


11. Does the plant have a "back up" power supply available that will allow production to continue in case of power failure? 工厂是否有备用电源以便停电时生产可以继续 12. Does the factory have established procedure and effective industrial waste management system in place? 工厂是否有建立的程序和有效的工业废弃物管理体系?
FCCA Quality System Audit Outline 质量体系审核纲要 (非电器类杂货)
1.0 Factory Facilities and Environment 生产设施和环境
1. Are lighting sufficient in the following key areas? 以下关键区域光度是否足够? 1.1. Inspection Areas 检验区 1.2. Production Areas 生产区域 1.3. Packaging 包装区域 1.4. Warehouse/Storage and Loading Areas 仓库/存储和装载区 2. The facility maintains clean and organized production, finishing and packing areas. 工厂的生产,成品和包装区域保持干净和有序的生产 3. Facility has separate inspection area for each department with inspection tables and proper ventilation. 工厂每个部门有独立的检验区域,有检验桌和适宜的通风。



FCCA验厂,FCCA认证,生产能力评估,FCCA简介什么是FCCA验厂评估沃尔玛(Wal-mart)新推行的FCCA验厂全称为:Factory Capability & Capacity Assessment,即工厂产量及能力评估,其目的是审核工厂的产量及生成能力是否符合沃尔玛的产能和质量要求。

Wal-mart FCCA验厂内容是什么?Wal-mart FCCA验厂主要内容包括以下几个方面:1、Factory Facilities and Environment工厂设施和环境2、Machine Calibration and Maintenance机器校准和维护3、Quality Management System质量管理体系4、Incoming Materials Control来料控制5、Process and Production Control过程和生产控制6、In-House Lab-Testing内部实验室测试7、Final inspection最终检验Wal-mart FCCA验厂文件清单(部分)1. 员工培训程序, 培训计划, 培训记录 Training procedure, Training Schedule, and Training records2. 虫害控制程序及检查记录 Pest control procedure and pest inspection records3. 锋利金属工具控制程序及记录 Sharp tools control procedure, sharp tools issue and return records4. 危害分析(物理的,化学的,微生物的等)程序及记录 Risk analysis and management procedure (physical, chemical, microbiological ) and risk control and inspection records5. 设备清洁及维修程序,维修计划及记录 Production machine clean and maintaining procedure, maintenance schedule, and maintenance records6. 质量手册(含质量方针政策),程序文件,记录,报告 Quality manual, all kinds of procedure, reports and records7. 客户投诉处理程序 Customer complaint handling procedure8. 产品召回程序 Product recall procedure9. 原材料仓库控制程序及记录 Incoming material warehouse inventory control procedure and inventory records10. 产品开发控制程序及记录 Product development procedure and records11. 试产控制程序及记录 Pilot run control procedure and records12. 产品测试规定及记录 Product in-house lab testing instruction and testing reports13. SPC(统计制程管制)程序及记录 SPC instruction and records14. 功能测试规定及记录 Product function testing instruction and records15. 纠正预防措施程序及纠正预防措施报告 Correction and preventive action procedure and CAP reports16. 供应商选择及认可程序, 供应商定期评估程序及报告 Supplier assessment and approval procedure and records17. 客户验货报告 Client product inspection report18. 原材料品质检查标准及记录 Incoming material inspection instruction and specification and records19. 制程品质检查标准及记录 In-process inspection instruction and specification and records20. 成品品质检查标准及记录 Final inspection instruction and specification and records怎样成为沃尔玛Walmart的供应商:Wal-mart对供应商的要求●所提供的商品必须质量优良,符合中国政府及地方政府的各项标准和要求。




14、訂單統計表N/A15、准期出货统计表OK16、客户登记表N/A17、客户满意度调查表OK18、客户样品清单N/A19、客户投诉记录及纠正预防措施已按排20、电工证(1位)查复审记录21、机器设备清单OK22、机器设备操作规程OK23、机器设备维修保养计划OK24、机器设备定期保养记录OK 机器上张贴保养标签N/A25、机器设备维修保养卡悬挂(张贴)于每台机器上(机器设备干净,无漏油,操作台无废料、配件等与生产无关的东西)已按排26、机器设备维修记录OK27、机器设备配件清单OK28、生产单(油漆编号)(三个月)N/A29、BOM有对油漆进行编号N/A30、车间光照度足够(检验区/生产区/包装区/仓储和装载区) 加灯31、作业指导书验厂当天包装(生产)产品悬挂于生产工位上作业指导书标注关键工序,需有文件编号和版本号;工厂需有作业指导书清单32、生产领料单(三个月)N/A33、生产日报表(三个月)OK34、生产缴库单(三个月)N/A35、仓库出入库记录有电脑出入帐本36、缩短交期计划(THD)37、产前会议记录5份38、试产会议记录5份39、喷涂线清洁记录N/A40、车间仓库温湿度记录OK41、外包杀虫及记录42、利器收发记录所有剪刀、美工刀、利器编号,用绳固定在工作台上(车间其他地方不能有未编号的美工刀片、断刀片、剪刀等)刀片需使用不可折断式的已按排43、断针记录验针记录验针机检测记录验针区与成品区需完整隔离(物理隔离)44、模具清单OK45、原材料检验标准,OK IQC工位存放有质检主管签名的原材料样品46、原材料检验报告(三个月),原材料仓库每种良品物料贴IQC合格标签47、半成品检验标准OK48、首件确认记录或报告(三个月)OK , 每个工序在线生产产品需有经PQC确认的首件且有贴标签49、PQC巡查报告(三个月)OK50、半成品检验报告N/A51、成品检验标准(有对铅的要求)DCL缺陷分级OK52、成品检验报告(三个月)成品仓库每种合格成品贴QA合格标签,成品重检报告(2-3份)53、条码录入检验系统有扫描仪(LOWES)54、公司停产授权书OK55、产品召回演习OK56、二个WM产品的追溯记录57、来验月检验统计报表(三个月)58、成品月检验合格率报表(三个月)59、不良品月统计分析报表OK60、不良品返修记录61、有D65光源灯箱,且需放在暗室(THD灯光标准:TL84;ULTRA LUME30)62、设置原材料检验台位,灯光加亮(检验台、待检区、不合格品区、合格品区、检验标签、检验报表、检验标准、检验样品),原材料样品(含包材)设陈列柜,原材料样品贴样品标签63、设置成品检验台位,灯光加亮(检验台、待检区、不合格品区、合格品区、检验标签、检验报表、检验标准、检验样品),设置客户样品陈列柜64、每个工序在线生产产品需贴首件标签65、品质会议记录(每周)OK66、纠正预防措施或品质异常处理报告10份(制程不合格2份、材料、成品不合格各2份)补做6月67、样品评估记录OK68、工程变更通知单(3份)N/A69、每个车间张贴良品样板和不良品样板(WM/TARGET)70、内部实验报告OK71、外部测试报告72、相关产品的行业标准73、仪器清单74、仪器外校或内校的标识或记录(所有测量的仪器需做外校,有校验员资格证的工厂可作内校)75、成品出货单(三个月)N/A76、产品开发程序、产品开发资料2~3套N/A77、风险評估表OK78、玻璃门窗检查记录(三个月)、门窗玻璃不能有破损OK79、不能有漏雨的屋顶、破裂的墙体和地板80、灭虫器具及灭虫记录(三个月)窗台、地面和墙角不能有飞虫和虫子的尸体(W、T)81、物料霉变检查记录(三个月)OK82、内审及管理评审83、订单评审记录OK84、年度培训计划2014年度OK85、培训记录及效果确认、培训试题OK86、仓库原材料、成品需有物料卡,半成品有标示卡,标示检验状态87、客户商标管理程序(商标、贴纸按客户分类存放在安全的地方)88、劳保用品的使用(手套、口罩、围裙、耳塞、水靴等)89、所有物料、产品不能直接放在地上,需用卡板和纸皮垫起来90、车间分区(不良品框、不良品存放区、待检区、检验区、良品存放区、报废品区、呆滞料品区、化学品暂放区)91、5S整理(车间地面、工作台干净,灯架、灯管、产品上不能有灰尘,未包装的成品/半成品加盖防尘,物料产品不能直接放在地上,且需离墙30CM以上,墙角、天花板、灯架上不能有蜘蛛网,清除无用的物料或产品,剩余在车间所有物料/产品按分区堆放,且有标识)92、不良品展示93、测试人员资质证明94、不良品分布图95、修改利器控制程序。










