• The smell of wild flowers came to us on the light breeze that was blowing. • 野花的芬芳乘着轻风扑面而来。 • The car wound through the village and up a narrow valley, following a thaw-swollen stream. thaw• 汽车盘旋而上,穿过村庄、越过峡谷,沿 着一条冰雪初融河水猛涨的溪流向前行驶。
• 中国古代哲学讲求“以物观象”,即取万 中国古代哲学讲求“以物观象” 物之象,加工成为象征意义的符号,来反 映、认识客观事物的规律。(申小龙,2003: 映、认识客观事物的规律。(申小龙,2003: 324)。受此影响的汉语语言思维是一种具 324)。受此影响的汉语语言思维是一种具 象思维,其表达倾向于具体。而西方语言 包含一种执着与知性、理性的精神,表达 倾向于抽象。
• No wonder the sight of it should send the memories of quite a number of people of the old generation back 36 years ago. • 难怪老一辈的许多人看到它会想起36年前的 难怪老一辈的许多人看到它会想起36年前的 往事。 • An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs. • 懂点儿世界史有助于学习时事。
• • • • • • • • Disintegration Ardent loyalty Perfect harmony Impudence Total exhaustion Feed on fancies Offend public decency On the verge of destruction • • • • • • • • 土崩瓦解 赤胆忠心 水乳交融 厚颜无耻 精疲力尽• 具体(concrete)与抽象(abstract)是英汉对比 具体(concrete)与抽象(abstract)是英汉对比 与翻译中的一对重要概念。一般认为,汉 语用词倾向于具体,常常以实地形式表示 虚的概念,以具体的形象表达抽象的内容。 与汉语相比,英语由于使用大量的抽象名 词表达,用来表达复杂的思想和微妙的情 绪,往往有一种“ 绪,往往有一种“虚”、“泛”、“暗”、 “曲”、“隐”的味道,因而倾向于抽象。 (邵志洪,p17) (邵志洪,p17)
中文常见成语的英文翻译与英汉差异爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog.百闻不如一见One look is worth a thousand words.比上不足,比下有余To fall short of the best, but be better than the worst.笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start.不遗余力Spare no effort; go all out; do one's best.不打不成交No discord, no concord.拆东墙补西墙Rob Peter to pay Paul.辞旧迎新Bid farewell to the old and usher in the new.大事化小,小事化了Try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all.大开眼界Broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener.国泰民安The country flourishes and people live in peace.过犹不及Going beyond the limit is as bad as falling short;excess is just as bad as deficiency;too much is as bad as too little.好了伤疤忘了疼Once on shore, one prays no more.好事不出门,坏事传千里Bad news travels fast.和气生财Harmony brings wealth;friendliness is conducive to business success.活到老学到老Never too old to learn.既往不咎Let bygones be bygones.金无足赤,人无完人There are spots even on the sun.金玉满堂Treasures fill the home.脚踏实地Be down-to-earth.脚踩两只船Sit on the fence; be a fence-sitter; have a foot in either camp. 君子之交淡如水A hedge between keeps friendship green.已成定局Cut and dried.礼尚往来Courtesy calls for reciprocity.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧Where there is life, there is hope.马到成功Achieve immediate victory; win instant success.名利双收Gain both fame and wealth.茅塞顿开Be suddenly enlightened.没有规矩,不成方圆Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.每逢佳节倍思亲On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away. 谋事在人,成事在天Man proposes; God disposes.弄巧成拙Make a fool of oneself in trying to be smart.赔了夫人又折兵Suffer a double loss; lose the bait along with the fish.抛砖引玉A modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a mackerel.破釜沉舟Cut off all means of retreat;burn one's own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end.抢得先机Take the preemptive opportunities.巧妇难为无米之炊One can't make bricks without straw.千里之行始于足下A thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step.前事不忘,后事之师Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.前怕狼,后怕虎Fear wolves ahead and tigers behind; hesitate in doing something.强龙难压地头蛇The mighty dragon is no match for the native serpent.瑞雪兆丰年A fall of seasonal snow gives promise of a fruitful year.人逢喜事精神爽People are in high spirits when involved in happy events.世上无难事,只怕有心人Where there is a will, there is a way.世外桃源A retreat away from the turmoil of the world.人之初,性本善Humans are born good.上有天堂,下有苏杭Just as there is paradise in heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth 塞翁失马,焉知非福A blessing in disguise;Every cloud has a silver lining.