国际防污公约(MARPOL 73/78)附则Ⅵ实施要求
![国际防污公约(MARPOL 73/78)附则Ⅵ实施要求](
禁止任何破坏臭氧层物质的故意排放 。新建
和执行 时船舶 须采取 的措施
造船舶禁止安 装含氟氯碳 化物 (CFCs)(如 :Rll、
MARPOL公约附则 VI“防止船舶造成大 气污 R12、R113、R114、R115等 )、及 卤代 烃 (Halon)(如 :
染规则”适用于 400总 t及 以上的 国际航行船 舶 , HALON1211、1301、2402等)等破 坏臭氧层物质 的
到 目前
国际 防污公 约(MARPOL 73/78)附则 Ⅵ 实施 要求—一 林剑 锋
2 MA )0L公 约 附 则 VI主 要 内容 2.2 破坏 臭 氧层 物 质 (第 12条 )
化物技术规范 )。这些规定 的内容涉及消耗臭氧 至 2020年 1月 1日止 。
一、MARPOL公约附则VI的要求船用柴油机动力装置废气排放中所含的有害污染物质是不容忽视的污染源.美国研究人员的一项调研成果报告指出:航行于各大洋上的以柴油机作为动力的船只每年向大气排放约1000 万吨氮化物和850 万吨硫化物,其对海洋大气造成的污染程度要比人们想象的严重得多.对此,许多发达国家、国际机构已采取立法措施,对柴油机有害排放制定排放标准,以控制并减少其对生态环境的危害. 国际海事组织MEPC第57届会议对MARPOL73/78公约1997年议定书进行了修正,新增了MARPOL73/78附则VI《防止船舶造成大气污染规则》,于1997年9月26日通过,2005年5月19日生效,2006年8月23日起对我国生效。
( 1)新主机。
MEPC通过了关于新主机(根据其安装日期)的更为严格的氮氧化物排放标准修正案:等级I:2000年1月1日后至2011年1月1日前安装于船上的柴油主机,根据已生效的MARPOL附则Ⅵ适用17 g/kWh的标准;等级II:2011年1月1日后建造或装船的柴油主机NOx排放标准减少到14.4 g/kWh;等级III:2016年1月1日以后安装的柴油主机的NOx排放标准为3.4g/kWh。
对1990年1月1日后2000年1月1日前安装的输出功率为5,000 kW,单缸排量为90L及以上的柴油发动机,可以使用17.0 g/kWh的氮氧化物排放标准。
《MARPOL 公约附则V》确立了一套严格的国际规则,保护海洋清洁。
5 我国防止生活污水污染的法律、法规及规范性文件
2 附则IV的相关修订条款
1.关于IMO通过MARPOL附则VI修正案确定北美排放控制区的通告 [J],
2.《73/78防污公约》附则Ⅰ和附则Ⅱ 2004年修正案的生效对策研究 [J], 宋江涛;丰磊;李祎东
效的公告 [J],
4.MARPOL73/78附则Ⅰ和附则Ⅳ2007年修正案生效 [J],
1.定义与适用范围1)定义(1)消耗臭氧层物质系指在应用或解释本附则时有效的1987 年消耗臭氧层物质蒙特利尔议定书中定义的并在该议定书附件中所列的受控制物质;(2)残油系指来自燃油或润滑油分离器的油泥,主机或副机的废弃润滑油,或舱底水分离器、油过滤装置或滴油盘的废油。
(5)SOx排放控制区系指要求对船舶SOx排放采取特殊强制措施以防止、减少和控制SOx 造成大气污染以及随之对陆地和海洋区域造成不利影响的区域。
3.检验与发证1)检验凡400 总吨及以上的船舶以及所有固定式和移动式钻井平台和其他平台,应进行规定的初次检验、定期检验、中间检验,以保证设备和布置完全符合本附则的要求并且处于良好的工作状况。
关于公司实施MARPOL73/78附则VI要求的通知船工一部、安监部、航运部:IMO 的73/78防污染公约(MARPOL73/78)附则VI--《防止船舶造成大气污染规则》将于2005年5月19日生效。
MARPOL附则IV(防止生活污水污染规则)的修订和理解上海国际海事信息与文献网发布时间:2007-03-23 浏览:18571 附则IV的出台及修订背景为防止船舶排放生活污水污染海洋环境,IMO海上环境保护委员会(MEPC,以下简称海环会)于1973年通过了MARPOL 73/78防污公约附则IV(防止船舶生活污水污染规则)以加强对船舶生活污水的管理,减少对海洋环境的污染。
然而,在1973年MARPOL 73/78附则IV通过后到2000年3月13日的IMO海环会44届会议召开时的27年中,仅有占世界商船总吨位的43%的77个国家接受了MARPOL 73/78附则IV,还达不到所要求的生效条件。
为使附则IV尽快被更多的国家接受,同时为了使《国际防止生活污水污染证书》的检验与发证与协调检验发证体系相符,海环会在2000年3月第44次会议上审议了MARPOL 73/78公约附则IV修正案,以MPEC.88(44)大会决议批准,并规定在原附则IV生效后实施。
2002年9月26日,随挪威签署批准加入MARPOL 73/78原附则IV的文件后,已累计有88个国家加入,而且这些国家所拥有的商船总吨位占世界商船总吨位的51%,原附则IV已达到了MARPOL公约第15条(2)规定的生效条件,于2003年9月27日生效,海环会海为此专门在2002年10月1日以PMP(157)号通函形式对外发布了原附则IV的生效通知。
MARPOL73/78公约附则VI浅析全球大气污染主要表现为臭氧层破坏、酸雨腐蚀、细颗粒粉尘增多、气候变暖.船舶中柴油机排烟、制冷剂泄漏和垃圾焚烧等也是大气污染的重要来源之一,其排放的NOx占化石燃料源的15%左右, SOx占人为源的4%~9%,随着运输船舶数量日益增加,其大气污染排放也日趋严重。
为了降低船舶排放对大气造成的污染,IMO制定国际防污公约MARPOL73/78附则VI—“防止船舶大气污染规则”,已于2005年5月19日正式生效.船舶排放对大气造成污染的主要物质包括SOx、NOx、ODS(Ozone Depleting Substance)消耗臭氧层物质和VOC(Volatile Organic Compounds)挥发性有机化合物,以及船上焚烧排放至空气中的有害物质。
1 SOx排放控制为了降低SOx排放, 其一是安装使用经认可的废气滤清系统或任何其它技术方法来保证SOx排放量符合公约要求,其二通过使用符合公约要求的低硫油来达到SOx排放标准,绝大部分船舶都是采用第二种方法。
5%.IMO (International Maritime Organization)的MEPC环保委员会多次召开会议,陆续增加船舶使用低硫油区域,这就是现在我们经常提及的SECA/ECA区域(Sulfur Emission Control Area)。
1%,见下图;2. 在欧盟港口停泊超过2小时不得使用硫含量超过0。
marpol附则 硫氧化物
![marpol附则 硫氧化物](
其中,MARPOL附则 VI规定了船舶燃油和废气排放的相关要求,其中包括控制船舶燃油硫含量的规定。
为了减少船舶对大气和海洋的污染,国际海事组织通过MARPOL附则 VI规定了全球船舶燃油硫含量上限,并推动船舶采用各种措施来实施。
1. 燃油硫含量限制MARPOL附则 VI规定了船舶燃油硫含量的上限。
在Emission Control Areas (ECA)和港口区域,硫含量限制值更为严格。
2. 实施日期MARPOL附则 VI规定了船舶燃油硫含量限制的实施日期。
3. 各方责任与合作MARPOL附则 VI的实施需要船舶所有者、船员、燃料供应商以及港口国家机构的共同努力。
4. 排放控制技术为了符合MARPOL附则 VI的船舶燃油硫含量限制,船舶可以采用多种技术措施,以减少硫氧化物的排放。
《防污公约》附则 VI 和
![《防污公约》附则 VI 和](
与本附则第 4 章有关的非常规推进系指除常规推进以外的推进方式,包括柴
与本附则第 4 章有关的具有破冰能力的货船系指设计为当冰层厚度为 1.0 m
或以上且冰层弯曲强度至少为 500 kPa 时,以至少 2 节航速独立破冰的货船。
在现有第 37 款之后新增第 38 至 43 款如下:
“38 与本附则第 4 章有关的液化天然气运输船系指经建造或改建用于散装运输液 化天然气(LNG)的货船。
与本附则第 4 章有关的豪华邮轮系指无货物甲板且专门设计用于对海上航行
与本附则第 4 章有关的常规推进系指主要以往复式内燃机为原动机并且直接
《防污公约》附则 VI 和 《2008 年氮氧化物技术规则》及实施导则
2013 年版 补遗
2015 年 9 月
自《防污公约》附则 VI 和《2008 年氮氧化物技术规则》及实施导则出版以来,海上 环境保护委员会(环保会)通过了修正《防污公约》附则 VI 和《2008 年氮氧化物技术规则》 及实施导则的一些决议。本补遗按照其通过的年月顺序排印那些已经生效或将在出版下一综合 版本之前生效的修正案。
审议了经修订的附则 VI 和《2008 年氮氧化物技术规则》的修正草案,
按照《1973 年公约》第 16(2)(d)条,通过附则 VI 和《2008 年氮氧化物技术规则》的
修正16(2)(f)(iii)条,决定该修正案将在 2015 年 3 月 1 日视为被接
一、消耗臭氧物质:见P100 二、氮氧化物(NOX):2001年1月1日,130KW以 上柴油机。 三、硫氧化物(SOX):含硫不超一般4.5 控制区 1.5 四、挥发性有机化合物(VOC):蒸气收集系统 五、船上焚烧:P102 六、接收设备:略 七、燃油质量:保存加油记录单,供随时检查。 保存 三年。油样保存至油用完,但不少于12个月。
黑海区域;红海区域;“海湾”区域;北海区域(1989年修正 案确定);南极区域(1990年修正案确定);泛加勒比海区域(1991年修正 案确定)。八个。
排放物 塑料制品 漂浮物质 内河 禁止投入水域 禁止投入水域 沿海 禁止投入水域 距最近陆地 25nmile 以内,禁止投入水域
公约规定: ①未经处理的污水允许在离岸最近距离为12 nmile以上的地方排放。 经过粉碎和消毒处理的污水,允许在离岸最近距离4(新3)nmile以上的地 方排放。以上不论哪一种情况,排放时船的航速不小于4kn。 3mile以内临时储存在集污舱中. ②船舶所设经批准的生活污水处理装置,应正常运转,该装置符合主管 机关的规定,拟排放的生活污水废液在水中不应产生可见的漂浮固体, 也不应使水变色。 ③各缔约国政府应保证在港口和装卸站等设置生活污水接收设备和备有 标准排放接头,以满足到港船舶之需。
MARPOL公约附Байду номын сангаасV中规定:
