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多芬( Dove)
• 食品饮料类
• • • • • • • • • • • 立顿:茶包、奶茶、花草茶、柠檬茶 Marmite:妈蜜 车仔(Rickshaw):茶包 和路雪(Wall's):雪糕 Ben & Jerry's:雪糕 保卫尔牛肉汁 四季宝(港译「頂好牌」,台译「吉比」;SKIPPY):花生酱、沙 拉酱 家乐(台译「康寶」[5][6]):鸡粉、快熟汤、沙拉酱、番茄酱、蚝 油、生粉、浓汤宝、鲜露、鹰粟粉 老蔡:酱油 百多利(Bertolli):橄榄油、意粉酱、奶油干酪酱 罗拔臣:啫喱粉、布甸粉
• Unilever's products include foods, bev erages, cleaning agents and personal c are products. The company owns more than 400 brands, which are organized i nto four main categories - Foods, Refre shments, Home Care, and Personal Car e.
• Kraft Foods is an American grocery manu facturing and processing conglomerate h eadquartered in the Chicago suburb of N orthfield, Illinois.
• Unilever has declared the goal of decou pling its environmental impact from its growth, by: halving the environmental footprint of its products over the next 1 0 years; helping 1 billion people impro ve their health and well-being; and sou rcing all of its agricultural raw materia ls sustainably.
• It has made numerous corporate acquisition s, including Lipton (1971), Brooke Bond (198 4), Chesebrough-Ponds (1987), Best Foods an d Ben & Jerry's (2000), and Alberto-Culver (2 010). Unilever divested its speciality chemical s businesses to ICI in 1997. According TTo the Unilever Global website, the headquaters are located at Unilever House, in London, though other offices are located in Rotterdam, Nethe rlands.
• Procter & Gamble (宝洁), also know n as P&G, is an American multinational consumer goods company headquarter ed in United States, founded by William Procter and James Gamble, both from t he United Kingdom. Its products include pet foods, cleaning agents, and personal care products.
• thank you !!!!!
• It is the world's third-largest consumer g oods company measured by 2012 reven ue, after Procter & Gamble and Nestlé.O ne of the oldest multinational companie s, its products are available in around 19 0 countries.
• Unilever's current largest-selling brands include: Axe/Lynx; Ben & Jerry's; Dove; Flora/Becel; Heartbrand; Hellmann's/Be st Foods; Knorr; Lipton; Lux/Radox; Om o/Surf; Rexona/Sure; Sunsilk; Toni & Gu y;TRESemmé; Magnum and VO5.
• 早在二十世纪三十年代,联合利华的前身利华兄弟公司在 上海投资开设的中国肥皂有限公司生产的“力士”香皂、 “伞”牌肥皂等产品因品质优良成为中国市场的畅销产品。 1986年联合利华重返上海,第一家合资企业上海利华有 限公司继续生产“力士”香皂。限于当时的生活水平,使 用“力士”香皂被年轻人视作“开放”、“时尚”的象征。 至今“力士”是中国销量第一的香皂。
• 联合利华的历史已经横跨了3个世纪,它的成功也历经了 多个重大的历史时期:经济繁荣期、萧条期、世界大战、 人类生活方式的转变和技术的进步。而联合利华一直以来 不断开发新的产品,致力于改善人们的生活,
• Unilever(Euronext: UNA, LSE: ULVR) is a n Anglo–Dutch multinational consumer goods company co-headquartered in Lo ndon, England and Rotterdam, Netherla nds.
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旗下品牌 家庭护理用品 :牙膏 :牙膏 :衣物护理剂 :洗衣粉、洗衣皂、洗衣液 :厨房清洁剂 多霸道(Domestos):洁厕液
中华牙膏(Chung Hwa)
• 中华牙膏品牌创立于1954年,已经拥有了60年历史,199 4年被欧洲联合利华集团租用 • 联合利华在中国的收购最有名的应该是老字号“京华茶叶” 和“中华牙膏”: • 后来发现自有品牌洁诺的影响力没有中华高,于是投资很 多研发和广告在中华牙膏上面。现在的中华牙膏有非常多 的单品,可以说是借用联合利华的力量来发展这个国有品 牌。
Blue Band:牛油
• The main competitors
• Kao (花王)Corporation is a chemical an d cosmetics company headquartered in Japan.It is Japanese biggest household e ffects and cosmetics company.
• Unilever is organised into four main divi sions - Foods, Refreshment (beverages a nd ice cream), Home Care, and Personal Care. It has research and development f acilities in the United Kingdom , the Net herlands, China, India and the United St ates.
• Unilever was founded in 1929 by the me rger of the British soapmaker Lever Brot hers (founded in 1885 by William Heske th Lever) and the Dutch margarine prod ucer Margarine Unie. During the second half of the 20th century the company in creasingly diversified from being a make r of products made of oils and fats, and expanded its operations worldwide.
• Unilever owns over 400 brands, but focu ses on 14 brands with sales of over 1 bill ion euros - Axe/Lynx, Dove, Omo, Becel/ Flora, Heartbrand ice creams, Hellmann' s, Knorr, Lipton, Lux, Magnum, Rama, Re xona, Sunsilk and Surf.It is a dual-listed company consisting of Unilever N.V., ba sed in Rotterdam, and Unilever plc, base d in London.
• Nestleis(雀巢)is a Swiss multinationa l food and beverage company headqua rtered in Vevey, Switzerland. It is the l argest food company in the world mea sured by revenues.Nestlé ’s products include baby food, bottled water, brea kfast cereals, coffee and tea, confectio nery, dairy products, ice cream, froze n food, pet foods, and snacks.
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个人护理用品 :洗发露、护发素、沐浴露、香皂 :沐浴露、香皂、洁面乳,洗发露,护发素,身体乳 嘉莉丝(Caress):香皂 夏士莲(HAZELINE):洗发露、护发素、沐浴露、香皂 清扬(香港译「淨」;台湾译):洗发乳(洗发露) 舒耐(Rexona):抑汗香体露、抑汗喷雾、抑汗走珠 :护肤品、面霜、洗颜泥 凌仕:沐浴露、抑汗香体露 凡士林:防晒露、润肤霜、润肤露 卫宝(Lifebuoy):沐浴露、香皂、洗手液 彩丝美(TRESemme):洗发露、护发素 圣艾芙(STIVes):护肤品、身体乳、面霜
• Logo • The current Unilever corporate logo was introduced in 2004 and was designed by the brand consultancy Wolff Olins. It is c omposed of 25 icons woven together to create a U shape, with each icon represe nting one of the company's sub-brands or its corporate values. The brand identi ty was developed around the idea of "a dding vitality to life."