三十而立A man should be independent at the age of thirty. /At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself.水涨船高A ship rises with the tide时不我待Time and tide wait for no man.杀鸡用牛刀Use a steam-hammer to crack nuts.实事求是Seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic; be true to facts.说曹操,曹操到Speak of the devil.实话实说Speak the plain truth; call a spade a spade; tell it as it is.实践是检验真理的唯一标准Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.韬光养晦Hide one's capacities and bide one's time.糖衣炮弹Sugar-coated bullets.天有不测风云Anything unexpected may happen. a bolt from the blue.团结就是力量Unity is strength.跳进黄河洗不清Even if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean - there's nothing one can do to clear one's name歪风邪气Unhealthy trends and vulgar practices.物以类聚,人以群分Birds of a feather flock together.望子成龙Hold high hopes for one's child.唯利是图Seek nothing but profits; be blind to all but one's own interests.无中生有A sheer fabrication out of nothing; fabricate rumors out of thin air.无风不起浪There are no waves without wind. Nothing comes of nothing.徇私枉法Twist the law to suit one's own purpose.新官上任三把火A new broom sweeps clean.蓄势待发Accumulate strength for a take-off.心想事成May all your wish come true.心照不宣Have a tacit understanding; thoroughly understand each other, without havingexchanged a word of explanation.先入为主First impressions are firmly entrenched.先下手为强He who strikes first gains the advantage.The best defense is offense.热锅上的蚂蚁Ants on a hot pan现身说法Warn people by taking oneself as an example.息事宁人Pour oil on troubled waters; patch up a quarrel and reconcile the parties concerned. 循序渐进Proceed in an orderly way and step by step; advance gradually in due order.严以律己,宽以待人Be strict with oneself and lenient with others.有情人终成眷属Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the mare go./ Money talks.有识之士A man of insight.有勇无谋Bold but not crafty.有缘千里来相会Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.与时俱进Keep pace with the times.以人为本People-oriented.因材施教Teach students according to their aptitude.欲穷千里目,更上一层楼To ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther.欲速则不达Haste makes waste.More haste, less speed.优胜劣汰Survival of the fittest.英雄所见略同Great minds think alike.冤家宜解不宜结Better make friends than make enemies.冤假错案Cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced; unjust, false or wrong cases.一言既出,驷马难追A promise is a promise.A real man never goes back on his words.招财进宝Bring in wealth and treasure.债台高筑Become debt-ridden.众矢之的Target of public criticism.纸上谈兵Be an armchair strategist.纸包不住火You can't wrap fire in paper.What's done by night appears by day.左右为难Caught in a dilemma; between the devil and the deep blue sea.英语学习应注意的英汉差异英语重形合(hypotaxis),汉语重意合(parataxis) 。
There isn’t much to live for in this jail of a house. (Charles Dickens) 住在这监狱一样的房子里,活着没有多大 意思。 My fool of a doctor told me to make my will. (John Galsworthy) 我那笨蛋医生叫我写遗嘱。
Lecture One
Comparison between English and Chinese vs. Translation
isn’t much to live for in this jail of a house. He was open now to charges of willful blindness. 人不犯我,我不犯人。 我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没 有。 一匹马骑两个人。 他赢得起,输不起。 沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌
C-E: from personal to impersonal
一看到那棵大树,我便想起了童年的情景。 The sight of the big tree always reminds me of my childhood. 近来忙于其他事务,未能早些复信,深感抱 歉。 I am very sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from sending an earlier reply to your letter.
说是的说是,说非的说非,莫衷一是。 Some say “yes” and others say “no”; I don’t know whom to follow. 说说笑笑,跑跑跳跳,孩子们过得十分愉 快。 Talking and laughing, running and jumping, the children had a good time.