(1)公告牌使用的文字为船旗国官方文字或英文或法文 。 (2)每艘400 总吨及以上和允许载运15人及以上的船舶,应 制定一份船员必须遵守的“垃圾管理计划”。 (3)“垃圾管理计划”应用(船员工作语言)填写。 (4)每艘400 总吨及以上和允许载运15 人及以上的船舶,应 备有一份“垃圾记录薄”。 (5)垃圾记录薄应记录每次排放和焚烧作业,负责船员应于 当日签署。 (6)记录《垃圾记录薄》可用(英法船旗国)文字,有争议 时以(船旗国 )文字为准。 (7)“垃圾管理计划”须记录的事项有---①指定执行计 划的负责人;②船舶垃圾收集程序;③船舶垃圾加工程序; ④船舶垃圾储存程序;⑤船舶垃圾排放程序;
ANNEX 16RESOLUTION MEPC.132(53)Adopted on 22 July 2005AMENDMENTS TO THE ANNEX OF THE PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO (Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI and the NO x Technical Code)THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE,RECALLING article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (the Committee) conferred upon it by international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution, NOTING article 16 of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as the “1973 Convention”), article VI of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as the “1978 Protocol”) and article 4 of the Protocol of 1997 to amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (herein after referred to as the “1997 Protocol”), which together specify the amendment procedure of the 1997 Protocol and confer upon the appropriate body of the Organization the function of considering and adopting amendments to the 1973 Convention, as modified by the 1978 and 1997 Protocols,NOTING ALSO that, by the 1997 Protocol, Annex VI entitled Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships is added to the 1973 Convention (hereinafter referred to as “Annex VI”),NOTING FURTHER that regulation 2(5) of Annex VI specifies the amendment procedure of the NO x Technical Code,HAVING CONSIDERED the proposed amendments to Annex VI and the NO x Technical Code,1. ADOPTS, in accordance with article 16(2)(d) of the 1973 Convention, the amendments to Annex VI and the NO x Technical Code, the text of which is set out at Annex to the present resolution;2. DETERMINES, in accordance with article 16(2)(f)(iii) of the 1973 Convention, that the amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 22 May 2006, unless prior to that date, not less than one-third of the Parties or Parties the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50 per cent of the gross tonnage of the world’s merchant fleet, have communicated to the Organization their objection to the amendments;ANNEX 16Page 23. INVITES the Parties to note that, in accordance with article 16(2)(g)(ii) of the 1973 Convention, the said amendments shall enter into force on 22 November 2006 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;4. REQUESTS the Secretary-General, in conformity with article 16(2)(e) of the 1973 Convention, to transmit to all Parties to the 1973 Convention, as modified by the 1978 and 1997 Protocols, certified copies of the present resolution and the text of the amendments contained in the Annex;5. REQUESTS FURTHER the Secretary-General to transmit to the Members of the Organization which are not Parties to the 1973 Convention, as modified by the 1978 and 1997 Protocols, copies of the present resolution and its Annex; and6. INVITES Parties to consider the application of the aforesaid amendments to MARPOL Annex VI with regard to the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC) as soon as practicable to ships entitled to fly their flag before the expected date of entry into force of the amendments, and invites other Parties to accept the certificates issued under the HSSC for MARPOL Annex VI.ANNEX 16Page 3ANNEXAMENDMENTS TO MARPOL ANNEX VIAND THE NO x TECHNICAL CODEA. Amendments to MARPOL Annex VIRegulation 21 The following new paragraph (14) is added after existing paragraph (13):“(14) Anniversary date means the day and the month of each year which will correspond to the date of expiry of the International Air Pollution PreventionCertificate.”Regulation 52 The existing title is replaced by the following:“Surveys”3 The existing regulation 5 is replaced by the following:“(1) Every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above and every fixed and floating drilling rig and other platforms shall be subject to the surveys specified below:(a) An initial survey before the ship is put into service or before the certificaterequired under regulation 6 of this Annex is issued for the first time. Thissurvey shall be such as to ensure that the equipment, systems, fittings,arrangements and material fully comply with the applicable requirementsof this Annex;(b) A renewal survey at intervals specified by the Administration, but notexceeding five years, except where regulation 