店铺分享关于g20峰会的英语美文,希望大家喜欢!关于g20峰会的英语美文:主席关于中国举办2016年G20峰会的致辞The year of 2016 is fast approaching, a year in which China will host the G20 Summit. This shows both the international community's strong confidence in China and China's sincere wish to make contribution to the international community.2016年正在向我们走来,在新的一年里,中国将主办二十国集团峰会。
The G20 summit mechanism was set up at the height of the international financial crisis in 2008, demonstrating G20 members' determination to put the global economy back on its feet. The G20 thus became the premier forum for international economic cooperation. Looking back, I believe that the most valuable thing this process has created is the close partnership we have forged that has enabled us to jointly tide over a difficult time. It proves that in a world of deepening economic globalization, cooperation is the sure way for countries to meet challenges and achieve common development.二十国集团峰会机制诞生于2008年国际金融危机最紧要的关头。
The G20 outcome is better than nothing, but can the IMF save the world?WHEN an infamous summit of world powers in London ended in 1933, such was the mood of protectionist acrimony that many argued it would have been better if the meeting had not been held at all. At times in the run up to the G20 gathering of world leaders in London on Thursday April 2nd it looked as if history might be repeated. But the leaders have shown some grit, and some ingenuity in finding money when little is about. Many holes can be picked in their pledges to reflate the world economy and re-regulate global finance. But, at the very least, it was better that they met than not.The centerpiece of the leaders’plan is, conveniently, the IMF, which they believe can add an extra $1 trillion in funding to the world economy without the risk of ballooning national budgets, or obstruction from national politicians. That financial conjuring trick getsthe G20 out of a bind. Gordon Brown, the British prime minister, has made much of $5 trillion in public spending that governments around the world have promised to help shunt their economies out of recession in 2009-10. But big spenders such as America and Britain are up against their limits and fiscal hawks such as Germany are stubbornly convinced they have done enough.That leaves the IMF as pump-primer of last resort, although not all of the funding promises made on Thursday were new. Japan and the European Union had already agreed to put $100 billion each into the IMF’s kitty. Rich countries such as America will provide a $500 billion credit line, known as New Arrangements to Borrow. This was trailed several weeks ago. Significantly, the IMF will print $250 billion of its own currency, known as special drawing rights, allocating sums to its members according to their quotas. It is not clear whether this can be redirected from richcountries to poor ones.This flood of extra resources, plus an enhanced oversight role the G20 has given to the fund, will be a huge turnaround for an institution whose relevance had slumped in the boom years. Now the new money must be directed to developing countries, especially in eastern Europe. Many such countries have been loth to tap the fund because of the stigma involved. A pledge by the G20 to reform the fund’s governance soon may convince them that the leopard has changed its spots. This week Mexico secured a $47 billion credit line with the fund, with no strings attached, which may set a trend. Eswar Prasad of the Brookings Institution believes the commitment to