

美国教育 PPT课件

美国教育 PPT课件

formed in the second half of the 19th century and can be specifically divided into the bottom-up
structure: primary school, secondary school, and then university. "Rail" is the number of class in
American Education
15-财政2班 魏瑶 王莹 王馨怡
The United States is very strong in education and shoulders huge task of education. To discuss education in the United States is a very complicated problem, because it is a multicultural country. American education is also diverse reflecting on the education, there is no unified national education system in the United States and fifty states have 50 different education system. There is no doubt that mang people pay much attention to the system of American education. The major difference in education system between American and most other countries is that the education of the United States is for everyone in society, not only for a few people. American educational system can be best understood as a kind of social institutions that reflect the basic beliefs and fundamental principles of the nation, rather than simply a kind of skilltraining places where students are prepared to get a job.[1] All in all, the system of American education has its own special features and attract a lot of countries’ attention.



Going to School in U.S. Todayy

Over 70 million students (K-Grade 12) each year Five hours a day, five days a week Goa l si n ce ea rl y de ca de of th e r epu bl ic : educate an entire population 90% attend public school, supported by taxes 10% private-parents pay, most run by churches (religious teaching part of the curriculum) Large costs Boards of Education guide spending in public schools as well as decisions about curriculum, certification, tests etc.
U.S. Private Schools
U.S. Public Schools
What Students Learn
Elementary School (grammar school): K-Grade 6 Math, language arts, penmanship, science, social studies, music, art, P.E. Many schools have introduced computer courses Second language offered in upper levels Secondary School: Junior and Senior High School English, math, science, social studies and P.E. (core subjects) Electives (specialized academic subjects, vocational…)- guided by school counsellors

Educatian in America美国教育

Educatian in America美国教育
2.more years of schooling for a larger percentage of the population than other countries
Today more than 56 million Americans are attending a wide variety of schools and universities across the nation.
Unlike the nationally regulated and financed education systems of many other industrialized societies, American public education is primarily the responsibility of the states and individual school districts.
institutions of higher education offering twoyear programs of technical, vocational, professional, and adult-education programs in addition to general academic programs
In the United States programs of instruction offered to children, adolescents, and adults through schools and colleges are operated by state and local governments, as well as by private groups and religious organizations.

Chapter 3美国教育

Chapter 3美国教育

Education System
Education System

Higher Education
Education is a function of the state, not the federal government. There is not a national system of education in the USA
What do High Schools Teach?(1)

In high school, subject matter becomes more specialized. English classes stress grammar & literature. Social studies is split into separate courses in American history, American government, & European history. Algebra(代数), geometry(几何学), & trigonometry(三角法) are offered.

Subjects offered

College & university offer a vast array of subjects. A student usually majors in one field during the last 2 years of college. If he wishes, he may obtain professional training at the undergraduate level, for example, in accounting, teaching, journalism, or dramatics. Certain state colleges specialize in training agricultural experts & engineers.


1816年欧文创立的第一所幼儿学校; 1840年福禄贝尔创办第一所“幼儿园”; 1856年舒尔茨开办美国第一所(德语)幼儿园; 1860年皮博迪姐妹开办美国第一所英语幼儿园; 1877年美国第一所慈善幼儿园在纽约建立; 1879年昆西·肖夫人创建第一所幼儿师范学校; 1873年哈里斯和布洛创建美国第一所公立幼儿园; 1912年安妮·乔治建立美国第一所蒙台梭利学校; 1915年美国第一所保育学校以集体经营的形式开办; 1919年第一所公立保育学校诞生。
1816年欧文创立幼儿学校,1826年将幼儿学校引 入美国,拉开了美国幼儿学校发展的序幕。
招收4-8岁儿童 1828年成立幼儿学校协会,旨在为城市中贫困家
庭的幼儿提供宗教指导、学前教育、日间保育。 采用裴斯泰洛齐的实物教学法 20世纪40年代后,幼儿学校在美国逐渐衰落。
主要是为进入一年级之前的4-5岁儿童设立的教育 机构,以半日制为主,具有小学预备教育的性质。 多附设于公立小学,虽不属于义务教育范畴,但实 行免费制。
分类:幼儿园(5岁半幼儿园); 学前预备班(4岁班幼儿园)
教学原则:做中学 教学目的:为儿童入学做准备。
是奥巴马政府在2009年为使弱势儿童做好入学准备提出 的教育计划,重点是幼儿的早期保育和教育方面,强调为儿 童进入机构接受教育做好准备。
➢ ·1969年11月10日诞生,至今已有43年历史,美 国最长寿儿童节目;



College grades • • • • • From highest to lowest, run A, B, C, D, F. A = Excellent B = Above Average C = Average D = Below Average F = Failure (A student who fails a required course must take the course again.)
Education in the U.S. --- Administration

6. Funds for schools come from 3 sources: Approximately 50% is raised through local property taxes. An average of from 40% --50% comes from the states. Only 8% -- 9% from the national government.
Education in the U.S. --- Administration

1. There is 50 educational systems in the United States. The U.S. Constitution mentions nothing about education. Each state enjoys freedom to develop a school system as extensive or as limited as it desires.
Education in the U.S. --- Administration



The contrast of family education between
China and western countries
1、The tendency of family education
2、The values of family education
3、The focus of family education
American Education Mode
• local decentralized, the federal government has encouraged the education, the leadership responsibility.
• competitions happen between teachers, students, the funds and other fields.
It's parents faults for children's being ignorant.
In western countries:
Children are as equal as any members in the families.
3.The focus of family education
sense of independence.
The commons between China and western countries
1、Parents all pay attention to home education 2、Parents have a clear division of their duties. 3、Parents are the best teachers for children.