9(2), 9(5), 9(6) or 9(7) ofthis Annex is applicable. The renewal survey shall be such as to ensurethat the equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and material fullycomply with applicable requirements of this Annex;(c) An intermediate survey within three months before or after the secondanniversary date or within three months before or after the thirdanniversary date of the certificate which shall take the place of one of theannual surveys specified in paragraph (1)(d) of this regulation. Theintermediate survey shall be such as to ensure that the equipment andarrangements fully comply with the applicable requirements of this Annexand are in good working order. Such intermediate surveys shall beendorsed on the certificate issued under regulation 6 or 7 of this Annex;ANNEX 16Page 4(d) An annual survey within three months before or after each anniversarydate of the certificate, including a general inspection of the equipment,systems, fittings, arrangements and material referred to in paragraph (1)(a)of this regulation to ensure that they have been maintained in accordancewith paragraph (4) of this regulation and that they remain satisfactory forthe service for which the ship is intended. Such annual surveys shall beendorsed on the certificate issued under regulation 6 or 7 of this Annex;and(e) An additional survey either general or partial, according to thecircumstances, shall be made after a repair resulting from investigationsprescribed in paragraph (4) of this regulation, or whenever any importantrepairs or renewals are made. The survey shall be such as to ensure thatthe necessary repairs or renewals have been effectively made, that thematerial and workmanship of such repairs or renewals are in all respectssatisfactory and that the ship complies in all respects with the requirementsof this Annex.(2) In the case of ships of less than 400 gross tonnage, the Administration mayestablish appropriate measures in order to ensure that the applicable provisions of this Annex are complied with.(3) (a) Surveys of ships as regards the enforcement of the provisions of thisAnnex shall be carried out by officers of the Administration. TheAdministration may, however, entrust the surveys either to surveyorsnominated for the purpose or to organizations recognized by it. Suchorganizations shall comply with the guidelines adopted by theOrganization1.(b) The survey of engines and equipment for compliance with regulation 13of this Annex shall be conducted in accordance with theNO x Technical Code.(c) When a nominated surveyor or recognized organization determines thatthe condition of the equipment does not correspond substantially with theparticulars of the certificate, they shall ensure that corrective action istaken and shall in due course notify the Administration. If such correctiveaction is not taken, the certificate should be withdrawn by theAdministration. If the ship is in a port of another Party, the appropriateauthorities of the port State shall also be notified immediately. When anofficer of the Administration, a nominated surveyor or recognizedorganization has notified the appropriate authorities of the port State, theGovernment of the port State concerned shall give such officer, surveyoror organization any necessary assistance to carry out their obligationsunder this regulation.1Refer to the Guidelines for the authorization of organizations acting on behalf of the Administration, adopted by the Organization by resolution A.739(18), and the Specifications on the survey and certification functions of recognized organizations acting on behalf of the Administration, adopted by the Organization by resolution A.789(19).ANNEX 16Page 5(d) In every case, the Administration concerned shall fully guarantee thecompleteness and efficiency of the survey and shall undertake to ensurethe necessary arrangements to satisfy this obligation.(4) (a) The equipment shall be maintained to conform with the provisions of thisAnnex and no changes shall be made in the equipment, systems, fittings,arrangements, or material covered by the survey, without the expressapproval of the Administration. The direct replacement of such equipmentand fittings with equipment and fittings that conform with the provisionsof this Annex is permitted.