NetApp FAS2200 系列技术规格
NetApp FAS产品线简介
![NetApp FAS产品线简介](
FAS2552 和 FAS2554 HA 配置
FAS2552 2U 机箱 HA 配置
4U 机箱 HA 配置
FAS2552 和 FAS2554 控制器 I/O
控制台端口 管理端口
e0c 0c
e0d 0d
e0e 0e e0f
USB 端口
UTA2 专用管理端口
4 个统一目标适配器 (UTA2) 端口
– 10 GbE 以太网 – 16 Gb/秒 FC 或 8 Gb/秒 FC
1 个 GbE 管理端口
1 个专用管理端口
1 个 USB 端口(已禁用) 1 个控制台端口
2 个 GbE 端口 2 个 SAS 端口
FAS2520A 详细信息
HA 对
2U 外形规格 36 GB 内存
– 32 GB 物理内存 + 4 GB NVMEM
4 个运行频率为 1.73 GHz 的 64 位 内核
– 每个控制器 1 个双核处理器 FAS2520A
提供低成本 10G Base-T 端口
4 个运行频 个双核处理器
利用板载统一目标适配器 (UTA2) * 确保 I/O 灵活性
– 能够配置以太网或 FC
支持 NFS、CIFS、iSCSI、FC 和 FCoE GbE 管理端口 利用 System Setup 加快安装速度 新挡板
NetApp FAS系列安装配置说明
![NetApp FAS系列安装配置说明](
NETAPP FAS系列安装配置手册赞融电子上海分公司2003年11月修订控制1简介1.1说明本文简要说明了Network Appliance公司FAS系列存储产品配置过程。
本手册基于DataOntap 6.4.2P6操作系统1.2适用对象和前提本文是针对赞融电子的内部人员。
要求阅读者具有以下方面的专业能力:熟悉Unix操作系统;熟悉Windows操作系统;具有NETAPP FAS系统的基本知识.1.3参考资料Data ONTAP™ System Administrator’s GuideData ONTAP™ Software Setup Guide1.4术语表NFS:Network File System 网络文件系统CIFS:Common Internet File System 通用 Internet文件系统NAS:Network Attached Storage 网络附加存储WAFL:Write Anywhere File Layout 随地写入文件格式2配置过程2.1检查Filer硬件安装2.2设置Filer使用计算机串口连接Filer背板上的Console口使用Windows附件中的超级终端建立连接,参数如下:每秒位数 9600,数据位 8,奇偶校验无,停止位 1,数据流控制无建立连接依次打开Disk Shelf和Filer电源使用setup命令配置Filerfas940> setupPlease enter the new hostname []: fas940Do you want to configure virtual network interfaces? [n]: yNumber of virtual interfaces to configure? [0] 3Name of virtual interface #1 []: vif1Is vif1 a single [s] or multi [m] virtual interface? [m] sNumber of links for vif1? [0] 2Name of link #1 for vif1 []: e5aName of link #2 for vif1 []: e5bName of virtual interface #2 []: vif2Is vif2 a single [s] or multi [m] virtual interface? [m] sNumber of links for vif2? [0] 2Name of link #1 for vif2 []: e9aName of link #2 for vif2 []: e9bName of virtual interface #3 []: vif3Is vif3 a single [s] or multi [m] virtual interface? [m] sNumber of links for vif3? [0] 2Name of link #1 for vif3 []: e11aName of link #2 for vif3 []: e11bPlease enter the IP address for Network Interface vif1 []: Please enter the netmask for Network Interface vif1 []: enter media type for vif1 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]: EnterPlease enter the IP address for Network Interface vif2 []: Please enter the netmask for Network Interface vif2 []: enter media type for vif2 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]:Please enter the IP address for Network Interface vif3 []: enter the netmask for Network Interface vif3 []: enter media type for vif3 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]:Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0 []: Please enter the netmask for Network Interface e0 []: enter media type for e0 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto} [auto]: Would you like to continue setup through the web interface? [n]:Please enter the name or IP address of the default gateway: T he administration host is given root access to the filer's/etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root accesst o all NFS clients enter RETURN below.Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host:Please enter timezone [GMT]: Asia/ShanghaiWhere is the filer located? []: Suzhou ChinaWhat language will be used for multi-protocol files (Type ? for list)?:zh.GBK Setting language on volume vol0The new language mappings will be available after rebootMon Sep 29 03:45:14 GMT [rc:ALERT]: Language on volume vol0 changed to zh.GBK Language set on volume vol0Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]: yPlease enter DNS domain name []: You may enter up to 3 nameserversPlease enter the IP address for first nameserver []: you want another nameserver? [n]: yPlease enter the IP address for alternate nameserver []: you want another nameserver? [n]: EnterDo you want to run NIS client? [n]: EnterT his system will send event messages and weekly reportst o Network Appliance Technical Support. To disable this feature,e nter "options off" within 24 hours.E nabling Autosupport can significantly speed problem determinationa nd resolution should a problem occur on your system.F or further information on Autosupport, please see:.h ttp:///autosupport/P ress the return key to continue.Now type 'reboot' for changes to take effect.fas940> Reboot重新启动Filer 之后,进行 cifs setup 安装fas940> cifs setupEnable CIFS access to the filer by a Windows(tm) PCY our filer is currently only visible to PCs on the same net.Do you wish to make the system visible via WINS? [no]: yPlease enter next WINS IP address (or return to end list) []: Please enter next WINS IP address (or return to end list) []: Please enter next WINS IP address (or return to end list) []:C IFS requires local /etc/passwd and /etc/group files for multiprotocol.D efault passwd file will be created containing 'root', 'pcuser',a nd 'nobody'.Enter the password for root []:Retype the password:T his filer is currently licensed for CIFS only.T he filer will be configured as a NTFS_only filer. It canb e changed to a Multiprotocol filer by reissuing the CIFS setup command.T he default name of this filer will be 'FAS940'.Do you want to modify this name? [no]: EnterC IFS supports three types of user authentication:1. Windows Domain authentication.2. Windows Workgroup authentication using the filer's user accounts.3. /etc/passwd and/or NIS based authentication.What type of authentication will this filer use? [1]: 1T he filer will use Windows Domain authentication.Enter the Windows Domain for the filer []:I t is highly recommended that you create the local administratora ccount (FAS940\administrator) for this filer. This account enablesa ccess to the filer from Windows when domain controllers are nota ccessible.Create the FAS940\administrator account? [yes]: yesSet the password for FAS940\administrator:Retype the password:Mon Sep 29 11:53:46 CST [rc:info]: User <administrator> addedMon Sep 29 11:53:46 CST [rc:notice]: security style for /vol/vol0/ changed from unix to