更新日期:2020.1.6第1页共9页Walmart 沃尔玛FCCA 验厂标准清单条款对应的文件记录及现场巡视要求FCCA 生产能力评估清单书面程序记录现场巡视备注1.0工厂设施和环境1.在生产,修理,加工,检验,包装及装载的区域是否有足够的照明?►现场查看车间照明度:Wal-Mart的最低要求,生产区、成品区240lux,检测区域600lux,包装区域360lux,原料仓150lux2.工厂是否保持清洁,在生产,加工和包装区域是否有秩序?►现场车间物料的摆放整齐,标识清楚。



Critical 严重►利器控制程序\利器、断针►利器收发记录、利器、断针►现场查看利器的管理1.1机器校准和维护1.工厂是否有书面的文件系统和程序计划安排设备的清洁及维修。











2、有与生产部管理参加解决质量问题的会议记录3、有产品产前会议记录(产前会议中有没有审查及确认严重的质量问题和安全问题并记录采取的改进行动)4、生产现场要有首件样品(根据客户签样和产品规格表来制定),首件报告及检验指导书5、授权当产品质量不符合规格时是有权停止生产的QC名单(有授权者签署)6、每个生产过程须要有IPQC巡查,及要有巡检记录7、 QC检验要求按照AQL抽样检验标准或按照工业标准检查,有记录8、最终产品要有实施100%功能性检查,有记录9、针对质量问题要有纠正措施和根本原因分析方法,有记录(现场返工及检验记录,供应商不良处理记录,10、包装检验作业指引,挂现场11、所有量规和测试设备是有效校准,有清单12、有相关测试工作指引13、内部实验室测试人员须接受培训执行测试工作14、有最终检验程序,最终检验QC要有工作指导书15、QC 要根据AQL抽样检验标准或行业标准来实施最终检验,有检验报告16、退货的产品在客户最终检验前要有得到适当纠正,有记录17、有只有在客户同意情况下才能出货的控制程序,请查找相关程序文件(请查找)18、货仓和生产车间的产品和物料有检验状态标识,要有正确物料检验标识,半成品检验标识,来料检验标识,成品检验标识19、有有效玩具安规。












FCCA验厂FCCA验厂是沃尔玛(Wal-mart)新推行的全称为:Factory Capability & Capacity Assessment,即工厂产量及能力评估,其目的是审核工厂的产量及生成能力是否符合沃尔玛的产能和质量要求,其主要内容包括以下几个方面:1、Factory Facilities and Environment工厂设施和环境2、Machine Calibration and Maintenance机器校准和维护3、Quality Management System质量管理体系4、Incoming Materials Control来料控制5、Process and Production Control过程和生产控制6、In-House Lab-Testing内部实验室测试7、Final inspection最终检验FCCA验厂文件和内容一、验厂文件的定义验厂文件是指工厂在验厂时为审核员提供工厂的一些基本文件资料及生产记录(包括:营业执照、员工手册、消防演习记录等),验厂文件主要是在人权、环境、安全、卫生和反恐及现场方面的文件资料,根据工厂的客户的要求可能侧重点有所不一样,有的重点是在人权,有的重点是在安全,这个要看工厂的客户是那一家。


(来料,制程,包装,成品)3)主要机器设备清单(请准备中英文复印件各一份)4)机器设备保养计划和记录5)机器保养人员的专业证书6)产品规格书7)原料的来料和发料记录8)员工培训计划及培训记录9)产前会议程序及记录和质量会议记录10)供应商管理程序,记录,采购单及物料规格单11)实验室操作手册及测试报告12)缺陷统计报告及出货记录13)工厂组织架构图(请准备复印件一份)14)工厂营业执照(请准备复印件一份)15)当前的品质水准记录16)出货及时率的统计记录17)ISO证书及最近一次的审查报告(如有,请准备正本及复印件一份) 18)纠正预防措施的记录现场布设1)安全通道线2)安全出口、应急灯、火警铃3)化学药品摆放4)仓库特殊要点5)饮水区划分6)意见箱的设立及程序文件三、反恐重点C-TPAT证书保安制度装柜作业程序货柜检查程序及纪录封柜纪录封条管理程序则人权是随机抽查的FCCA验厂审核项目一、童工CL/未成年工U L二、非志愿劳工IL三、胁迫与骚扰CH四、不歧视DI五、最低工资WM六、加班工资OW七、加班时间OT八、社会保险SB九、福利OB十、监测与守法十一、卫生与安全HS&DO十二、宿舍DO十三、环保PE十四、分包Sub十五、其它要求OLFCCA质量验厂文件资料清单1. 营业执照 ;2. 质量体系认证证书 ;3. 组织架构图 ;4. 质量手册 ;5. 程序文件;6. 质量体系内审计划;7. 质量体系内审记录:1)内审员资格证书;2)首末次会议 ;3)检查表 ;4)不符合项报告;5)内审报告8. 质量体系管理评审计划9. 质量体系管理评审记录:1)管理评审会议记录;2)管理评审报告;3)决议事项的跟进记录10. 主要生产设备清单;11. 设备保养计划 ;12. 设备保养记录;13. 仪器清单 ;14. 仪器校准计划 ;15. 仪器校准记录:1)外校报告 ;2)内校人员资格证书3)内校规程;4)内校报告16. 年度培训计划17. 培训记录 :1)签到表;2)测试卷18. 品管人员岗前资质认定资料(培训及测试记录;19. 新产品设计开发资料 :1)产品规格书;2) BOM表(BOM);3)安规认证证书;4)样品检测报告5)试产记录 ;6)试产评估报告 ;7)作业指导书 ;8)检验标准 ;9) FMEA分析资料 ;10)产品质量控制计划(QC工程图。




工厂有备用电力设备但运行状况并不佳工厂的机器设备并不适合工厂机器设备比较陈旧且能发现机油渗漏的迹象是的,工厂可以提供机器、工具、多余的零件及设备清单及工厂可以提供机器、工具、多余的零件及设备清单,但无最新的库存记录工厂有专业的维修队伍,且有工厂的维修队伍未能达到要求,缺乏专业性且装备不足及工序的质量方针及程序,该工厂已建立了适合于其产品及工序的质量方针及程序,但内容难以理解且仅存放于办公室,未能在各部门得到充分沟通工厂已设立系统化的客户投诉程序及产品召回计划,但并无任何记录显示其有被有效执行是的,工厂的质量部门是独立工厂的质量部门并未独立于生产部料、生产过程中使用的设备及工厂已对风险化学品、原材料、生产过程中使用的设备及工具进行了风险评估相关记录但并未能得到持续执行工厂并未执行理系统工厂未对原料采购进行了规范说明工厂已建立原料隔离的体系,工厂未建立原料隔离的体系,以避免不合格品对合格品的意外污染是的,工厂有专门进行产品开发的车间;产品开发人员都得到了完善的培训;文件化的产是的,工厂无专门进行产品开发的车间产品开发人员未得到完善的培训不完整或无文件化的产品开发记录及参考样本工厂产品开发部门仅以客是的,工厂产品开发部门在包装设计及测试方面均不符合产业标准及/在产品生产的各个阶段都操作性也不强工厂并无建立任何文件化的生产程序在产品生产的各个阶段都操作性也不强工厂并无建立任何文件化的质量检验程序工厂在投产前并未召开产前会议录受检的产品存在较小的质量问题,需要改进是的,工厂有利用不合格品来工厂只提供了不合格品作为参考,但对其缺陷未有任何成文的讲述是的,产品质量未能达以要求时,质量控制部门可以要求停产品质量未能达以要求时,质量控制部门无权要求停产善措施都有记录,改善措施责任人、改善措施及完成期限都工厂有运用改善措施及根本原因分析方法,但未明确定义改善措施责任人、改善措施及完成期限,可能会影响到改善措施的有效进行是的,工厂已建立保证包装正工厂有建立指导方针,但未有明确定义是的,包装区有足够的空间保证包装工序的正常运行,包装包装区有足够的空间保证包装工序的正常运行,但不够干净、有序是的,工厂对出货的准时性进工厂未对出货的准时性进行了跟踪及记录是的,工厂已建立文件化的供应商评估程序,且留有相关记工厂已建立文件化的供应商评估程序,但未留有相关记录是的,工厂对其供应商的可靠性(表现)进行了跟踪、评估工厂未对其供应商的可靠性评估及记录是的,所有的测试仪器都进行部份测试仪器都进行了有效的校准是的,工厂可获得相关的行业. 工厂只能获得部份行业标准测试手册作为测试依据是的,内部测试人员已得到了只有部份内部测试人员得到了适当的培训在客户进行最终产品检验前,工厂会先纠正其不适当的最终产品不当的检验并没有更正,也无任何记录证明会在客户进行最终产品检验前会作出更正工厂未保留任何客户出货通知文件或记录,工厂也出现过不遵照客户程序出货的例子。














