视译分视阅口译(sight interpreting with text)和视听口译(sight interpreting with text while listening )。
边读边译需要译者按照出现的先后把句子切成小段(断句),先阅读到的内容先译,同时迅速转向下一个视幅(eye span),所及的部分,在口译时还需注意目标语的联惯性(coherence)和可接受性(acceptability),也就是灵活整合。
I. Principles for singt interpretation1. Syntactic Linearity 顺句驱动为了避免语言结构重大调整对人脑认知负荷的影响,口译员常常是在总体上依照英文的行文次序,把整个句子切分成意群单位或信息单位,再使用连接词把这些单位连接起来,译出整体意思。
Sight-S-0011.In a few minutes the Secretary of State will give us a report on the latest developments in theMiddle East and his efforts for an international peace conference.2.We expect the recent initiative will have a positive impact on the world economy, particularlythe economies of the developing countries and least developed countries.3.The faculty assembly supports a gradual reduction of the administration costs of the school.4.On behalf of my delegation, I would like to congratulate you on your election to thepresidency of the conference.5.Our success is an excellent example of the effective cooperation carried out among differentdepartments.6.I hope this incident will not pose any obstacle to their membership in the organization.7.They reaffirmed their countries commitment to the conclusion as soon as possible of aninternational treaty to achieve a comprehensive ban on nuclear test explosions.8.They agreed that nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula would represent a grave threat toregional and international security, and decided that their countries would consult with each other on ways to eliminate this danger.9.In addition, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus will receive compensation for the value of theHEU in warheads transferred to Russia.10.We urgently request that the search for solutions to the economic crisis of the third world ingeneral, and of Africa in particular, should mobilize all the intellectual and moral resources required and take into account all aspects of the problem, without forgetting or overlooking the social aspects, for its people, more than sates, that must remain the major beneficiaries of the remedial measures to be advocated.以上10个句子皆属于词性转换的例子,都是把英文的动意转化为中文的动词。
Carrying on the Past and Opening a New Chapter for the Future(Speech by Shi Guangsheng, Minister for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation at a pressconference held on March 13, 2001)Dear friends from the press, Ladies and Gentlemen,Let me start by thanking the news center of the NPC and CPPCC for its arrangement, which offers me an opportunity to meet friends from the media present today, I would like to take this opportunity to brief you on the achievements that China scored in its foreign trade ad economic cooperation during the Ninth Five-Year Plan period as well as our tentative ideas on the development of foreign trade and economic cooperation in the next five years.During the Ninth Five-Year Plan period, China’s reform of its foreign trade and economic cooperation regime went into further depth and China’s opening up was obviously accelerated. China has exercised the Registration-for-Record system for trading rights of the state-owned large- and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, commercial enterprises and science and research institutes. The control over import and export right of private manufacturing enterprises was also lifted. So far China has 32, 000 enterprises of various kinds with trading right (foreign-invested enterprises excluded). We reduced our tariff level by large margins many times, making the current average tariff rate standing at 15.3%, which is 33.4% lower compared with that at the end of the Eighth Five-Year Plan period. China has further relaxed restrictions on the fields for foreign investment, with commerce, banking, insurance, tourism and other service sectors already opened to foreign investors to varying degrees.The Ninth Five-Year Plan period is an important one as far as our foreign trade and economic development is concerned. Foreign trade and economic cooperation of our country withstood the severe test of the Asian financial crisis and maintained a sound momentum of constant growth. During the time, the value of our goods import and export increased by 1.68 times from USD 280.8 billion in 1995 to USD 474.3 billion in 2000, realizing an average annual growth rate of 11%. The objective to achieve USD 400 billion worth of import and export total set out by the Ninth Five-Year Plan was fulfilled ahead of time. China’s ranking in world trade was uplifted from the 11th place in 1995 to the 9th in 1999 and it is likely to rise further. Form 1996 to 2000, we have cumulatively absorbed USD 213.48 billion of FDI (actually utilized value), 87% higher than that for the Eighth Five-Year Plan period, the average annual FDI utilization scale remained above USD 40 billion. China has been the largest FDI recipient in developing countries since 1993.Our foreign trade and economic cooperation was further improved in terms of quality, level and benefits thus playing a more considerable role in promoting the national economic development. China’s import and export mix was more optimized with the proportion of electromechanical products and hi-tech products in the export total amounting to 42.3% and 14.8%. the industrial structure and geographic distribution of foreign investment tended to be more reasonable, and its contribution to the national economy was further intensified. In the meantime, foreign investment accounted for 12.7% of the total investment in social fixed assets,and the industrial added value yielded by foreign-invested enterprises took up 20.9% in the industrial added value of the country. At present, the nearly 180,000 foreign-invested enterprises in operation have an employment of almost 20 million.Through efforts in the Ninth Five-Year Plan period, China’s all-directional opening-up pattern has taken shape coupled with the rapid development of its open economy. Looking into the coming five years, China’s opening up, foreign trade and economic development will enter a new historical era. We have the following major ideas on the development of China’s foreign trade and economic cooperation.1. Accelerating the growth of an open economy and endeavoring to achieve the sustainable development of foreign economic and trade relations. By 2005, import and export nationwide should total US $ 680 billion while striking a general balance. The percentage of mechanic and electronic products will rise to 50% and that of hi-tech products will account for 20% of China’s export. The annual will rise to 50% and that of hi-tech products will account for 20% of China’s export. The annual absorption of foreign direct investment will keep at around US $ 40 billion and efforts shall be made to increase the amount. The strategy of Going Global will have made substantial progress. On the basis of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, foreign project contracting, labor services cooperation, foreign aid and other foreign trade and economic activities shall make bigger strides and new headway.2. Pushing forward two fundamental transformations in foreign trade and economic cooperation so as to improve the international competitiveness of China in this field. During the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, we shall carry out in a better way the strategies of Winning by Quality, Market Diversification and Reinvigorating Trade by Science and Technology. At eh same time, we shall transform the growth mode of foreign trade and economic cooperation. Unremitting efforts shall be made in restructuring China’s foreign trade and economic cooperation which include the constant improvement of the commodity mix of import and export, the structure of trade methods, regional distribution and market composition. Besides, we shall also increase the value-added rate of processing trade. Combining all these efforts, we can basically ensure that China’s foreign trade and economic development has undergone fundamental change from mainly depending on the expansion of magnitude and quantitative increase to primarily depending on quality and efficiency.3. Seizing the opportunity of WTO accession to establish a new foreign trade and economic cooperation system that is consistent with international norm and China’s national conditions, by relying on the basis of legal regime and rules, making reform the driving force and development the objective, respecting the commitments China has made in international negotiations, and fully using the transitional period after Chin joins the World Trade Organization.4. Implementing the open strategy of Going Global in real earnest. We shall encourage overseas investment where China has comparative advantages so that we can participate in international competition and cooperation in a broader and deeper magnitude. Also we shall integrate the strategies of “Bringing Home” and “Going Global” and make them complementary,which will enable us to make better use of both international and domestic marketplaces and resources to serve China’s modernization drive.Chief Executive Donald TSANG Yam-Kuen’s Speech at WTO Ministerial Conference 2005in Hong Kong, ChinaYour Excellencies Distinguished Ministers, Director-General Mr. Lamy, Chair of the General Council, Your Excellency Ambassador Mohamed, Honorable Delegate and Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,First of all, I wish to extend to you a warm Hong Kong welcome to all of you. Hong Kong, China is deeply honored to be the host of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization.This week, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance the existing international trading