reform is credible. His evidence is that China has agreed to chip in $40 billion, prior to any changes to its voting power in the IMF (it has the same heft as Belgium). Others, however, remain sceptical. “This is still supply chasing demand,”saysArvind Subramanian of the Centre for Global Development.The importance of offering new sources of funds to the developing world should not be underestimated, however. By some estimates poor countries have $1.4 trillion of debts to roll over this year alone and Western creditors are hoarding their cash. These countries have far less fiscal room for manoeuvre than rich economies. They are also areas of the world where growth could rebound quite quickly, because households are not weighed down by the crushing debts typical in America and Europe. In a further fillip to many of them, the G20 agreed to ensure $250 billion in trade finance to help reboot global trade—though it was not clear how much of this was new money.As for efforts to drag the developed world out of the mire, the G20 went perhaps further than had been expected, though undoubtedly not far enough. It emphasised the problem ofscrubbing toxic assets off banks’balance-sheets, but gave little guidance on how banks should be forced to mark down their assets to saleable prices. (Undermining that effort, on Thursday American accounting standard-setters watered down a mark-to-market provision that would have forced banks to value their assets at market prices. The short-sighted reprieve led to a huge rally in the shares of stricken banks such as Citigroup.)It also, in a nod to strongly held German and French sentiments, called for regulation of hedge funds and other parts of the shadow banking system, a crack down on tax havens and banking secrecy, and more oversight of credit-rating agencies. There was little to suggest that one of the main causes of the crisis, incentives for banks to grow too big to fail, was being tackled.Financial markets rallied after the G20 news, though this was as much because of sprigs ofgood economic news emerging as the harmony that was displayed. This was despite disappointment that the European Central Bank had cut its main interest rate on Thursday, by just a quarter of a percentage point, to 1.25%. American unemployment figures on Friday, which could be shocking, may puncture some of that optimism, and should temper any temptation among G20 leaders to claim success. Their efforts to reflate the world economy may have avoided a 1930s-style depression so far. But rising joblessness and years of pain may lie ahead as banks, businesses and households in the West continue to struggle to pay down their debts.当1933年在伦敦举行的一个臭名昭著的世界大国首脑会议结束时,贸易保护主义者非常尖锐,他们之中很多人认为该会议不举行可能会更好。
2020浙江高考语文二轮练习:20 特色专项训练二十 语基+语用+散文+名句 Word版含解析
特色专项训练二十 语基+语用+散文+名句(时间:45分钟,分数:45分)一、语言基础(11分)1.下列句子中,没有错别字且加点字注音全都正确的一项是(3分)( )A .中国梦应是一幅.(fú)多维度的篮图,它需要以更加宽广的胸怀包容各种文化思潮的交融、碰撞,需要弘扬源远流长的中华文明,传承优秀璀璨.(càn)的中国文化。
B .陈明还是没吱.(zhī)声,默默地坐着,连江老师什么时候走的都不知道。
C .周文略是个虚构高手,做着“宇宙梦”,在小说内容介绍中,书写宣言似.(shì)的写道:“一滩稀泥,也可以面对浩瀚.(hàn)的天空,站在最高处的石头,就是星辰!” D .《幻想交响曲》中的音浪裹挟着你恓惶的内心左奔右突,直到古典的形式扭曲、变形、坍圮.(pǐ),然后,听他高唱挣脱灵魂桎梏.(gù)、摧毁旧日城堡的浪漫主义的赞歌。
《寓言四则》练习题年级班姓名:一、集腋成裘:1.下列语句中加横线的字注音无误的一项是( )A.宋之丁氏,家无井而出溉汲( gài jí),常一人居外。
B. 杞( qí )国有人忧天地崩坠( bēng zhuì ),身亡所寄,废寝食者。
C.晓之者曰:“日月星宿( xiù ),亦积气中之有光耀者,只使坠,亦不能有所中( zhōng )伤。
”D. 若躇( chú)步跐蹈( chǐ dǎo),终日在地上行止,奈何忧其坏?”2.下列书写完全正确的一项是( )A.蚊子战胜了狮子,又吹起喇叭,唱着凯歌飞走,却被蜘蛛网沾住了。