FCCA 验厂要求明细

FCCA 验厂要求明细

Factory Prequalification Process – Type A SuppliersBackgroundFactory Prequalification (initial audits) will be required prior to order commitment for new factories of Type A Suppliers that control and manage their business overseas. The cost of all prequalification audits will be borne by the supplier. The Factory Prequalification process consists of the following:• Factory Capability & Capacity Audit (FCCA)FCCA will be conducted for all new factories of type A suppliers by a designated third party audit firm. FCCA is also applicable to all existing non-food “A” suppliers’ factories.Audits will be carried out by either Bureau Veritas (BV), Intertek or SGS, at the supplier’s cost. The FCCA audit fee for new and existing factories is USD 400~450 (for factories located within 100km from the designated third party audit firm’s nearest office) in People’s Republic of China only. If the distance exceeds 100km, additional traveling cost will be incurred. For factories located in other countries the audit fee may vary depending on the factory location.Important Notice: All Wal-Mart Direct Import Suppliers are responsible to schedule the audit date as early as possible and promptly pay the audit company in advance of the audit. All arrangements must be made directly with the audit company and not through Wal-Mart commercial or QA.Note: unnecessary delays due to scheduling requested FCCA audits will not be tolerated• Ethical Standards (ES) AuditES audits will be conducted for all new factories of type A suppliers by third party audit firms at a cost of $1200 - $1600 per audit depending on the location of the factory.•Audits in Far East, South East Asia, & Americas: US$1200 per audit•Audits in Middle East / Africa / Europe: US$1600 per auditFactory Prequalification (initial audits) will be required prior to order commitment for new factoriesPurposeThe purpose of FCCA includes:•Pre-qualify a new factory prior to building business relationship.•Reduce turnover of new factories•To provide Audit result & information to merchandising team prior to selecting a qualified factory before order commitmentObjectivesThe objectives of FCCA are as follow:•Identify a factory’s production capability, capacity and quality control system.•Develop global factory base and establish long-term relationships.•Increase first time lab test pass rates and inspection acceptance rates•Reduce quality claim.Structure of FCCA standardsThe Quality System Audit covers seven (7) sectionsSection Weighting1. Factory Facility and Environment 15 %2. Quality Management System 15%3. Incoming Materials Control 20%4. Process and Production Control 25%5. In-house Lab Testing 10%6. Final Inspection 10%7. People Resources & Training 5%Key points of FCCA•Third party – Bureau Veritas (BV) has been designated to perform the Audit•Audit standards – BV will use WM GP FCCA format•FCCA Audit will be conducted at supplier’s cost of US$ 850 per audit•An existing factory under inactive status, FCCA will not be required for a period of 18 months. After 18 months, they need to do Factory Prequalification includes both ES and FCCA if they want to be reactivated• Audit ResultResult RatingPass80-100% w/o critical point rating 0Acceptable 60-79% with Corrective Actions, without critical point rating 0Unacceptable0-59%Based on the initial audit and result, a follow-up audit may be required• All new factories must achieve an FCCA rating no less than 60% with at least one score on critical check points•No order will be placed to new factories with rating under 60% or zero score on any critical check points.•Re-application for FCCA Audit will depend on correction of all non-compliances. CAP will be reviewed by BV and approved by Corp QA.Third Party Audit FirmsEthical StandardsITS (Intertek Testing Services)Intertek Testing Services is a Wal-Mart approved 3rd party audit firm to conduct ES and SCS audits.Primary Contact Information for the audit firm:• Divya Arora (divya.arora@ location: India) – Phone: 918-0402-13802• Toni Bellacosa (toni.bellacosa@ location: USA) - Phone: 973-924-2514AGC Group LLC – AccordiaAGC Group Services is a Wal-Mart approved 3rd party audit firm to conduct ES audits only in the Americas region.Primary Contact Information for the audit firm:• Tamara Lamberson (tlamerson@ Location: USA) - Phone: 716-635-0566 • Richard Ingrao (ringrao@ Location: USA) - Phone: 716-635-0566FCCABV (Bureau Veritas)Bureau Veritas is a Wal-Mart approved 3rd party audit firm that will conduct FCCA audits. Please coordinate with BV for corresponding fee that must be paid prior to audit process.BV Primary Contact Information:Ada LiuCustomer Service Officer,Consumer Product Services - Inspection, Audit and AssessmentBureau Veritas Hong Kong LimitedShenzhen OfficeRoom 707, Tianan Hi-Tech Plaza Tower B, Tianan Cyber Park,Futian District, Shenzhen City, P/C 518040Tel: 86-755-83437146, Fax: 86-755-83433077 / 78E-mail: ada.liu@DefinitionsSupplier Types• Supplier Type A (OVERSEAS SUPPLIER): Supplier controls and manages the business overseas with GP oversight. The prequalification program is applicable only to all Type A supplier’s new factories at this time.• Supplier Type B (DOMESTIC SUPPLIER): Supplier controls and manages the business domestically with Buyer oversight.• Supplier Type C (LEADING BRAND NAME SUPPLIER): Supplier owns the product and the label, which is well-recognized within the product category.Existing SupplierSupplier that has an existing and active vendor agreement and supplier/vendor ID for Retail Link along with user id and password set up to access Retail LinkNew SupplierSupplier that does not have an existing and active vendor agreement and supplier/vendor ID for Retail LinkExisting FactoryA factory that is active in the Retail Link system today.New FactoryA factory that may exist in Retail Link, has a valid factory id, Inactive but never had an ES audit conducted and/or the factory does not exist in Retail LinkFCCA involves the following four different scenarios•Existing Supplier – New Factory•Existing Supplier – Existing Factory•New Supplier – New Factory•New Supplier – Existing FactorySection A – Existing Supplier New Factory RequestOverviewStep 1 – Supplier submits factory request via Retail LinkStep 2 – ES verifies if factory is new or existing. If factory is new, then ES will approve factory ID with IOR = prequalification GP and notify supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team, and send FCCA and ES audit request to BV and ITSStep 3 – 3rd party sends supplier package to supplierStep 4 – Supplier pays 3rd party for both FCCA & ESStep 5 – ES informs GP sourcing / merchandising teams and supplier with the FCCA results Step 6 – If factory passes both the FCCA & ES the audits, ES will change IOR for the factory to Wal-MartStep 1 - How suppliers submit New Factory ID request on Retail Link (For Prequalification Audit)1) From the Retail Link Homepage, click on Site MapFromRetail Link homepage,click on “Site Map”.2) The different applications maybe sorted by “category”. (Accounting, Admin, etc…) To easily find the Supplier Classification information, click on “Alphabetical” and sort all the applications by alphabets.2)Select “Alphabetical” to sortthe applications in alphabetical3) Within the Alphabetical view, click on the letter “E” and go to the “E” section.3)Within the Alphabetical view,click on the letter “E” and go tothe “E” section4) Within the “E” section, look for the “Ethical Standards” link and click on it.5) Within Ethical Standards, click on “Supplier Queue”6) Within Supplier Queue , first select the appropriate HOST Vendor Number , then click on Request New Factory7) After clicking the “Request New Factory ”, first fill out the Factory Information section, both in English and in the respective local language.a. Upon selecting the “country”, choose the city from the drop down box in the local language columnb. Ensure the Importer of Record (IOR) is selected as “Prequalification GP”8) Fill out the Supplier Information section9) Enter the Factory Contact Information sectionEnter any additional commentshere, and the press “SubmitRequest” when finished.10) Enter any additional comments regarding the factory in the “Comments” area11) Hit the “Submit Request” button when finished.Step 2 – ES verifies if factory is new or existing. If factory is new, then ESwill approve factory ID with IOR = prequalification GP and notify supplierand concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team, and send FCCA and ES audit request to BV and ITS.How Ethical Standards team confirms suppliers and notify for 3rd party inspection•After verifying the information from suppliers, the regional ES coordinator will inform the supplier to proceed and will provide them with 3rd party audit firm’s information and payment details.o The e-mail to supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team will look like:o The e-mail to 3rd party and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team will look like:Step 3 – 3rd party sends supplier package to supplierHow Suppliers prepare for FCCAFor FCCA, suppliers should receive one of the following documents from 3rd party. After completing the questionnaire, supplier should return the questionnaire to the 3rd party.A sample section of the Pre-audit questionnaire – HardlinesWal-Mart Factory Pre-Audit Questionnaire(Hardline)Wal-Mart Dept.No: __________ Date: (mm/dd/yy)Wal-Mart Merchandiser Name & email: ___________________________________________ Contact InformationFactory Name (in Local Language):Country:Year Established:Type of Ownership: □ Single Ownership □ Partnership □ Private Incorporation□ Public Traded Company □ Belong to Group (Multinational) □ Others•FCCA Pre-audit Questionnaire - SoftlinesA sample section of the Pre-audit questionnaire – Softline•FCCA Pre-audit Questionnaire - Home TextileA sample section of the Pre-audit questionnaire – Home TextileFactory Pre-Audit Questionnaire(Home Textile)Wal-Mart Dept.No.Date :__________________(mm/dd/yy)Wal-Mart Merchandiser Name & email address: ______________________________ Contact InformationFactory Name (in Local Language):Country:Year Established:Type of Ownership: □ Single Ownership □ Partnership □ Private Incorporation□ Public Traded Company □ Belong to Group (Multinational) □ OthersProduction Area (sq meter):Warehouse Area (sq meter):Total Employees Working for Factory:Total No. of Employees Dormitories can Accommodate:Category Produced:□ Beddings (Sheets, BIAB, Mattress pads etc.) □ Towels □ Seasonal □ Curtains □ Kitchen items □Throws, Rugs □ Others: Please specifyStep 4 – Supplier pays 3rd party for both FCCA & ES •Supplier makes payment to designated third parties and schedules ES Audit and FCCA o Third parties conduct ES Audit and FCCA.ES requirements may be found at Retail Link => Site Map =>GP Ethical Standards Documentation.FCCA requirements may be found at Retail Link => Site Map =>Wal-Mart Import Supplier Summit 2008Upon completion of ES Audit and FCCA, the third party will send findings to GP for final auditStep 5 – ES informs GP sourcing / merchandising teams and supplier with FCCA resultsUpon completion of Audit the ES coordinator will send a notice of approval/disapproval to the supplier and the concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team. The notice will include copies of the ES audit and FCCA reports•Sample of FCCA approved e-mail to supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team•Sample of FCCA disapproved e-mail to supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising teamStep 6 – If factory passes both the FCCA & ES audits, ES change factory ID to IOR = Wal-MartSection B – Existing Supplier Existing FactoryOverviewStep 1 – Supplier submits factory request via Retail LinkStep 2 – ES verifies if factory is new or existing. If factory exists, then ES would notify supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team. If GP sourcing / merchandising team confirms the factory needs FCCA, ES send FCCA request to 3rd party (BV only)Step 3 – 3rd party