英汉成语的若干差异主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 社会习俗上的差异风俗习惯的差异是文化差异的一个主要方面,在成语当中有较多的反映,特别是在动物形象上。
如:Love me,love my dog(爱屋及乌),top dog(重要的人),Every dog has his day(凡人皆有得意日)等。
”萨丕尔也曾指出, 由于交际的需要, 使说一种语言的人们直接或间接和那些邻近的或文化优越的语言说者发生接触。
1 汉字吸收外来词的主要方式汉字既有表意功能,又有表音功能。
例如,“传真(fax)”、“安乐死(euthanasia)”、工会(trade union)、篮球(basketball)等。
也可采用半部分音译,半部分意译,如:呼拉圈(hula-hoop)、绷带(bandage)、白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)、水上芭蕾 (water ballet)、奶昔 (milk shake)等。
Please translate the following:
不要人云亦云。 Don‟t say what others have said. 这件事,你做也好,他做也罢,我看谁都做不好。 Whether you do the matter or he does it, I‟m afraid neither will do it well. 支农惠农政策不断加强。 Policies were constantly strengthened to support and benefit agriculture. 必须采取措施在石油资源耗尽之前开发新能源。 Measures must be taken to develop new energy resources before petroleum resources are used up.
Zuo Biao
英 汉 对 比 与 翻 译
Three Parts
1. Language transfer (语言迁移) 2. Linguistic contrast(语言对比) 欢迎光临 (对比与翻译) 3. Contrast and translation
Part One
Language Transfer in FL Learning: Interference or Facilitation?
Two Typesnsfer • Positive Transfer (负迁移) (正迁移) Errors arise from Errors decrease by analogy. analysis. 类推会产生错误。 分析能减少错误。
Keen awareness of the similarities and differences between the two languages can facilitate FL learning. 对两种语言相似与相异点的敏锐意识能促进外语学习。
英汉对比与翻译概论期末复习指南Cha. 1一、汉语的注音⏹汉语是象形文字,不具有表音的作用。
∴王力→王了一❑注音字母(1918):ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌ(bpmfdtnl)❑Wade-Giles (威妥玛–翟理斯式拼音法,简称威氏拼音法, 1867/1912): Mao Tse-tung, Chou Enlai❑汉语拼音(1958/1978):Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai❑2009年初台湾宣布采用汉语拼音二、英语的注音⏹国际音标⏹KK音标⏹韦氏音标Cha. 2一、音译⏹音译法⏹是用一种语言文字写出或读出另一种语言的词或词组的发音而引入吸收新词的一种主要方法。
⏹analgin 安乃近⏹Bisquit 百事吉⏹copy 拷贝⏹Delicious 得利斯⏹Fiyta 飞亚达⏹Kodak 柯达⏹Ford 福特⏹Lactov 乐口福⏹Lucky 乐凯⏹Paloma 百乐满⏹party 派对⏹Polaroid 宝利莱⏹salad 色拉⏹shampoo 香波⏹toast 吐司⏹部分音译部分意译:⏹指在英语名词音译前或后再加上说明性文字,让人们知道该名称的性质是什么。
⏹B owling 保龄球⏹Cookies 曲奇饼⏹Clean & Clear 可伶可俐洗面奶⏹Disco 迪斯科舞⏹Jacket 夹克衫⏹Golf 高尔夫球⏹Good 古德面包⏹Head & Shoulders 海飞丝洗发露⏹Jeep 吉普车⏹More 摩尔香烟⏹Pizza 比萨饼⏹Safeguard 舒肤佳香皂⏹Sardine 沙丁鱼罐头⏹Toffee 太妃糖⏹Top 脱普洗头膏⏹Sony 索尼电器⏹Waltz 华尔兹舞⏹约定俗成的译名不应重新改译,最好尽量保留原译名。
安徽文学ANHUIWENXUE 安徽文学2018年10期总第423期英汉成语对比与翻译王楠竹南京信息工程大学文学院摘要:成语作为语言体系中一部分,具有不可或缺的重要地位,意义上具有整体性,能够精炼、形象、警辟、生动地表达丰富的内容,使得文章增姿多彩,发人深省,耐人寻味。
英汉比较与翻译第五章 英汉成语比较与翻译
地域文化指的是由所处地域、自然条件 和地理环境所形成的文化,表现在不同民 族对同一种现象或事物采用不同的言语 形式来表达。( 朱耀先, 1997: 8)中英在 地理位置和地理环境上有很大的不同, 这就必然造成了两国语言上有很大的差 异。 从在世界的地理位置上看,中国位于东 半球,东临太平洋,西靠亚欧大陆,所 以当东风来临的时候,也就意味着春天 的到来。所以汉语中“东风”常常是好运
第二节 英汉成语对应问题与翻译