environment, to generate wealth on a broader and deeper scale globally, and, most important of all, to help alleviate the pain of poverty for millions of people living in the poorer parts of this world. I am pleased that Hong Kong, China is today at the center of this admirable enterprise.I cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of the WTO. It is the rule-based forum at which 149 Member Economies negotiate agreements and resolve disputes over trade issues.The WTO is also a powerful force in countering the currents of protectionism and discrimination which are responsible to a large extent for the economic hardship suffered by less wealthy and less well-endowed economies. And, ultimately, the WTO is a key component in the global effort to attain the United Nations’ Millennium Goal of Development in tackling the scourge of poverty and hunger.Nor can I over-emphasize the importance of the WTO to Hong Kong. As a small, externally-oriented economy with no natural resources other than a magnificent deep water port, Hong Kong has relied on free trade and an entrepreneurial and hardworking population to transform this once sleepy fishing village into an international and regional business hub.So I urge you to take some time during the next few days, and after the conference if you can, to look around our great city. You will see why President Bill Clinton once described Hong Kong as Exhibit A in the case for global interdependence and its benefits.We became a separate Contracting Party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in, at 1986. We were a founding Member of the WTO in 1995. our Membershipdid not change after the reunification in 1997. Indeed, Hong Kong’s continued participation in the WTO, and in an international trade agreement under the name “Hong Kong, China”, is enshrined in the Basic Law, the constitution of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. We treasure the certainty, protection and benefits that the WTO brings to our economy and our community.We offered to host this Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference because we recognized that it would become a key staging post to the successful conclusion of the multilateral trade negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda. We want to play our part in the collective effort to realize the ambition of the Round. We regard the WTO Members’acceptance of our offer as a recognition of our contribution to the multilateral trading system, and an acknowledgement of our competence as a world city in handling whatever challenges that may arise from the Ministerial Conference.We in Hong Kong are determined to make this important event a success. Secretary John Tsang is committed to creating an environment of comfort for all delegates to conduct negotiations freely, frankly and constructively in the coming days. He has traveled the globe taking part in many of the key meetings which have paved the way for the negotiations that will take place over the next few days.Thousands of men and women in your community--- civil servants, legislators, District councilors, NGO members, business leaders, service providers, volunteers, and the common citizen of Hong Kong --- have been working tirelessly since the WTO accepted our offer to host this Conference two years ago. We have a common objective: we want to stage a Conference that is well organized, transparent, inclusive, and above all, efficient. The fruits of the community-wide endeavor are now before you.Ladies and gentlemen, we are at an historic juncture. Trade liberalization and economic growth is a permanent goal for all of us as WTO Members. While I acknowledge that in some parts of the world this goal is seen as a threat rather than an opportunity, the negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda must press ahead. We must vigorously defend the integrity and effectiveness of the multilateral trading system.This Conference is a golden opportunity for us to demonstrate our collective resolve to improve the lives of people throughout the world through progressive trade liberalization. That is what we committed ourselves to do when the Round was launched four years ago in Doha.This week, all eyes are on Hong Kong. As host and Chair of the Conference, we will do our utmost to bring about a successful outcome. But we cannot do it ourselves. We are relying on your support and commitment to accomplish this mission. I’m sureit will be forthcoming. Thank you!尊敬的汤维英副主任、各位领导、各位嘉宾、各位朋友、大家早上好!很高兴参加今天的“2006韶关--广州外商投资合作交流会”活动,与韶关的朋友们共聚一堂,共谋两市经济发展的大计。
1516 口译课视译材料
2015-2016 口译课期末考试中译英视译材料1、Shanghai Disney Resort A很久以前,华特迪士尼公司创始人华特迪士尼先生梦想建造出比普通游乐园更激动人心的场所。
”Once upon a time, Walt Disney-the founder of the Walt Disney Company-dreamed about building something much more exciting than a standard amusement park、“At that time, my two daughters were very young and Saturday was always daddy's day、So I'd take them to the merry-go-round and different places to play、As I sit while they rode the merry-go-round, I suddenly had an idea and I felt that there should be something built where parents and children could have fun together、And eventually this idea contributed to the birth of the Disneyland、”2、Shanghai Disney Resort B如今,上海迪士尼度假区以新颖特别的方式延续着这种精神,打造了全新的主题园区以及众多独一无二的游乐项目与体验,包括全球迪士尼主题乐园中最大的城堡。
·参考译文视译(一)一、Chinese-English Interpretation1. It is a great pleasure to join you all today to celebrate the 54th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.2. For many years we have made great efforts to control city air pollution, garbage pollution, noise pollution and the population and the population explosion.3. To reform and open up to the outside world is the basic national policy of China for the development of its economy and its contemporary culture as well.4. There are 1,132 television channels and 100 million cable subscribers from all over the country.5. When you walk around this garden city, you will find her so much impressive for her modern styles, appeal and panorama of views.6. Large commercial buildings, small commodities markets and a series of supermarkets, convenience shops, fine selection stores, clothing street, electric appliance street and arts-crafts street are scattered in Shenzhen, which collect the famous, superior, special and new commodities from China and abroad.7. China is a country with an age-old history, a brilliant civilization, and magnificent landscapes.8. Y ao was probably born with basketball in his genes. His parents were both Chinese National Team players. His father Y ao Zhi Y uan stands 6 feet 7 and his mother Fang Feng Di stands 6 feet 3.9. It was at the 11th EAGA Council Meeting held in Guam in March 1996 that Macao was awarded the right and honor to host the 4th East Asian Games, marking an important milestone in the sporting history of Macao.10. As far as the international cooperation is concerned, China has been cooperating with WHO, other international organizations, regional organizations, some African countries and developed countries in the area of prevention and treatment of AIDS.11. Shadow boxing is practiced not only in China but all over the world for its health benefits of developing strength and flexibility with its slow, graceful movements.12. Kunqu opera deserves to be called the father and mentor of all drama styles, with its high artistic and academic values.13. The Chinese people have set an ambitious goal of building China into a prosperous, democratic and civilized socialist country that will enjoy modernization by the middle of this century, and they are striving for the great renaissance of the Chinese nation.14. E-business in the chemical industry is coming of age. E-business is making us more effective and competitive –it’s making us rethink how we work with customers and each other.15. One of the main reasons for the gap between developing and developed countries in infor mation technologies is the lack of knowledge and human resources.16. For our needs and experiences, our cooperation will be first of all in the areas of trade, communications, agriculture, information and energy, and then expanded into other fields.17. We will energetically carry out our “going global” strategy, encouraging more Chinese firms of multiple ownerships to operate globally.18. As many people might already know, managing conflict in public or open meetings is largely avoided in China. In Asia the loss of face is a major taboo. Losing face is viewed as something quite shameful.19. China’s four great inventions of paper making, gunpowder, printing and compass had once changed the face of the world.20. Going beyond differences in social system, ideology and religious belief, we have succeeded in implementing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, thus setting an example of good-neighborly friendship, mutual trust and mutually benefic ial cooperation.二、English-Chinese Interpretation1.在充满战争武器,而且往往充满战争言论的世界中,诺贝尔委员会已成为极其重要的和平推动者。
1516 口译课视译材料
2015-2016 口译课期末考试中译英视译材料1、Shanghai Disney Resort A很久以前,华特迪士尼公司创始人华特迪士尼先生梦想建造出比普通游乐园更激动人心的场所。
”Once upon a time, Walt Disney-the founder of the Walt Disney Company-dreamed about building something much more exciting than a standard amusement park、“At that time, my two daughters were very young and Saturday was always daddy's day、So I'd take them to the merry-go-round and different places to play、As I sit while they rode the merry-go-round, I suddenly had an idea and I felt that there should be something built where parents and children could have fun together、And eventually this idea contributed to the birth of the Disneyland、”2、Shanghai Disney Resort B如今,上海迪士尼度假区以新颖特别的方式延续着这种精神,打造了全新的主题园区以及众多独一无二的游乐项目与体验,包括全球迪士尼主题乐园中最大的城堡。