ntfsA is a Windows 2000(tm) domain.I n order to create this filer's domain account, you must supply then ame and password of an administrator account with sufficient privileget o add the filer to the domain.Please enter the Windows 2000 user [Administrator@]: admin_mweizhi@Password for admin_mweizhi@:CIFS - Logged in as admin_mweizhi@.B y default, setup creates the filer account in the ActiveD irectory container named 'Computers'. Alternatively, you cani nstall the filer in an organizational unit (OU) by specifyingt he domain relative distinguished name of the OU, as in'ou=innerOU,ou=outerOU'.Active Directory container for filer account? [cn=computers]: EnterCIFS - Connecting to domain controller.Mon Sep 29 11:57:22 CST [rc:info]: Connection with DC \\SSUZDC2 established Mon Sep 29 11:57:22 CST [nbns_timer:info]: All CIFS name registrations complete for local serverWelcome to the AMD () Windows 2000(tm) domain.CIFS local server is running.2.3创建volume通过Telnet或串口,用命令行方式创建卷vol create <volume name, such as ‘/vol/vol1’> [ -r <RAID Size> ] [ disks]例,创建名为vol1的卷,RAID组最大为8,包含2块盘vol create /vol/vol1 –r 8 2使用vol status –r 命令观察初始化进程通过Web界面创建卷在浏览器中输入http://IP_Address/na_admin点击FilerView,根据提示输入用户名密码从右侧窗口Volume Add在New Volume Name栏中填写新建卷名vol1在Raid Group Size中填写RAID组的大小8在Language中选择Simplified Chinese(GBK)选择Automatic Disk Selection在Number of Disks中填写Volume的磁盘数2点击Add2.4通过CIFS共享通过命令行cifs shares -add <share name> <path>e.g. cifs shares add vol1 /vol/vol1通过Web界面设置Filerview CIFS Shares AddShare Name 填写 vol1Mount Point 填写 /vol/vol1点击Add2.5通过NFS共享通过命令行exportfs -o anon=0 /vol/vol1或者通过Web界面配置Filerview NFS Manage Exports Insert Line 在Path中输入/vol/vol1Permission选择rwAnonymous UID填写0点击OK3FilerView 使用介绍3.1Filer菜单3.1.1Show Status 显示Filer的整体状态,包括Filername, Model,System ID,Version, Disks, Status 等信息3.1.2Manage Licenses 管理Filer 的license 如常用的CIFS, NFS,FCP, iSCSI,SnapRestore, SnapMirror, SnapVault, SyncMirror, MultiStore 等,详情可参见/products/filer/或/products/filer/(中文网页)3.1.3Report 显示Filer目前配置及使用情况,如 Uptime, Network Interfaces, Disk Usage, System Configuration 等信息3.1.4Syslog Messages 这里是系统的syslog messages 信息,里面会记录系统运行时产生的一些信息,特别是一些系统的报错信息,这些信息非常重要,对于发现各种问题有很大帮助,Netapp Technical Support 也需要这些信息,最好每天都查看一下这里的信息3.1.5Use Command Line 在这里可以使用FilerView自带的telnet工具,方便你管理时使用Data Ontap系统的命令。
NETAPP FAS系列安装配置手册赞融电子上海分公司2003年11月修订控制1简介1.1说明本文简要说明了Network Appliance公司FAS系列存储产品配置过程。
本手册基于DataOntap 6.4.2P6操作系统1.2适用对象和前提本文是针对赞融电子的内部人员。
要求阅读者具有以下方面的专业能力:熟悉Unix操作系统;熟悉Windows操作系统;具有NETAPP FAS系统的基本知识.1.3参考资料Data ONTAP™ System Administrator’s GuideData ONTAP™ Software Setup Guide1.4术语表NFS:Network 网络文件系统CIFS:Common Internet 通用Internet文件系统NAS:Network Attached Storage 网络附加存储WAFL:Write Anywhere 随地写入文件格式2配置过程2.1检查Filer硬件安装2.2设置Filer使用计算机串口连接Filer背板上的Console口使用Windows附件中的超级终端建立连接,参数如下:每秒位数 9600,数据位 8,奇偶校验无,停止位 1,数据流控制无建立连接依次打开Disk Shelf和Filer电源使用setup命令配置Filerfas940> setupPlease enter the new hostname []: fas940Do you want to configure virtual network interfaces? [n]: yNumber of virtual interfaces to configure? [0] 3Name of virtual interface #1 []: vif1Is vif1 a single [s] or multi [m] virtual interface? [m] sNumber of links for vif1? [0] 2Name of link #1 for vif1 []: e5aName of link #2 for vif1 []: e5bName of virtual interface #2 []: vif2Is vif2 a single [s] or multi [m] virtual interface? [m] sNumber of links for vif2? [0] 2Name of link #1 for vif2 []: e9aName of link #2 for vif2 []: e9bName of virtual interface #3 []: vif3Is vif3 a single [s] or multi [m] virtual interface? [m] sNumber of links for vif3? [0] 2Name of link #1 for vif3 []: e11aName of link #2 for vif3 []: e11bPlease enter the IP address for Network Interface vif1 []: enter the netmask for Network Interface vif1 []: enter media type for vif1 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]: Enter Please enter the IP address for Network Interface vif2 []: enter the netmask for Network Interface vif2 []: enter media type for vif2 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]: Please enter the IP address for Network Interface vif3 []: enter the netmask for Network Interface vif3 []: enter media type for vif3 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]: Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0 []: enter the netmask for Network Interface e0 []: enter media type for e0 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto} [auto]:Would you like to continue setup through the web interface? [n]:Please enter the name or IP address of the default gateway: The administration host is given root access to the filer's/etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root accessto all NFS clients enter RETURN below.Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host:Please enter timezone [GMT]: Asia/ShanghaiWhere is the filer located? []: Suzhou ChinaWhat language will be used for multi-protocol files (Type ? for list)?:zh.GBKSetting language on volume vol0The new language mappings will be available after rebootMon Sep 29 03:45:14 GMT [rc:ALERT]: Language on volume vol0 changed to zh.GBK Language set on volume vol0Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]: yPlease enter DNS domain name []: You may enter up to 3 nameserversPlease enter the IP address for first nameserver []: you want another nameserver? [n]: yPlease enter the IP address for alternate nameserver []: you want another nameserver? [n]: EnterDo you want to run NIS client? [n]: EnterThis system will send event messages and weekly reportsto Network Appliance Technical Support. To disable this feature,enter "options off" within 24 hours.Enabling Autosupport can significantly speed problem determinationand resolution should a problem occur on your system.For further information on Autosupport, please see:.Press the return key to continue.Now type 'reboot' for changes to take effect.fas940> Reboot重新启动Filer 之后,进行cifs setup 安装fas940> cifs setupEnable CIFS access to the filer by a Windows(tm) PCYour filer is currently only