pledge保证v.31. liberty=freedom=a free hand自由n.32. independence=self-sufficiency=self-reliance 独立n.33. consistent=always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc - usually used to show approval持续的adj.34. underestimate=to think or guess that something is smaller, cheaper, easier etc than it really is=to think that someone is not as good, clever, or skilful, as they really are低估v.35. provision=when you provide something that someone needs now or in the future 提供n.CAMBRIDGE 5TEST 11. produce=develop=manufacture生产v.2. central=middle中心的adj.3. did not have=without没有v.4. bring=confer=award=present=grant=confer=allocate=offer带来v.5. time limit=deadline时间限制,期限n.6. increase=go up/rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=expand=pickup=widen=intensify=build up增加7. assistant=helper=coach 助手n.8.immense=big=major=considerable=great=huge/enormous=trem endous=large scale/large-scale巨大的adj.9. illustrate=show=be a sign=demonstrate=mean=make clear=reflect=tell=be evidence=reveal 表明,显示v.10. quotation=a phrase or sentence that is well-known or often used 引用语n.11. predecessor=someone who had your job before you starteddoing it 前辈,前任n.12. rival=a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc=competitor 对手,竞争者n. 13. distraction=something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing分心的事物n.14. fault=defect=problem=trouble=flaw=weakness =bug=virus=be something wrong with 错误,缺点15. cornerstone=basis=foundation=the key 基石n.16. confer=award=present=grant=allocate 给予v.17. stability=the condition of being steady and not changing稳定n.18. prevail=win=come out on top=prevail=carry the day流行,获胜v.19. contract=agreement=understanding=compromise 合约n.20. grant=award=present=confer=allocate给予v.21. fascinate=if someone or something fascinates you, you are attracted to them and think they are extremely interesting吸引,使着迷v.22. disturb=interrupt=bother=distract=put somebody off 打扰v.23. expect=think=anticipate预期,期待v.24. psychology=the study of the mind and how it influencespeople's behavior 心理学n.25. obey=comply with=abide by=keep to=stick to the rules=conform to=observe=respect=toe the line=go by the book/do something by the book 服从,顺从v.26. identity=someone's identity is their name or who they are 身份n.27. severity=used of the degree of something undesirable 严重性n.28. unfold=open=happen=develop=expand 展开,发生v.29. deliberately=intentionally=on purpose=purposely故意地adv.30. moral=relating to the principles of what is right and wrong behavior, and with the difference between good and evil 道德上的,与道德有关的adj.31. prior to=before=previous在…前面32. repetition=doing or saying the same thing many times重复n.33. genetic=relating to genes or genetics基因的,遗传学的adj.34. sacrifice=when you decide not to have something valuable, in order to get something that is more important牺牲v.35. victim=someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered受害者n.36. forge=form=counterfeit 形成;伪造v.37. persuade=convince=win over=talk around 说服v.38. surrender=give in 投降,放弃v.39. extinct=an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist anymore=disappear=vanish灭绝的,绝种的adj.40. abundant=plenty=ample 充裕的,丰富的adj.41. exaggerate=overstate夸张,夸大v.42. phenomenon=something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand 现象n.43. perception=idea=notion=view=belief=insight 认识,观念,看法n.44. impression=infection=effect=influence=affection印象,感想n.45. entitle=to give someone the official right to do or have something 使某人有权利/资格v.46. distortion=a change for the worse=deformation扭曲,曲解v.47. dispose=to arrange things or put them in their places=arrange=settle=manage=cope with=deal with 安排,处理v.48. intuition=the ability to understand or know somethingbecause of a feeling rather than by considering the facts=instinct 直觉n.49. emission=a gas or other substance that is sent into the air排放物,散发物n.50. diminish=reduce=decrease=fall=lessen=cut 减少,减小v.51. postpone=put back=delay=adjourn 延期,推迟v.52. crucial=important=critical=vital=necessary=essential 至关重要的adj.53. pessimistic=expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that something will have a bad result=getting worse悲观的adj.54. attempt=purpose=order=effort 尝试,努力TEST 21. similar=like=resemble相似的adj.2. derive=originate=come from=stem from起源v.3.impetus=momentum=stimulus=incentive=motivation=encourag ement 动机,动力n.4. generate=produce=bring into existence=make=manufacture 产生v.5. couple with=and=accompany=with 伴随v.6. factor=reason=element=component=ingredient 因素n.7. unique=have the distinction=distinct=different=extraordinary=special独特的adj.8. advance=progress=development=growth=increase进步n.9. field=domain=territory=industry=sector领域n.10. alternative=substitute=replacement替代物n.11. like=such as=for example=for instance 例如12. resource=material=source资源,来源n.13. limited=restricted=exhaustible=finite有限的adj.14. involve=rely on=contain=comprise 包含,牵涉v.15. current=modern=recent=present最近的adj.16. particular=extraordinary=special=detail=specific=unique特别的,独有的adj.17. draw on=absorb=do with吸收v.18. settle on=make choice of=decide on选定v.19. superiority=advantage=edge=high quality优势n.20. accompany=when=keep company=be associated with 陪伴,伴随v.21. view=belief=opinion=insight=perception 观点n.22. artificial intelligence=reasoning in machine人工智能n.23. involve with=associate with=link to=relate to与…有关联v.24. release=issue=launch=convey=public=deliver 发行,发表v.25. difficult=demanding=hard=tough困难的adj.26. task=job=work=labour 任务,工作n.27. instantly=rapidly=immediately立即地adv.28. react=respond 反应v.29. relate