Spotlight on English 美国小学英语教材简介PPT 课件

Spotlight on English 美国小学英语教材简介PPT 课件

Spotlight on English
Spotlight on English
Teacher's Guide (K-6)
• 7 Levels (K-6) • 教案里面提供了指导性很强的教学目标、策略与技巧; • 组织适用于各种课堂教学的灵活步骤; • 包含了每个级别的每个单元的详细计划及教案,K级每个
也就是说,从平均值看,名校毕业生的 收入就 已经遥 遥领先 好几倍 ,更不 用说那 些高薪 行业的 实际收 入差距 了。 好的大学,不一定保证每一个人都会有 高收入 ,但他 的确能 够为你 提供通 向高收 入的第 一块敲 门砖。 2 开学季前几天,老家的一个远房表兄传 来消息 ,刚满 17岁的 表侄小 立不愿 意再继 续读高 三,准 备辍学 去打工 。 表兄很是着急,把家族里学历比较高的 我也搬 了出来 ,希望 我能劝 劝小立 。 “我虽然这些年到处打工也挣了一些钱 ,但这 样挣钱 太辛苦 了,我 不希望 他重走 我的老 路,” 堂兄苦 口婆心 ,一再 强调, “你一 定要好 好劝劝 他:不 上学以 后没有 出路。 ” 刚开始我和这位00后表侄在微信上聊的 时候, 非常话 不投机 。 我问他:不想读书是不是觉得功课太难 了? 他答道:也没有多难,就是不想太累了 ,高考 复习很 无聊。 我劝他:再坚持几个月,苦一阵子熬一 熬就过 去了。 他回答得很干脆:太没劲!考上又能怎 么样? 现在我 家邻居x x大学 毕业上 班了, 挣的还 没我爸 高呢! 我再问他:你爸爸现在一身伤病常年要 吃药, 你不是 不知道 吧,还 有,你 爸爸为 了多挣 点钱, 一年到 头在外 面跑, 只有过 年才能 回家一 趟,这 些你也 很清楚 吧? 他无话可说了。 最后,我实在忍不住,不得不扎他一句 : “如果现在你连高考都比不过别人,凭 什么以 后你能 比别人 成功? ” 微信


Physical Education
2. Secondary School
❖ Secondary schools offer these subjects: English, mathematics, science, social studies and physical education.
❖ Most schools offer foreign languages. Spanish is the most popular foreign language for Americans .
1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade
7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade
Elementary School
Middle School
❖ Credits are earned by attending lectures (or lab classes) and by successfully completing assignments and examinations.
❖ Students who want to pursue graduate study have to take
❖ In most areas, free public school education begins with kindergarten classes for 5 years old.
❖ Almost all the 50 states have laws that require 12 years of compulsory attendance at school for children.



Elementary and Secondary education
• Elementary education refer to grades 1~6,the secondary education generally refers to grades 9~12 which is also called "high school".However,in many districts,secondary education includes both grades 7~9 which is called "junior high school"and grades 10~12 which is called "senior high school".Secondary education in the US also includes vocational schools and technical schools.
The public school
The private school
• The great majority of American students go to public schools ,which are supported by taxpayers and free for
• The rest of students attend private schools,most of which need certain amount of tuition
• There is not a national system of edcuation in the USA .The federal government influences education and contributes financially to its development,but it has no control over education policy and practice across the states.



最高法院的判决明确指出种族隔离的教育 措施 违宪必须终止,因此美国各地的中小学自此以后种 族隔离的现象不再继续存在;另外,由于本案的法 律原则后来在他案也同样扩张适用,因此影响层面 也扩及至大学教育,美国的大学中原本存在的种族 隔离政策也因此被解释为违宪。
Preschool Various optional programs, such as Head Start Pre-kindergarten Elementary School Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Middle School 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade High School 9th Grade (Freshman) 10th Grade (Sophomore) 11th Grade (Junior) 122t0h21/G7r/a2d6e (Senior)
公立(Public Schools)和私立(Private
等费用。 私立学校一切费用由学生自理。两
1917年颁布的《史密斯·休斯法》是使中等职业技 术教育制度化的立法。如该法规定公办的普通中学 内开设职业科,设置选修的职业课程等。

20世纪美国教育 英文

20世纪美国教育 英文

emphasis on social reform
John Dewey
Progressivism Experimentalism
emphasis on pedagogy and experience
Dewey’s Ideas
According to Dewey, human Interaction with the environment constitutes experience.
2. Dewey calls the second step “ a conjectural anticipation, a tentative interpretation of the given elements. Attributing to them a tendency to effect certain consequences.” In other words, the person involved perceives the situation in its problematic character; he thus defines it, and attempts to locate the problem. 3. This phase involves a careful survey including examination, inspection, exploration and analysis of all relevant data necessary to define and clarify the problem. Here, ideas are evolved to guide action that must be undertaken to enhance the solution of the problem.

