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ISO 13406-2 ISO testing certificate for LCD displaysQuality, not price, is the main pointEuropeans, and particularly Germans, are generally said to have a strong affinity for standards, guidelines and regulations. At times they even come in for some teasing because of this. But were would the IT industry be without binding guidelines such as, for example, MPR, TCO, ISO TUV etc., regulating quality and ergonomic standards of CRT monitors for years? So far, LCD was the exception to the standardization trend, since technology was persuasive due to their ergonomic, environmentally friendly qualities. In this way they distinguished themselves from CRT monitors. But now, standardization committees have begun to respond to the pressure from industry, which had recognized that reliable parameters for making quality distinctions were in the interests of industry, and began demanding them. As from Spring 2001, when the ISO standard 13406-2 was adapted for LCD, LCD displays are able to obtain a special ISO testing certificate.Viewing angleThe image quality of TFT monitors is not consistently good from every perspective. In general, one can say that the quality is better the more one approach a line of sight that is vertical to the monitor surface. You can evaluate the quality of a TFT monitor, inter alias, from the evenness of its brightness, contrast or color when viewing the screen from a range of various viewing angles. These qualities can vary when viewed from various viewing angles, as they relate to the focal point of view.The ISO 13406-2 standard provides from our classes of viewing angles that represent real-life using situations.Class I -This permits several users to view the entire display area at the same time. This applies both for intended viewing distance (between 40 and 60 cm, depending on the size and resolution of the monitor) and for a viewing angle within an 80 cone without any restriction of visual efficiency. Class II –Permits a single user to view the entire area of the display. This applies for intended viewing distance (between 40 and 60cm, depending on the size and resolution of the monitor) from every position in front of the screen, in such a way that regularity of information (brightness, contrast, colors) is maintained.Class III –Permits a single viewer to view the entire area of the display. This applies for intended viewing distance (between 40 and 60 cm, depending on the size and resolution of the monitor) from one fixed position, in such a way that regularity of information (brightness, contrast, colors) is maintained. Class IV –Permits a single user to view the center of the screen. This applies for intended viewing distance (between 40 and 60cm, depending on the size and resolution of the monitor) from one fixed position, in such a way that regularity of information (brightness, contrast, colors) is maintained.Pixel faultsA 15-inch LCD monitor consists of 1024x 768 pixels, each of which contains three sub pixels. One transistor regulates the color of each sub pixel (one transistor per sub pixel!). If one of thesetransistors fails, the pixel can either appear permanently black or white or display the wrong color. Due to manufacturing issues, errors can arise on the panels (the actual picture elements) of TFT monitors, Depending on what kind of fault is present, and the image can be distorted to a greater or lesser degree. A blinking pixel, for example, is more of an irritant than a constantly illuminated red one. A cluster of defective pixels in a small area is more apparent than if the faults are distributed over the entire panel.Depending on how many defects such as these occur in a panel, one can categorize TFT monitors into four pixel fault classes.No pixel faults –The pixel matrix is regular. There are no gaps or defective pixels.Type I malfunction –A complete pixel is constantly illuminated. The result is a constantly white point.Tolerance per 1 million pixels:Class I: 0Class II: 2Class III: 5Class IV: 50Type II malfunction –A complete pixel is not illuminated at all. The result is a constantly dark point.Tolerance per 1 million pixels:Class I: 0Class II: 2Class III: 15Class IV: 150Type III malfunction –One or two sub pixels (red, green or blue) are permanently switched on or off. This results in a pixel in one of the basic colors (red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow) – here cyan. A blinking pixel can also occur.Tolerance per 1 million pixels:Class I: 0Class II: 5Class III: 50Class IV: 500Fault cluster I –There are several Type I or II malfunctions in a field of 5x5 pixels.Tolerance per 1 million pixels:Class I: 0Class II: 0Class III: 0Class IV: 5Fault cluster II –There are several Type III malfunctions in a 5x5 pixel area.Tolerance per 1 million pixels:Class I: 0Class II: 2Class III: 5Class IV: 50Cluster definition1.Cluster is defined as two or more Type III defects within 5*5 pixel matrix.2.Aim is to minimize number of clusters, when counting defects.3.Individual Type III defects can be double or triple counted, when counting clusters.Luminance and brightness distributionWith LCD monitors, luminance of the screen surface is achieved by backlighting. A thin foil covering the entire display background distributes the light of a number of light elements situated at the edges of the display over the entire display area.Luminance is a measure for the light emitted from the monitor. Because of their backlighting, LCD monitors exhibit luminance of over 200 cd/m2 and thus a greater degree of luminance overall as compared with CRT monitors.Furthermore, the evenness of brightness distribution is important for the quality of image generation. Irregularities can result in particular from improper or imprecise of the LCD monitor also from lower quality lighting systems.Since the human eye perceives colors in relation to their brightness, irregularities in the distribution of brightness will also lead to deficiencies in the display of color.FlickerDepending on the various methods of image generation, LCD monitors offer a score of advantages as versus CRT monitors. Absolutely flicker-free imaging, with a much more precise focal point than is the case with conventional CRT screens, where flicker is unavoidable because the image has to be constantly refreshed. If the refresh or image repeats rate is less than 85 Hertz, the user will see flicker. LCD does not require any picture repeats of this kind: The pixels change only if something changes in the image itself. A typical LCD backlight operates in the 60 kHz frequency band, i.e. up to 1000 times faster than CRT monitors. This prevents any flicker. Due to their technology, LCD monitors do not flicker at lower picture frequencies either. The lower the picture refresh frequency is set on the graphics card, the better the display will be able to digitalize it, and the more stable and detailed the picture will be.Font analysisThe characters must be clear and sharp. There must not be any distracting irregularities as regards the characters and surfaces of equal luminance.Characters must be sufficiently large and have an appropriate character and line pitch. This means:Font matrix must be at least 7 x 9 (with x height) as well as 3 pixels under baseline. Character height of the large characters should be at least 2.9 mm at a viewing distance of 50mm. Character width of the upper case characters should be 70-90% of their height, and should not fall below 50% of the characte4r height. Lower case characters should have at least 70% of the width of upper case characters. The character height should be approximately 70% of that of upper case characters. Even in the low pixel zone, the characters have to be displayed such that there is no danger of mistaking them.ReflectionsThe reflection characteristics of an LCD screen are of particular importance in very bright ambient conditions or in the vicinity of multiple light sources, as acceptable display quality is required here as well. The standard provides for three quality classes:(1)Appropriate for general office conditions without special requirements as to workplacelighting.