to=depend on=link to=associate with=involve with 与…有关系v.30. subject views=outlook=personal/individual views=personal/individual opinions 主观观点n.31. distort=to change the appearance, sound, or shape of something so that it is strange or unclear; to report something in a way that is not completely true or correct=misinterpret 扭曲,歪曲v.32. figure out=settle=decide=tell=understand 理解,想出v.33. assessment=appraisal=evaluation=estimate=judgment评估,估计v.34. emerge=appear=come forth出现v.35. remain=keep=stay=maintain保持v.36. exploitation=development=utilization=usage利用,使用n.37. foster=cultivate=raise=nurture培养,养育v.38. overtake=catch up=sweep over赶上,压倒v.39. initial=original=premier最初的,开始的adj.40. whereas=however=while=nevertheless=but=yet然而,但是adv.TEST 31. outcome=product=result=conclusion=consequence 结果,后果n.2. overcome=win=get over=exceed克服,战胜v.3. insufficient=deficient=shortage=lack=scarcity不足的adj.4. supply=provide=furnish=give 提供v.5. launch=release=project=send=shot=emit 开始,投放v.6. suppose=expect=imagine=guess=speculate=think猜想,设想v.7. detect=perceive=explore=sense发觉,觉察v.8. handicap=difficult=obstacle=hindrance=bar=deterrent 障碍,困难n.9. peer=the people who are at the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc.同龄人,伙伴n.10. positive=optimistic=uplifting 积极的adj.11. administer=manage=conduct=implement=perform执行,管理v.12. funding=money=funds=financial resource 资金,基金n.13. interact=if people interact with each other, they talk to eachother, work together etc. 互动v.14. irrigation=the supplement of land or crops with water 灌溉n.15. sedimentation=the natural process by which small pieces of rock, earth etc settle at the bottom of the sea etc and form a solid layer 积淀n.16. interrupt=break=violate=cut in打断,打扰v.17. process=procedure=method=approach过程n.18. threat=danger=intimidation 威胁n.19. valuable=precious=worthy宝贵的,珍贵的adj.20. construct=build=make=found 建造v.21. blame=to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad责备,怪罪v.22. stimulate=encourage=activate=motivate鼓励,刺激v.23. long-term=long-run=long-period长期的adj.24. impact=affect=influence=effect影响v.&n.25. occur=happen=exist=come发生v.26. contain=include=cover=possess 包含v.27. military=battlefield=martial军事的adj.28. separate=disparate=distinct=different分开的,不同的adj.29. vanish=extinct=disappear 消失v.30. consciousness=awareness 意识n.31. ignite=light=inflame点燃v.32. encompass=include=contain=cover包含,围绕v.33. reckon=think=suppose=believe=imagine=expect=feel认为v.34. widespread=universal=extensive=popular=general广泛的,普遍的adj.35. launch=coin=project=release=issue创新,开辟v.36. contemporary=modern-day, present-day同时代的adj.37. potential=possible=underlying=likely=expected=latent 潜在的,可能的adj.38. prospect=expectation=outlook=chance展望,希望n.39. perception=idea=insight=viewpoint感觉,领悟n.TEST 41. community=organization=group=body团体n.2. fragile=delicate脆弱的adj.3. remote=distant 遥远的adj.4. require=desire=order=command要求v.5. inhabitant=resident=dweller居住者,居民n.6. consequently=thus=accordingly=hence=therefore=as a result 结果,因此adv.7. destination=goal=end point=terminus目的地n.8. throughout=around=wholly=everywhere=end-to-end自始至终,到处,全部adv.9. operate=act=run运转v.10. output=product输出,产品n.11. decline=reduction=fall=slump=decrease=recession 下降n.12. undermine=destroy=damage=hurt=ruin 破坏v.13. revive=renaissance复兴v.14. unusual=rare=strange=uncommon罕见的,不寻常的adj.15. ordinary=standard=common=usual=general普通的,平常的adj.16. fragment=shard=debris=pieces=ruins碎片n.17. break=shatter=crack打碎,打破v.18. interior=inner layer=inside 内部的n. &adj.19. insist=claim=argue=believe=think坚持,坚称v.20. expand=extend=grow=boom=spread out=enhance扩张,扩大v.21. suppress=control=restrain=repress=put down=oppress=inhibit=ban=forbid=stifle 压制v.22. speed up=increase speed=quicken up=accelerate speed加速v.23. examine=analyse=survey=inspect=study=detect=investigate 检查,调查v.24. dispute=debate=controversy=disagree=argue争论,争执25.detect=analyse=explore=research=survey=investigate=inspect 察觉,发现v.26. claim=say=state=insist=argue=think=believe声称v.27. cue=implication=reminder=hint=evidence提示,信号,暗号n.28. unpredictable=fluctuate=changeable无法预测的adj.29. be referred to as=be known as=be regarded as 被称为30. encourage=induce=trigger=stimulate=boost=inspire鼓励,促使v.31. considerable=plenty=big=major=important数量可观的adj.32. regardless of=despite of=take no notice of 不管,不顾33. adequate=plenty=proper=appropriate=suitable充足的,适当的adj.34. assure=make sure=guarantee=ensure=insure=secure=make certain of保证,确保v.35. suitable=appropriate=proper=adequate=matching 合适的adj.CAMBRIDGE 6TEST 11.exchange=apply something learned in one to others=change2.expertise=skill 专门技术n.3.employ=analyze=study 使用v.4.investigation=analysis 调查n.5.narrow=focus on 缩小范围v.6.reproduce=copy=replicate=repeat 复制v.7.funded support=finance 资金n.8.athlete=sportsmen and women 运动员n.9.calculate=measure 计算v.10.event=championship 赛事n.11.plan=prepare=design 计划v.12.improve=grow=get better 进步v.13.trade=economy 贸易n.14.transport=import or export=deliver 运输v.15.local=domestic=native=indigenous 当地的adj.16.weakening=less=reduced=decreased 下降的adj.17.value=worth=price=credit=use=benefit=profit 价值n.18.delivery=export or import 运输n.19.nearby nations=geographic neighbours 近邻n.20.international=ocean=global=worldwide 国际的adj.21.shipping=freight 船运n.22.cargo=freight=goods 货物n.23.tariff=charge=fee=tax 税费n.ndscape=environment=nature=surrounding=circumstance= view风景n.25.difficult=harsh=demanding=tough=challenging 困难的adj.26.essential supplies=food and clothing=necessities 必需品n.27.supply=provision=support 供给n.28.grow=increase=rise=improve=go