Secretary-General’s Message for UN Day联合国日致辞New Y ork, 24 October 20112011年10月24日Days from now, the human family will welcome its seven billionth member.再过几天,人类大家庭将迎来第70亿个成员。
Some say our planet is too crowded. I say we are seven billion strong.有人说,我们这个星球过于拥挤。
The world has made remarkable progress since the United Nations was born 66 years ago today.自联合国于66年前的今天诞生以来,世界取得了长足的进步。
We are living longer. More of our children survive. More and more of us live at peace, under democratic rule of law.我们活得更长,我们的婴儿存活率提高了,我们有越来越多的人生活在和平、民主与法治之中。
As we have seen in this dramatic year, people everywhere are standing up for their rights and human freedoms.正如我们在这个惊心动魄的一年中所看到的,世界各地的人们都在起来争取他们的权利和人的自由。
And yet, all this progress is under threat. From economic crisis. Rising joblessness and inequality. Climate change.但是,这一切进展都面临着威胁。
时代变迁(口译练习材料)1.1.I have certainly seen lots of changes in my lifetime! I look around my home and see 'mod cons' that I could never have dreamed of fifty or sixty years ago. I spent the early part of childhood in a cottage without running water or electricity and yet these days, I feel paralyzed if there is a power cut for even just an hour or two! So, I have changed too. Things that I couldn't even imagine in the past now seem quite normal.2. Businessmen can travel from London to New York in three hours and lots of people exceed the seventy-mile-per-hour speed limit on motorways. A person of 75 is not old these days. A serious illness does not mean certain death because there have been so many advances in medical science. We no longer need to be afraid of contracting (becoming infected)diseases like polio or smallpox.I can speak to my son in Australia from my own sitting room here in Manchester, watch athletes running a race on the other side of the world without moving from my own home and I can even do my shopping while I sit here in an armchair. I never need to worry about food going bad in the warm weather and, at the flick of a switch, I can have a hot meal in a couple of minutes. So, it seems, the quality of life has greatly improved since my own childhood.3. I'm not convinced, however, that people are happier today than they were 50 years ago. We are certainly materially better off than we were but most people still seem to be weighed down by problems. My daughter and her family are a good illustration. They have a spacious, comfortable home with every labour-saving device you can think of. There's a washing machine, a clothes dryer, a food processor, a vacuum cleaner and all sorts of other household items which are designed to save time but it seems to me that my daughter and her husband just spend all that'saved' time working! They never relax and are always complaining of being tired and 'stressed'. 4. Children these days have all sorts of 'educational toys' and yet they seem unable to amuse themselves. My daughter tries to limit the time her children spend watching television but when they aren't watching TV, they are miserable. They play with new toys for a day or two and then discard them once the novelty has worn off. When we were children, we had almost nothing but we were so inventive. We had all sorts of fun and games in the nearby woods. But, of course, children can't play safely outdoors any longer. There is so much crime and parents are afraid to let their children go out alone in case they are molested, kidnapped, raped or even murdered. These crimes may not be directly related to modern inventions but there must be some connection.5. The increased number of burglaries is definitely a result of the fact that we now have many more possessions for people to steal. When I was a child, we could leave our house unlocked when we went out. There was nothing that would be of any use to anyone! But even though I now live alone, I have all sorts possessions that are attractive to burglars - my radio, the TV, a video, a micro-wave cooker and so on. I don't keep cash at home though. These days there is no need for cash, is there? I just use cheques and credit cards. That's another major change, I suppose.6. There are all sorts of new inventions and I'm surprised how easily an old lady like me adjusts. I always thought I'd never be able to use a telephone but now I couldn't live without one. My daughter often suggests that I should have a computer. I can't imagine that, yet one never knows! I used to think 'that you can't teach an old dog new tricks' but I have to admit I have learned lots of new 'tricks' in my old age. It's essential to move with times I suppose. I do feel sense of nostalgia about the past yet I rather enjoy the convenience of Britain in the 1990's!生活的变化我一生中当然看到了生活中的很多变化。
瑞士“火箭人”成功飞越美国大峡谷Swiss 'JetMan' makes Grand Canyon flightA Swiss adventurer has finally made a "historic" jetpack-powered flight above the Grand Canyon, organizers claimed Tuesday, days after he canceled a bid saying he had not trained enough.Yves Rossy, dubbed "JetMan," completed the eight-minute flight at the weekend, his support team said in a press release four days after Friday's failed attempt, which journalists had been invited to watch.Pictures and videos released by organizers showed him being dropped from a helicopter and then soaring above the world-famous landmark, hisjet-pack wing strapped to his back, before deploying a parachute to land on the canyon floor.He flew at speeds of up to 190 mph (304 kilometers an hour), skimming the rockscape just 200 feet (65 meters) above the rim of the canyon, the statement said."My first flight in the US is sure to be one of the most memorable experiences in my life, not only for the sheer beauty of the Grand Canyon but the honor to fly in sacred Native American lands," Rossy was quoted as saying."Thank you Mother Nature and the Hualapai Tribe for making my lifelong dreams come true," he said according to the press release, referring to the Native American tribe over whose territory he made the flight.On Friday the 51-year-old -- who has previously flown across the English Channel between Britain and France and over the Swiss Alps -- invited media to a remote spot on the Grand Canyon's western end to watch his flight.But at the last minute he announced he had only just been given formal Federation Aviation Authority (FAA) approval to fly, and had therefore not had enough time to train.On Tuesday Rossy's organizers stressed that the FAA delay had prevented him from flying last Friday, adding that he had made the successful flight over the weekend, without announcing it to journalists who attended Friday's attempt."It was his date with destiny, and ultimately the uniquely complex certification process could not prevent (Rossy) from making his historic flight through Grand Canyon West this past weekend."组织者本周二称,瑞士探险家伊夫•罗西身背喷气动力翼,成功飞越美国科罗拉多大峡谷。
THE SECRETARY-GENERAL---MESSAGE ON INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY12 August 2010This year‘s commemoration of International Youth Day also marks the launch of the International Year of Youth, under the theme ―Dialogue and Mutual Understandi ng‖.Today‘s challenging social and economic environment warrant a special focus on youth. Eighty-seven per cent of people aged 15 to 24 live in developing countries. The global economic crisis has had a disproportionate impact on young people; they have lost jobs, struggled to find even low-wage employment and seen access to education curtailed. As economies slowly begin to stabilize, the needs of young people should be paramount.This is a moral imperative and a developmental necessity. But it is also an opportunity: the energy of youth can ignite faltering economies. I am regularly inspired by the good will, talent and idealism of the young people I meet across the world. They are making important contributions to our work to eradicate poverty, contain the spread disease, combat climate change and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. I call on Member States to increase their investments in young people so they can do even more. During the International Year, the United Nations and its youth organization partners will focus on the need to encourage dialogue and understanding across generations, cultures and religions. In a world in which different peoples and traditions are coming into closer, more frequent contact than ever before, it is crucial that young people learn how to listen intently, empathize with others, acknowledge divergent opinions, and be able to resolve conflicts. Few endeavors are more important than nurturing these skills, and educating young people about human rights, for in them we not only see the next generation of leaders, but also crucial stakeholders of today. Let us also recognize that older generations themselves stand tolearn a great deal from the experiences and examples of young people as they come of age in a world of accelerating interconnectedness.As we launch this International Year, let us acknowledge and celebrate what youth can do to build a safer, more just world. Let us strengthen our efforts to include young people in policies, programmes and decision-making processes that benefit their future and ours.秘书长国际青年日致词2008 年8 月12 日气候变化的科学很复杂,但事实却很简单:我们的世界将遇到麻烦。
一、视译训练材料的重要性1. 提升视译技能:视译训练材料是视译学习的重要资源,通过针对性的练习,学员能够不断提升自己的视译能力。
2. 拓宽知识面:视译训练材料不仅包含语言元素,还涵盖了各个领域的知识,如法律、医学、艺术等。
3. 培养实践经验:视译训练材料中的案例常常来源于实际生活和工作场景,学员在进行视译练习时,可以模拟实际的工作情境,逐渐积累起宝贵的实践经验。
二、视译训练材料的使用方法1. 多样化资源:视译训练材料可以来源于多个渠道,如书籍、网络、期刊、影视等。
2. 分析与练习:在使用视译训练材料时,学员要注重分析和练习的结合。
3. 反思与反馈:视译训练过程中,学员应该及时进行反思和反馈。
4. 实践与总结:视译训练只有结合实际工作和实践经验才能真正提升。
9.The global economy can be hard on those unable to benefit from its opportunities.