(2)Appropriate for most office conditions, with few exceptions.(3)Appropriate for office conditions with controlled luminance, i.e. the workstation is subject tospecial lighting requirements.ContrastContrast is the ratio between the individual tones of brightness in the picture. Picture contrast is of crucial importance for the quality of a TFT monitor. This means that –depending on the quality of the monitor and ambient light conditions, the perceptual difference between picture areas which are very dark – even black in the most extreme cases – and very bright ones – even white in the most extreme cases – can be very great or very slight.Monitors with strong contrast, or where the environment is dark, display more levels of brightness between their extremes than do monitors with weak contrast or where there is bright ambient light. In ideal conditions, good monitors achieve contrast of approximately 1:300.ISO standard 13406-2 measures the contrast of a monitor under three different ambient conditions: in absolute darkness, under office conditions and under conditions of daylight.I)Darkroom (<51x)In absolute darkness, display contrast is at its greatest. The values achieved here are, however, not normally applicable in everyday conditions.II)Office conditions (293 lx)Display contrast is already somewhat reduced due to the brighter ambient lighting. This measuring parameter approximates most closely the conditions at a workstation.III)Daylight (>5000 lx)In bright daylight outside, display contrast is strongly reduced. The contrast ratio is only a fraction of that observed in the darkroom. This measurement is largely irrelevant to work inside buildings.ISO 13406 Part 2 –The New Standard for LCD brings Transparency to the Display MarketISO 13406 Part 2, introduced at the beginning of this year, as part of the TUV ergonomic testing, is the answer of the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) to the increased demand for liquid crystal displays. The new standard deals with ergonomic requirements specific to LCD technology. So far, only ISO 9241 Parts 3, 7, and 8 have set standards for visual display terminals, but they were initially developed for Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors and did not take all of the LCD characteristics into account.The key quality issues covered by the new standard ISO 13406 Part 2 are therefore:- Display luminance- Contrast- Color reproduction- Luminance and color uniformity- Font analysis- Flicker- Reflection- Pixel defectsThe above-mentioned properties are evaluated and the results translated into the three categories explained below. These categories are explicitly stated on the ISO certificate issued for the monitor in question.Viewing AnglesOne of the characteristics specific to LCD is the fact that the quality of the displayed image depends on the viewing angle. Apart from the display quality, luminance, color reproduction, and contrast have to be taken into consideration. The ISO 13406 Part 2 standard specifies measurement values for ergonomic design and quality requirements in order to evaluate the performance of an LCD monitor from different viewing angles. Classes from I to IV describe the main use for which a monitor has been designed. For example, a class IV monitor is to be used by a single person sitting right in front of the screen. Class I monitors are designed for a number of people viewing from different angles at the same time.Viewing angle classification provides performance assessment type of applicationClass I: For parallel viewing by several usersClass II: Adequate for 1 user (suitable for general office use)Class III: Limited viewing angleClass IV: Unacceptable for general useReflectionThe reflection class of an LCD tells the customer which monitor is best for which office environment and lighting conditions. The new standard divides the tested monitors into 3 performance classes. Class I stands for devices suitable for general office environments and different lighting conditions. The suitability of class II monitors is restricted. These monitors areonly suitable for most office environments, since strong changes of light intensity might influence the display quality. Class III monitors should only be used in office environments with controllable lighting conditions that is where the lighting conditions are almost constant.Contrast ratio measurements:Dark roomIEC < 5 lx ISO < 3 lxOffice lightHorizontal 500 lx monitor angle 293 lxSunlight> 5000 lxQuotes from TUEV Rheinland:“Contrast ratios of 300:1, 350:1, 400:1 are lies”LCD Monitor manufacturers must specify contrast ratio:“Xxx: 1 in dark room (5 lx), yyy: 1 in standard office environment (293 lx)”Pixel DefectsPixel defects are characteristics of LCD monitors, which are due to technology and production engineering reasons. A 15“ display with the standard resolution of 1024x768 dpi, for example, consists of 2.4 million cells. With such an enormous number it is virtually impossible for each and every cell to function perfectly. There is a high possibility that individual cells are faulty, that is they are constantly turned on or off. The result is constantly bright or dark pixels. By clearly defining pixel defect categories, ISO 13406 Part 2 provides transparency, since it enables customers to compare the product properties guaranteed by the manufacturers. Once a monitor is assigned to a certain pixel defect category, the manufacturer has to make sure that all monitors of the same type meet the corresponding compliance criteria in mass production.Which defect belongs to which pixel defect category is determined according to the number of pixel defects and the quality of the defect (defect type).The following table provides an overview of the different classes and types of pixel defects.A constantly bright pixel (defect type 1) is more irritating to the user than a constantly dark one (defect type 2). The least irritating is a defect sub pixel being just dark or shining either red, green, or blue (defect type 3). The number of pixel defects tolerated by the standard depends on the degreeof the user’s irritation. Therefore, the number of tolerated defects differs with the typ e of defect. See defect category II for an example – defect types 1 and 2 allow for 2 defect pixels per 1 million, but defect type 3 allows for 5.With the displays of the Belinea Future Class, Maxdata is able to offer a full range of ISO 13406 Part 2-compliant devices. Due to this fact, Maxdata is one of the first manufacturers to have their whole LCD portfolio adjusted to the new standard within a very short period of time. All monitors of the Future Class comply at least with pixel defect category II and reflection category I. This is just one more reason for our customers to trust in the renowned Belinea quality.。