up=boost=expand=extend 增长v.29.respect=credibility=weight=hour=admiration=consideration 尊重n.30.understanding=knowledge 了解n.31.well-being=health 健康n.32.impossible=out of the question=unlikely 不可能adj.33.catch=exploit=capture 抓捕v.34.surrounding=environment=circumstance 环境n.35.push to one's limits=test one's limits 挑战极限36.not unmanageable=can cope with 能处理的37.present inhabitant=descendant 居民38.give up=abandon 放弃39.mainly=heavily=most 主要地40.visit=venture 参观TEST 21. successfully=spectacularly well=wonderfully 成功地adv.2. people power=local pressure groups 群众力量n.3. commute=travel 通勤v.4. higher=increasing=more 更高的adj.5. income=wealth=salary=wage=payment 收入n.6. beneficial=valuable=profitable=good 有益的adj.7. together=face to face 共同8. refute=not mean=rebut=deny 反驳v.9. accommodation=live=living condition 住宿n.10. usage=use=benefit=profit 用处n.11. averagely good=reasonable but not special 较好的12. limited=minimal 有限的adj.13. move from one to another=adopt one over another 转移14. show=reveal=uncover=indicate=point out=imply 表明15. related=associated 有关联的adj.16. suffer=be afflicted 忍受(病痛)v.17. research=study=investigation=survey 研究n.18. affect=afflict=influence=change 影响v.19. disease=medical complain=illness 病痛n.20. increase=surge=rise=gain=grow=go up=add=escalate 上升v.21. link=correlation=connection=relationship 关系n.22. considerable=significant=substantial=massive=marked大量的adj.23. reduction=drop=concession=fall=decrease 下降n.24. elderly people=old people 老人n.25. independent=self-reliant 自立的adj.26. regular=daily 定期的adj.27. exercise=physical activity 运动n.28. challenging=difficult=tough=demanding 有挑战性的adj.29. decline=deteriorate=reduce=drop=decrease 下降v.30. lonely=emotionally isolated 孤独的adj.31. hand signal=gesture=body language 手势n.32. restricted=limited 有限的adj.33. concept=abstract idea=definition 定义n.34. specific=particular=detailed 特定的adj.35. early=older 早期的adj.36. fulfill=qualify=achieve=keep=satisfy 完成v.37. sufficient=enough 足够的adj.38. quantity=how many=amount 数量n.39. misunderstanding=confusion 误解n.40. prevent=resolve=forbid=stop 防止v.41. poor=lack of=impoverished 贫穷adj.42. newer=later=recent=present 新的adj.43. ancestor=early people=predecessor 祖先n.TEST 31. teach=educate=cultivate=nature 教育v.2. actor=star 演员n.3. first=initial=early=primary 最早的adj.4. storyline=narrative=plot 故事情节n.5. globe=world 世界n.6. early=first=ancient 早期的adj.7. passing of time=flow of time 时光的流逝8. describe=tell 描述v.9. realistic=achievable 现实的adj.10. target=goal=aim 目标n.11. feedback=comment=advice=criticism 反馈n.12. match to=suit to 合适13. reward=promotion or advancement=prize=benefit 奖励n.14. link to=make something contingent on=associate with=connect with=relate to 联系起来15. achievement=attainment=gain=success 成就n.16. remuneration=payment 酬金n.17. tend to=prone to 倾向于18. feel=perceive=think=find=experience=notice=have an opinion 感觉v.19. participate=be involved in=take part in=join 参加v.20. staff=employee=worker 员工n.21. visible=disclosed=obvious=noticeable 可见的adj.22. clerical worker=clerk 书记员n.23. judge=rate=criticize=assess=evaluate=gauge=appraise 评判v.24. job=work=assignment 工作n.25. delay=slow=prolong=postpone=procrastinate=shelve=put off延后v.26. growing old=ageing 变老27. people=mortal=people=individual 人n.28. life=lifespan 生命29.chance=likelihood=fortune=hope=possibility=opportunity=risk= luck 机会n.30. production=generation=output 产量n.31. theory=hypothesis=guess=guesswork 猜想n.32. focus on=emphasize=aim at=concentrate on 集中于33. short=scarce=limited=insufficient 短缺的adj.TEST 41. drug company=pharmaceutical company 医药公司n.2. promotion=marketing 营销n.3. increase=escalate=rise=go up=grow 上升v.4. research=study=survey=investigation 研究n.5. work=be an effective way=be useful=help=achieve=succeed=have an effect=happen=turn out 奏效v.6. technique=strategy=skill=expertise=method=way 技术n.7. criticism=judgement=skepticism=disapproval=denunciation 批评n.8. moral=ethical 道德的adj.9. legitimate=have every right to do=legal=right=authorized 合法的adj.10. money=profit=benefit=income=currency 钱n.11. adults=men and women 成人n.12. maternal=mother=female 母亲的adj.13. education=literacy=cultivation 教育n.14. child=infant=kid 孩子n.15. approximately=about=around=nearly 大约adv.16. impressive=greatest=touching=unforgettable 印象深刻的adj.17. programme=campaign=project 项目n.18. common=persistent=normal=usual=ordinary=everyday 常见的adj.。

阅读词汇考频考查的单词正确的选项词性中文含义abundant plentiful a. 大量的accelerate increase v. 加速;加大accessible available a. 可用的2accordingly for that reason;consequently ad. 因此2account (for)explain v. 解释;说明accumulate collect v. 积累;积聚a couple of years two years 两年adequate sufficient a. 充足的adhere stick v. 黏附;胶着adjunct addition n. 附加物administered managed v. 管理adorn decorate v. 装饰advent arrival n. 出现、到达adversely negatively ad. 不利地;有害地advocate proponent n. 倡导者;辩护者aesthetically artistically ad. 审美地;美学地affront insult v 侮辱轻蔑aid help v. 帮助alert wary a. 机敏的allay reduce v. 减少alter change v. 改变;调整alternative option n. 替代;替代物altogether completely ad. 完全地ancillary secondary a. 附属的;辅助的annihilate conquer v. 消灭;征服antagonist enemy n. 对手;敌人antecedent predecessor n. 先辈anticipate look forward to v. 期待;盼望apace with as fast as 快速的appealing attractive a. 吸引人的apply used for v. 应用;适用appreciated (-tion) recognized(-tion) v.(-n) 赏识aptly appropriately ad. 适当地arduous difficult a. 艰巨的;艰苦的article object n. 物品,物体ascend climb v. 攀升;升高2 assemble gather; bring together v. 装配;组合assortment variety n. 品种;种类assumption belief n. 确信的想法attachment preference for n. 依恋;偏好2attained achieved; reached v. 