visible to PCs on the same net.Do you wish to make the system visible via WINS? [no]: yPlease enter next WINS IP address (or return to end list) []: enter next WINS IP address (or return to end list) []: enter next WINS IP address (or return to end list) []:CIFS requires local /etc/passwd and /etc/group files for multiprotocol.Default passwd be created containing 'root', 'pcuser',and 'nobody'.Enter the password for root []:Retype the password:This filer is currently licensed for CIFS only.The filer will be configured as a NTFS_only filer. It canbe changed to a Multiprotocol filer by reissuing the CIFS setup command.The default name of this filer will be 'FAS940'.Do you want to modify this name? [no]: EnterCIFS supports three types of user authentication:1. Windows Domain authentication.2. Windows Workgroup authentication using the filer's user accounts.3. /etc/passwd and/or NIS based authentication.What type of authentication will this filer use? [1]: 1The filer will use Windows Domain authentication.Enter the Windows Domain for the filer []:It is highly recommended that you create the local administratoraccount (FAS940\administrator) for this filer. This account enablesaccess to the filer from Windows when domain controllers are notaccessible.Create the FAS940\administrator account? [yes]: yesSet the password for FAS940\administrator:Retype the password:Mon Sep 29 11:53:46 CST [rc:info]: User <administrator> addedMon Sep 29 11:53:46 CST [rc:notice]: security style for /vol/vol0/ changed from unix to ntfs is a Windows 2000(tm) domain.In order to create this filer's domain account, you must supply thename and password of an administrator account with sufficient privilegeto add the filer to the domain.Please enter the Windows 2000 user []:Password for :CIFS - Logged in as .By default, setup creates the filer account in the ActiveDirectory container named 'Computers'. Alternatively, you caninstall the filer in an organizational unit (OU) by specifyingthe domain relative distinguished name of the OU, as in'ou=innerOU,ou=outerOU'.Active Directory container for filer account? [cn=computers]: EnterCIFS - Connecting to domain controller.Mon Sep 29 11:57:22 CST [rc:info]: Connection with DC \\SSUZDC2 establishedMon Sep 29 11:57:22 CST [nbns_timer:info]: All CIFS name registrations complete for local serverWelcome to the AMD () Windows 2000(tm) domain.CIFS local server is running.2.3创建volume通过Telnet或串口,用命令行方式创建卷vol create <volume name, such as ‘/vol/vol1’> [ -r <RAID Size> ] [ disks] 例,创建名为vol1的卷,RAID组最大为8,包含2块盘vol create /vol/vol1 –r 8 2使用vol status –r 命令观察初始化进程通过Web界面创建卷在浏览器中输入点击,根据提示输入用户名密码从右侧窗口Volume Add在New Volume Name栏中填写新建卷名vol1在Raid Group Size中填写RAID组的大小8 在Language中选择Simplified Chinese(GBK)选择Automatic Disk Selection在Number of Disks中填写Volume的磁盘数2点击Add2.4通过CIFS共享通过命令行cifs shares -add <share name> <path> e.g. cifs shares add vol1 /vol/vol1通过Web界面设置→CIFS→Shares→AddShare Name 填写 vol1Mount Point 填写 /vol/vol1点击Add2.5通过NFS共享通过命令行exportfs -o anon=0 /vol/vol1或者通过Web界面配置→NFS→Manage Exports→Insert Line 在Path中输入/vol/vol1Permission选择rwAnonymous UID填写0点击OK3使用介绍3.1Filer菜单3.1.1Show Status 显示Filer的整体状态,包括, Model, System ID,Version, Disks,Status 等信息3.1.2Manage Licenses 管理Filer 的license 如常用的CIFS, NFS, FCP,iSCSI,SnapRestore, SnapMirror, SnapVault, SyncMirror, MultiStore等,详情可参见或(中文网页)3.1.3Report 显示Filer目前配置及使用情况,如Uptime, Network Interfaces, DiskUsage, System Configuration 等信息3.1.4Syslog Messages 这里是系统的syslog messages 信息,里面会记录系统运行时产生的一些信息,特别是一些系统的报错信息,这些信息非常重要,对于发现各种问题有很大帮助,Netapp Technical Support 也需要这些信息,最好每天都查看一下这里的信息3.1.5Use Command Line 在这里可以使用自带的telnet 工具,方便你管理时使用Data Ontap系统的命令。
NetApp FAS存储系统快速参考
![NetApp FAS存储系统快速参考](
可以将同一数据发布到所有地点。通过自动更新这些数据,并支持对镜像数据的本地访问方式, SnapMirror 可以大大提高员工的工作效率。 NetApp SnapMirror 可以方便地部署到任何具有足够的带宽来处理数据传输的网络基础设施中。它能 够支持多种传输方式(FC 和 IP),这一点确保可以更好地利用现有设备,并且还因能够实现路径间 的容错而提高了可用性。 SnapMirror 允许客户选择适当的同步级别(同步、半同步和异步),从而实现了较高的灾难恢复保 护级别。例如,如果选择“同步”选项的话,远程站点的复制数据将始终是最新的,并能在发生故障 后随时提供。这一方式简化了灾难恢复过程,降低了系统宕机时间。而“半同步”允许客户根据站点
二、背景知识介绍;SAN,NAS 和 iSCSI
FC SAN系统网络环境拓扑图
企业局域网络 Enterprise LAN
FC SAN (Storage Are Network)光纤存储局域网络是 允许存储设备和服务器之间建 立直接的 FC 光纤连接,通过 这种连接实现只受光纤线路长 度限制的集中式存储。SAN 可 以被看作是存储总线概念 和 DAS (Direct Attached Storage)直连存储的一个扩 展,通过 FC 光纤通道,前端 的服务器象使用本地硬盘一样 使用后端的存储。 NAS (Network Attached Storage) 网络存储,简单的说, NAS 是通过 TCP/IP 以太网络连接的存储 设备。NAS 存储设备通过标准的网络拓扑结构(Ethernet)连接到一计算机上,而不象 FC SAN 那 样需要专用的光纤交换机,NAS 使用普通的以太网络交换机。在物理拓扑连接上,NAS 就像一台服 务器一样连接在以太网络中。前端服务器 NAS 就好像使用一个网络文件系统。NAS 所使用的协议是 基于文件的协议(CIFS, NFS 等),而 SAN 使用的是基于外设访问的协议( SCSI 的逻辑指令集)。 iSCSI 存储。在 IP 网络中传输块级数据---使得服务器可以通过 IP 网络连接 SCSI 设备, 并且像使用 本地的设备一样,这一技术是 将现在的 SCSI 存储协议,直 接集成在 IP 协议中,以使存储 和 网络 可以 无缝 的融 合。 当 然,这并不是指,可以在企业 IT 系统中,把存储网络和传统 的 LAN,物理上合并成一个网 络。 而是指在传统的存储结构 中,以 IP 协议替代光纤通道协 议,来构建结构上与 LAN 隔 离,而技术一与 LAN 一致的新 型系统---iSCSI 存储。
NetApp新产品 FAS2220 介绍
![NetApp新产品 FAS2220 介绍](
NetApp Confidential and Proprietary -– Limited Use NetApp Confidential and Proprietary Limited Use
Introducing FAS2220
What’s New
2U/12驱动形式因素 FAS20203-7倍以上的性能改善 业界领先的效率 简单,直观的管理 闪光池准备 新的简单的软件结构(FAS2240相同) 新的磁盘架低价格(只销售点) 的Data ONTAP®集群就绪
*NVMEM uses part of physical memory OS Version
2U 19 in. 374TB 144
4U 24 in. 432TB 144
2U 20.5 in. 180TB 60
8 4
8 4
8 4
4 x 8Gb FC or 4 x 8Gb FC or 4 x 10 GbE via optional 4 x 10 GbE via I/O card optional I/O card 12GB 12GB
NetApp Confidential - Limited Use 12
NetApp Confidential and Proprietary - Limited Use
FAS2220 and FAS2240: EMEA Reseller Discounts
Registering the opportunity with NetApp provides a higher discount
Key Dates
4,320 TB
1,440 个驱动器 8 TB 闪存
老型号 最大容量 FAS2020 68TB
FAS2040 272TB FAS2050 104TB FAS3140 840TB FAS3160 1344TB FAS3170 1680TB FAS6040 1680TB FAS6080 2352TB
DIMM Banks
4GB -8
1GB -4
12 *
主板 I/O 接口
最大磁盘数 最大容量** 最大聚合 (Aggregate)
4 x GbE 8 x 4Gb FC
840 1680TB
4 x 6Gb SAS, 4 x GbE, 4 x 4Gb FC
240 480TB 50TB
600 1200TB
Simplified Multi-Vendor Data Management
Unix Linux IBM
SnapMirror SnapVault LockVault
Fibre Chanel
© 2010 NetApp. All rights reserved.