日期 Date
设变内容 Design Change
承认 Approval
检具式样书 Patterns of Inspection Equipment
检具式样书 Patterns of Inspection Equipment
检具检验基准 Standards for Gauge Inspection 1.8X X Y Z 1.7Y 2.3Z
检验基准方式: Standard Method for Inspection: 三次元量测 3D Measuring
体积 Volume 检具预定完成日期: Expected Date of Gauge Completion: TK-SQA-QR-[3-4]
底座 Base
支撑架 Support Frame □铁管 Iron pipe □铝管 Aluminium pipe □铝块 Aluminium block □电木 Bakelite □铁块 Iron block □铝块 Aluminium block □ □ □ t : mm □树脂 Resin □石膏 Plaster □铝板 Aluminium plate □铁板 Iron plate □电木 Bakelite □ □ □ □ t : mm
检具式样书 Patterns of Inspection Equipment
客户 Client
件号 Part No. 高田(上海)汽配制造有限公司 Takata (Shanghai) Automotive Component Co., Ltd.
制作依据 Manufacturing Basis □蓝图 Blueprint □CAD DATE □检规 Position gauge □M/M □样件 Sample □ □ □ □



III_D 船检规范 中英文 对照

III_D 船检规范 中英文 对照

Section DSOLAS 规定的设备安全检验Safety Equipment Survey Requirements bySOLAS序号No.分目录Description总页数Total PagesD1一般规定General1D2初次检验Initial Survey32D3 年度检验Annual Survey10D4 定期检验和换证检验Periodical and Renewal Survey3D5 危险品适装检验Survey to Fit for Carriage of Dangerous Goods6一般规定CCS Confidential Rev. 3.0 99101 一般规定1.1安全设备检验是SOLAS公约所要求的,包括救生设备、航行设备、导航设备、灭火设备、惰性气体系统、引航员设备,还包括避碰规则要求的号灯、号型和声响信号设备等各项检验。





换证检验的间隔期为不超过5年,但应根据本须知第五分册Section A3确定换证检验的期限。




V_C 船检规范 中英文 对照

V_C 船检规范 中英文 对照

Section C构造安全证书和检验项目表SAFECON Certificate and Checklists序号No.分目录Description总页数Total PagesC1货船构造安全检验应签发/签署的文件Documents issued/endorsed after Survey for Cargo Ship Safety Construction1C2安全构造证书CSCSAFECON Certificate CSC1C3安全构造初次/换证检验项目表SCcChecklists for SAFECON Initial/ Renewal Survey5C4 安全构造年度/中间检验项目表SCacChecklists for SAFECON Annual/ Intermediate Survey4C5 固体散装货物检验证书CSC和报告BCcCertificate of compliance for the carriage of solid bulk cargoes CSC andchecklists BCc31.1货船构造安全检验后证书和报告的签发各种检验后签发的文件及证书的签署:**仅适用于单独进行构造安全检验时签发,如与船级同时进行检验时不必签发。

1.2货船构造安全证书1.2.1当船舶完成了初次检验、换证检验或换旗检验后,各执行检验单位应根据本分册Section A3的有关规定签发货船构造安全证书。

可在现有证书上按照公约的规定,作完成检验的签署, 具体的规定请见本须知V-A部分。

2.货船构造安全证书的填写2.1一般要求.1船名、呼号、船籍港、总吨位的填写要求参照本须知第四分册Section A2部分。


两个字母表示不适用(Not applicable)。




仅供内部使用和参考读前说明为了方便大家在工程上对国际咨询工程师联合会编写出版的《土木工程施工国际招标合同第一部分-通用条件》(以下简称FIDIC合同条件) 的使用,本人根据中国航空工业出版社出版发行的本条件的应用指南,已将其第四版发行的内容整理成英汉对照的电子版本。






周彦松 2004年8月29日于金边FOREWORD前言 (补充译文)The terms of the Fourth Edition of the Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction have been prepared by the Fédération Internationale desIngénieurs Conseils (FIDIC) and are recommended for general use for the purpose of construction of such works where tenders are invited on an intemational basis. The Conditions, subject to minor modifications, are also suitable for use on domestic contracts.土木工程施工合同条件的第四版已由国际咨询工程师联合会(以下简称为FIDIC)起草完成,并被推荐为以国际性招标为主的同类工程施工的通用条件,如果稍加修改,也适用于国内的招标合同。

部分主机厂 顾客特殊要求清单

部分主机厂 顾客特殊要求清单

根据“供应商 质量控制手册 4.32 过程的监 视和测量”的 要求执行
根据“ 供应商 质量控 制手册 4.8 管 理评审 ”的要 求执行
根据“供应商 质量控制手册 4.36 纠正和预 —— 防措施”的要 求执行
根据“供应商 质量控制手册 4.27 标识和可 —— 追溯性”的要 求执行
根据“ 一汽海 马SOA系 —— 统”的 要求执 行
根据“供应商 支持手册-品质 保证篇 第九章 —— 纠正与预防措 施”的要求执 行
根据“ 长安铃 木计划 及交货 流程说 —— 明手册 (V1.1) ”的要 求执行
根据“供应商 支持手册-品质 保证篇 第八章 进货产品控制 ”的要求执行
根据“供应商 支持手册-品质 保证篇 第八章 —— 进货产品控制 ”的要求执行
东风本田汽车 有限公司
Dongfeng Honda 武汉 Automobile 本田 Co.,Ltd.