(b) Whenever an accident occurs to a ship or a defect is discovered, whichsubstantially affects the efficiency or completeness of its equipmentcovered by this Annex, the master or owner of the ship shall report at theearliest opportunity to the Administration, a nominated surveyor, orrecognized organization responsible for issuing the relevant certificate.” Regulation 64 The existing title is replaced by the following:“Issue or Endorsement of Certificate”5 The existing regulation6 is replaced by the following:“(1) An International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be issued, after an initial or renewal survey in accordance with the provisions of regulation 5 of this Annex, to:(a) any ship of 400 gross tonnage and above engaged in voyages to ports oroffshore terminals under the jurisdiction of other Parties; and(b) platforms and drilling rigs engaged in voyages to waters under thesovereignty or jurisdiction of other Parties to the Protocol of 1997.(2) Ships constructed before the date of entry into force of the Protocol of 1997 shallbe issued with an International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate in accordance with paragraph (1) of this regulation no later than the first scheduled drydocking after entry into force of the Protocol of 1997, but in no case later than three years after entry into force of the Protocol of 1997.(3) Such certificate shall be issued or endorsed either by the Administration or by anyperson or organization duly authorized by it. In every case, the Administration assumes full responsibility for the certificate.”ANNEX 16Page 6Regulation 76 The existing title is replaced by the following:“Issue or Endorsement of a Certificate by another Government”7 The existing regulation 7 is replaced by the following:“(1) The Government of a Party to the Protocol of 1997 may, at the request of the Administration, cause a ship to be surveyed and, if satisfied that the provisions of this Annex are complied with, shall issue or authorize the issuance of an International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate to the ship, and where appropriate, endorse or authorize the endorsement of that certificate on the ship, in accordance with this Annex.(2) A copy of the certificate and a copy of the survey report shall be transmitted assoon as possible to the requesting Administration.(3) A certificate so issued shall contain a statement to the effect that it has been issuedat the request of the Administration and it shall have the same force and receive the same recognition as a certificate issued under regulation 6 of this Annex.(4) No International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be issued to a shipwhich is entitled to fly the flag of a State which is not a Party to the Protocol of 1997.” Regulation 88 The existing regulation 8 is replaced by the following:“The International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be drawn up in a form corresponding to the model given in appendix I to this Annex and shall be at least in English, French or Spanish. If an official language of the issuing country is also used, this shall prevail in case of dispute or discrepancy.”Regulation 99 The existing regulation 9 is replaced by the following:“(1) An International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be issued for a period specified by the Administration, which shall not exceed five years.(2) (a) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (1) of this regulation, whenthe renewal survey is completed within three months before the expirydate of the existing certificate, the new certificate shall be valid from thedate of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five yearsfrom the date of expiry of the existing certificate.(b) When the renewal survey is completed after the expiry date of the existingcertificate, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion ofANNEX 16Page 7 the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date ofexpiry of the existing certificate.(c) When the renewal survey is completed more than three months before theexpiry date of the existing certificate, the new certificate shall be validfrom the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceedingfive years from the date of completion of the renewal survey.(3) If a certificate is issued for a period of less than five years, the Administration may extend the validity of the certificate beyond the expiry date to the maximum period specified in paragraph (1) of this regulation, provided that the surveys referred to in regulations 5(1)(c) and 5(1)(d) of this Annex applicable when a certificate is issued for a period of five years are carried out as appropriate.