e0a and e0b ports are GbE Management and ACP ports are 10/100
NetApp存储介绍美国网域存储技术有限公司北京代表处2005年8月24日NetApp 存储产品自从2001年美国911事件之后,逐渐受到越来越多的客户追捧,其原因何在呢?本文将对NetApp公司作一个全面的介绍,并对NetApp的产品以及其“简便、高效、可靠”三大显著特点作一个全面详细的介绍。
一、公司介绍美国网域存储技术有限公司的英文全称是Network Appliance,简称为NetApp。
许多客户充分认识到了NetApp公司“简便、高效、可靠”以及最优整体拥有成本(TCO)的特点,在近四年里迅速成为NetApp的巨型客户,比如Oracle公司,从原来只有少量的NetApp产品变成目前光Austin 数据中心就拥有2.5PB(2500TB)的客户;摩根斯坦利(Mogan Stanley)也由原来并非NetApp的客户迅速成为NetApp的PB级俱乐部成员之一。
FAS2040A 存储技术规格
![FAS2040A 存储技术规格](
新配置上支持的托架 嵌入式交换集线器 4 (ESH4) AT-FCX
传统(控制器升级)配置上支持的托架 嵌入式交换集线器 2 (ESH2) AT-FCX
内部磁盘驱动器存储接口 串行连接 SCSI (SAS)
磁盘驱动器存储架接口 光纤通道仲裁环路 (FC-AL)
可热插拔的双冗余集成电源/风扇 (220V/110V)
14(13 个数据磁盘加 1 个奇 SATA:7(6 个数据磁盘加 1
FC 扩展
RAID 1)选项:
(1) RAID-DP + RAID 1
(2) RAID 4 + RAID 1
可扩展性 最大 裸容量
1、NetApp FAS2000 系列 存储技术 规格 系统概述 NetApp 公司第 8 代网络存储设备 FAS2000 系列提供了无与伦比的易管理性、可扩展
性和可用性。这一中型系统能够提供 FC SAN 解决方案,同时大幅度提高了 NAS 和 IP SAN (iSCSI)基础设施的性价比。通过对 NFS、CIFS、HTTP、FCP、IP SAN(iSCSI)等协 议的支持,可同时满足 NAS 和 SAN 的构架。FAS2040A 集群功能在背板上使用活动-活动 (Active-Active)集群技术,从而提供了高可用性,可以获得无单点故障的解决方案。
可以在价格、性能和最能满足您需求的功 能之间达到完美平衡。
FAS 2040
便利的扩展能力,以可承受的代价轻松满 足不断增长的存储要求。
客户可以使用容易获取、部署和管理的存 储系统,为负担沉重的 IT 员工解除负担。 适用于远程或分支办事处、大企业的部门 以及中型企业。
FAS 2240
Shanghai Pukka Network Technology CO., Ltd
Shanghai Pukka Network Technology CO., Ltd
Shanghai Pukka Network Technology CO., Ltd
Shanghai Pukka Network Technology CO., Ltd
FAS6200 系列可扩展性、可用性和灵活性满足要求最 苛刻的应用需求,依赖它适应日新月异的 虚拟化 和 云环境 。
FAS2000 系统定位
个人目录、OA系统等存 储整合 Windows应用存储整合 适合于大型企业的部门 和ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ中型企业及远程办公 室等客户
适合中型企业和分布式 企业应用
Shanghai Pukka Network Technology CO., Ltd
Dual-Enclosure HA
Dual-Enclosure HA
FAS3210 & FAS3240 & FAS3270
Single-Enclosure HA
3.netapp 硬件介绍
![3.netapp 硬件介绍](
FAS3250 端口
FAS3250 内部图
PCIe 竖板
支持 4 个 PCIe 卡
10GbE 竖板
电池 (RTC)
5,760 TB
1,440 个驱动器 12 TB
VST 闪存
▪ 至能管理 ▪ 至久运行 ▪ 至极扩展
5,760 TB
1,440 个驱动器 16 TB
VST 闪存
第1层 SAN
FAS3200 系列:主要规格
高可用性配置 最大存储 外形规格 系统内存 PCIe I/O 扩展插槽 每个系统的总闪存*(高可用性对) 板载 FC 板载 6 Gb SAS 板载 GbE 端口 标准 I/O:10 GbE 或 8 Gb FC 操作系统版本
Netapp 技术培训
• FAS 主存储系列 • 存储加速设备 • 磁盘及磁盘架规格 • 存储网络
FAS 主存储系列
NetApp FAS 产品系列包括: FAS6200 系列 FAS3200 系列 FAS2200系列
FAS/V3250 FAS/V3220 FAS2240
目前SAS磁盘架只在FAS2000系列内支持,且仅用于控制器所在的磁盘架。 FAS2000系列的扩展磁盘架仍然采用DS14系列,与FAS3000或FAS6000兼容
NetApp FAS2200 系列技术规格
![NetApp FAS2200 系列技术规格](
84 个 12 GB
84 个 6 GB
主动-主动 单控制器
432 TB
432 TB
84 个 12 GB
84 个 6 GB
主动-主动 单控制器
180 TB
180 TB
不适用 12 GB
不适用 6 GB
FAS2240-4: 根据 ISO 9296 要求,声功率标示值 (LwAd):6.9 贝尔 声压(LpAm — 附近人员):49.6 分贝
正面 25.4 厘米(10 英寸),背面 30.5 厘米(12 英寸) 正面 76.2 厘米(30 英寸),背面 76.2 厘米(30 英寸) 符合 RoHS
安全性:EN 60950、CE、CSA 60950、UL 60950、CB IEC60950-1(各种类似的 国家标准)、EN60825-1、GOST-R、BSMI CNS14336、CCC GB 4943-2001、 SABS、S Resolution 92-98
双热插拔冗余集成电源/风扇装置 (220 V/110 V)
交流电源/电流(独立系统 的线路电压取决于本地配 电,系统机柜仅限 200 至
240 VAC)
88 至 264 VAC,9 至 4.5 A,50/60Hz
88 至 264 VAC,9 至 4.5 A,50/60Hz
板载 I/O
NetApp FAS系列基本操作配置目录App存储系统 (3)2.系统基本操作维护指南 (5)2.1. 存储初始化配置 (5)2.2. 进入管理界面 (7)2.3. 系统基本信息 (8)2.4. 系统LOG信息 (9)2.5. 配置Autosupport (10)2.6. 设置时区、时间和日期 (10)2.7. 杂项设置 (11)2.8. 停机及重新启动 (12)2.9. 管理创建AGGR及卷 (13)2.10. 管理及创建Qtree (15)2.11. 磁盘配额 (16)2.12. SnapShot的配置和管理 (18)2.13. CIFS的相关信息 (20)2.14. CIFS共享 (23)2.15. ISCSI配置 (25)2.16. FC SAN配置 (29)2.17. 网络端口的管理 (32)2.18. 其他网络参数 (33)2.19. 更改root用户密码 (35)2.20. 系统实时状态监控 (35)附录一:磁盘更换步骤 (37)附录二:时间同步服务器的设置 (38)App存储系统NetApp 系统为各种不同平台上的用户提供了对全部企业数据的无缝访问。
NetApp全系列光纤网络存储系统在文件访问方面支持NFS 和CIFS,在块存储访问方面支持FCP 和iSCSI,确保您可以非常方便地将NetApp 存储系统集成到NAS 或SAN 环境中,并且保护原来的信息。
NetApp 的设计为专用访问环境中的应用程序服务器和服务器集群以及多用户环境中的用户提供了经过优化和整合的高性能数据访问方式。
NetApp 存储系统提供了经过实践考验的、超过99.998% 的数据可用性,减少了代价高昂的停机时间(无论是计划内的还是计划外的),最大限度地保障了对关键数据的访问。
NetApp FAS8200系列存储规格指南
![NetApp FAS8200系列存储规格指南](
目标客户和环境 • 可以从跨闪存、磁盘和云存储统一并简化数据管理中受益的企业 • 需要功能齐全的存储的大中型企业以及中型企业 • 虚拟化环境和云环境 • 区域数据中心、复制站点和部门系统
1-12 个节点(6 个 HA 对) 2,880/2,880 (HDD/SSD)
57 PB
28 PB
最大板载 NVMe Flash Cache 容量
48 TB
24 TB
最大 Flash Pool 容量
576 TB
288 TB
最大 ECC 内存群互连
2 个 10GbE:使用 10GbE 或 UTA2 端口提供支持以实现最大灵活性
更多信息来源 请使用 NetApp Field Portal 获取 FAS8200 系列销售工具和更多 资源:
• 产品规格 • 客户演示文稿 • 快速参考指南 (QRG) • 技术报告 • 常见问题解答 • 竞争信息 • 另外请访问 /cn 上的 FAS8200 页面了解更多
销售方向 • 大中型企业 • 数据中心整合 • 瞬息万变的虚拟化环境和云环境 • 多样化的业务应用:消息传送、数据库、主目录 • 文件服务和横向扩展 NAS • 主存储或二级存储 • 具有混合 HDD 存储容量和集群中有全闪存 FAS 节点的环境 • 可大规模扩展的 NAS 容器,特别适合 EDA、高新技术、石油
可选 ONTAP 9 超值包所含软件和增值软件
请参见 FAS8200 软件表,了解有关增加数据保护、灾难恢复、克隆、合规 性、加密、虚拟化和管理等功能的信息
NetApp-FAS系列安装配置说明NETAPP FAS系列安装配置⼿册赞融电⼦上海分公司2003年11⽉修订控制1简介1.1说明本⽂简要说明了Network Appliance公司FAS系列存储产品配置过程。
本⼿册基于DataOntap 6.4.2P6操作系统1.2适⽤对象和前提本⽂是针对赞融电⼦的内部⼈员。
要求阅读者具有以下⽅⾯的专业能⼒:熟悉Unix操作系统;熟悉Windows操作系统;具有NETAPP FAS系统的基本知识.1.3参考资料Data ONTAP? System Administrator’s GuideData ONTAP? Software Setup Guide1.4术语表NFS:Network ⽹络⽂件系统CIFS:Common Internet 通⽤Internet⽂件系统NAS:Network Attached Storage ⽹络附加存储WAFL:Write Anywhere 随地写⼊⽂件格式2配置过程2.1检查Filer硬件安装2.2设置Filer使⽤计算机串⼝连接Filer背板上的Console⼝使⽤Windows附件中的超级终端建⽴连接,参数如下:每秒位数 9600,数据位 8,奇偶校验⽆,停⽌位 1,数据流控制⽆建⽴连接依次打开Disk Shelf和Filer电源使⽤setup命令配置Filerfas940> setupPlease enter the new hostname []: fas940Do you want to configure virtual network interfaces? [n]: yNumber of virtual interfaces to configure? [0] 3Name of virtual interface #1 []: vif1Is vif1 a single [s] or multi [m] virtual interface? [m] sNumber of links for vif1? [0] 2Name of link #1 for vif1 []: e5aName of link #2 for vif1 []: e5bName of virtual interface #2 []: vif2Is vif2 a single [s] or multi [m] virtual interface? [m] sNumber of links for vif2? [0] 2Name of link #1 for vif2 []: e9aName of link #2 for vif2 []: e9bName of virtual interface #3 []: vif3Is vif3 a single [s] or multi [m] virtual interface? [m] sNumber of links for vif3? [0] 2Name of link #1 for vif3 []: e11aName of link #2 for vif3 []: e11bPlease enter the IP address for Network Interface vif1 []: enter the netmask for Network Interface vif1 []: enter media type for vif1 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]: Enter Please enter the IP address for Network Interface vif2 []: enter the netmask for Network Interface vif2 []: enter media type for vif2 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]: Please enter the IP address for Network Interface vif3 []: enter the netmask for Network Interface vif3 []: enter media type for vif3 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]: Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0 []: enter the netmask for Network Interface e0 []: enter media type for e0 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto} [auto]:Would you like to continue setup through the web interface? [n]:Please enter the name or IP address of the default gateway: The administration host is given root access to the filer's/etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root accessto all NFS clients enter RETURN below.Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host:Please enter timezone [GMT]: Asia/ShanghaiWhere is the filer located? []: Suzhou ChinaWhat language will be used for multi-protocol files (Type ? for list)?:zh.GBKSetting language on volume vol0The new language mappings will be available after rebootMon Sep 29 03:45:14 GMT [rc:ALERT]: Language on volume vol0 changed to zh.GBK Language set on volume vol0 Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]: yPlease enter DNS domain name []: /doc/13ed3844f58a6529647d27284b73f242336c3134.html You may enter up to 3 nameserversPlease enter the IP address for first nameserver []: you want another nameserver? [n]: yPlease enter the IP address for alternate nameserver []: you want another nameserver? [n]: EnterDo you want to run NIS client? [n]: EnterThis system will send event messages and weekly reportsto Network Appliance Technical Support. To disable this feature,enter "options off" within 24 hours.Enabling Autosupport can significantly speed problem determinationand resolution should a problem occur on your system.For further information on Autosupport, please see:.Press the return key to continue.Now type 'reboot' for changes to take effect.fas940> Reboot重新启动Filer 之后,进⾏cifs setup 安装fas940> cifs setupEnable CIFS access to the filer by a Windows(tm) PCYour filer is currently only visible to PCs on the same net.Do you wish to make the system visible via WINS? [no]: yPlease enter next WINS IP address (or return to end list) []: enter next WINS IP address (or return to end list) []: enter next WINS IP address (or return to end list) []:CIFS requires local /etc/passwd and /etc/group files for multiprotocol.Default passwd be created containing 'root', 'pcuser',and 'nobody'.Enter the password for root []:Retype the password:This filer is currently licensed for CIFS only.The filer will be configured as a NTFS_only filer. It canbe changed to a Multiprotocol filer by reissuing the CIFS setup command.The default name of this filer will be 'FAS940'.Do you want to modify this name? [no]: EnterCIFS supports three types of user authentication:1. Windows Domain authentication.2. Windows Workgroup authentication using the filer's user accounts.3. /etc/passwd and/or NIS based authentication.What type of authentication will this filer use? [1]: 1The filer will use Windows Domain authentication.Enter the Windows Domain for the filer []:/doc/13ed3844f58a6529647d27284b73f242336c3134.html It is highly recommended that you create the local administratoraccount (FAS940\administrator) for this filer. This account enablesaccess to the filer from Windows when domain controllers are notaccessible.Create the FAS940\administrator account? [yes]: yesSet the password for FAS940\administrator:Retype the password:Mon Sep 29 11:53:46 CST [rc:info]: User addedMon Sep 29 11:53:46 CST [rc:notice]: security style for /vol/vol0/ changed from unix to ntfs/doc/13ed3844f58a6529647d27284b73f242336c3134.html is a Windows 2000(tm) domain.In order to create this filer's domain account, you must supply thename and password of an administrator account with sufficient privilegeto add the filer to the /doc/13ed3844f58a6529647d27284b73f242336c3134.html domain.Please enter the Windows 2000 user []:Password for :CIFS - Logged in as .By default, setup creates the filer account in the ActiveDirectory container named 'Computers'. Alternatively, you caninstall the filer in an organizational unit (OU) by specifyingthe domain relative distinguished name of the OU, as in'ou=innerOU,ou=outerOU'.Active Directory container for filer account? [cn=computers]: EnterCIFS - Connecting to domain controller.Mon Sep 29 11:57:22 CST [rc:info]: Connection with DC \\SSUZDC2 establishedMon Sep 29 11:57:22 CST [nbns_timer:info]: All CIFS name registrations complete for local serverWelcome to the AMD (/doc/13ed3844f58a6529647d27284b73f242336c3134.html ) Windows 2000(tm) domain.CIFS local server is running.2.3创建volume通过Telnet或串⼝,⽤命令⾏⽅式创建卷vol create [ -r ] [ disks] 例,创建名为vol1的卷,RAID组最⼤为8,包含2块盘vol create /vol/vol1 –r 8 2使⽤vol status –r 命令观察初始化进程通过Web界⾯创建卷在浏览器中输⼊点击,根据提⽰输⼊⽤户名密码从右侧窗⼝Volume Add在New Volume Name栏中填写新建卷名vol1在Raid Group Size中填写RAID组的⼤⼩8 在Language中选择Simplified Chinese(GBK)选择Automatic Disk Selection在Number of Disks中填写Volume的磁盘数2点击Add2.4通过CIFS共享通过命令⾏cifs shares -add e.g. cifs shares add vol1 /vol/vol1通过Web界⾯设置→CIFS→Shares→AddShare Name 填写 vol1Mount Point 填写 /vol/vol1点击Add2.5通过NFS共享通过命令⾏exportfs -o anon=0 /vol/vol1或者通过Web界⾯配置→NFS→Manage Exports→Insert Line 在Path中输⼊/vol/vol1 Permission选择rwAnonymous UID填写0点击OK3使⽤介绍3.1Filer菜单3.1.1Show Status 显⽰Filer的整体状态,包括, Model, System ID,Version, Disks, Status 等信息3.1.2Manage Licenses 管理Filer 的license 如常⽤的CIFS, NFS, FCP,iSCSI,SnapRestore, SnapMirror, SnapVault, SyncMirror, MultiStore等,详情可参见或(中⽂⽹页)3.1.3Report 显⽰Filer⽬前配置及使⽤情况,如Uptime, Network Interfaces, DiskUsage, System Configuration 等信息3.1.4Syslog Messages 这⾥是系统的syslog messages 信息,⾥⾯会记录系统运⾏时产⽣的⼀些信息,特别是⼀些系统的报错信息,这些信息⾮常重要,对于发现各种问题有很⼤帮助,Netapp Technical Support 也需要这些信息,最好每天都查看⼀下这⾥的信息3.1.5Use Command Line 在这⾥可以使⽤⾃带的telnet ⼯具,⽅便你管理时使⽤Data Ontap系统的命令。
NetApp FAS混合闪存系统介绍
![NetApp FAS混合闪存系统介绍](
NetApp MetroCluster™ 可确保连续可用性
同步复制 消除计划内和计划外应用程序停机 零数据丢失 一次性设置,轻松便捷
成本和复杂性比竞争对手 虚拟机管理程序与应用程序集成
每个控制器 4 个 UTA-2 端口
24 个内部 2.5 英寸 SFF 驱动器
纵向扩展至 1 PB 以上,横向扩展至 5 PB 占用空间小 (2U)
1.2 PB
144 个驱动器
FAS8200 专为企业级工作负载而设计
提高多达 50% 板载 NVMe Flash Cache™
在 WORM 存储中保留数据,实现合规性
NetApp 卷加密:基于软件的空闲数据加密
FAS、AFF 和 ONTAP® Select 成本更低:无需硬件自加密驱动器 更精细:卷级 板载密钥管理器
新增大容量 SSD
ONTAP Select
全闪存 FAS (AFF)
根据自己的选择混用闪存和混合存储节点,实现横向扩展 升级硬件/软件或纵向扩展时不会中断用户使用 将软件定义的存储、云和新一代闪存融为一体
将新应用程序工作负载添加到现有 FAS 系统 纵向扩展和(或)横向扩展,以满足 业务需求
