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中文摘要、关键词................................................. I 英文摘要、关键词................................................ II 引言.. (1)

第1章绪论 (2)

1.1 醋酸乙烯的理化性质 (2)

1.2 醋酸乙烯的主要用途 (2)

1.3 醋酸乙烯的生产现状与发展趋势 (3)

1.3.1 醋酸乙烯的国内生产现状及市场前景 (3)

1.3.2 醋酸乙烯的国外生产现状及市场前景 (5)

1.4 课题要求及意义 (6)

1.4.1 课题的要求 (6)

1.4.2 课题的意义 (6)

第2章醋酸乙烯的生产技术及研究 (7)

2.1 醋酸乙烯的生产工艺方法 (7)

2.1.1 乙炔液相法 (7)

2.1.2 乙炔气相法 (7)

2.1.3 乙烯液相法 (8)

2.1.4 乙烯气相法 (8)

2.1.5 其它方法 (8)

2.2 醋酸乙烯的生产工艺选择 (9)

2.2.1 乙炔气相法和乙烯气相法的比较 (9)

2.2.2 乙炔气相法Wacker流程和Borden流程的比较 (10)

2.3.1 主反应方程式 (11)

2.3.2 主要的副反应方程式 (11)

2.3.3 醋酸乙烯合成反应原理 (11)

2.3.4 生产工艺流程示意图 (12)

第3章醋酸乙烯的物料衡算 (14)

3.1 主要的反应方程式 (14)

3.2 基础数据 (14)

3.2.1 装置的工艺数据 (14)

3.2.2 小时生产能力 (14)

3.2.3计算基础 (14)

3.2.4 原料规格 (15)

3.3各工序的物料衡算 (15)

3.3.1 乙炔工序 (15)

3.3.2 反应工序 (16)

3.3.3、分离工序 (18)

3.3.4、精馏工序 (18)

3.4醋酸乙烯生产过程物料衡算汇总 (19)

第4章醋酸乙烯的热量衡算 (21)

4.1 基础数据 (21)

4.2 反应系统的热量衡算 (22)

4.3 分离系统的热量衡算 (26)

4.4 精馏系统的热量衡算 (27)

4.4.1 精馏一塔热量衡算 (27)

4.4.2 精馏二塔热量 (28)

4.4.3 精馏三塔的热量衡算 (29)

4.5 总热量衡算汇总 (30)

第5章主要设备的工艺设计和选型 (31)

5.1 固定床反应器 (31)

第6章车间布置设计 (37)

6.1 概述 (37)

6.2 车间布置的基本原则和要求 (37)

6.2.1 厂房建筑 (37)

6.2.2 生产操作 (38)

6.2.3 设备装修 (38)

6.2.4 安全要求 (38)

6.2.5 车间辅助用室及生活用室的配置 (39)

6.2.6 设备之间及设备与建筑物之间的一般安全距离 (39)

结论 (40)

致谢 (41)

参考文献 (42)


摘要:中国是一个煤炭资源丰富的国家,发展煤炭事业,生产新的化工原料,有极大的潜力和优势。醋酸乙烯作为一种新型的有机化工原料,广泛应用于有机合成、维尼纶、粘结剂、涂料工业等。寻找合理的生产方法是当务之急。醋酸乙烯作为中间体,随着聚乙烯醇非纤维领域应用的拓展,使得醋酸乙烯的需求不断增长,提高醋酸乙烯的产量和质量尤为重要。醋酸乙烯通过自身聚合或与其它单体共聚,可以生成聚乙烯醇(PV A)、醋酸乙烯-乙烯共聚乳液(V AE)或共聚树酯(EV A)、聚醋酸乙烯(PV Ac)、醋酸乙烯-氯乙烯共聚物(EVC)、聚乙烯醇缩甲醛醋酸等。



Process Engineering of Vinyl Acetate Process Workshop in Scale of

40000 Tons per Year

Abstract:China is full of the coal resources.So it can develop the coal business,and produce new chemical materials.We have great potentiality and advantage.As a new type of chemical raw materials,vinyl acetate are widely used in organic synthesis,nylon,adhesives,paint industry etc.It is top priority to look for reasonable production method.Vinyl acetate are used as intermediates with the applied spread of poly vinyl alcohol on the non-fiber sphere .So it makes the rising demand about vinyl acetate ,and it is particularly important to improve the production and quality of vinyl acetate.Though polymerization own with other monomer copolymerization,vinyl acetate can be generated poly vinyl alcohol,vinyl acetate-ethylene copolymer emulsion or copolymerization ester,poly vinyl acetate,vinyl acetate-choloethylene copolymer,poly vinyl alcohol shrink formaldehyde etc.

Comparing the different production process route and its advantages and disadvantages,Street vinyl acetate synthesis is also put forward the selection principle of technology,this paper expounds the future of vinyl acetate synthesis technology development trend,and expounds the vinyl acetate research,production,development situation,And the process of vinyl acetate synthesis in our country.This paper introduces the synthesis process of application of calcium carbide acetylene method to make vinyl acetate,and according to the different catalysts vinyl acetate synthesis this paper introduces them.Primarily With material and heat balance calculation,this design process es calculation and selection of equipment and process workshop layout,On the basis of selection,it also paints the process of flowing diagram and the main equipment assembly drawing,besides,it puts forward the scheme of process improvement and measures.Of improving output.

Keywords :Vinyl acetate; Calcium carbide acetylene method; Production process;Material calculation;Heat calculation; production workshop