若躇步呲蹈?终日在地上行止,奈何忧其坏?3. 下列句子中加点词语的解释正确的一项是()A. 家无井而出溉汲..(打水、浇田) B. 闻.之于宋君(听说)C. 若.屈伸呼吸(如果)D. 身亡.所寄,废寝食者(死亡)4. 下列词语不都属于形容词的一组是()A. 诚实善良美丽顽强 B.飞快兴奋幸福笔直C. 高红缓慢伟大D. 愿意悲伤优秀卑鄙5、下列各句中加横线的成语使用正确的一项是( )A.李明见别人在下棋、不免贝增心喜、蠢蠢欲动。
D.这里有良好的水土条件,又有一个团结向上的领导班子,因而人民的生活安居乐业.6. 下列句子的标点符号使用正确的一项是( )A. “莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切”,岳飞的这句诗词激励着我们青少年学生珍惜时光,努力学习,发奋有为。
B. 中国政府再次发出:"钓鱼岛自古以来是我国神圣的领土,不容任何人侵犯"的警告。
秋雨的抒情散文随笔实用2篇秋雨的抒情散文随笔 1城里人似乎比乡下人更关注这场雨,老待在空调房里总有些不适,说不定还会待出病来,一进一去一冷一热,总没有大自然的空气新鲜,有网友说这场秋雨是为G20洗地的,炒了那么久的G20终于落幕了,一个各说各的会,一个说了也不算的会,说轻也轻说重也重。
= for equals - for minus # for number x for times > for greater than, more, larger < for less than, smaller, fewer than w/ for with w/o for without w/in for within ----> for leads to, produces, results in <---- for comes from / for per
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翻译资格考试高级口译练习题:G20杭州峰会欢迎宴会致辞G20杭州峰会欢迎宴会致辞Dear Colleagues,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,尊敬的各位同事、各位来宾、女士们、先生们、朋友们:Good evening!大家晚上好!On this much-anticipated night, we are gathered here by the West Lake on the occasion of the 11th G20 Summit. Let me extend, on behalf of the Government and people of China and my wife, and also in my own name, warmest welcome to all distinguished guests.这是一个让人期待的夜晚,在二十国集团领导人第十一次峰会召开之际,我们相聚西子湖畔。
Known as Paradise on Earth, Hangzhou boasts[1] enchanting landscape and rich cultural heritage. The Top Ten Scenic Spots of the West Lake each have their own unique charm, whether viewed up close or from a distance. Connecting them are the age-old and elegant bridges. The bridges are the very inspiration for the logo of this Summit.免费获取私人定制留学方案杭州素有人间天堂美誉,湖光山色、人文美景俯拾皆是,西湖十景或近观、或远眺,引人无限遐思,流连忘返。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!The G20 Summit is a very important event. It brings together leaders from many countries. They discuss various issues and try to find solutions.At the G20 Summit, there are a lot of intense discussions. Different opinions are put forward. It's interesting to see how they interact.The G20 Summit also has an impact on the global economy. Decisions made there can affect many people's lives. It's crucial to pay attention to what happens.Many people around the world are watching the G20 Summit. They hope for positive outcomes and progress. It'sa time of great significance.。
【答案】8. C
A项,“图像阅读和文字阅读变得越来越相似”表述有误。原文 信息是“我们似乎正在冷落那种独自沉思的阅读状态,失去对文 字阅读的热爱!”“正是由于阅读逻辑的转化,图像在人类思维 活动中的比重才得以提升,视觉思维也在读图的实践中慢慢壮 大”“网络时代,读‘屏’多于读书”,可见二者并非变得越来 越相似。 B项,“有一位著名诗人早就预见了网络时代的到来……明确告 诉我们……”错误。原文表述为“正如一位著名诗人的著名短诗: ‘生活——网。’”可见“预见了网络时代的到来”无中生有, 过度解读,只能说使用比喻生动形象地表现了网络时代的特点; 另外寥寥三字具有言简义丰委婉含蓄的特点,自然不能说“明确 告诉”。
D项,“正在失去对文字阅读的热爱,……甚至要为此举行一 种新的文化仪式”错误。原文表述是 “我们似乎正在冷落那 种独自沉思的阅读状态,失去对文字阅读的热爱!这便使得图 像的狂欢成为新的文化仪式!”可见选项遗漏了“似乎”,曲 解文意,把推断、揣测说成绝对、肯定;文化仪式相关的表述 也背离文意。
9. (1)材料二说明图像阅读的特点: ①整体性(“互动与交融”或“元素与元素的‘相乘”), ②有一种创造性的领悟。
D项,“就可以看到大银幕上清晰稳定的图像和车内收音机上接 收的电影原声”一句中,“看到……电影原声”搭配不当,可 在“和”字后面加“收听到”。
5【答案】 (1)是借助了比目鱼独特的身体构造 (2)比目鱼生存的环境也不一样了 (3)自然选择(或自身演化)的结果
6【答案】 (1)示例:图1
凝聚力量,抗击疫情 新门神)
《上曾子固龙图书》精校 某尝以谓君子之文章,不浮于其徳,其刚柔缓急之气,繁简 舒敏之节,一出乎其诚,不隠其所已至,不强其所不知,譬之 楚人之必为楚声,秦人之必衣秦服也。惟其言不浮乎其心,故 因其言而求之,则潜徳遁(浙江2020高考卷作“道”,疑误)志, 不可隠伏。盖古之人不知言则无以知人,而世之惑者,徒知夫 言与徳二者不可以相通,或信其言而疑其行。呜呼!是徒知其 一,而不知夫君子之文章,固出于其徳,与夫无其徳而有其言 者异位也。某之初为,文最喜读左氏、《离骚》之书。丘明之 文美矣,然其行事不见于后,不可得而考。屈平之仁,不忍私 其身,其气酋,其趣髙,故其言反覆曲折,初疑于繁,左顾右 挽,中疑其迂,然至诚恻怛于其心,故其言周密而不厌。考乎 其终,而知其仁也愤而非怼也,异而自洁而非私也,彷徨悲嗟, 卒无存省之者,故剖志决虑以无自显,此屈原之忠也。故其文 如明珠美玉,丽而可悦也;如秋风夜露,凄忽而感恻也;如神 仙烟云,髙远而不可挹也。维其言以考其事,其有不合者乎?
