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• Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese, you have 25 seconds for each of the following sentence.
• 1. For centuries, people have been fighting over whether governments should allow trade between countries. There have been, and probably always will be two sides to the argument.
• • • • • 阅读技巧 (快速阅读技巧) 抓住中心思想 准确把握结构 正确理解词义 百科知识
• 使用翻译方法 (直译、意译、归化、异化) • 运用翻译技巧 (增补、省略、词性转换、 肯否转换、词义引申) • 达到翻译标准 (信、达、雅)
• 知道翻译目的和功能 • (谈判、广告、介绍说明等等) • 掌握不同文体与风格的翻译 (旅游文本、商务文本、文学文本、新闻文 本、体育文本、历史文本、政治文本、人 物文本等等)
• 7. Scientists report that hunting or eating wild animals not only destroy the balance of nature, but also run the risk of being infected by virus from animals.
The question, then, before us is no longer the nature of the challenge - the question is our capacity to meet it. // For while the reality of climate change is not in doubt, I have to be honest, as the world watches us today, I think our ability to take collective action is in doubt right now, and it hangs in the balance.
Please translate the following Chinese paragraph into English.
会将首次在中国举行,而本届世博会也将是 史上规模最大的一届。// 2010年也恰逢中国 和瑞士正式建立外交关系60周年。这意味着 中瑞友谊已经绵延了长达21000多天,这足 以让两国人民为此而自豪!//
• 2. Are you looking for someone who can translate this contract into Portuguese? What about our new secretary? I hear she had stayed in Brazil for several years.
Please translate the following English paragraph into Chinese.
Good morning. It is an honor for me to join this distinguished group of leaders from nations around the world. // We come here in Copenhagen because climate change poses a grave and growing danger to our people. All of you would not be here unless you - like me were convinced that this danger is real. // This is not fiction, it is science. Unchecked, climate change will pose unacceptable risks to our security, our economies, and our planet. //
• 5. Finding employment is not easy these days even in big cities. If I were you, I would be delighted with such a job offer.
• 6. Also present at the conference is Dr. Madison, who will join our discussion this afternoon to give an expert view on the current situation of global economy.
上海世博会体现了全球对环境问题的关注, 提供了解决问题和各国交换技术的平台。// 瑞士很高兴能参与这一历史性的事件。我们 已做好准备呈现丰富、创新且可持续的解决 方案,以诠释上海世博会的副主题之一—— “城市与乡村的互动”。// 鉴于瑞士独特的地 理特征,这一主题对于我们国家而言尤为重 要。
• 9. If you have yet to appoint a new sales manager in charge of our L.A. office, Mrs. Coleman was born there and has good connections.
• 10. Suppose the gasoline tank of your car holds 20 gallons and you average 16 miles to the gallon, how far can you drive on a tank full of gasoline?
• 4. We can never learn a foreign language in the same way as we acquire our first. For even a three-yearold child can have thousands of hours of contact with his mother tongue.
• 8. Once you enroll in full or part-time courses at this college, our services are all free of charge, except that you pay 30 pence a copy for any photo copying made here.
• 3. Keeping a business firm running is far more difficult than starting it. According to current statistics, 2/3 of new business firms will fail in the first five years.