历年俄语专业四级考试口语表述及作文1998Мой другНезабываемыйслучайвмоейжизни2001РасскажитеовашихувлеченияхРусскийязыки я2002Каквы проводитеканикулыПеременывнашейжизни2003Мой деньвинституте Моямечта2004Нашпреподавательрусскогоязыка Письмодругу(邀请朋友五一做客、介绍你所在城市、节日计划、如何抵达你的学校 )2005 Mой любимыйпраздникЭкскурсиязагород2006Первыеднимоейстуденческойжизни2007 看图作文: 3 个图片。
图 1 画了莫斯科火车上一个女的要坐火车走,火车上注明是从莫斯科到圣彼得堡的火车,有两个男的和她道别。
图 2 是女的在火车里看书。
图 3 是到了圣彼得堡站下大雨了,一个女的去接她,并给她送花。
2008 看图作文: 3 个图片。
图 1 是一个女的被邀请到一个男的家做客。
图 2 是女的做饭,男的端饭。
图 3 是四个人一同吃饭。
2009Какя провожусвободноевремя2010 看图作文: 4 个图片。
图 1 是一个车上印有“迁居企业”的字样。
图 2 是一个房屋的平面图。
图 3 是房屋的立体图,有床、电视、柜子、桌子、窗户、照片等。
图 4 是五个人一同在餐桌上举杯庆贺乔迁之喜。
2011 看图作文: 3 个图片。
图 1 是一个人躺在床上。
图 3 是一男一女来病床前看病人。
2012 На работу看图作文:4 个图片。
图1 是在马路上有四种交通方式:步行、自行车、公交车和小轿车。
图 2 是小轿车和公交车在等红灯时,骑自行车的人和坐公交车的人打招呼。
俄语专业四级-13(总分:200.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、ДИКТАНТ(总题数:1,分数:10.00)1.__________________________________________________________________________________________ [听力原文]二、АУДИРОВАНИЕ (总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Диалог (总题数:1,分数:6.00)(分数:6.00)(1).A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.[听力原文](2).A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.[听力原文](3).A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.[听力原文]四、Текст 1 (总题数:1,分数:8.00) (分数:8.00)(1).A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.[听力原文](2).A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D. √[听力原文](3).A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.[听力原文](4).A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.[听力原文]五、Текст 2 (总题数:1,分数:6.00) (分数:6.00)(1).A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.[听力原文](2).A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.[听力原文](3).A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.[听力原文]六、ЗНАНИЯПОРУССКОМУЯЗЫКУ (总题数:0,分数:0.00)七、ГРАММАТИКА(总题数:70,分数:35.00)A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √八、ЛЕКСИКА(总题数:20,分数:20.00)A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.九、СТРАНОВЕДЕНИЕ(总题数:5,分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.A.1812B.1825 √C.1905D.1917A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.十、РЕЧЕВОЙЭТИКЕТ(总题数:5,分数:10.00)A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.十一、ЧТЕНИЕ (总题数:0,分数:0.00) 十二、Текст 1 (总题数:1,分数:4.00)4.00)A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.十三、Текст 2 (总题数:1,分数:6.00)6.00)A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D. √A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.十四、Текст 3 (总题数:1,分数:4.00)4.00)A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.十五、Текст 4 (总题数:1,分数:6.00)6.00)A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.十六、ВСТАВКА (总题数:1,分数:10.00)(1).A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √(2).A.B.C.D.A.B. √C.D.(3).A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.(4).A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.(5).A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √(6).A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.(7).A.B.C.D.A.B.C. √D.(8).A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.(9).A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.(10).A.B.C.D.A. √B.C.D.十七、ГОВОРЕНИЕ (总题数:1,分数:40.00)(分数:40.00)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________十八、СОЧИНЕНИЕ(总题数:1,分数:30.00)(分数:30.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 略。
2003年专四口语考试真题Task I: Listen to the recorded passage twice and then retell it.Just as Jane was joyfully expecting her first child, her active, energetic mother began losing her battle with a brain disease. For ten years, the fiercely independent and courageous moth er had fought, but none of the surgeries or treatments had been successful. At only fifty-five, she becametotally disabled-unable to speak, walk, eat or dress on her own.As the mother grew closer and closer to death, the baby grew closer and closer to life. Jane was afraid that her mother and her baby would never know each other. Her fear seemed we ll-founded. A few weeks before her due date, her mother lapsed into a deep coma. The docto rs did not hold any hope. It was useless to put in a feeding tube, they said, for Mother woul d never awaken. So Jane brought Mother to her own bed in her own house. As often as she could, she sat beside her mother, talking about the baby moving inside her.On February 3, 1989, at about the same time Jane began to feel birth pains, Mother opened her eyes. Jane called home."Mom, listen. My baby is coming! You're going to have a new grandchild. Do you und erstand?""Yes," Mother answered.What a wonderful word! The first clear word she'd spoken in months.By the time Jane brought her son home, her mother was sitting in her chair, dressed and rea dy to welcome the baby. For two weeks, Mother clucked, smiled and held the new-born baby. Then she quietly became unconscious and, after visits from all her children, was f inally free of the pain.For Jane, memories of her son's birth will always be bittersweet, but it was at this time that she learned an important truth about living. While both joy and sorrow pass quickly, an d often come together at the same time, love has the power to overcome both. And love ca n last forever. (317 words)Task II: Talk based on a given topic.Tell a story that illustrates the need for love.Task III: Carry out a conversation with your partner based on a given situation.Student A: You will be traveling later this week and you are wondering about the advantage s and safety of flying. Recent news reports of air crashes have made you nervous and you ca nnot decide if it is safe to travel by airplane. You turn to your friend for advice about whethe r you should go by air or by train. He/She tried to persuade you to take a flight by listing so me advantages. Eventually, you refuse to accept his/her opinion and make your own decisio n.Student B: One of your friends is taking a trip later this week and he/she is undecided about whether to travel by air or by train. Not knowing what to do, your friend comes to you for a dvice. You try to persuade your friend to take a flight in spite of reports of air crashes. Event ually, you fail to convince him/her and your friend buys a train ticket instead.。
俄语系04级英语阅读试题(A)Ⅰ. 单项选择题(每题1分,共30分)writer went to the theatre. He was ___ the theatre.A. toB. atC. intoD. on2.The young man and young woman were sitting behind him.He was sitting ___ them.A. beforeB. aboveC. ahead ofD. in front of3.___ did the writer feel? Angry.A. WhereB. WhyC. HowD. When4.He looked at the man and the woman angrily. He looked at___ angrily.A. themB. theyC. theirD. us5.The young man and the young woman paid ___ attention tothe writer.A. noneB. anyC. not anyD. no6.He had a good seat. He was sitting in a good ___ .A. chairB. placeC. armchairD.class7.He was a young man. He wasn’t very ___.A. oldB. bigC. tallD. large8.The writer looked at the man and the young man angrily.He was very ___.A. sadB. unhappyC. crossD. pleased9.The writer could not bear it. He could not ___ it.A. carryB. sufferC. standD. lift10.The young man spoke rudely. He wasn’t very ___.A. cleverB. rudeC. politeD. kind11.He sometimes ___ in bed until lunchtime.A. stayB. is stayingC. staysD. staying12.He stayed in bed until lunchtime. He went ___ bed latelast night.A. inB. intoC. toD. at13.He doesn’t get up early on Sundays. He gets up ___.A. lateB. latelyC. slowlyD. hardly14.____ did Aunt Lucy come? By train.A. WhenB. HowC. WhyD. Where15.The writer can’t see Aunt Lucy ___. He’s havingbreakfast.A. stillB. nowC. oftenD. always16.He ___ out of the window and saw that it was raining.A. lookedB. sawC. remarkedD. watched17.Just then, the telephone rang. It rang ___.A. at onceB. immediatelyC. againD. at thatmoment18.She was his aunt, so he was her ___.A. sonB. grandsonC. nephew C. niece19.Breakfast is the first ___ of the day.A. foodB. dinnerC. lunchD. meal20.Aunt Lucy said, ‘Dear me,’ because she was ___.A. angryB. surprisedC. tiredD. pleasedst summer he went to Italy. He was ___ Italy lastsummer.A. atB. toC. inD. on22.____ him a few words of Italian? The waiter.A. Who taughtB. Who did teachC. What did he teachD. Whom did he teach23.He was a friendly waiter. He spoke to the writer ___.A. friendB. as friendsC. like friendsD. ina friendly way24.The writer ___ a few lines, but he didn’t understand aword.A. readsB. readC. redD.reading25.He spent the whole day in his room. He was in his room___ day.A. the holeB. the allC. allD. all of26.A waiter usually works in a ___.A. public gardenB. shopC. restaurantD.private house27. The waiter lent him a book. He ___ a book from the waiter.A. lentB. borrowedC. tookD. stole28.On the last day he made a big decision. It was the ___ day of his holiday.A. finalB. endC. latestD.bottom29.He made a big decision. He ______.A.thought about itB. made up his mindC. changed his mindD. made a wish30. He didn’t write a single card. So he ______.A. wrote only oneB. didn’t write even oneC. wrote just oneD. wrote all the cards except oneⅡ.改写下列句子,用what 来引导下列感叹句 (每题2分,共1. This is a wonderful garden!2. This is a surprise!3. He is causing a lot of trouble!4. They are wonderful actors!5.She is a hard-working woman!Ⅲ.将下列动词分别变为过去式和过去分词形式(每空1分,共动词原形过去式过去分词1. go ________ ________2. sit ________ ________3. teach ________ ________4. lend ________ ________5. make ________ ________6. get ________ ________7. buy ________ ________ 8.spend ________ ________9. write ________ ________10. take ________ ________2分,共20分)1.He paid the shopkeeper some money.2.He handed me the prize.3.The writer brought a bottle of beer to the man. 4.He sold all his books to me.5.The shop assistant found some curtain material for me. 6.He did me a big favour.7.She showed her husband her new hat.8.She promised a reward to the finder.9.He gave his son some advice.10.His uncle left him some money.2分,共20分)Passage onePostcards always spoil my holiday. Last summer, I want to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!1.The writer ____________.A. doesn’t like buying postcards.B. doesn’t like receiving postcardsC. doesn’t like writing postcards.D. doesn’t like postcards2.What was the writer’s ‘big decision’?A.He decided to write postcards to his friends.B.He decided to spend the whole day in his room.C.He decided to buy a lot of postcards.D.He decided not to write a single card.3.Where did he spend his holidays last summer?A.ItalyB.AmericaC.SpainD.Japan4.What did he think about everyday?A.his friendsB.his wifeC.the waiterD.postcards5.How many cards did he buy on the last day?A.thirty-fiveB.thirty-sixC.thirty-sevenD.thirty-eightPassage twoI have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.1.Only one of these statements is true. Which one?A.The writer has been in Australia for six months.B.Tim is a mechanic and he’s working in Australia.C.Tim is working for an Austrian firm.D.Tim is working for a big firm as an engineer.2.Only one of these statements is true. Which one?A.Tim has been in Darwin for six months.B.It’s the first time Tim has ever been to anothercountry.C.Perth is in the centre of Australia.D.Tim’s brother has never been abroad before.3.What has the writer just received from his brother, Tim?A. a letterB. a presentC. a cardD. a book4.What does Tim do?A. a mechanicB. a doctorC. a teacherD.an engineer5.How long has Tim been in Australia?A.five monthsB.six monthsC.five yearsD.six years。
