说说英国足球 —-四年级-小学(中英)

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In 1862, England's first football club was established in England, and since then, Nottinghamshire football clubs have been established. By 1870, there are 39 football clubs in England. By 1881, England has 128 football clubs. Today, a total of 160 professional football clubs, of which 40 clubs in the history of more than 100 years. Founded in 1871, the Football Association Challenge Cup is the first full of England. The game using a continuous elimination system, the two sides in the game before the draw lot to decide the outcome of a game. England's first FA Cup final in the history of the football association in 1872. From 1872 to 2000 held a total of 119 session. Due to the FA Cup not only by the first division in, who participate in the all England team can, therefore frequently sudden cold, many teams were defeated underdog, so called a hotbed of cold exposure. Today, England football is still in constant development and growth.
—-----四(2)班 B45 姜泽宇

随着英格兰足协地位的日益巩固,在全国的影响也越来越大,因而 在1871年7月20日出现了举行挑战杯赛的建议。这个建议是足协秘 书长查尔斯.阿尔科克提出来的,他希望通过组织挑战杯赛,吸引协 会所有会员都来参赛,促进彼此间的交流。1871年10月16日,这一 提议获批准。 令英格兰人引以为荣的不单是他们创办了首个足球协会,而且第一 场国际比赛也是由他们组织的,那是在1872年11月30日进行的英格 兰代表队和苏格兰代表队的比赛。英格兰足总的成立带动了欧洲和 拉美一些国家足球运动的蓬勃发展,各国陆续成立了足球协会,于 是推动了国际足联和欧洲足联的成立。可见,英格兰也就无可争议 的被称做为现代足球运动的鼻祖。
为了扩大足球的影响,英格兰足协在1888年3月22日做出决 定,创办全国性的甲级联赛。首届联赛参赛队共12支。最后 ,普雷斯顿队夺取了首届联赛的冠军,并在第二年成功卫冕 。1892年,英格兰足协开始举行乙级联赛;1920年,出现了 丙级联赛;1958年,又增加了丁级联赛。至此,英格兰足球 联赛初具规模,分甲、乙、丙、丁四个级别,实行升降级制 度。英格兰足球联赛是世界上诞生最早,也是赛制最完善的 全国性统一联赛,后来,世界各国广泛采用借鉴这一联赛体 制。1992年,英格兰足球协会为适应日益发展的足球运动, 在甲级联赛基础上创办了超级联赛,原乙、丙、丁级联赛相 应提升一级。首届超级联赛冠军被实力强劲的曼联队夺得。

Talk about English football—-----四(2) B45 Judy

• Britain (England) is the birthplace of modern football. According to historical records, in the middle of the Middle Ages in the United Kingdom there has been similar to today's football activities. By the beginning of nineteenth Century, the football game in England had been quite popular. Due to the need to form a unified point of view on a football match, October 26, 1863, concerned in Queen Street London Frey Mason Hotel party, discussed and agreed to the establishment of the Football Association, will in addition to announce the formal establishment of the Football Association, but also to develop and adopted a more unified soccer competition rules, it is the embryonic form of modern football competition rules. Its establishment marks the birth of modern football. With the increasing consolidation of the status of the England Football Association, in the country's impact is also growing, so in July 20, 1871 there was a challenge to hold the cup. The proposal is secretary of the association of Charles. Aerkeketi out of the, he hoped that through the organization Challenge Cup, attract all members to competition, promote the communication between each other. In October 16, 1871, the proposal was approved.

英格兰虽然是现代足球的发源地,但在世界 杯中成绩一般,参赛次数 14次: (1950,1954,1958,1962,1966,1970,1982,1986,19 90,1998,2002,2006,2010,2014) 上届世界杯成 绩 第26名 2014年巴西世界杯 英格 兰上次获得世界杯冠军是50年前的事情了, 在 1966 年获得了在本国举行的世界杯冠军。
Leabharlann Baidu

In order to expand the influence of football, England Football Association in March 22, 1888 to make a decision, the establishment of a national league. The first league team a total of 12. Finally, the Preston team to win the first league title, and in second years of success. In 1892, the Football Association of England began at Serie B; in 1920, the Serie C; in 1958, and increase the class D League. At this point, England Football League beginning to take shape, sub A, B, C, D four levels, the implementation of the system upgrade. England Football League is the birth of the world's most early, but also the most perfect format of a unified national league. Later, all the countries in the world widely used reference the league system. In 1992, the England Football Association for the development of the football game, in the League on the basis of the establishment of the Super League, the original B, C, D class to upgrade the level of the corresponding. The first Premier League title was won by the strength of Manchester united.

So proud of the English is not only who founded the first Football Association, and the first international game is by their organization, that is on November 30, 1872 to the England squad and on behalf of the Scottish team game. England Football Association was established to promote the vigorous development of football in Europe and Latin America, countries have established a football association, so to promote the establishment of FIFA and uefa. Obviously, England has been called as the undisputed founder of modern football sport.
1862年,英格兰第一个足球俱乐部诺丁汉郡成立,从此,英格兰各足球俱乐 部陆续成立。到1870年,英格兰有39个足球俱乐部,到1881年,英格兰有128 个足球组织。今天,共有160个职业足球俱乐部,其中40个俱乐部的历史在 100年以上。 1871年创立的足协挑战杯赛是第一个全英格兰的比赛。该比赛采用连续淘汰 制,比赛双方在预先抽签决定的一方场地进行一场比赛定胜负。英格兰历史 上第一场足协挑战杯赛的决赛是在1872年进行的。从1872年至2000年共举行 了119届,由于足总杯赛不单由甲级队参加,凡英格兰所有球队均可参加,因 此频频暴冷,许多强队被弱队战胜,所以被称为暴冷的温床。今天,英格兰 足球仍在不断的发展壮大当中。
• 英国(英格兰)是现代足球的发源地。据史料记载,中世纪时在英 国就出现了类似今天这种足球活动。到19世纪初,足球运动在英国 已经相当普及。由于需要对足球比赛形成一个统一的观点,1863年 10月26日,有关人士在伦敦女王大街的弗雷马森酒店聚会,讨论并 同意成立足球协会,会上除宣布足协正式成立外,还制定和通过了 一部较为统一的足球竞赛规则,它是现代足球竞赛规则的雏形。它 的成立标志着现代足球的诞生。