Honda 本田汽车(中 本田 Automobile(Chi 国)有限公司 中国 na) Co.,Ltd.

根据“供应商 品质保证手册 4 生产阶段” 的要求执行。
根据“供应商 品质保证手册 4-5-1 工序品 质管理表”的 要求执行。
东风本田发动 机有限公司



NK-QC-C-14-04-28-1DATE: 14.04.28CR: 0 MA: 0.65 MI: 1.0stepsInspectionitems 1.0name of the process 2.1visual 100%MI 2.2gauge 100%MI 2.3滑牙Slidingtoothgauge 100%MI 2.4表面划伤Surface scratch目视visual100%MI2.5检查方法Check the method记号笔 牙规Marker toothgauge100%MI3.0生效日期Effective date4核 对CHECK BYAQL图示说明An illustrative制 作Initiated by WANGYONGPart name:BRKT DECK 文件编号The filenumber5个部位,长度10厘米以上,看上去明显的不允许。

Five parts, morethan 10 centimeters in length, apparently not allowed.(攻牙)工 序 检 验 指 导 书Standard Inspection ProcedureENKANGMetal products co., LTDTight & teeth loose & Rust &deformation 不允许。

(要求冲压操作人员和QC及时对牙孔进行牙规检测)Don't allow. (stamping operator and QC in a timely manner to theteeth with dental gauge test 攻牙,M3 tapping M3规格及说明Specifications and instructions不允许。

(注意供油情况对产品攻牙的影响) Don't allow. (note that the product tapping oil)Part number:HEAT1401400检验方法Inspection methodsInspecti on frequenc ydisadvantages type重点注意事项和出现过的不良现象The key considerationsandBad phenomenon1.QC全检的动作:从产品的上部到下部;从左到右,避免有地方没有检到。


⑵No oversight with packing material

⑶Pass the dropping test


AcceptReject: Approval: Date:

⑵No bur or crack,good surface polishing

⑶No surface shrinkage,bubble or scrape mark


⑴No screw thread loose fit,crash or scrape

⑵No soldering or welding error

⑶Uniform,correct & no undercut error

⑷No oversight with fixture assembly


⑴LED w/o function,INT orpower doesn’t off



东莞市莱刚钢结构有限公司批准:HYM 文件编号:REV: 1 日期:2007/10/13 页码:1/12参考文件:AWS D1.1: 2006, ASTM /E747,ASME SEC.V, ASME B31.3作业指导书(一)Task Steering(第一版1nd edition)编制:审核:批准:执行日期:2007年10月20日东莞市莱刚钢结构有限公司批准:HYM 文件编号:REV: 1 日期:2007/10/13 页码:2/12参考文件:AWS D1.1: 2006, ASTM /E747,ASME SEC.V, ASME B31.31.目的Purpose1.1为使钢结构的部件和焊缝采用X射线检测时其全过程的操作规范化,以便获得合格的透照底片,正确反映产品质量。

Standardize the whole process of X-ray inspecting in order to acquire eligible negative reflecting quality of products correctly.2.适用范围Applied scope2.1本规程适用于钢结构中板厚3~40mm的对接焊缝的射线透照检测。

Thisregulations is applied to radial inspecting of butt weld of 3~40mm thickness steel structure plate.3.引用标准Quoted standards3.1ANSI/AWS D1.1(2006) “Structural welding code-s teel”(钢结构焊接标准)3.2ASTM/E 747(使用金属线透度计控制射线照相检测质量的方法)3.3ASME SEC .V3.4ASME B31.34.实施步骤Procedure of performance4.1人员的要求Requirements of personnel4.1.1从事射线照相检测的人员,必须掌握射线探伤的基础技术,具有足够的部件和焊缝射线探伤经验,并掌握一定的材料,焊接基础知识。



第三版药物警戒美国警示阿奇霉素的潜在致死性心律失常风险2013年3月12日,美国食品药品监督管理局(F D A)发布警示信息,警告阿奇霉素可能导致心脏电活动异常变化,这可能导致潜在致死性心律失常。

风险较高的人群是有已知危险因素的患者,例如已有Q T间期延长、血钾或血镁水平降低、心跳过慢、或使用某些用于治疗心脏节律异常或心律失常药物的患者。

F D A发布的药物安全性消息是基于一项医疗机构开展的研究和另一项生产企业开展的研究的评估结果,这两项研究评估了阿奇霉素引发心脏电活动异常变化的可能性。

F D A在2012年5月17日曾发表一项声明,是关于一项对比使用抗菌药物阿奇霉素、阿莫西林、环丙沙星和左氧氟沙星与未使用抗菌药物的患者发生心血管死亡风险的研究。