NetApp FAS2200系列产品介绍说明书
![NetApp FAS2200系列产品介绍说明书](
Dat sheetNetApp FAS2200 SeriesMake the smart decision about how you manage your resources, time, and money.Start RightMore powerful systems start under $8,000.Keep It SimpleMake the most of limited resources.Grow SmartHave the flexibility to adapt to the growing needs of your business.The ChallengeExplosive data growthWhether you are responsible for agrowing midsize business or a remoteor branch office of a larger organization,you are challenged more than ever byshrinking budgets, overextended staff,and the need to do more with less. Thesechallenges, coupled with the increasingcomplexity of your Windows®, VMware®,or server virtualization environment, canquickly eat into your budget and affectthe productivity of your organization.The SolutionStart rightAre you managing server andapplication sprawl on a shoestringbudget? The NetApp FAS2200 seriesis not only affordable, but providesa more powerful platform than othersystems in its class:• “No compromise” unified storagesystems starting at under $8,000• SSD support across all FAS2200series systems• New Flash Pool technology extendsVirtual Storage Tiering to FAS2200systems: accelerate application per-formance and lower storage costs• Industry-leading efficiency featuresbuilt in at no additional cost• Use 50% less storage in virtual serverenvironments—guaranteed*Keep it simpleFree up your time, money, and people.You don’t need to be a storage expertto deploy and manage NetApp storagesystems. The NetApp FAS2200 seriesoffers a powerful range of technologiesto help increase the efficiency of yourstorage administrators:• Rapidly deploy in just minutes.• Manage via your Microsoft®Management Console, minimizingtraining costs.• Simple, automatic data movementbetween SSD and SATA disk throughFlash Pools.• Tight integration with key businessapplications enables administratorsto manage 2 to 3 times more storage.• Slash administrative overhead by upto 60% by leveraging one commonskill set for all NetApp products.• Easily tune and troubleshootvirtual server environments withOnCommand Balance.NetApp OnCommandSystem ManagerOnCommand System Manager is asimple but powerful browser-basedmanagement tool that enables admin-istrators to easily set up and manageindividual NetApp FAS2200 systems:* /guarantee• Intuitive wizard and workflow-driven interface automate common storage tasks.• Flash Pool support —view, create, and manage Flash Pool environments. • Use a single interface for SAN and NAS environments.• Use System Manager across all NetApp storage systems—unlike competitive products that manage only one class of storage.Grow smartProtect your storage investment with systems that grow with your business needs:• Get a truly unified storage architecture. • Expand capacity and add functionality quickly and easily.• Seamlessly upgrade to other NetApp systems while using the same oper-ating system and software tools.• Get built-in investment protection with the ability to convert your FAS2240 system to an external disk shelf for upgrading to larger NetApp systems. Data ONTAP Software Simplified softwareNetApp FAS2200 systems use the Data ONTAP ® storage operating system, plus a common set of powerful, easy-to-usedata management and data protection software products. The scalable, unified software of NetApp systems provides a common software environment for both NAS and SAN, from entry-level systems through the largest data center systems.With NetApp software on the FAS2200 you can:• Enable each administrator to manage two to three times more storage • Protect your critical data• Reduce disk purchases by 50% or more through a superior set of storage efficiency features • Reduce provisioning time by up to 90%• Cut test and development time in half Included standard with every FAS2200 system is a set of powerful NetApp software products that deliver highly efficient storage, simple management tools, and high performance. In addi-tion, optional Extended-Value Software products offer advanced capabilities such as instant data recovery, instant cloning, data replication, disk-to-disk backup, and application-aware backup and recovery.Choosing the Right SystemNetApp offers two systems in the FAS2200 family to help you find the balance of price, performance, and features that best fits your needs.FAS2240Equipped for higher performance or capacity needs, the FAS2240 is a good fit for:• Midsize businesses or distributed sites of larger organizations• Windows application and virtual server consolidation with multiple workloads• Customers that require higher perfor-mance, I/O flexibility, and investment protection for future growth FAS2220Geared toward value-oriented deploy-ments, the FAS2220 is a good fit for:• Midsize businesses, remote offices, and local storage• Consolidating virtualized environ-ments with one to three Windows applications or general file-serving workloads• Customers that need a powerfulsystem at a competitive priceFigure 1) You don’t need to be an expert to configure your storage with the simple, easy-to-use NetApp System Manager Console.FAS2200 SERIES OVERVIEW FAS2240-2FAS2240-4FAS2220 Form Factor2U/24 Drive4U/24 Drive2U/12 Drive Dual Controllers Yes Yes YesMaximum Raw Capacity Maximum Disk Drives 374TB144432TB144180TB60Maximum Ethernet Ports888Onboard SAS Port444NetApp Flash Pool Support Yes Yes Yes8Gb FC Support Yes*Yes*No10Gbe Support Yes*Yes*NoRemote Management Yes Yes YesStorage Protocols FCP, iSCSI, NFS, CIFS FCP, iSCSI, NFS, CIFS iSCSI, NFS, CIFS All specifications are for dual-controller, active-active configurations.