优质外刊讲解以及相关题型改编—G20 峰会选自BBCAmid raging anti-globalisation and rising unilateralism and protectionism, people are wondering where the world should be going. Countries are looking to the upcoming G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, which will be the tenth ever held and the first one in South America, for an answer. In my opinion, G20 should and can play an important role in three areas.First, it is a “major battlefield” f or safeguarding multilateralism. G20 was set up ten years ago in response to the ravaging(损坏,严重破坏,常用于被动语态)international financial crisis. Today, G20 is an important venue(场所,地点)for consultation and decision-making on issues of development and global governance by developed and developing countries alike on an equal footing. This definitely signifies the victory of multilateralism.History has shown that multilateralism conforms to the trend of the times and serves the common interests of all countries. That is why China believes in building a new type of state-to-state relations featuring win-win cooperation,resolving differences through equal-footed consultation in multilateral institutions based on international law and rules, and improving the global governance system through reforms. I hope that G20 will send a clear message that it upholds multilateralism so as to lead economic globalisation in the right direction.Second, G20 is a “major platform”for strengthening economic and financial governance. With its members accounting for two thirds of the global population, 60 per cent of the world’s land, 85 per cent of the global GDP and 80 per cent of world trade volume, G20 plays an indispensable role in providing guidance to global economic cooperation.In the early years of G20 its members coordinated(调整,调节)their fiscal and financial policies and promoted reforms in the international financial institutions. These efforts have successfully led the world out of the financial crisis and back on the track of stability and recovery. Now is a new critical moment. As the world economy faces increasing risks and uncertainties, striking inequality and imbalance, and surging protectionism, it is all the more important that G20 should uphold the spirit of partnership, shore up(支持,支撑)global confidence and work for robust(强健的,健康的), sustainable, balanced and inclusive world economic growth.Third, G20 is a “major channe l” for addressing issues of global development. Many of problems facing the world boil down to(归结)insufficient development. With half of its member being developing countries, G20 represents the interests of the vast majority of developing countries and thus has the obligation(义务,责任)to create more opportunities for them by promoting world economic growth, and to offer them more support by enhancing international cooperation on development.Going forward, G20 should continue to give priority to the issue of development as it coordinates global macro policy. This includes implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, making preferential policies that facilitate(促进,帮助)development and creating new driving forces for developing countries to eradicate(根除,消灭)poverty, tackle the bottlenecks(瓶颈)and grow their economy.Word bank1. Ragen. 暴怒;狂怒; (某情况引起的)愤怒,暴力行为v. 发怒;怒斥; 猛烈地继续;激烈进行; 迅速蔓延;快速扩散例句:His face was dark with rage.be all the rage 十分流行;成为时尚;风靡一时He raged agains t the injustice of it all.The riots raged for three days.Forest fires were raging out of control.2. Look to 注意;指望;照看look down(on) 瞧不起; 向下看look ahead 向前看; 展望未来look about 四下环顾; 四周环视look into 观察;窥视;浏览look up 仰望(to);查阅;尊敬;拜访look back (on sth) 回首(往事);回忆;回顾look sb up and down 上下仔细打量,挑剔地审视(某人)3. IssueN. 