F D A建议:对于已经存在心血管事件风险的患者,在考虑治疗选择时,医务人员应考虑阿奇霉素可能发生尖端扭转型心律失常和致死性心律失常的风险。

在选择抗菌药物时,应该结合具体情况分析阿奇霉素的Q T 延长潜在风险,大环内酯类或非大环内酯类抗菌药物(如氟喹诺酮类药物)可替代阿奇霉素,但在选择抗菌药物时,也应考虑这些药物也可能存在Q T 间期延长或其他显著的副作用。

美国禁止可待因用于儿童扁桃体或腺样体切除术后的疼痛治疗2013年2月20日,美国食品药品监督管理局(F D A)发出公告,称目前正在采取新的措施以减少儿童扁桃体或腺样体切除后使用可待因的安全性风险。




gss-13标准物质英文GSS-13 Standard SubstancesIntroduction:GSS-13 standard substances, also known as reference materials, play a crucial role in various scientific fields, including chemistry, biology, and environmental studies. These substances serve as a benchmark for measuring the accuracy and reliability of analytical measurements. This article will explore the significance of GSS-13 standard substances in scientific research and their impact on ensuring the integrity of experimental results.Overview of GSS-13 Standard Substances:GSS-13 standard substances are certified materials extensively used in laboratories worldwide to calibrate instruments, validate analytical methods, and verify the accuracy of measurements. These substances are carefully prepared and characterized to possess known qualities and concentrations, making them ideal for comparing and validating test results.Importance of GSS-13 Standard Substances:1. Ensuring Accuracy: GSS-13 standard substances provide a reference point against which analytical measurements can be compared. By analyzing a known concentration of a substance, researchers can determine the accuracy and precision of their analytical procedures, ensuring reliable and consistent results.2. Method Validation: GSS-13 standard substances serve as a valuable tool for validating analytical methods. Researchers can compare the results obtained from their method to the certified values of the standard substance, ensuring that their method is capable of producing accurate and reproducible results.3. Quality Control: GSS-13 standard substances play a crucial role in quality control procedures. Laboratories can use these substances to monitor the performance of their instruments, ensuring that measurements remain within acceptable limits. Regular use of standard substances helps identify any deviations or inconsistencies in the analytical process, allowing researchers to take corrective actions promptly.4. Interlaboratory Comparisons: GSS-13 standard substances facilitate interlaboratory comparisons, enabling researchers from different institutions to compare their results directly. These comparisons enhance the reliability and reproducibility of analytical measurements, as well as promote collaboration and exchange of knowledge among researchers.Characterization and Certification of GSS-13 Standard Substances:GSS-13 standard substances undergo a rigorous characterization and certification process, ensuring their reliability and traceability. Various techniques, including mass spectrometry, chromatography, and spectroscopy, are employed to determine the identity, purity, and concentration of the substances. Certified reference materials are issued with a detailed certificate, providing information on their composition, preparation, and measurement uncertainty, among other parameters.Usage of GSS-13 Standard Substances:GSS-13 standard substances find applications in a wide range of scientific disciplines. Some common areas where these substances are utilized include:1. Environmental Analysis: GSS-13 standard substances are used to measure and monitor environmental pollutants, such as heavy metals and organic compounds. By comparing the obtained results with certified values, researchers can assess the level of contamination accurately.2. Pharmaceutical Analysis: GSS-13 standard substances are essential in pharmaceutical analysis, where the accurate quantification of active ingredients is critical. Pharmaceutical companies rely on these substances to validate their analytical methods and ensure the quality and safety of their products.3. Food Safety: GSS-13 standard substances are employed in testing food samples to detect the presence of contaminants, allergens, and nutritional components. These substances ensure the accuracy of measurements and enable regulatory compliance in the food industry.Conclusion:GSS-13 standard substances are invaluable tools in scientific research, playing a vital role in ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and traceability of analytical measurements. These substances provide a reference point against which results can be compared, enabling researchers to validate their methods and instruments. By utilizing GSS-13 standard substances, scientists worldwide can achieve consistent and trustworthy experimental results, contributing to advancements in various scientific disciplines.。




POMR (Problem—Oriented Medical Records)表格式住院病历2.Biographical data: 一般项目: Age Sex Marital status Nativity Race姓名年龄性别婚否籍贯民族4。

Occupation Date of admission Informant History职业入院日期病史叙述者病史5.Chief complaint 主诉6。

History of present illness 现病史Past history 既往史:7.Previous health status: well ordinary bad Infectious diseases平素健康状况:良好一般较差传染病史8.Immunizations Allergies:N Y clinical manifestation预防接种史过敏史无有临床表现9.allergen: Trauma: Surgery:过敏原外伤史手术史10.Review of systems: (Tick if positive, cross out if negative. If postive, you should write down your disease history and brief course of diagnose and therapy)系统回顾:(有打√无打×阳性病史应在下面空间内填写发病时间及扼要诊疗经过)11。

Respiratory system: 呼吸系统12.Sore throat chronic cough sputum hemoptysis wheezing咽痛慢性咳嗽咳痰咯血哮喘13。