听力TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2003)—GRADE FOUR—PART ⅢLISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A STATEMENT1. You must relax. Don't work too hard. And do watch your drinking and smoking.2. We hadn't quite expected the committee to agree to rebuild the hospital, so we were taken aback when we got to know that it was finally agreed.3. The coach leaves the station every 20 minutes. It's 9:15 now, and you have to wait for 5 minutes for the next one.4. Perhaps Jane shouldn't have got married in the first place. No one knows what she might be doing now, but not washing up, that's for sure.5. I happen to be working on a similar project at the moment. I'm only too pleased to help you.6. The man arrived for the ceremony with patched jackets and faded jeans that the average person would save for mowing the lawn in his garden at the weekend.7. Mark, here you are! This is the last place in the world I would expect to find you.SECTION B CONVERSATION8. A: I couldn't stand this morning. My right leg went stiff.B: I'm afraid it's probably a side effect from the drugs I put you on.9. A: How did your writing go this morning? Is the book coming along all right?B: I'm not sure. I think the rest of it will be difficult to write.10. A: Is there anything you can do to make a cold go away more quickly?B: No, there isn't. And a cold isn't really serious enough for a visit to your doctor.11. A: Look what I have got here.B: Oh, so you did go to that bookstore?12. A: Excuse me, has there been an emergency?B: No, sir. There is just a storm, so the plane would leave a little later this afternoon.13. A: I wish I hadn't heard Linda's feelings like that yesterday. You know I never meant to.B: The great thing about Linda is that she doesn't hold any grudges. By tomorrow, she will have forgotten all about it.14. A: My grade is not bad but not good enough. I know I didn't study at all this semester.Now I have to work very hard next semester to keep my scholarship.B: I'll see you in the library, then.15. A: I'll wear this blue jacket for the evening. I like the color on me. Don't you think?B: I think it looks terrific on you. Really.16. A: Do you know that Sam turned down that job offer by a travel agency?B: Yes. The hours were convenient, but if he accepted it, he would not have been able to make his ends meet.17. A: At the rate it is being used, the printer is not going to make it through the rest of the year.B: The year? It's supposed to be good for four!SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTNews Item One (18—19)The UN resolution calls for greater international intelligence and non-enforcement cooperation. And it requires states to change their banking laws in order to police the global network of terrorism financiers. It makes providing funds for terrorist activities a criminal offense and would freeze the bank accounts of those whosponsored terrorism.News Item Two (20—21)A police spokesman said the devices were made safe by explosive experts in the Aldon district where a woman was shot at the leg and 13 police officers were injured during a second successive night of violence. Northern Ireland police chief had earlier called on community leaders to work together to end the violence. The violence has rubbed sporadically through the summer of subterraneous tension in northern Belfast.News Item Three (22)Airlines are being hit with huge increases to ensure their planes after the terrorist attacks in the United States. Go-Shocking Insurance Holdings which insures aircraft around the world said rates have soared as much as tenfold since the 9.11 terrorist attack. Airlines around the world have cut services and dismissed staff as their business had plunged in the week of crisis. They are also struggling with increased security costs.News Item Four (23—24)A Pakistani lawyer said the resumption of the trial of 8 foreign aid workers accused of preaching Christianity in Afghanistan has been put off until Sunday. He admitted earlier Saturday with the aid workers, 2 Americans, 2 Australians and 4 Germans. They insisted they were in Afghanistan to help the poor, not to convert them. The penalty for these captured aid workers could range from deportation to a jail term or death sentence. News Item Four (25)On the 20th anniversary of the first official report on AIDS, the head of the United Nations AIDS Program warns the deadly disease may only be at its early stages in many parts of the world. Dr. Peal said the disease has already reached staggering proportions since first being identified in 1981. 58,000,000 people worldwide have contracted HIV virus which causes AIDS, while 22,000,000 have died from related illnesses. The UN estimates the world HIV positive population at 36,000,000, including 25,000,000 in sub-Sahara in Africa. International officials warn the disease would have disastrous political, social and economical consequences in many developing countries.听力完TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2003)—GRADE FOUR—TIME LIMIT: 140MIN PART ⅠWRITING [45 MIN] SECTION A COMPOSITION [35 MIN] People in modern society live under a lot of pressure, from education, career, or family. So it is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances.Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE a composition of about 150 words on the following topic:THE IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING A GOOD MOODYou are to write in three parts.In the first part, ,state specifically what your view is.In the second part, support your view with one or two reasons.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING [10 MIN] Write a note of about 50 -- 60 words based on the following situation:Your friend Clare has invited you to her house-warming party this weekend. However, you will be away then.Write her a note politely declining her invitation and expressing your best wishes to her.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.答案SECTION A COMPOSITION【写作要点】1.全文要求分三个部分,因此,我们可以写三段。
2003年英语专业四级考试试题答案与详解听力原文PART ⅡDICTATIONSalmonEvery year, millions of salmon swim from the ocean into the mouths of rivers and then steadily up the rivers. Passing through waters, around rocks and waterfalls, the fish finally reach their original streams or lakes. They dig out nests in the riverbed and lay their eggs. Then, exhausted by their journey, the parent salmon die. They have finished the task that nature has given them. Months, or years later, the young fish start their trip to the ocean. They live in the salt water from 2-7 years, until they, too are ready to swim back to reproduce. Their life cycle helps man provide himself with a basic food-fish. When the adult salmon gather at the river mouths for the annual trip up the rivers, they are in the best possible condition, and nearly every harbor has its salmon fishing fleet ready to catch thousands for markets.Now, you have two minutes to check through your work.PART ⅢLISTENING COMPREHENSIONIn sections A, B and C, you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.SECTION A STA TEMENTIn this section, you will hear seven statements. At the end of each statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.1. You must relax. Don’t work too hard. And do watch your drinking and smoking.2.We hadn’t quite expected the committee to agree to rebuild the hospital, so we were taken aback when we got to know that it had finally agreed.3.The coach leaves the station every 20 minutes. It’s 9:15now, and you have to wait for five minutes for the next one.4.Perhaps Jane shouldn’t have got married in the first place. No one knows what she might have been doing now, but not washing up. That’s for sure!5.I happen to be working on a similar project at the moment. I am only too pleased to help you.6.The man arrived for the ceremony with patched jackets and faded jeans that the average person would save for mowing the lawn in his garden at the weekend.7.Mark! Here you are! This is the last place in the world I would have expected to find you.SECTION B CONVERSA TIONIn this section you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.8. W: I couldn’t stand this morning. My right leg went stiff.M: I’m afraid it’s probably a side-effect from the drugs I put you on.9. W: How did your writing go this morning? Is the book coming along alright?M: I’m not sure. I think the rest of it will be difficult to write.10. W: Is there anything you can do to make the cold go away more quickly?M: No, there isn’t. And a cold isn’t really serious enough for a visit to a doctor.11. W:Look! What have I got here!M: Oh. So you did go to that bookstore!12. M: Excuse me. Has there been an emergency?W: Oh, no sir. There’s just a storm, so the plane will leave a little later this afternoon.13. W: I wish I hadn’t hurt Linda’s feeling like that yesterday. You know I never meant to.M: The great thing about Linda is that she doesn’t hold any grudges. By tomorrow she’ll have forgotten all about it.14. M: My grades are not bad, but not good enough. I know I didn’t study at all this semester. Now I have to work very hard next semester to keep my scholarship.W:I’ll see you in the library, then.15. W: I’ll wear this blue jacket for the evening. I like the color on me, don’t you think?M:I think it looks terrific on you-really!16. W: Do you know that Sam turned down that job offer by a travel agency?M: Yeah. The hours were convenient, but had he accepted it, he wouldn’t have been able to make ends meet.17. W: At the rate it is being used, the printer is not going to make it through the rest of the year.M: The year? It is supposed to be good for four!SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestions 18 and 19 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.The U.N resolution calls for greater international intelligence and law enforcement cooperation. And it requires states to change their banking laws in order to police the global network of terrorisms financiers. It makes providing funds for terror activities a criminal offence and would freeze bank accounts of those who sponsor terrorism.Questions 20 and 21 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.A police spokesman said the devices were made safe by explosive experts in the Ardorn district, where a woman was shot in the leg and 13 police officers were injured during a second successive night of viol ence. Northern Ireland’s police chief had earl ier called on community leaders to work together to end the violence. The violence has erupted sporadically throughout a summer of Sectarian tension in northern Belfast.Question 22 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.Airlines are being hit with huge increases to ensure their planes after the terrorist attacks in the United States. Goshork Insurance Holdings, which ensures aircraft around the world, said rates had soared as much as 10 fold since the September 11th terror attacks. Airlines around theworld have cut services and dismissed staff as their business has plunged in the wake of the crisis. They are also struggling with increased security costs.Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.A Pakistani lawyer said the resumption of the trial of eight foreign aid workers accused of preaching Christianity in Afghanistan has been put off until Sunday. He had met earlier Saturday with the aid workers, 2 Americans, 2 Australians, and 4 Germans. They insist they were in Afghanistan to help the poor, not to convert them. The penalty for these captured aid workers could range from expulsion to a jail term and death sentence.Question 25 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.On the 20th anniversary of the first official report on AIDS, the head of the United Nations AIDS program warns that the deadly disease may only be at its early stages in many parts of the world. Dr. Piu said the disease has already reached staggering proportions since first being identified in 1981. 58 million people worldwide have contracted the HIV virus, which causes AIDS, while 22 million have died from related illnesses. The UN estimates the world’s HIV positive population at 36 million, including 25 million in sub-Saharan Africa.International officials warn the disease will have disastrous political, social, and economic consequences in many developing countries.This is the end of listening comprehension.答案与详解PART ⅠWRITINGSECTION A COMPOSITIONTHE IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING A GOOD MOOD People in modern society live under a lot of pressure. I see three kinds of pressure working on people today: pressure from education, family and career. It is easy to blame the school for charging too much money, the family members for the heavy burden, the society for the fierce competition. I think people should relax. It is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances.Long gone are the days when people lived their life with a certain relaxation, sampling a wide variety of activities—film, music, art, poetry. But now, a lot of people suffer from a lot of pressure. They can’t communicate well w ith co-workers and family members, and have unbalanced, one-dimensional lives. Some people complain of symptoms of stress, for instance, loss of appetite, a complete sense of exhaustion, insomnia and low morale. Thus have destructive effect on their health. People tend to lose temper easily, and this may interfere personal relationship. What’s more, a high rate of suicide may warn people of their emotional well-being.To be a healthy person physically and psychologically, one should keep a good mood, according to some psychology experts. Those little things may seem relativelyinsignificant—reading mystery novels, playing volleyball, spending time with family and friends, maintaining your emotional well-being, getting plenty of rest, going fishing. They can help you keep a good mood.SECTION B NOTE-WRITINGOct. 18, 2003Dear Clare,Thank you for inviting me to your house-warming party this weekend. But I’m afraid I couldn’t go there, because I have an important business appointment on that day. I saw some pictures of your new house, which is so cozy and comfortable. I sincerely hope that you have a good day.Yours,Gou MingPART III LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A STATEMENT1.答案:D【问句译文】关于听者哪一句是不对的?【试题分析】本题为细节题。