达到attendant accompanying n. 服务员attire clothing n. 衣着;盛装2 attribute credit; characteristics v. 被认为;被鉴定;特征avail make use v. 有用avid eager a. 渴望的;热心的barren infertile a. 贫瘠的;不毛的besides in addition to prep. 除此之外2 bias prejudice n. 偏见;嗜好bind tie v. 捆;绑;使结合boosted raised v. 提高,推进2bound limit held n. v. 范围;界限;限制break departure from n. 决裂;破裂brief look glance n. 瞥视;浏览bring about cause v. 导致;引起brittle easily broken a. 易碎的calculate determine v. 计算;确定came to the forefront became importantcarried on continued v. 继续carry support v. 支撑;支持cease stop v. 停止;结束celebratory full of praise n. 颂扬celestial astronomical a. 天空的;天上的chance unplanned a. 偶然的;碰巧的characteristics qualities n. 性质,特性chronicle describe v. 记述classify categorize v. 分类clear unobstructed a. 畅通的;无阻的2 clue information n. 线索;信息cluster group v. 成群2coarse rough; crude a. 粗糙的coin create v. 创造;杜撰coincide with happen at the same time ad. 同时2collective(-ly) group (together) n.(ad) 集体(共同地)come of age establish itself v. 达到法定年龄;确立自身地位comparably similarly ad. 可比地;相当地compelling forceful a. 被迫的component parts n. 部分compose focus on v. 创作;创造comprise consist of v. 包含;包括concealed covered a. 隐藏着的concentrate cluster v. 集中;积聚conclusive definitive a. 最后的concomitant with in conjunction with ad. 协同concrete specific a. 具体的;特定的concur agree v. 同意configuration arrangement n. 结构;形状2confine limit; restrict v. 限制;局限confirm uphold v. 证实;确认conflicting opposing a. 冲突的;抵触的conjectural based on guessing a. 猜测的;推测的consequence result n. 结果2 conserve store; retain v. 保存;保护3 considerable large; substantial; much; great a. 很重要的;很大的consistent constant a. 持续的consort associate v. 结交conspicuous noticeable a. 显著的2 constituent (-v.) component (make up) n. (v.) 成分;要素(构成;组成)consumed (-n) eaten (eat) v. (n.) 吃掉2contemporary existing; written at that time a. n. 当代的;现有的;同时代convergence gathering n. 聚集2convert change v. 转换correspondingly similarly ad. 相应地;对应地count weigh v. 有价值;有分量counteract negate v. 抵消;反作用counterpart version n. 复本;对应物crisscross move back and forth v. 穿梭;交错往来critical judge of fine arts connoisseur n. 鉴赏家;评论家crucial important a. 重要的cumbersome burdensome a. 麻烦的;笨重的dampen moisten v. 使潮湿daring bold a. 勇敢的;大胆的deft skilled a. 熟练的;灵巧的deliberate careful a. 审慎的;仔细的demand require v. 要求;需求demise death n. 死亡demonstrate show v. 表明;证实dense thick a. 稠密的;浓厚的depend rely v. 依靠depict represent; describe v. 描述depress lower v. 压低;使沮丧derive obtain v. 得到derived from based on v. 基于2 detectable measurable; apparent a. 可察觉的;易发现的detecting finding v. 探测devastated ruined a. 毁坏的;被破坏的developing evolving a. 发展的;演化的2 devote to dedicate; specializing in v. 致力于;献身于dictate determine v. 指示;决定diffuse travel v. 扩散;传播disaster catastrophe n. 灾难discard get rid of v. 丢弃;抛弃discrete separate adj. 不连续的dispute argument n. 争论;争执disseminate spread/impart v. 散布;传播2 distinct separate; different a. 清晰的;不同的distinguish differentiate v. 区分;辨别divergence difference n. 差异;变化3diverse dissimilar; varied; different a. 多种多样的;不一样的dividing line boundary n. 边界;分界线do sth. repeatedly iterate v. 重复;反复2 domain field; region n. 领域;范围dominate be prevalent in v. 支配;控制dramatic striking a. 显著的2drastic (-ly) radical (severely) a. (ad) 激烈的;猛烈的2 draw attract; instruct v. 吸引;引导2durability (-able) endurance (long-lasting) n. (a.) 经久,耐久(持久的;耐用的) dwelling house n. 住处;寓所eager enthusiastic a. 热心的2 easily moved portable a. 轻便的;可携带的2effect (-iciency) influence (effectiveness) v. (n.) 影响;效果elaborately done in great detail ad. 详尽地;精心地elevate promote v. 提高;提升elicit bring out v. 引出embraced welcomed v. 欢迎emerge appear v. 浮现;出现2emit (-ing) give off (producing) v. 发出(生产,发行) emphasize stress v. 强调employ use v. 雇佣;应用2 enable allow; help v. 使能够;使可能enactment performance n. 演出;表演encompass include v. 包含end goal n. 末端;目的endless continuous a. 不断的engaged hired v. 雇佣ensure guarantee v. 保证entire whole a. 全部的entity object n. 实体;存在entomb trap v. 埋葬;设陷阱era period of time n. 时期eradicate eliminate v. 除去;消除erroneous ideas misconception n. 误解;错误观念erroneouslymistake v. 误以为;误认为identified as2essence (-tial) basic nature; fundamental n. (a.) 基本(基本的)establish create v. 设立;创作estimated judged v. 鉴定evidence indicate n. 迹象;预示evolution development n. 发展exalted superior a. 高贵的;崇高的2 excavate dig v. 挖掘;开凿exceptional remarkable a. 非同一般的execute create v. 造成;制成;履行;执行exercise utilize v. 行使,利用exert cause v. 引起;产生exorbitant expensive a. 昂贵的expendable unprofitable a. 没有用的2 expose subject to; uncover v. 使暴露;暴露于2 extend stretch;increase v. 延长;扩展2extol praise v. 赞美2 extract remove v. 提取;取得extraordinary supreme a. 非凡的;极度的2fabricate make; construct v. 制作;装配faction side n. 小派系fashion create v. 造成,引起fatal deadly a. 致命的2favor prefer v. 喜爱feed put v. 供给;供应feel detect v. 察觉;感觉finding scientific discoveryfine (-ly) tiny; minutely a. 细小的fixture commonplace object n. 固定设备;附属装置flamed burned a. 燃烧的flattering complimentary a. 称赞的;奉承的flourished thrived n. 茂盛forage feed v. 搜索;寻找食物foremost leading adj. 最主要的formidable difficult a. 艰难的forward-looking progressive a. 向前看的;有远见的frame (-work)pose (structure) v. (n.) 构造;提出(框架结构) freeing releasing n. 解除,释放functional usable a. 合用的fundamental basic a. 基础的;基本的furnish provide v. 提供fuse combine v. 熔合;结合gambit calculated risk n. 策略;谋略gap open n. 缺口;缝隙give way to turn into v. 让位;变成glowing shining a. 光亮的good name reputation n. 名声;名誉graphic vivid a. 生动的gradually by degrees ad. 逐渐地grumbled complained v. 抱怨hard firm a. 坚硬的;牢固的hard to deal with stubborn a. 执拗的;固执的hardiest most vigorous a. 最强壮的heart center n. 中心hemisphere side n. 半球;半边henceforth from that time on ad. 