议题; 问题;忧虑报刊; 邮票;钱币;股份She usually writes about environmental issues.Money is not an issue.I don't think my private life is the issue here.I'm not bothered about the cost—you're the one who's making an issue of it.The article appeared in issue 25.The company is planning a new share issue .be at issue 是讨论的焦点What is at issue is whether she was responsible for her actions.take issue with sb (about/on/over sth) 向某人提出异议;开始与某人争论I must take issue with you on that point.V. 宣布;公布;发出; (正式)发给,供给; 出版;发表They issued a joint statement denying the charges.The police have issued an appeal for witnesses. 警方发出了寻找目击证人的呼吁。
春夏时节的大洪山“______ ,______ ”,吸引了无数游客前来观光。
(欧阳修《醉翁亭记》)生活中遇到困难,不要放弃,请相信“______ ,______ ”。
(陆游《游山西村》)“______ ,______ ”,疫情期间,老师们以最大的诚意,最艰苦的付出,谱写了一曲曲感人的奉献之歌。
(李商隐《无题》)“______ ,______ ”,新事物必将取代旧事物,我们只有不断创新,才能紧跟时代步伐。
建市20周年是随州发展史上的一座重要lǐ chéng bēi.二十年来,随州走过了一段波澜壮阔的发展历程。
小题组合短平快15 语用基础5练+文言翻译+散文阅读一、语言文字运用阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。
从车辆到线路,从制动到通信信号,没有技术,就从国外引进消化吸收;( )。
1.依次填入文中横线上的成语,全都恰当的一项是( )A.后发先至养精蓄锐毋庸置疑舍近求远B.后发先至养精蓄锐毋庸讳言舍本逐末C.后来居上厚积薄发毋庸讳言舍近求远D.后来居上厚积薄发毋庸置疑舍本逐末答案:C解析:“后发先至”指的是后出手但是先碰到对方;“后来居上”指后来的超过先前的;根据语境应是“后来居上”。
2.下列在文中括号内补写的语句,最恰当的一项是( )A.外国不愿提供核心技术,就狠下决心奋力攻关B.狠下决心奋力攻关,如果外国不愿提供核心技术C.狠下决心奋力攻关外国不愿提供的核心技术D.外国提供了核心技术,就狠下决心奋力攻关答案:A解析:此处宜与上句“没有技术,就从国外引进消化吸收”句式相似,另外,以“外国”开头照应上句的“国外”,排除B、C;D项与上下文文意不符,所以选A。
麦家理想谷散文随笔(1篇)麦家理想谷散文随笔 1“西溪一日游”不到上午十一点便要集合转到茶山与丝绸博物馆了,可西溪,我们才只游了洪园这边,原计划的水上植物园、湿地博物馆及麦家理想谷都不在其中,于是决定放弃随团的购物行程,临时自由行了。
Hangzhou is a renowned historical and cultural city and a center of business and trade in China. Famous for Bai Juyi, a leading Chinese poet in the Tang Dynasty and Su Dongpo, a popular poet in the Song Dynasty who spent time in Hangzhou, as well as the West Lake and the Grand Canal, Hangzhou has a fascinating history and rich and enchanting cultural heritage. Hangzhou is also an innovative and vibrant city with booming e-commerce. Just click the mouse in Hangzhou, and you connect the whole world. Hangzhou is also a leader in ecological conservation. Its green hills and clear lakes and rivers delight the eye on sunny days and present a special view on rainy days. Hangzhou is imbued with a charm unique to the south of the Yangtze River that has been fostered over many generations.I spent six years working in Zhejiang Province and was personally involved in its development endeavor. So I am familiar with everything here, its land and its people. In China, there are many cities like Hangzhou which have gone through great changes and achieved tremendous development over the decades. Millions of ordinary Chinese families have changed their lives through hard work. When added up, these small changes have become a powerful force driving China’s development and progr ess. What we see here in Hangzhou showcases what has been achieved in the great course of reform and opening-up China has embarked upon. The tidal bore is sweeping up the Qiantang River these few days.As a Chinese poem reads: “The tide riders surf the curr ents, the flags they hold up never get wet.” I, like all of you, look forward to a G20 that will ride the tides in the world economy. I believe that with us working together, the Hangzhou summit will certainly achieve success.