但由于英汉民族在文化,思维方式,表达习惯等方面的差 异,英汉成语也存在着很多不同点,主要有以下几个: 一、汉语成语多由四字组成,形式严谨,如“三心二意” ,“见异思迁”“张冠李戴” 等。而英语成语一般不受字数 限制,形式相对自由,如“rob peter to pay paul”“buy a pig in a poke”“dead as mutton”“a square peg in a round hole”“A miss is as good as a mile”“The mouse that hath but one hole is quickly taken”等。 二、汉语成语多为主谓结构,如“鸡飞蛋打”“守株待兔 ”“龙飞凤舞”“趁热打铁”“藏头露尾”等。而英语成语 除了谚语外,一般不包含主谓结构,如“much cry and little wool”“cry wolf”“a thorn in the flesh”“at the end of one’s tether”“armed to the teeth”等。 三、许多成语成语都是源自中华民族几千年的历史史实或 传说故事,如“卧薪尝胆”“三顾茅庐”“指鹿为马”“东 施效颦”“愚公移山”“班门弄斧”等,这些在英语文化中 都找不到对应的词。而英语成语中“set the thames on fire”
• Metaphor is an implied comparison between two or more unlike things achieved by identified one with the other • Eg. 1. That lady tries to make sheep’s eyes at her new boss. • 那位女士想向新老板献媚. • Don’t show the white feather to the enemy. • 不要向敌人示弱. • He is a regular oyster. • 他总是守口如瓶. • There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman. • 虎恶猿狡的性格,法国人兼而有之.
• Eg, If you will allow me, I will call your carriage for you. You have lived so long abroad, Mrs, Cheveley, that you seem to be unable to realize that you are talking to an English gentleman. • 译文1:如果你允许,我要请你卷铺盖滚蛋了。谢 佛利太太,你久居国外,看来已经意识不到你自 己是在和一个英国绅士讲话。 • 译文2:如果你允许,谢佛利太太,我要为你叫来 你的马车,请你走人,你已经在国外住的时间太 长,看来已经意识不到自己正在和一个英国绅士 说话。
• 1.Franklin Roosevelt listened with brighteyed smiling attention, saying nothing, and applauding heartily with the rest. • 富兰克林.罗斯福目光炯炯,满脸笑容,聚 精会神得听着;他没说什么,只是跟大伙儿 开心地跟大伙儿开心地鼓掌喝彩。 • 2.They talked to the foreign in hesitant English. • 他们用结结巴巴的英语同那个外国人交谈。
(1) These days, the U.S. economy isn’t “graduating enough scientists to fill the need of the coming decades,” frets Charles C. Leighton, “That’s a real concern”.
一位外贸人员必须在经济学,数学,统计学,会计学 和文化交际等五个方面具有良好的功底。(增加范畴 词,表概括)
(1) Considering the small amount of goods shipped we agree to make an exception by accepting the payment by D/P.
(1) Considering the small amount of goods shipped we agree to make an exception by accepting the payment by D/P.
(2) The new contract would be good for ten years.
(3) It seems the consumers in poor countries are greener than those in rich ones.
(4) We find difficulty in raising a great number of funds when the government executes the tight money policy.
生产制造过程中的一个主要问题是控制污染和 杂质。
Semantic range and classification
• Owing to the fact that not all the usages of the two languages concerned are alike, there may be the following different cases in wording: correspondence, inclusion, intersection, and zero.
Noticeably, seeking correspondence between words in translation may be aptly led to pseudo-correspondent expressions, or, false 1)False friends beset by word-to-word friends in the target language.