自此以后herald announce v. 预示;预报hinged on depended on v. 依靠hinterland region n. 地方;区域ideal perfect a. 完美的identical exactly alike a. 同样的ignite set on fire v. 点燃imitate copy v. 模仿;伪造immunity protection n. 保护immutable unchangeable a. 不变的impediment obstacle n. 妨碍;阻碍imperceptibly subtly ad. 不可觉察地;极缓慢地implement tool n. 工具;器械implication significance n. 含义;意义imposing demanding a. 紧迫的;紧急的in place of instead of ad. 代替in reality actually n. 实际上;事实上inaccessible unreachable a. 难接近的;难达到的inception beginning n. 起初incinerate burn up v. 烧毁incised carved a. 雕刻的inclination preference n. 倾向;偏好incorporate combine v. 结合;合并incriminate blame 有罪induce cause vt. 导致influx arrival n. 流入;到达ingenuity resourcefulness n. 机灵inhibit hinder v. 阻止;阻碍2 initiate start; cause v. 开始;引发2innovation (-tive) new idea (new) n. 创新;革新(创新的) insignificant unimportant a. 不重要的instance case n. 实例;例证integral essential; fundamental a. 整体的;不可缺少的2intense (-sive) extreme (concentrated) a. 强烈的;(加强的,集中的) intent goal; purpose n. 目的interchangeable equivalent a. 相等的;可互换的intervals periods n. 周期intermittently periodically ad 间歇的intervention influence n. 干涉;影响intricate complex a. 复杂的intriguing attractive; fascinate a. 迷人的invade move into v. 侵入inviting attractive a. 吸引人的;诱人的justify prove v. 辩护;证实key important a.重要的laborious difficult a. 费力的lament complain about v. 抱怨lie be located v. 位于load weight n. 重担locale place n. 场所lured attracted v. 吸引,引诱magnify intensify v. 放大;强化3 maintain preserve; keep v. 维持;坚持major principal a. 主要的;大型的make possible allow v. 允许;使可能mandate require v. 要求margin edge n. 边;边缘2marked pronounce; noticeable a. 明显的;显著的means method n. 方法merely only ad. 仅仅地,只不过meteoric rapid a. 迅速的meticulously careflly ad. 小心地minuscule tiny a. 很小的;微小的minute tiny a. 微小的;细微的modifying changing v. 修改;变化momentarily briefly ad. 短暂的monopolize dominate v. 独占;占优势moreover furthermore; in addition ad. 此外motif design n. 图案;花纹mundane ordinary a. 世俗的;普通的myriad many a. 许多的;无数的nascent immature a. 新生的;初生的nevertheless however ad. 然而;仍然norm standard n. 标准noted observed v. 注意到noticed announced v. 宣告,通告notwithstanding despite; in spite of prep. 尽管nourish feed 喂养noxious harmful a. 有害的;有毒的obtain get; acquire v. 获得;取得obvious apparent a. 明显的;显而易见的optimal best a. 最佳的ornate elaborate a. 华丽的oscillate swing v. 摇摆震荡outbreak beginning n. 爆发;开始outline summarizing v. 总结;概括outstanding excellent a. 杰出的;显著的over great distances faraway a. 遥远之处overtaken surpassed v. 赶上,超越partitioning division n. 划分peak maximum a. 最高的;高峰的peculiar strange a. 奇特的penetrate go through v. 穿透;透过people in the play actor n. 演员;剧中人物periphery outer edge n. 外围permeate spread through v. 传遍persist continue v. 持续personal magnetism charisma n. 个人魅力pertinent relevant a. 有关的phenomena event n. 现象;事件pick up follow v. 寻找;寻路picture imagine n. 图片pit hole n. 坑;洼地place measure v.plunge drop n./v. 投入,陷入ponderous heavy a. 笨重的pore hole n. 毛孔;细孔position job n. 职位;职务postulate suggest v 假定potential possible a. 潜在的;可能的precarious uncertain a. 不稳定的precise accurate a. 精确的prefer favor v. 偏好;喜欢preoccupation involvement n. 专心preside over manage v. 负责;统辖presumably probably ad. 大概prevailed dominated v. 成功,统治2prevailing most frequent; dominant a. 盛行的;流行的prevent avoid v. 制止;阻止2primary (-ly) fundamental (chiefly) a. (ad.) 基本的;初步的(主要地) prior to preceding a. 在先;居前prized valued a. 贵重的probe explore v. 探察produce butter n. 产物;产品2prolific productive (fruitful) a. 多产的prominent distinguished (famous) a. 显著的;卓越的proponent supporter n. 支持者prospect possibility n. 期望;前景prototype model n. 原型;范例protrude project v. 突出;伸出pry off locate v. 查找puncture pierce v. 刺穿;刺破pursue chase v. 追赶raise rear v. 饲养;养育random unpredictable a. 不可知的rapidity swiftness n. 迅速rare infrequent a. 稀有的;罕见的rather (than)instead (of) ad. 相反;相反地raw unprocessed adj. 未加工的readily easily ad. 容易地realization awareness n. 认识;意识reap accept v. 收获;接受rear raise v. 培养;饲养reckless irresponsible a. 不负责任的recorded documented a. 已纪录的recruit enlist v. 征募;补充refreshing unusual a. 清新的;清爽的regardless of no matter what a. 不管relate connect v. 相关;关联reliance dependence n. 依靠remarkable significant a. 异常的;非凡的renounce reject v. 拒绝representative typical a. 典型的resemble be(appear)similar to v. 相似;类似resolve find a solution for v. 解决resort to using v. 采用revered respected v. 尊敬revise change v. 修正;改造revitalize bring new life to v. 新生robust strong a. 强健的;坚强的roll back reduce v. 压低;减少2 rotate alternate; turn v. 轮流;更迭rot decay v. 腐烂roughly approximately ad. 概略地;大约rudimentary undeveloped a. 原始的;简单的run operate v. 操纵rupture burst v. 破裂;裂开rushing rapid a. 急流的sanitation health n. 卫生;健康状态saturate soak v. 浸透;饱和saying two oppositeparadox n. 悖论;隽语thingsscale measure n./v. 刻度/测量2scarce (-ly) rare (barely) a. (ad.) 稀有的scatter irregularly distribute v. 分散scope extent n. 范围scorched burned v. 烧焦score musical compositions n. 乐谱scurrying rushing v. 急赶2secure acquire; safe v. ad. 获得;取得;安全的sedentary inactive a. 不移栖的sentiment opinion n. 意见;观点serve as function as v. 充当;担任set establish v. 确定;安置2settle (-ed) decide (stabled) v. 决定;解决(固定的) severe poverty indigence n. 贫困;赤贫shield protect v. 保护;避开significant meaningful a. 有重要意义的site location n. 地点;场所skepticism doubt n. 怀疑主义;怀疑态度sketching drawing n. 速写;素描skilled expert a. 熟练的;擅长的skyrocket increase rapidly v. 猛涨,突增sleep briefly nap n. 小睡;打盹smooth operation effective functioningsmother eliminate v. 覆盖;除去snap break v. 折断;拉断2sole only a. 唯一的;独一的solemn serious a. 严肃的;庄重的sort out separate v. 挑选出source of energy fuel n. 能源;燃料span cover v. 包含spawn create v. 产生spark bring about v. 