(4) If a renewal survey has been completed and a new certificate cannot be issued or placed on board the ship before the expiry date of the existing certificate, the person or organization authorized by the Administration may endorse the existing certificate and such a certificate shall be accepted as valid for a further period which shall not exceed five months from the expiry date.(5) If a ship, at the time when a certificate expires, is not in a port in which it is to be surveyed, the Administration may extend the period of validity of the certificate but this extension shall be granted only for the purpose of allowing the ship to complete its voyage to the port in which it is to be surveyed, and then only in cases where it appears proper and reasonable to do so. No certificate shall be extended for a period longer than three months, and a ship to which an extension is granted shall not, on its arrival in the port in which it is to be surveyed, be entitled by virtue of such extension to leave that port without having a new certificate. When the renewal survey is completed, the new certificate shall be valid to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate before the extension was granted.(6) A certificate issued to a ship engaged on short voyages which has not been extended under the foregoing provisions of this regulation may be extended by the Administration for a period of grace of up to one month from the date of expiry stated on it. When the renewal survey is completed, the new certificate shall be valid to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate before the extension was granted.(7) In special circumstances, as determined by the Administration, a new certificate need not be dated from the date of expiry of the existing certificate as required by paragraph (2)(b), (5) or (6) of this regulation. In these special circumstances, the new certificate shall be valid to a date not exceeding five years from the date of completion of the renewal survey.(8) If an annual or intermediate survey is completed before the period specified in regulation 5 of this Annex, then:ANNEX 16Page 8(a) the anniversary date shown on the certificate shall be amended byendorsement to a date which shall not be more than three months later thanthe date on which the survey was completed;(b) the subsequent annual or intermediate survey required by regulation 5 ofthis Annex shall be completed at the intervals prescribed by that regulationusing the new anniversary date;(c) the expiry date may remain unchanged provided one or more annual orintermediate surveys, as appropriate, are carried out so that the maximumintervals between the surveys prescribed by regulation 5 of this Annex arenot exceeded.(9) A certificate issued under regulation 6 or 7 of this Annex shall cease to be valid inany of the following cases:(a) if the relevant surveys are not completed within the periods specifiedunder regulation 5(1) of this Annex;(b) if the certificate is not endorsed in accordance with regulation 5(1)(c)or 5(1)(d) of this Annex;(c) upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another State. A new certificateshall only be issued when the Government issuing the new certificate isfully satisfied that the ship is in compliance with the requirements ofregulation 5(4)(a) of this Annex. In the case of a transfer between Parties,if requested within three months after the transfer has taken place, theGovernment of the Party whose flag the ship was formerly entitled to flyshall, as soon as possible, transmit to the Administration copies of thecertificate carried by the ship before the transfer and, if available, copies ofthe relevant survey reports.”Regulation 1410 The following words are added in regulation 14(3)(a) before the word “and”:“, the North Sea area as defined in regulation 5(1)(f) of Annex V;”ANNEX 16Page 9Appendix I - Form of IAPP Certificate11 The existing Appendix I “Form of IAPP Certificate” is replaced by the following:“INTERNATIONAL AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATEIssued under the provisions of the Protocol of 1997 to amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, and as amended by resolution MEPC.132(53), (hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”) under the authority of the Government of: ............................................................................................................................................................