2003年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both theconversation and the question will be spoken only once. After eachquestion there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the fourchoices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.Example:You will hear:You will read:A) At the office.B) In the waiting room.C) At the airport.D) In a restaurant.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, A) “At the office” is the correct answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D]1. A) They are both anxious to try Italian food.B) They are likely to have dinner together.C) The man will treat the woman to dinner tonight.D) The woman refused to have dinner with the man.2. A) It’s only for rent, not for sale.B) It’s not as good as advertised.C) It’s being redecorated.D) It’s no longer available.3. A) Colleagues.B) Husband and wife.C) Employer and employee.D) Mother and son.4. A) She contacts her parents occasionally.B) She phones her parents regularly at weekends.C) She visits her parents at weekends when the fares are down.D) She often call her parents regardless of the rates.5. A) The next bus is coming soon.B) The bus will wait a few minutes at the stop.C) There are only two or three passengers waiting for the bus.D) They can catch this bus without running.6. A) The assignment looks easy but actually it’s quite difficult.B) The assignment is too difficult for them to complete on time.C) They cannot finish the assignment until Thursday.D) They have plenty of time to work on the assignment.7. A) The man will go to meet the woman this evening.B) The man and the woman have an appointment at 7 o’clock.C) The woman can’t finish making the jam before 7 o’clock.D) The woman won’t be able to see the man this evening.8. A) She’s learned a lot from the literature class.B) She’s written some books about world classics.C) She’s met some of the world’s best writers.D) She’s just back from a trip round the world.9. A) The exam was easier than the previous one.B) Joe is sure that he will do better in the next exam.C) Joe probably failed in the exam.D) The oral part of the exam was easier than the written part.10. A) She is tired of driving in heavy traffic.B) She doesn’t mind it as the road conditions are good.C) She is unhappy to have to drive such a long way every day.D) She enjoys it because she’s good at driving.Section B Compound DictationDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage isread for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. Whenthe passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in theblanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 you are required to fill in the missinginformation. You can either use the exact words you have just heard orwrite down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passageis read for the third time, you should check what you have written.It’s difficult to imagine the sea ever running out of fish. It’s so vast, so deep, so (S1) ________. Unfortunately, it’s not bottomless. Over-fishing, (S2) ________ with destructive fishing practices, is killing off the fish and (S3) ________ their environment.Destroy the fish, and you destroy the fishermen’s means of living. At least 60 (S4) ________ of the world’s commercially important fish (S5) ________ are already over-fished, or fished to the limit. As a result, governments have had to close down some areas of sea to commercial fishing.Big, high-tech fleets (S6) ________ that everything in their path is pulled out of water. Anything too small, or the wrong thing, is thrown back either dead or dying. That’s an (S7) ________ of more than 20 million metric tons every year. (S8) ________.In some parts of the world, for every kilogram of prawns (对虾) caught, up to 15 kilograms of unsuspecting fish and other marine wildlife die, simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.True, (S9) ________, then catch them in a way that doesn’t kill other innocent sea life.Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choicesmarked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and markthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecenter.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship. At some point, however, we all begin to question our heroes and our need for them. This leads us to ask: What is a hero?Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a story of adventure to tell and a community who will listen. But a hero goes beyond mere fame.Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves. Like high-voltage transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can beused by ordinary people.The hero lives a life worthy of imitation. Those who imitate a genuine hero experience life with new depth, enthusiasm, and meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom do they serve? What are they willing to live and die for? If the answer or evidence suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes. Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant?Heroes are catalysts (催化剂) for change. They have a vision from the mountaintop. They have the skill and the charm to move the masses. They create new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of the British Empire. Without Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr., we might still have segregated (隔离的) buses, restaurants, and parks. It may be possible for large-scale change to occur without leaders with magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the committee meetings endless.11. Although heroes may come from different cultures, they ________.A) generally possess certain inspiring characteristicsB) probably share some weaknesses of ordinary peopleC) are often influenced by previous generationsD) all unknowingly attract a large number of fans12. According to the passage, heroes are compared to high-voltage transformers in that________.A) they have a vision from the mountaintopB) they have warm feelings and emotionsC) they can serve as concrete examples of noble principlesD) they can make people feel stronger and more confident13. Madonna and Michael Jackson are not considered heroes because ________.A) they are popular only among certain groups of peopleB) their performances do not improve their fans morallyC) their primary concern is their own financial interestsD) they are not clear about the principles they should follow14. Gandhi and Martin Luther King are typical examples of outstanding leaders who________.A) are good at demonstrating their charming charactersB) can move the masses with their forceful speechesC) are capable of meeting all challenges and hardshipsD) can provide an answer to the problems of their people15. The author concludes that historical changes would ________.A) be delayed without leaders with inspiring personal qualitiesB) not happen without heroes making the necessary sacrificesC) take place ff there were heroes to lead the peopleD) produce leaders with attractive personalitiesPassage TwoQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.According to a survey, which was based on the responses of over 188,000 students, today’s traditional-age college freshmen are “more materialistic and less altruistic (利他主义的)” than at any time in the 17 years of the poll.Not surprising in these hard times, the student’s major objective “is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life.” It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.Interest in teaching, social service and the “altruistic” fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up.That’s no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of her college instructors her first year on the job—even before she completed her two-year associate degree.While it’s true that we all need a career, it is equally true that our civilization has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own and that we are better for our understanding of these other contributions—be they scientific or artistic. It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More important, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.Weekly we read of unions who went on strike for higher wages, only to drive their employer out of business. No company; no job. How shortsighted in the long run!But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which shows a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table; one of them is talking on the intercom (对讲机): “Miss Baxter,” he says, “could you please send in someone who can distinguish right from wrong?”From the long-term point of view, that’s what education really ought to be about.16. According to the author’s observation, college students ________.A) have never been so materialistic as todayB) have never been so interested in the artsC) have never been so financially well off as todayD) have never attached so much importance to moral sense17. The students’ criteria for selecting majors today have much to do with ________.A) the influences of their instructorsB) the financial goals they seek in lifeC) their own interpretations of the coursesD) their understanding of the contributions of others18. By saying “While it’s true that... be they scientific or artistic” (Lines 1-3, Para. 5),the author means that ________.A) business management should be included in educational programsB) human wisdom has accumulated at an extraordinarily high speedC) human intellectual development has reached new heightsD) the importance of a broad education should not be overlooked19. Studying the diverse wisdom of others can ________.A) create varying artistic interestsB) help people see things in their right perspectiveC) help improve connections among peopleD) regulate the behavior of modern people20. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A) Businessmen absorbed in their career are narrow-minded.B) Managers often find it hard to tell right from wrong.C) People engaged in technical jobs lead a more rewarding life.D) Career seekers should not focus on immediate interests only.Passage ThreeQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk. It’s now a “global village” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic business efforts.Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas,superiors will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more prevalent (普遍的).Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equalThe employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and cam have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.21. What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?A) Critical.B) Prejudiced.C) Indifferent.D) Positive.22. With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, businesspeople________.A) have to get familiar with modern technologyB) are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operationsC) are attaching more importance to their overseas businessD) are eager to work overseas23. In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind” (Lines 2-3, Para. 3) probably means________.A) being unable to think properly for lack of insightB) being totally out of touch with business at homeC) missing opportunities for promotion when abroadD) leaving all care and worry behind24. According to the passage, what is an important consideration of internationalcorporations in employing people today?A) Connections with businesses overseas.B) Ability to speak the client’s language.C) Technical know-how.D) Business experience.25. The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can________.A) better control the whole negotiation processB) easily find new approaches to meet market needsC) fast-forward their proposals to headquartersD) easily make friends with businesspeople abroadPassage FourQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.In recent years, Israeli consumers have grown more demanding as they’ve become wealthier and more worldly-wise. Foreign travel is a national passion; this summer alone, one in 10 citizens will go abroad. Exposed to higher standards of service elsewhere, Israelis are returning home expecting the same. American firms have also begun arriving in large numbers. Chains such as KFC, McDonald’s and Pizza Hut are setting a new standard of customer service, using strict employee training and constant monitoring to ensure the friendliness of frontline staff. Even the American habit of telling departing customers to “Have a nice day” has caught on all over Israel. “Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, ‘Let’s be nicer,’” says Itsik Cohen, director of a consulting firm. “Nothing happens without competition.”Privatization, or the threat of it, is a motivation as well. Monopolies (垄断者) that until recently have been free to take their customers for granted now fear what Michael Perry, a marketing professor, calls “the revengeful (报复的) consumer.” When the government opened up competition with Bezaq, the phone company, its international branch lost 40% of its market share, even while offering competitive rates. Says Perry, “People wanted revenge for all the years of bad service.” The electric company, whose monopoly may be short-lived, has suddenly mopped requiring users to wait half a day for a repairman. Now, appointments are scheduled to the half-hour. The graceless El Al Airlines, which is already at auction (拍卖), has retrained its employees to emphasize service and is boasting about the results in an ad campaign with the slogan, “You can feel the ch ange in the air.” For the first time, praise outnumbers complaints on customer survey sheets.26. It may be inferred from the passage that ________.A) customer service in Israel is now improvingB) wealthy Israeli customers are hard to pleaseC) the tourist industry has brought chain stores to IsraelD) Israeli customers prefer foreign products to domestic ones27. In the author’s view, higher service standards are impossible in Israel ________.A) if customer complaints go unnoticed by the managementB) unless foreign companies are introduced in greater numbersC) if there’s no competition among companiesD) without strict routine training of employees28. If someone in Israel today needs a repairman in case of a power failure, ________.A) they can have it fixed in no timeB) it’s no longer necessary to make an appointmentC) the appointment takes only half a day to makeD) they only have to wait half an hour at most29. The example of El A1 Airlines shows that ________.A) revengeful customers are a threat to the monopoly of enterprisesB) an ad campaign is a way out for enterprises in financial difficultyC) a good slogan has great potential for improving serviceD) staff retraining is essential for better service30. Why did Bezaq’s international branch lose 40% of its market share?A) Because the rates it offered were not competitive enough.B) Because customers were dissatisfied with its past service.C) Because the service offered by its competitors was far better.D) Because it no longer received any support from the government.Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)Directions: There are 3.0. incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that bestcompletes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet with a single line through the center.31. Such crimes may be so complex that months or years go by before anyone________ them.A) discoveredB) will discoverC) would have discoveredD) discovers32. Though ________ in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes ofcountry life.A) grownB) raisedC) tendedD) cultivated33. The careless man received a ticket for speeding. He ________ have driven so fast.A) can’tB) wouldn’tC) shouldn’tD) mustn’t34. If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to ________ the skills they need tosucceed.A) adoptB) acquireC) accumulateD) assemble35. If I ________ harder at school, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.A) workedB) were to workC) had workedD) were working36. The shop assistant was dismissed as she was ________ of cheating customers.A) accusedB) chargedC) scoldedD) cursed37. All her energies are ________ upon her children and she seems to have little timefor anything else.A) guidedB) aimedC) directedD) focused38. While crossing the mountain area, all the men carried guns lest they ________ bywild animals.A) should be attackedB) had been attackedC) must be attackedD) would be attacked39. Everyone should be ________ to a decent standard of living and an opportunity tobe educated.A) attributedB) entitledC) identifiedD) justified40. His wife is constantly funding ________ with him, which makes him very angry.A) errorsB) shortcomingsC) faultD) flaw41. Vitamins are complex ________ that the body requires in very small mounts.A) mattersB) materialsC) particlesD) substances42. Apart from caring for her children, she has to take on such heavy ________housework as carrying water and firewood.A) time-consumedB) timely-consumedC) time-consumingD) timely-consuming43. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ________ to the outsideworld.A) having been lostB) to be lostC) losingD) lost44. The police are trying to find out the ________ of the woman killed in the trafficaccident.A) evidenceB) recognitionC) statusD) identity45. All human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the ________ they keep fromsomeone they talk with.A) distanceB) scopeC) rangeD) boundary46. We have planned an exciting publicity ________ with our advertisers.A) struggleB) campaignC) battleD) conflict47. ________ the help of their group, we would not have succeeded in the investigation.A) BesidesB) Regardless ofC) But forD) Despite48. ________ much is known about what occurs during sleep, the precise function ofsleep and its different stages remains largely in the realm of assumption.A) BecauseB) ForC) SinceD) While49. John doesn’t believe in ________ medicine; he has some remedies of his own.A) standardB) regularC) routineD) conventional50. Owing to ________ competition among the airlines, travel expenses have beenreduced considerably.A) fierceB) strainedC) eagerD) critical51. They always give the vacant seats to ________ comes first.A) whoeverB) whomeverC) whoD) whom52. In Africa, educational costs are very low for those who are ________ enough to getinto universities.A) ambitiousB) fortunateC) aggressiveD) substantial53. Professor Wang, ________ for his informative lectures, was warmly received by hisstudents.A) knowingB) knownC) to be knownD) having known54. Our manager is ________ an important customer now and he will be back thisafternoon.A) calling onB) calling inC) calling upD) calling for55. A fire engine must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of________.A) precautionB) crisisC) emergencyD) urgency56. He said that the driver must have had an accident; otherwise he ________ by then.A) would have arrivedB) must have arrivedC) should arriveD) would arrive57. The film provides a deep ________ into a wide range of human qualifies andfeelings.A) insightB) imaginationC) fancyD) outlook58. It is high time that such practices ________.A) are endedB) be endedC) were endedD) must be ended59. Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if only the ________ charged onpublic transport were more reasonable.A) feesB) faresC) paymentsD) costs60. The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally ________.A) pulled outB) pulled throughC) pulled upD) pulled overPart IV Cloze (15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You shouldchoose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecenter.A language is a signaling system which operates with symbolic vocal sounds (语声), and which is used by a group of people for the purpose of communication.Let’s look at this __61__ in more detail because it is language, more than anything else, __62__ distinguishes man from the rest of the __63__ world.Other animals, it is true, communicate with one another by __64__ of cries: for example, many birds utter __65__ calls at the approach of danger; monkeys utter __66__ cries, such as expressions of anger, fear and pleasure. __67__ these various means of communication differ in important ways __68__ human language. For instance, animals’cries do not __69__ thoughts and feelings clearly. This means, basically, that they lack structure. They lack the kind of structure that __70__ us to divide a human utterance into __71__.We can change an utterance by __72__ one word in it with __73__: a good illustration of this is a soldier who can say, e.g., “tanks approaching from the north“, __74__ who can change one word and say aircraft approaching from the north”or “tanks approaching from the west”; but a bird has a single alarm cry, __75__ m eans “danger!”This is why the number of __76__ that an animal can make is very limited: the great tit (山雀) is a case __77__ point; it has about twenty different calls, __78__ in human language the number of possible utterances is __79__. It also explains why animal cries are very __80__ in meaning.61. A) classificationB) definitionC) functionD) perception62. A) thatB) itC) asD) what63. A) nativeB) humanC) physicalD) animal64. A) waysB) meansC) methodsD) approaches65. A) matingB) excitingC) warningD) boring66. A) identicalB) similarC) differentD) unfamiliar67. A) ButB) ThereforeC) AfterwardsD) Furthermore68. A) aboutB) withC) fromD) in69. A) inferB) explainC) interpretD) express70. A) encouragesB) enablesC) enforcesD) ensures71. A) speechesB) soundsC) wordsD) voices72. A) replacingB) spellingC) pronouncing73. A) oursB) theirsC) anotherD) others74. A) soB) andC) butD) or75. A) thisB) thatC) whichD) it76. A) signsB) gesturesC) signalsD) marks77. A) inB) atC) ofD) for78. A) whereasB) sinceC) anyhowD) somehow79. A) boundlessB) changeableC) limitlessD) ceaseless80. A) ordinaryB) alikeD) generalPart V Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic It Pays to Be Honest. You should write at least 120 words accordingto the outline given below in Chinese.1. 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象2. 诚实利人利已,做人应该诚实It Pays to Be Honest2003年1月四级参考答案Part IPart IIPart IIIPart IVS1. mysteriousS2. coupledS3. ruiningS4. percentS5. speciesS6. ensureS7. averageS8. When you consider that equals a quarter of the world catch, you begin to see the size of the problem.S9. True, some countries are beginning to deal with this problem, but it’s vital we find a rational way of fishingS10. Before every ocean becomes a dead sea, it would make sense to give the fish enough time to recover, grow to full size and reproduce。
Part I. Error CorrectionDirections: In each of the following sentences you will find one error. Underline the incorrect word and write the correction in the corresponding blank.1. The number of road accidents increases (is increasing) every year.2. The piano is heaviest (the heaviest) of all musical instruments.3. Every morning my father goes to work by the bus (takes the bus).4. I'm sorry I can't finish the work on time, because (as) I'm sick.5. The professor requested (asked for) the students come to his office.6. I like comfortable shoes better (best) because they don't hurt my feet.7. This morning I saw an interesting air accident (plane crash) on the news.8. The boy reads quickly, and so does his sister (so is his sister).9. I remember having seen (seeing) him at a party two years ago.10. Would you like some tea (a cup of tea) or coffee?Part II. Sentence CompletionDirections: There are ten sentences in this section. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) to complete each sentence.11. My friend had _____ chance to travel abroad, so he packed his bags and left immediately.A) the last B) some C) a few D) little12. The factory has a long _____ of producing high-quality goods.A) manufacture B) manufacture's C) manufactures D) manufacturing13. It is common _____ teenagers to be influenced by their peers.A) as B) which C) that D) who14. Being a taxi driver, he is used to _____ long distances.A) have driven B) driving C) drive D) drove15. The book _____ I lent you last week is missing.A) what B) where C) which D) whom16. I've tried hard, but I still can't figure out _____.A) how to use the computer B) how can I use the computerC) why can't I use the computer D) how have I used the computer17. It's hard to believe that they are _____ for these products.A) paying so much (much money) B) used to pay so muchC) used to paying so much D) regularly pay so much18. The fact _____ his mother doesn't like me.A) what B) which C) why D) that19. His failure to apologize made things _____.A) much bad B) worse C) worsen D) much worse20. I suggest that they _____ another meeting to discuss this issue.A) will have B) have C) having D) had答案解析:Part I. Error Correction1. increases → is increasing解析: "The number of road accidents"是单数形式,所以谓语动词要用"is increasing"。