激发;发动speculate hypothesize v. 推测;假设staggering overwhelming a. 压倒的;压倒之势的standard customary a. 标准的standing not flowing a. 停滞的;不流动的2staple popular edition; basic element n. 大宗物品;流行的东西主要成分stimulate encourage v. 激发;促进story level n. 楼层;层strain stress v. 拉紧,重压strength basis n. 实力;基础stress emphasize v. 强调striking noticeable a. 显著的stringent strict a. 严格的;严厉的strive try 努力奋斗struggle competition n. 竞争subject susceptible a. 易受影响的;遭受影响的subjugate conquer v. 征服subsequent later a. 后来的2subsidy (-ize) finance n. (v.) 补助金;补贴subtle slight adj. 微小的;精细的succinct concise a. 简洁的;简练的sufficient adequate a. 足够的;充足的suitably appropriately ad. 适宜地sumptuous luxurious a. 豪华的;奢侈的sums amounts n. 和supplant replace; displace v. 取代;替代2 supplement extension; add to n. 补充;补遗support hold v. 支持;支撑supposedly seemingly ad. 按照推测;表面上supremacy dominance n. 至高无上;支配地位supreme most outstanding a. 最大的;极度的2surge (-ing) increase sharply (accelerating) v. (a.) 急剧增加(高涨的;跃进的) suspend hang v. 挂;悬挂sustain support v. 支撑symmetrical proportionally balanced a. 对称的;匀称的tangled twisted together a. 混乱的teeming with full of 充满telling challenging a. 有效的;有力的tempting attractive a. 诱人的testimony evidence of n. 证据thanks to because of n. 由于;多亏thereby by that means ad.因此think highly admire v. 钦佩;羡慕thrive grow well v. 茁壮成长thwart frustrate v. 使受挫tolerate endure v. 忍受;忍耐trace imprint n. 痕迹;遗迹transition change, convert v. 转变trend tendency n. 趋势;趋向typify characterize v. 代表,表现ultimately eventually; in the end ad. 最后2 undergo experience v. 经历underscore emphasize v. 强调underwater craft submarine n. 潜水艇undoubtedly certainly ad. 的确地2unique particular; singular a. 独特的unprecedented never seen before a. 空前的unravel discover v. 解开;阐明unrestricted unlimited a. 无限制的;自由的unsubstantiated unverified a. 未证实的;未核实的urged encouraged v. 催促,鼓励usher beginning v. 引导;开始2vary (-ious) differ (-ent) v. 变化;改变(不同的) 2vast large; great a. 巨大的;广阔的venture endeavor n. 冒险;冒险行动very closely intimately ad. 亲密;密切vessel craft n. 船vestige evidence n. 遗迹;残余virtually completely n. 实质地want to much greedy a. 贪婪的;贪心的whether if conj. 是否wider more extensive a. 宽广的witness observe v. 目睹;目击yield provide v. 产生;产生效果。
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.-阅读词汇考频考查的单词正确的选项词性中文含义abundant plentiful a. 大量的accelerate increase v. 加速;加大accessible available a. 可用的2 accordingly for that reason;consequentlyad. 因此2 account (for)explain v. 解释;说明accumulate collect v. 积累;积聚a couple of years two years 两年adequate sufficient a. 充足的adhere stick v. 黏附;胶着adjunct addition n. 附加物administered managed v. 管理adorn decorate v. 装饰advent arrival n. 出现、到达adversely negatively ad. 不利地;有害地advocate proponent n. 倡导者;辩护者aesthetically artistically ad. 审美地;美学地affront insult v 侮辱轻蔑aid help v. 帮助alert wary a. 机敏的allay reduce v. 减少alter change v. 改变;调整alternative option n. 替代;替代物altogether completely ad. 完全地ancillary secondary a. 附属的;辅助的annihilate conquer v. 消灭;征服antagonist enemy n. 对手;敌人antecedent predecessor n. 先辈anticipate look forward to v. 期待;盼望apace with as fast as 快速的appealing attractive a. 吸引人的apply used for v. 应用;适用.- appreciatedrecognized(-tion) v.(-n) 赏识(-tion)aptly appropriately ad. 适当地arduous difficult a. 艰巨的;艰苦的article object n. 物品,物体ascend climb v. 攀升;升高2 assemble gather; bring together v. 装配;组合assortment variety n. 品种;种类assumption belief n. 确信的想法attachment preference for n. 依恋;偏好2 attained achieved; reached v. 达到attendant accompanying n. 服务员attire clothing n. 衣着;盛装2 attribute credit; characteristics v. 被认为;被鉴定;特征avail make use v. 有用avid eager a. 渴望的;热心的barren infertile a. 贫瘠的;不毛的besides in addition to prep. 除此之外2 bias prejudice n. 偏见;嗜好bind tie v. 捆;绑;使结合boosted raised v. 提高,推进2 bound limit held n. v. 范围;界限;限制break departure from n. 决裂;破裂brief look glance n. 瞥视;浏览bring about cause v. 导致;引起brittle easily broken a. 易碎的calculate determine v. 计算;确定came to thebecame importantforefrontcarried on continued v. 继续carry support v. 支撑;支持cease stop v. 停止;结束celebratory full of praise n. 颂扬celestial astronomical a. 天空的;天上的.- chance unplanned a. 偶然的;碰巧的characteristics qualities n. 性质,特性chronicle describe v. 记述classify categorize v. 分类clear unobstructed a. 畅通的;无阻的2 clue information n. 线索;信息cluster group v. 成群2 coarse rough; crude a. 粗糙的coin create v. 创造;杜撰coincide with happen at the same time ad. 同时2 collective(-ly) group (together) n.(ad) 集体(共同地)come of age establish itself v. 达到法定年龄;确立自身地位comparably similarly ad. 可比地;相当地compelling forceful a. 被迫的component parts n. 部分compose focus on v. 创作;创造comprise consist of v. 包含;包括concealed covered a. 隐藏着的concentrate cluster v. 集中;积聚conclusive definitive a. 最后的 concomitant with in conjunction with ad. 协同concrete specific a. 具体的;特定的concur agree v. 同意configuration arrangement n. 结构;形状2 confine limit; restrict v. 限制;局限confirm uphold v. 证实;确认conflicting opposing a. 冲突的;抵触的conjectural based on guessing a. 猜测的;推测的consequence result n. 结果2 conserve store; retain v. 保存;保护3 considerable large; substantial; much;greata. 很重要的;很大的consistent constant a. 持续的consort associate v. 结交conspicuous noticeable a. 显著的2 constituent (-v.) component (make up) n. (v.) 成分;要素(构成;组成)consumed (-n) eaten (eat) v. (n.) 吃掉2 contemporary existing; written at thattimea. n. 当代的;现有的;同时代convergence gathering n. 聚集2 convert change v. 转换correspondingly similarly ad. 相应地;对应地count weigh v. 有价值;有分量counteract negate v. 抵消;反作用counterpart version n. 复本;对应物crisscross move back and forth v. 穿梭;交错往来critical judge of fineartsconnoisseur n. 鉴赏家;评论家crucial important a. 重要的cumbersome burdensome a. 麻烦的;笨重的dampen moisten v. 使潮湿daring bold a. 