(full designation of the country)by .......................................................................................................................................................(full designation of the competent person or organizationauthorized under the provisions of the Convention)Particulars of ship∗Name of ship ..................................................................................................................................... Distinctive number or letters ............................................................................................................. Port of registry .................................................................................................................................. Gross tonnage .................................................................................................................................... IMO Number+.................................................................................................................................... Type of ship:tanker □ship other than a tanker □∗Alternatively, the particulars of the ship may be placed horizontally in boxes.+ In accordance with IMO ship identification number scheme adopted by the Organization by resolution A.600(15).ANNEX 16Page 10THIS IS TO CERTIFY:1. That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with regulation 5 of Annex VI of theConvention; and2. That the survey shows that the equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and materialfully comply with the applicable requirements of Annex VI of the Convention.Completion date of the survey on which this certificate is based: dd/mm/yyyyThis certificate is valid until ..........................................................................................................†subject to surveys in accordance with regulation 5 of Annex VI of the Convention.Issued at ............................................................................................................................................certificate)of(Placeissueof................................................ ........................................................................ (Date of issue) (Signature of authorized officialissuing the certificate)(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)†Insert the date of expiry as specified by the Administration in accordance with regulation 9(1) of Annex VI of the Convention. The day and the month of this date correspond to the anniversary date as defined in regulation 2(14)of Annex VI of the Convention, unless amended in accordance with regulation 9(8) of Annex VI of theConvention.ENDORSEMENT FOR ANNUAL AND INTERMEDIATE SURVEYSTHIS IS TO CERTIFY that at a survey required by regulation 5 of Annex VI of the Conventionthe ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions of the Convention:Annual survey: Signed .......................................................................(Signature of authorized official)Place ..................................................................................................................................................... Date(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)Annual/Intermediate∗ survey: Signed .......................................................................(Signature of authorized official).......................................................................... Place........................................................................... Date(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)Annual/Intermediate∗ survey: Signed .......................................................................(Signature of authorized official).......................................................................... Place........................................................................... Date(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)Annual survey: Signed .......................................................................(Signature of authorized official).......................................................................... PlaceDate...........................................................................