sends supplier package to supplierStep 4 – Supplier pays 3rd party for FCCA onlyStep 5 – ES informs GP sourcing / merchandising teams and supplier with the FCCA results Step 6 – If factory passes both the FCCA & ES audits, ES keep the factory active in Retail LinkStep 1 - How suppliers submit New Factory ID request on Retail Link (For Prequalification Audit)1)From the Retail Link Homepage, click on Site MapFromRetail Link homepage,click on “Site Map”.2) The different applications maybe sorted by “category”. (Accounting, Admin, etc…) To easily find the Supplier Classification information, click on “Alphabetical” and sort all the applications by alphabets.2)Select “Alphabetical” to sortthe applications in alphabetical3)Within the Alphabetical view, click on the letter “E” and go to the “E” section.3)Within the Alphabetical view,click on the letter “E” and go tothe “E” section4) Within the “E” section, look for the “Ethical Standards” link and click on it.5)Within Ethical Standards, click on “Supplier Queue”6) Within Supplier Queue , first select the appropriate HOST Vendor Number , then click on Request New Factory7) After clicking the “Request New Factory ”, first fill out the Factory Information section, both in English and in the respective local language.a. Upon selecting the “country”, choose the city from the drop down box in the local language columnb. Ensure the Importer of Record (IOR) is selected as “Prequalification GP”8) Fill out the Supplier Information section9) Enter the Factory Contact Information sectionEnter any additional commentshere, and the press “SubmitRequest” when finished.10) Enter any additional comments regarding the factory in the “Comments” area11) Hit the “Submit Request” button when finished.Step 2 – ES verifies if factory is new or existing and confirm with Sourcing / Merchandising. If factory exists, then ES would notify supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team. If GP sourcing / merchandising team confirms the factory needs FCCA, ES will send FCCA request to 3rd party (BV only)How Ethical Standards team confirms suppliers and notify for 3rd party inspection•After verifying the information from suppliers, the regional ES coordinator will inform the supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team to proceed and will provide them with 3rd party audit firm’s information and payment .o The e-mail to supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team will look like:o The e-mail to 3rd party and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team will look like:Step 3 – 3rd party sends supplier package to supplierHow Suppliers prepare for FCCAFor FCCA, suppliers should receive one of the following documents from 3rd party. Aftercompleting the questionnaire, supplier should return the questionnaire to the 3rd party.A sample section of the Pre-audit questionnaire – HardlinesWal-Mart Factory Pre-Audit Questionnaire(Hardline)Wal-Mart Dept.No: __________ Date: (mm/dd/yy)Wal-Mart Merchandiser Name & email: ___________________________________________ Contact InformationFactory Name (in Local Language):Country:Year Established:Type of Ownership: □ Single Ownership □ Partnership □ Private Incorporation□ Public Traded Company □ Belong to Group (Multinational) □ OthersProduction Area (sq meter):•FCCA Pre-audit Questionnaire - Softlineso A sample section of the Pre-audit questionnaire – Softline•FCCA Pre-audit Questionnaire - Home TextileA sample section of the Pre-audit questionnaire – Home TextileFactory Pre-Audit Questionnaire(Home Textile)Wal-Mart Dept.No.Date :__________________(mm/dd/yy)Wal-Mart Merchandiser Name & email address: ______________________________ Contact InformationFactory Name (in Local Language):Country:Year Established:Type of Ownership: □ Single Ownership □ Partnership □ Private Incorporation□ Public Traded Company □ Belong to Group (Multinational) □ OthersProduction Area (sq meter):Warehouse Area (sq meter):Total Employees Working for Factory:Total No. of Employees Dormitories can Accommodate:Category Produced:□ Beddings (Sheets, BIAB, Mattress pads etc.) □ Towels □ Seasonal □ Curtains □ Kitchen items □Throws, Rugs □ Others: Please specifyExport Rate in percentage:Step 4 – Supplier pays 3rd party for FCCA only •Supplier makes payment to designated third parties and schedules FCCAo Third parties conduct FCCA. FCCA requirements may be found at Retail Link => Site Map => Wal-Mart Import Supplier Summit 2008Upon completion of FCCA, the third party will send findings to GP for auditStep 5 – ES informs GP Sourcing / Merchandising team and supplier with FCCA resultsUpon completion of Audit the ES coordinator will send a notice of approval/disapproval to the supplier and the sourcing team. The notice will include copies of the ES audit and FCCA reports•Sample of FCCA approved e-mail to supplier concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team•Sample of FCCA disapproved e-mail to supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising teamStep 6 – If factory passes both the FCCA & ES audits, ES keep the factory active in Retail LinkSection C – New Supplier New FactoryOverviewStep 1 - How suppliers submit New Factory ID request using New Factory Prequalification Form Step 2 – ES verifies if factory is new or existing. If factory is new, then ES will send FCCA and ES audit request to BV and ITSStep 3 – 3rd party sends supplier package to supplierStep 4 – Supplier pays 3rd party for both FCCA & ESStep 5 – ES informs GP sourcing / merchandising teams and supplier with the FCCA results Step 6 – If factory passes both the FCCA & ES audits, ES assign factory ID after supplier signed supplier agreement and got supplier IDStep 1 - How suppliers submit New Factory ID request using New Factory Prequalification FormNew Suppliers – Supplier obtains the New Factory Request form from the local GP Office and submits it to the ES coordinator by email. A sample section of the request form is enclosed below:New Supplier/New Factory Prequalification Form: ES & FCCATo request Wal-Mart to audit a factory in order to be pre qualified for Wal-Mart production, please fill in the following information. All information for factory and supplier is required; agent information, if applicable. Please write or type legibly. Note this form is only for new suppliers without Retail Link access and supplier ID. Existing suppliers should request using Ethical Standards on Retail Link.SUPPLIER INFORMATION: (Supplier Classification: ______)In Chinese (中文): In English (英文)供应商名称:Supplier Name:地址:Address:負責人: Contact Person:(In Credit Country)Contact Person:(In ProductionCountry)Telephone No.:辦事處電話(Tel):傳真號碼 (Fax): Fax No.:Step 2 – ES verifies if factory is new or existing. If factory is new, then ES will send FCCA and ES audit request to BV and ITSHow Ethical Standards team confirms suppliers and notify for 3rd party inspection•After verifying the information from suppliers, the regional ES coordinator will inform the supplier to proceed and will provide them with 3rd party audit firm’s information andpayment details.o The e-mail to supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team will look like:o The e-mail to 3rd party and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team will look like:Step 3 – 3rd party sends supplier package to supplierHow Suppliers prepare for FCCAFor FCCA, suppliers should receive one of the following documents from 3rd party. Aftercompleting the questionnaire, supplier should return the questionnaire to the 3rd party.A sample section of the Pre-audit questionnaire – HardlinesWal-Mart Factory Pre-Audit Questionnaire(Hardline)Wal-Mart Dept.No: __________ Date: (mm/dd/yy)Wal-Mart Merchandiser Name & email: ___________________________________________ Contact InformationFactory Name (in Local Language):Country:Year Established:Type of Ownership: □ Single Ownership □ Partnership □ Private Incorporation□ Public Traded Company □ Belong to Group (Multinational) □ Others•FCCA Pre-audit Questionnaire - SoftlinesA sample section of the Pre-audit questionnaire – Softline•FCCA Pre-audit Questionnaire - Home TextileA sample section of the Pre-audit questionnaire – Home TextileFactory Pre-Audit Questionnaire(Home Textile)Wal-Mart Dept.No.Date :__________________(mm/dd/yy)Wal-Mart Merchandiser Name & email address: ______________________________ Contact InformationFactory Name (in Local Language):Country:Year Established:Type of Ownership: □ Single Ownership □ Partnership □ Private Incorporation□ Public Traded Company □ Belong to Group (Multinational) □ OthersProduction Area (sq meter):Warehouse Area (sq meter):Total Employees Working for Factory:Total No. of Employees Dormitories can Accommodate:Category Produced:□Step 4 – Supplier pays 3rd party for both FCCA & ES •Supplier makes payment to designated third parties and schedules ES Audit and FCCA o Third parties conduct ES Audit and FCCA.Upon completion of ES Audit and FCCA, the third party will send findings to GP for AuditStep 5 – ES informs GP sourcing / merchandising teams and supplier with FCCA resultsUpon completion of Audit the ES coordinator will send a notice of approval/disapproval to the supplier and the sourcing / merchandising team. The notice will include copies of the ES audit and FCCA reports•Sample of FCCA approved e-mail to supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team•Sample of FCCA disapproved e-mail to supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising teamStep 6 – If factory passes both the FCCA & ES audits, ES assign factory ID after supplier signed supplier agreement and got supplier IDSection D – New Supplier Existing FactoryOverviewStep 1 - How suppliers submit New Factory ID request using New Factory Prequalification Form Step 2 – ES verifies if factory is new or existing and confirm with Sourcing / Merchandising. If factory exists, then ES would notify supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team. If GP sourcing / merchandising team confirms the factory needs FCCA, ES send FCCA request to 3rd party (BV only).Step 3 – 3rd party sends supplier package to supplierStep 4 – Supplier pays 3rd party for FCCA onlyStep 5 – ES informs GP sourcing / merchandising teams and supplier with the prequalification resultsStep 6 – If factory passes both the FCCA & ES audits, ES keep the factory active in Retail LinkStep 1 - How suppliers submit New Factory ID request using New Factory Prequalification FormNew Suppliers – Supplier obtains the New Factory Request form from the local GP Office and submits it to the ES coordinator by email. A sample section of the request form is enclosed below:New Supplier/New Factory Prequalification Form: ES & FCCATo request Wal-Mart to audit a factory in order to be pre qualified for Wal-Mart production, please fill in the following information. All information for factory and supplier is required; agent information, if applicable. Please write or type legibly. Note this form is only for new suppliers without Retail Link access and supplier ID. Existing suppliers should request using Ethical Standards on Retail Link.SUPPLIER INFORMATION: (Supplier Classification: ______)In Chinese (中文): In English (英文)供应商名称:Supplier Name:地址:Address:負責人: Contact Person:(In Credit Country)Contact Person:(In ProductionCountry)Telephone No.:辦事處電話(Tel):傳真號碼 (Fax): Fax No.:Step 2 – ES verifies if factory is new or existing and confirm with Sourcing / Merchandising. If factory exists, then ES would notify supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team. If GP sourcing / merchandising team confirms the factory needs FCCA, ES send FCCA request to 3rd party (BV only)How Ethical Standards team confirms suppliers and notify for 3rd party inspection•After verifying the information from suppliers, the regional ES coordinator will inform the supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team to proceed and will provide them with 3rd party audit firm’s information and payment.o The e-mail to supplier and concerned GP Sourcing / Merchandising team will look like:。


