勇敢的;大胆的deft skilled a. 熟练的;灵巧的deliberate careful a. 审慎的;仔细的demand require v. 要求;需求demise death n. 死亡demonstrate show v. 表明;证实dense thick a. 稠密的;浓厚的depend rely v. 依靠depict represent; describe v. 描述depress lower v. 压低;使沮丧derive obtain v. 得到derived from based on v. 基于2 detectable measurable; apparent a. 可察觉的;易发现的detecting finding v. 探测devastated ruined a. 毁坏的;被破坏的developing evolving a. 发展的;演化的2 devote to dedicate; specializing in v. 致力于;献身于dictate determine v. 指示;决定diffuse travel v. 扩散;传播disaster catastrophe n. 灾难discard get rid of v. 丢弃;抛弃discrete separate adj. 不连续的dispute argument n. 争论;争执disseminate spread/impart v. 散布;传播2 distinct separate; different a. 清晰的;不同的distinguish differentiate v. 区分;辨别divergence difference n. 差异;变化3 diverse dissimilar; varied;differenta. 多种多样的;不一样的dividing line boundary n. 边界;分界线do sth.repeatedlyiterate v. 重复;反复2 domain field; region n. 领域;范围dominate be prevalent in v. 支配;控制dramatic striking a. 显著的2 drastic (-ly) radical (severely) a. (ad) 激烈的;猛烈的2 draw attract; instruct v. 吸引;引导2 durability(-able)endurance (long-lasting) n. (a.) 经久,耐久(持久的;耐用的) dwelling house n. 住处;寓所eager enthusiastic a. 热心的2 easily moved portable a. 轻便的;可携带的2 e ffect (-iciency) influence (effectiveness) v. (n.) 影响;效果elaborately done in great detail ad. 详尽地;精心地elevate promote v. 提高;提升elicit bring out v. 引出embraced welcomed v. 欢迎emerge appear v. 浮现;出现2 emit (-ing) give off (producing) v. 发出(生产,发行)emphasize stress v. 强调.- employ use v. 雇佣;应用2 enable allow; help v. 使能够;使可能enactment performance n. 演出;表演encompass include v. 包含end goal n. 末端;目的endless continuous a. 不断的engaged hired v. 雇佣ensure guarantee v. 保证entire whole a. 全部的entity object n. 实体;存在entomb trap v. 埋葬;设陷阱era period of time n. 时期eradicate eliminate v. 除去;消除erroneous ideas misconception n. 误解;错误观念erroneouslymistake v. 误以为;误认为identified as2 essence (-tial) basic nature; fundamental n. (a.) 基本(基本的)establish create v. 设立;创作estimated judged v. 鉴定evidence indicate n. 迹象;预示evolution development n. 发展exalted superior a. 高贵的;崇高的2 excavate dig v. 挖掘;开凿exceptional remarkable a. 非同一般的execute create v. 造成;制成;履行;执行exercise utilize v. 行使,利用exert cause v. 引起;产生exorbitant expensive a. 昂贵的expendable unprofitable a. 没有用的2 expose subject to; uncover v. 使暴露;暴露于2 extend stretch;increase v. 延长;扩展2 extol praise v. 赞美2 extract remove v. 提取;取得extraordinary supreme a. 非凡的;极度的.-2 fabricate make; construct v. 制作;装配faction side n. 小派系fashion create v. 造成,引起fatal deadly a. 致命的2 favor prefer v. 喜爱feed put v. 供给;供应feel detect v. 察觉;感觉finding scientific discoveryfine (-ly) tiny; minutely a. 细小的fixture commonplace object n. 固定设备;附属装置flamed burned a. 燃烧的flattering complimentary a. 称赞的;奉承的flourished thrived n. 茂盛forage feed v. 搜索;寻找食物foremost leading adj. 最主要的formidable difficult a. 艰难的forward-looking progressive a. 向前看的;有远见的frame (-work)pose (structure) v. (n.) 构造;提出 (框架结构) freeing releasing n. 解除,释放functional usable a. 合用的fundamental basic a. 基础的;基本的furnish provide v. 提供fuse combine v. 熔合;结合gambit calculated risk n. 策略;谋略gap open n. 缺口;缝隙give way to turn into v. 让位;变成glowing shining a. 光亮的good name reputation n. 名声;名誉graphic vivid a. 生动的gradually by degrees ad. 逐渐地grumbled complained v. 抱怨hard firm a. 坚硬的;牢固的hard to deal with stubborn a. 执拗的;固执的hardiest most vigorous a. 最强壮的.- heart center n. 中心hemisphere side n. 半球;半边henceforth from that time on ad. 自此以后herald announce v. 预示;预报hinged on depended on v. 依靠hinterland region n. 地方;区域ideal perfect a. 完美的identical exactly alike a. 同样的ignite set on fire v. 点燃imitate copy v. 模仿;伪造immunity protection n. 保护immutable unchangeable a. 不变的impediment obstacle n. 妨碍;阻碍imperceptibly subtly ad. 不可觉察地;极缓慢地implement tool n. 工具;器械implication significance n. 含义;意义imposing demanding a. 紧迫的;紧急的in place of instead of ad. 代替in reality actually n. 实际上;事实上inaccessible unreachable a. 难接近的;难达到的inception beginning n. 起初incinerate burn up v. 烧毁incised carved a. 雕刻的inclination preference n. 倾向;偏好incorporate combine v. 结合;合并incriminate blame 有罪induce cause vt. 导致influx arrival n. 流入;到达ingenuity resourcefulness n. 机灵inhibit hinder v. 阻止;阻碍2 initiate start; cause v. 开始;引发2innovation(-tive)new idea (new) n. 创新;革新(创新的) insignificant unimportant a. 不重要的.- instance case n. 实例;例证integral essential; fundamental a. 整体的;不可缺少的2 intense (-sive) extreme (concentrated) a. 强烈的;(加强的,集中的)intent goal; purpose n. 目的interchangeable equivalent a. 相等的;可互换的intervals periods n. 周期intermittently periodically ad 间歇的intervention influence n. 干涉;影响intricate complex a. 复杂的intriguing attractive; fascinate a. 迷人的invade move into v. 侵入inviting attractive a. 吸引人的;诱人的justify prove v. 辩护;证实key important a. 重要的laborious difficult a. 费力的lament complain about v. 抱怨lie be located v. 位于load weight n. 重担locale place n. 场所lured attracted v. 吸引,引诱magnify intensify v. 放大;强化3 maintain preserve; keep v. 维持;坚持major principal a. 主要的;大型的make possible allow v. 允许;使可能mandate require v. 要求margin edge n. 边;边缘2 marked pronounce; noticeable a. 明显的;显著的means method n. 方法merely only ad. 仅仅地,只不过meteoric rapid a. 迅速的meticulously careflly ad. 小心地minuscule tiny a. 很小的;微小的minute tiny a. 微小的;细微的modifying changing v. 修改;变化.- momentarily briefly ad. 短暂的monopolize dominate v. 独占;占优势moreover furthermore; in addition ad. 此外motif design n. 图案;花纹mundane ordinary a. 世俗的;普通的myriad many a. 许多的;无数的nascent immature a. 新生的;初生的nevertheless however ad. 然而;仍然norm standard n. 标准noted observed v. 注意到noticed announced v. 宣告,通告notwithstanding despite; in spite of prep. 尽管nourish feed 喂养noxious harmful a. 