Correspondence 对应
• In each language there is a core vocabulary standing for the most common things of the world, or people’s actions or ideas. • 森林 forest • 温室效应 greenhouse effect • 历史遗产 historical heritage • Physics 物理 • New York 纽约 • WHO 世界卫生组织
• 言内意义(intralingual meaning)或语 篇意义是句子成分与句 子成分之间或句与句之 间的关系,它决定着行 文的韵律节奏,如何衔 接连贯,达到何种修辞 效果等。 • 语用意义(pragmatic meaning)或交际意义是 语言符号与其使用者之 间的关系,包括表征意 义、表达意义、社会意 义、祈使意义和联想意 义。
Part Two
A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese
Difference Between
Comparative Study and Contrastive Study
will do it well. 支农惠农政策不断加强。 Policies were constantly strengthened to support and
benefit agriculture. 必须采取措施在石油资源耗尽之前开发新能源。 Measures must be taken to develop new energy resources
Examples of Negative Transfer
6. -- Your English is wonderful. -- Oh, no. My English is still poor. -- Your English is wonderful. -- Thank you, but I still have a long way to go before I really master it.
have stopped hunting for him.
Please compare the underlined words:
不要人云亦云。 这件事,你做也好,
他做也罢,我看谁 都做不好。
Don’t say what others have said.
Whether you do it or he does it, I’m afraid neither will do it well.
(4)保健(health protection)支部
(branch) 5.术语: 整数、分数、元素 6.特殊用语(1)敬语:“令”、“贵”、 (2)谦辞:敝、愚、小、拙 7.简称(1)抽取法:支部书记- 书记;科学 技术——科技
1,表示人的某种职业 -an historian -ant merchant -ar scholar -eer engineer -ist pianist -or author 2,表示具有某种职务 -ain captain -al principal -arch monarch -ary secretary 3,表示来自某个地方的人 -er villager -ese Chinese
单音节语素:实语素和虚语素 多音节语素
化最稳定、应用最广泛、构成新词能力最强 的那些词:天、地、山、水、年、门等。 一般词汇:1.古语词:天子、诸侯、尚书 2.新语词:克隆、计算机、网络 3.方言:二流子、母猪 4.外来词(1)咖啡coffee、尼龙nylon (2)卡宾枪(carbine)香槟酒 (Champagne)
4,表示信奉或信仰某种主义者 -an repulican -crat bureaucrat 5,表示做某种动作对人 -al rival
-ant/ent agent -ard laggard 6,表示感情色彩 -aster 带有“小、臭、丑”等轻蔑意味 Poetaster (大油诗人) criticaster 低劣的批评家 7,表阴性
第二讲 英汉词语比较与翻译一
转化法 (conversion)
形容词转成动词的现象也常出现在现代汉语里。 如:
d.这可苦了我了。 I had a really hard time.
e.这位歌星一推出就红了起来。 The singer rose to stardom soon after her introduction.
size n.大小,尺寸
to size somebody up v.打量
转化法 (conversion)
身体 名词
back 背
支持(to back up a conclusion}
stomach 胃 stomach)
消化,容忍(a book hard to
工具 名词
ladder 梯子 with
架梯或梯状物(a wall laddered
锄地(to hoe in the filed)
chain 锁链
拴住(to chain the door)
航运(old electronics shipped to
1)对于一个英语前缀,汉语中可能有多个对应词素, 比如,anti一与某些社会行为、社会意识组合时常 译成“反”,如anti-terrorism(反恐),antiapartheid(反种族隔离);与某些物质或自然现象组 合时常译成“抗”,如antigens(抗原),anticancer(抗癌的),anti-virus(抗病毒的,杀毒液)。 当然,anti一还可以其他译法,如antiseptic(防腐 剂)。
Eric Partridge: Words do not have meanings; people have meanings for words.(词本无义,义随人意。
如:He is a good eater and a good sleeper.他能吃又能睡。
社会习俗是文化的组成部分之一,而语言又是文化的 承载者,因此英汉习俗差异反映在语言中是多方面的。
语中与龙有关的成语大多是褒义的。 龙腾虎跃、卧虎藏龙、龙马精神
在英语国家,龙却被认为是邪恶的化身,大多带有贬义 。
dragons and fishes jumbled together(鱼龙混杂)
中国自古以来就是农业大国,属于典型的 地农耕文化,因此与农业有关的 成语很多。 例如:瓜熟蒂落、解甲归田、拔苗助长
英国是岛国,海洋性气候,航海业发达,很 多成语源于航海事业 。 例如:to burn one’s boat 破釜沉舟
plain sailing 一帆风顺 go with the stream 随波逐流
• 在直译和借用汉语成语都不妥当时,为了 表达确切的原意,可进行意译
叶公好龙 : professed love of what one really fears 毛遂自荐: volunteer one ‘s service 初出茅庐: at the start of one’s career
• This added fuel to the fire of the old lady's anger,“Who ordered coffins?”