1. I come to China at an important time.
2. They built the bridge in two months.
1. There remains a sizable gap between aspiration and accomplishment.
2. We know that oxygen is necessary for the breathing of animals and plants, and for burning.
6. Several more fundamental proposals are advanced for consideration by the General Assembly for possible action in the longer term.
5.Ten years later we were one of the first West European countries to recognize the People’s Republic of China.
英语口译视译材料In the realm of language services, English interpretation stands as a crucial bridge between cultures and ideas. It's not just about translating words; it's about conveying the essence and nuance of a message.The art of sight translation in English demands a quick mind and an even quicker tongue. It's the ability to read and interpret a text simultaneously, a skill that requires extensive practice and a deep understanding of both the source and target languages.For students, mastering English sight translation is akin to unlocking a treasure trove of opportunities. It opens doors to international conferences, diplomatic missions, and global business negotiations, where the power of clear communication is paramount.In the classroom, practicing sight translation with English materials involves dissecting sentences, understanding context, and delivering a coherent translation on the fly. It's a skill that sharpens the mind and hones the ability to think on one's feet.The challenge of English sight translation lies in its complexity. It requires not only linguistic proficiency but also cultural awareness, ensuring that the translation is not only accurate but also culturally sensitive.To excel in this field, one must immerse themselves in the language, absorbing idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms that give depth to the translation. It's about capturing the spirit of the original text while making it accessible to a new audience.In professional settings, the stakes are high for English interpreters. Errors in sight translation can lead to misunderstandings or diplomatic faux pas. Thus, interpreters must be vigilant, ensuring that every word is translated with precision and care.Continuous learning is essential for those in the field of English interpretation. As language evolves, so too must the interpreter, staying abreast of new terms and expressions to maintain the highest level of proficiency.In conclusion, English sight translation is a dynamic and challenging profession that requires a unique blend of linguistic talent, cultural insight, and quick thinking. For those who embrace the challenge, it offers a rewarding career with the potential to make a significant impact on global communication.。
In2014theChinesegovernmentpromoteddevelopmentconceptsandsyst emsinnovation,adoptedeffectivemeasurestoguaranteecitizens’accesstofair development,hadmorepeopletosharethefruitofreformanddevelopment,and betterprotectedthepeople’seconomic,socialandculturalrights.人民生活有新的改善。
People’slivingstandardfurtherimproved.China’sGDPin2014increased by7.4percentoverthepreviousyear,andtheeconomyoperatedwithinanapprop riaterange.TheeconomicgrowthincentralandwesternChinawasfasterthanthat intheeast.Asmanyas13.22millionnewurbanjobswerecreated,morethanthatin 2013.Thetotaloutputofgrainwas607.1milliontons,anincreaseof5.16millionto nsoverthepreviousyear.南水北调中线一期工程通水,京津冀等地6000万群众喝上了长江水。
语段视译练习Homeless Man Returns Lost WalletSANTA ANA – When Kim Bogue lost her wallet last week, she had little hope that she'd recover it or the $900 and bundle of credit cards inside. With a team of co-workers, she twice searched the Santa Ana civic buildings where she works as a janitor. They pulled bags from dumpsters, rummaged through offices, and checked all the bathrooms, but found nothing. "I was sick all weekend." said Bogue, who was saving the money for a trip to Thailand, her home country.That same weekend, a homeless man who roams the Santa Ana civic buildings also was searching for something. He made his routine visit to the trash bins nearby to look for aluminum cans. Instead, he found Bogue's wallet wrapped in a plastic bag. That Monday, the man, who declined to be identified, gave the money to Sherry Wesley who works in one of the buildings. "He came to me with the wad of money and said 'This probably belongs to someone that you work with, can you return it?'"Bogue received a call from her boss with the good news. Someone recovered her wallet after she accidentally tossed it in the trash with her lunch. "I couldn't believe it when they called me," she said. "He has a very good heart. If someone else found it, the money would be gone."Grateful, Bogue gave the man a $100 reward, which he split with Wesley. She gave the money to her church. While the money would serve as a tempting find, especially for a homeless man, Wesley said the man's actions did not surprise her. "I know he has got the biggest heart," she said. "Somebody like that who is so down on their luck and willing to help someone out is a rare thing."语篇视译练习Biofuels – the green alternative for transportKey note speech at the International Biofuels ConferenceAndris Piebalgs, Energy CommissionerBrussels, 5 July 2007Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests,It is a great pleasure for me to be speaking at this significant event. In my address today, I would like to cover three key questions:♦Why are biofuels important?♦What is the European Union doing to promote them?, and♦Why do we need to work together at international level in this policy area?…International cooperation for promoting biofuelsThis brings me to the last point I would like to cover: why do we need to work together at international level as we develop our biofuel policies?One important reason is that we expect and hope to see an increase in global trade in biofuels and in biofuel feedstock. Now, as far as the EU is concerned, I should point out that we could –if we had to –fulfill our 10% target for 2020 entirely through domestically produced biofuels –notably, by using "set-aside" agricultural land and by reducing the rate at which arable land is being abandoned in the EU. This approach would imply only a small increase in agricultural commodity prices – a matter of a few percentage points.However, even if this approach is technically possible, it is not the one that we want to follow. We think that this purely domestic sourcing of biofuels is neither likely – given current trade rules, and the increased trade liberalization we hope to see in future –nor desirable. Instead, we aim at a "balanced approach" under which domestically produced biofuels and imports will both contribute to meeting the EU's growing needs.We are keen to work constructively with other countries, regions and international organizations to create the necessary framework for this increased trade in biofuels. We need to ensure that our biofuel standards, and those of our main trading partners, create no unnecessary obstacles. With the European Committee on Standardization, we convened an international conference on this topic in February. This set out a roadmap for our future work on internationally compatible biofuel standards. We will continue to work vigorously to implement this. We also need to work for convergence on biofuel sustainability – both on the minimum standards that will be set for biofuel use in each country or region, and for the procedures to be used to verify these.But trade issues are not the only reason for working together. A wider principle of solidarity is also at play, because when one country or region adopts a sustainable policy of biofuel development, everyone gains.We all gain from the consequent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.We all gain as biofuels become an increasingly credible alternative to oil-based fuels in the transport market.We all gain from the emergence of new opportunities for economic development in rural areas.And we all gain because each country's experience offers lessons that others can draw on. At EU level we have learnt a lot from the pioneering efforts of certain Member States, from Brazil and from others internationally. We must, and we will, plan our biofuels policies to take advantage of these benefits from international cooperation.Ladies and gentlemen,For all these reasons, the European Commission is committed to giving a strong international dimension to its work on biofuels. This conference is a signal of this commitment and an important step in taking it forward.Biofuels are not the panacea for all our energy problems. But they are an essential component of our future approach to energy policy, and a way to make sure that the transport sector plays its full part in our efforts to tackling global warming and to diversify fuel sources. It is exciting to see so many people gathered here today. I look forward with great interest to the lessons that we will be able to learn over the next day and a half of discussions.Thank you for your attention.。