dyspnea chest pain呼吸困难胸痛14.cadiovascular system:循环系统15.Palpitation dyspnea on exertion hemoptysis syncope 心悸活动后气促咯血晕厥16.edema of lower limbs precordial pain hypertention下肢水肿心前区疼痛高血压Digestive system:消化系统Anorexia sour regurgitation belching nausea vomitting食欲减退反酸嗳气恶心呕吐abdominal distention abdominal pain constipation diarrhea腹胀腹痛便秘腹泻hematemesis melena hematochezia jaundice呕血黑便便血黄疸Urinary system:泌尿系统Lumbago frequent micturition urgent micturition urodynia腰痛尿频尿急尿痛dysuria hematuria nocturia polyuria oliguria facial edema排尿困难血尿夜尿多尿少尿面部水肿Hematopoietic system造血系统Fatigue dizziness blurred vision gingival bleedig乏力头昏牙龈出血subcutaneous hemorrhage ostealgia epistaxis皮下出血骨痛鼻衄Metabolic and endocrine system:代谢及内分泌系统Excessive appetite anorexia sweats cold intolerance食欲亢进食欲减退多汗畏寒polydipsia tremor hands change ofcharacter obvious obesity多饮双手震颤性格改变显著肥胖emaciation hirsutism hair losing pigmentation消瘦多毛毛发脱落色素沉着chang of sexual function amenorrhea性功能改变闭经Musculoskeletal system肌肉骨骼系统Floating arthralgia arthraliga swelling of joints游走性关节痛关节痛关节红肿deformiteies of jionts myalgia atrophy of muscle关节变形肌肉痛肌肉萎缩Nervous system神经系统Dizziness headache vertigo syncope degeneration of memory头昏头痛眩晕晕厥记忆力减退visual disturbance insomnia disturbance of consciousness视力障碍失眠意识障碍tremor spasm paralysis paresthesia颤动抽搐瘫痪感觉异常Personal history:个人史Birthplace Occupation sexual history smoking N Y出生地职业冶游史吸烟无有about years average pieces per day ceased for years约年平均支/日戒烟年alcohol intake N occasional frequent about years嗜酒无偶有经常约为年average ml per day others 平均ml/日其他Marital history:婚姻史:Marrying age companion’s state of health 结婚年龄配偶健康状况Menorrhea and Childbearing:月经及生育史Menarche age cycle lasting for days date of last period初潮每次持续时间末次月经时间(age of menopause)绝经年龄Amount of flow:little normal large menstrual pain: N Y经量少正常多痛经无有cycle:regular irregular pregnancy times natural labor经期规则不规则妊娠次顺产times abortions times premature delivery times胎流产胎早产胎stillbirths times difficult labor and its condition死产胎难产及病情Familly history (pay attention to the congenital diseases and communicable diseases and communicable dieases related to the paitent家族史(注意与患者现病有关的遗传病和传染性疾病)Father:still alive illness died cause of deaths mother:父:健在患病已故死因母still alive illness died cause of death siblings: others: 健在患病已故死因兄弟姐妹子女其他Physical examination体格检查Vital signs生命体征:Temperature体温pulse脉搏/min次/分respiration呼吸/min次/分B.P血压mmHgGeneral Appearance一般状况:Development发育:ortho—sthenic type正常asthenic type不良sthenic type超常nutrition营养:well良好fairly中等poor不良cachexia恶病质Facial features面容:normal无病容acute急性chronic慢性病容others其他Expression表情:natural自知painful痛苦anxious忧虑dreadful恐惧indifferent淡漠Position: active semi-recumbent others体位:自主半卧位其他Gait:normal abnormal步态正常不正常Conciousness:aware somnolence confusion stupor coma神志清楚嗜睡模糊昏睡昏迷delirium coppperatio; well badly谵妄配合检查合作不合作Mucocutaneous color: normal red pale cyaosis stainted皮肤粘膜色泽无病容潮红苍白紫绀yellow pigmentation lesions:N Y (type and distribution)黄染色素沉着皮疹无有(类型及分布)Subcutaneous hemorrhange: N Y(type and distribution)皮下出血无有(类型及分布)Hair:normal reduced edema:N Y (position and degree)头发分布正常减退水肿无有(部位及程度)Hepatic palm:N Y spider angionma:N Y (position numbers )others:肝掌无有蜘蛛痣无有(部位数目) 其他Lymphnodes:淋巴结Superficial lymph nodes: non-swelling swelling(position and characteristics)全身淋巴结肿大无肿大肿大(部位及特征)Head :cranium :size :normal large small deformity:头部头颅大小正常大小畸形N Y(coxycephaly squared skull deforming skull)无有(尖颅方颅变形颅)Others:tenderness mass sunk (position) 其他异常:压痛包块凹陷(部位)Eyes eyelid:normal edema ptosis trichiasis conjunctive :眼睑正常水肿下垂倒睫结膜normal hyperemia edema hemrrhage正常充血水肿出血eye ball: normal proptosis depression tremor眼球正常突出凹陷震颤motion dysfunction(left right)运动障碍Sclera :normal yellow cornea :normalabnormal (left right )巩膜无黄染有黄染角膜正常异常(左右)Pupils: equal roundness same size unequal left cm瞳孔等圆等大不等左cmreaction to light:normal delay (left right)disappear (left right)对光反射正常迟钝(左右)消失(左右)Others:其他Ears: auricle :normal deformity fistula others (left right )耳耳廓正常畸形瘘管其他(左右)excretions of external auditory canal:N Y (left right feature)外耳道分泌物无有(左右性质) Tenderness of mastoid :N Y audation dysfunction:N Y (left right)乳突压痛无有听力粗试障碍无有(左右)Nose:shape : normal: abnormal ( ) other abnormalities:N Y鼻外形正常异常() 其他异常无有Nosalala flap obsruction excretions nasal sinus tenderness:鼻翼扇动鼻塞分泌物鼻旁窦压痛N Y (position )无有(部位)Mouth lips :red syanosis pale herpes fissure mucosa :normal口唇红润发绀苍白疱疹皲裂粘膜正常abnormal (pale petechia)异常(苍白出血点)Opening of parotid gland duct: normal abnormal (swelling腮腺导管开口正常异常(肿胀suppurative excretions)脓性分泌物)Tongue:normal abnormal (coverings tremor leaning to left or right)舌正常异常(舌苔伸舌震颤向左、向右偏斜)Gums:normal swelling pus overflow hemorrhage pigments牙龈正常肿胀溢脓出血色素沉着lead line tooth:regular edentulous carious teeth铅线牙列齐缺牙-|- 龋齿-|—Tonsils: pharynx: voice: normal hoarse扁桃体咽声音正常嘶哑Neck:resistence:N Y carotid artery pulsation: normal increased颈部抵抗感无有颈动脉搏动正常增强decreased (left right) jugular vein:normal distention减弱(左右)颈静脉正常充盈high distention trachea:middle deviation to (left right)怒张气管正中偏移(向左向右)Hepatojugular reflux—)(+) thyroid: normal swelling degree肝颈静脉回流征:(—)(+)甲状腺正常肿大度Symmetry 对称Dominance in