seek truth from facts 实事求是 to pour oil on fire 火上浇油 eye for eye and tooth for tooth 以牙还牙 All crows are equally black , all wolves eat meats. 天下乌鸦一般黑,老狼都是吃肉的。
第二节 英汉形容词比较与翻译
3. 英语形容词中以-able, -ible为后缀的形容词动 感明显,使用广泛,带有很强的英语思维的色彩。这 类形容词大多从动词派生而来,可看成是动词同源形 容词的一个分类,其基本含义是“可(被)……”、 “能……”、“适合……”,等等。这类词很多,如: applicable, approachable, available, comparable, (in)compatible, convertible, discernable, disposable, drinkable, eatable, eligible, inhabitable, negotiable, readable, separable, sociable, teachable, workable等等。例如: (1) I’m afraid your suggestion is not workable at all. 恐怕你的建议根本就行不通。
第二节 英汉形容词比较与翻译 在汉语中形容词一般用于修饰名词、多做定语。 而在英语中形容词的作用要广泛得多,可以用作定 语、表语、宾语补足语,甚至是状语。 一)在很多情况下,英语中大量使用的表语相 当于汉语中的谓语部分。也就是说,英文中的形容 词与系动词be, feel, look, seem, become等连用具 有明显的动态特征。
5) It was a stormy morning,with rain and mist. 那天早上有暴风,还夹着雨和雾。 6)Jackson was eloquent and elegant - but soft. 杰克逊有口才、有风度,但太软弱。 7)Hospitals are getting more efficient these days.
8) That’s a real bargain. 那样东西还真便宜。
英汉语比较与翻译6 代词
• 在照应这一手段中,英汉语篇最显著的差别是:英 语有关系代词,而且使用频率很高;而汉语没有关 系代词,因此在很多情况下,汉语中的人称代词在 译文中常常可以用英语中的关系代词表示。如:
• 这张条子是安娜留的,她刚才到这儿来过。 • This note was left by Anna, who was here a moment ago.
• There is no doubt about it; you are the student who impressed me deeply. (cataphora) 下指/后指
• According to their meanings, adverbial clauses can be divided into nine kinds. (cataphora) 下指/后指
• 2. 询问敲门人“你是谁”时,由于不明对方身份, 用it。 • --Bang bang bang! (Knocking at the door) • --Who is it? (“it”指“你”) • 3. 劝吃东西时用自身代词。例如: • 请你随便吃些蛋糕吧。 • Help yourself to the cakes.
• 代词可以代替短语、句子,甚至一大段话语表达的意思。 它 能指代人物、时间、地点、数量、程度和事件。 • Your spoken English is excellent; I will not forget it. (anaphora) 前指 • I gave my wife a fur coat for her birthday, which pleased her a lot. (anaphora) 前指
• 3. 在成人和孩童、医生和患者之间的对话中,成人、 医生常用we来称呼孩童、病人,表示“你”。 • (幼儿园阿姨对小朋友)How are we this morning? 今天早晨你好吗? • (医生对病人) Can ’ t we open our mouth a little wider? 你嘴巴再张大一点好吗? • (琴师对学生) Shall we play the tune once more? 你再弹一下这个调好吗?