58VITAL SPEECHES OF THE DAY“THE LOST SPIRIT OF COMMON CAUSE”Address by JEFF KINDLER, Chairman and CEO, PfizerDelivered to the Confederation of British Industry, London, England, Nov. 23, 2009G ood afternoon. Pfizer is a proud member of the Brit-ish business community. We began operations here in 1952, the year that Queen Elizabeth came to the throne. Following a recent acquisition, I am proud to say that Pfizer is now the largest supplier of medicines to the National Health Service.Our ties to the United Kingdom were born in the hour that forever sealed the friendship between your country and mine. In the years between the two World Wars, a mir-acle drug was discovered—penicillin. It was the first real defense against bacterial infection, and it held the promise of saving millions of lives on the fields of battle. But pro-ducing that miracle was slow and laborious.As the Battle of Britain raged, and the bombs of the Luft-waffe landed, just yards from where we now stand, peni-cillin was still being produced one dose at a time. It took precious time—time that the Allies simply did not have. So the British and American governments issued an urgent appeal to chemical manufacturers: Help us find a way to make more penicillin, faster.Pfizer stepped up, and our scientists soon discovereda way to mass-produce it. We bought an old ice plant in New York, and our employees worked around the clockto convert it into a penicillin factory. Our chairman posted a sign that read, “The faster this building is completed,the quicker our wounded men get penicillin, the new life-saving drug.”Within four months, Pfizer was producing five times more penicillin than originally anticipated. In the end, more than 90 percent of the penicillin that the Allied forces carried ashore on D-Day was made by Pfizer.This story still inspires our people today, and not just because we are proud that our company contributed to the war effort. It inspires us because it recalls a time when countries, and governments, and businesses came together, in common cause, for something larger than themselves. The Lost Spirit of Common CauseIt was a time when everyone trusted everyone else to do the right thing. It’s a time that today seems very long ago indeed, because that spirit of trust and common cause has evaporated. It’s up to all of us to earn it back, starting now.Today’s theme is “The Shape of Things to Come.” But for many of us in business and in government, the shape of things to come may not be the same as the shape of things that we want to come. If we fail to change, then the shape of things to come will not be pretty, for our companies or for society as a whole. And if you think you’re exempt, you are wrong.If we fail to change, then the real and legitimate anger that people around the world are feeling will lead to policy changes that could damage the competitiveness of the U.K., Europe, and the United States and put the long-term pros-perity of our people at risk. Elected officials will be defeated, and businesses will face limits on their licenses to operate.We’re already starting to see this. Over time, it will mean lost opportunities for the private sector innovation that can create jobs and rebuild the economy.The reason is clear: In Europe and the United States, nearly two-thirds of people say they trust corporations less now than they did a year ago. The numbers are even worse for governments. But we can turn things around, and earn back trust … and that’s what I’d like to talk about today.Now, if you read the papers, you may know that my company recently paid a very significant fine on a compli-ance charge in the U.S.So you’re probably asking yourself, “Jeff, who are you to talk about trust?” That’s a fair question. That case centered around some of our sales people improperly promoting one of our medicines for uses that the U.S. government had not authorized.As a result, we were prosecuted, and we pleaded guilty to a felony. We paid the U.S. government $1.8 billion dol-lars to settle the case, and another $500 million to address other pending civil matters.We announced the final settlement in September. It was a blow to our employees. It didn’t reflect the company they know. Our friends and family members asked us all, “What is going on at Pfizer?” The real question was usually left unsaid: Is Pfizer no different from the countless other insti-tutions that have violated the public’s trust?Lately, it seems to be happening more and more. Just over the past year, an accounting scandal forced out the Speaker of the House of Commons. That hasn’t happened since 1695. In the U.S., the Illinois Governor was arrested, impeached, and thrown out of office for influence ped-dling. A member of Congress was convicted of accepting bribes and storing the cash in his freezer.Business hasn’t done any better, from reckless risks with other people’s money, to Ponzi schemes, to insider trad-ing, and more. Many large banks and automakers now owe their very existence to bailouts that taxpayers paid for. The people we serve are angry because the companies that failed over the past year were rewarded, and regular people59 jEFF KINDLERhad to pay for it.It’s been “a year unlike any other,” as the public relations firm Edelman called it in their “Trust Barometer” survey. That survey showed levels of trust in business and govern-ment dropping to new lows.It’s easy to see why. Across society, people have cometo believe that the rules meant to bring order to society instead are manipulated to benefit the rule-makers. It has become so widespread that having questionable ethics is practically seen as the norm. In fact, doing the right thing now seems quaint and old-fashioned when so many people seem to get away with doing the wrong thing.People have had enough, and the backlash is real. It’s fueling demands for more restrictions on business and gov-ernments. People say, “Banks should risk less, and pay their executives less. Oil companies should drill less, and burn less. Drug companies should charge less, but not do lessR&D.” Sometimes, this criticism is warranted. Sometimes, it’s not. But when the majority of people don’t trust you, they’ll find a way to force you to change.It’s Up to Us to Earn Back TrustSo this is where we are. And it’s up to us to earn back the trust that we’ve lost. It will take a lot of time and ener-gy. We have to start by letting people know, “we hear you.” This new era of responsibility starts with acknowledging where we’ve gone wrong, showing that we’re making real changes, and demonstrating that we are willing to work to-gether to address society’s most urgent problems.At Pfizer, we’ve begun to change. We know we needto be straight with people. No one has any tolerance for corporate spin. So, we’re disclosing more information than ever. You can go to the Web to see how we compensate doctors outside our company, the progress our scientists are making, the results of more than 1,000 trials of ex-perimental new medicines, and the outcomes of studies of medicines that are already on the market.We’ve changed the way our salespeople interact with physicians. The golf trips are long gone. No more fancy dinners, or tchotchkes left in the doctor’s office. Fewer representatives in the waiting room, more training, and a greater focus on providing up-to-date information about the medicines physicians prescribe.Meanwhile, we’re expanding our work for people who cannot afford our medicines. Seventy percent of the world lives on less than $3,000 a year—four billion people. In the past, we’ve reached them through philanthropy. As just one example, Pfizer has given away 87 million treatments of Zithromax over the past few years to treat the infections that cause blindness in poor countries. This has helped eliminate trachoma, the leading cause of preventable blind-ness, in many places. In fact, the WHO has set a goal of eliminating this terrible disease from the entire Earth by 2020, and we’re going to help make that happen.But we know that philanthropy alone isn’t enough. So we’ve also created a new business dedicated to creating a marketplace, one that’s not dependent on charity, and that will provide people living in the developing world with af-fordable medicines in a socially responsible and sustainable way. And we’ve created another business to expand access to generic medicines around the world.These are all important changes. They are the right thing to do. But we have to do more.