2003SECTION A STATEMENTIn this section you will hear seven statements. At the end of each statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.1. Which is NOT true about the listener?A.He works hard.B.He drinks a lot.C.He smokes a lot.D.He is healthy.2. How did the speaker feel when he heard the news?A.He was satisfied.B.He was annoyed.C.He was astonished.D.He was relieved.3. When does the next coach leave?A.At 9:10.B.At 9:15.C.At 9:20.D.At 9:05.4. The speaker thinks that Jane might have ____.A.a better marriageB.a better careerC.a better educationD.a better family life5. What does the statement mean?A.I am too happy to be helpful in any way.B.I am willing but unable to help you.C.I shall be very glad to offer my help.D.I promise to think about how to help you.6. What does the statement imply?A.The man was wearing clean clothes.B.The man was wearing improper clothes.C.The man was wearing fanciful clothes.D.The man was wearing dirty clothes.7. What does the speaker mean?A.I believe I can find you in other places as well.B.I had no idea that I could find you here.C.I believe that I can only find you in this place.D.This is not the place for me to meet you.SECTION B CONVERSATIONIn this section, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.8. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Salesman and customer.B.Doctor and nurse.C.Doctor and patient.D.Patient and patient.9. What does the man think of his writing?A.Writing will not be easy.B.Writing will be less difficult.C.Writing has been boring.D.Writing has been enjoyable.10. What can we learn from the conversation?A.Cold is a kind of serious illness.B.Cold will go away quickly.C.Y ou should go to see a doctor.D.Y ou needn’t do anything about it.11. What did the man assume previously?A.She would go to the bookstore.B.She would not go to the bookstore.C.She would go to the bookstore later.D.She would go to another bookstore.12. What do we know about the flight?A.There will be a short delay.B.There will be a long delay.C.The flight has been canceled.D.The condition is still uncertain.13. What does the man say about Linda?A.She is forgetful.B.She is considerate.C.She is forgiving.D.She is careless.14. What does the woman mean?A.She doesn’t believe he can do it.B.She agrees with the man.C.She expects to see him soon.D.She will go to the library.15. What does the man think of the woman’s choiceA.He thinks her choice is good.B.He thinks her choice is terrible.C.He doesn’t like the colour.D.He doesn’t like the style.16. Sam refused to take the job because ____.A.the working hours were unsuitableB.the job was not well paidC.he had to do a lot of travellingD.the job was quite difficult of clothing?17. The man sounds ____.A.surprisedB.ignorantC.humorousD.disappointedSECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestions 18 and 19 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.18. The UN resolution is about international efforts in tightening control on ____.A.terrorism activitiesB.terrorists’networksC.weapons for terroristsD.funding for terrorism19. What does the UN resolution specifically require states to do?A.To establish a financial network.B.To revise their banking laws.C.To increase their police force.D.To curb regional terror activities.Questions 20 and 21 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.20. Altogether how many people were injured during the violence?A.1.B.2.C.13.D.14.21.How long has the violence lasted?A.For one day.B.For two days.C.For the whole summer.D.For one year.Question 22 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.22. After the terrorist attacks in the United States, insurance rates soared as much as ____.A.100%B.200%C.500%D.1000%Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item,you ill be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.23. Eight foreign aid workers were arrested in Afghanistan because of their ____ activities.A.politicalB.espionageC.religiousD.relief24. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the penalties?A.A fine.B.Expulsion.C.A jail term.D.Death sentence.Question 25 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.25. According to the report, how many people are HIV-positive?A.22 million.B.36 million.C.25 million.D.58 million.Part ⅣCLOZE [15 MIN.]During McDonald’s early years French fries were made from scratch every day. Russet Burbank potatoes were (1), cut into shoestrings, and fried in its kitchens. (2) the chain expanded nationwide, in the mid-1960’, it sought to cut labor costs, reduce the number of suppliers, and (3) that its fries tasted the same at every restaurant. McDonald’s began (4) to frozen French fries in 1966--and few customers noticed the difference. (5), the change had a profound effect on the nation’s a griculture and diet.A familiar food had been transformed into a highly processed industrial (6) McDonald’s fries now come from huge manufacturing plants (7) can process two million pounds of potatoes a day. The expansion (8) McDonald’s and the popularity of its low-cost, mass-produced fries changed the way Americans eat.The taste of McDonald’s French fries played a crucial role in the chain’s success--fries are much more profitable than hamburgers--and was (9) praised by customers, competitors, and even food critics. Their (10) taste does not stem from the kind of potatoes that McDonald’s (11) , the technology that processes them, or the restaurant equipment that fries them: other chains use Russet Burbank, buy their French fries from the (12) large processing companies, and have similar(13) in their restaurant kitchens. The taste of a French fry is (14) determined by the cooking oil. For decades McDonald’s cooked its French fries in a mixture of about 7 per cent cottonseed oiled and 93 per cent beef fat. The mixture gave the fries their unique (15).1. A. scaled B. stripped C. peeled D. sliced2. A. As B. Due to C. owing to D. With3. A. ensue B. ensure C. enrich D. enable4. A. switching B. perting C. modifying D. altering5. A. Still B. Anyway C. Besides D. Nevertheless6. A. brand B. stuff C. commodity D. produce7. A. this B. that C. / D. what8. A. into B. from C. in D. of9. A. long B. only C. first D. lonely10. A. distinctive B. distinct C. distinguished D. distinguishable11. A. possesses B. buys C. acquires D. grows12. A. exact B. identical C. same D. alike13. A. works B. pots C. boilers D. fryers14. A. adequately B. massively C. plentifully D. largely15. A. flavor B. fragrance C. smell D. perfume51. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, ____ is something we had not expected.A.whichB.itC.thatD.what52. He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man ____ he was twenty years ago.A.whichB.thatC.whoD.whom53. She would have been more agreeable if she had changed a little bit, ____?A.hadn’t sheB.hasn’t sheC.wouldn’t sheD.didn’t she54. At three thousand feet, wide plains begin to appear, and there is never a moment when some distant mountain is not ____.A.on viewB.at a glanceC.on the sceneD.in sight55. The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of weapons and the discovery of fire, although nobody knows exactly when he acquired the use of the ____.ttertestterst56. It will take us twenty minutes to get to the railway station, ____traffic delays.A.acknowledgingB.affordingC.allowing forD.accounting for57. He will have to____ his indecent behaviour one day.A.answer toB.answer forC.answer backD.answer about58. With ____ exceptions, the former president does not appear in public now.A.rareB.unusualC.extraordinaryD.unique59. We have been hearing ____accounts of your work.A.favouredB.favourableC.favouriteD.favouring60. During the summer holiday season there are no ____ rooms in this seaside hotel.A.emptyB.blankC.desertedD.vacant61. Drive straight ahead, and then you will see a ____ to the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway.A.signB.markC.signalD.board62. Whenever possible, Ian ____ how well he speaks Japanese.A.shows upB.shows aroundC.shows offD.shows out63. The tenant left nothing behind except some ____ of paper, cloth, etc.A.sheetsB.scrapsC.papesD.slices64. Shares on the stock market have ____ as a result of a worldwide economicdownturn.A.turnedB.changedC.floatedD.fluctuated65. I think you can take a(n) ____ language course to improve your English.A.intermediateB.middleC.mediumD.midPart ⅥREADING COMPREHENSION [30 MIN.]TEXT AThe way in which people use social space reflects their social relationships and their ethnic identity. Early immigrants to America from Europe brought with them a collective style of living, which they retained until late in the 18th century. Historical records document a group-oriented existence, in which one room was used for eating, entertaining guests, and sleeping. People ate soups from a sommunal pot, shared drinking cups, and used a common pit toilet. With the development of ideas about individualism, people soon began to shift to the use of individual cups and plates; the eating of meals that included meat, bread, and vegetables served on separate plates; and the use of private toilets. They began to build their houses with separate rooms to entertain guests-living rooms, separate bedrooms for sleeping, separate work areas-kitchen, laundry room, and separate bathrooms.In Mexico, the meaning and organization of domestic space is strikingly different. Houses are organized around a patio, or courtyard. Rooms open onto the patio, where all kinds of domestic activities take place. Individuals to not have separate bedrooms. Children often sleep with parents, and brothers or sisters share a bed, emphasizing familial interdependence. Rooms in Mexican houses are locations for multiple activities that, in contrast, are rigidly separated in the United States.66. Changes in living styles among early immigrants were initially brought about by ________.A. rising living standard?B. new concept?C. new custom?D. new designs of houses?67. Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage?A. Their concepts of domestic space.B. Their social relationships.C. The functions of their rooms.D. The layout of their houses.?TEXT BThere are superstitions attached to numbers; even those ancient Greeks believed that all numbers and their multiples had some mystical significance.Those numbers between 1 and 13 were in particular to have a powerful influence over the affairs of men.For example, it is commonly said that luck, good or bad, comes in threes; if an accident happens, two more of the same kind may be expected soon afterwards. The arrival of a letter will be followed by two others within a certain period.Another belief involving the number three has it that it is unlucky to light three cigarettes from the one match. If this happens, the bad luck that goes with the deed falls upon the person whose cigarette was the last to be lit. The ill-omen linked to the lighting of three things from one match or candle goes back to at least the 17th century and probably earlier. It was believed that three candles alight at the same time would be sure to bring bad luck; one, two, or four, were permissible, but never just three.Seven was another significant number, usually regarded as a bringer of good luck. The ancient astrologers believed that the universe was governed by seven planets; students of Shakespeare will recall that the life of man was divided into seven ages. Seven horseshoes nailed to a house willprotect it from all evil.Nine is usually thought of as a lucky number because it is the product of three times three. It was much used by the Anglo Saxons in their charms for healing.Another belief was that great changes occurred every 7th and 9th of a man’s life. Consequently, the age of 63 (the product of nine and seven) was thought to be a very perilous time for him. If he survived his 63rd year he might hope to live to a ripe old age.Thirteen, as we well know, is regarded with great awe and fear. The common belief is that this derives from the fact that there were 13 people at Christ’s Last Supper. This being the eve of his betrayal, it is not difficult to understand the significance given to the number by the early Christians.In more modern times 13 is an especially unlucky number of a dinner party, for example. Hotels will avoid numbering a floor the 13th; the progression is from 12 to 14, and no room is given the number 13. Many home owners will use 12 1/2 instead of 13 as their house number.Yet oddly enough, to be born on the 13th of the month is not regarded with any fear at all, which just shows how irrational we are in our superstitious beliefs.68. According to the passage, which of the following groups of numbers will certainly bring good luck to people?A. 3 and 7B. 3 and 9C. 7 and 9D. 3 and 1369. The ill luck associated with 13 is supposed to have its origin in ________.A. legendB. religionC. popular beliefD. certain customs70. What is the author’s attitude towards people’s superstitious beliefs?A. He is mildly critical.B. He is strongly critical.C. He is in favour of them.D. His attitude is not clear.TEXT CWomen’s minds work differently from men’s. At least, that is what most men are convinced of. Psychologists view the subject either as a matter or frustration or a joke. Now the biologists have moved into this minefield, and some of them have found that there are real differences between the brains of men and women. But being different, they point out hurriedly, is not the same as being better or worse.There is, however, a definite structural variation between the male and female brain. The difference is in a part of the brain that is used in the most complex intellectual processes-the link between the two halves of the brain.The two halves are linked by a trunkline of between 200 and 300 million nerves, the corpus callosum. Scientists have found quite recently that the corpus callosum in women is always larger and probably richer in nerve fibres than it is in men. This is the first time that a structural difference has been found between the brains of women and men and it must have somesignificance. The question is "What?", and, if this difference exists, are there others? Research shows that present-day women think differently and behave differently from men. Are some of these differences biological and inborn, a result of evolution? We tend to think that is the influence of society that produces these differences. But could we be wrong?Research showed that these two halves of the brain had different functions, and that the corpus callosum enabled them to work together. For most people, the left half is used for word handing, analytical and logical activities; the right half works on pictures, patterns and forms. We need both halves working together. And the better the connections, the more harmoniously the two halves work. And, according to research findings, women have the better connections.But it isn’t all that easy to explain the actual differences between skills of men and women on this basis. In schools throughout the world girls tend to be better than boys at "language subjects" and boys better at maths and physics. If 〖WTHZ〗these differences correspond with the differences in the hemispheric trunkline, here is an unalterable distinction between the sexes.We shan’t know for a while, partly because we don’t know of any precise relationship between abilities in school subject and the functioning of the two halves of the brain, and we cannot understand how the two halves interact via the corpus callosum. But this striking difference must have some effect and, because the difference is in the parts of the brain involved in intellect, we should be looking for differences in intellectual processing.71. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. Biologists are conducting research where psychologists have given up.B. Brain differences point to superiority of one sex over the other.C. Results of scientific research fail to support popular belief.D. The structural difference in the brain between the sexes has long been known.72. According to the passage it is commonly believed that brain differe nces are caused by ________ factors.A. biologicalB. psychologicalC. physicalD. social73. "these differences" n paragraph 5 refer to those in ________.A. skills of men and womenB. school subjectC. the brain structure of men and womenD. activities carried out by the brain74. At the end of the passage the author proposes more work on ________.A. the brain structure as a wholeB. the functioning of part of the brainC. the distinction between the sexesD. the effects of the corpus callosum75. What is the main purpose of the passage ________.A. To outline the research findings on the brain structure.B. To explain the link between sex and brain structure.C. To discuss the various factors that cause brain differences.D. To suggest new areas in brain research.TEXT DInformation is the primary commodity in more and more industries today.By 2005, 83% of American management personnel will be knowledge workers. Europe and Japan are not far behind.By 2005, half of all knowledge workers (22% of the labour force) will choose "flextime, flexplace" arrangements, which allow them to work at home, communicating with the office via computer networks.In the United States, the so-called "digital divide" seems to be disappearing. In early 2000, a poll found, that, where half of white households owned computers, so did fully 43% of African-American households, and their numbers were growing rapidly. Hispanic households continued to lag behind, but their rate of computer ownership was expanding as well.Company-owned and industry-wide television networks are bringing programming to thousands of locations. Business TV is becoming big business.Computer competence will approach 100% in US urban areas by the year 2005, with Europe and Japan not far behind.80% of US homes will have computers in 2005, compared with roughly 50% now. In the United States, 5 of the 10 fastest-growing careers between now and 2005 willbe computer related. Demand for programmers and systems analysts will grow by 70%. The same trend is accelerating in Europe, Japan, and India.By 2005, nearly all college texts and many high school and junior high books will be tied to Internet sites that provide source material, exercises, and re levant news articles to aid in learning. Others will come with CD-ROMs that offer similar resources.Internet links will provide access to the card catalogues of all the major libraries in the world by 2005. It will be possible to call up on a PC screen millions of volumes from distant libraries. Web sites enhance books by providing pictures, sound, film clips, and flexible indexing and search utilities.Implications: Anyone with access to the Internet will be able to achieve the education needed to build a productive life in an increasingly high-tech world. Computer learning may even reduce the growing American prison population. Knowledge workers are generally better paid than less-skilled workers. Their wealth is raising overall prosperity.Even entry-level workers and those in formerly unskilled positions require a growing level of education. For a good career in almost any field, computer competence is a must. This is one major trend raising the level of education required for a productive role in to day’s work force. For many workers, the opportunity for training is becoming one of the most desirable benefits any job can offer.76. Information technology is expected to have impact on all the following EXCEPT ________.A. American management personnel.B. European management personnel.C. American people’s choice of career.D. traditional practice at work77. "digital divide" in the 4th paragraph refers to ________.A. the gap in terms of computer ownershipB. the tendency of computer ownershipC. the dividing line based on digitD. the ethnic distinction among American households78. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT according to the passage?A. By 2005 all college and school materials will turn electronic.B. By 2005 printed college and school materials will be supplemented with electronic material.C. By 2005 some college and school materials will be accompanied by CD-ROMs.D. By 2005 Internet links make worldwide library search a possibility.79. Which of the following areas is NOT discussed in the passage?A. Future careers.B. Nature of future work.C. Ethnic differences.D. Schools and libraries.80. At the end of the passage, the author seems to emphasize ________ in anincreasingly high-tech world.A. the variety of educationB. the content of educationC. the need for educationD. the function of educationTEXT EFirst read the following question.81. The passage mainly discusses the effects of ____.A.healthB.aspirinC.hearing lossD.heart attackNow, go through TEXT E quickly and answer question 81.Aspirin may be the most familiar drug in the world-but its power to heal goes far beyond the usual aches and pains. Exciting new studies suggest that aspirin can help fight a wid e range of serious illnesser. “It now seems to be a benefit in so many areas of health,”says Dr Debra Judelson, medical director of the Women’s Heart Institute in Beverly Hills, California. “I advise most of my patients, as long as they aren’t allergic to aspirin and don’t have bleeding problems, to take low-dose aspirin.”Some of the major illnesses and conditions that aspirin or aspirin-like drugs might help prevent are: Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes-related heart disease, heart attack, cancer and antibiotic-induced hearing loss.TEXT FFirst read the following question.82. How many proposals does the passage put forward?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.Now, go through TEXT F quickly and answer question 82.What kind of environment do you want in the future? What can you do to help make it happen? What can other people do?Education is one way to help the environment. Y ou can learn about the environment in school. Radio and television can give you information. Newspapers, magazines, and books also help you learn.There are laws against littering and against making the air and water dirty. Other laws help people to save resources. The law lowering the speed limit for cars helps to save fuel.Another way to help the environment is to plan for the future. We may have to find new resources. In the future, people may heat their homes with atomic power. Without planning, some kinds of environment may not happen. People can act now to help make te future.TEXT GFirst read the following question.83. The main theme of the passage is ____ in the G-7 nations.A.agingB.wealthC.death ratesD.work forceNow, go through TEXT G quickly and answer question 83.Citizens of the world’s wealthiest countries may live longer than previously predicted, according to a sponsored by the National Institute on Aging. By 2050, people in the G-7 nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) may be living anywhere from 1.3 years to 8 years longer than official estimates now predict. Researchers at Mountain View Research in Los Altos, California, examined 50 years of mortality data and found a long-term decline in death rates. That may mean that fewer workers will have to support many more elderly in the future than governments currently expect.TEXT HFirst read the following question.84. Which is the best title of the passage?A.How to protect your eyesight.B.How to choose your computer.C.A few tips for computer users.D.Eye trouble and headache.Now, go through TEXT H quickly and answer question 84.Question: My eyes and head ache when I work at my computer for a long time. What can I do? VisionIt could just be your eyes. Make sure that you’ve had them checked and that you’re wearing any necessary corrective lenses.Screen Glare The light you read by may be too bright for your computer screen. Try to dim the light, and if you need to, get a desk lamp for other work. Also, if possible, move your computer so you aren’t directly underneath a light fixture.Screen and Head PositionY ou shouldn’t bend your neck when you read from the screen. That can cause headaches. Y our eyeline should be 5 cm to 8 cm below the top of the monitor. The screen should be about an arm’s length away.TEXT IFirst read the following questions.85. Clear weather is predicted in ____ Chinese cities.A.2B.3C.4D.586. Which foreign city’s maximum temperature is the highest?A.Cairo.B.Bangkok.C.New Y ourk.D.London.Now, go through TEXT I quickly and answer questions 85 and 86. WEATHER REPORTForecasts for some major Chinese citiesForeign citiesCityMaxMinWeatherCityMaxMin Beijing2417clearBangkok3328Changchun2206cleardrizzle to cloudyChengdu2520overcastChongqing3424cloudyCairo3021[5]clearDalian2317cloudyFuzhou3123light rainFrankfurt1410[5]cloudy to light rainGuangzhou3524clearHong Kong3226clear to cloudyLondon1411Kunming2617clear to cloudydrizzle to cloudyLhasa2111cloudyNanjing2720overcastMoscow2113Shanghai2822cloudyclear to cloudyTaipei2923light rainTianjin2717cloudy to clearNew Y ork2315Wuhan3022clearclear to cloudyUrumqi2210clear to cloudyTEXT JFirst read the following questions.87. If you need travel shop information, you should go to ____.A.Guide Friday Tourism Centre.B.Tourist Information Centre.C.Library.D.Post Office.88. Where can you find the Police Station?A.In Henly Street.B.In Arden Street.C.In Bridge Street.D.In Rother Street.Now, go through TEXT J quickly and answer questions 87 and 88.General InformationTourist Information CentreBridgefoot. Tel. (01789) 293127Summer: 9:30 am-6:00 pm Weekdays11:00 am-5:00 pm Sundays。