*Based on optional dual-port 10GbE or 8Gb FC mezzanine card and single slot per controller.Global SupportSupportEdge servicesNetApp Global Support delivers high availability for your enterprise data environment and helps you optimize your storage investments. Let NetApp mitigate support issues and drive operational best practices. NetApp’s innovative, proactive support means that you’ll have fewer and less-severe support cases. But if a problem arises, our award-winning technical centers and field support staff—delivering in over 100 countries—won’t rest until it’s solved.As an industry leader in innovation, NetApp Global Support provides tools and technology to enable business continuity. AutoSupport TM, NetApp’s suite of automation tools, is delivered as a service to help you proactively manage your systems and quickly resolve issues. AutoSupport functions as a “virtual staff” to protect critical data, save time, and reduce impact on your IT resources.About NetAppNetApp creates innovative storage and data management solutions that deliver outstanding cost efficiency and accelerate business breakthroughs. Discover our passion for helping companies around the world go further, faster at .Go further, faster© 2012 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. No portions of this document may be reproduced without prior written consent of NetApp, Inc.Specifications are subject to change without notice. NetApp, the NetApp logo, Go further, faster, AutoSupport, Data ONTAP , FlexClone, FlexShare, FlexVol, MultiStore, NearStore, OnCommand, RAID-DP , SnapManager, SnapMirror, SnapRestore, Snapshot, and SnapVault are trademarks or registered trademarks of NetApp, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, SharePoint, SQL Server, and Windows are registered trademarks and Hyper-V is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG. VMware is a registered trademark of VMware, Inc. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. DS-3318-0412FAS2200 SERIES SOFTWAREIncluded SoftwareData ONTAP Essentials:Efficiency: FlexVol ®, deduplication, compression, and thin provisioning Availability: Multipath I/O and MultiStore ®Data Protection: RAID-DP ®, Snapshot ™, NearStore ®, and Open Systems SnapVault ®Performance: FlexShare ®Management: System Manager, Operations Manager, Protection Manager, and Provision ManagerData Protocols: All supported data protocol licenses are included.Extended-Value Software (optional)Software DescriptionSnapRestore: Software to restore Snapshot copies in seconds SnapMirror: Simple, efficient, and flexible disaster recoverySnapVault: Disk-to-disk backup software for complete backups and online archives to primary or secondary storage in minutes instead of hours or days FlexClone: Instant virtual copies of databases or virtual machinesSnapManager Suite: Application and virtual machine aware backup, recovery, and cloning (for Oracle ®, Exchange, SharePoint ®, SQL Server ®, SAP ®, virtual infrastructure, and Hyper-V ™)OnCommand Balance for NetApp: Advanced analytics for physical and virtual environments Complete Bundle: All of the Extended-Value Software together in a single bundle for all-inclusive convenience (Note: OnCommand Balance is not included in the Complete Bundle option)。
Innovative, Modular, Dual Belt Conveyor Pallet Systems for Assembly AutomationInnovative Timing Belt Conveyor Design Industry Best Pallet Transfer System Clean Room Class 100 CertifiedFast & Simple to Use Online Configurator 2200 SERIESPALLET SYSTEMS• Conveyor Load Capacity 500 lbs non-accumulating 250 lbs accumulated• Pallet capacity of 30 to 70 lbs• Speeds up to 114 ft/min (34 m/min)2200 SERIES PRECISION MOVE PALLET SYSTEMS• Widths: 160, 240, 320, 400, and 480 mm • Lengths: Up to 24' 7" (7500mm)• Dual belt conveyors with common drive module • 25mm wide 5mm pitch timing belt conveyor • Standard or static conductive belting available • Aluminum extruded frame with universal T-Slot • Quick belt change without conveyor removal• 160mm to 480mm• Industry compatible sizes and bushing locations • Static conductive pallet skirt• Square and rectangular sizes available• Pallets are sold as kits or completed assembliesLift & LocateLift & RotateLift & Transfer90 Degree Corner90 Degree Corner & MergeCushioned Pallet Stop (Non-cushioned also available)The Benefits of a Dorner 2200 Series Precision Move Pallet SystemInnovative Offering • Timing belt conveyors provide added load capacity in a small platform • Quick belt change without the need to remove conveyor from system • Pin Tracking System provides cost effective pallet traffic management Delivers Fast • D orner sets the industry standard for rapid delivery • C onveyors and automation modules available in 20 days or less Time Saving • Dorner’s online configurator engineers simple to complex configurations in minutes. • The industry leading tool delivers a complete 3D Assembly model for instant validation of fit• Adjustable height lift from center of conveyor • Provides 200 lbs of lift capability at 90psi • Accuracy of ± 0.002"• Lift and Rotate:• Pneumatic lift from center of conveyor• Pneumatic rotation with adjustable positioning • Rotation angle: 90 to 180 degrees adjustable • Includes cushioned lift stroke • Lift and Transfer:• Changes product orientation• Uses dual strand timing belt conveyors and pneumatic lift • 70 lbs load capacitySimple Powered Corner Modules• 90 Degree Corner:• Uses pin tracking in pallet• Maintains product orientation through the turn• Includes 24VDC drive mechanism to drive the pallet around the corner• 90 Degree Corner and Merge: • Uses pin tracking in pallet• Inside guide is mounted to pneumatic cylinders to transfer pallet around corner• Straight guide with pneumatic cylinder is mounted across perpendicular conveyor to guide pallets straight through the merge area• Includes 24VDC drive mechanism to drive the pallet around the cornerAccurate Pin Tracking System• Simple and cost effective method of tracking pallets through turns• Used on 90 Degree Corner and 90 Degree Corner &Merge ModulesLift & Rotate90 Degree Corner1X SeriesThe 1X Series Line is designed for small part handling and transfers where space is a premium.1X Series Family:• Flat Belt• Aluminum Frame • Widths to 10"• Loads to 15 lbs • Speeds up to 80 fpm 2X SeriesThe 2X Series Line isengineered for smallto medium sized parts,precision applicationsand flexible layouts.2X Series Family:• Flat Belt• Cleated Belt• Modular Belt• Precision Move• SmartFlex®• Aluminum Frame• Widths to 24"• Loads to 200 lbs• Speeds up to 400 fpm• Curves• Z-Frame Elevators3X SeriesThe 3X Series