***We completed our $68 billion acquisition of Wyeth last month. It was the first major M&A deal since the economy collapsed in September of last year. The combination cre-ated a much larger and more diversified health care com-pany. It gave us a unique scale and global reach. It gave us an unmatched portfolio of health care solutions for every stage of life, from pre-natal vitamins and infant formula, to vaccines and preventive care, to treatments for Alzheimer’s.We’re obviously very excited about the greater ability to make a real difference. But we also stepped back and asked ourselves some fundamental questions. That’s something we all should do regularly.Making CommitmentsWe asked ourselves: How can we uniquely serve the world’s health needs? What can we do that no other compa-ny can do? And what responsibilities come along with that?At Pfizer, we’ve made seven commitments to ourselves and to the people we serve, who are all of you. They are unique to what we do, and no other company could make them.First, we have committed to advancing wellness, pre-vention, treatments and cures, because health is one of the most important investments a society can make. It’s time to move beyond simply helping people get better after they get sick. Shouldn’t we help them keep from getting sick in the first place?Most of us try to take care of ourselves first, before going to see a doctor. This usually starts with products like Robi-tussin for cough and cold, or Anadin for the aches and pains the weekend rugby warrior gets from overdoing it. When people take care of themselves in these ways, they feel better. They also reduce the burdens on health systems, and that saves money for all of us. So as a society, we have to do more to advance health and wellness at every stage of life.As a society, we have to do more to advance healthand wellness at every stage of life. For babies, this means improving nutrition, especially from birth to age two, the critical window for growth and behavioral development.For children, wellness can mean a vaccine that can pre-vent invasive pneumococcal diseases, such as meningitis. Wellness means getting this vaccine on national immuniza-tion programs because these preventable diseases take the lives of up to one million children every year, before they even reach age five.Wellness means recognizing that vaccines aren’t just for children. They can help adults too.FEBRUARY 201060VITAL SPEECHES OF THE DAYIn fact, European regulators are now reviewing a new ver-sion of our pneumococcal vaccine that can prevent infections that are resistant to current treatments. This will be a major advance, and we hope one day to extend it to help older adults who are susceptible to life-threatening infections.Our second commitment is to bring the best scientif-ic minds together to challenge the most feared diseases of our time. Solutions are within reach to some of the world’s most serious health problems. Biopharmaceutical companies around the world are now studying more than 860 potential new medicines to treat cancer. More than 2,000 medicines are now being studied to treat the condi-tions that affect older people, including Alzheimer’s. It’s a terrible condition, yet science knows relatively little about it. Our researchers come to work every day to advance this science, hoping to help the people they love by one day finding new ways to treat Alzheimer’s, and even prevent it.And when we can’t quite do it alone, we’ll even join with our competitors to advance science and health. We did that earlier this year when we split off our HIV business. GSK did the same, and we combined them together to create a new specialty health care company, called Viiv Healthcare. Viiv will be able to seek new health solutions in ways that neither company could do alone.Third, we have committed to setting the standard for quality, safety, and the value of medicines. If we ask people to put our products in their bodies, then people de-serve to know they are safe, that they work, and that they are worth it.We do this through a world class medical organization. But our work extends beyond the medicines we make, be-cause a global economy requires us to be vigilant to ensure that people are protected from counterfeit medicines.One British newspaper reported that as many as eight million counterfeit pills may have made their way to NHS patients last year. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that about 30 percent of all prescription drugs on the market are fake. Most people don’t know that, so we’re trying to get the word out.You might have seen the advertisements that Pfizerran in cinemas here in the U.K. earlier this year. The ads showed the dangers of counterfeit medicines, and we de-liberately made them shocking. One showed a man tak-ing a pill and then coughing up a dead rat, because some counterfeit drugs contain traces of rat poison.We’re also working on enforcement, partnering with cus-toms officials and the Home Office border agency to police the supply of medicines coming into the U.K. The health and safety of the people who use our products depends on it.Fourth, we have committed to using our global presence and scale to make a difference in local com-munities and the world around us. Selling medicines is not enough. People expect us to respect and support their communities, to act ethically, to practice environmental stewardship, and to support responsible public policies.Here in the United Kingdom, these include policies such as those outlined by the Office of Life Sciences in the Blue-print that Lord Drayson, Lord Mandelson, and others have advanced. This plan aims to create jobs and strengthen the British economy, by improving the operating environment for the life sciences sector. It grew out of a close partner-ship between Government and industry, one that aims to support the NHS in its drive for innovation, and deliver a higher standard of care for the British people. The plan is in its early stages, but I hope it will prove to be a model of productive cooperation between business and Government.Fifth, we have committed to promoting curiosity, inclusion, and a passion for our work. Together, these traits generate the scientific innovation that leads to new treatments and cures.For example, we have one group of scientists who are studying a genetic condition that keeps people from being able to feel pain. You see this in parts of the world where people are able to walk on burning hot coals without feel-ing any pain. This can badly disable the people livingwith it. So we are working to identify the genetic defect that triggers this. The science behind this unique and rare medical condition could unlock new solutions to help mil-lions of people who live with chronic pain. That would be a tremendous medical advance.And it all starts with curious scientists, working in a place that encourages learning about diverse cultures, and bringing deep passion to their work.Sixth, we have committed to being a leading voice for improving everyone’s ability to have reliable and af-fordable health care. It’s the right thing to do morally and economically.In every part of the world, we have a responsibility to work in partnership with governments and NGOs to ex-pand access to quality care. Let me highlight some ways we’re doing this.In emerging economies such as China, living standards could improve by a hundred fold, within just a single generation. So China has launched a massive reform effort to expand access to care, particularly in its remote areas beyond the large eastern cities. This will create more need for more doctors and researchers. So, Pfizer is helping train scientists at Fudan University and the Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences.In Bangladesh, we’re working with Professor Muham-mad Yunus, to expand access to health care using the model of Grameen Bank. That’s the micro-finance bankhe founded to help entrepreneurs obtain loans, start small businesses, and lift themselves out of poverty. This is the first step toward better health, and we want to help take the next one.And around the world, we’re working with former U.S. President Bill Clinton’s foundation to reduce the cost and expand the availability of an important antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis in people living with HIV/AIDS.61 RUPERT MURDOCHFinally, we have committed to maximizing our fi-nancial performance so we can meet all of our commit-ments to all who rely on us. This may be the most impor-tant commitment, because all the others depend on it. We can meet the other commitments only if we deliver strong