ЧАСТЬ 1. АУДИРОВАНИЕ (20 баллов, 20 минут)(大学俄语四级样题)А. Прослушайте следующие диалоги и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержаниюпрослушанного.1. (На вопрос 1)А. Андрей с женой приглашают Наташу с мужем.Б. Наташа с мужем приглашают Андрея с женой.В. Жена Андрея приглашает мужа Наташи.2. (На вопрос 2)А. Паспорт, студенческий билет и фотографию.Б. Паспорт, студенческий билет и карточку.В. Паспорт, фотографию и карточку.3. (На вопрос 3)А. Составить диалог.Б. Запомнить диалог.В. Запомнить типичные конструкции диалога.4. (На вопрос 4)А. Стать геологом.Б. стать чемпионом мира.В. Стать человеком с волей.5. (На вопрос 5)А. О чемодане Шмита.Б. О чемодане Людмилы Александровны.В. Трудно сказать.6. (На вопрос 6)А. Перенести занятия на 12 часов.Б. Перенести занятия на понедельник.В. Перенести велосипедные соревнования на другой день.7. (На вопрос 7)А. Олег.Б. Вера.В. Максим.8. (На вопрос 8)А. В четверг.Б. В пятницу.В. В субботу.9. (На вопрос 9)А. Китайские артисты.Б. Китайские студенты.В. Русские артисты.10. (На вопрос 10)А. С 9 утра до 8 вечера.Б. С 8 утра до 9 вечера.В. С 9 утра до 10 вечера.11. (На вопрос 11)А. Со своим другом.Б. Со своим мужем.В. Со своим братом.12. (На вопрос 12)А. На конференции.Б. На экскурсии.В.В МГУ.Б. Прослушайте следующие микротексты и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержанию прослушанного.13. (На вопрос 13)А. На две группы.Б. На три группы.В. На четыре группы.14. (На вопрос 14)А. Николай Николаевич Зинин.Б. Александр Михайлович Бутлеров.В. Александр Михайлович Бутлеров и его учитель.15. (На вопрос 15)А. Без труда.Б. С большим трудом.В. Очень легко.16. (На вопрос 16)А. Немецким языком.Б. Русским языком.В. Экономикой.17. (На вопрос 17)А. Он собирает их рукопись.Б. Он читал им лекции.В. Он заботился о чистоте их языка.18. (На вопрос 18)А. Потому что А. Толстой дал ему незабываемый урок.Б. Потому что А. Толстой взял и посмотрел его рукопись.В. Потому что А.Толстой исправил его рукопись.19. (На вопрос 19)А. 1 января.Б. 1 сентября.В. В марте.20. (На вопрос 20)А. С 1700 года.Б. С конца 10 века.В. С древности.ключи(四级样题)1. Б2. А3. В4. Б5. А6. Б7. В8. А9. Б 10. А 11. В 12. А13. Б 14. А 15 Б 16 А 17. В 18. А 19. В 20. АЧАСТЬ I АУДИРОВАНИЕ(1997)( 15 баллов , 15 минут)А. Прослушайте следующие диалоги и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержаниюпрослушанного.1. (На вопрос 1)а. Один.б. Два.в. Три.2. ( На вопрос 2)а. Пьесу.б. Балет.в. Серьѐзную музыку.3. (На вопрос 3)а. Миша.б. Его подруга.в. Оба.4. (На вопрос 4)а. В ресторане.б. У лифта.в. У выхода.5. ( На вопрос 5)а. Фотографии не были готовы.б. Было слишком много заказов.в. Фотографии не были представлены.Б. Прослушайте следующие микротексты и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержанию прослушанного.6. ( На вопрос 6)а. Трудовая практика.б. Участие в различных кружках.в. Работа коллективов художественной самодеятельности.7. (На вопрос 7)а. Придуманным костром.б. Купленными шарами. в. Своими поведениями.8. ( На вопрос 8)а. Неразумно.б. Несознательно.в. Незамечательно.9. ( На вопрос 9)а. Его произведения читают в разных уголках земного шара.б. Его произведения сделали молодого писателя известным.в. Его произведений ждут читатели с нетерпением.10. (На вопрос 10)а. В первый класс.б. В пятый класс.в. В шестой класс.а. Под наблюдением воспитателей.б. При наблюдении учителей.в. При помощи родителей. 12. (На вопрос 12)а. Должен быть добрым хозяином.б. Должен умножать их.в. Должен беречь и охранять их.13. ( На вопрос 13)а. Повар.б. Геолог.в. Домашняя хозяйка.14. (На вопрос 14)а. 5 лет.б. 8 лет.в. 10 лет.15. (На вопрос 15)а. Ничего подобного.б. Витамина А.в. Витамина С.ключи(1997 г.)1. в2. б3.в4. в5. а6. а7. в8. в9. а 10.в 11. а 12.в 13. а 14.в 15. аЧАСТЬ I АУДИРОВАНИЕ(1998)( 15 баллов , 15 минут)А. Прослушайте следующие диалоги и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержаниюпрослушанного.1. (На вопрос 1)а. Три автобусные остановки.б. Четыре автобусные остановки.в. Пять автобусных остановок.2. (На вопрос 2)а. В центре города.б. В телебашне.в. В Лондоне.3. (На вопрос 3)а. Флаг.б. Плакат.в. Шары.4. (На вопрос 4)а. Пожаловались друг на друга.б. Уступили друг другу.в. Извинили друг друга.5. (На вопрос 5)а. Осматривали город.б. Делали покупку.в. Обедали в ресторане.Б. Прослушайте следующие микротексты и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержаниюпрослушанного.6. (Навопрос 6)а. Счастливой жизнью.б. Интересной жизнью.в. Скучной жизнью.7. (На вопрос 7)а. Когда бывает в экспедиции.б. Когда работает как геолог.в. Когда находит выход.8. (На вопрос 8)а. По словам папиных коллег.б. При приглашении его на вечер.в. Ещѐ до приглашения его на вечер.9. (На вопрос 9)а. Воспитательб. Фотограф.в. Журналист.10.(На вопрос 10)а. Наблюдатели.б. Местные геологи.в. Московские учѐные.11.(На вопрос 11)а. 7-ого марта.б. 8-ого марта.в. Свободных дней не было.12.(На вопрос 12)а. Передачу изображений на большие расстояния.б. То, что мы смотрим на экранах телевизоровв. И технику и передачи13.(На вопрос 13)а. Так как он считает эти слова корнями нашего обществаб. Так как он считает эти слова отражением сущности языкав. Так как эти слова прочно соединились14.(На вопрос 14)а. Ваня сражался под Москвойб. Ваня отдал жизнь за Родинув. Ваня тоже убежал в полк, в котором служит Николай15.(На вопрос 15)а. Известие было ошибочнымб. Братья стали служить в одном полкев. У двух бойцов была одна фамилияключи(1998 г.)1. а2. б3. а4. в5. в6. б7. а8. а9. в 10. б11. б 12. в 13. а 14. а 15.бЧАСТЬ I АУДИРОВАНИЕ(1999)( 15 баллов , 15 минут)А. Прослушайте следующие диалоги и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержаниюпрослушанного.а. Посмотреть.б. Разобрать.в. Установить максимальный срок еѐ ремонта.2. (На вопрос 2 )а. В отличии старшего поколения от молодого во взглядах на жизнь.б. В выборе профессии.в. В оценке технически и искусства.3. (На вопрос 3 )а. Владимир Сергеевич.б. Наталья Ивановна.в. Нина Викторовна.4. (На вопрос 4 )а. От отца.б. От матери.в. От девушки.5. (На вопрос 5 )а. Он любит плавать.б. Он хорошо плавает с роду.в. Он постоянно упражняется.Б. Прослушайте следующие микротексты и подчеркните ответ соответствующий содержаниюпрослушанного.6. (На вопрос 6 )а. В Германии.б. В России.в. На Украине.7 (На вопрос 7 )а. 50 тысяч тонн.б. 100 тысяч тонн.в. 200 тысяч тонн.8. (На вопрос 8 )а. Так как в тот день 1895 года А. С. Попов на конференции русского физико-химическогообщества показал свой первый в мире радиоприѐмник.б. Так как в тот день 1895 года А. С. Попов на конференции русского физико-химическогообщества показал свой первый в стране радиоприѐмник.в. Так как русские считают изобретателем радио А. С. Попов, который показал радиоприѐмник на конференции русского физико-химического общества.9. (На вопрос 9 )а. Артист.б. Писатель.в. Художник.10. (На вопрос 10 )а. Команда студентов.б. Команда преподавателей.в. Две команды не различались по силам.11. (На вопрос 11 )а. О городском транспорте.б. О различии между общественным транспортом и индивидуальным.в. О регулировании уличного движения.12. (На вопрос 12 )а. Это разбитый дом.б. Это поваленный дом.в. Это разрушенный дом.13. (На вопрос 13 )а. Для школы.б. Для стадиона.в. Для парка.14. (На вопрос 14 )а. Он первый учѐный по физике и механике.б. Он первый учѐные, который полетел в космос.в. Он первый космонавт, полетевший в космос.15. (На вопрос 15 )а. Когда он учился в школе.б. Когда он учился в училище.в. Когда он учился в институте.ключи(1999 г.)1.б2.б3. в4. а5. в6. в7. в8. б9.а 10. б11. б 12. б 13. а 14. б 15. аЧАСТЬ I АУДИРОВАНИЕ(2000)( 15 баллов , 15 минут)А. Прослушайте следующие диалоги и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержаниюпрослушанного.1. (На вопрос 1 )а.Молодая.б. Пожилая.в. Престарелая.2. (На вопрос 2 )а. Днѐм.б. Утром.в. Вечером.3. (На вопрос 3 )а. В больнице.б. В гостинице.в. В университете.4. (На вопрос 4 )а. Писатель.б. Художник.в. Общественный деятель.5. (На вопрос 5 )а. Из другого квартала района.б. Издалека, из другого города.в. Из другого жилого дома.Б. Прослушайте следующие микротексты и подчеркните ответ соответствующий содержаниюпрослушанного.6. (На вопрос 6 )а. Потому что в ящике был сохранѐн кусочек чудесного железа.б. Потому что в ящике было сохранено драгоценное кольцо.в. Потому что он скучал по Родине.7 (На вопрос 7 )а. Во время строительства укреплений.б. Во время войны с фашистами.в. Во время воздушной бомбардировки.8. (На вопрос 8 )а. Тому, что лошадь возила такую громадную почту.б. Тому, что лошадь может работать почтальоном.в. Тому, что лошадь хорошо знает дорогу в деревню.9. (На вопрос 9 )а. Наташа.б. Девушка.в. Сестра.10. (На вопрос 10 )а. Люди молодого и старшего поколений.б. Люди старшего поколения.в. Люди молодого поколения.11. (На вопрос 11 )а. Решать возникающие вопросы.б. Находить творческий подход к вопросам.в. Принимать решения новых вопросов.12. (На вопрос 12 )а. В вечернюю школу.б. В цех завода.в. На службу.13. (На вопрос 13 )а. В привычках.б. В характерах.в. В судьбе.14. (На вопрос 14 )а. Общественный.б. Национальный.в. Учѐный.15. (На вопрос 15 )а. Приобретать особое значение.б. Выдвигать практические задачи.в. Преобразовать Мир.ключи (2000 г.)1. а2. а3.в4. а5. б6. в7. б8. а9. а 10. в 11. в 12. а 13. б 14. в 15. вЧАСТЬ I АУДИРОВАНИЕ (2001)( 15 баллов , 15 минут)А. Прослушайте следующие диалоги и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержанию прослушанного.1. (На вопрос 1)а. На автобусе. б. На метро.в. На троллейбусе.2. (На вопрос 2)а. Потому что предприятие перестало приносить прибыль.б. Потому что Андрея исключили с предприятия.в. Потому что Андрею приходится продать дорогие вещи жены.3. (На вопрос 3)а. Плаванием на воде.б.Игрой в шахматы.в. Катанием на лыжах.4. (На вопрос 4)а. Заявление.б. Образец.в. Лабораторную работу.5. (На вопрос 5)а. Российские студенты разных, вузов.б. Молодые представители разных профессий.в. Молодые представители разных стран.Б. Прослушайте микротексты и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержанию прослушанного.6. (На вопрос 6)а. На первый этаж.б. На второй этаж.в. На третий этаж.7. (На вопрос 7)а. Дунаева.б. Карацупу.в. Тумана.8. (На вопрос 8)а. Передовой работник.б. Старый тракторист.в. Опытный учитель.9. (На вопрос 9)а. Спектакли и фильмы.б. Музыки и картины.в. Разные виды искусства.10. (На вопрос 10)а. 2105 мест.б. 2150 мест.в. 2510 мест.11. (На вопрос 11)а. Так как она развлекает их.б. Так как она беспокоит их.в. Так как она трогает их.12. (На вопрос 12)а. В консерватории.б. В строительном институте.в. В детской музыкальной школе.13. (На вопрос 13)а. Артисткой.б. Аспиранткой.в. Инженером.14. (На вопрос 14)а. Всемерно.б. Осторожно.в. Эффективно.15. (На вопрос 15)а. Пользу и благо.б. Холод и голод.в. Добро и зло.ключи (2001 г.)1. б2. а3. б4. а5. а6. б7. а8. в9. в 10. б 11. а 12. б 13. в 14. б 15. вЧАСТЬ 1АУДИРОВАНИЕ(15 баллов,15 минут )А. Прослушайте следующие диалоги и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержанию прослушанного.1. (На вопрос 1)а.Стать чемпионом мира.б.Стать геологом.в.Стать человеком с сильной волей.2. (На вопрос 2)а.Идти пешком обратно.б. Ехать в обратном направлении.в.Проехать ещѐ остановку.3. (На вопрос 3)а.К домашнему.б.К рабочему.в.К выходному.4. (На вопрос 4)а.Со своим братом.б.Со своим мужем.в.Со своим другом.5. (На вопрос 5)а.Друг Лены.б.Муж Лены. в.Студент МГУ.Б. Прослушайте микротексты и подчеркните ответ, соответствующийсодержанию прослушанного.6. (На вопрос 6)а.Это книга о критическом положении животных на Земле.б.Это книга о расположении животных на Земле.в.Это книгакрасного цвета.7. (На вопрос 7)а. Человек не умеет читать и писать.б.Человек не имеет никакого образования.в.Человек не умеет мыслиться по-новому.8. (На вопрос 8)а.Водителем.б.Механиком.в.Рабочим.9. (На вопрос 9)а.Петь в хоре.б.Петь на иностранных языках.в.Играть на музыкальных инструментах.10. (На вопрос 10)а.Из Шанхая.б.Из Пекина.в.Из Москвы.11. (На вопрос И)а.В 1962 году.б.В 1963 году.в.В 1982 году.12. (На вопрос 12)а.Как всегда.б.Безтруда.в.Нелегка.13. (На вопрос 13)а.Она поедет учиться за границу.б.Она увлечена иностранными языками.в.Она решила провести следующий отпуск где-нибудь за границей.14. (На вопрос 14)а.В марте.б.1 января.в.1 сентября.15. (На вопрос 15)а.С древности.б.С конца 10 века.в.С 1700 года.Ключи АУДИРОВАНИЕ(2002)1.а2.б3.в4.а5.в6.а7.в8.б9. в 10.б11.б 12.в 13.в 14.а15.вЭКЗАМЕНАЦИОННЫЕ РАБОТЫЭРЯС Г – 4 ( 2003 г.)ЧАСТЬ 1 АУДИРОВАНИЕ( 15 баллов, 15 минут)А. Прослушайте следующие диалоги и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержанию прослушанного.1. (На вопрос 1)а. Нет.б. Да.в. Неизвестно.2. (На вопрос 2)а. Между матерью и сыном.б. Между сестрой и братом.в. Между учительницей и учеником3. (На вопрос 3)а. Раньше была.б. Нет.в. Есть.4. (На вопрос 4)а. Флаг.б. Плакат.в. Шары.5. (На вопрос 5)а. Посмотреть.б. Сделать ремонт.в. Установить максимальный срок ее ремонта.Б. Прослушайте следующие микротексты и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержанию прослушанного.6. (На вопрос 6)а. На две группы.б. На три группы.в. На четыре группы.7. (На вопрос 7)а. Николай Николаевич Зинин.б. Александр Михайлович Будлеров.в. Александр Михайлович Будлеров и его учитель.8. (На вопрос 8)а. Воспитатель.б. Фотограф.в. Журналист.9. (На вопрос 9)а. Без труда.б. С большим трудом.в. Очень легко.10. (На вопрос 10)а. В Германии.б. В России.в. На Украине.11. (На вопрос 11)а. 50тысяч тонн.б. 100 тысяч тонн.в. 200 тысяч тонн.12. (На вопрос 12)а. Экономикой.б. Русским языком.в. Немецким языком.13. (На вопрос 13)а. Так как эти слова являются корнями нашего общества.б. Так как эти слова отражают сущность языка.в. Так как эти слова прочно соединились.14. (На вопрос 14)а. На шоссе.б. В деревне. в. В городе15. (На вопрос 15)а. Четыре минуты.б. Десять минут.в. Пятнадцать минут.ЧАСТЬ 2ЧТЕНИЕ( 30 баллов, 30 минут)А. Прочитайте следующие микротексты и подчеркните ответ, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного.Микротекст 1Уроков географии 8-ой ―В‖ не любил. Поэтому неудивительно, что в среду кабинет географии не могли открыть: кто - то положил спичку в замок, но к счастью, учитель труда мучился с замком недолго.Кто это сделал? спросила учительница на уроке. Никто не отвечал. Как же ученики могли признаться, что спичку положил Максим!16. Кому удалось открыть кабинет?а. Учителю труда.б. Учителю географии. в. Ученику Максиму.Микротекст 2За последние годы два слова - "Красная книга" стали символом кризисного положения животных на земном шаре. "Красная книга" необходима не только для специалистов и работников в данной области, но и для тех, кто должен принимать соответствующие решения.17. чтотакое "Красная книга"?а. Это книга красного цвета.б. Это книга о расположении животных на Земле.в. Это книга о кризисном положении животных на Земле.Микротекст 3По - старому неграмотность означала неумение читать и писать. Однако сегодня она означаетнеумение мыслиться по-новому. Здесь речь идет о " новых неграмотных" в условиях научно - технического прогресса. Это люди, которые не умеют свободно пользоваться техническими оборудованиями и часто наносят экономический ущерб государству.18. Что означает новая неграмотность?