英汉词语对比与翻译【打印版】英汉词语对比与翻译--- 系统、语义及其他词类在英汉语中使用的频率有差异1.我成功了。
I was in success.2. The old man cast impatient glances at the clock. 这位老师不耐烦地看了看钟。
He is a green hand4. On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken.I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces. I tried vainly to put them together.一进门,我就想起来了被我摔碎的娃娃。
A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese --- 英汉语对比研究人到齐就开会。
The meeting will begin when all are here. 不要人云亦云。
Don’t say what others have said.帐单撕碎了。
The bill was torn to pieces. 问题解决了。
The problem was solved.你再说一个字,我马上走。
If you should say one more word, I would go at once. 你死了,我去当和尚。
If you should die, I would go and be a monk.1.人在阵地在。
The position will not be given up so long as we are still living.(Condition 条件)2.人无远虑,必有近忧。
If one has no long-term considerations, he will find troubleat his doorstep.(Condition 条件)3.病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。
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联想意义不对应 有一次,译员用英语通知一位外国专家参加一 个会议,其中有一句话是“You had better attend the meeting on time.(您最好及时参加这 个会。)英语的语法是毫无问题的。但外国专 家听后十分不悦,原来“had better do sth.” 只能用于上级对下级,老师对学生,老一辈对 下辈,同等地位或年龄的人之间。
2.酒: 葡萄酒、白酒、烈酒、啤酒、香槟酒、 鸡尾酒、白兰地酒、威士忌酒、杜松子 酒…… 2.wine,alcohol,spirits,beer, champagne,cock—tail,brandy,whisky, gin.
3.笔: 钢笔、铅笔、圆珠笔、蜡笔、粉笔、毛 笔、画笔、电笔…… 3.fountain pen,pencil,ballpoint pen, wax crayon,chalk,writing brush, painting brush,electroprobe...
“英语是语调语言(intonation language)。语调的单位一 般是句群或小句,调核一般在语句的末尾。语调既有 语法作用,能分开陈述句、疑问句或反意问句,也有 独特的表意作用,具有很强的表情功能,不同的语调 可以表示不同的态度、口气和思想感情。此外,语调 还赋予英语一种旋律美,难怪有的语音学家形象地将 语调比做英语的灵魂。” 英语的单词没有声调,但有重音,而且重音的排列有 规律。 英语的句子也有重音。一般情况下,实词(content words)重读,虚词(form words)不重读。
文字(script),也称书面语言(system of writing), 是语言的有形记录,它的出现往往晚于所记录 的语言。 人类历史上有四种最古老的表意文字,它们是 古埃及的圣体字,古苏美尔人的楔形文字,中 美洲玛雅人的文字和古汉字。除了汉字至今保 持着旺盛的生命力,其余的三种文字都已湮没 在历史的长河中。
汉语是声调语言(tonal language)。每个汉字都 有四声:阴、阳、上、去。声调不仅是汉语的 重要语音表达手段,还能帮助辨义。汉语的单 音节只有一个重读音节(stressed syllable),双 音节词可能两个音节都重读,也司能只有一个 音节重读。重读音节不同,意义也就不同。 例如:“大意” 若读成dayi,其意为“主要的意思”(main idea),若读成da·yi,则表示“疏忽,不注 意”(careless)。 当然,在翻译中,我们主要依靠上下文,依靠 所译词与语篇内外其他词的关系来确定词义。
汉语属汉藏语系(Sino-Tibetan Family), 英语属印欧语系(Indo-European Family), 汉语是世界上最古老语言之一,英语是 世界上使用最广的语言之一。
汉语是分析型(analytic)语言,其典型特征是没有屈折 变化即汉语的名词不会改变自身的形式(form)变为 (inflection),复数,动词也不用改变自身的形式表示 过去时、现在时或将来时;汉语的词没有阳性和阴性 的变化,汉语中也没有表阳性和阴性的词缀。汉语词 语组合成句依靠词序(word order)和虚词(empty word)。 如:“鸟儿飞出了笼子。”是按正常词序组成的正确 句子,若颠倒“鸟儿”和“笼子”的位置成为“笼子 飞出了鸟儿”,该句则成了病句;然若加上“里”字, “笼子里飞出了鸟儿”,句子便又恢复正常,突出了 鸟儿是从笼子里飞出来的信息。
英语又属综合型语言是因为它有丰富的 屈折变化形式。如:table(桌子)/ tables(几张桌子),run(跑)/ran(跑,过 去时)/run(跑,过去分词),the boy’s (’s 表示所属关系),“She sings(一s表示现 在时单数第三人称)。
Linguistic System
汉语还被认为是粘着型(agglutinative)语 言,词的组合依靠词素的粘着。如光(+ 明)一光明(+正大)一光明正大;打(+击) 一打击一(+犯罪+分子)一打击犯罪分子。