and sustainable business performance.In much of health care, this matters because only private business can do what we do. That’s because since World War II, the ability to manufacture medicines on a vast scale, and distribute them widely, has been the single most significant improvement in health care. But the research and development that leads to new and clinically relevant advances is painstakingly slow.While we are taking clear steps to improve our R&D efficiency, bringing a new medicine to market still takes more than a decade, and costs more than $1 billion. For every one medicine that makes it, another 10,000 research projects fail along the way. That’s simply the reality of sci-ence, and only a for-profit business can take on risks like this. Because no public official could tell voters, “We failed 10,000 times and succeeded once.” They’d lose the next election 10,000 votes to one.But for us, this is just how business works. Because the risks are so high, the companies and the investors that take them deserve to be compensated for them. That’s why we have to maximize the financial performance of our busi-ness. Everything we do depends on it.We’ve said to our stakeholders: Here are our commit-ments. Measure us not by what we say, but by what we do.Our success depends on scientific advancement, bring-ing relevant new products to a changing global market-place, and strong business performance overall. But it de-pends just as much on the type of business we run and on whether people trust us. That’s an important reason why we have made these commitments.We know the stakes are high. If we don’t do what we say we’ll do, we’ll lose trust even further. Then we could lose customers or face more legal problems. But most of all, everyone will lose out on new opportunities to add more years to people’s lives and life to their years.This is not unique to Pfizer. It’s true for you too, what-ever industry or public office you’re in. So it’s up to eachof us to earn back trust. Everyone has a role, even if you didn’t contribute to the problem.Step one, is to acknowledge that there is a problem. Then, we all have to demonstrate our commitment to do-ing things differently, by taking actions that focus beyond our bottom line to serving society as a whole.The British and the American people want a return to the days when countries, governments, and businesses came together in common cause, for something larger than them-selves. It’s up to us to make this happen. It’s the right thing to do, and our success depends on it, even our survival.I believe this very deeply, and that is why I am grateful to everyone at the Confederation of British Industry for inviting me here today to share these thoughts.“THE BASIC TRUTH REMAINS”Address by RUPERT MURDOCH, Chairman and CEO, News Corporation Delivered at a workshop of the U.S. Federal T rade Commission, New York, N.Y., Dec. 1, 2009T hank you, Chairman Leibowitz, for that very kind introduction. You and Commissioners Harbour, Kovacic, and Rosch are to be commended for holding this timely and important workshop.I particularly want to thank you for inviting me. It isa credit to this Agency that a wide variety of views are represented here today. Clearly the FTC recognizes thata diversity of viewpoints is vital to debate in a free and open democracy. I appreciate the opportunity to speak to such a distinguished audience. And I am pleased that this workshop is being carried by webcast, so that many more Americans might participate.We have just heard two excellent reports on the history and current state of journalism from Rick Edmonds and Paul Steiger. That leaves me to talk about my favorite topic: the future of journalism. For a newsman like me—whose company’s assets include print, television, film and digital news properties—this is a particularly compelling subject.We meet at a time when many news enterprises are shutting down or scaling back. No doubt you will hear some at this workshop tell you that journalism is in dire shape, and the triumph of digital is to blame.My message to you is just the opposite. The future of journalism is more promising than ever—limited only by editors and producers unwilling to fight for their readers and viewers, or government using its heavy hand either to over-regulate us or subsidize us.From the beginning, newspapers have prospered for one reason: the trust that comes from representing their read-ers’ interests and giving them the news that’s important toFEBRUARY 2010Copyright of Vital Speeches of the Day is the property of McMurry Inc. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.。
• 7. Scientists report that hunting or eating wild animals not only destroy the balance of nature, but also run the risk of being infected by virus from animals.
• 9. If you have yet to appoint a new sales manager in chargeБайду номын сангаасof our L.A. office, Mrs. Coleman was born there and has good connections.
• 10. Suppose the gasoline tank of your car holds 20 gallons and you average 16 miles to the gallon, how far can you drive on a tank full of gasoline?
• 3. Keeping a business firm running is far more difficult than starting it. According to current statistics, 2/3 of new business firms will fail in the first five years.
• • • • • 阅读技巧 (快速阅读技巧) 抓住中心思想 准确把握结构 正确理解词义 百科知识
• 使用翻译方法 (直译、意译、归化、异化) • 运用翻译技巧 (增补、省略、词性转换、 肯否转换、词义引申) • 达到翻译标准 (信、达、雅)
各位同学请注意:今天的学习任务是1) 先将一、二、三部分复习一遍并融会贯通;2)按视译步骤练习第三部分, 完不成的课下自己抽时间完成3)看录像片(也在自主学习模块中)4)请大家录制88篇英文短文作为记忆训练和口译训练材料I.Principles and techniques for sight interpretationPrinciples:1. Syntactic Linearity 顺句驱动为了避免语言结构重大调整对人脑认知负荷的影响,口译员常常是在总体上依照英文的行文次序,把整个句子切分成意群单位或信息单位,再使用连接词把这些单位连接起来,译出整体意思。
e.g. 所有人//都可以借助互联网资源//来学习,//不论他们是哪个民族、//何种性别、//何种肤色,//只要他们可以介入互联网。
All //can study // by relying on internet recourses// regardless of their races, //nationalities//and sex//providing that they could have access to the internet.2. Readjustment 随时调整指译员根据接收到的新内容调整信息、纠正错误、补充漏译的重要环节。
Our national report will be presented to the secretarait between now and Kyoto.3. Anticipate 适度超前指口译过程中的预测技能,就是再还不完整的情况下,译员靠自己的能力、知识及临场经验,预测发言人可能要讲的内容而进行超“前翻译”,从而赢得时间,紧跟发言人进行同步翻译。
e.g.套话口译: …我谨代表…//对与会代表表示热烈欢迎//并预祝本次大会…(取得圆满成功)//Please allow me to be on behalf of …to extend our warmest welcome to the participants of this conference…and wish the conference a success4. Reformulation 信息重组信息重组是同声传译的总策略,因为中英文语言差别比较大,很难做到一一对应地口译,视译时,英遵循“信息”的原则。
Passage 1Most ironic was the image of government that was born of these experiences. As any scholarly treatise on the subject will tell you, the great advantage bureaucracy is supposed to offer for a complex, modern society like ours is efficient, rational, uniform and courteous treatment for the citizens it deals with. Yet not only did these qualities not come through to the people I talked with, it was their very opposites that seemed more characteristic. People of all classes – the rich man dealing with the Internal Revenue Service as well as the poor woman struggling with the welfare department – felt that the treatment they had received had been bungled, not efficient; unpredictable, not rational; discriminatory, not uniform, all too often, insensitive, rather than courteous. It was as if they had bought a big new car that not only did not run when they wanted it to, but periodically revved itself up and drove all around their yards.Passage 2After I talked for a few minutes with Chou Enlai, and explained who I was, he arranged for me to spend the night in Pai Chiaping, and askedme to come next morning to his headquarters, in a nearby village. I sat down to dinner with a section of the Communications Department, which was stationed here, and I met a dozen young men who were billeted in Pai Chiaping. Some of them were teachers in the partisanschool, one was a radio operator, and some were officers of the Red Army. Our meal consisted of boiled chicken, unleavened whole-wheat bread, cabbages, millet, and potatoes, of which I ate heartedly. But, as usual, there was nothing to drink but hot water and I could not touch it.I am famished with thirst. The food was served – delivered is the word –by two nonchalant young lads wearing uniforms several sizes too large for them, and peaked Red Caps with long bills that kept flapping down over their eyes. They looked at me sourly at first, but after a few minutes I managed to provoke a friendly grin from one of them. emboldened by this success, I called to him as he went past.Passage 3It is often said that Asian Americans are a “model minority”, with parents who work 18 hours a day in the family grocery and children who work with equal amazing perseverance in the classroom. At a glance, the evidence seems clear: while the first Asians to come to America lived