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英式发音规则(B B C:蒂姆英音课堂)


一、弱读 Weak Forms(重点掌握:schwa音/ə/ )

1. a piece of cake

a, of : /ə/ --schwa音(used in many gramma words, like articles and prepositions)

eg: I like a cup of tea in the morning.

Could you give me a packet of biscuits?

Can you give it to me?

I had an apple for lunch today.

2. and (basic conjunction, frequently unstressed)

strong: /ænd/ weak: /ən/ or /n/

Fish and chips fish ‘n’ chips

eg: I’m going to go and get the shopping.

Apples and oranges are my favourite fruits.

I’ve been thinking and thinking, but I can’t decide.

We went for a coffee and something to eat.

3. was: /wɒz/; unstressed /wəz/

were: /wɜː/; unstressed /wə/

eg: I was there when it happened.

He was feeling much better last night.

We were having a good time until it rained.

We were delighted with the results.

4. have to (modal form 情态动词“have”)

strong: / hæv tuː / ; weak: /hæf tə/

eg: They have to be there by ten.

We have to find another flat.

You have to tell me the gossip.

I always have to take the train.

have ( auxiliary助动词“have”)

辅音+ have:have 的发音省略/h/,元音变schwa音弱读为/əv/

I’d have stayed home. → I’d’ve stayed home.

eg: Your parcel should have been delivered yesterday.

I would have done it differently.

We might have made a mistake.

The police have arrived.

在句中,辅音结尾+“h”开头的代词, “h”不发音 (代词: he, him, his, her) eg:He looks like he’s had an accident.

I really like his cooking.

We think he’s left the country.

They let him leave early.

They offered her a promotion.

5. can (modal auxiliary 情态助动词)

strong: /kæn/ weak: /kən/ (also written as /kn/)

eg: Can you help me bring in the shopping, please?

I can swim further than I can run.

You can succeed if you work hard.

How far can you throw a tennis ball?

6. been

strong: /biːn/ weak: /bɪn/

eg: I’ve been in London since 2015.

I have been working here for several years.

How long have you been waiting?

It’s been years since I went to the cinema.


strong /frɒm/(句末) weak /frəm/ (句中弱读)

eg: I borrowed it from my brother.

I read the book from cover to cover.

The nearest post office is not far from here.

Come over any time from seven o'clock.

二、语音同化 Assimilation

1. /t/ + /p/ → almost(mouth shape)/p/ + /p/

white piece of paper

eg: There are lots of great parks in London.

I love split pea soup.

I hate potatoes/