(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)ANNUAL/INTERMEDIATE SURVEY IN ACCORDANCEWITH REGULATION 9(8)(c)THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, at an annual/intermediate∗ survey in accordance with regulation 9(8)(c)of Annex VI of the Convention, the ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions of theConvention:....................................................................... Signed(Signature of authorized official).......................................................................... Place........................................................................... Date(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)ENDORSEMENT TO EXTEND THE CERTIFICATE IF VALIDFOR LESS THAN 5 YEARS WHERE REGULATION 9(3) APPLIESThe ship complies with the relevant provisions of the Convention, and this certificate shall, inaccordance with regulation 9(3) of Annex VI of the Convention, be accepted as validuntil .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Signed(Signature of authorized official).......................................................................... Place........................................................................... Date(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)ENDORSEMENT WHERE THE RENEWAL SURVEY HAS BEENCOMPLETED AND REGULATION 9(4) APPLIESThe ship complies with the relevant provisions of the Convention, and this certificate shall, inaccordance with regulation 9(4) of Annex VI of the Convention, be accepted as validuntil .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Signed(Signature of authorized official).......................................................................... Place........................................................................... Date(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)ENDORSEMENT TO EXTEND THE VALIDITY OF THE CERTIFICATE UNTILREACHING THE PORT OF SURVEY OR FOR A PERIOD OF GRACE WHEREREGULATION 9(5) OR 9(6) APPLIESThis certificate shall, in accordance with regulation 9(5) or 9(6)∗ of Annex VI of the Convention,be accepted as valid until ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Signed(Signature of authorized official).......................................................................... Place........................................................................... Date(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)ENDORSEMENT FOR ADVANCEMENT OF ANNIVERSARY DATEWHERE REGULATION 9(8) APPLIESIn accordance with regulation 9(8) of Annex VI of the Convention, the new anniversary dateis ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Signed(Signature of authorized official).......................................................................... Place........................................................................... Date(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)In accordance with regulation 9(8) of Annex VI of the Convention, the new anniversary dateis ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Signed(Signature of authorized official).......................................................................... Place........................................................................... Date(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)Supplement to International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) CertificateRECORD OF CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT12 Paragraph 2 of the Notes is replaced by the following:“2 The Record shall be at least in English, French or Spanish. If an official language of the issuing country is also used, this shall prevail in case of a dispute ordiscrepancy.”B. Amendment to the NO x Technical Code1 The following words are added at the end of paragraph 5.2.1:“If, for evident technical reasons, it is not possible to comply with this requirement,f a shall be between 0.93 and 1.07.”Appendix 1Form of Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) Certificate Supplement to Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) Certificate RECORD OF CONSTRUCTION, TECHNICAL FILE AND MEANS OF VERIFICATION2 Paragraph 2 of the Notes is replaced by the following:“2 The Record shall be at least in English, French or Spanish. If an official language of the issuing country is also used, this shall prevail in case of a dispute ordiscrepancy.”***。
其中的MARPOL公约附则V(MARPOL Annex V)是针对油污污染的控制标准,主要包含了禁止船上排放废油、废水等有害物质的规定。
当前,MARPOL公约附则V已经得到全球范围内船舶行业的广泛认可,很多国家也通过实施相关法律法规,加强对船舶遵守MARPOL 公约V附则的监督管理。
附录经修正的MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的2009港口国监督指南第一章总则1.1 本文件是要为遵照MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI (下文中,简称附则)实施港口国监督检查提供一个基本指导,为实施检查、缺陷判定和执行控制程序提供一致性。
1.2 MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的条款包含以下需要遵守的规定:.1 400总吨或400总吨以上的所有从事国际航行的船舶需要持有IAPP证书。