one side:spreading nodular:soft hard others :N Y侧为主弥漫性结节性质软质硬其他无有(tenderness tremor bruits)(压痛震颤血管杂音)Chest topography:normal barrel chest pigeon chest funnel chest胸部胸廓正常桶状胸鸡胸漏斗胸flat chest bulging or retraction (left right )扁平胸膨隆或凹陷(左右)bulging in the precordial region tenderness of sternum心前区膨隆胸骨压痛Breast: normal symmetrical abnormal : left right(gynecomastia乳房正常对称异常左右(男乳女化mass tenderness excretions of nipples)包块压痛乳头分泌物)Recorder病史记录者Examiner并使审阅者Date of record记录日期Lung肺Inspection :movement of respiration :normal abnormal : left视诊呼吸运动正常异常左right( increased decreased)右(增强减弱)Intercostal space :normal wide narrow(position)肋间隙正常增宽变窄(部位)Palpation : vocal fremitus:normal abnormal :left right (increased触诊:语颤正常异常左右(增强decreased )pluernal friction rubs:N Y (position)减弱胸膜摩擦感:无有(部位) Subcutaneous crepitus: N Y(posotion)percussion: resonance皮下捻发感无有(部位)叩诊正常清音abnormal dullness flatness hyperresonance tympany异常叩诊音浊音实音过清音鼓音Lower borders:scapular line:right intercostal space, left肺下界肩胛线右肋间左intercostal space Range of mobility:right cm , left cm肋间移动度右cm, 左cm Dusculation: breath regular irregular听诊呼吸规整不规整Breath sound:normal abnormal( feature,position )呼吸音正常异常(性质,部位描写)Rale: N Y :ronchi:sonorous sibilant啰音:无有: 干性鼾音哨笛音Moist rales:coarse medium fine rales crepitus湿性大中小水泡音捻发音Vocal conduction:normal abnormal: reduced increased(position)语音传导正常异常减弱增强(部位) Plueral friction rubs:N Y (position)胸膜摩擦音无有(部位)Heart 心Inspection:bulging in precordial region : N Y apex impulse:视诊心前区隆起无有心尖搏动normal unseen increased diffusing position:normal正常未见增强弥散心尖搏动位置正常deviation ( the distance from midclavicular line cm)移动(距左锁骨中线内外厘米)Other precordial pulsations:N Y (position) 其他部位搏动无有(部位)Palpation:apex impulse:normal increased thrust unclear触诊心尖搏动正常增强抬举感触不清thrills :N Y (position period)percardial friction rubs:N Y震颤无有(部位时期)心包摩擦感无有Percussion:relative cardiac outline:normal shrink extant (right left )叩诊相对浊音界正常缩小扩大(右左) Ausculation: heart rate bpm/min rhythm(regular irregular听诊心率次/分心律(齐不齐)absolutly irrgelar) heart sound:S1 normal increased decreased绝对不齐心音S1 正常增强减弱split S2 normal increased decreased split 分裂S2 正常增强减弱分裂S3 N Y S4 N Y A2 P2S3 无有S4 无有A2 P2Extra heart sound N gallop (diastolic presystotic summalion额外心音无奔马律(舒张期收缩前期重叠gallop)opening snap others murmurs:N Y (degree conduction)开瓣音其他杂音无有(图示并描述传导)Pericardial friction rubs N Y心包摩擦音无有Peripheral vessals:normal pistal shot of big arteries周围血管无异常血管征大血管枪击音Duroziez’s sign water hammer pulse capillary pulsation二重杂音水冲脉毛细血管搏动pulse deficit paradoxical pulse pulsus alternans other脉搏短绌奇脉交替脉其他Abdoman腹部Inspection: shape normal distention frog abdomen( size cm)视诊外形正常膨隆蛙腹(腹围厘米) scaphoid apical abdomen gastral pattern intestinal pattern舟腹尖腹胃型肠型peristalsis abdominal respiration:existance disappear umbilicus:蠕动波腹式呼吸存在消失脐normal protruding excretions others: N Y(venous distention of正常凸出分泌物其他异常无有(腹壁静脉曲张abdoman purple striae surgical scars hernia)条纹手术疤痕疝)Palpation: soft muscle tension position tenderness N Y触诊柔软腹肌紧张部位压痛无有rebound tenderness N Y fluidthtill N Y succussions plash N Y反跳痛无有液波震颤无有振水音无有Mass N Y(position size) discription of feature liver:can’t be 腹部包块无有(部位大小)特征描述肝未触及touched can be touched :subcostal cm under xipfoid process可触及肋下厘米剑突下discription of feature gallbladder:can’t be touched can be touched特征描述胆囊未触及可触及size cm tenderness N Y Murphy’s sign spleen:can’t be 大小厘米压痛无有Murphy征脾未触及touched can be touched distance from costal margin cm可触及肋下厘米Kideny:can't be touched can be touched size consistency肾未触及可触及大小硬度tenderness mobility tenderness of ureters: N Y (position)压痛移动度输尿管压痛点无有(部位)percussion:borders of liver dull(existance shrink obliteration )叩诊肝浊音界(存在缩小消失) Upper borders of liver on right midclavicular line intercostal space 肝上界位于右锁骨中线肋间shifting dullness N Y tenderness in renal region N Y (right left )移动性浊音无有肾区叩痛无有(右左) ausculation : borhorygmus normal increased decreased听诊肠鸣音正常增强减弱disappear gurgling N Y vessal bruits N Y (position)消失气过水声无有血管杂音无有(部位)Genitalia :not examined normal abnormal Rectum and Anus :生殖器未查正常异常肛门直肠not examined normal abnormal未查正常异常Spine and Extremities脊柱四肢Spine :normal deformities (lateral anterior posterior protruding)脊柱正常畸形(侧前后凸)Spinous process :tenderness pain while percussed (position )棘突压痛叩痛(部位)Mobility :normal restricted extremeties:normal abnormal移动度正常受限四肢正常异常deformity swelling of joints joints stiffness 畸形关节红肿关节强直tenderness of muscles atrophy of muscles 肌肉压痛肌肉萎缩Venous distention of lower limbs (position and feature ) acropachy下肢静脉曲张(部位及特征)杵状指Nervus System神经系统Abdominal wall reflex ( normal ) muscle tone (normal )腹壁反射(正常)肌张力(正常)Myodynamia ( degree ) paralysis of limbs N Y (left right肌力(级)肢体瘫痪无有(左右upper lower) biceps reflex left (normal)right (normal)上下)肱二头肌反射左(正常)右(正常) knee jerk left (normal) right( normal) achilles jerk left膝健反射左(正常) 右(正常)跟腱反射左(normal) right (normal )正常右(正常)Hoffmann’s dign left (+)(-)right(+)(—) Hoffmann征左(+)(-) 右(+)(-)Babinski's sign left(+)(—)right(+)(—)Babinski 左(+)(-)右(+)(-)Kernig’s sign left(+)(-)right(+)(-) others Kernig征左(+)(—)右(+)(-)其他Laboratory findings实验室及器械检查结果(The important laboratory examination .X-ray 。