а. Человек не умеет мыслиться по - новому.б. Человек не умеет читать и писать.в. Человек не имеет никакого образования.Микротекст 4Как-то мне пришлось присутствовать при споре. За столом ресторана сидели три женщины: русская, немка и армянка. Они ели кашу. Внезапно на пол упала деревянная ложка.—Ага! —сказала русская. —Какая-то женщина придет к нам в гости. Ложка упала—Почему женщина? —удивилась немка. —Ложка - мужского рода. Должен какой-то мужчина прийти.Русская рассердилась:—А если нож упал, тогда это значило бы мужчину.—Ха - ха - ха - ! —засмеялась немка. Да ведь, если нож упадет, это ничего не значит. Он рода среднего.Армяка сидела молча и нечего не понимала...19. Сколько человек спорило ?а. Два.б. Три.в. Четыре .20. Какого рода слово "нож" в немецком языке ?а. Женского рода.б. Среднего рода.в. Мужского рода.Микротекст 5Однажды Юра увидел дым из окна высокого дома. Он поднялся на четвертый этаж и стал звонить и стучать, но не было ответа на стук. Тогда он поторопился на этаж выше и позвонил в дверь. В квартире была только бабушка. Юра попросил у бабушки веревку, спустился на четвертый этаж, выбил в двери на балконе стекло и вошел в квартиру, полную дыма. Он пробрался через дым на кухню и увидел, что там уже горит стол и залил стол водой. . .21. С какого этажа Юра спустился в квартиру, полную дыма?а. С 4 этажа.б. С 5 этажа.в. С 6 этажа.22. Что горит ?а. Стол на кухне.б. Стол на этаже.в. Стол на балконе.Микротекст 6Один мальчик пошел на море ловить удочкой рыбу. Был очень высокий крутой скользкий берег. Мальчик начал спускаться, но он, увидев огромные острые камни, стал бояться.А внизу рыбак с дочерью ловили рыбу. Девочка увидела этого мальчика и поняла, что он трусит. Вдругподул ветер, упала вниз удочка. Мальчику было жаль удочки. Рыбак посмотрел наверх и что - то сказал дочери. Вдруг девочка прыгнула в воду, взяла удочку и пошла обратно к лодке. Мальчик так рассердился, что забыл все на свете и слез вниз.23. Когда упала удочка у мальчика ?а. Когда подул ветер.б. Когда девочка увидела мальчика.в. Когда рыбак что - то сказал дочери.24. Зачем девочка пошла обратно к лодке с удочкой ?а. Чтобы мальчик рассердилсяб. Чтобы взять удочку домой.в. Чтобы мальчик смело спустился вниз.Микротекст 7Нина младшая: ей восьмой год. Бабушка старшая: ей восемьдесят два года. Скоро у Нины день рождения. Мама сказала, чтобы Нина пригласила на обед своих подруг.Вот и гости пришли. Мама приготовила вкусные блюда и хотела подать на стол. Нина сказала маме:Мама, пусть бабушка сегодня за стол не садится. У неѐ руки дрожат. Мне неудобно перед подругами.Мама была поражена словами дочери. Она сказала:Сегодня бабушка заболела. Поэтому обеда не будет. Поздравляю тебе, Нина, с днем рождения. Желая тебе: будь настоящим человеком.25. Сколько лет Нине сегодня ?а. Ей 8 лет.б. Ей 9 лет.в. Скоро ей будет 8 лет.26. Почему мама сказала, что сегодня обеда не будет?а. Потому что сегодня бабушка тоже садится за стол.б. Потому что бабушка заболела.в. Потому что мама хотела, чтобы Нина научилась уважать старых.Микротекст 8Николай Петрович был любителем музыки. Он мечтает быть композитором, но какое-то несчастье изменило его судьбу и он стал работать преподавателем.Однажды он потерял рукопись своей оперы. И напечатал об этом объявление в газетах. Но никто рукопись не возвращал. Целую неделю он не приходил в университет...В этот день он пришел на урок. На уроке царила глубокая тишина.--Ну вот, мои дорогие, -- заговорил он.--всѐ кончено! Эта опера была делом всей моей жизни...Начались поиски. Наконец обнаружил ее студент у служащего в библиотеке.27. Какая профессия у Николая Петровича ?а. Он композитор.б. Он преподаватель.в. Он писатель.28. Кто помог Николаю Петровичу найти рукопись оперы?а. Его студент.б. Служащий библиотеки.в. Никто.Микротекст 9Однажды композитор Гринг встретил в лесу девочку.—Как тебя зовут, девочка?—Дагни.—Очень приятно! Но жаль, что мне нечего тебе подарить.Я не ношу ни кукол, ни лент. Слушай, я придумал. Я подарю тебе одну интересную вещь. Но только не сейчас, а через десять лет.В восемнадцать лет Дагни вернулась в город. Пришла она в городской парк, где проходили концерты.Дагни впервые слушала симфоническую музыку. Вдруг она услышала:Сейчас будет исполнена знаменитая музыкальная пьеса Гринга, посвященная Дагни.Так, значит, это был он! Дагни хотела сдержать слезы, но не могла...29. Когда встретились Эдвард Гринг с Дагни в первый раз?а. Когда Дагни было 8 лет.б. Когда Дагни исполнилось 18 лет.в. Когда Дагни исполнилось 10 лет.30. Какой подарок сделал Дагни Эдварг Гринг?а. Ленту.б. Куклу.в. Музыкальную пьесу.ЧАСТЬ 3СЛОВА И ГРАММАТИКА( 30 баллов, 30 минут)А. Прочитайте предложения и подчеркните самое подходящее слово для подставки.31. Строить свое счастье означает прежде всего ________в себе талант быть счастливым.а. развиватьб. воспитывать в. вырастать32. Человечество ________ в новых источниках энергии, чтобы заменить непрерывноуменьшающие запасы нефти.а. требуетсяб. надобитсяв. нуждается33. Особое внимание в японской школе ________математике, естественным наукам и языкам.а. делится б. уделяется в. разделяется34. Человек, который ________ свои ошибки и исправляет их, никогда славы не теряет.а. признаетб. узнаетв. познает35. Спортсмен ________ французу свою кровать, но тот лег на ковер и заснул.а. посоветовалб. предложил в. рекомендовал36. Напряженный интерес местных и зарубежных________вызывает молодой лев, родившийся здесь в зоопарке.а. посетителейб. покупателейв. слушателей37. За два года он уже хорошо освоил метод ________детей плаванию.а. обученияб. воспитанияв. образования38. Эти аспиранты были ________ друг на друга, но каждому были свойственны неповторимые индивидуальные черты.а. сходныб. близкив. похожи39. К предстоящему походу надо готовиться как следует, ведь в безграничной степи _____ может случиться.а. каждоеб. любоев. всякое40. Экскурсия по местам боевой и трудовой славы помогает воспитывать ________ любовь к Родине.а. на детяхб. в детяхв. детей41. ________ своих технических возможностей компьютер представляется наиболее подходящим средством обучения.а. В силуб. В результатев. В знак42. Материальное обеспечение было очень низким, качество одежды и питания смотрится не ________ указанным условием.а. в связи сб. в соответствии св. в согласии с43. Казалось, что основная сила ума этого ученого заключалась ________ его необыкновенной обобщающей способности.а. об. вв. на44. научная конференция идет не очень успешно ________ отсутствия ведущих специалистов.а. из –заб. отв. из45. ________ наблюдений и опытов люди узнали, что происходит с огурцом при использовании нового удобрения.а. Сб. Изв. Из - за46. Раньше этот механик увлекался лыжами, а теперь ________ не интересуется.а. нечемб. ничемв. ничего47. Приехали родственники издалека. Брату ________ночевать дома, и он остался в училище.а. где –тоб. нигдев. негде48. Излагая ________учение, он никогда не представляет его читателю как нечто окончательное.а. кое –какоеб. какое –тов. какое-нибудь49. При проектировании сооружения нужно стремиться к тому, ______ оно соответствовало своему назначению.а. какб. чтов. чтобы50. Материалы по данному вопросу настолько обширны, ________трудно все перечислить.а. чтоб. настольков. сколькоБ. Прочитайте текст и поставьте слова в скобках в нужной форме (употребитепредлоги, где нужно)Всем известно, что скорость тела может изменяться только при взаимном действии его с другим телом. Многие примеры из ежедневной жизни подтверждают этот вывод. Вот стоит на Земле мяч, но он начинает двигаться относительно (51. Земля) только тогда, когда (52. он) подействует какое -либо тело: столкнется с другим мячом или по нему ударят (53. нога). Но если на мяч не действуют другие тела, то он сам не начнет двигаться.Изменение скорости движения и остановка тела тоже не происходят сами собой, а вызываются действием на (54. двигаться) тело других тел. Скорость пули уменьшается во время прохода (55. доска), то есть от взаимного действия с доской. Катящийся мяч останавливается ввиду трения о землю.Направление движения меняется тоже не само по себе, а только под действием какого-либо тела. (56. Бросить) мяч меняет направление движения при ударе о стену или руку. Направление движения молекулы газа меняется при взаимном ударе ее с другой молекулой или (57. стенка) сосуда, а от одного взаимного удара до другого молекула движется равномерно.Движение тела было бы (58. равномерный), если бы на него не действовали другие тела. Тогда тело двигалось бы (59. постоянная скорость) как угодно долго, не (60. останавливаться)ЧАСТЬ 4ПЕРЕВОД( 10 баллов, 15 минут)Переведите подчеркнутые предложения на китайский язык.Появление компьютера можно сравнить лишь с такими событиями, как развитие речи, начало письменности, открытие книгопечатания. 61. Компьютер в отличие от книг, которые только хранят заложенную информацию, способен активно ее использовать.62. Вступление человечества в информационную эру означает, что увеличится та часть населения, которая будет работать в сфере производства информации и информационных услуг. Вслед за " информацией " получили распространение такие понятия: информационная система, информационная культура, информационный образ жизни, информационный работник и др.63. Революция, которую несут компьютеры, меняет функции государственных учреждений и образ жизни людей.64. Все это требует серьезного изучения природы и свойств информации. Создания новых методов ее обработки и преобразования.В наше время прогресс человечества непосредственно связан с научно- технической революцией. Очевидно, что использование передовых научных достижений в производстве становится главным, 65. а в дальнейшем станет практически единственным источником улучшения материальной основы экономического развития общества.ЧАСТЬ 5ПИСЬМО(15 баллов, 30 минут)Напишите микротекст на тему «Я люблю наш университет» в 80—100 слов.План:1) Как называется ваш университет?2) Какими характерными положительными сторонами обладает ваш университет?3) Почему ты любишь ваш университет?ЭКЗАМЕНАЦИОННЫЕ РАБОТЫ ЭРЯСГ- 4(2003 г.)Часть 1 АУДИРОВАНИЕА.I. а 2. а 3. а 4. а 5. бБ. 6. а7. а8. в9.6 10. а11. в 12. в13. а14.6 15. вЧАСТЬ 2 ЧТЕНИЕ16. а17. в18. а19. а20.6 21.6 22. а23. а24. в25. а26. в27.6 28. а29. а30. вЧАСТЬ 3 СЛОВА И ГРАММАТИКАА. 31. а32. в33. б34. а35.6 36. а37. а38. в39. в40.641. а42.6 43.6 44. а45.6 46.6 47. в48. в49. в50. аБ.51. Земли52. на него53. ногой 54. двигающееся55. через доску56. Брошенный 57. стенкой 58. равномерным59. с постоянной скоростью60. останавливаясьЧАСТЬ 461、与只能把储存的信息保存在其中的书籍不同,计算机能够积极地运用这些信息。
俄语专业四级考试历年综合知识真题精选1(总分60, 做题时间90分钟)综合知识本部分包括语法、词汇、国情知识、言语礼节。
1.(2005)—Вы долго будете в командировке? —Нет, только________ .SSS_SINGLE_SELAчерез неделBна неделюCв неделюDнеделю分值: 1答案:D本题主要考查具体名词неделя的时间表示法。
译文:“ 您会出差很久吗?” “ 不,就一周。
”2.(2013)Экскурсия по городусостоится________ с 9 до 12 часов.SSS_SINGLE_SELAна средуBв средуCот средыDсреду答案:B本题考查的是具体星期几的表达方式。
俄语中在表达具体星期几时,通常要用前置词В+ 名词四格形式,符合条件的是选项В。
译文:城市参观安排在星期三9 点到 1 2点。
3.(2016)Отец уехал на ю г вкомандировку________.SSS_SINGLE_SELAна месяцBза месяцCв месяцеDмесяц分值: 1答案:A本题主要考查具体名词м есяц时间期限表示法。
4.(2009)Первую линию метро в М осквеоткры ли________мая 1935 года.(SSS_SINGLE_SELA15-оеBот 15-огоCна 15-оеD15-ого答案:D本题主要考查日期表示法。
俄语中“在某年某月某日”的表示方法是:序数词中性第二格 + 月份名词的第二格+...года。
11. 预期一次性发生并达到结果的行为要用完成体;―见面‖要用带-ся动词,选B12. 句中的через час, будет表明动词应用将来时,选B13. можешь后面要求用动词不定式;这是要达到结果的一次性行为,用完成体,选D14. вчера весь вечер是过去时未完成体的标志,选D15. 句中有补语дверь,所以动词应是不带-ся的及物动词,ключ сломан表明不能达到―开门‖的结果,动词应用完成体,选A16. должны后面要求用动词不定式,句中的к понедельнику指出时间期限,因此动词要用完成体,表示在期限前达到结果,选C17. 否定祈使句中出现смотри(те),表示提醒、警告,动词要用完成体命令式,选A18. 时间状语за прошедшие двадцать лет表明动词用完成体,узнал表明动词用过去时,选D19. 带давай的第一人称复数命令式中,动词用未完成体不定式形式或完成体第一人称复数变位形式,选B20. привыкнуть之后要求动词用未完成体不定式形式,选D21. ―离开车还有半小时‖,动词要用完成体过去时,主语полчаса要求动词用中性形式,选C22. 前句表明照片现在不在说话地点,所以后句中动词应表示―拿来过‖,用未完成体过去时,选C23. пока не―直到…‖是固定句型,要求完成体动词;буду ждать表明动词要用将来时,选C24. велел表明这是过去发生的事,从句动词也要用过去时;когда уходил表示―临走的时候‖,选B25. 运动动词的用法中,表示―回到家‖要用прийти домой,所以选D26. ―来找你‖要用运动动词прийти;ждѐт表明来了后还在这儿,运动动词要用完成体过去时表示结果保留,选B27. ―早上收到的信‖,信是被收到的,是一次的行为,所以动词―收到‖получать/получить作―信‖的定语,要用完成体被动形动词长尾,选A28. 固定词组представлять собой表示―是‖,作后置定语要用主动形动词长尾,选A29. ―书中描写的事件‖,事件上被描写的,所以动词―描写‖описывать/описать作―事件‖的定语,要用未完成体或完成体被动形动词长尾,选D30. ―作为著名的学者‖,动词―作为‖быть要用副动词形式,选C31. 句中有мне,表明形容词―小‖要用短尾形式,选C32. 形容词作前置定语,要用长尾;чем表明形容词是比较级;нет要求跟二格,选A33. так要求形容词用短尾形式,选A34. ―两个都‖用оба(обе),сын是阳性名词,修饰阳性名词时用оба,选C35. 有二格作后置定语时,―在…年(日)‖要用в+四格,如в день победы,选B36. один из …词组中,один的性由из后面的名词(город)决定,格由所修饰的名词(в Москве)决定,所以用одном,选D37. 数词миллиард后面要求名词复数二格,选D38. кончилась要求时间状语表示когда―在(几点)‖,四个选项中只有D可以用来表示这个意思,表示―在六点多‖,选D39. сколько раз в день是固定表示法,选C40. 比较级中指出差距要用на+四格,如выше на голову,选B41. 表示―在(什么条件下)‖用前置词при,选C42. 表示日期用顺序数词中性形式,表示―在…日期‖用其二格形式,选D43. 在表示原因的前置词中,из表示―出自行为主体(一般是人)的某种感情或心理状态的原因,行为是自觉的、有意识的‖;от表示―由自然现象、社会现象或生理与心理状态所造成的原因,它所造成的结果是不以主体的意志为转移的‖;из-за表示―自然现象、疾病、社会现象、人或事物造成消极结果的原因,具有明显的否定色彩‖;с表示的是―由行为主体的(一般是人)的生理或心理状态方面造成的原因,口语色彩较浓,搭配范围有限‖。