unit 8 American education 美国教育

unit 8 American education  美国教育

Higher education

There are more than 3,500 colleges and universities in the U.S. A college is usually for undergraduates, and colleges mainly teach. a university is a collection of one or more colleges, plus a graduate school and various professional schools. universities, with their large numbers of graduate students, also place emphasis on research.
Unit 8 American Education

Get a general view of the American education system Be familiar with the operation of elementary and secondary education in the United States
Harvarliated colleges/universities

religiously affiliated colleges and universities are all privately owned and operated. They are predominantly Christian, although some are Jewish, Islamic, etc. These institutions offer general coursework, but they also offer and sometimes require participation in religion courses.



Study in college
between America and China
American Middle and High Schools
• Students become more responsible for their own education.
A classroom in a senior high school
1.The tendency of family education IN CHINA:
Parents tend to focus the social enlightenment. However,they ignore the development of children
sense of independence.
The commons between China and western countries
1、Parents all pay attention to home education 2、Parents have a clear division of their duties. 3、Parents are the best teachers for chilቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱren.
It's parents faults for children's being ignorant.
In western countries:
Children are as equal as any members in the families.
3.The focus of family education
China and western countries
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• Specialized institutions/Training technical schools(专业机构,技术培训学校,eg:学挖掘机找蓝翔) • Two-year institutions/community colleges(两年制的社区大学)
Harvard University
General introduction(王文昊)
Goal of education:
To achieve universal literacy and provide individuals with knowledge and skill necessary to promote the welfare (福利) for individuals and the general public.
普及教育,并使每个人掌握必要的知识和技能以利于 自身发展,并为公众谋福利。
General introduction
19th US Education development:
• cational management system to establish and perfect(v.使完美) • 2.Public education campaign(公共教育活动) • 3.Types of secondary education
Higher education -------college and university (杨雨昂)
General introduction
• There are over 2000 universities and colleges or other institution in the United State. The tern (三个一组)college referrers to an institution requiring a secondary school certificate for admission .It is often used in place of the word university. A college may or may not be part of a university ,a college may have many branches.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yale University
Princeton University
California Institute of Technology
Harvard University
• • • • Cambridge, Massachusetts. A member of the Ivy League. Founded in 1636. The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. • 7 presidents, 40 Nobel Prize winners • No.1, (2010)
1.Free public education begins with kindergarten. 2.The children would go to kindergarten at the age of 5.
• 3.In the kindergarten, the children would learn to get along with others and get used to classroom life.
College Entrance Examinations
• SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test 学术评价测验 Scholastic Aptitude Test 学术性向测验 • ACT: American College Testing • GRE: Graduate Record Examination 美国研究生入学考试
High education(傅思翰)
• In some lower grade classes they actually go into the class during a lesson and help the teachers with plays and class reading, and most schools have highly successful Parent=Teacher Associations. • There is no entrance exam. The high schools, junior and senior, have a good reputation in the country.
• 1.Teaching requirements of overindulgence (放纵), resulting in waste of teaching resource. • 2.Cause many social problems, for example, adolescent drug use, fighting vicious incident. • 3.In the form of class, students are lack of the concept of respecting teachers, classroom atmosphere is too loose, easy to make some students affected.
American Education
Group happy
President George W. Bush signing the No Child Left Behind Act(• • • • • • General introduction Elementary education Secondary education Higher education The shortcomings The differences between American and China
How to get to university?
College entrance requirements: • 1, high school records • 2, recommendation • 3, interviews at the university • 4, SAT 1+ SAT 2
America vs. china
The United States pay more attention to train students to use the knowledge of practical ability, train the student to question and critical the knowledge and authority, focus on the expansion of knowledge and creation.
• 4.Higher education development
American educational system
Elementary education (K-5th Grade)
Secondary education (6th Grade12th Grade)
Higher education
Middle school: 6th Grade-8th Grade High school: 9th Grade-12th Grade (freshman【一年级新生】, sophomore【二 年级学生】, junior and senior)
Preschool education(陈霄依
• No mandatory(强制的) pre kindergarten program • Families responsible for preschool or childcare • Daycare Center---from infancy(婴儿 期) to 3/4 year-old • Kindergarten--- from 5-year-old (beginning of compulsory【义务的】 education)
Elementary education(张晗锐)
Secondary education(肖淑赫)
• Courses: more specialized—English, social studies, algebra, geometry, etc. • Students are guided by school counselors(指导老师) in choosing electives
School holidays
• Thanksgiving Day • Winter holiday month • Spring holiday in March • Summer holiday 5-7 days 3 weeks to one 5-7 days 3 months
The shortcomings(杨佳澄)
College Entrance Examinations
SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test 学习 能力评估考试 (Mathematics & English Reading &English Writing) SAT is the most widely used college admission test, designed to assess your academic readiness for college.