poorly as farmers, miners and railway workers, we now enjoy one of the highest average incomes in the country. Here at Harvard, 18% of the class of 1996 are Asian Americans, compared to 3% of the total US population. By focusing on the “positive stereotype”, however, one neglects the other side of our lives. For many of us –the second generation –there is something uncomfortable about being Asian in America.Although many of us appreciate the great sacrifices our parents have made, their economic success somehow represents for us an unsatisfying legacy. We suffer in particular from an endemic identity crisis. We have begun to question the accommodationist ways of our forebears, our quietly studious manner, our narrow priorities, and our previous notions of successPassage 4Running the country is all well and good, but Tony Blair still wonders if he could have made it as a rock star. “I’ve always wondered, could I have actually done it,”the onetime lead singer of a rock band called the Ugly Rumors, more recently prime minister, told his former bass player in an interview. “I was quite serious about it. It wasn’t just a mere dalliance –it was a bit more than that for me.”Blair told ex-bass player Mark Ellen. Experts from the intervieew were printed in The Times. “With politics, it all clicked into place for me somehow. Whereas with music you had to have a particular set of attributes that I didn’t quite have, and it never happened for me even though I was despertately keen to carry on.”Blair, 51, said that he still gets a thrill meeting rock icons of his youth like Paul McCartney or David Bowie. “They say: ‘it must be so interesting what you do,’and I say: ‘it’s not as interesting as whatyou do.”Passage 5Despite the clear-cut technological advantages, the railroad didn’t become the primary means of transportation for nearly 20 years after the fist pioneering American railroads were introduced in the early 1830s. Besides the stiff competition of water transportation, an important hindrance to railroad development was public antipathy, which had its roots in ignorance, conservatism, and vested interest. People thought that speeds of 20 to 30 miles per hour would be physically harmful to passengers. Many honestly believed that the railroad would prove to be impractical and uneconomical and would not provide services as dependent as that of the waterways. Unsurprisingly, the most vigorous opposition to railroads came from groups whose economic interests suffered from the competition of the new industry. Millions of dollars had been spent on canals, rivers, highways, and plank roads, and thousands of people depended on the transportation enterprises for their livelihood.When Kim Bogue accidentally threw her wallet away with her lunch, she had little hope that she’d recover the $900 and bundle of credit cards inside. With a team of co-workers, she twice searched the Santa Ana civic buildings where she works as a janitor, but found nothing. “I was sick all weekend,”said Bogue, who was saving the money for a trip to Thailand, her home country. The same weekend, a homeless man who roams the building also was searching for something. He made his routine visit to the trash bins nearby to look for aluminus cans. Instead, he found Bogue’s wallet. That Monday, the man, who declined to be identified, gave the money to Sherry Wesley who works in one of the buildings. “He came to me with the wad of money and said: ‘This probably belongs to someone that you work with. Can you return it?’”Grateful, Bogue gave the man a $100 reward, which he split with Wesley. She gave the money to her church. While the money would serve as a tempting find, especially for a homeless man, Wesley said the man’s action did not surprise her. “I know he has got the biggest heart,” she said. “Somebody like that who is so down on their luck and willing to help someone out is a rare thing.”Three big uncertainties loom over the Rice Department. The first concerns the new secretary herself. For four years, Ms. Rice has been a sounding board, tutor, and weather vane. She will now have to articulate a clearer view of the post-al-Qaeda world. For example, she has a lot of expertise in Russia. But should America’s attitude to Vladimir Putin’s centralization of power be determined by the need to keep good relations with a partner in the war on terror? Or should it be influenced more by Mr. Bush’s view that the best way to starve global terrorism is to encourage democracy? The second uncertainty concerns her department. Does she spend time shaping it, replacing the diplomats in charge of the DPRK and the Middle East, while risking the sort of hostility and disruption? The third uncertainty is how much appetite there is on both sides of the Atlantic for real diplomatic engagement. Even before the election, Mr. Bush and Ms. Rice privately indicated that, three years after September 11th, it was time to patch things up in Europe and the Middle East.Passage 7Life for almost everybody is a long competitive struggle where very few can win the race, and those who do not win are unhappy. When I try tounderstand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other. The one that goes least deep is the necessity for subservience in some large organization. If you are an energetic man with a strong view as to the right way of doing the job which you are concerned, you find yourself invariably under the orders of some big man at the top who is elderly, weary and cynical. Whenever you have a bright idea the boss puts a stopper on it. The more energetic you are and more vision you have, the more you will suffer from the impossibility of doing things that you feel ought to be done. When you go home and moan to your wife, she tells you that you are a silly fellow and that if you become the proper sort of yes-man, your income will soon be doubled. If you try divorce and remarriage it is very unlikely that there will be any change in this respect. And so you are condemned to great ulcers and premature old age.。
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Secretary-General’s Message for UN Day
New Y ork, 24 October 2011
Days from now, the human family will welcome its seven billionth member.
Some say our planet is too crowded. I say we are seven billion strong.
The world has made remarkable progress since the United Nations was born 66 years ago today.
We are living longer. More of our children survive. More and more of us live at peace, under democratic rule of law.
As we have seen in this dramatic year, people everywhere are standing up for their rights and human freedoms.
And yet, all this progress is under threat. From economic crisis. Rising joblessness and inequality. Climate change.
Around the world, too many people live in fear. Too many people believe their governments and the global economy can no longer deliver for them.
In these turbulent times, there is only one answer: unity of purpose.
Global problems demand global solutions.
They compel all nations to unite in action on an agenda for the world's people.
That is the very mission of the United Nations:
Five easy way to boost your energy at work.
We all have those days when all we want is to crawl back in bed for a few more hours. Unfortunately, few of us have that luxury. The following hints may help you stay energized, or at least get you going until you can make the time for rest.
1. Engage in a quick conversation with a high-energy colleague. Their positive energy may refresh you. (Just be careful not to drag them down!)
2. Snack more! Having a healthy snack on hand, like fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy. (Overeating will do the opposite and drag you down!) Moderation is key!
3. Exercise. If you know that your schedule does not allow for a visit to the gym today, find a way
to move around during your day. Instead of sending an email to your coworker, walk to her desk. It may be a good idea to take the stairs today, even though you're tired. But try to visit the gym tomorrow. People who exercise get more restful sleep and often feel more energized than those who don't.
4. Drink water. "Hydration is critical," says Steven Masley, a medical director in Florida. "If you don't hydrate, you're going to feel tired." The majority of your body is made of water; even a slight deficiency can rob you of your “oomph”!
“水是关键”,佛罗里达洲一个医学主任Steven Masley说,“如果你不喝水,你会感到疲劳”。
5. Plan a vacation or a staycation. Whether you leave town for a day or a week, having something fun to look forward to will excite you and stimulate energy. Plus, if you're reading this, you could probably use a break from your day-to-day routine.
From: /interpretation/bilingualnews/20090727/85355.html。