S13 体系审核检查表=8.2.4监视和测量设备=品质部--

S13 体系审核检查表=8.2.4监视和测量设备=品质部--


Vertical staggered position—accord《standard—sj/t 11281-2003》 (b class or c class)

Optics capability inspection
a、最大亮度—符合《标准—sj/t 11281-2003》 5.2.1
There shouldn’t be sundries in the cabinet, such as screws, thrums, iron (aluminum) bits, etc.
E、 屏体内电源线和信号线走线整洁有序、捆扎美观、连接良好无松动,所有螺丝无松动漏打(螺丝不能有滑牙,规格要符合要求),所有电源线端子连接处必须打红胶固定.并且胶不能打在螺牙上
Accord《standard —sj/t 11281-2003》 5.1.1 indoor displayf≥ip31,outdoor display≥ip65
平 整 度—符合《标准—sj/t11281-2003》 (b级或c级)
Level-up —accord《standard —sj/t 11281-2003》 (b class or c class)
f、Temperature adapt—accord《criterion—sj/t 11141-2003》
Whether electricity function can becontrolledremotely or not



测量仪器校正管理程序Calibration and management procedure for measurement instrument1.0 目的Purpose本程序的目的是对检验和测量装置进行控制,确保与其要求的测量能力相一致,保证监视和测量结果的有效性。

The purpose of this procedure is to control inspecting and measuring equipment and make suremeasurement capacity conform to the capacity we require and ensure validity of monitoring and measuring results2.0 范围Scope适用于公司所有检验/验证产品及对工序控制有影响的检验、测量和试验设备。

This procedure can be applied to inspecting , measuring equipment that affects procedure control and used to inspect and validate products3.0 适用文件Applicable documentQAI014 《仪器检定作业指导书》<working instruction for instrument identification>4.0 简称/定义Abbreviation/Definition4.1 检定:由法定计量技术机构确定并证实测量器具是否完全满足规定要求,而做的全部工作。

Identification: All the tasks legal measure technology institution do to identify and validate whether measuring instrument meets stipulated requirements4.2 校准:在规定条件下,为确定测量仪器、测量系统所指示的量值或实物量具、标准物质所代表的量值与测量标准所复现的量值之间关系的一组操作。

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模具构造 Tool structure
捆包单位 Packaging unit
捆包方法 Packaging method

Mark YY
新作文件 First issue
修改履历 Revision information
检 查 频率
Importance Inspection methods Inspection tools (Measuring devices)
判断标准 Inspection criteria
简图 Sketch
批号的形成方式 Lot formation
批号的大小 Size of Lot No. 批号的表示方法 Lot indication
提交单位 Submitted to
零件名称 Part name
图纸编号 Drawing No.
Approved by Reviewed by Checked by
级别 Level
材料(厂商及等级NO.) Materials (Maker name & Grade No.)
I n s p e c t I o n S t a n d a r d s
供应商 Supplier
图纸上项目编 号
Inspection No
Item No. on Drawing
Identification of Special
担当Βιβλιοθήκη Approved by Checked by Prepared by
检查项目 Inspection items
Approved by Prepared by Approved by Checked by