20 FCCA补充程序 质量事故控制程序
老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师
序号 文件内容
老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录)
老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录)














1.0 工厂设施和环境
• 1.02 工厂在检检测生产、加工和包装区域 保持清洁和井井有条。
1.0 工厂设施和环境
• 1.03 工厂有单独的检验区,配置有检验台 和适当的通风设备。
1.0 工厂设施和环境
• 1.04 工厂有书面的害虫/霉菌和湿度的控制程 序,其中包括经常巡查。(在公司内部或第三 方)
注:内部测试记录要覆盖当前生产的产品、 库存产品、客户的产品等。
4.0 过程和产品控制
• 4.07 工厂QC是否将首件样品跟批准样品和 工艺单进行比较?
4.0 过程和产品控制
• 4.08 是否有足够的核准样品、首件样品、 参考样品和作业指导书提供给工人参考?
4.0 过程和产品控制
• 4.09 (关键)如果产品质量不符合规格要求 QC是否有权停止生产? • 实施要点: 建立文件:① 管理者代表任命书; ② 停机停线授权书。
1.0 工厂设施和环境
• 1.07 (重要)工厂实行严格的尖锐工具控制程序,以防止剪 刀、刀、刀片、碎玻璃和针头等混入产品中。 • 实施要点: 建立文件: ① 利器控制程序; ② 玻璃及易碎品管理程序; ③ 针控程序(如适用) 形成记录: ① 利器发放回收记录(3个月); ② 玻璃及易碎品检查记录(3个月); 剪刀固定 ③ 断针记录(3个月)(如适用).
4.0 过程和产品控制
• 4.01 工厂的设计开发团队研究和应用产品 安全特性,在产品设计和开发过程中评估 样品、模型和图案。
4.0 过程和产品控制
• 4.02 工厂有每一个阶段的运作质量程序文 件。 • 实施要点: 建立文件:① 过程检验规范; 形成记录:① 工序检验记录; ② 首件检验记录;