附录经修正的MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的2009港口国监督指南第一章总则本文件是要为遵照MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI (下文中,简称附则)实施港口国监督检查提供一个基本指导,为实施检查、缺陷判定和执行控制程序提供一致性。
MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的条款包含以下需要遵守的规定:.1 400总吨或400总吨以上的所有从事国际航行的船舶需要持有IAPP证书。
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MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的2009港口国监督指南MEPC.181(59)决议2009年7月17日通过海洋环境保护委员会,忆及《国际海事组织公约》第38条(a)款有关防止与控制海洋污染的国际公约授予海洋环境保护委员会的职能,并忆及MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI已于2005年5月19日生效,进一步忆及已经通过的MEPC.129(53)决议,即MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的港口国监督指南,注意到经MEPC.176(58)决议通过的经修正的MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI 预计将于2010年7月1日生效,并注意到MARPOL73/78防污公约第5和6章,以及该公约附则VI第10和11条,对于进入港口的外籍船舶,1997年议定书的成员国应履行控制程序,认识到根据经修正的MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的相应条款,需要对针对MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的港口国监督指南进行修正,已经考虑由散装液体和气体分委会第13次会议准备,并由17届船旗国履约分委会审议的经修正的MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的2009港口国监督指南,1.通过经修正的MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的2009港口国监督指南,并以附录的形式公布;2.邀请各缔约国政府,自2010年7月1日起,在依据经修正的MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI进行港口国监督时,应实施经修正后的指南;和3.同意在之后一段时间,将该2009指南纳入经A.882(21)决议修正的A.787(19)决议,即港口国监督程序。
附录经修正的MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的2009港口国监督指南第一章总则1.1 本文件是要为遵照MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI (下文中,简称附则)实施港口国监督检查提供一个基本指导,为实施检查、缺陷判定和执行控制程序提供一致性。
1.2 MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI的条款包含以下需要遵守的规定:.1 400总吨或400总吨以上的所有从事国际航行的船舶需要持有IAPP证书。
对400总吨以下从事国际航行的船舶,主管机关可以制定适当的措施以确保其符合规定;.2 产生臭氧消耗物质(不包括氢-氯氟碳)的新装置,在2005年5月19日之后,禁止使用。
每艘配有产生臭氧消耗物质循环系统的船,要求建立一个臭氧消耗物质记录簿;.3 对氮氧化物的控制,I级排放限制适用于所有2000年1月1日或之后但在2011年1月1日前建造的船舶上所安装的大于130千瓦的船用柴油发动机。
依据附则VI/13.2条,重大更改的船用柴油发动机应按照控制限制的要求取得证书;.4 对硫氧化物和颗粒物质的控制须达到以下两种情况之一:.1 任何船上使用的燃料油的硫含量,依照附则VI/18.2条,要求不能超过以下限制:.1 4.50%m/m ,于2012年1月1日之前;.2 3.50%m/m ,于2012年1月1日或之后;和*依照附则VI/13,作为DD/MM/YYYY,没有区域被划分为排放控制区。
.3 0.50%m/m ,于2020年1月1日或之后,依据附则VI/14.8,14.9,14.10条提出的要求。
然而,当船舶在已有的硫氧化物和颗粒物质排放控制区操作时,船上使用的燃料油的硫含量,要求不能超过如下限制:.1 1.50%m/m ,于2010年1月1日之前;.2 1.00%m/m ,于2010年1月1日或之后;和.3 0.10%m/m, 2015年1月1日之后;或,.2 经批准的等效方法(附则VI/4);.5 仅对那些2000年1月1日或之后安装的焚烧炉,要求必须遵照相关的要求(见附则IV附录),然而,对于可以焚烧的物质的限制适用于所有的焚烧炉;和.6 载运原油的液货船在船上需要持有并实施一份经主管机关批准的挥发性有机化合物(VOC)管理计划。
1.3 经A.882(21)决议修正的,A.787(19)决议通过的《港口国监督指南》第1章(总则),第4章(违反和滞留),第5章(报告要求)和第6章(复检程序),也适用于该指南。
第二章对需持有IAPP证书船舶的检查2.1 初步检验2.1.1 通过登轮和向船长或船上负责的高级船员进行介绍,港口国检查官应该检验下述文件,如适用:.1 《国际防止空气污染证书》(IAPP证书)(附则VI/6),及其补充证书*;.2 每一适用的船用柴油发动机的《发动机国际防止空气污染证书》(EIAPP 证书)(NO技术规则2.2段)及其补充证书;x技术规则2.3.4段);.3 每台适用的船用柴油发动机的技术文件(NOx.4 每台适用的船用柴油发动机,其用来证明氮氧化物符合要求的支持方法;技术规则6.2.2.7), .1 每台船用柴油发动机的发动机仪表的记录簿(NOx通过船用柴油发动机仪表参数检测的方式证明其符合附则VI/13要*依据MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI/6.2,对于MARPOL73/78防污公约附则VI生效前建造的船舶,应不迟于该附则生效后的第一个计划坞修,但在任何情况下不迟于其生效后三年,取得《国际防止空气污染证书》。
求;或.2 有关简易测量方法的文件;或.3 有关直接测量和监控方法的文件;.5 经批准的方法文件(the Approved Method File)(附则VI/13.7);.6 在使用分离燃油以满足要求的地方燃油更换的各项操作的书面程序(附则VI/14.6);.7 用以减少硫氧化物排放的,有关所有已安装的废气清洁系统,或等效方式,的批准文件(附则VI/4);.8 燃料装舱单及相应的样品或记录(附则VI/18);.9 2000年1月1日或之后安装的船上焚烧炉的型式认可证书的副本,(对功率达到1500千瓦的焚烧炉)(MEPC.76(40)和MEPC.93(45));.10 臭氧消耗物质记录簿(附则VI /12.6);.11 挥发性有机化合物(VOC)管理计划(附则VI/15.6);和.12 船长或负责燃油装舱作业的高级船员出具给船旗国主管机关的所有声明和所有适用的与不符合规定的与燃油供应有关的商业文件。
2.1.2 作为初步检查,须确认IAPP证书的有效性,查验证书已经得到正确完成和签署,并且所需的检验已经得到执行。
2.1.3 通过检查IAPP的补充证书,港口国监督检查官可以获知船舶为防止空气污染是如何配备的。
2.1.4 如果证书和文件是有效和适当的,并且港口国监督检查官对船舶的总体印象和直观观察使其确认船舶具有好的保养水平,港口国监督检查官应总体上限制报告缺陷的检查范围,如果存在。
2.1.5 如果燃料装舱单或按附则VI/18要求应提供给船上的代表性样品没有遵照相关的要求,船长或负责装舱作业的高级船员应已经对其以“声明”的形式记录在案,该声明应提交给船旗国主管机关,并将副本提交给在其管辖下船舶没有收到用于追溯供油作业和燃料供应商的所需文件的港口国当局。
2.1.6 然而,如果港口国监督检查官对船舶的总体的印象或观察有基于明显的理由(见2.1.7段)使其相信船舶的状况或其设备与证书或文件的内容有实质性的不符,港口国监督检查官应进行更为详细的检查。
2.1.7 进行更为详细检查的“基于明显的理由”包括:.1 附则所要求的证书不全或明显失效;.2 附则所要求的文件不全或明显失效;.3 缺少证书或文件中所列明的主要设备和布置;.4 出现证书或文件中没有列明的设备或布置;.5 从港口国监督检查官的总体印象或观察中得出的证据,证明证书或文件中所描述的设备或布置存在严重缺陷;.6 有信息或证据表明船长或船员对与防止空气污染的有关船上基本操作不熟悉,或者这些操作没有得到实施;.7 有证据表明已交付和在船上使用的燃油的质量明显低于标准;或.8 收到包含该船舶明显低于标准的报告或投诉。
2.2 更为详细的检查2.2.1 港口国监督检察官应该核实:.1 对含有臭氧消耗物质的设备,船舶有经有效执行的维护程序。
.2 不存在对臭氧消耗物质的有意排放。
2.2.2 为了核实每台安装的输出功率超过130千瓦的船用柴油发动机是经主管机技术规则批准的,并得以正常维护,港口国监督检察官应特别注意以下关按照NOx几点:.1 检查船用柴油发动机与《国际防止空气污染证书》及其补充证书、技术文件和,如适用,发动机参数记录簿或船上监测手册及相关数据的一致性。
.2 检查技术文件中所说明的船用柴油发动机,以证实没有对其进行未经许可的可能会影响氮氧化物排放的改动。
.4 如果船舶是2000年1月1日之前建造,要核实附则Ⅵ/13中规定的,进行过重大更改的船用柴油发动机经过主管机关的批准。
.5 仅供紧急情况下使用的应急船用柴油发动机仍然用于此目的。
2.2.3 根据本附则附录Ⅳ,港口国监督检察官应核实船上的燃油质量是否符合Ⅵ/14和Ⅵ/18条*的规定。
2.2.5 如果船舶是运载原油的液货船,港口国监督检察官应核实船上具有经批准的挥发性有机化合物(VOC)管理计划。