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Taihang and Wangwu Mountains are some seven hundred li around, and hundreds of thousands of feet high. 简洁有力 言简意赅。 hundreds of thousands 夸张 时态:一般现在时,表示客观存在。
愚公移山How the Fool Moved Mountains
太行,王屋二山,方七百里,高万仞。北山 愚公者,年且九十,面山而居。惩山北之塞, 出入之迂也。聚室而谋曰:“吾与汝毕力平 险,指通豫南,达于汉阴,可乎?”杂然相 许。
愚公移山How the Fool Moved Mountains

寓言的特点: 1.鲜明的教育性 2.强烈的讽刺性 3.故事情节的虚构性 4.语言精练,极富表现力 5.一半篇幅短小,结构紧凑 6.常用手法为:比喻,夸张,象征
句式: The two mountains, Taihang and Wangwu,…… There are two mountains named …… There were two mountains-----Taihang and Wangwu 参考译文: Taihang and Wangwu Mountains

且:将近 More than 90 years old/90 years old Almost 90 years old 参考译文:nearly ninety 面山而居:face/with the two mountains in front of his house 参考译文:His house faced these mountains.
杂:众多=大家 All,everyone…… 参考译文:To this they all agreed

愚公移山How the Fool Moved Mountains
How the Fool Moved Mountains Taihang and Wangwu Mountains are some seven hundred li around, and hundreds of thousands of feet high. North of these mountains lived an old man of nearly ninety, who was called the fool. His house faced these mountains, and he found it very inconvenient to make a detour each time he went out and came back; so one day he summoned his family to discuss the matter. “Suppose we work together to level the mountains?” he suggested. “Then we can open a road southward to the bank of the Han River.” To this they all agreed.


里:(长度单位) li, a Chinese unit of length (= 1/2 kilometer) Three hundred and fifty kilometers in diameter. circumference:周长,圆周。Have a circumference of 700 li. /The circumference is 700 square meters. Where were about 700 Li long in all 参考译文:Taihang and Wangwu Mountains

He found it very inconvenient to make a detour each time he went out and came back detour:名词,绕道,便道
聚室而谋曰:“吾与汝毕力平险,指通豫 南,达于汉阴,可乎?”


没有主语,句子结构比较特殊: 苦于山北之塞,也苦于出入之迂。 大家的译法中,一种方法是把这个句子可以看作一个 因果句来翻译:(因为)山北面的阻塞,(所以)进 出很不方便。 Because of the block of the northern side of the mountains, he found it very inconvenient to come in and go out.

北山:倒装, 山北, 山的北面。 Bei Mountain/Mountain Bei In the northern side of the mountains In the northern of the mountains 愚公:YuGong/an old stupid/a silly old man a lord Foolish 参考译文:The fool
泉院英语08Q2 第五组
孙弋 何威 刘伟 李龙 谢谢!
聚室而谋曰:“吾与汝毕力平险,指通豫 Biblioteka Baidu,达于汉阴,可乎?”

One day he summoned his family to discuss the matter. “Suppose we work together to level the mountains?” he suggested. “Then we can open a road southward to the bank of the Han River.” 译文中对指通豫南 这句没有翻译。
聚室而谋曰:“吾与汝毕力平险,指通豫 南,达于汉阴,可乎?”

阴:山的北面,水的南面 [north of a hill or south of river] 汉阴:south of Han River 可乎:可以么? OK? shall we? What about that? 而在参考译文中用了Suppose “Suppose we work together to level the mountains?”
are some seven hundred li around

仞:古代计量单位:一~(周尺八尺或七尺。周尺一 尺约合二十三厘米)Ren 160厘米 万仞:16000米 (夸张)

Ten thousand ren high Very high Ten thousands meters high

North of these mountains lived an old man of nearly ninety, who was called the fool. His house faced these mountains. 分成两个句子,叙事更加明了。

室 family/ descendents(子孙) families 平险:也就是移山 Move away/remove/level(弄平,使平坦) 指通:直通。 Make a way 想出办法 让路
Get to…directly/have a direct connection with… Open a road 参考译文
另外就是看成一个并列句:遭受着山的阻挡的痛 苦和出入的不方便。 He suffered from the block of the mountains and found it inconvenient…… 出入:go out and come in 简单易懂,但是参 考译文中用了COME BACK.更能体现出来 和 回的意思 communication 略显复杂。