Wal-mart FCCA验厂大纲 序
质量体系 分类 提供 说明 生产区域200Lx 仓库300Lx 包装区500-750Lx 修理区、巡检台、全检、样品 制图、钳工工作区750Lx 清洁、物料分类/标识、作业 指导书 检验台、设备维保记录、校验 表 程序文件、检验记录、现场 现场检查 发放记录、用绳绑住现场使用 的 设备管理制度、保养计划、保 养维修记录、设备台账。 设备设备点检卡;设备的状态 (是否清洁、正常的设备要求 无漏油、运作正常); 计量工具要求校验标签;其它 的设备(生产线上使用的电压 电流流测试)有内校记录。 待修、闲置有要求挂牌。 模具车间、冲压车间整理模具 存放架,整理模具台账,做模 具编号。 设备台账、工具台账、仓库、 设备备件台账。 电工、维修工、内校员的资格 证及培训考核 品质 品质 品质 品质 品质 总办 质控程序文件 下发质量方针和目标至一个 人,抽问。保障质量目标实现 的计划、保障措施。 客户投诉、质量召回的程序文 个件、记录 品质部的组织架构图 质量例会及事故分析处理记录 风险评估
5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 6.01 6.02 6.03
Wal-mart FCCA验厂大纲 序 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08
质量体系 有没有正式的最终检验报告? 这些报告 是否归档及可追踪产品质量? 工厂最终检验QC有没有做一些机械测 试以确保产品的安全性? 检验及测试的仪器设备是否使用良好且 有校正? (严重) 退货的产品在客户最终检验前有 没有得到适当纠正。 工厂有没有程序控制只有当客户同意的 情况下才能出货。 (重要) 工厂有没有实施、记录、保持对 所有人员进行岗位培训, 对技术工人在 聘用前进行测试。 工厂有没有对电气/机械工程师、技师、 检验员和实验室测试技术员实施技术培 训,并保持记录。 是否有保存所有人员的培训记录和个人 表现记录? 分类 提供 品质部 品质部 品质部 品质部 品质部 说明



initial Factory Capability & Capacity Audit (FCCA)QUALITY SYSTEM:Particulars Audit 3210N/A1.0Factory Facilities and Environment1. There is sufficient lighting on:Production, revising, finishing,inspection, packing and loading areas?X 2. The facility maintains clean andorganized production, finishing andpacking areas.X 3. Facility has separate inspection areawith inspection table and properventilation.X 4. Facility has documented pests/mildewand moisture control program whichincludes frequent inspections. (in-houseor 3rd party)X 5. No broken windows or leaking roofsthat may result to product contaminationwas observed during audit.X Critical 6. Factory implements strict sharp toolscontrol procedure to prevent scissors, knives, blades, broken glasses andneedles to be mixed with product.X 1.1 Machine Calibration and Maintenance3210N/A 1. Factory has documented system andprocedure for scheduled equipmentcleaning and repairs.X 2. Factory machines and equipmentsappear to be clean and in good runningcondition.X3. Machines, equipments and tools areXproperly labeled with date of lastmaintenance/calibration and schedule.4. Machines, equipments and tools thatneeds to be repaired are properlyXlabeled to avoid accidental use.5. Factory has proper, clean andorganized storage area of critical toolingX(i.e. injection moulds) with labeledshelves.6. Factory has proper documentationXand updated inventory of machines,tools, spare parts and equipments.7. Factory has maintenance team withsuitable skill level and equipments toXperform necessary repair and calibrationon machines.1.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus10880010 REMARKS:The lighting was not sufficient on inspection area. Examples: inspection of final pro products:283lux. IQC workstation:200lux.1.0.4The factory did not establish humidity control and mildew control procedure and no1.0.5The roof for the finished goods packing and storage area was unclosed, and thereBlades using in Cutting workshop, Scissors using in sewing workshop were not cod1.1.3Factory did not have scheduled maintenance and calibration. Some of machines,labeled with date of last maintenance and calibration.2.0Quality Management System3210N/A1. Factory has established QualityXManagement System that is appropriateto their products and procedures.2. Workers & Supervisors are familiar toXthese quality policies and objectives.3. Factory has documented customer complaint system and documented recall program.XCritical 4. Factory QC team is independent from Production division.X5. Production management and QCteam discuss and work together insolving Quality issues/ concerns. (Documented)X6.Factory has systems and proceduresin place to control the risk of physical,chemical and biological contaminationthat may damage the product andpersonnel as well.X7.Factory conducts risk audits to identifyhazards from chemicals, raw materials,process equipments and tools.X8. Is factory accredited with anyinternational, national or customerquality standards association (e.g. ISO9001,etc.)?X2.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus10881010 REMARKS:2.0.6Procedures and record of actions taken to control risks were available such as broken needprocedures to control these risks of other physical, chemical and biological contaminationFactory did not conduct risk audit and documents were not available to identify hazards from equipments and tools.The factory didn't accredit with any international, national or customer quality standards asso3.0Incoming Materials Control (Warehousing andStorage)3210N/A1. Has the factory taken adequatemeasures to assure raw materials conformance to required specificationsbefore use?X2. Proper first in-first out (FIFO) systemon materials are practiced.X3. Factory has procedures (instructions, guidelines and documented records) forquality inspection on incoming rawmaterials, accessories and components.X4. Is needed testing equipmentavailable, and maintained in goodcondition?X5. Are raw materials properly labeled,stored and traceable?X6. Factory has documented process and reference samples that ensure incomingraw materials conform to specifications.XCritical 7. Factory has proper system onmaterial segregation to avoid accidental contamination from rejected items.X8. Factory properly separate goodquality items from rejects and identifiesnon-conforming (rejects) materials for replacement.X9. Facility’s storage areas have sufficientlighting, well ventilated and cleansurrounding.X10. Materials, components andaccessories are properly stacked andidentified with tags / labels and off thefloor.XCritical 11. Chemicals and maintenancesubstances are properly marked andstored to prevent risk of contamination.X12. Does factory have a documentedsupplier selection and approval process?X13. Does factory track, evaluate anddocument material’s supplier reliability(performance)?X14. Does factory have an established,documented quality procedure and doesfactory evaluate, monitor sub-contractorquality performance and reliability?X3.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus141106014 REMARKS:3.0.8In the Injection workshop, the factory didn't separate good quality items from rejects.3.0.11Chemicals such as alcohol, paint, and gas were not properly marked and about one thirdThe factory evaluated its material suppliers and kept evaluation records, but the evaluation per the procedure. For example, the evaluation score of one fabric supplier (Xingchangli)requirements of the procedure, it couldn't be used unless under urgent situation, and the fac Xingchangli was still the main suppliers of the factory.4.0Process and Production Control3210N/A1. Does factory PD study and applyproduct safety features, evaluatespatterns, moulds and samples duringproduct design and development?X2. Factory has documented Qualityprocedures (QP) at each stage ofoperation.X3. Does factory conduct Pre-productionmeeting prior to start of production?XCritical 4. Are critical quality and safety checksreviewed, identified, and actions forimprovement documented during Pre-production meeting?X5. Does factory conduct “pilot-run”,review product quality againstspecification sheet and documentresults with corrective actions prior toproduction?X6. Was in house lab-testing performedon current production? (Request for test copies)X7. Does factory QC compare first piece samples with approval sample and specification sheet?X8. Are there adequate approvedsamples, first piece samples, reference samples and work instructions to provide workers with proper guidelines?XCritical 9. Does Quality Control have authority tostop production if quality of products didnot meet specification?X10. In-line inspections (IPQC) areperformed by QC at every operationprocess.X11. Is quality of item acceptable oncurrent production? (Check 8 finishedproducts taken from factory finalinspected goods and check for majordefects on the item.)X12. Factory QC inspects per standardAQL or as per industry standards.X13. Factory performs 100% functionalitycheck on final products?X14. Does factory use corrective actionsand root cause analysis methods?(Please provide examples)x15. Does factory have guidelines inplace to ensure packaging is correct forproduct?X16. Does packing area have enoughspace to perform packing functionsproperly? Is it clean and organized?X17. Packed cartons are stored inenclosed area not exposed to sunshineand wet weather.X18. Does factory track and document on-time ship performance?X4.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus180132018 REMARKS:4.0.4Parts of the pre-production meeting records were simple, and didn't state the improve meas 4.0.17The roof for the finished goods packing and storage area was unclosed and the packed cartweather.5.0In-House Lab-Testing 3210N/A1. Does factory perform in-house labtesting and are facilities appropriatelyXequipped? (Pls.refer to the FCCAattachment for in-house lab testingrequirements.)2. All gauges and test equipments haveXvalid calibrations.3. Testing manuals of various industryXstandards are available as reference.4. In-house Lab Technicians areXproperly trained to perform testingfunctions.5.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus72510REMARKS:All gauges and test equipments were calibrated by unqualified person since 2008.The factory didn't have testing manual of any industry standard as reference.5.0.4The inspectors acted as In-house Lab Technicians, but they were not properly trained to per6.0Final Inspection 3210N/A1. Does factory have procedure andworking instruction for final QC?X2. Factory QC conducts final inspectionper standard AQL or as per industrystandards.X3. An approved sample or referencesample with packing list and shippingmarks are available as reference forfactory QC.X4. Are there formal written finalinspection reports? Are they properlyfiled and traceable to review quality ofproducts?X5. Does factory final QC perform internalmechanical tests to ensure the safety ofproduct?X6. Where appropriate, are inspectionand testing equipment used by theinspector in good condition andcalibrated?XCritical 7. Failed inspections are properly corrected prior to final inspection by customer.X8. Factory does not ship goods unless subjected to release procedures from customer.X6.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus69576REMARKS:6.0.6No inspection and testing equipments were used during the final inspection process.7.0People Resources and Training3210N/ACritical 1. Factory conducts, documents andmaintains on-job training for allpersonnel or conducts pre-hire testing ofskilled workers prior to hiring.X2. Factory conducts and documentstechnical training programs for Electrical/ Mechanical Engineer, Machinist, QC andLab Test Technician.X3. Records of trainees and all regularpersonnel with correspondingXperformance records are kept andmaintained.7.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus36200REMARKS:7.0.2Factory didn't conduct and maintain technical and quality training for machinist, lab test tech 7.0.3The records of trainees were incompletely.SummaryBasic Information:Capability:Capacity:Quality System:The quality management system was established according to principle of ISO9001:2000. ISO9001:2000 certificate. The latest internal audit date was on Feb. 11-14, 2009. The lates Feb. 16, 2009. The relevant records were reviewed during the audit. There were about 30 They were clearly divided to IQC, IPQC and QA. Incoming materials, semi-manufactured inspected by competent inspectors according to recognized standards GB/T2828.1-2003. Internal Lab was set up in the factory. Some tests were conducted by inspectors, and there reference.The operation procedure and related work instructions were established and all the docum During the factory audit, the operation was smooth and most of the operators were trained should make improvement in those areas that listed in the supplier CAP.Calculation of points:1.1 Per Categorya. Each question has a corresponding Audit Point and Weight. Multiply the marked “WTG” to get the score for that particular question.b. If the question is not relevant. Mark Not Applicable “N/A”. To get the score, multip points) to get the score.c. Once the category questions are completed and marked, total all scores by:- Relevant questions with corresponding points (Total Actual Points)- Not relevant questions marked N/A (Total N/A Points)d. Subtract the N/A points from the “Total Possible Points” to get the “Total Adjustede. Divide the "Total Actual Points" by the "Total Adjusted Points" to get the scoringf. A corresponding space is provided for all these scores in the report.g. If there are no N/A points, simply divide “Total Possible Points” by the “Total Actuh. Percentage score = Total Actual Points/ Total Adjusted Points(Total Adjusted Points = Total Possible Point – Total N/A Points)1.2 Report Total Scorea. Total all scores per category level:Total Possible PointsTotal Actual PointsTotal N/ATotal Adjusted Pointsb. Repeat the calculation steps on point 1.11.3 QA Point System GuideEvery question involving factory systems or process must be rated by QA baseda. 3 - Strongly Agreeb. 2 - Agreec. 1 - Needs Improvementd. 0 - Disagreee. N/A – Not Applicable. Question is not relevant to factory process.。



