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rest room(原意是休息室,但实际指厕所,在美国使用频率最



the facilities(原意是设施,转指厕所)如:May I use the facilities?

the Jane(原为常用女子名珍妮,转指厕所。)

the John(原为常用男子名约翰,转指厕所。)

go to the toilet 去洗手间,去厕所

wash one’s hands 洗手

powder one’s nose 搽点粉

spend a penny 花一角钱,付卫生费

make oneself comfortable 放松一下

Where is the restroom? 休息室在哪儿?

have a BM(bowie movement) 运动一下肠子

pick some flowers 摘几朵花

do one’s official business 办点公事

get some fresh air 呼吸一下新鲜空气

retire for a moment 退休一会儿

answer the call of nature 去响应大自然的召唤



男性用语:to rear, go to the gents’,

go to the Green man,

go to men’s room,Princes(王子) ,


spend a penny 花一角钱,付卫生费,

have a BM(bowie movement) 运动一下肠子,

do one’s official busine ss 办点公事,

answer the call of nature 去响应大自然的召唤,

retire for a moment 退休一会儿

do a job 干个活,,

go water the lawn (在草地上浇水),

shoot a dog (射击狗),

visit the Chamber of Commerce (拜访商工会馆)

do one's business(做生意)

女性用语:powder her nose, fix one’s face, go to visit ladies’ room, go to no-man’s-land,Princesses(公主),


go to the toilet 去洗手间,去厕所

wash one’s hands 洗手

go somewhere else 去别的地方

powder one’s nose 搽点粉

pick some flowers 摘几朵花

get some fresh air 呼吸一下新鲜空气Where is John? 约翰在哪儿?

go and see one’s aunt 去看看姑妈

go feed the goldfish (去喂金鱼)

go see a dog (去看狗)

go see the baby (去看婴儿)

see Johnny (去看强尼),

drop one's wax

sit on the throne

relieve nature

relieve oneself


go to W.C(water closet),

儿童用语:go to the pot,

make number one or number two,

go to little boys’ or girls’ room,


pass water;小便

make water或empty one's bladder(小便)

shake a lily 小便

shake the dew off the lily 小便

pee-pee(小便)poo-poo(大便)妈妈会对男孩子说:Go make weewee.当然,高雅的妈妈一般不会对孩子说“尿尿”的。

过,小孩多半会用to pee/pea 。例如:I wanna peepee.

如果是大便,小孩子多半是用to make a poo poo 或to make a BM. 。

例如:The boy had a stinky BM.(大便奇臭。)

“要大小便”是nature calls(自然的呼唤,而听到这种自然的要求,使其轻松) 的就是relieve nature或ease nature,answer the call of nature。

所谓do No.2是小孩子的说法,“小便”是说do No.1,自然地“大”号就成为No. 2。

“小便”是说stand up,对“大便”则是说sit down,那种感觉还是能了解(但只能用于男性)。



I have an upset stomach.(消化不良)

= I have heartburn.

= I have indigestion.

He has(persistent)constipation.(或irregularity)(他经常便