Line isdesigned for mediumto heavy sized parts,precision applications,bulk handling andflexible layouts.3X Series Family:• Flat Belt• Cleated Belt• Modular Belt• Flexible Chain• Precision Move• Aluminum Frame• Widths to 60"• Loads to 1000 lbs• Speeds up to 600 fpm• Curves• Z-Frame Elevators7X SeriesThe 7X Series StainlessSteel Line is engineeredfor small to heavyproduct requiring variouslevels of sanitary designandflexible layouts.7X Series Family:AquaPruf® + AquaGard®• Flat Belt• Cleated Belt• Modular Belt• Flexible Chain•Vertical Belt Technology• Stainless Steel Frame• Widths to 52"• Loads to 750 lbs• Speeds up to 400 fpm• Curves• Z-Frame Elevators NEED SOMETHING DIFFERENT?DORNER’S ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS GROUP PROVIDES EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEEDFOR YOUR SPECIFIC APPLICATION. FROM MODIFIED STANDARD CONVEYORS TOCOMPLETE CUSTOM DESIGNS.LOOKING FOR AFTER SALE SUPPORT?DORNER’S SERVICES TEAM PROVIDES COMPLETE SUPPORT FROM REPLACEMENTPARTS TO INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES.© Dorner Mfg. Corp. 2017. All Rights Reserved. Made in the U.S.A. 851-794 Rev. A 3M - JBK - 041610YEAR Warranty。
支持块、文件和对象存储,提供一站 式数据存储服务,简化存储管理。
采用高性能硬件和优化的软件 架构,提供高吞吐量和低延迟
提供数据冗余和容错功能,确 保数据安全可靠。
支持横向和纵向扩展,满足不 同规模企业的存储需求。
提供友好的用户界面和自动化 管理工具,简化存储管理和操
支持虚拟机快照功能,快 速捕获虚拟机状态,便于 备份和迁移。
通过优化虚拟机性能,提 高虚拟化环境下的业务连 续性和响应速度。
提供全面的远程容灾解决方案, 确保业务连续性和数据安全。
支持容灾演练和测试,确保容灾系 统有效性和可靠性。
1 2
为虚拟机提供高效、可靠的存储空间,支持多种 虚拟化平台,确保虚拟化环境的稳定运行。
提供虚拟机的备份和恢复功能,快速恢复业务运 行,减少因虚拟机故障导致的业务中断。
通过虚拟化存储的性能优化特性,提高虚拟机的 计算和存储性能,提升业务响应速度。
EF系列还提供了多种数据保护和管理功能,如快照 、克隆、数据迁移等,满足用户不同的数据存储和管
EF系列是NetApp推出的一款高性能存储产品 ,适用于大型企业、数据中心和云服务提供商 。
EF系列支持多种协议和技术,如NFS、CIFS、 FTP、iSCSI等,方便用户进行数据存储和管理。
目 录
• 产品概述 • 产品系列 • 技术特点 • 应用场景 • 客户案例
NetApp FAS全系产品线参数
![NetApp FAS全系产品线参数](
每个控制器的最大 LUN 数目 支持的 SAN 主机数量
每个 HA 集群对最多有 512个主机
每个 HA 对配置最多有 24 个直接连接的服务器 FlexVol® 容量 每个控制器最多 500 Snapshot 副本 最多 127,000 最大卷/合计大小 70TB 70TB 50TB 最大端口数包括集成端口和 PCIe 扩展插槽 FC 目标 (8Gb/4Gb)(最 24/52 8/20 24/52 大) 10GbE/FCoE 目标端口数 24 8 (最大) GbE(最大) 52 20 6Gb SAS(最大) 52 20 FC 启动器(最大) 52 20 最大适配器数
B/3 TB;3.5 英寸 SAS TB 驱动器需要 Data ONTAP
, 3.5” SATA 1TB/2TB)
Windows XP, Linux®, Sun
50TB 8/20 8 20 20 20
4 4 4
4 2
N/A N/A 2 4 4 4
50TB 8/20 24 52 52 52 8 20 20 20
双 10GbE(光纤或铜) 四 GbE(铜) 双 10GbE FCoE SAN 统 一目标适配器(光纤或 铜) 8Gb FC 目标(光纤) 用于光纤通道上 SnapMirror® (SMoFC) 的双 8Gb VI 闪存性能加速模块 (1 TB) 闪存性能提高模块 (512GB) 闪存性能提高模块 (256GB) 四 6Gb SAS 存储 HBA 四 4Gb FC 存储/磁带 HBA 双 SCSI 磁带 HBA
最大系统容量 最大驱动器数量 控制器形状
内存 最大闪存 PCI 扩展插槽数 板载 I/O:4Gb FC 板载 I/O:6Gb SAS 板载 I/O:GbE 支持存储网络
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最多理 安全性
控制器硬件配置 单控制器配置、主动-主动或主动-被动控制器高可用性对配置 后端(磁盘)配置 最佳实践:双路径独立配置和多路径高可用性存储 (MP-HA) 高可用性对配置 支持:单路径独立配置或高可用性对配置
3.35 英寸(8.5 厘米),占 7 英寸(17.9 厘米)
用 2U 空间
3.45 英寸(8.76 厘 米),占用 2U 空间
可安装在 19 英寸 IEC 机架上(17.6 英寸,44.9 厘米)
深度(不含电缆管理支 19 英寸(48 厘米)
24 英寸(61 厘米)
20 英寸(50.8 厘米)
辐射/抗扰度:FCC Part 15 Class A、ICES-003、CE、MIC、VCCI、AS/NZS CISPR 22、EN55022、EN55024、IEC61000-3-2、IEC61000-3-3、CoC(南 非)、BSMI、KN22 EN61000-4-2、EN61000-4-3、EN61000-4-4、EN61000-4-5、EN61000-4-6、 EN61000-4-11、KN24、CISPR 24
DS14mk4 FC、DS14mk2 FC(只在运行 Data ONTAP 8.1 且带 ESH4 磁盘架模块 时受支持)、DS14m k2AT 每个都带有 14 个可用于放置小型 FC 和 SATA 磁盘驱动器的托架*
支持的磁盘架(光纤通 道、SATA、SAS)
DS2246 带有 24 个插槽,适用于高性能 (SAS) HDD
FAS2240-4: 根据 ISO 9296 要求,声功率标示值 (LwAd):6.9 贝尔 声压(LpAm — 附近人员):49.6 分贝
正面 25.4 厘米(10 英寸),背面 30.5 厘米(12 英寸) 正面 76.2 厘米(30 英寸),背面 76.2 厘米(30 英寸) 符合 RoHS
安全性:EN 60950、CE、CSA 60950、UL 60950、CB IEC60950-1(各种类似的 国家标准)、EN60825-1、GOST-R、BSMI CNS14336、CCC GB 4943-2001、 SABS、S Resolution 92-98
DS4243 / DS4246 带有 24 个插槽,适用于高性能 (SAS) HDD 或高容量 (SATA) HDD
* 在 FAS2220 上不受支持
内部 SSD:100 GB 内部高性能 (SAS) HDD:450 GB、600 GB 磁盘 内部高容量 (SATA) HDD:1 TB、2 TB、3 TB 磁盘 外部高性能 HDD:300 GB、450 GB、600 GB 外部高容量 HDD:500 GB、1 TB、2 TB、3 TB 磁盘
SnapManager® 套件:应用感知和虚拟机感知备份、恢复和克隆(适用于 Oracle、 Exchange、SharePoint®、SQL® Server、SAP®、虚拟基础架构和 Hyper-V™) SnapRestore®:只需几秒钟即可快速恢复 Snapshot 副本 SnapMirror®:简单、高效且灵活的灾难恢复 FlexClone®:即时创建数据库或虚拟机的虚拟副本 SnapVault:一款磁盘到磁盘备份软件,在几分钟内完成到主存储或二级存储的完整 备份和在线归档,无需耗费数小时甚至数天时间 NetApp OnCommand™ Insight Balance:对物理环境和虚拟环境进行高级分析 完整包:所有增值软件包含在一个包中,便于您使用所有功能(注意:Ins ight Balance 不包含在完整包中)
FAS2240 运行 Data ONTAP® 8.1 FAS2220 运行 Data ONTAP 8.1.1
FAS2240 运行 Data ONTAP 8.1 FAS2220 运行 Data ONTAP 8.1.1
全双工 10/100 Base-T 以太网板载控制台、诊断 LED、维护中心、SNMP、 Telnet、SSH、HTTP、Web (SSL)、主机脚本编写、电子邮件提醒
* 在 FAS2220 上不受支持
支持的磁盘架 嵌入式交换集线器 4 (ESH4)* AT-FCX * IOM3 IOM6
* 在 FAS2220 上不受支持
内部磁盘驱动器存储接口 串行连接 SCSI (SAS)
串行连接 SCSI (SAS) (FAS2220) 磁盘驱动器存储架接口
串行连接 SCSI (SAS)(FAS2240,可选 FC 适配器用于 FC-AL 存储连接)
Data ONTAP Essentials: 效率:FlexVol、重复数据删除、压缩和精简配置 可用性:多路径 I/O 和 MultiStore® 数据保护:RAID-DP、Snapshot、NearStore® 和 Open Systems SnapVault® 性能:FlexShare® 管理:System Manager、Operations Manager、Protection Manager、 Provisioning Manager
84 个 12 GB
84 个 6 GB
主动-主动 单控制器
432 TB
432 TB
84 个 12 GB
84 个 6 GB
主动-主动 单控制器
180 TB
180 TB
不适用 12 GB
不适用 6 GB
病毒防护、SecureAdmin™、CHAP 身份验证、基于角色的访问控制 (RBAC)
最大 RAID 组和聚合大小
最大 RAID 组大小
RAID 6(RAID-DP®) SAS 和 FC:28(26 个数据磁盘加 2 个奇偶校验磁盘) SATA:20(18 个数据磁盘加 2 个奇偶校验磁盘)
最小机柜通风间隙 最小机柜维修空间
FAS2220: 根据 ISO 9296 要求,声功率标示值 (LwAd):6.5 贝尔 声压(LpAm — 附近人员):51.0 分贝
FAS2240-2: 根据 ISO 9296 要求,声功率标示值 (LwAd):6.9 贝尔 声压(LpAm — 附近人员):51.0 分贝
双热插拔冗余集成电源/风扇装置 (220 V/110 V)
交流电源/电流(独立系统 的线路电压取决于本地配 电,系统机柜仅限 200 至
240 VAC)
88 至 264 VAC,9 至 4.5 A,50/60Hz
88 至 264 VAC,9 至 4.5 A,50/60Hz
内部 SSD:100 GB 内部高容量 HDD:1 TB、2 TB、3 TB 磁盘 外部 FC:300 GB、450 GB、600 GB 外部高性能 HDD:300 GB、450 GB、600 GB 外部高容量 HDD:500 GB、1 TB、2 TB、3 TB 磁盘
原有(控制器升级)配置支持的磁盘(前提是配置未超出支持有效期)* FC:36 GB、72 GB、144 GB、300 GB 磁盘 SATA:250 GB、320 GB、500 GB、750 GB 磁盘
板载 I/O
板载 GbE 端口 板载 SAS 端口 模块化 I/O 插槽
主动-主动 单控制器
主动-主动 单控制器
主动-主动 单控制器
I/O 卡支持
主动-主动 配置
双端口 8/4/2Gb FC 磁盘适
NetApp FAS2200 系列技术规格
查看规格: 选择内容
技术亮点 SAN 协议支持 网络协议支持 LUN FlexVol® 卷 Snapshot™ 副本
IP SAN(iSCSI) NFS V2/V3/V4(采用 UDP 或 TCP)、用于 (PC) NFS 客户端身份验证的 PCNFSD V1/V2、Microsoft® CIFS、HTTP 1.0、HTTP 1.1 虚拟主机 最多 1,024 每个控制器最多 500 个 每个控制器最多 127,000 个
SAS 和 FC:14(13 个数据磁盘加 1 个奇偶校验磁盘) SATA:7(6 个数据磁盘加 1 个奇偶校验磁盘) RAID 6 + RAID 1 或 RAID 4 + RAID 1 (SyncMirror®)
最大聚合:60 TB 原始容量,54 TB 可用容量 最大可用卷大小:53.7 TB 可用容量 (在这两种情况下,都没有为 Snapshot 副本配置预留空间)
88 至 264 VAC,9 至 4.5 A,50/60Hz
55.4 磅(25.2 千克),高 可用性配置使用 24 个磁盘