FCCA关键点清单FCCA关键点清单(非电器类杂货)如下:* Factory implements strict sharp tools control procedure to prevent scissors, knives, blades, broken glasses and needles to be mixed with product. 工厂是否建立了严格的利器控制程序,以防剪刀,刀具,刀片,碎玻璃,针混入产品?* Factory implements a broken needle control process [Applies for products that requires sewing and/or those used in ticketing or kimble guns for tags] 工厂实施断针控制过程?(适用于产品有缝制工序,标枪工序)。

* Factory has metal detecting unit (Airport System) and located at the right finishing area and is enclosed and secured and have regular calibration records [Scoring will not apply (N/A) if factory does not need this machine] 工厂有金属验针设备(机场式)并置于合适的成品区,此区域隔离,安全,金属验针设备有定期的校准记录?[如果工厂不需要这个设备,分数就打N/A]* Factory QC team is independent from Production division. 工厂QC小组是否独立于生产部门?* Does factory have a timber source control system? [Mandatory for factories producing products with wood & plant components to ASDA/GEORGE UK] 工厂是否有木材来源控制系统?[此项为销售到ASDA 的有木材和植物部件的产品生产的工厂的强制要求]* Does factory have control system in place to comply with the requirements of the LACEY ACT, that they have exercised due care to ensure that the wood/plant materials contained in products supplied to Wal-Mart are legally sourced from their country of origin [Mandatory requirement for factories producing products with wood materials to WMUS] 工厂是否有控制系统以满足雷斯法案的要求,并且已经实施应有的关注以确保供给WM的产品中含有的木材/植物材料的产地来源是合法的?[此项为销售到WMUS的有木材的产品生产的工厂的强制要求]* Does factory have control system in place to comply with the CARB requirements in compliance with the State of California's Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM)? [Mandatory requirement for factories producing products containing any engineered wood products to WMUS] 工厂是否建立了符合CARB要求满足加利福尼亚的空气有毒控制措施的控制系统?[此项为销售到WMUS的有任何复合加工木材的产品生产的工厂的强制要求]* Does the factory maintain records showing proof that all paints, coatings and non-paint components(hardware, labels, etc) are tested for Lead and Heavy Metals content and complied with the safety & regulatory requirements where the products are sold, as applicable? [US & CAN only] 工厂是否保留了记录以证明所有的油漆,涂层,没有油漆的部件(金属,标签等)已测试了铅和重金属含量,并符合销售国的安全和法规要求?[适用于US美国& CAN加拿大市场]* Does the factory maintain records showing proof that all raw materials are tested for Restricted Substances - Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) and complied with the safety & regulatory requirements where the products are sold, as applicable? [US & CAN only] 工厂是否保留了记录以证明所有原料经过限制物质VOC(挥发性有机化合物)测试,并符合销售国的安全和法规要求[适用于US美国& CAN加拿大市场]* Does the factory maintain records showing proof that all raw materials to be used for product intended to be used in contact with food shall conform to FDA Compliance for Food Contact Materials? [FDA for US; EU Food Contact Safety-2011/10/EU for UK ASDA or LFGB as equivalent] 工厂是否保留了记录以证明所有用于成品(与食品接触)的原料应符合FDA食品接触材料符合性的要求?[FDA for US; EU Food Contact Safety-2011/10/EU for UK ASDA or LFGB as equivalent]* Does the factory maintain records showing proof that all polymeric raw materials & components to be used for product intended to be used in contact with food does not contain BPA (Bisphenol-A) or exceeds the allowable limit? 工厂是否保留了记录以证明用于产品(与食品接触)的所有聚合原料和部件不含BPA (双酚A)或未超出可允许的限值?* Factory has proper system on material segregation to avoid accidental contamination from rejected items. These are stored in the designated Quarantine area 工厂是否有适宜的物料隔离系统以避免拒收物料的意外污染?拒收物料挡在指定的隔离区?* Chemicals and maintenance substances are properly marked and stored to prevent risk of contamination. 化学品和保养物质的标识和存储以防止污染的风险?* Are critical quality and safety checks reviewed, identified, and actions for improvement documented during Pre-production meeting? 产前会议中是否对关键的质量和安全特性进行了评估,识别,并进行了改善?* Does Quality Control Department personnel (Inspectors/Supervisors/Managers/Directors) have authority to stop production if quality of products did not meet specification? QC部门人员(检验员/主管/经理/总裁)当产品质量不满足规格书要求时有权停产?* For Article 物品Does the factory have documented REACH control system? (For ASDA/GEORGE UK)Article: an object which during production is given a special shape, surface or design which determines its function of a greater degree than does its chemical composition.是否有文件化的REACH文件控制体系?[ASDA 要求] 物品:指一种在制造过程中获得特定的形状、外观或设计的物体,这些形状、外观或设计比其化学成分更能决定其功能。