“Up in heaven, there is paradise; down on earth, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.”And I said that I trust the Hangzhou Summit will be a unique setting where history is blended with modernity. I am glad you have accepted my invitation and come to Hangzhou. Present here are old and new friends of mine, and we will discuss ways to sustain global growth.Known as “Paradise on Earth”, Hangzhou boasts[1] enchanting landscape and rich cultural heritage. The Top Ten Scenic Spots of the West Lake each have their own unique charm, whether viewed up close or from a distance. Connecting them are the age-old and elegant bridges. The bridges are the very inspiration for the logo of this Summit.The G20 is just like a bridge that brings us together from different parts of the world. It is a bridge of friendship, from here we sow the seeds of friendship across the world to enhance mutual trust and amity, and bring each other ever closer. It is a bridge of cooperation, here, we discuss plans, strengthen coordination and deepen cooperation for win-win outcomes. It is also a bridge leading to the future, from here we will forge ahead like passengers in the same boat, and embrace an even brighter future.Hangzhou has close ties with many of the countries represented here. Let me give you a couple of examples.Over 400 years ago, in 1583, the Italian Matteo Ricci came to China, and in 1599, he noted down a Chinese saying, “Up in Heaven there’s paradise, down on earth there’re Suzhou and Hangzhou.” It is believed that he was the first Westerner to record the sa ying and make it known to the outside world. Again, 400 years ago, the German city of Krefeld started silk trade with Hangzhou. 140 years ago, in June, 1876, Mr. John Leighton Stuart, the former US Ambassador to China, was born here in Hangzhou. He went on to live in China for over 50 years, and was buried in Hangzhou. Over 90 years ago, in April, 1924, the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore visited the West Lake. He liked the lake so much that he wrote many poems about it. One beautiful poem reads, “The hills are shrouded in mist and embraced by the lake at foot, the water is waving gently with the breeze as if asking the hills to move, but the proud hills stand still.” Tagore also said he wanted to buy a lakeside cottage and spend some time there. Over 20 years ago, in October, 1992, the late South African President Nelson Mandela visited Hangzhou. After a tour of the West Lake, he said that he could stay here for his entire life.My Dear Colleagues,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends, The G20 members differ in national conditions and development stages, just in the same way as Hangzhou’s sceneries vary from one another. The world economy has its ups and downs, just like the changing weather at the West Lake. It is never easy to handle complexities, but as long as we rise above the floating clouds and look far, we will enjoy the beautiful view of hills and waters. As long as we accommodate each other and stick together, come rain or shine, we will make steady progress and reach our destination together.Hangzhou i n the autumn, as…we can still feel the lingering heat of summer, we can still see beautiful lotus. An ancient poet once said that we can see a vast swath of lotus on the river. We have started our productive discussions this afternoon, and I’m sure that mu ch can be expected from our meeting tomorrow. We have…we are here by the side of the Qiantang River, the most charming episode about this river is the rising tides in July and August. We should ride the tide of the world economy, set the pace for world development with our wisdom, and write a new chapter for global economic governance.。
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