英语是分析型和综合型(synthetic)语言。其分 析型特征也体现在词序和助词(auxiliary)的组 句功能上。如:“He works well.”是正确句 子,不能颠倒词序将其变为“Works he well”, 但可以改变词序变为“Well he works.”以突 出“well”。又如:“Does he work hard?”一定 得将does置于句首成为一般疑问句,若改变词 序使其为“He does work hard.”则改变了该 句的功能,变为陈述句,强调“work h会反映到 人们的精神生活中来。 [译文]Meanwhile,the weak points and negative factors involved in market operation will find expression in people’s cultra1 life. [分析]“精神生活”在这里译为“cultural life” 是符合英语惯用法的。如译文“spiritual life” 很可能有宗教的因素。
搭配意义不对应 当前最重要的任务是发展国民经济,提高人民生活水 平。 [译文]Our primary task at present is to develop national economy and improve the standards of living. [分析]“提高人民生活水平”译为“to improve (better) the lives of the people/to improve (uplift) the quality of the lives of the people/to improve the texture of the lives of the people/to improve (raise) standards of living都是 符合英语惯用法的。如译成“to raise the level of the lives of the people”则成了中国式英语。
情感意义不对应 过去我们在对外宣传中,一直把“宣传”译为 “propaganda”(贬义的成分为多,使人易与吹 牛、说谎、怀有政治目的等负面含义联系起 来),现在多使用“publicity”等中性词;“精 神文明”被译ritual civilization,在外国人的心 目中含有宗教色彩,现在改“ethical and cultural progress”以及其他译法。
4.好: a.他是祖国的好儿子。 b.庄稼长得真好。 c.他们对我真好。 d.楼的质量不好。 e.这个问题很好回答。 f.啊,好票
外延意义不对应 红茶 black tea 税 tax duty tariff bond 白酒 spirits/liquor (不是white wine白葡 萄酒) 红眼 pink eye (to be green-eyed) (Red eye 廉价的威士忌酒 )
内涵意义不对应 只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成 为强大的社会主义国家。 [译文] So long as we stick to the reform and opening-up policy,we will be able to turn/transform China into a powerful Socialist country. [分析]初学翻译的人很可能把“一定能……”译成 “will surely be able to…”,这就是中式英语,问题出 在“surely”身上,此词用在这里表示自己就没有什么 把握,与原文意思相反。“把我国建设成为……”如 译成:“to build China into…”又违背了英语惯用法。
意义的分类 外延意义denotative meaning 内涵意义connotative meaning 风格意义stylistic meaning 情感意义affective meaning 联想意义reflective meaning 搭配意义collocative meaning 主题意义 thematic meaning ——Leech
语篇意义 语用意义 语体文本意义 指称意义
寻寻觅觅, 冷冷清清, 凄凄惨惨戚戚。 …… 梧桐更兼细雨, 到黄昏, 点点滴滴。 ……
1.馆: 博物馆、图书馆、旅馆、宾馆、大使馆、领事 馆、茶馆、饭馆、理发馆、体育馆、展览馆、 文化馆、美术馆、科技馆、天文馆、照相 馆…… 1.museum,library,hotel,guest house, embassy,consulate,tea house,restaurant, barber’s shop,gymnasium,exhibition hall, cultural center,art gallery,science and technology center,planetarium,photo studio...
英语是拼音文字(alphabetic Script)。英语 有26个字母,组合构成词。所以,英文 字母绝大多数都不能像汉字那样可以单 独使用。
Phonetic system
汉语的音素(phoneme)分为韵母(final)和 声母(initial)两大类。英语的音素分为元 音(Vowel)和辅音(consonant)两大类。汉 语音节一般由一个韵母和一个声母构成, 英语音节的构成比汉语复杂得多,一个 元音可与一个或两个辅音甚至三个或四 个辅音(辅音连缀)构成音节。
例:我的姐姐又因为我不爱整洁而向我唠叨地劝诫 了。 [译文]My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness. [分析]“唠叨”不再译出,它已包含于“preach at” 之中。 例:这个案子很难办,但那个受审的人已事先得 到律师的仔细指点。 [译文]It was a difficult case,but the man on trial has been carefully primed by his lawyer. [分析]“to prime sb.”就是“事先指点”的意思, 所以“事先”不能再译出。