FCCA验厂标准要求2012(精选)第一篇:FCCA验厂标准要求2012(精选)FCCA验厂标准要求目前Wal-Mart验厂新增项目FCCA,所有Wal-Mart供应商都要通过FCCA的审核,FCCA的结果以打分的形式,60分以上为合格,FCCA即为Wal-Mart对工厂的质量体系要求,FCCA验厂标准:Factory Quality System工厂的质量体系1.0 Factory Facilities and Environment工厂设施和环境1.0.1 There is sufficient lighting on: Production, revising, finishing, inspection, packing and loading areas? 足够的照明上:生产,返工,加工,检验,包装及装载的区域?1.0.2 The facility maintains clean and organized production, finishing and packing areas.工厂保持清洁和有组织的生产,加工和包装领域。

1.0.3 Facility has separate inspection area with inspection table and proper ventilation.工厂有单独的检验区与检验台并且适当的通风设备。

1.0.4 Facility has documented pests/mildew and moisture control program, which includes frequent inspections.(In-house or 3rd party)工厂已记录害虫/霉菌和湿度的控制程序,其中包括经常巡查。

(在公司内部或第三方)1.0.5 No broken windows or leaking roofs that may result to product con*****ination was observed duringaudit.没有打破窗户或屋顶漏水,可能导致产品污染的观察审核期间。






F现场使用的检测工具(如卷尺、卡尺、测温仪、湿度仪等)在验厂当天都要使用有校验过的,没有标识的全部收起来来G 验厂当天灯要全部打开,保证光线充足。
















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FCCA验厂FCCA验厂是沃尔玛(Wal-mart)新推行的全称为:Factory Capability & Capacity Assessment,即工厂产量及能力评估,其目的是审核工厂的产量及生成能力是否符合沃尔玛的产能和质量要求,其主要内容包括以下几个方面:1、Factory Facilities and Environment工厂设施和环境2、Machine Calibration and Maintenance机器校准和维护3、Quality Management System质量管理体系4、Incoming Materials Control来料控制5、Process and Production Control过程和生产控制6、In-House Lab-Testing内部实验室测试7、Final inspection最终检验FCCA验厂文件和内容一、验厂文件的定义验厂文件是指工厂在验厂时为审核员提供工厂的一些基本文件资料及生产记录(包括:营业执照、员工手册、消防演习记录等),验厂文件主要是在人权、环境、安全、卫生和反恐及现场方面的文件资料,根据工厂的客户的要求可能侧重点有所不一样,有的重点是在人权,有的重点是在安全,这个要看工厂的客户是那一家。


(来料,制程,包装,成品)3)主要机器设备清单(请准备中英文复印件各一份)4)机器设备保养计划和记录5)机器保养人员的专业证书6)产品规格书7)原料的来料和发料记录8)员工培训计划及培训记录9)产前会议程序及记录和质量会议记录10)供应商管理程序,记录,采购单及物料规格单11)实验室操作手册及测试报告12)缺陷统计报告及出货记录13)工厂组织架构图(请准备复印件一份)14)工厂营业执照(请准备复印件一份)15)当前的品质水准记录16)出货及时率的统计记录17)ISO证书及最近一次的审查报告(如有,请准备正本及复印件一份) 18)纠正预防措施的记录现场布设1)安全通道线2)安全出口、应急灯、火警铃3)化学药品摆放4)仓库特殊要点5)饮水区划分6)意见箱的设立及程序文件三、反恐重点C-TPAT证书保安制度装柜作业程序货柜检查程序及纪录封柜纪录封条管理程序则人权是随机抽查的FCCA验厂审核项目一、童工CL/未成年工U L二、非志愿劳工IL三、胁迫与骚扰CH四、不歧视DI五、最低工资WM六、加班工资OW七、加班时间OT八、社会保险SB九、福利OB十、监测与守法十一、卫生与安全HS&DO十二、宿舍DO十三、环保PE十四、分包Sub十五、其它要求OLFCCA质量验厂文件资料清单1. 营业执照 ;2. 质量体系认证证书 ;3. 组织架构图 ;4. 质量手册 ;5. 程序文件;6. 质量体系内审计划;7. 质量体系内审记录:1)内审员资格证书;2)首末次会议 ;3)检查表 ;4)不符合项报告;5)内审报告8. 质量体系管理评审计划9. 质量体系管理评审记录: 1)管理评审会议记录;2)管理评审报告;3)决议事项的跟进记录10. 主要生产设备清单;11. 设备保养计划 ;12. 设备保养记录;13. 仪器清单 ;14. 仪器校准计划 ;15. 仪器校准记录:1)外校报告 ;2)内校人员资格证书3)内校规程;4)内校报告16. 年度培训计划17. 培训记录 :1)签到表;2)测试卷18. 品管人员岗前资质认定资料(培训及测试记录;19. 新产品设计开发资料 :1)产品规格书;2) BOM表(BOM);3)安规认证证书;4)样品检测报告5)试产记录 ;6)试产评估报告 ;7)作业指导书 ;8)检验标准 ;9) FMEA分析资料 ;10)产品质量控制计划(QC工程图。

20. 订单评审记录;21. 新供应商资格评定报告22. 现有供应商质量、交期、价格及服务定期评分表 ;23. 原材料采购订单 ;24. 原材料规格承认书25. 进料检验作业指导书 ;26. 进料检验标准 ;27. 进料检验样板清单及定期评估记录;28. 进料检验记录 ;29. 不合格来料处理记录(含供应商纠正预防措施报告;30. 原材料保存周期规定 ;31. 原材料过期重检记录 ;32. 控制图表及超限处理记录 ;33. CPK应用指引 ;34. CPK测量记录及制程能力不足时的改进记录 ;35. 生产作业指导书36. 制程检验作业指导书;37. 制程检验标准 ;38. 制程检验记录 :1)首件检验记录 ;2)巡检记录 ;3)抽检记录39. 制程不合格品的处理记录(含纠正预防措施报告)40. 制程检验不良统计报表(周报/月报,柏拉图41. 停线管理规定及记录 ;42. 成品检验作业指导书;43. 成品检验标准 ;44. 成品检验记录 ;45. 不合格成品处理记录:1)返工、返修记录 ;2)重检记录3)纠正预防措施报告46. 成品入库单 ;47. 产品可靠性及环境测试计划及记录;48. 数据分析程序;49. 质量目标统计资料50. 客户沟通资料 ;51. 客户投诉处理程序 ;52.客户投诉处理记录53.FCCA人权验厂清单1、工卡或考勤记录(过去十二个月已发放工资的月份开始计算)2、工资表(过去十二个月已发放工资的月份开始计算)3、人事花名册及员工个人档案4、劳动合同5、厂房平面图6、工商营业执照7、消防检查报告或合格证明文件8、消防演习记录、紧急疏散计划及工伤记录等9、环保证明文件10、厂规或员工手册11、政府有关当地最低工资规定文件12、设备安全许可证(如电梯使用许可证,厨房卫生许可证等)13、特种工人上岗(如电梯工,电工,厨工,卫生许可证等)14、当地劳动局关于延长加班之批15、未成年工体检及劳动局登记记录16、社会保险收据、花名册及合格证明文件等17、工人请假单/离职记录18、断针换针记录FCCA程序文件内容是什么一、质量体系程序文件的概念质量体系程序文件是指为完成质量管理和质量保证活动,而对影响质量活动所作的规定。













三、沃尔玛FCCA验厂一般对于质量手册配套的主要程序文件如下表所示:序号文件名称文件编号编制人发放范围页码范围1文件控制程序QP-04-01各部门4—62记录的控制程序 QP-04-02各部门73管理评审程序QP-05-01各部门8—94人力资源管理程序 QP-06-01各部门10—115生产设施的配置和管理及工作环境控制程序 QP-06-02各部门12—136产品实现的策划控制程序QP-07-01各部门14—157与顾客有关的过程的控制程序QP-07-02各部门16—188设计和开发控制程序QP-07-03各部门19—229采购控制程序QP-07-04各部门23—2510生产和服务提供的控制和确认程序 QR-07-05各部门26—2711顾客财产管理程序QP-07-06各部门2812产品防护程序QP-07-07各部门2913监视和测量装置的控制程序QP-07-08各部门30—3114顾客满意度的测量程序 QP-08-01各部门32—3315内部审核程序QP-08-02各部门34—3516产品的监视和测量程序 QP-08-03各部门36—3717不合格品控制程序QP-08-04各部门38-3918数据分析控制程序QP-08-05各部门4019纠正和预防措施控制程序QP-08-06各部门41—43四、质量体系程序文件的作用1.对影响质量的各项活动作出规定,并规定各项活动的方法、评定的准则,使各项活动处于受控之中。