有害的;有毒的obtain get; acquire v. 获得;取得obvious apparent a. 明显的;显而易见的optimal best a. 最佳的ornate elaborate a. 华丽的oscillate swing v. 摇摆震荡outbreak beginning n. 爆发;开始outline summarizing v. 总结;概括outstanding excellent a. 杰出的;显著的over greatfaraway a. 遥远之处distancesovertaken surpassed v. 赶上,超越partitioning division n. 划分peak maximum a. 最高的;高峰的peculiar strange a. 奇特的penetrate go through v. 穿透;透过people in the play actor n. 演员;剧中人物periphery outer edge n. 外围permeate spread through v. 传遍persist continue v. 持续personal magnetism charisma n. 个人魅力.- pertinent relevant a. 有关的phenomena event n. 现象;事件pick up follow v. 寻找;寻路picture imagine n. 图片pit hole n. 坑;洼地place measure v.plunge drop n./v. 投入,陷入ponderous heavy a. 笨重的pore hole n. 毛孔;细孔position job n. 职位;职务postulate suggest v 假定potential possible a. 潜在的;可能的precarious uncertain a. 不稳定的precise accurate a. 精确的prefer favor v. 偏好;喜欢preoccupation involvement n. 专心preside over manage v. 负责;统辖presumably probably ad. 大概prevailed dominated v. 成功,统治2 prevailing most frequent; dominant a. 盛行的;流行的prevent avoid v. 制止;阻止2 primary (-ly) fundamental (chiefly) a. (ad.) 基本的;初步的(主要地)prior to preceding a. 在先;居前prized valued a. 贵重的probe explore v. 探察produce butter n. 产物;产品2 prolific productive (fruitful) a. 多产的prominent distinguished (famous) a. 显著的;卓越的proponent supporter n. 支持者prospect possibility n. 期望;前景prototype model n. 原型;范例protrude project v. 突出;伸出pry off locate v. 查找puncture pierce v. 刺穿;刺破.- pursue chase v. 追赶raise rear v. 饲养;养育random unpredictable a. 不可知的rapidity swiftness n. 迅速rare infrequent a. 稀有的;罕见的rather (than)instead (of) ad. 相反;相反地raw unprocessed adj. 未加工的readily easily ad. 容易地realization awareness n. 认识;意识reap accept v. 收获;接受rear raise v. 培养;饲养reckless irresponsible a. 不负责任的recorded documented a. 已纪录的recruit enlist v. 征募;补充refreshing unusual a. 清新的;清爽的regardless of no matter what a. 不管relate connect v. 相关;关联reliance dependence n. 依靠remarkable significant a. 异常的;非凡的renounce reject v. 拒绝representative typical a. 典型的resemble be(appear)similar to v. 相似;类似resolve find a solution for v. 解决resort to using v. 采用revered respected v. 尊敬revise change v. 修正;改造revitalize bring new life to v. 新生robust strong a. 强健的;坚强的roll back reduce v. 压低;减少2 rotate alternate; turn v. 轮流;更迭rot decay v. 腐烂roughly approximately ad. 概略地;大约rudimentary undeveloped a. 原始的;简单的run operate v. 操纵.- rupture burst v. 破裂;裂开rushing rapid a. 急流的sanitation health n. 卫生;健康状态saturate soak v. 浸透;饱和saying twoparadox n. 悖论;隽语opposite thingsscale measure n./v. 刻度/测量2 scarce (-ly) rare (barely) a. (ad.) 稀有的scatter irregularly distribute v. 分散scope extent n. 范围scorched burned v. 烧焦score musical compositions n. 乐谱scurrying rushing v. 急赶2 secure acquire; safe v. ad. 获得;取得;安全的sedentary inactive a. 不移栖的sentiment opinion n. 意见;观点serve as function as v. 充当;担任set establish v. 确定;安置2 settle (-ed) decide (stabled) v. 决定;解决(固定的)severe poverty indigence n. 贫困;赤贫shield protect v. 保护;避开significant meaningful a. 有重要意义的site location n. 地点;场所skepticism doubt n. 怀疑主义;怀疑态度sketching drawing n. 速写;素描skilled expert a. 熟练的;擅长的skyrocket increase rapidly v. 猛涨,突增sleep briefly nap n. 小睡;打盹smooth operation effective functioningsmother eliminate v. 覆盖;除去snap break v. 折断;拉断2 sole only a. 唯一的;独一的solemn serious a. 严肃的;庄重的sort out separate v. 挑选出.-source of energy fuel n. 能源;燃料span cover v. 包含spawn create v. 产生spark bring about v. 激发;发动speculate hypothesize v. 推测;假设staggering overwhelming a. 压倒的;压倒之势的standard customary a. 标准的standing not flowing a. 停滞的;不流动的2 staple popular edition; basicelementn.大宗物品;流行的东西主要成分stimulate encourage v. 激发;促进story level n. 楼层;层strain stress v. 拉紧,重压strength basis n. 实力;基础stress emphasize v. 强调striking noticeable a. 显著的stringent strict a. 严格的;严厉的strive try 努力奋斗struggle competition n. 竞争subject susceptible a. 易受影响的;遭受影响的subjugate conquer v. 征服subsequent later a. 后来的2 subsidy (-ize) finance n. (v.) 补助金;补贴subtle slight adj. 微小的;精细的succinct concise a. 简洁的;简练的sufficient adequate a. 足够的;充足的suitably appropriately ad. 适宜地sumptuous luxurious a. 豪华的;奢侈的sums amounts n. 和supplant replace; displace v. 取代;替代2 supplement extension; add to n. 补充;补遗support hold v. 支持;支撑supposedly seemingly ad. 按照推测;表面上supremacy dominance n. 至高无上;支配地位.- supreme most outstanding a. 最大的;极度的2 surge (-ing) increase sharply(accelerating)v. (a.) 急剧增加(高涨的;跃进的)suspend hang v. 挂;悬挂sustain support v. 支撑symmetrical proportionally balanced a. 对称的;匀称的tangled twisted together a. 混乱的teeming with full of 充满telling challenging a. 有效的;有力的tempting attractive a. 诱人的testimony evidence of n. 证据thanks to because of n. 由于;多亏thereby by that means ad. 因此think highly admire v. 钦佩;羡慕thrive grow well v. 茁壮成长thwart frustrate v. 使受挫tolerate endure v. 忍受;忍耐trace imprint n. 痕迹;遗迹transition change, convert v. 转变trend tendency n. 趋势;趋向typify characterize v. 代表,表现ultimately eventually; in the end ad. 最后2 undergo experience v. 经历underscore emphasize v. 强调 underwater craft submarine n. 潜水艇undoubtedly certainly ad. 的确地2 unique particular; singular a. 独特的unprecedented never seen before a. 空前的unravel discover v. 解开;阐明unrestricted unlimited a. 无限制的;自由的unsubstantiated unverified a. 未证实的;未核实的urged encouraged v. 催促,鼓励usher beginning v. 引导;开始2 vary (-ious) differ (-ent) v. 变化;改变(不同的).-2 vast large; great a. 巨大的;广阔的venture endeavor n. 冒险;冒险行动very closely intimately ad. 亲密;密切vessel craft n. 船vestige evidence n. 遗迹;残余virtually completely n. 实质地want to much greedy a. 贪婪的;贪心的whether if conj. 是否wider more extensive a. 宽广的witness observe v. 目睹;目击yield provide v. 产生;产生效果。