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焊接质量手册 Welding Quality Manual

批准Approved by:XXX

审核/Reviewed by:XXX

编制/Compiled by:XXX


受控号/Control No.:

发布/Issue date:


XXX Co,.Ltd

XXX有限公司 XXX Co,.Ltd 页码:


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章节号Chapter 标题



Page 颁布令/Statement 3

前言/ Forward 4

1 应用范围/ Scope 6

2 参考标准/ Normative reference 6

3 术语及定义/ Terms and definitions8

4 缩写词介绍/ Abbreviation9

5 要求评审和技术评审/Review of requirements and technical review10

6 分承包/ Sub-contracting14

7 焊接人员/ Welding personnel15

8 实验及检验人员/ Inspection and testing personnel19

9 设备/ Equipment20

10 焊接及相关活动/ Welding and related activities25

11 焊接材料/ Welding consumables30

12 母材的贮存/ Storage of parent materials32

13 焊后热处理/ Post-weld heat treatment33

14 实验及检验/ Inspection and testing34

15 不符合项及纠正措施/ Non conformance and corrective actions43

16 测量、检验及实验设备的校准/ Calibration and validation of

measuring, inspection and testing equipment


17 标识及可追溯性/ Identification and traceability47

18 质量报告/ Quality records48 附录 A

Annex A

任命书/ Appointment50

附录 B Annex B 焊接组织结构图/ Structure chart of welding coordination



附录 C

Annex C

焊接职责分工/ Responsibilities of welding coordinators52

附录 D

Annex D

部门职责/ Responsibilities of all the departments59

附录 E

Annex E

修改控制/ Modification control63

XXX有限公司 XXX Co,.Ltd 页码:


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This manual is guideline to welding quality of our company, is the highest rule for welding activities, all staff must strictly comply with it in order to ensure that welding quality management system get to be run effectively and that welding quality of products continuously meet with requirements of customers and relevant laws or specifications. Now this manual is revision and issued officially and to be implemented on 1st.April.2012.


General manager

XXX有限公司 XXX Co,.Ltd 页码:


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XXX Co.,Ltd(following will call it “the company”)was built-up in 2010. It is in the “XXX. The company is jointed venture by XXX Co.,Ltd (following will call it “XXX”). The company’s major business is to supply aluminum alloy parts of railway vehicle to XXX including a lot of weldments.

根据公司生产产品的特点,决定按照“ISO 3834-2:2005 完整质量要求”做焊接质量控制体系管理。本手册编制于公司成立初期,主要为申请EN 15085-2 CL 1级资质认证,所以此手册在编制过程中将EN 15085-2的所有具体要求都会考虑到,并且结合EN 15085的第3至5部分的要求。另外,公司做ISO 9001或者其他质量体系认证时,此手册可作为其质量手册的分册,相应地,根据ISO 3834系列标准和ISO 9001标准的关系,焊接质量管理体系可作为ISO 9001质量管理体系的子体系。

The company decides to perform welding quality control system management according to “ISO 3834-2:2005 Comprehensive quality requirements” considering the characteristic of products of our company. This manual is prepared at the beginning period after setting up the company, its major objective is to apply “EN 15085-2 CL 1” certification. All the specific requirements of this standard and the third to the fifth part of the series standard “EN 15085” will be considered. Furthermore, if the company determines to apply ISO 9001 or other quality management system, this manual can be treated as a sub manual of quality manual according to ISO 9001 or other quality system. Corresponding, welding quality management system can be treated as sub system of quality system according to ISO 9001 based on the relation between ISO 3834 and ISO 9001.
