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mutual benefit 互惠互利,

import license进口许可正,

Export Commodities Fair出口商品教育会 . Quotation sheet 报价单,


keen competition,剧烈竞争

counter-offer, 还盘

unit price,单价

trial order.试订单

Description of Goods,货物名称

Name of Commodity. 同上

Specification ,规格

counter sample, 相对样品

firm offer, 实盘

current(prevailing) price

trade terms . 贸易条件

sample cutting.减杨

Make a bid,投标

In your favor, 以你方为受益人

in duplicate/ triplicate,一式两份一式三份close cooperation, 密切合作

out of line. 不受常规

badly in need of,

subject to one’s doing,

be prepared/ready to do, 准备做

be appreciated ,不胜感激

payment by L/C, 用信用证方式支付

too… to …太

be acceptable to, 使—可接受

business scope,营业范围

offer sb. sth. 报盘报价

handle/deal in/specialize in,

prompt shipment, 即期装船

Allow/grant/offer discount,

considering, 考虑到

for one’s reference,供***参考

In …line,

supply meets demand, 供求相等Upon receipt of,一收即到

introduce oneself, 自我介绍

in reply to, 答复

on high side, 在高端

at this price, 此价格

place an order with us ,我们订货


in order,按顺序

reasonable price,合理价额

obtainable, 能得到的

Enter into business relation ,建立业务关系

in line with the current market,根据目前的市场

For your information,供你方参考

subject to our final confirmation,需经我方最后确认earliest date of shipment,最早的出货日期

price list Quantity available, 价目表可供数量

make a reduction in price ,是降低价格

in order,按顺序

confirm our offer, 确认我方报盘

make an offer, 出价,发盘

sell well ,畅销

for your countersignature,你已会签

Commercial Invoice in triplicate商业发票一式三份Packing List in triplicate装箱单一式三份

Full set of Bill of Lading整套提单

Insurance Policy保单

Original Certificate of Origin(GSP Form A)原产地证书正本Certificate of Quality质量证明书

outer packing , 外包装

inner packing , 内包装

lodging a claim on , 提出索赔

Beneficiary’s Certificate , 受益人证明force majeure , 不可抗力

take delivery 收获

book shipping space , 预定仓位

stand rough handling in transit , 运输中的野蛮搬运

Neutral packing , 三五包装

Shipping marks ,唛头装运标记

shipper, 发货人

Consignee, 收货人

ETA 估计到达时间,

Freight Prepaid , 运费已付

Freight to Collect , 运费到付

port of loading , 装货港口

port of destination , 母的港

Anti-dated B/L , 倒签提单

through B/L , 转船提单,联运提单

Clean B/L , 清洁提单

Clean On Board B/L , 清洁已装箱提单

Surrendered B/L,投降提单

made out to order ,

prompt shipment, 即期装船

direct steamer, 直达船

effect shipment ,交货

shipping advice, 发货通知书

Shipping instruction partial shipment and transshipment allowed , 装运指示分批运输,允许转运
